Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Miley Cyrus - The Seduction of Money in Entertainment


For several years we have warned of the lure of money in Hollywood on our young teen stars and the seduction of sexuality that can entrap them. Previously we have written about the dangers to young stars like Miley Cyrus and Taylor Swift.

Taylor Swift has seemed to manage to control the seduction of Hollywood money to her credit but Miley Cyrus, now just 17, seems to have embraced the seduction in an effort to shock her young fan base and try to compete with the older bad girls who trade off sexuality more than talent.

Here is what Chris Willman wrote about the new Miley packaging for her current album.

Miley's New Video: Parents' Council Would Like To Tame It

Posted Mon Oct 11, 2010 9:11am PDT by Chris Willman in Stop The Presses!

Has Miley Cyrus finally gone so far with her increasingly sensual image that she's been condemned by her own father?

Well, no, not exactly. But her racy new music video, "Who Owns My Heart?," has been slammed by the Parents Television Council. Funnily enough, when you check the list of folks sitting on the advisory board for this conservative watchdog group, the biggest-name celebrity listed there is—you guessed it—none other than Billy Ray Cyrus!

Apparently, Papa Cyrus was not advising the Parents Television Council when they released a statement saying: "It is unfortunate that she would participate in such a sexualized video like this one. It sends messages to her fan base that are diametrically opposed to everything she has done up to this point. Miley built her fame and fortune entirely on the backs of young girls, and it saddens us that she seems so eager to distance herself from that fan base so rapidly."

But by "us," the Parents Council apparently doesn't mean that board member Billy Ray is saddened, too. Or is he, secretly? Even if you don't have any problem with Miley getting so sexy at 17, there's evidence that it's hurting her just on a career level.

Rarely has a song gotten so much media attention and yet been as commercially unsuccessful as Cyrus' "Can't Be Tamed," the title track of her latest album. Even after a series of controversial performances of the song on various TV shows and awards programs, the single quickly flamed out, debuting at No. 8 but disappearing from the Billboard Hot 100 chart altogether after a mere 10 weeks. (By comparison, her 2009 smash "Party in the USA" spent 28 weeks in the top 10.) The Can't Be Tamed album is also absent from Billboard's list of the current 200 bestselling albums, just four months after it came out. It's sold 260,000 copies to date, anemic by the standards of the previous three Cyrus releases.

Given the performance at radio and retail of the current album and previous single, you might have expected the 17-year-old singer to retreat to safer territory for the new video. But maybe you didn't get the message last time around: Miley can't be tamed... not even by failure!

And so "Who Owns My Heart?" pushes the same buttons as the last video. She writhes around on a bed without pants on (though there are only quick flashes of what appears to be black underwear). She gyrates freely and suggestively with both men and women on the dance floor at what no one would mistake for a high school sockhop.

Whether this is envelope-pushing or not depends on your frame of reference. Compared to most other dance-pop videos, it's standard fare, if not downright tame. Compared to the videos being put out by other underage girls and/or stars who still have sitcoms running on the Disney Channel, it's provocative.

The fact that Hannah Montana's fourth and last season is still on the air complicates things—or should, to some people's minds. Although taping for the show wrapped up in May, the season is being stretched out long enough by the Disney Channel that its status as a first-run show won't end till next March's two-part season finale.

With her 18th birthday approaching next month and her status as a tween TV idol months away from officially ending, Cyrus seems to feel that there's no time to waste in attracting a demo of fans that are her age or older. Bit throwing one solidified fan base over for a less certain new one is always a calculated risk at best. And Cyrus may have jettisoned her young-girl support before she had a substitute audience of older teens and adults locked in.

It's easy to see how Cyrus and her team may have thought she'd already graduated to the next level of demographics. Initially, she had a hard time crossing over from Radio Disney to Top 40 because programmers saw her appeal as skewing too young. But "See You Again" was just too undeniable a song not to play, as was "Party in the USA." Then came "Can't Be Tamed," and as a single, it was...deniable. Radio Disney couldn't touch it, and Top 40 didn't care. Her move away from guilty-pleasure rock & roll bubblegum to dance-pop suddenly made her a competitor to Lady Gaga and a hundred other hitmakers, and though it worked with Dr. Luke helping her out on "USA," it didn't with the duller songs on the new album.

And it may have been the very raciness of her new image that sunk her with Top 40 radio. All the outcry about her alleged sexualization at 17 just reminded radio programmers of what a chance they'd taken with their older listeners by throwing her in with more mature artists in the first place.

