Showing posts with label campaign 2012. Show all posts
Showing posts with label campaign 2012. Show all posts

Monday, November 15, 2010

Sarah Palin surges to lead over Obama as polls prove Obama is more polarizing


In the first post-election polls since the Midterms Sarah Palin has once again defied the liberal media and elitists and surged ahead of President Barack Obama in favorability and is in a dead heat in unfavorable ratings with Obama to the total chagrin of the reporters and pundits.

So terrorized are the liberals that they hailed the newest polls as a sign Palin is the most polarizing name in politics which of course is a blatant lie. What is the truth? In the latest AP GfK nationwide poll Sarah Palin has climbed to a 46% favorable and her unfavorable is 49% as of November 13.

In contrast, President Obama, according to today's RealClearPolitics Poll, stands at 45.4% favorable and 49.6% unfavorable. Bet you didn't hear the media report that our polarizing Palin is less polarizing than Obama.

The real truth is polls are all about trends and here the trend is real clear. Obama has been sinking in the polls for two years running as witnessed by the public revolt against Democratic leadership and the shellacking Obama took in the elections this month.

More ominous for the liberal media, the latest RealClearPolitics poll show an amazing 63.8% of the public believe our nation is on the wrong track under Obama's leadership. If 49.6% have an unfavorable opinion of Obama and 63.8% believe his policies are on the wrong track just who is the real polarizing figure in American politics? The numbers don't lie, it is clearly Obama. Just ask the 70 newly elected Republicans who won House and Senate seats November 2.

So Palin is gaining favorable ratings as Obama continues to slip. Is that enough? Well there is more. After two years of Obama blaming George Bush for every problem he faces, George Bush has gained 10% in favorable ratings and now is 44% favorable, again according to RealClearPolitics, while Obama is only 45.4% favorable, barely a 1% difference. In other words Obama has dropped over 20% since being elected while Bush has gained over 10%, a swing in the polls of over 30%.

Still that does not reflect the true trends because Obama faces a continuing string of challenges by the new Congress over his domestic agenda, while his international problems have continued to mount with every passing day. It appears that nothing will slow the difficulties of our president with the dragging economy and loss of international influence.

As for Sarah Palin, she has just started an eight week travel documentary on Alaska sharing with her television audience her love of the northern wilderness and she follows that with a 14 state tour promoting her next book which is certain to be a blockbuster like the last one.

Those who count Palin out should check their math because the numbers don't lie and attempting to show she is more polarizing than Obama is quite a joke as the mood of the public has demonstrated.

In recent years our political pundits seem to have forgotten Richard Nixon (1968) and Bill Clinton (1992) both won the presidency with just 43% of the popular vote and in four of the last five elections the winner received 50% or less of the vote. Sarah Palin is far from out of it and the trends are much more in her favor.


Thursday, November 04, 2010

Sarah Palin - Savior of the Liberal Media


Almost every day of the week the bastions of the liberal media, The New York Times, The Washington Post, Time and Newsweek Magazine, MSNBC, even the Huffington blog run feature stories about Sarah Palin.  If they dislike her so much, why?

Because Palin draws reader interest more than any other politician in America.  Palin is plastered in the liberal media to sell the liberal media, pure and simple.  The same way one of the top and most sought after celebrities for TV talk shows is none other than Sarah Palin.  Oprah, Letterman, Leno, even Saturday Night Live see huge increases in ratings whenever Palin or her clone Tina Fey appear and that means higher ad rates and that means lots more money for the liberal media.

Nothing wrong with that, on the conservative side Roger Ailes was well aware of her ratings impact when he signed her to the Fox News network.  She has been a welcome addition to Fox Shows like O'Rielly, Hannity and Beck because their audience increases and the ad rates increase.  It is why Fox News continues to clobber the cable competitors in the Nielsen ratings.

Today, because finding a positive article about Palin is so hard to do in the liberal media, I'm going to showcase the dreaded Washington Post and a recent Palin article that appeared.  In addition, Sarah Palin should be allowed to speak for herself for a change.  She issued, in her own words, her version of what happened inthe elections.  You should watch the video and get her version of what she thinks.

