Showing posts with label Chile Mine Disaster. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chile Mine Disaster. Show all posts

Friday, November 05, 2010

Chilean Marathon Miner - Elvis is still in the House


For rescued Chilean miner Edison Pena it has been a whirlwind three weeks since being saved from 69 days trapped half a mile underground. Edison challenged his destiny and said he wanted to show God he wanted to live by putting on his earphones, listening to his beloved Elvis Presley, and running 7 miles a day through the dark, damp and steamy tunnels far below the surface of the earth.

Before anyone knew he was alive the 33rd anniversary of the death of Elvis passed (August 16), rather ironic for 33 miners trapped who would be rescued on the 33rd day of drilling, but Edison placed his faith in a higher authority. Once rescued he was invited to be a guest at the New York City Marathon where 50,000 runners will be competing this Sunday.

He was also showered with gifts from the King's Elvis Presley Enterprises in Memphis and invited to be there guest at Graceland, the shrine to the King of Rock and Roll, for the 75th anniversary celebration on January 8 in Memphis. Then he will be sent to Las Vegas to watch Viva Elvis, the Cirque du Soleil show based on Elvis' music.

Yesterday he arrived in NYC to a heroes welcome and made a highly personable appearance on Letterman. You must watch the following clip, especially the last part when he unexpectedly imitates Elvis and charms the audience. Note that though he speaks no English he sings, in perfect English, Elvis songs.


Thursday, October 14, 2010

Cable News Watch - Blowing the Chilean Rescue - What Fools...


After spending almost 24 hours glued to the tube watching one the of most heart warming and tear jerking stories in ages, last night as the last miner was being pulled from his tomb nearly half a mile underground, where he had been trapped for a record 70 days, I watched in astonishment as all three of our cable news networks blew the golden ratings goose that had been handed them on a silver platter.

I have worked with television a long time and have a pretty good idea what qualifies as quality news coverage.  What I saw was a pathetic joke.  I mean the entire world was watching the events unfold and come to a climax.  Don't you think the cable networks would have had their best news anchors and reporters handling this historic moment?

Chilean President Sebastian Pinera, center with tie and no sunglasses, poses Thursday with the 33 rescued miners at the hospital in Copiapo where they are undergoing medical exams.

First let us look at CNN where they blew it beyond belief.  Here is the self-proclaimed most popular cable news network who has brought us incredible coverage of major news events over the years from Viet Nam to Afghanistan.  Yet they scheduled a Senate debate in Delaware instead.  To add insult to injury, just when the debate was beginning to get intriguing they cut off the debate broadcast and pick up the mine rescue.

For some really odd reason this network with some exceptioal reporters like Anderson Cooper and others had new political anchors Eliot Spitzer and his co-host Kathleen Parker, both who are new to television and oblivious to news coverage, handle the conclusion of this historic moment and they made a shambles of it.

CNN had no English translation of the Chilean ceremony marking the successful conclusion so rather than let the audience watch and listen the two talked over the ceremony with senseless and classless blabber that had nothing to do with the history being made.  No mention of incredible human interest stories about the miners.  No mention of all the American contractors who were unsung heroes in the rescue.  No mention of the exceptional job by the President and Mining Director of Chile who took over full responsibility for the rescue and directed every step of it.

No mention that this was the second major disaster in Chile this year, with the massive earthquake just last spring, that had been successfully handled by the nation.  No mention of the contrast with American disasters like the BP Spill where our president barely had time for soundbites, let alone leading the disaster rescue efforts.

The crackpot CNN team told senseless jokes during the solemn activites making light of the moment and assuring I will never again watch CNN during a disaster.  The sad part was CNN had by far the best coverage until they turned it over to the ill-informed political pundits rather than legitimate reporters.

So I flipped to MSNBC who was committing the same mistakes when they had access to the entire NBC news team.  It was a joke as well.  Finally I went to Fox News and there was Sean Hannity, yet another political hack, anchoring the final coverage.  At least Fox had a Spanish interpreter giving a translation yet it was only a matter of time before Hannity, used to hearing only his own voice as the voice of authority on TV, could not resist interrupting the broadcast and translation for more trivia.

It was a sad commentary on our cable news media when none allowed the events unfolding to dictate the coverage and when they did talk, it had nothing to do with the amazing stories surrounding the miners, the government of Chile and it's leaders, or the American heroes who played a key role in the historic rescue of the miners.

What a shame the only news on cable is 15 second sound bites and senseless babble.  America used to be better than that.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Chile Mine Disaster - The Mysterious White Butterfly or Angel - Was God With Them?


