Showing posts with label partisanship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label partisanship. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Melchizedek Chronicles – “Father forgive them, they know not what they do!”

The environmental management of Earth is driven by Divine Law and Natural law, not Man’s law!

Like it or not, public policy in America is a hostage to politics.  When you acknowledge that political partisanship has effectively stymied any hope for bi-partisanship, for consensus building, or compromise, it is no wonder the American political system is broken as are all initiatives and institutions, good or bad, who are dependent on our political system.

The protection of the planet Earth, and the quality of life for the inhabitants of the Earth, must be free of the political bickering and free of the political turmoil of polarization that dominates the cultural, health care and economic security issues battled out in Congress.

For example, responsible environmental management must be approached as an essential priority to our survival and not get caught up in partisan politics of the moment.  Today, the cause of climate change and management is caught up in the partisan polarization of politics.  That is wrong and it will fail.

Melchizedek says climate change is a mechanism of Earth management.  When it is dominated by man, it is more appropriately a mechanism of mismanagement.  In truth, climate change is a divinely inspired natural process of the evolution of the Earth and purification of the planet.

Consider that scientists have recorded five significant Ice Ages throughout the Earth’s history: the Huronian (2.4 - 2.1 billion years ago), Cryogenian (850 - 635 million years ago), Andean-Saharan (460 - 430 million years ago), Karoo (360 - 260 million years ago) and Quaternary (2.6 million years ago - present).

Each Ice Age was preceded by global warming in response to natural issues faced by our Earth.  There is no evidence mankind was even on the Earth when they happened, and surely not in a way that could influence the survival of earth. So, there is scientific proof of five previous Ice Age cycles of global warming or climate change and no mankind to blame it on.

The Hopi native Americans call these the cycles of civilization and each time the Earth had to go through a process of purification in order to continue its mission in God’s plan.  Melchizedek calls it the Human Life Cycles on Earth, times in our long forgotten past when humans used their free will in a way that ignored the Creator’s will, thus violating our purpose for being.

Melchizedek says six times we violated our mission and we are now well into the seventh and final Human Life Cycle in the Creator’s Plan.  In each previous Human Life Cycle, we failed to embrace our true relationship with the Creator and allowed the abuse of Mother Earth.

In order to protect the Earth, the purification cycle was instituted consisting of the combination of divine and natural laws resulting in reducing the number of souls occupying the earth to the point they could no longer influence the natural function of the Earth.  This was achieved through meteor strikes, droughts, floods, polar warming, comets, perhaps even radiation accidents in past lifetimes.

The impact on humans, it was just like starting over.

Make no mistake, without a healthy and vibrant Earth we would not exist.  It is our home.  We are the custodians of the Earth.  Yet the protection of Mother Earth cannot be left to just humans.  Earth is essential to all of Creation as well thus falling under the protection of Natural and Divine Law as well.

Melchizedek says everything in Creation plays an essential role, and everything in Creation is inter-connected to everything else in Creation.  If we do not recognize and honor this integrated co-existence and accept our responsibility as co-creators, we disrupt the balance and threaten the very existence of all of Creation.

With or without humans Earth must go through the purification cycles of heating, then cooling, in order to preserve the integrity of our planet.  Of course, humans can contribute to the problem of global warming by our technology, policies and bad habits.  This can intensify the speed of climate change but the purification function will take place, with or without the cooperation of humans.

Our Earth is protected by the purification process which consists of natural and divine law combining to preserve the integrity of the planet and the ability of the Earth, just one of the many tremendous miracles in our lives, to continue to regenerate, purify and renew our home.

The real question we should ask is what is our contribution to making the environmental management of the Earth more difficult.  Here we again fall short.  We blame it on the opposing political party, the carbon emissions from cars and trucks, toxic fumes from fossil fuel generating plants, but we never take responsibility for the greatest sins against Earth by man, the poisoning of the Earth with over 2,000 nuclear bombs that were tested, 1,500 below ground and 500 in the air in just the past 75 years.

In spite of our ignorance, stupidity, lack of respect for God’s plan and refusal to take responsibility for the massive radiation poisoning of Mother Earth, God still loves us and will never give up on us.  That is why Melchizedek says fear not, the Earth will take care of itself, with or without ourselves, and it is a very good thing she can.  Our record as custodian of the Earth is rather dismal.

Chernobyl disaster
Our science tries to disengage the connection between God and the protection of Earth.  It cannot be done.  Our politicians and news media view it as a political hot button issue, and that throws it to the politicians whose own survival comes before the survival of Mother Earth.  That is wrong.