The Washington Post

Five myths about Sarah Palin

By Matthew Continetti
Sunday, October 17, 2010

Think you know Sarah Palin? The former Alaska governor has been in the spotlight ever since John McCain named her as his running mate on Aug. 29, 2008. Yet, while practically everybody has an opinion about Palin, not all of those opinions are grounded in reality. Many of them are based more on a "Saturday Night Live" caricature than on the living, breathing, 46-year-old mother of five. The real Sarah Palin is a complex woman who has risen in no time from obscurity to the stratosphere of American politics, fusing celebrity and populism in novel ways. Now that she's laying the foundation for a possible presidential run in 2012, it's worth taking a moment to separate the facts about Palin from the fables.

1. Palin cost McCain the 2008 election.

She didn't. CNN's 2008 national exit poll, for example, asked voters whether Palin was a factor when they stepped into the voting booth. Those who said yes broke for McCain 56 percent to 43 percent.

Before Palin's selection, remember, McCain suffered from an enthusiasm gap. Republicans were reluctant to vote for the senator from Arizona because of his reputation as a maverick who'd countered his party on taxes, immigration, drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and "cap and trade" climate legislation. But Palin's conservative record in Alaska and antiabortion advocacy changed the Republican mood. With her by his side, McCain's fundraising and support from conservatives improved. It wasn't enough to beat Barack Obama -- but McCain probably would have lost the presidency by a greater margin if he had, say, selected independent Sen. Joe Lieberman as his running mate, further alienating the GOP base.

Yes, it's possible that Palin's conservatism and uneven performance on the campaign trail shifted some voters to Obama's column. But even if Obama picked up some anti-Palin votes, he surely didn't need them: The economy was in recession, Wall Street was in meltdown, and the incumbent Republican president was incredibly unpopular. In the end, it's impossible to know how McCain would have performed if he hadn't selected Palin -- politics does not allow for control experiments.

2. Resigning as governor was rash.

No one expected Palin's resignation on July 3, 2009, just 2 1/2 years into her term. Her hastily composed and clumsily delivered farewell address left many observers confused about her motives. Some of her critics were only too eager to fill in the gaps with conjecture and hearsay (She's being investigated by the FBI! Sarah and Todd must be headed for divorce!). If there was one thing everybody knew for sure, it was that Palin's career in politics was over.

But none of the rumored scandals ever broke. The Palins remain married. And as for Sarah Palin's career, it's taken off. She plays a far greater role in American public life than she did before she left office.

When Palin returned to Alaska after the 2008 campaign, she confronted three problems. The political coalition on which she had based her governorship -- a combination of Democrats and renegade "Palinista" Republicans -- had collapsed. Her critics were using Alaska's tough ethics laws to launch investigations into her behavior, sapping her finances and her energy. Finally, every time she traveled to the Lower 48, Alaskans criticized her for putting her political interests above the state's.

Palin's solution was to resign. Her agenda stood a better chance of passing if then-Lt. Gov. Sean Parnell, who shared Palin's goals, succeeded her as governor. As a private citizen, meanwhile, Palin could make enough money to pay her legal bills. And she would no longer be accused of neglecting her official duties.

Some might say that Palin's resignation was shortsighted and showed that she was not ready for the demands of executive office. But if Palin had remained governor, she would have been denied opportunities to rally the tea party and fight in the battle over the Obama agenda. She would have been stuck on a regional stage. Instead, she's back on the national one.

3. Palin and the tea party are destroying the GOP.

You've heard the spiel: The Republican Party is in the midst of a civil war between moderate incumbents and far-right challengers backed by Palin and the tea party. Driving Charlie Crist from the GOP and defeating establishment figures such as Robert Bennett, Lisa Murkowski and Mike Castle spells electoral doom for the party. The only chance Republicans have for long-term success is to move to the center in a bid to win over millennials and Latinos.

But demographics aren't destiny, and no one knows what the future holds. The reality, right now, is that Palin and the tea party are saving the GOP by dragging it back to its roots and mobilizing conservative voters.