As the stories of the astounding rescue come to light it is clear the strong faith in God guided the miners through the 17 days they were thought to be dead and the entire 70 day ordeal of being buried alive. As one said upon reaching the surface, "I saw the Devil and I saw God when we first got trapped, and I reached out to God."

Why did the miners break their pattern of eating that fateful day of the collapse and all eat together by the rescue shelter rather than be spread out throughout the tunnels that collapsed where they would have been killed? Where did the white butterfly come from 2,000 feet underground that caught the attention of two miners fleeing during the mine collapse? They stopped to watch it in fascination and seconds later the tunnel just ahead of them collapsed. Was it an angel from God? The distraction saved them from being buried live.

In Chile, 33 miners are still trapped underground. Their families are still waiting patiently. Huddled around a fire on a chilly night, they are now telling the incredible story of how a butterfly was their tiny guardian angel.

In a letter to his brother, miner Jorge Galeguillos says he believes a white butterfly saved his life the day the mine caved.

Mining consultant Miguel Fortt is not given to flights of fancy. He says white butterflies flutter around purple flowers that blossom in the desert early in the morning, but they rarely fly deep into a mineshaft. He says the two miners slowed down to observe the butterfly and that saved them from driving into rockfalls triggered by the first cave-in.

"People who are religious would call this a miracle. From a scientific perspective the butterfly may have flown into the mine on air currents. You can draw your own conclusions but that butterfly saved lives," Fortt says.

Galeguillos' brother, who is also a miner, can't explain how a butterfly flew more than 500 meters deep into the mine. But like most of the miners there, he believes the butterfly was protecting his older brother's life.

Whether or not the white butterfly was an angel or a misguided butterfly who flew 500 feet into the tunnel; its a sign of hope for many people who are praying their loved ones will make it out safely from the collapsed mine. As the miners and the families wait for their rescue, at least they can hold onto this superstition to keep their faith going. This was truly an uplifting story to an otherwise tragic event.

“Here is where we meet every day, here is where we plan, where we pray,” he says. “Here is the meeting room where all of the decisions are made with the involvement of the 33 that are here.”

By Guy Adams at the San José Mine
Wednesday, 13 October 2010

They may not take kindly to being called fortunate, given the fear and discomfort they endured an incarceration that would last almost 70 days, but from the very moment at which they were first trapped underground, the 33 men who have now started to emerge from the San José mine benefited from some crucial strokes of good luck.

The rock fall that first trapped them in struck at around noon on August 5, when the men having lunch in a reinforced rescue shelter roughly 700 metres from the surface. At any other time, during a normal working day, they would have been spread throughout four miles of tunnels, meaning that many of them would have been instantly killed.

When the dust settled, it emerged that the miners had access to roughly a kilometre of what seemed to be stable areas of the San José mine. Crucially, that section contained several vehicles, whose batteries they used to power torches. One of those trucks, which had been driven a former Chilean national footballer called Franklin Lobos, also contained a small supply of bottled drinking water.

Their next piece of good luck involved the type of mine they worked in. Copper mines (in which gold is produced as a by-product) are inherently safer than coal ones, which produce potentially-deadly methane. So although ventilation shafts had been blocked during the accident, the men knew that the only way the remaining oxygen was going to be used up was by them breathing it. In other words, time was on their side.

Thirdly, and perhaps most crucially, the 33 miners had a small quantity of emergency food in the corner of their rescue shelter. They also had leftovers from the lunches they had brought down at the start of their 12 hour shift at the small, privately-owned facility in the Atacama Desert, roughly an hour’s drive from the northern city of Copiapo, where most of them lived.

Realising straightaway that the sheer depth at which they were trapped meant it could be days or even weeks until they were located by rescuers, the men embarked on a rigorous rationing system. They would eat just two teaspoons of canned tuna and a biscuit, every 48 hours. Each of these “meals” was to be washed down with two sips of milk.

It was hot in their underground prison – roughly thirty degrees, according to thermometers – but they were able to avoid serious dehydration by supplementing their bottled water by digging a makeshift canal in the floor. By way of a potential last resort, they also drained the radiators of their machinery.

No-one yet fully understands the mood in the mine, during the ensuing 17 days. A second rock-fall, on August 7, closed off a further hundred yards, presumably adding to the sense of foreboding. There is believed to have been bickering over the rationing system, which some deemed too rigorous. But in subsequent letters, “Los 33” say they’ve since vowed never to publicly discuss any of the tensions that arose.