Of course, her history of controversy for supposed suggestiveness goes back two and a half years now. Hard to believe, isn't it, that it was April 2008 when news broke about Cyrus, then 15, posing in bedsheets for Vanity Fair? In 2009, she danced around a pole at the Teen Choice Awards in a fashion that made her not every parent's choice. Also that summer, she broke up with model Justin Gaston, when she was 16 and he was 20, to take up with her somewhat more age-suitable Last Song costar, Liam Hemsworth, who is only two and a half years her senior. Hackles were further raised when a secretly recorded video of the 16-year-old performing a risque dance for a 44-year-old producer at the Last Song wrap party was leaked. "It's what people her age do," explained Billy Ray Cyrus.

This year brought her wearing a corset in the "Can't Be Tamed" video in May, followed by Cyrus simulating kissing a female dancer while performing the single on Britain's Got Talent in June. In July, the New York Times published a story headlined "Fans of Miley Cyrus Question Her New Path," which theorized that it was not prude moms who were rejecting the saucy new image but Miley's own tween fans.

There are still some scolds among the older set, to be sure. Hollywood Life, the site run by former tabloid queen Bonnie Fuller, recently ran a story allegedly quoting a "Cyrus family insider" as saying, "We're concerned for her. She's 17 years old, but is the one who makes the money and calls all the shots in the family. No one tells Miley no." Fuller wrote a separate editorial noting how Cyrus has been seen partying into the wee hours in clubs she can't legally enter, and addressed Billy Ray and Tish Cyrus directly: "Your daughter may be a big star but she's still your little girl and that means you need to be her parents."

So far, Cyrus' image change has been a bust, at least when it comes to affecting her music career. Of course, she's only one smash single away from having a chart comeback and having her accelerated maturation perceived as a brilliant career move. The problem is, the smash single that will turn it back around for her probably isn't "Who Owns My Heart," and probably isn't anywhere else on the Can't Be Tamed album.

So her next chance to prove that this sexy-mama thing is working out for her in terms of numbers and not just blogging controversy is the movie LOL: Laughing Out Loud, in which Cyrus' character engages in some very un-Disney-like behavior. That recently wrapped film won't come out till after Hannah Montana has finally concluded its run. But we have a feeling the Parents Television Council will have something to say about it.

Meanwhile, any bets on how many days or hours it'll take until Billy Ray's photo disappears from the advisory board page on the PTC website? Surely, having an organization that he supposedly helps lead condemn his little girl—and, by implication, his parenting skills—is breaking his achy breaky heart.


Monday, October 11, 2010



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ISBN 0964599317
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Available worldwide through Amazon Kindle books


Poland - Armageddon of WW II

Poland, the Armageddon of World War II, the proverbial scene of the decisive battle between good and evil. In the history of civilization it is doubtful any country faced the dire conditions and the deadly consequences faced by Poland from 1939-1945.

Sandwiched between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union, it was the only nation to be partitioned without a vote between the Nazi and Communist Empires as a result of the 1939 non-aggression pact between Hitler and Stalin. Poland was a geographic buffer between these two menacing monsters, a buffer that vanished off the face of the earth during the month of September 1939.

Both Hitler and Stalin had reasons to hate the Poles. Fact is both felt justified in ravaging the nation for their own purposes. After World War I Poland humiliated the Germans as a result of the severe conditions of the Treaty of Versailles. Over one and one half million Germans were forced to abandon their homes to Poles because of the treaty.

In 1939 Poland was the fastest growing industrial nation in Europe and was much needed to support the German war machine. Both Hitler and Himmler had rejected their Catholic upbringing and there were more Catholics in Poland than any other country, making it a convenient target for religious persecution. It was also the gateway for the inevitable invasion of the Soviet Union and of vital strategic importance.

More ominously, it was the home to nearly three million Jews before the war. Ever since Catherine II established the Pale for Jews they had moved into Poland and had recently represented nearly eight percent of the population, the most of any nation in Europe.

Earlier in the 20th century, before World War I, there were over thirty million Poles, but four million were killed in World War I, thirty-four times the American loss in the war. Almost all the fighting of that World War took place on Polish soil. Yet deaths were not the only suffering by the Poles. Devastation was astounding as over 1.7 million buildings were destroyed, 6,969 churches, and 40% of all railway bridges and stations during the First World War.

The Soviets also had reason to dislike Poland. When the Communists swept to power in Russia and successfully won the Russian Civil War, the Soviet leaders decided to continue rolling right over Europe with their revolution. The mighty Red Army attacked the Poles in August of 1920 driving to the very gates of Warsaw.