Remember, by the time Palin arrived on the national scene, the Republican Party was depleted, exhausted and held in disrepute. An unpopular war in Iraq, an economy in recession and GOP corruption had driven away independents. Meanwhile, massive government spending and a liberal immigration policy had dispirited conservatives.

This is where Palin came in. In the wake of Obama's historic victory, she and countless other grass-roots activists could have abandoned the GOP and turned the tea party into a conservative third party. They didn't. They decided instead to refashion the Republican Party from the ground up, pressuring it to live up to its limited-government ideals. Now, two years after Obama's win, Republicans are poised to reap major gains in the midterm elections. Palin and the tea party haven't hurt the GOP one bit.

4. Palin is extreme.

On many of the most important issues of the day, Palin holds positions that are squarely in the center-right of American political discourse. And many of those positions, not incidentally, are held by a large segment or even a majority of the public. For instance, neither the public nor Palin believes the stimulus worked. And while most Americans may not share Palin's views regarding "death panels," many join her in opposing Obama's health-care overhaul.

Over the past two years, Pew and Gallup surveys have tracked the public as it has moved to the right -- not on just one or two issues but on a whole constellation of them. Even on the controversial topics of abortion, guns and same-sex marriage, Palin is not as far away from the center as some suppose. A May 2009 Gallup poll, for example, found that a majority of Americans identified as "pro-life" rather than "pro-choice." In October 2009, Gallup measured record-low support for gun control. The public is divided on same-sex marriage, with about half the country joining Palin's (and Obama's) opposition.

5. Palin is unelectable.

Without question, a Palin 2012 campaign would be an uphill battle. Palin is unpopular -- massively so among Democrats, decisively so among independents. Even many Republicans don't believe she's ready to be president.

But opinions can change. Look at the political resuscitations of Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and Hillary Rodham Clinton. If Palin works hard and runs an impressive campaign, wavering Republicans and skeptical independents may give her a second look.

To earn that second look, she may need to find a big idea. It's hard to become president without one. Reagan had supply-side economics and the end of detente with the Soviets. Bill Clinton had the third way. George W. Bush had compassionate conservatism and the freedom agenda. Obama had national unity and hope and change.

At the moment, however, Palin still expresses her agenda mainly in negative terms, focusing on her opposition to Obama and the Washington establishment. She hasn't defined her "common-sense conservatism" in positive language. And she hasn't found a unifying, exhilarating theme.

Then again, she just might get along without one. After all, a presidential contest is a choice. The public might not love Palin. But by 2012, Americans might absolutely despise Obama. Two more years of a bad economy and an unpopular Afghan war, and anything is possible. Yes, there's a ceiling to Palin's support. But in 2012, there also will be a ceiling to Obama's.

Whose will be higher?

Matthew Continetti is opinion editor of the Weekly Standard and the author of "The Persecution of Sarah Palin: How the Elite Media Tried to Bring Down a Rising Star."


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Is Hillary about to Pillory Obama?


As Secretary of State Hillary Clinton goes more and more rogue from the policies of the Obama Administration is there a danger that she might just resign and decide to make one more run for the presidency?

Certainly the signs of dissatisfaction are becoming obvious as Obama and his White House palace guard seem to drift from issue to issue while never resolving anything when it comes to foreign policy. At the same time Hillary has been running stronger and stronger in the polls while our rudderless president continues to crash reaching new lows day by day.

The Obama gang, and Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel in particular, demand blind loyalty to the president and to the agenda they give the president regardless of the reality of their policies or concerns of the public. Such a detachment from the American political process and people is suicidal as one can see from the collapsing poll numbers.

While the palace guard have worked out some sort of relationship with Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer at the House and Harry Reid at the Senate, strong arming Congress is not a way to win support or loyalty in the log run and Democrats have started abandoning the policies of the president at an alarming rate. Even the liberal elitists have stopped singing the blind praises of Obama and started questioning the strange way policy is determined and implemented.

Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, was never one of the adoring followers of Obama. Thanks to the antics of her husband, she has just about seen it all at the White House and knows the mess the staff can create for the president. Because of that she didn't complain when Emanuel, err Obama, appointed foreign policy watchdogs to the White House staff to keep an eye on her.

