The Coltons Point
Times predicts Emmanuel Macron will be the next President of France when the
dust settles from this Sunday's French election.
The French election this Sunday is a rare opportunity to see
what happens in France
when the two candidates who are not from the two dominant political parties
square off. It will be Emmanuel Macron
versus Marine Le Pen.
At this late stage, Macron has a lead but remember the
American election where Hillary Clinton was ahead of Trump in the polls the
closing days, up to a double-digit lead in some polls.
Macron, a banker, is a candidate for his own En Marche party and if elected, will be the youngest French president in
history, and also one who has never held elective office. Le Pen is a candidate of the National Front party, formerly known as
a rather radical minor party, and she has injected new enthusiasm and life into
With former President Obama's last-minute endorsement of
Macron today, the American Democrats hope to tie their wagon to a rising foreign
leader's star, but the link is pretty weak considering the Democrats have always
been backers of the major party socialist or left leaning parties. President Trump has stayed out of the race.
Ironically, the candidate Obama endorsed, Macron, would be
far more comfortable with Trump than Le Pen, and the traditional French left wing
parties should be upset the former American Democratic president did not help
What are the main political parties in France that
self-destructed in the primary?
UMP - Union for a Popular Movement - (Union
pour un Mouvement Populaire)
PS - Socialist Party - (Parti Socialiste)
MoDem - Democratic Movement - (Mouvement démocrate)
PCF - French Communist Party - (Parti Communiste Français)
Verts - The Greens - (Les Verts)
NC - New Centre - (Nouveau Centre)
Just remember that these are the major parties and France has a
seemingly endless number of legitimate parties for a multitude of causes.
The following quotes from The London Telegraph provide a rather good assessment of the
candidates and race.
"As for the two
candidates for president, Emmanuel Macron is a member of the En Marche! party while
Marine Le Pen is a member of the National Front. Needless to say, none of the top French
parties can take credit for either candidate which makes this election unique..
One outcome of
the French presidential election on Sunday is certain: Europe
won't be the same.
The choice between
candidates, however, could hardly be more stark.
A victory by far-right
candidate Marine Le Pen would shake the foundations of the Western world.
President Trump's victory was seen as consequential in Europe,
but a Le Pen win would be incomparably more significant, some liberals say.
Whereas Trump has frequently changed his mind on issues, Le Pen's agenda
has remained virtually unchanged for years. She has vowed to pull France out
of NATO's
military command, the euro
zone and the European Union. Few doubt that she would deliver.
Her centrist opponent,
Emmanuel Macron, who is leading in the polls, takes an opposing view: His
pro-European agenda is based on a neoliberal economic approach and on
a moderate stance on social issues. He would also be the most pro-American
French president in a long time.
With Macron as French
president, the U.S. will
encounter a much stronger, strategic, self-confident, forward-thinking France and therefore Europe,” said Nicholas
Dungan, a senior fellow at the D.C.-based Atlantic Council who works in France. “The U.S., whether it understands it or not, needs a
strong Europe.”
Americans who live in France say there are several reasons that a
Macron victory could benefit the United States. France is a strong NATO ally and has
recently conducted airstrikes against the Islamic State alongside the United States
and other nations. French forces have also participated in NATO operations
in Afghanistan.
Le Pen, however, wants to cooperate more closely with Russia instead of the United States."
The astonishing poll collapse of the Hillary Clinton campaign in the ABC News Washington Post tracking survey dropped to a single digit lead Sunday, a change of 11 points in one week. Her is what the Washington Post had to say in explaining the amazing fall.
Post-ABC poll finds tight presidential race, with mixed reaction to FBI’s review of Clinton’s emails
"Republicans' growing unity behind their presidential nominee, Donald Trump, has helped pull him just 1 percentage point behind Hillary Clinton and has placed GOP leaders who resist him in a vulnerable position, according to the latest Washington Post-ABC News Tracking Poll."
According to the Post they explain the collapse in the following way.
"Greater Republican unity has buoyed Trump's rising support, which has wavered throughout the year. Trump's 87 percent support among self-identified Republicans, ticking up from 83 percent last week, nearly matches Clinton's 88 percent support among Democrats. Independents also have moved sharply in Trump's direction, from favoring Clinton by eight points one week ago to backing Trump by 19 points."
More Weiner Woes as Hillary Clinton
caught between Bill Clinton and Anthony Weiner sexual antics.
