Showing posts with label New York Times. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New York Times. Show all posts

Thursday, August 29, 2019

The Melchizedek Chronicles – Slavery, the greatest of sins against God – Roots and History of Slavery in America

With the Democratic presidential campaign heading into more debates and the release of information on the 1619 Project at the New York Times, the issue of slavery and reparations is bound to come up so I thought I would report on the history of slavery in America in order to make certain our many candidates have the truth.

In this article I will trace the roots and history of slavery in the U.S. including those responsible for the slave trade in North America.

Long before Columbus ever discovered the Americas slavery was a vital component of society and culture throughout the known world.  In historical Africa slavery was practiced in many different forms.

There was indentured servitude, Debt slavery, enslavement of captives, military slavery, slavery for prostitution criminal slavery.  African slaves were shipped throughout the world well before America was even discovered.

In truth, there were over sixty million slaves taken from Africa.  Of that number, ten to twelve million were sold to slave traders for shipment to the Americas.  Over one million died in captivity in Africa or during the ten-week ship journey to the New World.

Slightly less than ten million made it to the Americas from the first Portuguese shipment of the Atlantic African Slaves between 1503 and 1519, and the end of slavery in America in 1865.

No slaves were sold to the North American colonies until 1619.  Of the ten million arriving in the Americas over the years, the North American colonies of Britain, France, Spain, Portugal and the Dutch received a total of 388,000 slaves, twenty-six percent children, as definitely established in the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database.

The same five European empires were in vicious competition to colonize both the Americas and Africa, so led by the Portuguese they established and owned the African Slave Trade in partnership with the African kingdoms.  With the discovery of the Americas in 1492 the Trans-Atlantic African Slave Trade evolved rapidly with shipments to Central and South America where Spain and Portugal had colonies.

By the time North America was first being settled in 1608 the five European empires began diverting some African slaves to North America to service their new colonies.   When the citizens of the thirteen British colonies in North America revolted and defeated the mighty British empire, then adopted a new Constitution in 1789, the new Republic signaled that the African Slave Trade must end.

In 1808 both the US and Britain banned African slave trade.  Individual states banned slavery leading up to the American Civil War in 1860.  By that time America had grown from thirteen states to thirty-three states, and eleven seceded from the Union and formed the Confederacy.

Though President Abraham Lincoln ended slavery with the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, it was not until the defeat of the Confederates in 1865 and notification given in the state of Texas, that slavery officially came to an end.

During the period of 1619 when slaves first arrived in North America until the end of slavery and freeing of all slaves in 1865, there were about five million slaves in North America, of which 388,000 came from Africa.  Half of the slaves were men, one third were children, and one eighth were elderly or crippled.

The vast majority of the growth in the number of slaves in North America was primarily natural increase, in which the population of slaves grew an average of 28.7 percent a year from 1790 until 1860.

In the U.S., on average, a slave mother gave birth to between nine and ten children, more than twice the birth rate of the West Indies in Central America.  Throughout most of the New World the European practice of children born to slaves became slaves.

Driven by a huge demand for sugar, cotton and tobacco in Europe, the Southern states became plantation states.   After the US banned African slaves in 1808 the demand for workers on the plantations became so severe that over a million slaves were moved from Northern states to the Southern plantation states.

When Abraham Lincoln was elected president in 1860 there were thirty-three American states.  Eleven seceded from the Union and started their own nation, the Confederacy.  At the time there were about 3.9 million slaves in the US, both the North and the South.  During the Civil War over 500,000 Southern slaves were freed by the Union troops, and all the slaves in America were freed by 1865.

In 1860, the population of the entire Republic was 31.5 million, including 3.9 million Black slaves.  Most were located in fifteen Southern states, of which eleven did secede from the Union.

Ironically, more than seventy-five percent of the Southern population did not own slaves in 1860.


African slave trade began almost 200 years before America was discovered.

From 1519 until 1860 ninety-seven percent of the African slaves brought to America and sold went to Central and South America, the Spanish and Portuguese colonies, just three percent went to North America.

The African Slave Trade was established by the European empires of Portugal, Britain, France, Spain and the Dutch.

African Trans-Atlantic slave trade was a European undertaking to supply manpower for development of the European colonies in America.

When Americans revolted and defeated the British empire and adopted the US Constitution in 1789, the young nation was surrounded by the British, French and Spanish colonies still in America.