A miracle of sorts happened when the embattled Poles fought back valiantly August 15 in the Battle of Warsaw outmaneuvering the stunned and vastly superior Red Army and routing them on August 18, thus saving Europe from Soviet conquest. It was a setback that reverberated throughout the Kremlin and caused the Communists to slow down the worldwide revolution they advocated. In time it came to be known as the day of the Polish Miracle.

 Yet there was more, for though the Soviets were a new nation dominated by Jewish-Bolshevik leaders and committed to stopping anti-Semitic actions, they were also committed to driving the opposition Jewish groups from influence, adversaries such as the Jewish Zionist and Bund nationalist parties.

Because of its proximity Poland had become a haven for Jewish outcasts from the Soviet Union after the revolution and civil war - those on the wrong side of Judaism who became enemies of the Bolshevik State. It also was a safe haven for all those fleeing Communist persecution throughout the Soviet Empire. To the Soviets, Poland was a nation harboring many dangerous fugitives and traitors.

Poland also was a hotbed of another faction of Jewish revolutionaries who were committed to the Communist Marxist revolution and the Soviet Bolshevik leadership. Thus some Polish Jews were enemies of the Soviets and many more were allies. Ironically Jewish participation in the Marxist revolution in Poland earlier caused the Poles and Ukrainians to distrust them as well. Active Jewish involvement in the revolutions that swept Europe after World War I would come back to haunt them.

Beyond the desire of the Soviets to save some Jews from Nazis and punish some for opposing the Bolsheviks, the Soviets were also in desperate need of access to the Baltic Sea north of Poland. A treaty with Hitler gave Stalin freedom to overrun the Baltic States and gain that ocean access.

 By 1921 the Polish population dropped to twenty-seven million, then grew to thirty-two million by 1931, the last official census before World War II. It was a diverse population as Ukrainians and Belorussians were the majority, Poles made up one third of the population, and Jews were about eight percent.

Germany and the Soviets announced to a stunned world the signing of the non-aggression pact at the end of August 1939 and on September 1 the Nazi invasion of Poland from the west was launched. It was to be a coordinated attack with the Red Army attacking from the east.

Over 1,800,000 German soldiers poured across the border with 2,600 tanks and over 2,000 aircraft supporting the invasion. Typical of the new German strategy designed by Hitler personally, it was to be a rapid and deadly strike. The Poles, like the rest of the world, were caught unprepared and less than a third of the Polish military was able to mobilize against the Nazi invasion.

Stalin, to the chagrin of Hitler, did not attack immediately as promised but waited to see what kind of resistance the Germans would encounter. He was also wary of the reaction of England and America to the invasion, as he needed Churchill and Roosevelt to be allies if he were to have any hope of defeating Hitler and Germany.

By waiting until the Germans destroyed the Polish army, he could proclaim the Soviets were invading Poland to protect the Ukrainian and Belorussian populations living in Poland from the Nazis, a tactic that infuriated Hitler when he learned of it.

The Soviet war machine finally did roll across the eastern border of Poland September 17 as Hitler's forces had secured the German half of the country and were rapidly moving into the Soviet territory. For a time it appeared as if the former bitter enemies and now allies might start fighting each other as they laid claim to the Polish nation.

One of the most intriguing comments of the dilemma faced by the Poles came from their decorated General Wladyslaw Anders, Polish Commander, speaking to General George Patton later in the war. Anders said:

"With the Nazis, we lose our lives; with the Soviets, we lose our souls… If I found my army between the Nazis and the Soviets, I would attack in both directions."


By October 5 Poland could hold out no longer against the onslaught from the Nazis and Red Army, and finally surrendered. Poland ceased to exist. Still in just a few weeks of fighting the Poles inflicted heavy losses on the Germans, 50,000 men, 697 planes and 993 tanks and armored cars, while thousands of Polish soldiers and civilians were able to escape to France and Britain.

The defeat in battle was just the beginning of the Polish suffering. In the 20 years following World War I Poland had rebuilt her industry and railroads. She now had over 5,500 railroad locomotives, 11,350 passenger cars, and 164,000 freight cars. Over 1,250 miles of new railroad track had been laid and Polish highways had been expanded by over 30%.

All of these resources were needed by the Nazis in their ambitious plans to reunite the German Empire. A vast network of nearly 200 concentration camps were soon developed throughout Poland and the surrounding area first for the purpose of providing labor, and later as the sites of the Nazi death camps. The need for industrial output was the priority and over two million Poles were among five million prisoners sent into forced labor.