Today ABC announced Clinton's
lead now 2%, within margin of error, just five days after the same poll showed a
12% Clinton landslide!
As the liberal media rushes to explain away the stunning FBI
reopening of the Hillary Clinton email investigation, the ABC News tracking
poll reported this morning, Saturday, Clinton now has a 2% lead over Trump. Of course this was before the FBI report yesterday afternoon.
Of course, ABC and the Washington Post have no logical
explanation for the greatest poll collapse in presidential history as ABC
reported a 12 or 13% lead for Clinton
just five days ago and this morning reported a 2% lead. No candidate for president has ever lost a
double-digit lead in just five days.
Professional apologists for the network blamed the dramatic
collapse on a settling of voters into the Trump column, yet this supposed
settling happened before the FBI bombshell hit the news. Just a few days ago liberal media said the
election was over based on the double-digit lead of Clinton, a lead that has now evaporated into
thin air.
The Clinton
campaign demands the FBI release the newly discovered emails from the Anthony
Weiner criminal investigation, after refusing to discuss them for the past
year. Mr. Weiner, a former disgraced Democratic congressman from New York, is
married to Huma Abedin, the top aide to Clinton who has been her eyes and ears
for 20 years. Is this a desperate move that could backfire, if Weiner's
wife kept emails on her husband's computer, only time will tell.
All major tracking polls show the race a dead heat for the
first time. Gone is the news media
speculation that there would be a Clinton
landslide. News media like ABC News and
the Washington Post have a lot to explain and the next round of polls should
show for the first time the real status of the election.
Tactics by the biased news media to attempt to influence the
election should be a matter of debate for years to come.
Assange signals release of documents before U.S. election
By Andrea Shalal,Reuters
By Andrea Shalal
(Reuters) - WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said on Tuesday the organization
would publish around one million documents related to the U.S. election
and three governments, but denied the release was aimed at damaging Hillary
He said the documents would be released before the end of
the year, starting with an initial batch in the coming week.
He criticized Clinton, the Democratic presidential
candidate, for demonizing the group's work after a spate of releases related to
the Democratic National Committee before the Democratic convention this summer.
Assange said her campaign had falsely suggested that
accessing WikiLeaks data would make users vulnerable to malicious software.
But he denied the release of documents related to the U.S. election was specifically geared to damage Clinton, saying he had
been misquoted.
Assange also signaled changes in the way WikiLeaks is
organized and funded, saying the group would soon open itself to membership. He
said the group was looking to expand its work beyond the 100 media outlets it
works with.
Assange, 45, spoke via a video link at an event marking
the 10th anniversary of the group's founding. He remains in the Eucador Embassy
in London where he sought refuge in 2012 to
avoid possible extradition to Sweden,
where he is wanted for questioning over allegations that he committed rape in
Assange denies the allegations and says he fears extradition
to the United States,
where a criminal investigation into the activities of WikiLeaks is underway.
He told a packed news conference at a Berlin theater the group's work would
continue, even if he had to resign in the future, and he appealed to supporters
to fund the group's work, and said several new books were forthcoming.
Assange said Britain's vote to leave the
European Union could complicate his case by limiting his ability to appeal to
the European Court of Justice.
Asked how he felt after four years in the embassy, he
said "pale" and joked he would be a good candidate for medical study
since he was otherwise healthy but had not seen the sun in over four years.
(Reporting by Andrea Shalal; Editing by
Madeline Chambers and Janet Lawrence)
vows to release 'significant' material on US election
Berlin (AFP) -
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange pledged Tuesday to publish
"significant" new material on the US election before the November 8
vote, speaking on the 10th anniversary of the online leaking platform.
Assange said there were "enormous expectations in
the United States"
about the material and that "some of that expectation will be partly
answered", with "a lot of fascinating angles" in the documents.
"Do they show interesting features of US power
factions? Yes they do," he said, addressing an anniversary event in Berlin via videolink.
On why WikiLeaks was holding back for now, he added that
"if we're going to make a major publication in relation to the United
States at a particular hour, we don't do it at 3:00 am," referring to the
time in the eastern United States.
He also said that "we hope to be publishing every
week for the next 10 weeks," promising documents on the subjects of war,
arms, oil, Google and mass surveillance.
