Showing posts with label Congress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Congress. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

More news you are being denied by the broken news media - Headlines from international news services tell us what the American news media ignore or lie about.

The 2020 election is not just about Trump, but also the collapse of the Democratic "Socialist" Pelosi Party and the meltdown of credibility in the news media.

While the US news media chose to glorify the Iranian terror leader and support the radical Iranian revolutionaries over the President of the United States, the world news services got it right by reporting on the protests against the Iranian government.

Check out the video coverage of Iran by the rest of the world.

Iran protests.

Here is how American news outlets viewed the Iranian crisis.


‘He’s regarded as personally incredibly brave’

Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Patriotic Code of Honor – “One nation, under God” – “In God We Trust” – A Prayer for Thanksgiving

I grew up in the Midwest, the breadbasket of the world.  We never learned how to sit around pissing and moaning and being angry with everyone who dared oppose any view we may have or embrace.

Long ago, thanks to our brother Samuel Clemens from Hannibal, Missouri, better known as Mark Twain, he captured our particular views through his masterful words.  Twain said we should never be upset with anyone just because they thought they knew better because, “everyone is entitled to their own silly ideas.”

We are about to begin the fourth year of Donald Trump’s presidency so I thought it is a good time to issue a report card on Congress and the News Media.  We, the people, have high standards for our elected officials since they volunteered to be our eyes and ears in public office.  They also promised that if they were elected, they would serve all the people.

There is nothing in the Patriotic Code of Honor that says political parties have the answers to anything let alone everything nor that parties should direct those officials elected by the people on how they must vote.  As far as we are concerned the elected officials work for us, not the political parties, and they must do what is best for the state or nation as a whole.

The Declaration of Independence, Constitution, Pledge of Allegiance and other pertinent American documents do not mention political parties, Democrats or Republicans.  So, what did our Founding Fathers know that we seemed to have forgot along the way?

There are a couple of things they knew about politicians and politics.  First, you can throw everything you know about America to a simple test.  According to our Founding Fathers, America must follow a course of political evolution “Under God,” with liberty and justice for all.

In other words, our wise old Founding Fathers said, “in God we trust,” would be our motto and stand before people, politicians, political parties and popular fads.  They were a lot smarter than we are today.

But we can fix it, our stupidity that is.  We already have to some extent.  You do not need to spend thousands of dollars on polls, focus groups, town halls or advertising to know what the people think.

What we also do know, the news media and Democratic party leadership are united against our nation that does trust in God first.  Guess what, we could care less what the pious and self-indulgent squishy politicians or the gadfly news media thinks.

According to the latest national polls, eighty-seven percent (87%), of Americans do not believe nor trust the news media and over seventy percent (70%) do not trust Congress.

‘No One Believes Anything’: Voters Worn Out by a Fog of Political News

Paying attention to the impeachment inquiry and other developments means having to figure out what is true, false or spin. Many Americans are throwing up their hands and tuning it all out.

When it comes to the news media, the irony of where Americans get their news about the government, and what sources they rely on to deliver news about the government they can trust, was exposed in a survey published this month by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Opinion Research and USAFacts.

It found that 54% of Americans say they get government-related information from social media at least once a day, compared with 52% who said they get information about government daily from local TV news, 50% from national TV news, 47% from cable news and 19% from nationally circulated newspapers.

Yet the survey found only 11% of Americans say they trust information about the government they see on social media a great deal or quite a bit. Nearly two-thirds said they have little to no trust in government news they find there. Of all the potential places to find news about the government included in the survey, social media was the least trusted.

You have to go back 10 years in Gallup data to find a single poll in which Congress' approval rating was at 30% or above. That's by far the longest stretch that Congress has had a sub-30% approval rating since polling on this began.

The decline in congressional approval is almost certainly linked to the decline in trust of government in general. According to the Pew Research Center, only 17% of Americans currently trust government always or most of the time.  While trust in government has generally been on the decline since the Vietnam War, it's never been that consistently bad

Recent polling could be a warning sign to House Democrats that they failed to convince the public that President Trump should be impeached when they held hearings on the matter last week, Washington Post reporter Rachael Bade said on Tuesday.

"I do think that this polling, is sort of a warning sign for them. I mean, if they’re not able to move public sentiment at all with those five hearings with ... a dozen State Department or [National Security Council] officials coming forward and testifying against the president," Bade told CNN. "I mean, that's a problem for them. I mean, this should be a high point for them in terms of making the case to the voters."

