Showing posts with label healing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label healing. Show all posts

Thursday, November 19, 2015

President Obama - Please just shut up and work with Russia, China and Republicans


The Petulant Pres still will not stop being the Chicago thug!

I remember back in 2008 when Barack Obama was running for president and people wondered if he had the experience to be commander in chief.

Our economy was crashing, we were up to our necks in wars on the other side of the world, people were fearful of losing their jobs, 40 some million Americans had no health insurance, and 11 million illegal immigrants were somewhere in this great country.

Obama, the new kid on the block, had an answer for everything it seemed.  During that campaign, he made promises to the American people, a lot of promises.

There were big ones like fixing the economy, and little ones like shutting down Guantanamo prison in Cuba.  More big ones like promising to end all wars and bring all our troops home, in his first term no less.

His was a campaign of Hope, Peace, and an end to partisan politics.

When he won the Democratic nomination, he stood between giant Roman columns in Colorado like a conquering Roman emperor.  During the campaign, he even promised thousands of people in Germany, of all places, that peace was on the horizon.

The media loved him with his progressive agenda to give labor unions more power, while Wall Street loved him because he promised Goldman Sachs protection from prosecution.

He railed against too much money in politics while shattering the spending record for campaigns by spending more than a billion dollars to win a job that paid $400,000 a year, or $223.84 per hour.

Media hailed him as the conquering hero when he won the presidency in 2008 with 52.9% of the vote, a margin that slipped to just 51.1% of the vote in his 2012 "landslide" re-election.  Since when did a landslide come from winning less than 43% of the vote.

In truth, Obama became the first winner in our history to get about 25% of the eligible vote, a sad commentary on voting in America.  In case math is difficult for you, than means 75% of the eligible voters did not vote for Obama, or three out of every four did not vote for him.

Here are a few other truths.

We still have troops in Iraq and Afghanistan and now we are fighting in Syria.

The prison in Guantanamo remains open seven years later.

We helped overthrow bad guys during the Arab Spring of 2010 that left Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, and Yemen with no leader, while also destabilizing governments in Bahrain and Syria.

We pulled most troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan but both required us to keep some in place or send them back, while we also initiated one of the largest and most expensive bombing campaigns in history in Iraq, the country we liberated just a few years earlier.

Immigration Reform, which he promised the first year, has gone nowhere.

He did get his national health care which he signed into law March 23, 2010, and five years later everyone with insurance is paying more while the number of uninsured Americans today, five years later, is still about 36 million, down from 49.9 million in 2010 but much of it was due to Medicare not new insurance.

The economy is sputtering along as the unemployed stopped looking for work and working people had no increase in salary, since he took office.

There was no action on campaign reform so he spent two billion dollars for re-election, which means he still makes about $223.84 per hour, though he delivered on about none of his many promises.

On the positive side, he wants the minimum wage increased from $7.25 per hour to $9.00 per hour, which is only $214.84 less than he makes.

Of course, George Bush left office seven years ago but Obama still blames many of his problems on Bush.

Then, there is the issue of the dastardly Republicans.  Conveniently, Obama blames them for everything he could not do.  So much for bringing to an end partisan politics, finger pointing, and character assassination.

Over the years, he has broadened his assaults as he blames Russia, Putin, or China for every single problem of the Administration it seems, if he does not blame it on the Republicans.

Unfortunately, his intransient nature regarding his policies, have alienated Russia, China, and Israel at a time when we need them the most.

With little over one year left to serve, Obama is alienating the rest of the world and the American public.  it comes from his refusal to work with Russia and China - especially when it comes to terrorism, his indifference to Israel, his Red Lines in the sand and veto threats rather than trying to work with people, and his trashing of anyone who questions anything he has done.

It is a good thing Russia and China understand he is a lame duck, a seriously wounded lame duck, so they have no expectations of anything from him.

Once upon a time American presidents used to build worldwide coalitions to advance causes.  Now he will have to eat a mighty amount of humble pie is he is to receive any help from Russia and China.

Obama and his mouthpieces should just shut up, the world is not interested in his problems, or in hearing why the United States is so weak.  For those who supported Obama, it was a good try but he really had no experience and really never grew into the role of commander in chief.