When the occupation was completed Germany controlled about 13 million Poles including 2.1 million Jews, and the Soviets controlled about 13 million Poles including about 1.2 million Jews. Over 600,000 people fled from the German to Soviet sector including over 350,000 Jews during the next year. Of the total population in Soviet occupied areas about one tenth were Jewish, one third were Poles, and the majority were Ukraine and Belorussian.

Germany immediately threw 1.2 million Poles from their ancestral homes for resettlement in ghettos to make room for Germans who lost their homes after World War I. The Soviets and Polish were bitter enemies and the Soviets captured 230,000 Polish soldiers including 25,000 Jewish soldiers. Millions of Poles died in the hands of the Germans and Soviets.

Before the Nazis were driven out of Poland nearly 2.5 million Poles were murdered in camps and another 500,000 were starved to death. Millions more died during forced labor, resettlement and deportation.

As for Poles living in the Soviet lands, 1.6 million Poles were deported to the gulags and prisons of Russia including over 130,000 Jews sent from the Soviet occupied area of Poland to Siberia as "enemies of the state." Ironically this deportation probably saved them from the Nazi holocaust. In addition to the Polish citizens imprisoned or forced into labor camps the Soviets murdered many thousands of Polish military.

Soviet treatment of the Poles changed only when Hitler violated the non-aggression treaty and attacked the Soviet Union using Poland as the launch point in June of 1941. This action caused some positive events to take place in the midst of the carnage.

On August 12, 1941, with the German army advancing on Moscow, the Supreme Soviet granted amnesty to all Polish citizens and released all Polish prisoners from gulags and prisons in order to help in the fight against Nazi Germany. The millions of Poles sent to Soviet prisons were now free, unlike the fate of most Russian citizens sent to the deadly Soviet gulag prison system.

A total of nearly six million Poles died (civilian and military) during the war, ranking Poland third behind the Soviet Union and Germany for the most deaths in the European sector of World War II. This represented nearly 22% of the entire Polish population before the war.

When the dust finally settled on the deadliest conflict in history over fifteen million people had died in Polish concentration camps. Most were Soviet and Communist prisoners captured when the Germans overran the Soviet occupied Poland, the Ukraine and western Soviet territory extending all the way to Moscow. Tens of millions of Soviet military and civilians, Communists and Communist sympathizers were exterminated. Poland once again lay in ruins and it was to remain a Soviet state for the next half century.

As destiny would have it, Poland made history in quite another way. On the very same day as the Polish Miracle, May 18, 1920, when the Poles stopped the mighty Soviet Red Army and captured Kiev, in Poland a baby boy named Karol Jozef Wojtyla was born.

This young boy grew up and helped organize a secret theater group during the Nazi occupation. By 1944 he became a Catholic priest in a secret order in Poland. Soon the equally murderous Communists under Stalin drove out the murderous Nazi regime.

The priest became a Cardinal, and then the Cardinal became the first Polish Pope of the Roman Catholic Church, Pope John Paul II. In time he would use his influence as Pope to help the Solidarity movement in Poland oppose the Communist rule, and would help lead the Polish people out from under the shackles of Communism into a new life of freedom.


Obamaville October 11 - Is the President an Ivy League Spoiled Brat?


Never thought I would write such a headline and especially when I was one of the millions of Americans who hoped our first African American president would be successful. Like most Americans, I knew our political system was broken two years ago.

When Obama got elected I waited patiently while he learned firsthand the difficulty of being president and commander in chief. More than anything else I wanted him to start the healing process of the nation like he promised, and focus on the immediate national problems we faced like jobs, the economy, the deficit and unemployment.

I'm still waiting. Obama has proven to be more like an old style politician than any shining light for the future. Along the way he has not only forsaken healing the country but has actually increased the political polarization and class warfare undermining our political system.

On the campaign trail this fall he acts like an embittered candidate for office rather than the incumbent. His strategy of blaming Bush and Republicans for all his woes defies logic and reflects ignorance of the facts. At times he acts like a spoiled Ivy League kid whose integrity has been questioned.

In response he attacks with less logic and more bitterness making idiotic claims with no substantiation designed to divert attention from his dismal performance and lack of leadership. At what point, I wonder, did Obama lose sight of the fact he is the president of all the people. Since when were our presidents above criticism, especially when there are so many things to criticize.