The spies didn't seem to realize that Hillary didn't need Obama to introduce her to foreign leaders, she already had a pretty deep portfolio without the new kid on the block. For six months she maintained a low profile as the White House staff quickly over-extended its reach, played too many games in the interest of the country, and got bogged down in it's own quagmire of inertia and inconsistency.

Even a prolific ballet dancer like Emanuel is having a hard time pirouetting out of the mess they have created with the sluggish decision-making process, conflicting direction and lack of leadership. Still the palace guard refuses to abandon it's social agenda and deal with jobs and deficits like the public demands.

The result, quite predictable, was the loss of the governorship in two key battleground states, New Jersey and Virginia this year. Of far more ominous concern is the fact many Democrats in the House and Senate can see their own political self-survival threatened in next years' elections if they continue to back the rather bizarre agenda of the Obama gang.

The failure to address the jobs and deficit while padding the pockets of Obama contributors to the tune of billions of dollars could already be fatal to the president as his chances for reelection in 2012 become dimmer by the day. Already his own favorable rating is below half and his unfavorable is above half while his policies across the board are backed by just 15-30% of the public. Independents are having no trouble making up their mind as they flee the Obama train wreck.

Does anyone believe Hillary is willing to allow her popularity and future go up in flames because of blind loyalty to the Obama bunglers? No Hillary always spoke her beliefs and her decisive leadership is a stark contrast to the waffling president. So she has started distancing herself from him.

Several times she has ignored the Obama gang policy book and said what she believed to the press and public, a far cry from the absolutely controlled press in the White House. Most certainly it infuriated Little Napoleon and the rest of the White House gang.

She actually had the audacity to wonder to the media about the succession of the presidency of North Korea, one of the main Obama thorns in the side. You see Kim Jong-il, the mysterious leader who loves American movies and nuclear missiles, may also be quite ill. Such a breach of protocol by the Secretary of State was frowned upon by the Obama boys.

Hillary also double-crossed the liberal elitists being kept on a short chain by the White House when she said forget about human rights in China and focus on the economy as China pretty much already owns the USA. She also said Israel had to make unprecedented concessions regarding the settlements or there could be no Mid East peace,

She backed the generals in Afghanistan while Biden has led the inside charge against her within the Administration. Finally, she has been rather silent about the bank bailout, economic stimulus and other odd efforts by the Administration to half-heartedly address the public concerns as if she knew they were a sham from the first place.

One might expect the Obama gang to start a media leak campaign to get her out since they know they cannot control her. Circulating rumors about her spats with the White House is normally a good first indicator that someone is being made a scapegoat for the president's failed foreign agenda.

However, this might truly backfire. If they force out Clinton she becomes the only Democrat who could take him on in the 2012 primary and beat him. One would think the conniving White House staff would already be making their moves. So is she.

Now, if she resigns without White House interference then it is a much darker signal to the White House that Hillary intends to lay claim to the title that should have been hers were it not for the nearly one billion dollars spent against her before in the race for the presidency of the White House.

Stay tuned as this is about to get real interesting.


Monday, November 23, 2009

SNL 2012 Predicts Sarah Palin to Save America from Barack's Armageddon


Saturday Night Live became the first of the nation's elite liberal media to predict that the only hope for America in 2012, the end of time according to the Mayan prophecies, is Sarah Palin. Attempting to disguise the prediction as a typical spoof by the show that is dying for ratings and knows a ratings winner from experience, SNL showed a preview of the Sarah Palin in 2012 movie yet to be made.

Already acknowledging a failure by the Obama administration in their first term and that there is no chance for the reelection of this, the best team liberal money could buy, the entertainment celebrities have already turned on their political celebrities in predicting a Palin win in 2012.

Of course there is nothing like a liberal stampede to attract the attention of the masses so SNL relied on their comrade in arms MSNBC to splash the preview all over the airways on Monday thus insuring the spoof would become part of American media lore.

Liberal's don't like to lose and the liberal elitists are already abandoning the Obama ship of state as they watch the domestic and foreign policy initiatives of the Obama gang go up in flames. A good liberal always knows when to run and run they are from their Chosen One as he demonstrates the very inexperience the liberals promised he did not have.