It is far too late to defend him, the record I reviewed of his broken promises is clear.  Just use your efforts to get him to work with Russia and China because right now they are the leaders of the world and have demonstrated the most maturity when it comes to working with other nations.


Thursday, April 16, 2015

Why do you stand alone in trying to be healthy - American Health Care does not Really Care


Well here is the answer why.

  • Pharmaceutical companies make billions of dollars when you are on prescription drugs

  • Local drug stores and pharmacies make money when you fill prescriptions

  • Obamacare makes sure you get subsidies and assistance if the drugs are too expensive

  • Big Pharma pays a kickback to your doctor for prescribing their drugs to you

  • The President and Congress refuse to change the law so you can get off the drugs

Call it what you like, there is no such thing as health care improvement in our system of health care.  Through doctors, clinics, and emergency rooms, drug companies treat your diseases and disorders with drugs that help manage the disease.

No one pays for you to get you well.

No one pays for a nutritional evaluation so you know the cause of the problem.

No one pays for proven herbal treatments used for thousands of years to eliminate the problem that caused the disease in the first place.

No one pays for Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) treatment including herbs, acupuncture, physical training, and working knowledge of the Five Elements.

The Five Elements are a comprehensive template that organizes all natural phenomena into five master groups or patterns in nature. Each of the five groups—Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water—include categories such as a season, a direction, climate, stage of growth and development, internal organ, body tissue, emotion, aspect of the soul, taste, color, sound . . . the categories are seemingly limitless. The Five Elements reflect a deep understanding of natural law, the Universal order underlying all things in our world.

Traditional Chinese Medicine reflects a principle unknown in America, the principle of healing patients rather than maintaining and managing illness and disease.

Ironically, ignoring thousands of years of TCM experience, our health care system refuses to recognize the body of TCM work and refuses to make insurance companies pay to heal you using these techniques.

Maybe there is hope however.  Take the case of the use of a banned drug, cannabis, for medical purposes.  Over half the states in America have ignored the pressures from pharmaceutical companies to prohibit using marijuana to treat many illnesses.

These states have ignored the pressure from the politicians owned by these companies through campaign contributions and outrageous speaker fees.  The states have even ignored the federal government regulatory laws from the U.S. Justice Department and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) by legalizing the use of the herb cannabis, better know as marijuana, for medicinal purposes.

That is a start toward meaningful health care reform.  You see, marijuana works, is not addictive, has never resulted in a death from an overdose, is substantially less expensive than Big Pharma drugs, and is not controlled by the richest corporations in America.

Of course, marijuana should be decriminalized; release the tens of thousands of people in prison for using it and save hundreds of millions of dollars in taxpayer costs.  It deserves approval nationwide for medicinal use and states should continue to approve it for recreational use since it has none of the deadly effects our legal drugs called alcohol and tobacco have wreaked on the public.

Far less controversial, and far more significant to improving health, would be to have the federal government require the insurance companies to pay for nutritional examines for all individuals and treatment for nutritional deficiencies.

At the same time, the federal government must approve the use of TCM by certified practitioners and order the insurance companies to cover it.

If the administration and congress can act in the public interest and do this, America will rapidly become a far healthier nation and lead the work in making use of all possible techniques to manage nutrition and get well.

Demand this action from your representatives in Washington, D.C. as they have demonstrated no ability to help you get well.

Besides, for the first time in our history our last three presidents all admit to smoking marijuana.  It must not be that bad.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Healing the Wounds of Tucson - 1/12/2011 - Faith Hill


The Queen of Country Music, America's music, Faith Hill, performing her classic inspirational hit "There will come a day".  We dedicate this song to the healing of Tucson, the State of Arizona and America.  Double click on video for full view.

Faith Hill & husband Tim McGraw



Monday, July 12, 2010

When Does Health Care Reform Start Now that the Health Care Bailout is Done?


Memo to President Obama - Stop Protecting the Institutions and Start Helping the People!