It seems likely, however, that in the stressful conditions, leaders emerged. One such man was Luis Urzua, a 54-year-old topographer. The eldest son from a large Catholic family, who in childhood had helped bring up his younger siblings when his father died prematurely, he was a natural authority figure, and began taking it upon himself to organise the group.

Playing to the machismo of his colleagues – tough men in a hard-scrabble profession – Urzua is believed to have decided that they had a straightforward choice: perish separately, or work together to defy the odds and give themselves the best possible chance of survival. The key to getting themselves out alive, he believed would be “la solidaridad,” meaning: “solidarity.”

Urzua, whose colleagues called him “Don Lucho,” therefore instigated a system by which none of the 33 men could begin eating their tiny meals until all of them had received food. He organised them into three groups, who would venture out, in shifts, to search for signs of any approaching rescue. If nothing else, adding structure to their existence would help pass the time.

At the surface, meanwhile, a frantic rescue operation was underway. At the behest of Laurence Golborne, Chile’s mining minister, and a President who had pledged to spend anything it took to get the miners out alive, experts from the State firm Codelco had assumed responsibility for the search. Using maps of the sprawling mine, they drilled several exploratory boreholes, sending listening devices into areas where they believed survivors might be alive.

For two weeks, nothing. Then, on August 22nd, came yet another break, this time a crucial one. A probe found its way through a wall just yards from the rescue shelter where the men were based. It returned to the surface with a note attached to the end. “Estamos bien en el refugio los 33,” it read [literally: “all 33 of us are well inside the shelter”]. Those first words had been scrawled in capitals on a scrap of paper by Mario Gomez, the eldest of the miners.

In the first hours after they were discovered, a camera was sent down the borehole. It showed the group peering eagerly out of the darkness, shirtless, unshaven and sweltering, but their eyes blazing with euphoria. Their first request, aside from the obvious supplies of food and water, was for toothbrushes.

The rescue teams, meanwhile, swiftly realised that they had two major problems ahead. The first was practical: how to keep the men supplied with sufficient with medication, clothing, meals and drinks to keep them alive during a painstaking operation they initially believed might not be over until Christmas. The second was harder to fathom: how to ensure the men remained psychologically sound and co-operative during an ordeal that would push any human being’s mental endurance to the limit.

A communication system was swiftly designed by Miguel Fortt, a Chilean national and expert in mining rescue operations. He called it “la Paloma” (“the dove”). It consisted of a three meter-long PVC tube, which measured roughly three inches in diameter and would be lowered via cable to the men, delivering them packages containing whatever could be made to fit inside.

At first, each “dove” took four hours to arrive from the surface, and would contain bare essentials: glucose drinks, together with vitamin and mineral supplements. Later, the system was improved. The PVC was swapped with metal tubes, a further two boreholes were drilled, and journey time improved to twenty minutes. That allowed camp beds, communication equipment and clothing supplies to be sent to make the men’s lives more comfortable.

To maintain morale, the rescue team received advice from NASA, which is used to helping grown men live together in confined spaces for extended periods of time. They encouraged the miners to adopt as many of the trappings of normality as possible, sending down dominoes, books and letters and tape recordings from their families, and widening their diet to include tea, sandwiches, fruit, and later hot meals.

Some aspects of their menus were more rigidly controlled. Beans, a staple of many Latin dishes, were excluded from all dishes for exactly the reason you might think, when grown men share a small confined area. A latrine was established a short walk from the areas where they were largely based, which used running water to wash away urine and faeces.

Organised by Urzua, the men were divided into three groups, Grupo Refugio, Grupo Rampa and Grupo 105 - named after the “shelter,” the “ramp” and “Level 105” which are sections of the mine where they slept. They then established shift patterns, carrying out duties such as unloading new “doves,” cleaning their living area, and clearing debris from three rescue tunnels that were being bored into the mine.

When off duty, they slept, exercised (by running or using rubber exercise bans) and sent video, audio, and written messages to their families, who had been living at the surface since early August. Lights shone from 7.30am until 10pm, mimicking daylight. To keep all the trappings of a normal workplace, Urzua used the bonnet of a mine vehicle as his desk, and sent up maps of the area where they were being held.

Urzua wrote each of the men an official job description. Some became “Paloimistas,” unloading the regular supply of “doves.” Others would patrol the mine to check on the structural integrity of its walls. Jimmy Sanchez, the youngest of the group, was the “environmental assistant,” who monitored conditions underground with a handheld computer that measured oxygen, CO2 levels and air temperature,

Other aspects of daily life soon began to fall in place They would shower each morning under a natural waterfall 300 metres up the tunnel, using supplies of shampoo to clean off the orange-coloured mud that found its way almost everywhere. The more religious men – at least two of them “found God” during their ordeal – would take part in a daily prayer organised by Jose Henriquez. Others would listen to uplifting poems written by Victor Zamora, the group’s in-house poet.