Assange -- speaking from the Ecuadorean embassy in
London, where he has been holed up for over four years to avoid being
extradited to Sweden to face rape allegations -- hailed WikiLeaks for releasing
10 million documents over the past decade, exposing state and corporate
He pledged that WikiLeaks would seek to expand its
activities with extra staff and new media partnerships, with plans to hire 100
more journalists over the next three years.
"We're going to need... an army to defend us from
the pressure that is already starting to arrive," said Assange, wearing a
black T-shirt with the word "truth" on it.
On the eve of the US Democratic Party convention in July,
WikiLeaks published some 20,000 internal emails pointing at an apparent bias of
its leaders for Clinton
during the primary campaign.
Assange charged that WikiLeaks was now the target of a
witch hunt orchestrated in particular by Clinton,
likening it to the repression of American communists in the 1950s driven by
then senator Joseph McCarthy.
Assange said WikiLeaks would scale up to "amplify
our publications and to defend us against what is really a quite remarkable
McCarthyist push in the United States at the moment, principally by Hillary
Clinton and her allies because she happens to be the person being exposed at
the moment".
Asked whether he felt affinity with Clinton's Republican rival Donald Trump, he
said: "I feel personal affinity with all human beings. Through
understanding someone, you can feel sorry for them.
"I certainly feel sorry for Hillary
Clinton and Donald Trump. These are two people who are tormented by their
Assange moves speech to Berlin
due to 'specific information'
Assangehas moved
a much-anticipated press conference on Tuesday from London
to Berlin,
citing unspecified "specific information."
who has been living in asylum in Ecuador's
embassy in London
for four years, had been scheduled to deliver a speech from his balcony during
which it was expected he would release information that could be damaging to US
presidential candidateHillary
Clinton. Assange had said in August he planned to release
"significant" information about the Democratic nominee before theNovember 8 election.
change in venue, which WikiLeaks announced in atweetMonday,
came just hours after the document-leaking site tweeted a report that quoted Clinton as appearing to
suggest use of a drone strike against Assange. According toTrue Pundit, Clinton asked during a
2010 State Department meeting about WikiLeaks and Assange, "Can't we just
drone this guy?"
The quote,
allegedly made while Clinton
was serving as Secretary of State, was included in a massive trove of
classified State Department documents that Wikileaks began releasing later that
for WikiLeaks and Clinton's campaign didn't immediately respond to requests for
WikiLeaks foundersought asylum from Ecuador in 2012after Swedish investigators issued a
European arrest warrant for Assange that required British police to detain and
extradite him. He is trying to avoid extradition to Sweden
out of fear he would then be extradited to the US to face questioning over
classified material published on WikiLeaks.
Published: 09:38 EST, 27 September 2016 | Updated: 12:37 EST, 27 September 2016
A retired Michigan
man decided it wasn't enough to put a Donald Trump campaign sign in his front
yard to show his support for the controversial Republican candidate.
Instead, Almont
resident Wally Maslowsky, decided to mow 'TRUMP' in huge letters into the grass
of his 8-acre lawn in LapeerCounty.
Drone footage taken
from the air shows how expansive the sign spreads across the land.
Measured from the
front of the 'T' to the back of the 'P', is 330 feet, while the letters are
176-feet high, making the entire creation over 58,000 square feet, Maslowsky
told CBS Detroit.
Maslowsky worked at
General Motors before retiring, and came up with the idea during his spare time
'I was cutting out
there one day and I said, well, it would be pretty neat to put a sign in here,'
he told CBS.
'Being that I've got
a design background I just kind of came in the house and laid it out and
plotted some points kinda like you're doing a survey when you're laying out a
basement for a house.'
Maslowsky says the
project took about four or five hours over the weekend to complete.
Maslowsky told the
station that there is a lot of support for Donald Trump in the area around
Hillary Clinton still
leads Trump 38%-35% in Michigan,
according to the latest polls.
'I decided, well, I
could do this; so just for the heck of it I did it,' Maslowsky said.
'I mean, that's what
retired people do to keep busy, right? …Either that or sit in front of the TV
and get old.'
Maslowsky said he
didn't think the sign would become a big deal, until his daughter-in-law posted
pictures of what he had done to Twitter.
'And I said, well,
you know, I didn't do this for the news or anything, I'm not looking for any
kind of publicity, and she says, ''Well, why'd you do it?''
'I said, just for
fun, just to do it! Let the planes see it when they fly over.'