In 1808 the new Republic banned the African Slave Trade to the US.

It took further wars with Britain, 1812, Mexico in 1846-48, and Spain in 1898 to finally free the US from the stranglehold of the remaining European colonies surrounding the Republic.

By 1865 the Confederacy was defeated and the Southern states were reunified into the United States.

From the birth of the nation in 1789 until the 1865 defeat of the Confederacy and freeing of all slaves was a total of seventy-six years.

In other words, it took 400 years to build the system of slavery in the United States and within seventy-six years after becoming a Republic, slavery was abolished and all slaves freed.

Now, there is still much work left to do to bring about the racial equality guaranteed by our Constitution.  Bias and discrimination are among the most difficult of all deadly sins to overcome.

Yet we still faced the power of evil in our history of imposed slavery and were able to stop it, then destroy it, for all time.  At great cost America resisted the dark forces of slavery, the greatest abomination of sin against the Creator, our God.  Of that we should be proud. 

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

What is in a Photo? The Media Obsession with Trump Inaugural Crowd Photos


Never was the obsession with the Establishment media of wanting to do anything and everything possible to undermine the Trump presidency more obvious than with the blizzard of stories about the estimate of crowd sizes at the Trump inaugural.

According to the television producers at NBC, ABC, CBS, cable also rans like CNN and MSNBC,  the pillars of liberal obsession The New York Times and The Washington Post, and all the other George Soros inspired or funded media like Politico, The Huffington Post, and, well, you know the like, nothing was more important in the news.

Michael Snyder / AP / Mario Anzuoni / Markku Ulander / Joshua Roberts / Tim Chong / Jim Urquhart / Jorge Dan Lopez / Mike Segar / Carlo Allegri / Reuters / The Atlantic

One might think the status of the Trump cabinet approval might be news since only 4 of the nearly two dozen positions subject to Senate approval are complete.  Democrats have made certain Trump is far behind previous elected presidents at this point in his new administration.  Perhaps a story about how the media said many of the Trump nominees were in trouble might be interesting since conventional wisdom says every single nominee is likely to be approved.

Of course there are the flurry of Trump Executive Orders to fulfill campaign promises and priorities including those relating to immigration, job development, the economy, trade deals, foreign relations and other areas but the news media seems to ignore them.

Trump's tremendous early outreach to friends and foes alike has also largely gone unnoticed whether it was the leaders of silicon valley, multi-national business tycoons, auto leaders, or union leaders.  While many positive things are happening they seem oblivious to the media.

So here is my update on the latest dumb obsession of the the Establishment Media, the crowd photos.

Here is what CNN used as the basis for a million dumb stories.

There was no mention of the fact the security screening at the Trump swearing in was the tightest in history, nor that it was raining before the event started, both resulting in delays in the activities.

Newspaper not from the liberal elite on the East Coast posted their own photos of the Trump inaugural when it happened, not well in advance like CNN, and this is what they looked like.

You decide where the truth might lie, in the CNN set up or the photos reported by news media outside the Washington, DC Beltway.

As for me, the only news in the news being reported by the Establishment Media was never news in the first place.  It is obvious why 94% of Americans do not trust the news media.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Is the Liberal Media Trump trashing finally over, or is it now destined for oblivion?


With the latest effort to dump Trump, inspired and promulgated by the Liberal media, failing miserably, along with the election of Hillary Clinton, the Russian invasion of the American cyber world, and the phony recount efforts, do we finally get a break?

The election is still over, Donald Trump is still president, and the left wing liars, whiners, and wimps, best get used to the new America, Donald Trump's vision of hope, for a change.

I have been following presidential elections for more than half a century and the world has not seen such a despicable performance by a free and protected media to influence an election as that witnessed in 2016.

Sadly, the same biased, bigoted, and racist, left wing writers, prognosticators, pundits, pollsters, and political consultants will write all 21st Century historical accounts of the election of 2016.  Once again, we will fail to find truth in the news or history because of the manipulation by those who continually used their media positions to advance the Clinton agenda.

They still do not get it.

Once upon a time in America our news media reported the facts and let the public decide the truth.  Those days are long gone.  As the liberal movement swept over the media thanks to the merger of academic freedom with radical liberalism starting back in the 1960's, there has been a disconnect missed by all those attempting to shove an agenda down the throats of the public.

The people in America, to the shock of the left leaning media, have the same protection by the Constitution and Bill of Rights and retain the right to ignore the banshee screams of an alarmed liberal media that we are teetering on the eve of destruction for the past 50 years.

