Friday, November 20, 2009

The Day of Reckoning Has Come - for the White House, Congress and Wall Street


It is now time for an end to the senseless babble in our nation's capitol, an end to the claims by the politicians to know what is RIGHT for America. Now is the time to end the meaningless charges and counter-charges, the pointing of the finger in blame, and the bias and bigotry, hatred and paralysis that dominates Washington.

The Democrats continue to point the finger at Bush for the troubles that now belong to the Democrats. They point the finger at the Republicans for opposing whatever the Democrats want to do. But the Democrats control everything, the House, the Senate and the presidency, if they want something the Republicans can't stop it.

As for the Republicans, the minority party gives them a new perspective, at least in the Senate and presidency. Don't forget, the House has been controlled by Speaker Pelosi since 2006, not 2008. But the Republicans often act more like spoiled kids than a constructive force to bring reason and sanity to the insanity of the Democrats.

So far, there really is no difference between the two parties. Oh the circumstances might have changed a little but in truth there is no difference. We still have the same two wars. We still have a crippled economy. We still debate how to increase the size of government rather than reduce it. Health care reform has little to do with real reform and a lot to do with control.

The Democrats want to control health care costs by spending about a trillion more dollars. What kind of math is that? The White House refuses to offer anything for fear it will be yet another failure on its dismal post-election legacy. Is that leadership? And the Republicans, well they have the right ideas to reduce costs but no ability to rise above the fight and present their case.

Dig a little deeper and whatever philosophical differences might have existed between the two parties is lost in a fog. That fog is the millions of dollars pouring in from Wall Street and special interests to make sure that our current system of legalized corruption remains alive and well. Both parties run around with their hands out and the money keeps flowing in.

Yesterday Secretary of State Hillary Clinton lectured the Afghanistan president Karzai on the need for meaningful actions to fight corruption or the United States would withhold support for that struggling nation. It was impressive. But it was the wrong audience. Before we worry about how Afghanistan runs it's country we should look in the mirror at our own country. Hillary needs to make that speech to the White House and Congress where it is really needed.

Congress and the Obama administration, just like Bush and his Administration, have made corruption such an established way of life in Washington that the keys to the Treasury have been lost and the door remains open wide. For all the mistakes made by Bush, it seems Obama, Biden, Pelosi, Reid and Franks have not fixed one, not one, of the obvious flaws in our system in a year.

Lobbyists rule the halls of congress. Special interests are pouring billions of dollars into the campaign coffers of all the Democrats and Republicans. Wall Street would be laughing all the way to the bank if they didn't already own the bank. Our politicians have given Goldman Sachs, Morgan, Citigroup, Bank of America and who knows who else an unlimited ATM card to draw upon the national treasury. And we are not requiring repayment, not charging interest, could care less about bonuses, and don't care how they spend the money.

Democrats and Republicans alike are equally to blame and equally benefit from this, the greatest raid on the Treasury in our nation's history. Has Pelosi, Reid or Franks passed any campaign finance reform? No! Restrictions on lobbyists? No! How about closing the loopholes on unregulated banks? No! Well have they at least stopped illegal securities scams from being sold? No!

Has Obama or the folks at Treasury stopped almost interest free loans to banks that refuse to give loans to our citizens or businesses? No! Have they blocked the billions of dollars in bank bonuses being paid from money stolen from the government? No! Has Barney Franks stopped the mortgage mess? No! How about at least prosecuting the perpetrators of high crimes against the government who stole our money? No! Well has he at least disclosed which Senators and Congressmen were given sweetheart loans by the corrupt mortgage companies? No!

Of course none of these things have happened because the politicians, Democrats and Republicans alike, don't want all their friends and partners in crime to be sitting in jail. As long as they are fighting with each other and pointing fingers they figure the public is distracted from the truth and too stupid to figure out it allows them to continue ripping off the government, us, and they will do this for as long as we let them.

There simply is no difference between a Democrat and Republican. Both parties cry foul as they continue to feed off their enemies. No one can fix Wall Street because everyone from the president to congress is beholden to Wall Street for being elected. Now, when there is a force so powerful that it has obliterated the difference between what used to be competitive political parties, what chance is there a beneficiary of the bribes and gifts will turn on them?

In America there are no politicians left with NO STRINGS ATTACHED in our nation's capitol. Still we might forgive them their digressions if they would actually acknowledge the mistakes, apologize for them, and fix the mess but that is just not going to happen. When the bushel of apples is rotten it doesn't matter if you throw one out of the bushel, the bushel still remains rotten.