If polls only included media
pundits, Hillary Clinton would have won Monday’s debate by a landslide, but
online surveys had Donald Trump as theyugewinner.
Drudge Report online vote had 80 percent of respondents giving the victory to
Trump, and a survey had the Republican nominee leading Clinton by 4 percentage
points – 52 percent to 48 percent – after more than 1,300,000 votes were cast.
CNBC and Breitbart votes also had Trump winning the event, at New
York’s HofstraUniversity.
A Fox
News online vote had Trump winning with 50 percent of respondents, Clinton at
35 percent and the other 15 percent declaring no one won.
online surveys are not scientific and, in many cases, supporters of either
candidate can cast multiple ballots. Still, the disconnect in judging Trump’s
performance was reminiscent of the Republican Party primary, when pundits often
said his competitors bested him while online polls put him on top.
say the online votes are a good gauge of enthusiasm, which could mean Trump’s
performance was enough to energize those who already backed him.
were near unanimous in finding Clinton was more disciplined and armed with
greater recall of facts, but Trump’s supporters believe his blunt style and
unconventional background are among his best attributes.
best moment, according to Stuart Tarlow, of American Thinker, came when he
distinguished himself from Clinton
based on their disparate backgrounds. Trump characterized his opponent as a
"typical politician," who knows how to make statements and promises
that sound good, but who never actually gets things done, Tarlow wrote.
experts agree the winner and loser won’t be determined based on arcane rules of
debating. Hillary’s mission was to come off as well-versed on the facts and
warm, while Trump’s goal was to appear capable of filling the role of chief
The real
test of who won and who lost will likely come in the next wave of scientific
polling in what has become a dead-even race. If Trump continues to surge in key
battleground states, it will be taken as evidence he accomplished what he
needed to in the debate. If Clinton
stops or even reverses his momentum, she may be retroactively declared the
Panetta, professor of communication studies at the University of Georgia and
director of the Georgia Debate Union, said Trump got out of the gate fast, but
then struggled.
Donald Trump was strong in the first 20 minutes of the debate he faltered badly
as the debate progressed,” Panetta said.
Not since the days of
the Civil War when the news media tried to destroy President Abraham Lincoln
have we seen such blatant lies pour forth from the mouths of the defenders of
There is a reason 94% of Americans do not trust the news
media according to the latest Gallup
survey. They lie, they cover up, they
magnify untruths, and they are journalistic frauds.
Yesterday Donald Trump held a news conference in the middle
of the Democratic National Committee Convention. It was a move never before attempted by a
candidate for president. So what?
After two days of borderline libelous attacks from the pit
bulls speaking at the DNC Convention, Trump, fed up with the lack of fact
checking by our news media, wanted to fight back. Every news release from the Clinton campaign was duly published as gospel
truth by the media who seem to have no idea what the gospel is all about.
In fact, recent DNC emails posted by Julian Assange and
WikiLeaks in England showed
that members of the media were already committing the fatal act of pre-checking
stories with the Clinton
Now the same hypocrites are claiming Trump is guilty of
treason for something the transcript says he never said. Excuse me, he never said?
Yet it only gets better as the feeding frenzy of the crooked
media inspired an even greater frenzy in the politicians from the left who
consider themselves the defenders of the Clinton Legacy the rewards loyalty
with corrupt payoffs.
To wit, when WikiLeaks released the DNC emails the firestorm
of unethical and possibly illegal action by the staff resulted in the forced
resignation of one of the greatest liars in politics, Debbie Wasserman Schultz,
head of the DNC, Obama appointee, Hillary supporter, and Sanders saboteur.
Then, when thrown off the platform of the Convention in
disgrace, there was Hillary whose campaign helped engineer the departure for
things Hillary said she knew nothing about.
Before the ink even dried in the newspapers, Hillary hired Debbie into a
senior campaign position. Did the media
note this strange act, not a word.
My friends, corruption is the new standard in American
politics and hypocrisy is the main tool to mislead the public. We are in serious trouble because the
corruption has spread from the government, political parties, and politics to
the news media, those protected by our Constitution.
The only court that can stop the manipulator of mass
hysteria is the court of public opinion and you have demonstrated awareness in
the polls, now it is time to demonstrate by your actions. It is time to pull the plug on the phony
media, disconnect from the phony cable stations, cancel the newspaper
subscriptions polluting our intellectual elite, and stop the nonsense.