The lies and attacks he and his gang spout on the campaign trail are unbecoming the leader of the western world and are making a mockery of the prestige of the office of president. Even he liberal media are tiring of his whining as the New York Times said there is no proof or evidence that foreign money is being funneled into the midterm campaigns of the dastardly Republicans as Obama and Axelrod, his resident hit man, have claimed.

You would think after all the finishing schools he completed he would have learned how to take criticism, how to take responsibility for his actions, and how to act like a man and president rather than a spoiled brat. Mr. President, stop campaigning. It is becoming an embarrassment to you and the nation. Our leaders have always risen above partisan politics, isn't it about time you start acting like a leader and lead instead of tearing us apart. Give us a president we can be proud to call our own.

10 - 10 -10 Draws Thousands to Marriage Vows


More than 40,000 couples in America and 31,000 couples in Britain got married yesterday, 10/10/10, to take advantage of the rare calendar occurrence.


Kentucky Born Johnny Depp Stuns British School Kids


There is a reason Johnny Depp remains one of the most popular box office stars in the world.  He has never lost touch with the people as shown in these two clips of Depp answering a letter from a British student in person and in character as Captain Jack Sparrow at a school assembly in England. 


Secretariat Movie Must See for American Pride

This past weekend Disney films released a true story of the greatest race horse in American history and it is a must see for families and those seeking something to be proud about in America.  The family movie opened in third place, a surprisingly strong opening considering the obsession of American moviegoers with greed, corruption, vampires and fantasy.

Secretariat had what BoxOfficeMojo.com called a “decent start” at the box office when opening weekend estimates indicated that the Walt Disney Co. motion picture had generated $12.6-million in box office receipts to rank third among all films and second among those released October 8.

The early returns bode well for Secretariat becoming a profitable film. With a budget of $35-million, it is already more than a third of a way to that figure, and there does not appear to be much competition the weekend of October 15 from new films.
This is a hearty warming story, all true, with an amazing cast led by Diane Lane, a favorite of the CPT.  But it is the story of Secretariat, whose heroic deeds at a time of national despair, in the middle of the Watergate scandal, brought to an end a 25 year wait for the next Triple Crown winner of horseracing's crown jewels.

The powerful horse astoundeed the experts and caught the imagination of the world as he came from dead last place to set a blistering record in winning the Kentucky Derby.  In the Preakness the horse changed tactics and moved from last to first place on the first turn of the race to win handily.  In the final leg, the Belmont, Secretariat again changed tactics and was in the lead from start to finish leaving the entire field an astounding 40 lengths behnd in record time.

But his story is far more than the Triple Crown and that is why you should take the family to see the meaning of a true legend and hero.  I got to see Secretariat several times in Kentucky and he was just as powerful a force in person as on video tape.  You can see the three historic triple crown races at the following link:

You can also check out the following links for reviews and stories of this amazing champion.


Entertainment Weekly says Disney successfully turned Goliath into David.
Chicago Sun-Times critic Roger Ebert gives the film four stars.

The Lexington Herald-Leader pans the movie.

New York Times review says the horses outshine actors in "squeaky clean" film.
Time calls Secretariat "a feel-good movie to be proud of." 

Salon.com's Andrew O'Hehir calls Secretariat "A gorgeous, creepy American myth.".

Ebert provides a rebuttal to O'Hehir's "bizarre" review.

O'Hehir responds to Ebert's response to O'Hehir's original review.

CBS says Diane Lane "dazzles" as Penny Chenery.

Louisville Courier-Journal also charmed by Lane as Chenery.

Forbes.com says Secretariat won't match The Blind Side.

HuffingtonPost.com calls Secretariat "corny."

And so does FoxNews.com.

Boston Globe calls Secretariat a wire-to-wire winner.

Philadealphia Inquirer calls Secretariat "workmanlike sports inspirational."

Philadelphia Daily News says film is "A Bit Off Track."

The Kansas City Star tells readers to rein in their expectations, gives movie two stars.

Salt Lake Tribune: "Secretariat runs a well-trod course."

THOROUGHBRED TIMES Senior Staff Writer Frank Angst reviews the film.

THOROUGHBRED TIMES correspondent Phil Janack reviews the film. 

From the Baltimore Sun, Turf writer Sandra Mckee's take on the movie, called Seeing is Believing. 

Early reviews from LimeLife. 
Review from Kansas City Star. 

Daily Racing Form's Steven Crist gives his take on Secretariat. 

NY1's Neil Rosen says Secretariat "comes up a winner."

Feature Stories:

From the Palm Beach Post, Ogden Mills "Dinny" Phipps recalls his family's role in Secretariat's story.

