Obama talks for 70 minutes, people are still not sure what he said. But he did smile a lot, tell a few jokes, lecture the public, scold the Supreme Court, castigate an inept Congress and hijacked a bunch of Sarah Palin's agenda that he condemned so viciously last year.
So now, will the liberal elite who buried Palin in insults and smears claiming she was too inexperienced to be babysitter let alone president when she was really running for vice president, now apologize to her since the Chosen One has now seen the light and co-opted her platform and that of the Tea Party? Why he didn't even credit the source of the ideas.

Off shore oil drilling, business tax credits, eliminate capital gains taxes, hiring credits, more nuclear plants, coal and natural gas production, he used a whole lot of the Palin platform to try and win back the independents and people who expect government to be competent. You don't think it has anything to do with the polls do you?

Just so you know he was not completely out of form, as the original Obama was quite the entertaining speaker, he did point out that recent letters he has received from people tell him of the suffering and pain Americans feel about jobs, housing, healthcare and education. You would think after campaigning for president for two years and being president for one year he would have known how bad people were suffering but at least he reads the mail.

Did he hear anything the people told him? Guess not as he said the anti-Washington feeling sweeping across the nation and sweeping politicians out of office was the same wave he rode on his surfboard. I don't think so Mr. Obama. How in the world could someone with all the experience you had as United States Senator and community organizer make you an outsider? Anyone mistaking Obama for anything but a Washington insider would be the same people who mistake Bambi for a serial killer.
Anyway his long and often used "outsider" pivot is another area where he ripped off Sarah Palin who really was an outsider and did fight the political establishment. Heck, Obama even made reference to the bank bailout being like a root canal. Does that mean he ripped off Palin once again with her "drill baby drill" mantra during the campaign? After all the flip flops and absconding of Palin's agenda and platform he would have been a lot better off to have had Palin as VP and kept Biden in the doghouse.

Okay, then there were the 66 references to the almighty "I", another consistent Obama trait that leaves one wondering if the virtue of humility has any place in our young president's worldview. I'm beginning to think he has no foundation to his worldview but snatches the last argument he heard about what to think, whether it came from Sarah Palin or South Park. Then he throws out all he stood for in the campaign which seems to upset those liberal groups expecting socialism to already be here.

Did Obama pivot on his policies like he did his Palinesque rhetoric? Let's see. He still wants his health care bill, cap and trade legislation, pending jobs bill, maybe another similar stimulus since the first one did not do what he wanted, and he now has better ideas for the Tarp funds repaid by the big, bad banks. One might have thought the bank payments would go to reduce the deficit but not our president.

Overall there is one difference between what Obama proposes and what Palin, the Republicans or the Tea Party people would want. I'm sorry Mr. President but you are not the poster boy for the Tea Party and you are most certainly not the Washington outsider you claim. You made the deals to bailout out the banks, insurance companies, auto companies and save the unions and Goldman Sachs from huge losses for irresponsible investing.

You along with most of the politicians in Washington take the money from the lobbyists, banks, insurance companies and every other group like trial lawyers and pharmaceuticals and stick it in your campaign coffers. Some outsider. If you could just tell us the truth and say you will stop being a politician we might believe you. But you act as if you are disgusted by the very practices you encourage behind the scenes and behind closed doors. Where I come from that is being a hypocrite.

Beyond the rhetoric and entertainment there were a couple of ominous signs that would scare the hell out of any God fearing, patriotic American but our adoring media seemed to not notice, and they all too often seem to not notice when Obama makes no sense. This time he made sense.
First he threatened Congress when he said if they didn't give him a bill he wanted he would just sign an executive order and eliminate the need for Congress to act. So the Executive branch can eliminate the need for the Legislative branch to perform their duty. It has already happened under Obama with the cap and trade fiasco demonstrating a distain for such Constitutional principles like the separation of powers and checks and balances between the Executive and Legislative branches.

The House passed the Al Gore/Goldman Sachs cap and trade carbon emissions retirement bill but the Senate wants to think about it, so it spins in the wind doing nothing while others investigate it. Obama's Environmental Protection Agency then decides it knows how to cut Congress out of the decision by declaring carbon dioxide a toxic gas thus making it subject to federal regulation with no action by Congress. One again the Administration has demonstrated a disregard for the Constitutional separation of powers between the Executive and Legislative branches.
My advice to EPA is to go out and arrest all the trees of the world because they emit carbon dioxide when they are cut down. Forget about the fact they also absorb nearly 40% of all carbon dioxide through their natural photosynthesis process. Arrest all the people burning wood for heat because they are directly polluting our atmosphere. And arrest the oceans while they are at it because the sea both generates carbon dioxide and absorbs it to the tune of 60% of all emissions.

The Obama Administration disregard for our Constitutional protections, ones which our forefathers warned us about, is quite disturbing. Why do they think they can ignore elements of the Constitution that guarantee the separation of powers and assure the checks and balances between each division of our republic? Not content with ignoring the separation of powers with the Legislature, he then took aim at the third division of government, the Judiciary.
He scolded the Supreme Court, condemning their decision on corporate free speech, and seemed to try and embarrass them as they sat in the front row watching his speech. One was visibly upset, not by the criticism but by the fact Obama did not even tell the truth about the decision. Obama said the court action will allow corporations, including foreign corporations, to own the US election process. Well foreign corporations are prohibited from contributing to our campaigns and the Supreme Court decision had nothing to do with that.

Obama also forgot to mention he and the Democrats already have taken millions of dollars from corporate executives while the political parties take money directly. He also forgot to mention that anytime Obama and Congress want to fix the system of campaign financing they can do it if they have the guts. However, corporations are betting millions that Obama and our political leaders in the capitol will do nothing.
The thought that a president thinks he can ignore the Constitution if the Legislature and the Judiciary fail to do his bidding is very scary. Finally, his criticism of both parties for not doing what he wanted is a joke as he was the one who refused to work with both parties choosing to work directly with the lobbyists of the special interests. His approach resulted in a new meaning for pork barrel as he gave away $60 billion to the unions without Congressional approval, tens of millions of dollars to the people of Nebraska and Louisiana to bribe their Senators, and billions in protection to the pharmaceutical companies.

Well, he can say what he wants but it sure seems to me as if politics as usual is alive and well in the back rooms of our nation's capitol from the White House to the Halls of Congress. Don't be fooled by the rhetoric. Don't be fooled by the pivots. Don't be fooled by the new found or born again populism. No one in Washington, including our Ivy League educated president, is a friend of the people over special interests or Wall Street.
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