We will post a Hall of Shame of those members of the news
media who are a disgrace to the concept of high journalistic standards and we
hope you shun them until they are no more.
Following is the latest American Press Institute Report on the public perception of, can the news
media be trusted.
American Press Institute Report
Only 6% of Americans trust the media – survey
Published time: 18 Apr, 2016 23:35
Associated Press Report
As accusations of bias fly during an election year, a new report shows that
Americans have serious misgivings about the media, with only six percent saying
they have “a great deal of confidence” in the press.
A survey
of more than 2,000 adults released on Sunday showed that trust in the media has
dipped to dramatically low levels. About 52 percent of respondents said they
have “some confidence” in
the press, while 41 percent said they have “hardly
any confidence.”
the last two decades, research shows the public has grown increasingly
skeptical of the news industry,” the report from the American
Press Institute reads. “The
study reaffirms that consumers do value broad concepts of trust like fairness,
balance, accuracy, and completeness. At least two-thirds of Americans cite each
of these four general principles as very important to them.” According
to the study, most people couldn’t name a specific instance that damaged their
confidence in the media, but about 40 percent could remember a case, generally
involving a report that turned out to be inaccurate or was perceived as biased,
which caused them to lose their trust. “The
most important thing that news organizations can do is be accurate, and while
we know that is a high value, this study reinforces that,” Margaret Sullivan,
public editor of the New York Times, told the Associated
Press. The most
essential quality for media institutions is accuracy, with 85 percent of
respondents saying it’s extremely or very important for them to get the facts
straight. Seventy-six percent said that timeliness is critical. While
social media has changed the way many people encounter news, it’s not
necessarily for the better. Although 87 percent said they receive news via
Facebook, for example, only 12 percent said they trust it “a lot or a great deal.” The social
network with the highest trust rating was LinkedIn, and even then the level
confidence was only 23 percent. While the
report didn’t point out any specific recent instances that have led to the
erosion in public trust, the AP pointed to a Rolling Stone article on a campus
rape that received widespread coverage in the US, but ultimately had to be
retracted. It also highlighted inaccurate reports on the Supreme Court’s first
ruling upholding Obamacare. There have
also been accusations of biased coverage of the current presidential campaigns,
especially with respect to outsider candidates such as Donald Trump and Vermont
Senator Bernie Sanders. The
American Press Institute report comes in the wake of a September 2015 Gallup
poll which found that only 7 percent of Americans have a great deal of trust in
the media, with about 33 percent saying they had a fair amount, and 60 percent
claiming they had either little or no trust in the media.
Did FBI Director
James Comey stand alone in defending America's Future?
The FBI Hoover Legacy
Twice in the past century the FBI stood alone in saving the
American Dream for future generations and it appears Director James Comey did
it a third time with his stunning, provocative, and explosive news conference
on Tuesday, just hours before President Obama was to appear with Hillary Clinton
on the Presidential campaign trail.
For those with no sense of history controversial FBI
Director J. Edgar Hoover stood alone in the dangerous world of politics and
used the resources of the FBI he built to alter the course of American history.
The first happened early in Hoover's career when he stood up to the La
Casa Nostra, better known as the Mafia.
This criminal syndicate from Sicily set
out to control the major towns of America through corruption of
public officials, control of all entertainment vices, coercion, black mail, and
strong-armed techniques.
With their iron-fisted control of cities like New York City, Chicago, Philadelphia, Miami, Havana, New Orleans, Kansas City, and Los Angeles
among others, not to mention their safe havens of Las Vegas
and Atlantic City,
much of the American law enforcement and judicial systems were under the
control of the mob.
Hoover, alone among all
public servants, set out to destroy the mafia control of America in one
of the most prolonged and bloody periods of our domestic history. It was a battle waged from the 1930's until
his death in 1972.
During the same period, the threat from Communism also shook
the foundations of American intelligence, and the FBI under Hoover
was America's front wall for
counter-intelligence against the Soviet Union.
Competition among the nation's intelligence agencies and
Communist infiltration of the agencies left Hoover as the last line of defense for the
nation. This activity continued from the
1930's through the 1950's in earnest.
Such was the power of Hoover
that even presidents could not touch him as both President Truman and President
Kennedy failed in efforts to get rid of him.