The same pollsters, who failed to rig our national election by misreading the mood of the public, seemed to miss their own credibility demise as public faith in our news media faded to the lowest level ever recorded this past year with just six percent of the public trusting the news media.

Ironically, it was just one of many signs that the Obama tenure as president gave them a very false sense of security, as the popularity of Obama the person could never overcome the many staggering "wrong track" polls against the Obama agenda.

The result was a media full of itself and the social agenda they intended to impose, whose real foundation, built on the temporary executive orders of a president without a country to run, were doomed from the start.  Obama was the vanguard of the political activist, community organizer, and ethereal professor, a champion of a social revolution not wanted in America.

Is it any surprise there were so many shocked experts and players every step of the election process as the lofty vision and dreams of a popular president failed to result in any public support and consensus?

While the liberals were busy congratulating themselves for eight years of Obama, and looking forward to eight more with Hillary, they did not even notice for the first time in modern American history more eligible American voters registered as Independents, than either Democrats or Republicans.

This is one of the most significant shifts in our history and the news media failed to notice as the majority of eligible voters rejected both political parties for the first time.  Is it any wonder a candidate for change finally had a path to victory?

From the point of the national conventions and selection of final candidates, the media made the coronation of Hillary Clinton the sole priority of the news media and ignored all warning signs that the public did not agree.

The nightly news anchors and reporters stopped being objective if they ever were, and created a murders role mentality among their liberal brethren to destroy the deplorable Trump by any way and means possible.

By late fall it seemed impossible to find unbiased media with the networks spewing the mantra that Trump cannot win while cable news became a bigger joke than the Saturday Night Live gang did.  Speaking of Saturday Night Live, the legendary network show did their best to humiliate Trump but drew some of the lowest ratings in years averaging about a third of their peak audiences from decades ago.

SNL pulled 2-3 million viewers a night, paltry for a network icon yet better than even lower numbers generated by all cable media, except the dominant Fox News.  Liberals dominated the media, yet totally missed the fact the public stopped watching the traditional news.

We are now more than a month past the election and just today, the Electoral College voted Trump president despite the many negative stories from the media about how he could still lose.  Clearly major network and cable news outlets will never accept Trump as president nor the will of the people in electing him.

If the liberal media continue to treat Trump as a pariah rather than president then it is only fair the Trump administration treat the media as hopelessly lost in unethical journalistic conduct and not deserving a place in the White House press corp.  Why recognize a media that refuses to recognize you as president?

Trump proved you do not need to spend a billion dollars on media buys to win an election.  He proved politicians could successfully appeal directly to the public and ignore the media.  The failure of the media to give Trump a fair chance and his astonishing victory tell the tale of truth.

The real dinosaur in this campaign is the outdated and biased news media.  The have suffocated on their own egos.  Now, never even considering the possibility of a Trump victory, they are lost at sea.

If there was any doubt of media bias against Trump here are excerpts from a recent article of the liberal media commenting on their own dilemma of having no one on their fair and balanced media staff who can write an op-ed article favorable to our new president Trump.


Mainstream media puts out the call for pro-Trump columnists
By Paul Farhi December 9 at 9:09 AM 

Wanted: Columnists to say nice things about Donald Trump. Must be able to make cogent arguments in favor of the president-elect’s policies, appointees and statements. Experience preferred but not required.

It’s not an actual want ad, but it might as well be one. As they discovered during the long campaign season, the nation’s newspapers and major digital news sites — the dreaded mainstream media — are facing a shortage of people able, or more likely willing, to write opinion columns supportive of the president-elect.

Major newspapers, from The Washington Post to the New York Times, have struggled to find and publish pro-Trump columns for months. So have regional ones, such as the Des Moines Register and Arizona Republic, which have a long history of supporting Republican candidates

 “We struggled to find voices that could advocate for Donald Trump’s ideas,” said James Bennet, the Times’ editorial-page editor. “It was really unusual. It didn’t help that the conservative intelligentsia lined up against him.” But Bennet says Trump’s campaign contributed to the imbalance: “He didn’t have the people around him who were prepared to put together his arguments” for publication.

The Washington Post’s editorial-page editor, Fred Hiatt, said the paper is as committed “as ever” to offering readers “a range of smart, independent thinking, and we are always thinking about whether there are new voices we should be adding” as Trump takes office.
Said the Times’ Bennet: “We owe it to our readers to help them hear the voices that were supportive of Trump. . . . I’m proud of the work we did, but we could have done better.”