It was, of course, very far from plain sailing. Many developed fungal skin infections, and almost all will now require extensive dental treatment. Medical teams at the surface also repeatedly found themselves clashing with some of the miners, whose natural machismo led them to consider the mandatory daily conversations with psychologists to be un-necessary, and perhaps undignified.

They also took exception to the rescue team’s refusal to send supplies of wine and cigarettes down to them, to prevent depression and keep the atmosphere as unpolluted as possible. They also objected to the decision to censor letters from relatives to the men that were thought to be insufficiently optimistic in tone.

At one point, in mid-September, some of the miners effectively went on strike, refusing to speak to their medical handlers. As a result, the psychologists withdrew TV and music that was being provided via the communication system. When the men agreed to speak with them again, a delivery of cigarettes arrived in a “dove.” This carrot-and-stick approach was described by one medic as: “like an arm-wrestle.”

But by that stage, three drills – Plan A, Plan B, and Plan C – were cutting through the roughly 700 metres of rock to reach the cavern where the men were trapped. By early October, they knew breakthrough was imminent. And on Saturday 9th, the Plan B drill broke through. After two months underground, the final stage of their journey to freedom could at last begin.

Chilean President Sebastian Pinera was euphoric in the early hours of Wednesday, minutes after the first of 33 miners reached the surface.

“In this rescue operation we Chileans have shown the best of us,” Mr. Pinera told a press conference at the San Jose copper mine. The miners were trapped August 5 by a shaft collapse in this barren northern Chile desert landscape.

He described the experience as “a wonderful night that Chileans and the whole world will never forget.” “Let the miners’ example stay with us forever,” Mr. Pinera said.

Pinera thanked God and the rescue teams for the success of the operation, stressing it was unprecedented in the history of the world for its magnitude and complexity.

Mr. Pinera noted the “magic number 33,” with reference to the number of miners trapped since August 5 at the San Jose copper mine under the Atacama Desert and to the date of the final rescue, October 13, 2010, which when written in numbers and added up also gives 33.

Chilean president Sebastian Pinera has described the operation to free 33 trapped miners as "without comparison in the history of humanity".

President Pinera and the First Lady have been in the Atacama Desert since the evacuation began to personally greet each man as he emerges from the underground chamber.

Florencio Avalos, the first miner to be rescued from the San Jose mine, received a giant bear-hug from Chile's leader.

Speaking after Mr Avalos was freed from the specially made capsule, Mr Pinera said: "The lesson of the miners remains with us forever."

He added that the group had shown "that when Chile unites in the face of adversity, it can achieve great things".

Mr Pinera has become the champion of the miners during this crisis and the right-wing politician has seen his popularity soar.

In a speech at the San Jose mine ahead of the rescue operation, Mr Pinera praised the "strength and bravery" of the men who have been stuck more than 2,000ft below ground.

"I hope the long journey will end very happily," he said.

Mining minister Laurence Golborne's constant presence at the mine has turned him into a national hero and media star.

He has been on hand to hold press conferences, comfort families and even play the guitar around the campfire in Camp Hope.

His dedication has obviously impressed the public - he has 54,000 followers on Twitter and there is even a Facebook group calling for him to run for president in 2014.

Dios bendiga a Chile!

Saturday, October 09, 2010

American Pride is Back in Chile No Thanks to Obama and Washington Politicians


At 8:30 this morning history was made when a rescue shaft reached 33 trapped miners in Chile who have been entombed over one half mile underground nearly two months. No miners have ever survived for two months underground and it was 33 days ago the rescue drills began a race to reach the 33 men. Ironic isn't it that the drilling to save 33 men took 33 days, that same number of years Jesus walked the earth.

Of course the American media with the exception of CNN completely missed the rescue and Obama and the American politicians were too busy tearing each other apart to recognize the importance of this event to America and America's place in the world.

You see the miners would have remained trapped in their tomb until Christmas if it had not been for the effort of a small American drilling company, Center Rock Inc., from a small town in Pennsylvania. When owner and President Brandon Fisher first heard it would take until Christmas to save the trapped miners he knew he had the equipment and technology to save them much faster and he contacted the Chile government.