Appointed the sixth director of the Bureau of Investigations in 1924,
the predecessor to the FBI, Hoover
founded and became first Director of the FBI in 1935.
During his career as Director of the BOI and FBI, an
astonishing span of forty-eight years, he served eight presidents from Calvin
Coolidge to Richard Nixon. Congress even
granted Hoover a waiver from the mandatory retirement law.
The James Comey FBI of Today
Now we jump to the present with the FBI under the control of
the seventh director, James Comey. He
spent most of his career in the Justice Department earning appointments from
Presidents George Bush, Jr. and Barack Obama.
His reputation for honesty, integrity, and non-partisanship
helped him secure major nominations from both presidents and their respective
political parties. No one has questioned
his decisions and actions as Director, until Tuesday of this week.
In order to understand the potential role he played in
American political history, one must first know the bizarre situation that
evolved in this presidential campaign like no previous campaign in political
Not only do we have two candidates with the highest
unfavorable rating in history, both Democrat and Republican parties face a
citizen's revolt against the establishment.
Unfortunately, for those in power, the establishment includes the
politicians, news media, Wall Street, the financial sector, special interests,
the one percent, and the one-tenth of one percent super rich.
Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are the sole survivors to
this point in the nominating process.
Both operate under a cloud of suspicion and neither has done much to
counter the mistrust. No matter who
wins, they will be among the richest presidents in our history.
is the by-product of the Bill Clinton family legacy which covers everything but
family values. She is the ultimate
establishment candidate, pledged to carry on the many unpopular and failed
policies of President Obama from war to health care to protection of Wall
Street and big business.
The Hillary candidacy faces many problems including the
provocative reputation of her husband, and the fact she and Bill are
card-carrying members of the one percent and one-tenth of one percent demons
labeled the super rich. Her income the
past two years, thanks to Goldman Sachs, was staggering.
Bernie Sanders and wife Jane reported an income of $205,000
last year. The same year, Hillary
Clinton made an average of $233,600 per speech.
gave 45 speeches in 2014 for a total sum of $10.5 million. Hillary and Bill Clinton's total income in
2014 is $27.9 million.
From the Clinton Foundation to the Goldman speeches the Clinton's are the Golden
Family of Wall Street and the super rich.
Hundreds of millions of dollars flow from the corporate giants to the Clintons.
Such is the playground of the super rich that the cost for a
couple at the head table with Hillary Clinton, George Clooney and his wife,
attorney Amal Clooney, at an April 15 California Bay area fundraiser, was a
whopping $353,400 — a huge ticket price even by Hollywood standards.
A second event starring Hillary and the Clooneys, on April
16, where Clinton and the Clooneys reunited at the Clooney Los Angeles mansion,
cost $33,400 per person to dine at the table with one of Hollywood’s most glamorous couples.
“An obscene
amount of money,” is how George Clooney described the estimated $15 million
raised at the weekend Hillary Clinton fundraisers Clooney co-hosted.
“The Bernie Sanders campaign, when they talk about it, is
absolutely right,” Clooney told NBC’s Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd in an
interview after the events. “It’s
ridiculous that we should have this kind of money in politics. I agree
“Yes, I think it’s an obscene amount of money,” Clooney told
Todd. “I think that, you know, we had some protesters last night when we
pulled up in San Francisco
and they’re right to protest. They’re absolutely right. It is an obscene amount
of money.”
To put this in perspective, Hillary plans to spend nearly
$1.5 billion, yes billion, during the presidential campaign while Trump may
spend substantially less, though the billionaire already contributed over $50
million of his own money to his campaign.
The Clinton email FBI Investigation
Hillary has faced another difficult challenge, resulting
from her contentious relationship with a Congressional Committee investigating
her handling of the Benghazi disaster in Libya when she was Secretary of State and terrorists
murdered four Americans, including the US Ambassador.
During the course of the investigation, Hillary revealed she
had a private server in her house that managed all her email correspondence
during her term as Secretary. Because
the White House and State Department did not approve it and she handled
classified and top secret information on it a firestorm erupted.
The FBI launched an investigation of the Clinton email server and handling of
classified and top secret documents. This
week that investigation finally ended, just a couple of weeks before Hillary's
formal nomination for president. Before
I offer the details, let me add a couple of more pieces to the puzzle.
With Hillary under investigation by the FBI, President Obama
several months ago declared the investigation would find no evidence to indict
Hillary, his heir apparent to the presidency.