Apparently this past week which Obama spent in Asia watching every policy initiative from Chinese human rights to getting tough on North Korea and Iran, from a stop to Israeli settlements to a halt to the Iranian nuclear program, all be ignored by foreign governments was enough to convince the liberals to jettison Obama and his gang and bet on Palin in 2012.

While Obama was disappointing everyone in Asia Sarah Palin was setting book sales records here in America as the liberal press did everything to undermine her efforts. As usual, the media sucked and Sarah blew them away. They just don't get it. We don't need any more intellectual constipation from the Ivy Leagues. We don't need empty promises. We don't need hidden taxes for all Americans.

Telling lies should not be part of the government agenda. Seizing up when tough decisions are faced is not what we expect of our leaders. Playing politics with the sons and daughters of Americans fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq is not what is expected of a Commander in Chief. Ignoring the advice of generals sent by the White House to recommend military strategy is not leadership.

Letting banks not provide banking services and Wall Street and banks pay out record bonuses is not the legacy the Democrats wanted. Watching Barney Franks continue cover up for the home mortgage mess or Rahm Emanuel continue to gut efforts to reform the financial system is a continuation of the corrupt practices that got us here in the first place.

With all the baggage mounting up against the ability of the Obama/Pelosi machine to run things, is it any wonder that SNL was the first to abandon them for 2012 and admit Sarah Palin may be our only hope to get us through the mess the politicians are creating? It is not often liberals can be accused of foresight but this may be the case.

You see, while the Obama gang was busy wondering what happened to the Obama ratings Palin was busy cruising Main Street and military bases meeting the people. While Obama plays basketball on Sundays with the guys, Palin is meeting with the Reverend Graham and other ministers to talk about the needs of families and for more faith in God. It does not take long for the public to know where hypocrisy thrives and where good old American values are protected. Yes SNL, Sarah Palin may be America's only hope for 2012.


Friday, November 13, 2009

The Blockbuster 2012 - The End of Time - Fact or Fiction according to Hopi Prophecy


With the release of the $200 million blockbuster movie 2012 this weekend and the dismal state of the union and the world there is sure to be a renewed interest in the End Time prophecies and perhaps that is a good thing. Throughout the history of civilization there has always been a fascination with the so called apocalypse, the Biblical story of the end of time. In fact the entire last Book of the New Testament, the Book of Revelations, gives us a 2000 year old account of what is to come.

So why is attention suddenly being focused on the year 2012 and why will this movie become a box office hit? First, there are events that have been prophesized for centuries that are coming to a head. For example, the Mayan calendar, one of the most sophisticated astrological wonders ever discovered, abruptly ends on December 21, 2012. Now why did this ancient Indian tribe have an understanding of the science of astronomy that we still cannot duplicate with all our scientific advancement?

Then there is the planetary alignment that takes place every thousand years or so and it just happens to take place in December of 2012. Again the ancient Indians have been proven right by modern science. There was a reason the Mayans worshipped the sun. But the knowledge they had hundreds of years ago defies anything that can be explained by the evolution of mankind. They were centuries ahead of the rest of mankind.

The same is true in other areas of science from the ancient Egyptians who built the pyramids to the ancient Celtics who built Stonehenge. How could they possibly have built these architectural wonders? Plato's account of the lost civilization of Atlantis is yet another case of ancient Greeks knowing things that modern science still cannot figure out.

Author at Stonehenge England

So maybe science does not have the answers. The frequency of the Earth is rising. The Earth has reversed the electro-magnetic spin dozens of times. There have been a series of ice ages followed by global warming and most pre-dated man and the advance of civilization. Al Gore and his Goldman Sachs associates who are becoming millionaires shouting about global warming most certainly know the truth, but there is no profit in truth.

The orbit of the Earth takes an elliptical orbit that takes about 26,000 years to go from the closest point to the sun to the farthest point from the sun and back again. That means we spend 13,000 years moving away from the sun and 13,000 years getting back to the beginning. Global warming seems to happen when we approach the closest point to the sun and we are approaching the closest point right now.