Am I the only person in America who sees a smokescreen of hypocrisy in the actions of our professional politicians? No, the many readers who have expressed outrage at the efforts of the president and congress to protect the institutional forces of health care, the "so called" health care providers, in other words those pharmaceutical companies, insurance companies, hospitals and medical practitioners now guaranteed enormous ongoing profits at the expense of the patients, those readers see through the smokescreen and know the truth.

Thanks to Obama and his Democrat controlled congress we Americans are on the spiraling road to huge deficits and eventual bankruptcy because of the health care reform legislation passed earlier this year. It is time we took stock of just what "yellow brick road" Obama is leading us down in the name of health care reform. And yes, this charge applies to the Republicans whose efforts to amend the bill were shot down by the Democrats, those Republicans who fought just as hard to protect the rich at the expense of the victims as the president.

Why are we paying health care providers to keep us sick rather than rewarding our health care providers to make us healthy? There is NO INCENTIVE FOR ANY ELEMENT OF THE HEALTH CARE DELIVERY SYSTEM TO BENEFIT FROM MAKING US HEALTHY, whether the pharmaceutical giants, the insurance providers, the hospitals or the medical professionals! Right now the millions of campaign dollars flowing into our politician's campaign accounts is the only incentive for presidential or congressional action, and the billions of dollars in return on investment for the health care providers makes healing unprofitable.

The Obamacare farce is just more of the same, driving up the cost of health care in the US which is already the highest in the world, with a strategy to profit from sickness, reward maintenance of diseases, prolong useless treatment and create a house of cards that profits solely from the degree of illness in the patients, the victims of a system that is broken.

As reported earlier in the Coltons Point Times, ever since Wall Street got control of the health care industry with stock offerings in the late 1940's and early 1950's health care success has been measured by the bottom line, the "return on profit", rather than the health of patients. Greed, Wall Street style, has driven us to the most expensive and least effective healthcare system in the world. When the money changers took control of the financing of health care the wellness of the people became secondary to the profitability of extended health care treatment.

On that foundation is built the health care industry in America. On that foundation is what drives the pharmaceutical giants to focus on extended treatment rather than cures. On that foundation is what drove the medical schools of America to give career advice to students based on how much money you should make in the health care industry rather than how many people you can cure, because money is not made with cures, just prolonged treatment.

Now the practitioners of ancient medical techniques from the Chinese herbalists to Indigenous Native medicine people have been nearly wiped out of existence and are being replaced by a new breed of alternative medicine people driven by greed and materialism. Isn't it ironic that the true medical giants throughout history like the Hopi medicine people, the Chinese herbalists, even the pioneering doctors of the more modern era such as the seer and psychic prophet Nostradamus of the 1500's who fought the plague while fighting off the Religious Inquisition, never asked for money for healing people.

Nowhere does the Bible talk of Jesus charging for medical miracles. What does that say about the current state of medical practices in America?

The Hippocratic Oath is an oath historically taken by doctors swearing to practice medicine ethically. We should take a look at the original oath written in the classic days of the Ancient Greek Empire. Little is known about who wrote it or first used it, but it appears to be more strongly influenced by followers of Pythagoras than Hippocrates and is often estimated to have been written in the 5th or 4th century B.C.E.

In this oath medical doctors swore to use every effort possible to heal the sick and to use the most ethical practices possible to achieve this. Unnecessary treatment, treatment with potential deadly side effects, even the required 26 vaccinations of modern medicine that inject poison into our children's bodies were condemned. The goal of all medicine was to cure.

The following is a direct quote from the classic Greek Hippocratic Oath:

"If I fulfill this oath and do not violate it, may it be granted to me to enjoy life and art, being honored with fame among all men for all time to come; if I transgress it and swear falsely, may the opposite of all this be my lot."

If medicine were true to the ancient pledge to heal and cure rather than diagnose and treat people most of our current medical practitioners would be out of business or in jail. Health care can never be reformed until the mission and goal of health care is returned to healing and curing and not generating the maximum return on investment. You see, some purposes in life transcend the greed of modern American society and Wall Street. Until we redirect our emphasis to healing and provide incentives for healing we are players in the greatest hypocrisy in history, the selling out of the gift of healing.