It was an extraordinary action taken by a president when the
investigation was still underway.
The Bill Clinton Caper
On June 9 Obama endorsed Clinton even though Bernie Sanders was, and
still remains, in the nomination race, another bizarre event. Then on Monday, June 27, Bill Clinton threw a
monkey wrench into the mix when he secretly met, he thought, with the Attorney
General of the United States Loretta Lynch.
As the leading Justice Department official in the Obama
Administration who also oversees the FBI, she would decide the email case
against Bill's wife Hillary. Unbeknownst
to the players, someone was watching, and reported it to the press.
Later Ms. Lynch said the meeting with Mr. Clinton was
unplanned, largely social and did not touch on the email investigation. She
suggested that he walked uninvited from his plane to her government plane, both
of which parked on a tarmac at PhoenixSkyHarborInternationalAirport.
A chance meeting between the husband of the woman under
investigation, and the person in charge of the investigation, while the
investigation by the FBI was still in progress, does not meet the rules of
conduct for officers of the judiciary.
Apparently, no one was present during the thirty-nine minute meeting and
another firestorm erupted.
In response to the press uproar and the Republican tirade
against a "fixed" investigation, the Attorney General held yet
another bizarre event, a news interview, to say she would accept whatever
recommendation came from the FBI regarding the Clinton investigation. As the head of the Justice, she could
approve, reject, or change the results of the FBI report.
Hillary's Secret Meeting with FBI
The next day, Saturday of the Fourth of July weekend,
Hillary secretly gave her testimony to the FBI in Washington for three and one half hours, a
meeting not disclosed until Monday, July 4.
Now suspicions raged as the Obama Administration had already announced
that the President would take Hillary on Air Force One, and campaign with her
on Tuesday, July 5, in North Carolina.
No matter what the two candidates did or said the Fourth of
July weekend it was buried in the controversy over the meeting of Bill Clinton
with Lynch, and Hillary campaigning with the president.
Then, just before President Obama and Hillary boarded Air
Force One on Tuesday, July 5, the series of bombshells morphed into a nuclear
With no advance notice and no fanfare, the FBI Director
called a News conference to announce the findings of the FBI investigation of
the Hillary emails, though it had been less than seventy-two hours since his
agency interviewed Clinton
over the July 4 weekend.
Pandemonium broke loose as the news media scrambled to cover
the Washington, D.C. news conference in FBI headquarters since
most media staff were already on the road covering campaign stops.
FBI Director ends Clinton Investigation
James Comey stepped to the microphone and proceeded to
describe in astounding detail all the ways Hillary Clinton and her staff had
violated federal laws and regulations and endangered the national security of America
with her careless handling of classified material.
CNN lies (Double click for full view)
After over ten minutes of detailing the mismanagement and
reckless nature of the Clinton people, including saying it was probable foreign
adversaries hacked her private system, he closed by dropping yet another
nuclear explosion when he said the FBI would not recommend prosecuting Clinton
or her staff.
RNC lies (Double click for full view)
Then he walked away without taking any questions.
The news media and Internet exploded with information about
the unscheduled news conference by the FBI Director, as the President and
Hillary flew off to North Carolina. At the political rally in North Carolina
Obama and Clinton did not mention the FBI report.
According to Director Comey, he did not notify the Attorney
General or the White House about the crucial news conference to avoid the
appearance of impropriety. The entire
government seemed paralyzed by the news conference and the findings as the FBI
never discussed the details of an investigation before a resolution of the case
was completed.
Now, the firestorm has become an inferno as Republicans and
the media have questioned how the FBI Director could provide a condemning
investigation of Hillary filled with documentation of her reckless and
dangerous actions, yet refuse to recommend an indictment.
Congressional Committees summoned both Comey and Lynch to
appear before Congressional hearings this week to explain the bizarre sequence
of actions which Donald Trump calls the fixed and rigged system in America. Obama and Clinton have been silent except for
a Clinton
campaign comment that the action ends the case.
Today, Wednesday of the same week, Attorney General Lynch
announced she supported the FBI action of no indictment and declared the case
closed. Shortly after it was reported she
was offered an appointment by the Clinton's
to remain as Attorney General, yet another illegal act according to federal
The FBI to the Rescue again
So how do such rapidly accelerating events that overpowered
the media and divided our nation result in the FBI saving America again?