Sheknows.com talks with Director Randall Wallace about his casting choices.

Andy Beyer revels in Disney introducing Secretariat to a new generation.

From the Baltimore Sun, the Preakness Stakes' role in Secretariat.

From the Las Vegas Review, the film may help attract new fans to horse racing.

Roger Ebert was particularly impressed with Secretariat's Belmont Stakes (G1) performance. (Warning: coarse language)

From Lexington Herald-Leader, Secretariat filled with Kentucky.

Penny Chenery tells South Mississippi Sun Herald that movie is 'wonderful, feel-good show'.
The Hollywood Reporter on Disney marketing film to faith-based audiences.

The New York Times profiles Penny Chenery and her role in the film.

Washingon Post sports columnist Leonard Shapiro on the film's D.C. ties.

On the web:

PhotosByZ at the Lexington premiere of Secretariat.

The Internet Movie Database (IMDB) page for the film.

RottenTomatoes.com ranks the film.


Sunday, October 10, 2010

Watching the Media - CNN Struggles for Identity While MSNBC Embraces Left


The only thing more fun than watching politicians sell out their principles in an effort to align themselves with the latest polls is watching the news networks sell out to the ratings game. With just three weeks left in the midterm campaign come Tuesday last minute adjustments are being made by the media but will they do any good at this late stage?

Take CNN for instance, the last cable network close to being fair and balanced until they moved left winger Rick Sanchez into an anchor role, then into prime time, and now have fired him. Did CNN move too far to the left? Of course, and when CNN wanted to introduce a new liberal program with co-hosts former New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer with co-host Kathleen Parker, a show called Parker Spitzer (how creative) Sanchez had to go.

So far the television critics don't like the show nor the fast pace that means we get sound bites, not in depth discussion of issues. That is all we need on cable, more sound bites and less news. But then why CNN chose to revive the career of the discredited Spitzer who was force out as governor of New York because of a prostitute scandal, when there are surely others not involved in sex scandals in politics is hard to understand.

CNN seems to have temporarily lost their mind when it comes to programming. In their exclusive coverage of saving the miners trapped in Chile for 66 days they didn't even realize it was an American drilling team that was responsible for providing the drill and team that reached the miners two and a half months ahead of schedule. It wasn't until late in the coverage they finally realized it, even though the Americans were beside the President of Chile when he made the dramatic announcement.

Just today, Sunday, CNN host T J Holmes was doing story on a university study showing divorce rates for different women's occupations. Believe it or not two male reporters did the story, no females, and CNN has plenty of capable females. CNN's Robin Meade or Soledad O'Brien could have done a much better job.

Of course the whole story was stupid as the highest divorce rate was among dancers and choreographs, at around 33%. There was no explanation of what kind of dancers. Do ballet and pole dancers have the same divorce rate? And since 50% of all marriages wind up in divorce, it made no sense what so ever.

CNN is still stringing out the long overdue retirement of Larry King and the segments get weirder by the day.

Anderson Cooper is one of our favorite CNN reporters and he is now appearing on CBS 60 Minutes and other networks. Will he be the next to leave? They really don't need to lose any more good reporters.

Then there is Elizabeth Hasselbeck, the sole conservative on the liberal frenzy called The View (ABC) with Barbara Wawa, Whoppie Goldberg et all. She has won a new and coveted spot on Good Morning America, the ABC morning show, where she will finally get to finish a sentence without liberal interruption.

Finally, MSNBC has added yet another left wing show with host Lawrence O'Donnell who has been a political analyst for MSNBC for over 10 years. As he said, "I've had a part-time job at MSNBC for 14 years. Now that the network and I have gotten to know each other, I'm thrilled to be going full time." f course the quality of his new show can be seen by the fact his second show featured the resident idiot from Alaska, Levi Johnston, the high school dropout who got Bristol Palin pregnant. Seems O'Donnell could never get Sarah Palin on the show so he chose to go for the vulgar dimwit to try and hype his ratings. Now that was some intellectual presentation.

Entertainment is news in America...

Nebraska Closes in on Number 1 Ohio State


As I said in my report Friday on the last Nebraska game I expect the NCAA national championship to be fought out between Nebraska and Ohio State and over the weekend a number of steps were taken toward that goal. It all began with South Carolina knocking off number 1 Alabama while Nebraska pounded previously unbeaten Kansas State.

As a result Nebraska moved up in the national polls to 4 in the coaches poll and 5 in AP. It is only a matter of time before they jump to number 2 and await a final confrontation with Ohio State. Ironically next year Nebraska jumps to the Big Ten, the same conference as Ohio State, and they will be playing each other during the season.