Fukushima disaster
Yet it is understandable, according to Melchizedek, because “we the people,” after all these billions of years on Earth, have forgotten and lost our connection to the Creator.  In fact, there are those walking among us so inspired by the dark forces they are obsessed with pushing all things God farther and farther out of our everyday life and consciousness.
Yet we cannot blame them, or judge them, or we become them.

Nor can we ignore our spiritual compass gnawing at our conscious whispering in our ears the words, what did Jesus say in his hour of greatest physical pain and suffering, while he was dying on the cross?

“Father forgive them, they know not what they do!”

Forgive them? Just as he was about to take His last breath because of them?  Really?  No finger pointing, accusations, condemnations or anger toward his murderers!

Jesus knew in order for Him to fulfill his Sacred Covenant with his Father Creator, to demonstrate the power of the love of the Father in creating all of us, then Jesus must die.  Ancient and sacred prophecy demanded it as the price for salvation for all of humanity.

Through his own free will he accepted his destiny.  You know what, that act by Jesus was the mirror image of the Father’s will.  For you, for all of us the only way we can become one again with the Creator, which is our true destiny, is when our free will of expression reflects the Creator’s will.  By achieving this Jesus was able to resurrect from the dead and ascend to the right hand of the Father in the Kingdom of Heaven, thus showing us the path to eternal salvation.

So, as we stand here today, with fear, hatred and animosity swirling all around us, we surely must know this is not how God wants us to be.  The Luciferic force of evil had an advantage over us because they were thrown to the Earth by Michael in the spiritual war of the heavens long before humans were sent to the Earth.  Those dark forces expect to be standing last as well.

We would do well not to underestimate evil, nor the power of evil to compromise our minds and possess our souls.  When that happens, our free will is gone.  Without free will we can never be in harmony with the will of the Father.

Just as Jesus resurrected from the dead and was ascended into Heaven so must we.  It is God’s final gift to us, through his Son Jesus, to provide a pathway to Oneness in the eternal love of the Creator.

Jesus showed us the path to grace in life and the gateway to salvation in Heaven as we transcend from our physical to spiritual home.  We all have a role to play.  Deep down inside you must know our world is in need of purification.  There is much we can do to help bring it about.  Many are called but few are chosen, unless we change destiny so all are called.  In time, we must.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

President Obama - Please just shut up and work with Russia, China and Republicans


The Petulant Pres still will not stop being the Chicago thug!

I remember back in 2008 when Barack Obama was running for president and people wondered if he had the experience to be commander in chief.

Our economy was crashing, we were up to our necks in wars on the other side of the world, people were fearful of losing their jobs, 40 some million Americans had no health insurance, and 11 million illegal immigrants were somewhere in this great country.

Obama, the new kid on the block, had an answer for everything it seemed.  During that campaign, he made promises to the American people, a lot of promises.

There were big ones like fixing the economy, and little ones like shutting down Guantanamo prison in Cuba.  More big ones like promising to end all wars and bring all our troops home, in his first term no less.

His was a campaign of Hope, Peace, and an end to partisan politics.

When he won the Democratic nomination, he stood between giant Roman columns in Colorado like a conquering Roman emperor.  During the campaign, he even promised thousands of people in Germany, of all places, that peace was on the horizon.

The media loved him with his progressive agenda to give labor unions more power, while Wall Street loved him because he promised Goldman Sachs protection from prosecution.

He railed against too much money in politics while shattering the spending record for campaigns by spending more than a billion dollars to win a job that paid $400,000 a year, or $223.84 per hour.

Media hailed him as the conquering hero when he won the presidency in 2008 with 52.9% of the vote, a margin that slipped to just 51.1% of the vote in his 2012 "landslide" re-election.  Since when did a landslide come from winning less than 43% of the vote.

In truth, Obama became the first winner in our history to get about 25% of the eligible vote, a sad commentary on voting in America.  In case math is difficult for you, than means 75% of the eligible voters did not vote for Obama, or three out of every four did not vote for him.

Here are a few other truths.

We still have troops in Iraq and Afghanistan and now we are fighting in Syria.

The prison in Guantanamo remains open seven years later.

We helped overthrow bad guys during the Arab Spring of 2010 that left Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, and Yemen with no leader, while also destabilizing governments in Bahrain and Syria.