This is a very sad time in America. The people have been abandoned by their elected officials and their government. Our banks and medical services have been contaminated by the same evil forces just as our mortgage and credit card companies have abandoned us. They are all in control. They don't care about anything but feeding an insatiable appetite of greed and they won't stop until they have bled our nation dry.

Once upon a time in America the news media used to be the fifth estate who looked out for the interests of the people. It was the media that exposed the dark side of our capitalist and political systems. Now the media, thanks to their rejection of the concept of neutrality and impartial reporting, are just as much a part of the problem as the politicians.

The Day of Reckoning is upon us. The first vestiges of it were felt in the New Jersey and Virginia races for governor when the president and Democrats lost. But the Republicans were not the ones who won. No, this was the first groundswell of what started 17 years ago when Ross Perot took on the Washington establishment because of their bungling of the economy, giving away our manufacturing capacity and jobs through NAFTA, campaign finance corruption, poor schools and heath care costs that were out of control.

Clinton and Bush, Sr. along with the Democratic and Republican parties, smeared him. Al Gore, VP at the time, even debated him on the benefits of NAFTA. The North Atlantic Free Trade Agreement, which did more than any one thing to destroy the manufacturing base in America, was opposed by Perot. Isn't it rather interesting that this agreement was proposed by Bush, Sr. when he was president and approved by Bill Clinton when he was president. Now tell me, what is the difference between the two parties?

The combined forces of the two political parties, Clinton and Bush, Sr. along with a media that did it's best to make Perot look like a fool did not stop him from influencing the outcome of the 1992 election as he received the most votes (20%) by an Independent in the 20th Century. Nor did they stop him from laying the groundwork for a true opposition grassroots movement of the people against the political parties and politicians.

This year the old boys and gals in our nation's capitol suddenly realized the Perot legacy is alive and well because his populist movement was always about what was best for the people. Had Perot become president back then or in 1996 half of congress, the bureaucracy and Wall Street would be in jail right now, not running or pillaging our government.

Two products of the system (New Jersey and Virginia governor's candidates) have already lost this fall to the new grassroots movement. Congress got a little roughed up in health care town halls by the same populist movement. Still the fools in our capitol and Wall Street do not get it. They have one year left before the movement becomes an avalanche and the politicians start getting thrown out by the droves in the elections next fall. Yes, the Day of Reckoning is Upon Us. The Time is at Hand.


Obama's Seven Cardinal Sins Since Becoming President


Not to minimize the characterization of Cardinal Sins as they are the most serious of sins that can be committed in the eyes of the Roman Catholic Church, but for purposes of this article our Cardinal Sins are the most serious political sins that can be committed by a politician. Since taking office Obama has seen his favorable ratings collapse from 65% to 48% or less in his first year in office since being elected and tenth month of running the nation.

1. Double crossing his political base.

Case in point, the SEIU International Union, one of the two most important sources of money and support for the Obama political campaign. White House records indicated that SEIU leader Andy Stern was in the White House 22 times since Obama took office. These meetings between Stern, Obama and Rahm Emanuel, Obama's chief of staff, might explain who coordinated the SEIU involvement in trying to control health care town hall meetings or how SEIU will get their payback for sinking $60.7 million into the Obama campaign.

Unfortunately, there was one group Obama clearly owed more to than the SEIU and it was Goldman Sachs, the multi-billion dollar beneficiary of the Obama presidency. So many billions of government dollars went into Goldman that they are able to pay over $22 billion just this year in executive bonuses in spite of doing little in the way of banking. Even SEIU is outraged and Stern started demonstrating outside Goldman Sachs offices bringing to a head the conflict of interest between these two Obama backers and powerful political forces.

Many other groups of Obama supporters have been trampled on as well since the election ranging from the Democratic governors, two Obama states have already been lost, to the auto unions where the auto bailout has only resulted in protecting executives while eliminating workers. People caught in the housing mortgage scandal which was a product of Goldman and other banks have lost their homes while the banks got bailed out. All the Congressional Democrats are at risk for reelection in 2010 thanks to the refusal of the Obama gang to look out for their interests.

For more information on the Obama/Goldman relationship check out the following:

More on Obama/SEIU:

2. Assuming he had an overwhelming mandate to push his own agenda.

Those of you who paid attention at the end of the campaign for president realized Obama outspent McCain by over 4-1, the economy was a disaster, Bush had the lowest approval ratings ever recorded, and still Obama only won the vote by 6%. He should have won by a landslide, but just won by 3% more than half of the vote. That means 47% of all American voters voted against him.