Saturday, October 09, 2010

Spirits in the Sky - John Lennon


Today is the 70th birthday of John Lennon, born October 9, 1940. 


American Pride is Back in Chile No Thanks to Obama and Washington Politicians


At 8:30 this morning history was made when a rescue shaft reached 33 trapped miners in Chile who have been entombed over one half mile underground nearly two months. No miners have ever survived for two months underground and it was 33 days ago the rescue drills began a race to reach the 33 men. Ironic isn't it that the drilling to save 33 men took 33 days, that same number of years Jesus walked the earth.

Of course the American media with the exception of CNN completely missed the rescue and Obama and the American politicians were too busy tearing each other apart to recognize the importance of this event to America and America's place in the world.

You see the miners would have remained trapped in their tomb until Christmas if it had not been for the effort of a small American drilling company, Center Rock Inc., from a small town in Pennsylvania. When owner and President Brandon Fisher first heard it would take until Christmas to save the trapped miners he knew he had the equipment and technology to save them much faster and he contacted the Chile government.

Brandon began coordinating an international effort to get his equipment to the site and in use. With the help UPS who shipped it for free and his international contacts the equipment arrived and saved 2 1/2 months of the drilling time needed to reach the men. As they are pulled to freedom this weekend it will be the efforts of Brandon Fisher and his team working with the Chile government that made this possible.

There was no involvement by our haplessly incompetent government and our politicians were too busy trashing each other to take notice but in the end, it was the pride, skill, innovation and organization of Americans that helped save the miners in South America.

The government of Chile, by stepping in and taking charge of the disaster immediately rather than sitting back like the Obama administration did in the BP disaster, and by reaching out to the best people in the world for help unlike our BP experience, in which our government did not, that the potential of America was recognized and achieved.

Chile did a masterful job, Brandon Fisher and his Center Rock company team showed the world what the politicians could not, and the people of Chile now have a miracle. Nothing could highlight the power and importance of small business and innovationi in America more than this nor show it's value to the outside world. By the way, NASA specialists also provided valuable help to the rescue effort and Obama has gutted the NASA budget.

Friday, October 08, 2010

CuChulainn Deo Irie - His Spirit will Live Forever


On Wednesday of this week I lost a great friend and inseparable companion of over seven years when CuChulainn Deo Irie, my Irish Wolfhound nicknamed Coolin, died in my arms after fighting valiantly for ten days against a deadly infection.

Coolin was of the Super breed from Ireland and stood 40 inches at the shoulders, was 7' 3" from nose to tail, and weighed about 250 pounds. There could be no more loyalty, love and companionship given by one of God's creatures than what Coolin gave me.

While his Gaelic name stood for the Warrior Spirit of Ireland, the Irish Wolfhound are truly the gentle giants of the canine world with a history dating back 3,500 years. I once wrote an article linked below about Living with an Irish Wolfhound.

They are a mystical, spiritual and magical breed and he will be missed.

Click below for more.



Chile Mining Disaster Coming to an End - American Heroes Involved


It was August 5 when 33 miners were trapped over one half a mile underground and were told it would take until Christmas, nearly five months, to drill new shafts and get them out. That news upset the owner of a small drilling operation in Pennsylvania who knew his company and crew could do much better.

In time they went to Chile to help and now it seems the ingenuity of the American miners could get the trapped miners out nearly two and one half months ahead of time thanks to the Americans and their equipment.

The latest news is the drilling will be complete this weekend and the miners could be saved by next Tuesday. Here is the information you should know about Brandon Fisher and his team, the heroes of the rescue.

Center Rock Drilling Bit Nears Chilean Miners Trapped Underground
October 8

San Jose mine in Copiapo, Chile -- Progress has been rapid on the drilling to rescue the Chilean miners thanks to a huge, 24 hour a day effort and employment of Center Rock's drill bit that is drilling its way through 2,070 feet of rock to finally reach the miners.

Brandon Fisher, CEO of Center Rock, Inc. is personally on-site assisting in the drilling of a rescue shaft to rescue the 33 trapped Chilean gold and copper miners. The planned rescue itself will be by using a steel capsule designed by the Chilean navy lowered into the hole to bring the miners to the surface one-by-one.

This current drilling employs a T-130 rig standing 45 meters tall with a Center Rock percussion-technology drill that can bore through as much as 40 meters of rock per day, depending on conditions. Center Rock has drilled holes as wide as 10 feet in diameter; this drill is carving a shaft 28" in diameter - wide enough to lift a man through using the capsule.

