Showing posts with label liberals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label liberals. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 04, 2020

The Melchizedek Chronicles – America post Impeachment – The Biggest Loser – the News Media who Abandoned America!

Unbelievably, Speaker Pelosi and her posse are not the biggest loser in the Democrats three-year odyssey to deny the American voter their duly elected president.  While it is true the American Constitution was under the greatest assault in our history, in the end the wisdom of the Founding Fathers and the Constitution withstood and defeated the attack.

But the news media, that is an entirely different matter.  You see, the Fourth Estate as they are known wandered far, far from the protection of the Constitution in their total breakdown of honor, fairness, logic, and honesty.

The members of what was once a highly honorable profession which used to claim to be the people’s watchdog over government sold its soul to the Devil when trapped in their obsession of destroying President Trump and their relentless efforts to undermine his presidency.

Unfortunately, the media mental meltdown also dragged several Democratic party officials and elitist federal bureaucrats with them into the abyss of endless lies, fake news, extreme bias, spewing hatred, and polarizing a nation.

Never in modern history have so many media people collectively demonstrated such a sorry lack of common sense, fairness, or any of the good qualities one might expect from the media.  Night after night the media happily crossed the line of fairness and honesty in reporting and the conflicts of interest in the media were rampant and sinister.

It seems as if the media empires dedicated themselves to hiring a cadre of news anchors and reporters who were basically soulless, without morality or ethics, historically dumb, and void of any good manners and decorum.  They single handed destroyed the once proud reputations of many a great journalism school.

I am not asking you to believe me, mind you, but look at the record.

Broadcast networks saw their precious Nielsen ratings crash before their very eyes.  The people of America cut the cord to broadcast media by the millions.  It was not just the news that people stopped watching but the seemingly endless sting of network awards shows from the Oscars to Grammys, the Emmys to Tony awards, even to the sporting world.

The radical liberal hatred of the news media penetrated speeches, themes, and actions by nominees and Oscar winners from the Red Carpet to the winner’s podium.  The more dominant the bias became over the years the faster the public pulled the plug on them as their ratings crashed as well.

It did not help that at the same time the entertainment idols of the political fundraising machines for the liberals were “exposed” in the sexual assault scandals by the lords of the industry like Harvey Weinstein, or the sex trafficking by Jeffrey Epstein.

Throughout the rapid descent of people like Weinstein and Epstein the media protected these criminals with false news, watered down coverage, or simply ignoring the story.   It was a case of liberals against liberals, power, and money, against the people as deep divides within the party surfaced.

From the day Trump took the presidency 93% of all news stories were negative toward the president.  During the last three months of the impeachment insanity almost 100% of the stories were negative.

Even that was not enough for the pack of rabid creatures in the news rooms as they reported fake fact checkers, created fake news, enticed the bureaucratic allies inside the government to help undermine the Administration, and created a dangerous bond with the Obama Administration top officials in the intelligence services including FBI and CIA, the national security officials, State Department, Justice Department, and perhaps the White House.

I say “perhaps” on the latter because people seem to have forgotten the Attorney General and his broad-reaching criminal investigation that could lead to the criminal indictment of many government officials and political hacks, only this time on the liberal side.  The AG will not be issuing subpoenas like the helpless House Democrats failed to do, but will issue criminal indictments.

Once threatened, our Constitution will take all necessary action to protect itself and the integrity of the people who elected the president, whether it be Trump or someone else.  The endless stream of lies, lies, and more lies from the Democrat leaders and news media are not without consequence.

The punishment for this three-year fiasco will be handed out by the American voters in the election this fall.  Do not be surprised if Trump sweeps the Democrats out of office and regains the House, strengths his hold on the Senate, and runs away with his own re-election.

The fingerprints of evil are all over the actions of the House and News media.  People, by nature, do not embrace evil.  So, what explains the proliferation of bad people in politics and the news services?  When potentially good people do bad things, fear traps them and they madly strike out against all perceived villains.

Such fear is an open invitation to evil, an entity powered by the spiritual world and fallen angels.  They have a single purpose in their existence, to find weak and fearful people, to take possession of the person, and to destroy their soul.  If you take possession of people in high places all the better because then you can reach multiple weak souls through them and the platforms they occupy in politics or the media.

The good news, God is not about to let them win in the end.  God loves all creations and will never give up on them, even if contaminated by evil.  Are you willing to give up any chance for eternal Oneness with God, immortality, because you fail to seek and pursue the Truth?

All of you can play a key role in illuminating the darkness by exposing the Truth.  Demand Truth from those who influence you, especially from politicians and News media.  Truth and light are the enemies of evil.  Seek Truth and you will illuminate the darkness and end the dominance of evil in our lives.

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Melchizedek Chronicles - Impeachment - Last Gasp of the Progressive/Liberal Establishment and Mainstream Media Mouthpieces?