When you go beyond science and add spirituality and metaphysical fields into the equations the result gets even more interesting. Nostradamus and Edgar Casey, two of the most accurate psychics of all time, both saw visions of an apocalypse. From the spiritual realm the Holy Mother Mary, mother of Jesus, has delivered numerous warnings of the approaching trials over the past couple of centuries.

So who or what can we believe when no one knows the truth? There is one other group that most people do not even know that deserves a hearing before we really worry too much about the End Times. It is a group a lot of truth seekers have become aware of but few have ever understood because it was not the mission of this group to be understood.

They are the most ancient of Native American tribes, also known as the People of Peace and Children of God, the Hopi Indian nation. Once upon a time the Hopi dominated the Americas and many ancient tribes have been found to be spin offs of the Hopi. The Hopi have the most complex and sacred of prophecies and their mission has always been to protect Mother Earth from the march of human civilization.

Author before the Hopi Prophecy Stone in Arizona

They are also here to preserve ancient and extinct cultures. The Hopi have never been involved in a war in all their centuries of existence. They have never signed a treaty with the US because they always believed the land could not be owned or bought and sold by people, it was a gift from Father Creator for all people to use what they needed.

The Hopi are the only tribe to never request or need government aid even though our government took away all their lands and left them on a desolate high desert plateau with little rain. Somehow the Hopi have always managed to grow their own food, in the high desert, with no rain.

One of the sacred sites of the Hopi is the Grand Canyon. Other sacred sites like the Red Rocks of Sedona Arizona and Monument Park on the Utah and Arizona border have been contaminated by mankind. Still the Hopi spend 234 days a year in prayer honoring God and asking for guidance to do God's work.

According to ancient Hopi prophecy, mankind goes through cycles of civilization. In each cycle mankind develops until they reach a point of evolution that technological advancement, power, and greed dominate civilization. You see mankind is supposed to find their own way in service to Father Creator and Mother Earth and maintain morality and ethics. When man has failed the spiritual world steps in and cleans up the mess mankind has made by wiping out the immoral and unethical people of the world.

According to the Hopi prophecy, man has been granted five cycles of civilization. We are in the fourth cycle of civilization. As we approach the end of the cycle of civilization we enter a time of Purification when the sins of mankind are exposed for all to see. Corrupt institutions then collapse. As we approach the end of the cycle time speeds up, the Hopi say we enter the Quickening.

It is entirely possible that we are not at the end of times but at the end of the fourth cycle of civilization and although the apocalyptic events may occur, they serve to purify mankind, not exterminate him. If so, those who have not lost their morality can survive to rebuild mankind once again. Maybe we can finally get it right.

Are we at such a point of moral decay, corruption and greed that spiritual intervention is needed? Look at our leaders. Look where they led us. And look where they are still taking us. What the banks and financial institutions have done and are still doing to us is certainly the epitome of corruption. The politicians who bail them out and protect them are certainly corrupt. If we are to avoid the apocalypse we have a long ways to go.

A last couple of points of concern. As for the year 2012, it is the last year of Obama's first term in office. Hummmm. The first year he was in office, 2009, was the 200th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln's birth. His last year in office, 2012, is also the 200th anniversary of the death of Amschel Mayer Rothschild, the architect of the modern banking system, patriarch of the House of Rothschild, and whose followers are advocates of the New World Order to replace all governments. By the way, the House of Rothschild with a wealth estimated at over $250 trillion, dwarfs all governments of the world including the USA.

Is there Hope? The Hopi believe we always have the ability to clean up the mess before spiritual intervention takes place. In fact a few years ago the Hopi went public with their mission, prophecy and solutions for the world to help us find our way. So far the world has chosen to ignore the warnings.

Finally, if we are facing the apocalypse is that bad? I asked the Hopi once how they could know what they know and watch the world fall into corruption and moral decay and still have hope. The told me that spiritual evolution is following the Divine Plan of God. If we believe in the goodness of God then we must accept that events such as the apocalypse are part of the Divine Plan and will help us, all of us, get one step closer to union with Father Creator.