Yet the adoring media made the world think Obama won by the greatest landslide in history and Obama believed the media. He surrounded himself with ideologues committed to taking what everyone else had and gave them the power to do it. Was it arrogance? Why did the cap and trade bill Obama proposed guarantee Goldman Sachs and Al Gore untold wealth? He bailed out AIG and $13 billion went straight to Goldman. He bailed out the banks and Goldman took the no interest federal money and started manipulating the unregulated derivatives, swaps, futures and hedge markets, and kept making billions while doing nothing to help the American taxpayer who gave them the money.

First Goldman said they were doing "God's business". Does that mean Obama is God? Who else gave them the keys to the Treasury and a license to steal? Who decided it was time to regulate the financial markets then turned the effort over to his top aide, who was from Goldman? It has now been a year since the economic crash and no regulatory reform has even been proposed.

Obama spent his first days attacking every aspect of the federal government from the war in Afghanistan to Health Care reform, stimulus spending to saying there is no war on terror. He followed the advice of his top aides on the economy with stimulus, bailouts and massive deficit spending. These were the very same aides who worked for Clinton and ten years ago made the legislative and regulatory changes needed to allow the greatest theft in the history of America.

As the Obama poll numbers crashed they could care less. As people demanded that the economy, jobs and credit be our first priority they ignored the masses. They send Obama on hopeless foreign missions that almost seemed designed to fail in Iraq, Afghanistan, the Middle East, Iran and North Korea, while alienating our fragile relations with Japan, China and Russia.

They cranked up the biggest deficit spending in history, added more to the national debt than any president in history, left over 10.2% of Americans without jobs, 2 million Americans are still facing foreclosure after all the billions spent to save the housing market, and the list goes on and on.

The Chicago and Goldman gang ruling the White House and programming the president live for special interests, defend the special interests over the public interest, continue unabated everything that got us into this mess in the first place, and have no regard for the American public. In their opinion, they act as if it is their time to control the White House, not Obama's, and they intend to leave a permanent legacy even if it destroys the country in the process. Arrogance at this level has never been seen in our history.

3. Using political expediency to ignore his own campaign promises.

During the campaign Obama made a lot of promises to a lot of people in the context of his promise to do things different in Washington, change the way politicians did business, be open and honest about government business, eliminate lobbyists and special interests from dictating legislation, and a bunch of other great sounding things.

To the liberals and socialists he promised the redistribution of wealth and to punish the Wall Street executives who brought about the near destruction of America. He promised to close Guantanamo prison, make peace with our enemies, get better deals from our allies, and who knows what else. Once elected a few bones were thrown to his people but they were soon forgotten in the avalanche of special interest money that the Obama gang and Congress starting collecting from special interests no sooner than they had been elected.

The campaign promises disappeared in a sea of cash that flowed into Washington when the rest of America was going broke, losing their jobs, losing their pensions and losing all faith in our government. The net result is the Chicago and Goldman gang in the White House has preserved the Wall Street Special Interest Control of our nation's capitol.

4. Surrounding himself with the Chicago gang, Goldman Sachs alumni and old time political hacks.

Much has already been written about the gang of old pros surrounding the president and dictating his every move. Every day their handiwork becomes more obvious whether it is Israel ignoring the president's warnings on settlements (Emmanuel), Wall Street continuing to get away with pillaging the US Treasury (Emmanuel, Geithner and Summers) or the host of other former Goldman and Clinton people surrounding our president who promised to drive out the demons.

For more information about the palace guard and the amazing control they maintain over the president check out the following articles from the Coltons Point Times.

5. Failing to achieve any foreign policy breakthroughs.

Obama said he had the experience to turn around our foreign policy debacles starting with the day he took office. Yet another promise lost to political expediency. The rest of the world refused to be dictated to on how to fix the economies. We dropped the missile defense shield for Poland on the day of the anniversary of the Soviet invasion of Poland.

Russia and China refuse to be parties to punishing nuclear renegade Iran. No one is helping out with North Korea. The International Olympic Committee tossed out the Chicago bid sought by Obama. Europe waits to see what will happen in Afghanistan. We are still in Iraq at full strength, still fighting in Afghanistan with a request for 40,000 more troops on the table.

Israel builds more settlements in spite of Obama's harsh warning not to. The Palestinians are not even attending peace meetings. Gore's global warming initiative has been rejected by the major powers of the world. The G8, G20 and every other world economic group has turned on the US as the cause of the world economic collapse, and impatiently waits for us to do something, anything, to fix it.

6. Protecting the rich while ignoring Main Street.

Thanks to Obama we have provided directly and through the Federal Reserve about $24 trillion to six major banks to cover their losses in the derivative, swaps, futures, commodities, hedge fund and other unregulated speculative ventures.