Suppose for a moment that as Director of the FBI James Comey
was well aware of the pressure to whitewash the Clinton email criminal investigation. President Obama had declared there was no
crime long before the conclusion of the investigation.
No matter what Comey recommended regarding the FBI probe,
there were several additional opportunities for the Administration to change
the recommendations. First, the Justice
Department and prosecutors would review it and then the Attorney General would
review and approve it. Finally, if it
was crucial like this ruling would be, the White House and President could step
in to the review and approval process.
Thus, there were four very strong reviews after the FBI
delivered recommendations that could derail any effort to indict Clinton, the Justice
Department, federal prosecutors, Attorney General Lynch, and President Obama
and the White House.
Since Obama had long before declared Hillary's innocence,
she was now the Democratic Party candidate for President of the United States,
and Obama was going out on the campaign trail to help her beat Trump, what
chance was there for any FBI recommendation to pursue an indictment.
Two decades ago, the Clinton
family had demonstrated how to manipulate the federal government and congress
with the multiple affairs of the sitting president, and his impeachment for
lying to congress. He spent seven
million dollars in legal funds and walked away as one of the most popular
presidents in modern history. Goldman
Sachs then helped pay off the legal fees and over the next sixteen years made
the Clintons
Make no mistake America
is in the hands of special interests thanks to Wall Street, the financial
institutions, and their stranglehold over corporate America and our political campaign
financing. Hillary is the Golden Girl of
Wall Street. What chance did a
recommendation from the FBI Director have of approval by the very
Administration relying on Clinton
to protect the Obama legacy?
Faced with a hopeless situation to expose the truth about Clinton, a huge break
came when the Lynch - Bill Clinton meeting was exposed. The Attorney General, forced to say she would
guarantee the FBI recommendations would face no interference from her, assured
that the FBI findings would be independent of the Justice Department. The meek effort at transparency would come to
haunt the Administration.
After Clinton's secret
interview with the FBI over the holiday weekend and the President announced
plans to campaign with Hillary the day after Independence Day, it was clear the
White House thought the Clinton
affair was over. Obama decided to move
forward in his support for Clinton
as if the email case was a done deal.
A Secret Strategy to Expose the Truth?
Only one strategy would enable the release of all the
investigation findings in time to impact on the 2016 presidential
election. It was not to recommend an
indictment when four more reviews could throw it out. The FBI Director must issue a damning report
to the media, which detailed the massive carelessness and national security
exposure of the Clinton
classified email abuses.
With the pledge of FBI independence from the Attorney
General, Comey was free to set his own method, timing, and format for releasing
the FBI report. He scheduled it at the
last moment before the President and Hillary boarded a plane to campaign in North Carolina.
The media, caught totally off guard, had political reporters
waiting in North Carolina
and following the Trump campaign. The
White House and Clinton
campaign were shocked when they learned the FBI Director was issuing his report
without anyone from the Administration reviewing it in advance.
As Director Comey stood before the national media and gave a
litany of all the abuses by Clinton
and her staff, and the dire consequences for national security, everyone
listening waited for the confirmation of an indictment.
There was a final trick up the sleeve of Comey, and it would
once again send shock waves through the political system. He did not call for an indictment but
expressed a lame excuse about intent not being sufficient. Once again, there was total shock.
When he refused to be questioned by reporters, and walked off
the platform, everyone was bewildered.
The next day the Attorney General approved the FBI
recommendation and closed the Hillary Clinton case. As a result, the entire records of the
investigation were no longer secret because it was no longer an active investigation.
Could it be that the Director of the FBI knew there were
powerful forces manipulating behind the scenes to keep control of the White
House by exonerating Clinton
and making her president? Is it possible
he knew no recommendation for an indictment could survive the review
It is possible the FBI Director knew the only way to get the
full story out including all the findings of the FBI investigation before the
presidential election was to refuse to indict, thus causing a firestorm reaction
from the GOP and public. This, in turn,
would result in Congressional hearings where he would be compelled to disclose
the entire FBI investigative case.
There was only one way to stop the Clinton, Obama, and Wall
Street machine from controlling the outcome of the investigation and the
presidential election and that is full disclosure and true transparency. Both will result from the provocative actions
by James Comey.
In the end, FBI Director Comey may be the true hero for
exposing the truth. If so, once again
the FBI will have come to the rescue of America during our time of greatest