So, the bias is built in and extensive by their own admission.  It continues with the misleading headlines, false fact checking services, and unusual use of long discredited information on Trump still used in current stories.

If the liberal and former Main Street media continue their practices of bias and twisting the truth, ratings will continue to collapse, trust will reach rock bottom, and the once venerable American media will face extinction not from government censorship or assaults on the First Amendment, but a failure to meet the public need for truth.

Oblivion will be a self-imposed death sentence due to lack of interest on the part of the public.


Friday, August 28, 2015

Hillary slings mud with the best of Men - Calls Pro Life "terrorists" as she condones the harvesting and sale of Body Parts by Planned Parenthood!


While The New  York Times highlights lies and hides the truth!

Apparently the threat of a progressive Dream Team of Biden and Warren challenging her in the Democratic primary has brought on a change of strategy and a corresponding loss of common sense in Hillary as the newly threatened campaign of Clinton for president has suddenly out trumped the Trump for the day.

Between Hillary calling the Pro Life movement terrorists, and the New York Times reporting how the Hispanic media calls Trump "Hitler," on page one no less, the liberal left seems to have gone, well berserk, over the fact the people are beginning to see the truth about the socialist agenda.

First of all, the many allegations reported in the NYT were shades of yellow journalism.  Trump does not wear a toupee, as stated by Ricardo Sánchez, and he is not "the loudest voice for intolerance, hatred, and division in the United States," as stated by Jorge Ramos.

The fact the Times reported these are two of the most influential people in Hispanic media in America, is a sad commentary on the way the Democratic party has brainwashed the Hispanic people in America.

The Times forget to mention that Ramos's daughter works for the Hillary Clinton campaign, a clear conflict of interest.  His manner was rude, his intent was to embarrass Trump, and his result was to make the entire left media look stupid.

Mr. Ramos, who earlier this month delivered a searing indictment of Donald, called him “the loudest voice of intolerance, hatred and division in the United States,” hardly the words of an objective journalist.

Ramos went on to say, “This is personal, and that’s the big difference between Spanish-language and mainstream media, because he’s talking about our parents, our friends, our kids and our babies,” Mr. Ramos said in a telephone interview.

Why do the Hispanics even associate with the liberal left when they have been used and abused for years?

On July 27, 2015, the liberal PBS Frontline program reported the following:

"Last week, the Mexican government released new data showing that between 2007 and 2014 — a period that accounts for some of the bloodiest years of the nation’s war against the drug cartels — more than 164,000 people were victims of homicide.  Nearly 20,000 died last year alone, a substantial number, but still a decrease from the 27,000 killed at the peak of fighting in 2011."

The vast majority of these people killed along the US and Mexican border got murdered while Obama was president.  What did the Obama administration do to stop the massacres on the border when the drugs were coming to the USA?

Speaking of Obama, who can forget the bold promise to the Hispanic community in 2008, that he would have a comprehensive immigration bill his first year in office?  Thanks to the Hispanic vote he became president.

Here we are, seven years later, and the Democrats are still the champions of the Hispanics, with no immigration bill.

"Despertar los hispanos, los demócratas que damos por sentado."

"Wake up Hispanics, the Democrats take you for granted."

In the interest of equality, there are no guarantees the Republicans can do much better but they are not the ones who made all the empty promises.

My plea is for everyone to seek out the truth, trust no one from media to politicians, and reward results, not empty promises.

As for The New York Times, giving front page coverage to a bunch of political hacks and calling it responsible journalism is a huge joke.  Calling a special interest spokesman like Jorge Ramos "the Walter Cronkite of the Hispanic community" is an insult to American history and journalism.

Walter would have known both Hispanic journalists hated Trump, he would have been insulted the NYT called one of them "Walter Cronkite" without divulging his daughter worked for the Hillary Clinton campaign, and he would have disapproved a reporter making political statements at a news conference instead of asking questions.