As the media feeding frenzy rages on and the Dump Trumpsters are foaming at the mouth there are several upcoming events with the potential to far overshadow the political circus in our nation's capitol.  In truth, these yet to happen events have the potential to suck the life out of the political establishment that now is on life-support systems.

Collapse of New Old World Order

Of course, the backdrop for what might happen should be warning enough to the Trump haters who dominate the main street news and clog the arteries of the Capitol in Washington, DC.  You see, as the impeachment vortex swirls around Washington, DC and New York City, the last remnants of the old New World Order advocates, the general public has already rejected the zealots.

Confidence in Congress and the news media in America has crashed to the lowest levels ever seen and the public believes well over half of all news media reports are fake, phony or fabricated.  At the same time every media vestige of the elite left is suffering crashing ratings or sales as thousands of people a month continue to cut the chord of media blabber.

Even the slavery platforms of social media who attempted to hijack the news forums from the mouthpieces of mainstream media to push the radical liberal agenda have blown their credibility as well, through their relentless efforts to violate every last bit of privacy in America.  The public views them as the greedy conduit for fake news.

The liberal house of cards is crashing down as the advocates for polarization, hatred and division are losing their voices to reason.  The underlying foundation for impeachment, besides self-preservation of the elitists and establishment, is that the general public is too stupid to fact check the fact checkers.

Only the People can protect America from harm.

Well, they were wrong.  The American public long ago recognized the dangers to our cherished Republic and the challenges to our Constitution and the attempts to restrict our freedom, rights and equality.

Maybe most politicians and certainly the media could be bought off with billions of dollars of campaign contributions and advertising, but not the public.  We were warned about the dangers by Eisenhower and Lincoln and others, and the people listened.

For the past century there has been a decline in political party influence, which the Dumpsters seem to have missed.  Once upon a time there were only two parties of consequence, the Democrats and Republicans.  In 2016, for the first time in our history, there were more non-party members voting than party.

In fact, here is what is in store for 2020 as the Independents continue to surge ahead of the old establishment parties, policies and politics.

Population Demographics

Total Population 18+                      250 million
Total Eligible Voters                       230 million

Total Registered Voters                 153 million
        Democrats                              48 million         31%
        Republicans                            44 million         29%
        Independents                          58 million         40%

2016 Votes cast                            136 million

The Democratic Debate Debacle

Nowhere is the interest of the public in public affairs more obvious than in the dismal crowds being drawn to the national debates of the herd of Democrat candidates.  Here is what happened over the past few months. 

Debate Watchers (Nielsen ratings)

First Debate                                  15 million
Fourth Debate                                 8.3 million     -46%  
Percent of Voters                                                   16%

Here is the liberal media admission that something is not right when the louder the noise for impeachment, the more people turn off the political camp gatherings called debates and find something better to do.

This is what Variety had to say about the 46% drop in viewers for the debate.

TV Ratings: Fourth Democratic Debate Draws 8.3 Million Viewers

CREDIT: Matt Baron/Rex/Shutterstock

Last night’s Democratic debate, which saw frontrunner Elizabeth Warren come under attack from all sides, drew around 8.3 million total viewers on CNN.

That viewership figure is down 46% on the first NBC debate which was watched by 15.3 million viewers, and also on the two previous CNN debates which garnered 10.7 million (down 22%) and 9 million (down 8%) respectively. None of the Democratic debates so far in this cycle have come near to the 24 million viewership figure posted by Donald Trump’s first debate on Fox News in August of 2015. According to CNN, 9.2 million viewers live streamed the debate in total on both the network’s and NY Times’ digital platforms.


Two notes and there is nothing more to say about this flop of a reality show.  First, the Democratic Demolition Derby called debates has pushed the entire party off the cliff of reality.  They have stampeded so far to the radical left you might as well have Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin on the ballot.  Not even the real Democrats left standing can stomach the socialist agenda being dutifully articulated by the puppets on stage.

Trump Appoints Supreme Court Justice

What the Wizards of the Left are most afraid of is losing control of the Supreme Court to the moderate and conservative philosophies.  Well they will before the 2020 election and before they can impeach and remove Trump from office because Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg will retire before the election.

Justice Ginsberg has been the most powerful female voice in the history of our court and her actions, decisions and dissents have left a legacy for the future.  When she retires, Trump will appoint a conservative justice, his third appointment to the Supreme Court, and Senator McConnell will get it approved by the Senate.

For the first time there will be a clear conservative majority on our nation's highest court and the liberals will lose their ability to protect social programs, generate more liberal reforms, and to restrict conservative voices.  The result will setback the liberal left for decades to come and while they will not admit it, what scares the Trump haters more than Trump is the possibility of a conservative Supreme Court long after Trump has finished as president.

With her ongoing battles with cancer and her long and distinguished service to the nation, we should thank her for her dedication and service and let her prepare for her last battle on Earth.  She has earned the respect of all whether you agree with her or not, and she has brought great style, grace and humor to the court.