Brandon Fisher, whose American company built the drills, said that the pneumatic-based drilling system that will dig the final hole will have four hammers instead of just one - like the drill that Center Rock used to initially reach the miners with a 12" pilot hole.

Center Rock's drilling expertise was called upon by industry experts and Chile to drill this rescue bore hole for the 33 miners who were trapped during a cave-in on August 5th. The first small bore hole that reached the miners 17 days after the mine collapse brought news to the world they were alive 2,070 feet below the surface. Rescuers have been sending food, medicine and letters through a small pipe to the miners, as well as video cameras so the miners can communicate with their families.

Cutting large diameter holes in rock can be a challenge - the low profile (L.P.) drill series from Center Rock is currently used by some of the nation's largest building, roadway, and mining contractors to quickly drill holes to the exact size required by their specifications. The advanced engineering of the drills provides a cost effec¬tive solution for drilling and excavation requirements up to 120" in diameter.

About Brandon W. Fisher:

Brandon Fisher founded Center Rock, Inc. in 1998 as a small drilling company that has grown to become a leading manufacturer, supplier and service provider of drilling products that now employs approximately 70 people and continues to expand. Fisher's innovative and adaptive leadership coupled with Center Rock's quick responsiveness, unique products and 24-hour customer service are the hallmark of Fisher's entrepreneurial commitment and a key ingredient to his company's ability to compete in the drilling market, world-wide.

About Center Rock, Inc.:

Headquartered in Berlin, PA (with a Construction Product Sales office in Germantown, WI, and an engineering team in Roanoke, VA), Center Rock, Inc. manufactures and distributes a complete line of air drilling tools and products, including L.P. Drills and Hole Openers, that together meet drilling needs ranging from 5" to 120". The company's staff provides more than 75 years of combined oil field and construction site experience, excelling in hard-rock / unconventional environments.

Center Rock drills are frequently used to cut foundation holes for highway overpasses, bridge supports, building foundations and large utility poles among many other infrastructure projects as well as for mining, oil and gas and geothermal drilling.

Campaign 2010 - Whitman Smeared by Brown and O'Donnell Misses Golden Opportunity.


In an effort to be fair, today we look at the California Governor's Race and Delaware Senate Race to see how politicians and their advisors are their own worst enemies.

In California Democrat candidate for Governor Jerry Brown forgot to hang up the phone and was taped calling his GOP opponent Meg Whitman a "whore" in an unfortunate moment of frustration.

Just the week before the Democrats in California thought they had Whitman on the ropes with false charges that she hired illegal workers.

But those who smear others often are the losers in the end as the new Brown "whore" tape emerged and not only insulted all the women of California with his sexist insult, but insulted any woman who has been successful in the corporate world. Such a Neanderthal view of women's rights in this day and age has no place in politics.

As for Christine O'Donnell and her bid to unseat the Democrat favorite in the Delaware Senate race, you may remember she was caught on tape about 20 years ago talking about witchcraft. Her advisors got her to make a commercial saying she was not a witch with a dark background.

She should have made fun of the stupid charges and done a commercial that said with the disaster in congress and the economic woes all Americans face she would use witchcraft if necessary to clean up the mess in the capitol.

If she had played off the Bewitched fame of Elizabeth Montgomery, a good witch wrinkling her nose to get rid of Nancy Pelosi or the old politicians in Washington, it just might strike a chord with the public victims of incompetent politicians. We need real people, not politicians, to find our way through the maze.

Obamaville October 8 - Dismal Jobs Report Sink Democrats election Hopes


As Obama continues crisscrossing the country raising millions of special interest dollars to prop up failing Democrats campaigns Obama continues to blame everyone but his own policies for the failure to stimulate the struggling economy.

The truth is his cerebral approach to lecturing the public and his lack of any plan for the long term economic recovery has failed and everyone but the White House knows it. With the unemployment rate hovering at an astounding 10% after two years of Obama leadership, there is simply no recognition of the problem and no grasp of the solution forthcoming from the president.

Small business in America and big business as well are not going to create jobs when the Obama social programs hang a threat of massive new federal regulations, higher health care and pension costs, and a higher cost to borrow money.

In short, the Obama strategy of passing so called reform programs with massive new government regulatory requirements and benefits not scheduled until far into the future is not a plan but a shell game of delaying increased costs and lost benefits until sometime in the future. Obama is playing Russian roulette with the future of our country and the people will not stand for it.

Throw them out - throw them all out!