The same banks now are setting records in profits. The same banks are scheduled to give their executives $162 billion in bonuses this year. The same banks are not providing credit to businesses and consumers and not repaying any of the excess and speculative profits they made while destroying the savings, pensions and jobs of those they are licensed to help.

7. Allowing his ego to get in the way on precarious rights issues.

Obama and Eric Holden, his attorney general, both said they were holding criminal trials of five terrorists including the leader of the World Trade Center bombing in New York. They also promised they were doing this to show the world how they can try and then carry out the execution of these criminals under our civilian legal system. Now that would make Obama and Holden the prosecutor, judge and jury for these terrorists who, thanks to Obama, now have to be considered innocent until proven guilty. The action by our leaders may very well result in damaging the government case to convict these guys.

When he criticized the cop who arrested one of his friends without hearing any of the circumstances he also jumped the gun. Furthermore, his spending of well over $18 million to create a White House web site then refusal to release any contract details on why it cost so much when other government offices offered to do it for about $600,000 seems like a slap in the face of people who want openness, transparency and higher ethics in government.

So, where do we go from here? Mistakes are normal in the first year of a new Administration. Sometimes the people hired are too caught up in their own agenda to realize they serve all the people. When that happens the new leader must take action to fix the problems. These Cardinal Sins are mostly the result of poor policy, poor reading of the public, and arrogance on the part of the president's staff. He can fix those problems and still have a successful reign as president.

Transition administrations, those that take over from an opposing force like Obama replacing Bush take one year to learn the system and a second year to get the right people in place to do their work. The last two years they try and implement the policies that make sense. Obama has plenty of time to correct the problems. It will take leadership, patience, firm action to replace the people not serving the public interest, and a bit of humility. When he finally takes up the fight for the people rather than the special interests he can gain that support like Reagan did.

Most people like Obama and believe that when he starts listening to the right people he will get it right. He should start by listening to himself, his campaign promises, and the hope he instilled in people to give him a chance in the first place. People did not give up on the promise, the Obama gang did. Straighten out the gang and the people can be served. That is the difference between a politician and a leader, between a shooting star and a reliable sun. People want to see the sun rise every day. They want something they can count on. They want to be heard.


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Extra! Extra! - Oprah Sarah Palin Ratings Update


Finally James Hibberd of Live Feed came up with the preliminary impact of Sarah Palin on the Oprah Winfrey Show and the results ran true to form. Palin drew the largest audience for Oprah in over two years achieving an 8.7 household rating and a 13 share of audience.

For those of you not media savvy, and I would be one of you except I worked in the media in NYC, that translates to about 14 million people watching the show. As I said in an earlier article, Oprah has been averaging about 7 million viewers per show so Sarah basically doubled the audience during November sweeps month, the most important month of the year when ad rates are determined.

It remains to be seen whether Oprah doubling her audience because of Palin or Palin selling books will benefit the most but clearly both of these powerful women are national celebrities and powerhouses.

Now, so you can compare this to other ratings, Katie Couric averages about 5.6 million viewers, David Letterman about 3.8 million, Bill O'Rielly about 5 million while Fox News averages 1.3 million and MSNBC News averages about 381,000, yes less than one third of the Fox viewers.

No wonder they are lined up and salivating at the chance to get Sarah on their shows.

Sarah Palin Didn't Resign - She Just Reloaded


So now we know where Sarah has been these past few months since she abruptly resigned as governor of Alaska. "She didn't resign, she just reloaded," according to the one person who may know her best, Charles Heath, her father. And by the way, for those in the liberal media who think she came in from the backwoods, her father was a science teacher while her mom worked in the school system.

As Palin took over the media in America for the week, what with Obama racing off to Asia to give away what was left of American dignity to Japan, China and Russia, Palin came out firing and has left many people in a daze from appearances with Oprah Winfrey, Barbara Walters, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Rielly, Glenn Beck, Dennis Miller, and Greta Van Sustern, while Letterman and Larry King tried to capitalize on her electrifying ratings boost.

Newsweek magazine featured Sarah Palin on the cover in a sexist workout photo, one they did not even take themselves. Of course the wimps from the executive suite had to say it was the most appropriate photo for Palin, which makes one wonder what in the hell goes on inside the magazine editorial meetings. Do they sit around checking out photos on all women and men to be featured on the cover looking for the most skin?

At a minimum it was an insult to the photographers at Newsweek. It was also a misrepresentation by the runners magazine who took the photo in the first place for a story about working out. They never disclosed to Palin they intended to sell the photo to anyone who agreed to smear her. This is the kind of sneaky, backroom macho action one might find in a den of weasels or boys locker room. So much for journalism in America.