Brandon began coordinating an international effort to get his equipment to the site and in use. With the help UPS who shipped it for free and his international contacts the equipment arrived and saved 2 1/2 months of the drilling time needed to reach the men. As they are pulled to freedom this weekend it will be the efforts of Brandon Fisher and his team working with the Chile government that made this possible.

There was no involvement by our haplessly incompetent government and our politicians were too busy trashing each other to take notice but in the end, it was the pride, skill, innovation and organization of Americans that helped save the miners in South America.

The government of Chile, by stepping in and taking charge of the disaster immediately rather than sitting back like the Obama administration did in the BP disaster, and by reaching out to the best people in the world for help unlike our BP experience, in which our government did not, that the potential of America was recognized and achieved.

Chile did a masterful job, Brandon Fisher and his Center Rock company team showed the world what the politicians could not, and the people of Chile now have a miracle. Nothing could highlight the power and importance of small business and innovationi in America more than this nor show it's value to the outside world. By the way, NASA specialists also provided valuable help to the rescue effort and Obama has gutted the NASA budget.

Friday, October 08, 2010

Chile Mining Disaster Coming to an End - American Heroes Involved


It was August 5 when 33 miners were trapped over one half a mile underground and were told it would take until Christmas, nearly five months, to drill new shafts and get them out. That news upset the owner of a small drilling operation in Pennsylvania who knew his company and crew could do much better.

In time they went to Chile to help and now it seems the ingenuity of the American miners could get the trapped miners out nearly two and one half months ahead of time thanks to the Americans and their equipment.

The latest news is the drilling will be complete this weekend and the miners could be saved by next Tuesday. Here is the information you should know about Brandon Fisher and his team, the heroes of the rescue.

Center Rock Drilling Bit Nears Chilean Miners Trapped Underground
October 8

San Jose mine in Copiapo, Chile -- Progress has been rapid on the drilling to rescue the Chilean miners thanks to a huge, 24 hour a day effort and employment of Center Rock's drill bit that is drilling its way through 2,070 feet of rock to finally reach the miners.

Brandon Fisher, CEO of Center Rock, Inc. is personally on-site assisting in the drilling of a rescue shaft to rescue the 33 trapped Chilean gold and copper miners. The planned rescue itself will be by using a steel capsule designed by the Chilean navy lowered into the hole to bring the miners to the surface one-by-one.

This current drilling employs a T-130 rig standing 45 meters tall with a Center Rock percussion-technology drill that can bore through as much as 40 meters of rock per day, depending on conditions. Center Rock has drilled holes as wide as 10 feet in diameter; this drill is carving a shaft 28" in diameter - wide enough to lift a man through using the capsule.

Brandon Fisher, whose American company built the drills, said that the pneumatic-based drilling system that will dig the final hole will have four hammers instead of just one - like the drill that Center Rock used to initially reach the miners with a 12" pilot hole.

Center Rock's drilling expertise was called upon by industry experts and Chile to drill this rescue bore hole for the 33 miners who were trapped during a cave-in on August 5th. The first small bore hole that reached the miners 17 days after the mine collapse brought news to the world they were alive 2,070 feet below the surface. Rescuers have been sending food, medicine and letters through a small pipe to the miners, as well as video cameras so the miners can communicate with their families.

Cutting large diameter holes in rock can be a challenge - the low profile (L.P.) drill series from Center Rock is currently used by some of the nation's largest building, roadway, and mining contractors to quickly drill holes to the exact size required by their specifications. The advanced engineering of the drills provides a cost effec¬tive solution for drilling and excavation requirements up to 120" in diameter.

About Brandon W. Fisher:

Brandon Fisher founded Center Rock, Inc. in 1998 as a small drilling company that has grown to become a leading manufacturer, supplier and service provider of drilling products that now employs approximately 70 people and continues to expand. Fisher's innovative and adaptive leadership coupled with Center Rock's quick responsiveness, unique products and 24-hour customer service are the hallmark of Fisher's entrepreneurial commitment and a key ingredient to his company's ability to compete in the drilling market, world-wide.

About Center Rock, Inc.:

Headquartered in Berlin, PA (with a Construction Product Sales office in Germantown, WI, and an engineering team in Roanoke, VA), Center Rock, Inc. manufactures and distributes a complete line of air drilling tools and products, including L.P. Drills and Hole Openers, that together meet drilling needs ranging from 5" to 120". The company's staff provides more than 75 years of combined oil field and construction site experience, excelling in hard-rock / unconventional environments.

Center Rock drills are frequently used to cut foundation holes for highway overpasses, bridge supports, building foundations and large utility poles among many other infrastructure projects as well as for mining, oil and gas and geothermal drilling.