We pulled most troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan but both required us to keep some in place or send them back, while we also initiated one of the largest and most expensive bombing campaigns in history in Iraq, the country we liberated just a few years earlier.

Immigration Reform, which he promised the first year, has gone nowhere.

He did get his national health care which he signed into law March 23, 2010, and five years later everyone with insurance is paying more while the number of uninsured Americans today, five years later, is still about 36 million, down from 49.9 million in 2010 but much of it was due to Medicare not new insurance.

The economy is sputtering along as the unemployed stopped looking for work and working people had no increase in salary, since he took office.

There was no action on campaign reform so he spent two billion dollars for re-election, which means he still makes about $223.84 per hour, though he delivered on about none of his many promises.

On the positive side, he wants the minimum wage increased from $7.25 per hour to $9.00 per hour, which is only $214.84 less than he makes.

Of course, George Bush left office seven years ago but Obama still blames many of his problems on Bush.

Then, there is the issue of the dastardly Republicans.  Conveniently, Obama blames them for everything he could not do.  So much for bringing to an end partisan politics, finger pointing, and character assassination.

Over the years, he has broadened his assaults as he blames Russia, Putin, or China for every single problem of the Administration it seems, if he does not blame it on the Republicans.

Unfortunately, his intransient nature regarding his policies, have alienated Russia, China, and Israel at a time when we need them the most.

With little over one year left to serve, Obama is alienating the rest of the world and the American public.  it comes from his refusal to work with Russia and China - especially when it comes to terrorism, his indifference to Israel, his Red Lines in the sand and veto threats rather than trying to work with people, and his trashing of anyone who questions anything he has done.

It is a good thing Russia and China understand he is a lame duck, a seriously wounded lame duck, so they have no expectations of anything from him.

Once upon a time American presidents used to build worldwide coalitions to advance causes.  Now he will have to eat a mighty amount of humble pie is he is to receive any help from Russia and China.

Obama and his mouthpieces should just shut up, the world is not interested in his problems, or in hearing why the United States is so weak.  For those who supported Obama, it was a good try but he really had no experience and really never grew into the role of commander in chief.

It is far too late to defend him, the record I reviewed of his broken promises is clear.  Just use your efforts to get him to work with Russia and China because right now they are the leaders of the world and have demonstrated the most maturity when it comes to working with other nations.


Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Media Missteps as the Propaganda Machine Moves on - You are the Pawns!


We probably do not need a totalitarian government when we have the media to remind us what it would be like to be spoon fed our truth without the necessity for fact checking, honesty, or whatever version of the truth you care to embrace.

Thanks to the Internet, those too lazy to research and make up their own minds can simply cut and paste anything they want and take possession of it as their way of thinking.

Well this article is for all those who have given up the right to think and have settled on parroting causes because they sound nice, or attack the right people, or are so stupid no one will ever know what you are talking about in your message.

Here is a word both liberals and conservatives have long forgotten, PROPAGANDA.  Here are a few more lost words, TRUTH, COMPROMISE, KNOWLEDGE, WISDOM, COMPASSION, EQUALITY, well, the list goes on and on.

You see, probably close to 90% of all websites deliberately or stupidly distort the truth in order to sucker people into liking the site, which in turns gets fools to share the site so more fools will look at and share the site.

If you are a liberal, you have just become the greatest contributor to feeding the rich, your enemy, because you let someone make money from the ads embedded in the propaganda you posted.  So next time you demand we redistribute the wealth you can start by NOT sharing info whose sole purpose is to line the pockets of the rich.

The same is true of the conservatives.  Both the liberals and conservatives are clueless pawns in the game of power and greed.  There seems to be nothing they can do to get out of the addiction they have to sharing untruths.

Somewhere along the way, they have lost the ability to think for themselves, to construct meaningful sentences to explain what they think, and to worry about such trivial issues as truth and consequences.

In short, the social advocates have politicized every good cause and polarized the population in the process.  There is probably one hope left for the world and that is God triggering a massive solar eruption on the sun and bombarding the Earth with a solar storm.

By the way, that does not even require weapons of mass destruction.

The radiation will not harm humans but hopefully will destroy electronic equipment and infrastructure thus ending cell phones, texting, tweets, twits, streaming video, cyber space, the Internet, the senseless babble between uninformed robots called people, and bring peace at last to the world.

Of course, a side benefit might be the destruction of all triggering mechanisms for the vast arms dealers and warmongers and nations in possession of nuclear weapons since they are all electronic as well.

Are you willing to pay the price for peace?  Are you ready to just shut up!