Showing posts with label honesty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label honesty. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 04, 2020

The Melchizedek Chronicles – America post Impeachment – The Biggest Loser – the News Media who Abandoned America!

Unbelievably, Speaker Pelosi and her posse are not the biggest loser in the Democrats three-year odyssey to deny the American voter their duly elected president.  While it is true the American Constitution was under the greatest assault in our history, in the end the wisdom of the Founding Fathers and the Constitution withstood and defeated the attack.

But the news media, that is an entirely different matter.  You see, the Fourth Estate as they are known wandered far, far from the protection of the Constitution in their total breakdown of honor, fairness, logic, and honesty.

The members of what was once a highly honorable profession which used to claim to be the people’s watchdog over government sold its soul to the Devil when trapped in their obsession of destroying President Trump and their relentless efforts to undermine his presidency.

Unfortunately, the media mental meltdown also dragged several Democratic party officials and elitist federal bureaucrats with them into the abyss of endless lies, fake news, extreme bias, spewing hatred, and polarizing a nation.

Never in modern history have so many media people collectively demonstrated such a sorry lack of common sense, fairness, or any of the good qualities one might expect from the media.  Night after night the media happily crossed the line of fairness and honesty in reporting and the conflicts of interest in the media were rampant and sinister.

It seems as if the media empires dedicated themselves to hiring a cadre of news anchors and reporters who were basically soulless, without morality or ethics, historically dumb, and void of any good manners and decorum.  They single handed destroyed the once proud reputations of many a great journalism school.

I am not asking you to believe me, mind you, but look at the record.

Broadcast networks saw their precious Nielsen ratings crash before their very eyes.  The people of America cut the cord to broadcast media by the millions.  It was not just the news that people stopped watching but the seemingly endless sting of network awards shows from the Oscars to Grammys, the Emmys to Tony awards, even to the sporting world.

The radical liberal hatred of the news media penetrated speeches, themes, and actions by nominees and Oscar winners from the Red Carpet to the winner’s podium.  The more dominant the bias became over the years the faster the public pulled the plug on them as their ratings crashed as well.

It did not help that at the same time the entertainment idols of the political fundraising machines for the liberals were “exposed” in the sexual assault scandals by the lords of the industry like Harvey Weinstein, or the sex trafficking by Jeffrey Epstein.

Throughout the rapid descent of people like Weinstein and Epstein the media protected these criminals with false news, watered down coverage, or simply ignoring the story.   It was a case of liberals against liberals, power, and money, against the people as deep divides within the party surfaced.

From the day Trump took the presidency 93% of all news stories were negative toward the president.  During the last three months of the impeachment insanity almost 100% of the stories were negative.

Even that was not enough for the pack of rabid creatures in the news rooms as they reported fake fact checkers, created fake news, enticed the bureaucratic allies inside the government to help undermine the Administration, and created a dangerous bond with the Obama Administration top officials in the intelligence services including FBI and CIA, the national security officials, State Department, Justice Department, and perhaps the White House.

I say “perhaps” on the latter because people seem to have forgotten the Attorney General and his broad-reaching criminal investigation that could lead to the criminal indictment of many government officials and political hacks, only this time on the liberal side.  The AG will not be issuing subpoenas like the helpless House Democrats failed to do, but will issue criminal indictments.

Once threatened, our Constitution will take all necessary action to protect itself and the integrity of the people who elected the president, whether it be Trump or someone else.  The endless stream of lies, lies, and more lies from the Democrat leaders and news media are not without consequence.

The punishment for this three-year fiasco will be handed out by the American voters in the election this fall.  Do not be surprised if Trump sweeps the Democrats out of office and regains the House, strengths his hold on the Senate, and runs away with his own re-election.

The fingerprints of evil are all over the actions of the House and News media.  People, by nature, do not embrace evil.  So, what explains the proliferation of bad people in politics and the news services?  When potentially good people do bad things, fear traps them and they madly strike out against all perceived villains.

Such fear is an open invitation to evil, an entity powered by the spiritual world and fallen angels.  They have a single purpose in their existence, to find weak and fearful people, to take possession of the person, and to destroy their soul.  If you take possession of people in high places all the better because then you can reach multiple weak souls through them and the platforms they occupy in politics or the media.

The good news, God is not about to let them win in the end.  God loves all creations and will never give up on them, even if contaminated by evil.  Are you willing to give up any chance for eternal Oneness with God, immortality, because you fail to seek and pursue the Truth?