We have a lot to learn from our ancient ancestors and a wealth of information awaits us out in the Arizona desert where the Hopi nation remains, doing God's work, as they have for thousands of years. People who seek the truth and are prepared to do what is necessary for the benefit of mankind can benefit greatly by paying attention to the Hopi.

Those who want to use the Hopi secrets for their own corrupt purposes, well, the Hopi say you are Two Hearts. Are you a One or Two Heart? If you love Father Creator above all else and love all others before yourself you are a One Heart have a chance to dance in the light. Many a Two Heart has tried to steal the secrets and treasures of the Hopi for selfish, ego driven purposes. None have succeeded.

Listen to the following introduction to Hopi prophecy and see if it doesn't ring true.


Tuesday, September 01, 2009

The People's Palin is Back Barack -To Slay the Liberal Dragons


Almost one year ago today (August 29, 2008) a young woman stepped from the backwoods of Alaska to the forefront of American politics when John McCain nominated Sarah Palin to be his candidate for Vice President. For the past year the liberal media and Obama gang have undertaken the most brutal campaign of character assassination, smear tactics and fear mongering ever launched against any candidate in America political history unleashing the powerful network media, MSNBC campaign office, late night talk show hosts and Hollywood celebrities to destroy the credibility of Sarah.

It seems none of the nation's elite could stand a woman, hockey mom, mother of a soldier in Iraq, keeper of family values, avid hunter and fisherman, someone not afraid to stand up for Christian morals and a fighter for the rights of the forgotten with a rock star following. It was a brutal massacre but Sarah Palin never lost sight of those she was fighting for along the way.

Well they blew it. Just a couple of weeks ago Palin, long thought dead by the liberal media, single handedly might have slammed the door shut on Obama's effort to stampede Congress into a radical socialized health program. Suddenly the president and vice president of the United States were stuck responding to the voice of the people and make no mistake, Sarah Palin has legions of people behind her in spite of everything the Obama machine and far left Liberals have done to annihilate her.

Now, as the 1st anniversary has just passed since she was thrust into the international spotlight and promptly mauled by the elitists, liberals and socialists behind Obama, their worst nightmare has come true. Free of the hassles of the governor's office Palin has a received over 1,000 invitations to speak around the world before she was even available to speak and she has now retained one of the most powerful speaking bureaus in America, the Washington Speaker's Bureau, to chart out her new course of winning back America for Americans.

Left for dead in the Alaska tundra, Palin quietly took to the Internet and used Facebook to build an organization of over 800,000 people hungry to set the record straight. Obama took great pains to diminish Palin's experience as governor and mayor but after 7 months as president, it appears he has demonstrated that he was the one lacking in experience. Those 800,000 Palin fans are a drop in the bucket in terms of her support as a recent poll showed Palin behind Obama just 48-42% and she was never even a candidate for president.

Those women trapped in the liberal causes will always hate Palin because she is not one of them but those women represent a very small but vocal group in America. Many more millions of women and men still believe in our Constitution, still believe our nation was founded on Christian principles, still believe politicians must be stopped before they destroy America, and are not afraid to fight for the people in America with no voice in Washington.

The only thing worse for Obama and the liberal elitists than Palin hitting the international speaking circuit would be if Roger Ailes, the genius behind the Fox News rating machine, decides she deserves to host her own national TV show for the millions of Americans dissatisfied with the Obama gang and their efforts to hijack the American government.

I have worked with Roger on campaigns in the past and his record of introducing the Mike Douglas Show, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, and Glen Beck over the years has demonstrated his insight and ability to be far more in touch with mainstream America than the liberal left dominating the TV airways. The People's Palin would be a natural fit for those seeking truth and standing on principle.

Now that we have seen what the Obama experience has brought to the presidency, maybe it is about time we join the millions of others and give a fair chance to someone who really had the strength of conviction and resistance to distortion to speak up for the forgotten Americans. I suspect the newly resurrected Palin will be swinging a sword every bit as powerful as St. Michael as she continues her odyssey to slay the dragons of lies and distortion and restore truth to America. Go Sarah Go!!!

If you want to read more about Sarah Palin the following are links to previous Coltons Point Times articles. Click and enjoy.