In Hillary's case, she has no business accusing those who value life of being the same as Islamic terrorists, while defending those in women's health care who are under investigation for harvesting human embryos and selling organs from fetuses.  It is wrong, a very sick policy position to advocate when you are running for president, and a very direct contribution to inflaming hatred in the country.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Main Street Media Blows it Again - Fails to Report on Intelligence Disasters Right Under their Noses


 CIA FBI NSA DIA - Whose Spying on Them? 
Thank God for the Guardian and Telegraph of England or we Americans would have no idea what our own intelligence agencies having been doing to us and people around the world.
One might think our news media people are in cahoots with our intelligence (or is it unintelligence) people the way the media fails to cover and follow up on major breaking news regarding the intelligence disasters in America.
The following release is about a new book by a former KGB major and one of the most significant defections to America during the Cold War, Victor Sheymov.

More important, it is about how he was treated by the American intelligence agencies after he came here to help out.
The most disastrous sky scandals of the past 20 years, the Aldrich Ames CIA fiasco and the Robert Hanssen FBI fiasco both centered on Victor and the KGB interest in his activities once he defected to America.  You might say they were prepared to do all possible to infiltrate the CIA and make certain Victor had a very short stay here in the states.  Need I say more?
His story may help tear the gates off Hell and expose more of the surreptitious actions by our national security protectors when it comes to intelligence agencies out of control who show a total disregard for the laws of the land and our place in the world.
Terrorism, counter-intelligence and national security sound patriotic until one explores the depths of the dark side of life where the intelligence games are played out and learns of the victims of these games caught up in power struggles, egos and fanaticism that defy all principles of individual freedom and rights.
Whether the CIA, the FBI or the NSA, are we really safer with them on our side?  If so why are so many scandals carried out in the very offices of our own protectors?
Well once again the media has failed to not only grasp, but to find, a story that lays out the "Bare" facts about the dark side of intelligence.  Thank God for Amazon, where one can still find the truth by reading the latest books on Kindle like Victor Sheymov's incredible expose, TieBreaker - Tower of Secrets II, the sequel to his riveting book Tower of Secrets.
Here is the release our Main Street media are too busy to report on.  Once again the New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, NBC-ABC-CBS news and all the other so called viable news media in America should be ashamed.
As David Ignatius, Associate Editor of The Washington Post said,  "Sheymov knew the secrets that spy services die to protect."
Look for the truth in the London Telegraph or Coltons Point Times.
October 2013                                         

Cybersecurity Expert Reveals the Seismic Faults in the Spying Business

TIEBREAKER: Tower of Secrets II

By Victor Sheymov

In one of the most daring operations of the Cold War the CIA exfiltrated Victor Sheymov, his wife and young daughter, and brought them to the US.  Sheymov, as a key player of KGB cyber communications security, had extraordinary knowledge of the whole KGB organization, and the CIA awarded him the highest grade of the intelligence medal for the services he rendered to the United States. Yet for the ten years that he and his family remained under deep cover, unbeknownst to the KGB, working at the highest levels of the NSA and British Intelligence, the CIA itself turned out to be Sheymov’s most insidiously persistent, and dangerous enemy. Why?

TIEBREAKER is the fascinating story of how Victor Sheymov figured out the reason behind the campaign to destroy him and his family, and the cause of the CIA’s catastrophic intelligence failures that the public had a chance to have a glimpse at with the arrest of Aldrich Ames in 1994.

Sheymov then found himself at the center of the next intelligence crisis with the arrest in 2001 of his longtime FBI liaison, Robert Hanssen.

And now Victor Sheymov, world-class cyber security expert and inventor of a breakthrough cybersecurity technology, finds himself at the heart of the search of  the solution to the rapidly growing global threat to cyber security.

Sheymov analyzes the factual failure of the firewall technology and the basis of this breakthrough concept in his other new book,


A Fundamentally New Approach

Cyberspace is defined, and differentiated from out physical space. New method of consummations, Variable Cyber Coordinates (VCC) that provides for superior level of security is described and detailed.
Sheymov told the story of his meteoric career in the KGB, and his disillusionment with Communism and the Soviet system that led to his decision to defect, in his first book.
Superlative...a breathtaking true story...a towering book, fascinating and hair-raising...far more exciting than the most exciting accomplished fiction of the spy genre. Associated Press 
Sheymov knew the secrets that spy services die to protect.   David Ignatius, Associate Editor of The Washington Post, author of Agents of InnocenceBody of Lies

While the story ends abruptly with Sheymov's escorted arrival in N.Y.C., it seems likely that the information he subsequently furnished hastened the Cold War's end. A top-level insider's dramatic, stranger-than-fiction disclosures in the great game of espionage.     Kirkus Reviews