All of you can play a key role in illuminating the darkness by exposing the Truth.  Demand Truth from those who influence you, especially from politicians and News media.  Truth and light are the enemies of evil.  Seek Truth and you will illuminate the darkness and end the dominance of evil in our lives.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Wake Up America - Our Government has been Hijacked!

The Enemy Within - The Two Party System

My premise is simple.  No where in our Constitution or Declaration of Independence does it say the Democrat or Republican party control America.  No where is the Democrat or Republican party even mentioned in those sacred documents.
I don't care what party you support, there is nothing that says only the members of the Democrat or Republican parties can decide our future, yet here we stand on the brink of fiscal collapse and only the Democrats or Republicans are part of the process to solve our problems.
Neither party can solve the problem, they are the problem.  The American system of individual freedom and democracy has been hijacked by the two party system and the special interests that control every single element of both parties from the radical left to the radical right.
Pure and simple, MONEY is the dominant force in politics and the obsession with money by both parties has caused this temporary breakdown in the American system.  Whose to blame?
Our Executive branch is controlled by the Democrats with Obama in the White House as their flag bearer.  Our Legislative branch is split with the House of Representatives controlled by the Republicans and Senate controlled by Democrats.
Now where I come from that gives the Obama Democrats control of two thirds of our government process, the White House and Senate, and the Republicans one third.
If you listen to the news media you are told the Republicans are holding the government hostage.  But the media never mentions that the two party system is the culprit.
How could they, the bottom line profit of all America's cherished fourth estate comes from the political campaign expenses from the Democrat and Republican candidates, political parties, political action committees and private donors.
Media companies are totally dependent on advertising purchases from the candidates and the supporters of the candidates for survival and reporters are equally dependent on them for their paychecks so they better kiss the butt of the party they favor the most.
The largest corrupting influence in politics, business, health care, housing, defense contracting, government policy and government regulation is the God Almighty dollar and the way it is used to control people and manipulate systems.
Obamacare was never about reducing health care costs, healing people, or even making it more comfortable to die.  That would not make financial sense to the "Shadow" force behind the government.
It was always about maintaining the health care system we have and expanding it to all those without health insurance.  So what is the health care we have and want to expand to everyone?
Let's see...
Basic health care means a Chris Craft and Mercedes for every doctor and dentist.  It means a limo and house in the Hamptons for investors and brokers in health care.  It means a yacht and European villa for every pharmaceutical executive.
Well the truth is we don't have a health care system, we have an addiction for a cash cow called health care whether we need it or not and whether it heals us or not.
As long as there is an open spigot with billions of dollars flowing to our politicians through our two party system there will never be a free America.  Ban all political contributions and strip the two party system of control of our government and America can get back to the business of being the shining light of democracy, individual freedom and equality the world so sorely needs.

Monday, September 13, 2010

At What Point Does Truth Become Relevant in Politics? What is the White House Example?


It is after Labor Day and politics in America will reach a crescendo over the next 6 weeks as both political parties inundate the airways with political propaganda in the form of TV ads. Of course the TV stations and networks will run every ad booked regardless of the accuracy of content because the media needs the money more than the truth.

There was once upon a time when the media was required to review the ads to make certain the truth was being told but once upon a time is no more. Now anything goes no matter how far it strays from the truth. Since both political parties and special interests have filled their campaign coffers with astounding amounts of cash we are in for a real avalanche of double talk.

You can count on the candidates and parties to follow the lead of the Obama White House as he is leader of the Democrats and will set the standard of truth for all to meet. Unfortunately the standard being set by President Obama, and his top staff David Axelrod, Political Director, and Robert Gibbs, Press Secretary leaves much to be desired.

Over the weekend all three stated emphatically that the Republicans, all Republicans to hear them say it, are committed to returning to the policies of George Bush over the past 8 years. In plain English as Harry Truman used to say, that is a lie. No Republican has said they want to return to the George Bush policy of the past 8 years. Why do our political leaders seem compelled to tell lies? Especially those leaders at the top of the Democratic party?

While we should always be suspect of what the political parties say as they are all about self-preservation it is not normal for the White House and the president of all the people to join in the tall tale derby as we can usually get some modicum of truth from our highest elected official. This year seems to be the exception and does not bode well for America as blatant lies foreshadow a willingness to distort the truth and there should be no doubt that our president tells the truth.

If the president cannot be believed on the campaign trail then how can he be believed when talking about health care, Wall Street, domestic and foreign affairs or any aspect of our government? All that is gained in the interest of political expediency by distorting the truth is undermining the credibility of government which has already reached the lowest levels of credibility ever recorded.