CNN's John King reported on polling that showed 40 percent of Americans believed Democrats were abusing their constitutional powers.


Polling has shown that both independents and Democrats have started to lose interest in impeachment.

Meanwhile, 50 percent of independents questioned in an NPR/PBS/Marist  poll conducted Nov. 11-15 did not support impeaching and removing Trump from office, with just 42 percent backing such a move.

Americans trust God first, and most all Americans do not trust our sources of news information about the government or politics.  That does not say much for the elected officials nor the news media, self-proclaimed defenders of freedom.
Once upon a time the media might have been the defenders of freedom or watchdogs over the government, but not in recent memory.  When the news media stops fact checking itself it has thrown honesty to the wind and nothing could be more apparent than the genuine bias, hatred and loathing of certain members of the media toward President Trump.

No matter how high of an opinion the news reporters, anchors and politicians have of themselves, they are still just people like you and me.  We make mistakes, have silly opinions, get greedy, hunger for power, hate or are tempted by a host of other equally idiotic ideas.

It is very clear the media and extremist political parties and politicians are not operating “Under God” by any stretch of the imagination.  Nor do they demonstrate any understanding of the motto “In God We Trust!”

Someone or something stole their spiritual, ethical, and moral foundation and it is more than obvious to those of us outside of the media and political circus - they can be trusted no more.

No matter how many times you tell lies, how many lies you tell, distractions you promote, self-serving interests you embrace and how much hate you may spew, we know better.  You cannot be trusted.

You have self-destructed and become the lunatic fringe of society, and no one cares what you think, do or say.  Just look at the flight away from TV news viewing on broadcast and cable.  Look at your fading Nielsen ratings.  Look at your failure to win the trust of the very people you represent if you want the truth.

It is not Republicans or Democrats that are bad.  People know there are just bad and good Democrats and Republicans.  Unlike the press and politicians, the people know who they can trust.

Remember the Spirit of Thanksgiving, that most American of American holidays!

It is Thanksgiving, a time for family and friends to remember the beauty and good of America, and the symbol of freedom we project to the world.  There are times when it seems to the outside world that we are beating ourselves up.

Do not underestimate the resolve nor patriotic spirit embedded in Americans.  Our Flag rose from the flames of revolution to become the beacon of freedom to the world.  We may disagree, even carry our spirit and emotion too far on occasion.

But in the end our Founding Fathers left us a most sacred gift, a Constitution that has weathered the most difficult storms and attacks from inside and afar ever conceived by an evil force in the world.

We have stumbled but never failed to protect the principles of our rich heritage, “One nation under God” and “In God We Trust.”  So, while you are being thankful remember to thank God for the gifts he gave us and pray to God to give you the knowledge to know how to use your gifts to help others.

The final report card…

The News Media - Grade [F]    The Congress – Grade [F]

Friday, October 25, 2019

Profiting from Lies by the News Media and former Obama Administration officials through book sales constitutes perjury in the court of public opinion and criminal conduct against the Constitution!

Many liberal members of the news media and former Obama administration officials who were charter members of the Stop-Trump movement and whose names are now associated with the Justice Department criminal probe of misconduct by public officials have made millions of dollars writing “expose” books about the Trump administration.

Any book published is a public record so any lies offered by the malicious authors or their media bosses should be used as evidence of perjury against such unscrupulous writers involved in the leaking of classified and protected government records.

As the DOJ criminal investigation accelerates and more and more reporters and Obama officials are caught in the spiderweb of corruption their own words published in books should lay the groundwork for perjury charges and they should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for such a grievous violation of public law and trust.

Conspiracies seem to run deep into the lifeblood of the political establishment and the co-collaborators in the news media helping to inflame the anti-Trump news media since Trump became president.

Such efforts to undo the will of the people in electing Trump must be met with aggressive prosecution to insure such a violation of public trust never happens again.

Stay tuned for results from the Department of Justice criminal investigation of politics, politicians and press!

The Dawning of a New America – Shining the Light on the underbelly of Corruption on the Political Establishment in our Nation’s Capital. Freedom of the Press is no cover for Criminal Conspiracy!

If the news media colluded with “Obama administration” officials on criminal activity, have they waived their right to Constitutional Protection under the First Amendment?

Can reporters, anchors and executives of CNN, MSNBC, NBC, The New York Times and Washington Post among others be co-collaborators in criminal crimes against the US Constitution?

Should they be indicted and prosecuted for criminal conduct?