Rather than keep her on the bench until Trump can be impeached or wins re-election, she deserves time for herself, her family and preparing for the hereafter where she will be most welcome I am quite sure.

New DOJ Investigations to confirm Conspiracy Theories?

There are two Justice Department investigations still underway that can change the course of impeachment history by undermining the relentless false charges and claims of the Democrats and their Media Mouthpieces.

The Inspector General of the Justice Department is concluding an investigation of possible wrongdoing by government officials during the Trump election campaign.  This was originally supposed to be completed by June but the IG extended it for five months in order to pursue all the leads uncovered.

A second investigation by the Attorney General in which he appointed a career DOJ US Attorney as lead investigator is looking into the origins of the Trump campaign and the possible efforts through the Clinton campaign, Clinton Foundation, and Obama national security and intelligence people to spy on and undermine the Trump campaign.

This investigation has already led the DOJ to Australia, Italy, the UK, the Ukraine and Russia and to the infamous Steele dossier funded by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee, to the tune of millions of dollars.

If half of the conspiracies are proven there will be enough material for a long running TV series but the potential exposures could well threaten the very existence of the current Democratic party as well as a host of high officials in the Obama administration.  This should also be released in the next few weeks.


Monday, October 29, 2018

The 1,000-pound gorilla threatening to send the Democrat Party into "Oblivion’’ - Persecuted and Persuadable

Part 3 of 4 – Persecuted

No one holds a candle to those Democrats when it comes to managing the persecution complex of victims because they manage to exploit both sides of the persecution puzzle.
They use the persecution playbook perfectly.  First, they embrace all victims or imagined victims with enthusiasm, all kinds of victims.  Perhaps there are a few logical explanations for this.  Most lawyers are Democrats and the lawyer associations are among the most powerful and successful special interest groups in the country.

If you are a victim of social abuse, sexual abuse, medical malpractice, human trafficking, overdue student loans, legal drug addiction, opioids, and other related issues championed by the Democrats, you found a home.

Add to that the victims of discrimination, bias, bigotry, hatred, unemployed, misdiagnosed, minority birth, transgender, homosexual, lesbian, African American, Latina, Mexican, South American, well you are welcome.

All kinds of help are available to legally or illegally get you into America, make sure you get food, housing, education, driver’s licenses, social security cards, and jobs when you are here.  Then they give you sanctuary, help you be refugees, and teach you all the ways to get through hearings and other actions by us to establish legal status as refugees.
You are then expected to vote Democratic whenever you are told.

Part 4 of 4 – Persuadable

As for being persuadable, it seems to work just fine in spite of any language barriers.  You are expected to agree with the Democratic party on a number of issues, vote for the candidates you are told to support, and believe the mouthpieces for the Democrats, the Mainstream News Media.

Well I regret to inform those party leaders selling socialism and progressivism that not all those victims need you to tell them what to do, think, and say.  Since when did massive groups of mankind sharing similar abuses, fates and situations, need to rely on just one political party to be their Knight in Shining Armor?

Since when did any room full of men, or women, or teenagers, or races, young and old, agree on practically everything?  We can all think for ourselves, it was one of the promises of the new America.  We all share God-given inalienable rights and are given gifts unique to us and consistent with the Constitutional rights of individual freedom and equal opportunity.

I cannot imagine anyone would give up those rights for freedom and equal opportunity to a political party, especially since most of them or their ancestors fled political persecution or 
racial bias and bigotry to get here in the first place.

Freedom in America means no one can tell us what to do or who to support and once immigrants get here, legally or illegally, if they were sold a bill of worthless goods in the first place, they will soon discover the mistake they made.

No, I tend to believe people came here to think for themselves.  They expect political parties to offer them choices.  In fact, for many years each party offered different choices to accommodate the liberal, moderate and conservative thinkers within their party.

You see, freedom and equal opportunity are the rights you are guaranteed, but our Founding Fathers knew in order to serve the common good of the nation, compromise was the foundation for progress and success.  It was the underlying principle behind our Republic and the essential ingredient for all future survival.

We are testing the scope of compromise in the present as polarization has stymied the ability of political parties to compromise, and ego has blocked any hope to break the compromise impasse.

The result of such a condition is we remain slaves to the political party in power, at a time when no political persuasion has all the answers.  When political power is split, there can be no success without compromise.

The Mainstream News Media, as the spokespeople for the liberal or progressive causes 93% of the time (typical anti-Trump versus pro-Trump news coverage balance), have now threatened the right to all forms of freedom of expression because they have ignored their own claims of impartiality, violated their own Code of Ethics, are quite ignorant when it comes to the lessons of history and experience, and decided it is the News Media who should make news, not the politicians or people.

The collapse of faith in Mainstream News by the people has allowed the substitution of social media and news aggregators of the internet world, cable channels on television, streaming news services, blog news and of course Fake news.  Their performance has further corrupted all semblance of impartiality in news of all types and the people see right through the illusion.