If it continues it will be a sad legacy of the political attitudes in place today and the principal motivation for people to want to throw them all out. The politics of deception has no place in a democracy built on truth and honesty.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Alzheimer Epidemic Sweeps Nation's Capitol - Politicians Fall Victim


Someone better call the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta and tell them there is a stunning epidemic of Alzheimers sweeping Washington, D.C., because if there isn't then there are a whole lot of people of all ages, Democrats and Republicans, White House people to bureaucrats, special interests to Wall Street interests, who have suddenly lost the ability to tell the truth.

It has gotten so serious it makes one long for a Jim Carrey character from the movie Liar, Liar to show up and start telling the truth no matter what. Could you imagine politicians who could never lie? Things have gotten so bad that if God were to destroy the sinners like some Biblical Sodom and Gomorrah then you better not look back like Lot lest you be turned into a pillar of salt.

Washington would be obliterated from the earth along with all the liars, fornicators, thieves and predators because if you wiped them out would there be anybody left? This epidemic is unusual as Alzheimers is generally a disease for seniors, and though many, many seniors from our old and ancient Congress are certainly present as we are reminded everyday when their chiseled faces are thrust into the cameras and they blurt out more untruths, the disease has also reached to the younger ones as well.

CDC might say the disease has mutated to the young since people like the president and his staff seem young although in this television age make up can often make an old person look young. And there is the question of the president's missing birth certificate. Yet these young types also seem to have gotten swept up into the epidemic. What a sad state of affairs.

Of course the media continues to exploit the disease ridden and to encourage them with never ending droll interviews, incessant exploitation of the twisted truths that pour forth from their mouths in the form of sound bytes, and the senseless analysis of the elite media personalities.

Democrats lie about the liar Republicans. Republicans counter lie about the lying Democrats. Obama seems to have completely forgotten the thousand promises he made during his campaign. Democrats forgot that Clinton people changed the rules on the economy to open the floodgates to crooks on Wall Street.

The crooks on Wall Street who formally ran the White House seem to have forgotten what they did in 1999 even though Clinton, who might have suffered the same disease when president but seems to be over it now that he is gone, apologized recently for letting his people change the rules for Wall Street, yet his people who changed the rules blame it on Bush.

Of course the Democrats like Dodd say the Republicans are protecting Wall Street when Goldman Sachs made sure the Democrats were the chief beneficiary of the Wall Street largess. Isn't that like lining the pockets of the people pointing the finger at everyone else. And where did Dodd get the huge discounted mortgages on his property?

According to Republicans Obama is responsible for the deficit, yet Obama and the Democrats say the Republicans are responsible. Aren't both responsible? Bush generated $5-7 trillion, now Obama has tripled it. I say the crippling deficit is the legacy of both parties and both presidents but only Jim Carrey would agree with me.

Obama demands the Republicans be open and transparent on the financial reform bill. Just like he was open and transparent on the health care reform bill I suppose. Right... Just like he scorns Wall Street but he and the Democrats received millions of dollars from the Wall and he even received a million from Goldman Sachs, but the facts don't really count.

If nothing else we have finally got total equality in our nation's capitol. All are about equal in the art of producing titillating sound bytes with no basis in fact, of spinning elocution to the point of making facts untrue, and of accusing their opponents of being the twisted ones. Truth in Washington has slipped into the political cesspool and the only smart Americans left are the ones who ignore all that goes on in the epicenter of politicians.

It almost seems as if Hollywood studios have bought our nation's capitol and converted it into a set for the next blockbuster film, an epic struggle between good and evil, the site of the new Armageddon, and all we are waiting for is Michael the Archangel to come flying in with his flaming sword to annihilate all of the wicked ones and give America back to the people.

The news media could stop the Alzheimers epidemic if they weren't so caught up in keeping things stirred up in a last, desperate attempt to hike rating and increase newspaper sales but neither seems to be working as more and more people turn away from the once proud medium. Right now psychics and channels have as much chance of telling the truth as the news media but only people outside the beltway know it.

One day soon the cable news networks will declare the workings of the White House and Congress as the new reality show in America since there hasn't been a real honest reality show on TV in years. When people finally realize that the only value left in the Alzheimer inflicted wheezers in Washington is a couple of hours of entertainment nightly, then all might be well.

At least we know the current round of Alzheimers might end with the fall elections. Then maybe the people of America will finally get a break. Let's hope at that time we will finally get campaign reform, ethics laws, conflict of interest laws, and truth or it will be a long 21st century.