Stay tuned for results from the Department of Justice criminal investigation of politics, politicians and press!

Sunday, September 01, 2019

Maybe those Old White Men in the US Senate are not the enemy but the defenders of American principles and patriotism! Here is what the news media chooses to ignore in their rush to judgement!

Are old White men really incapable of knowing what is best for the people of America, all the people of America?

How about those who condemn old White men in the US Senate for lack of judgement, perhaps they should get their facts right before they start spewing reckless charges.

Okay, so their hatred may cloud their flamboyant charges, does that mean truth is obsolete to the far left?

The Resistance?
The Enemy of Resistance?

Anti-Trump forces and mischievous Democrats intent on running for president or ignoring the Constitution coined the negative phrase of the “twelve old White men” when debate and voting took place for the Supreme Court Justice nomination of Brett Cavanaugh.  The Republican members of the Senate Judiciary Committee were "twelve old White men."

They use it as if older, White, male members of the Senate are incapable of making decisions for anyone except, old White men one must presume.

The Resistance?
The Enemy of Resistance?

Some consider it a throwback to the early days of America when white men were the only people allowed to vote.  Most people conveniently forget, however, that early America was colonial rule by European countries.

There was no America nor Americans.  All land was controlled by European nations, with European appointed governors, and whatever voting rights were the law in Europe.

Although America was discovered in 1492 by the Europeans, and colonization was underway by 1608, also by the Europeans, until the US Constitution was finally ratified in 1789 America as nation did not even existed.
The Resistance?
The Enemy of Resistance?

It is a clever ruse and used constantly by Move On and many other special interest groups within the fringe of what used to be the Democratic party.  Some consider themselves progressives, others socialists, others anarchists and all seem to be members of the resistance, which translates to anti-Trump resistance.

The Resistance?

The Enemy of Resistance?

So, what about their claim “old White men” are not qualified to decide the future of the nation?  Well this is not the first time old White men have been required to determine the future of the nation and how did they fare in the past?

The Resistance?

 The Enemy of Resistance?

History of Old White Men in America

July 4, 1776 - Old White men approved the Declaration of Independence.

September 17, 1787 - Old White men adopted and signed the Constitution

December 15, 1791 – Old White men ratified the Bill of Rights as additions to the Constitution

The Resistance?

The Enemy of Resistance?

April 8, 1864 - Old White men in Senate pass the 13th Amendment abolishing slavery

June 8, 1866 – Old White men in Senate pass the 14th Amendment guaranteeing citizenship to all born or naturalized in the US and extending Bill of Rights protection

February 16, 1869 – Old White men in Senate passed 15th Amendment prohibiting the federal and state governments from denying a citizen the right to vote based on that citizen's "race, color, or previous condition of servitude"

The Resistance?

The Enemy of Resistance?

June 4, 1919 – Old White men pass the 19th Amendment prohibiting the states and the federal government from denying the right to vote to citizens of the United States on the basis of sex.

June 19, 1964 – Old White men in Senate passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964

August 4, 1965 - Old White men in the Senate passed the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

The Resistance?

The Enemy of Resistance?

I do not know about you, but it seems to me that time after time in our nation’s history “Old White men” in the Senate have stepped forward to correct serious injustices and inequalities.  People seem to be ignoring history when they condemn old White men and they seem to be contributing to the rabid polarization of society through their reckless hatred.

In spite of the media support of the resistance, those millions that support such idealism still are a very small fringe of the voting public.  As more people seek truth the number of supporters of such resistance are alienating the substantial number of men and women in America who do not believe those old White men are the enemy, but the protectors and defenders of equal rights and opportunity for all.

Sadly, a lot of very worthwhile causes for women and many other issues have been seduced by the resistance and hijacked by them.  In time they will find their own worthy causes lost in the hatred, polarity, and fantasy world of the resistance.  You see, good ideas respect all others, they do not trade in hatred and polarity.

Thanks to those old White men, and their protection of free speech, the resistance of today can now stand before the cameras and resist to their heart's content.

There are also quite a few White men, and women, along with fellow Americans of every race, who never grew to be old because they gave their lives to defend the right of others to freedom and free speech.

So, who are the many tentacles of the “resistance” movement intent on compromising our Constitution and polarizing our people, well they come in many sizes and shapes. 

You be the judge, not the media or the radical, left wing ideologue.

Remind people there are still Independents in America, there are still people who are in the middle of political polarization between liberals and conservatives, and there are still people who put the best interests of our cherished Republic over self-interest and self-preservation.