Every major paper in America including the far left ran front page stories on Palin as she dominated the news more than any losing candidate for vice president in history. Her populist appeal, common sense approach, and refusal to be caught up in the politics of Washington make her a breath of fresh air in the toxic wasteland of our nation's capitol.

However, as we wait for daylight on day three of Obama's wailin, Palin blues week over 1,500 people are lined up in the dark at the Grand Rapids bookstore to buy Palin books. The same town where Sarah wanted to campaign but the McCain folks told her no last fall. A town and state that overwhelmingly voted for Obama and has been shaking their heads ever since.

As for Palin reloading, a lifetime NRA member like her does not need a lot of time for reloading and yesterday she took off the gloves on issue after issue with Rush Limbaugh who peppered her with policy questions and she fired back with no notes, no dodging issues and no hesitation to say that we never got the change promised by Obama. On Barbara Walters she graded Obama as a 4 out of 10 and I think she was being generous.

If the liberal media bothers to read the Rush transcript they will be stunned. When she has no handlers and can speak her mind her genuine concern about the future of America and the working people of America comes across loud and clear. Her knowledge of issues far surpasses what the media says she knows. And her ability to relate to people is a far cry from the Ivy League aloofness and arrogance of Obama.

Members of Congress better pay attention to Palin and what she has to say. Even the most liberal polls show Congress has a 15% favorable rating, the lowest in history. Still Congress under the Democratic leadership continues to ignore the public, ignore their own base, and maintain their record-breaking spending spree toward the economic ruin of America.

The most scientific polls in America show Obama has a 48% favorable rating while the most liberal polls show Obama gets just 42% favorable rating from White voters. Independents and cross-over Republicans have jumped ship because when Obama took office he was not the man they thought they elected. His agenda changed, his demeanor changed, his ego grew and his arrogance hardened as he sought to carry out his own secret agenda rather than what he promised the people. In America the people do not forget.

Each day Obama is on his far east tour where he has suffered policy defeat after policy defeat he looks more tired, more frustrated and more disengaged from the American public. Astonishingly his top advisors, who seem hell bent on leading Obama and the nation to self destruction, have done nothing to calm the political waters and in fact have poured gasoline on the flames with their hard line that only they know what is right for America.

As for Palin, she is out where Obama fears to tread, meeting the ordinary people on Main Street, listening to them, and preparing to fight for them. Thank God someone not part of the corrupt political system is willing to take all the abuse and smears to try and fix our country.

Obama's one shining light in the Administration is the one light he put out, Hillary Clinton. If I were Obama and Hillary resigned this next year, two years ahead of time, I would start thinking of retirement if Goldman Sachs has not already taken care of him as Clinton is the only Democrat who could keep the Democrats in office if she ran and defeated Obama in the presidential primaries in 2012. If she does not quit and run against Obama then the Republicans will surely win.

Two women stand in the face of Obama's quest to make history, Sarah Palin in front of him and Hillary Clinton standing behind. Both of them may have reloaded. The only question may be how many Democrats in the House and Senate does Obama take down with him?

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Yankees Boost Series Ratings - Largest Increase in History


2009 World Series posts biggest year-to-year growth in history


The 2009 Fall Classic averaged an 11.7/19 average household rating/share, an average audience of 19.4 million viewers and a 6.2 rating among Adults 18-49, re-establishing itself as a dominant force in prime time. This year’s Series finished up +39% over 2008 Rays-Phillies 8.4/14, and ranks as the highest-rated and most-watched World Series in five years (Red Sox-Cardinals, 15.8/26, 25.4 million viewers in 2004). The +39% increase over last year is the largest single-year ratings increase in the history of the World Series. If we compare the complete 2009 World Series to top-rated season-to-date prime-time shows, the World Series ranks No. 2 in Households and among Adults 18-49.

The 2009 World Series has helped power FOX to a 3.9 rating prime among Adults 18-49 with a commanding +22% lead over second-place CBS (3.2), and establishes a new high as FOX’s biggest season-to-date lead ever in fourth quarter and the biggest for any network in six years.

The World Series also hit five-year highs across every major male and adult demographic. On a year-to-year basis, major demo increases mirrored the overall Household increase. The World Series is up +38% over last year among M18-34 (6.5 vs. 4.7), +37% on M18-49 (7.8 vs. 5.7), +32% in M25-54 (8.7 vs. 6.6), +46% in A18-34 (5.4 vs. 3.7), +41% in A18-49(6.2 vs. 4.4), and +36% in A25-54 (6.8 vs. 5.0). One notable demo that outperformed the overall average was Teens, with Male Teens up +50%over last year (3.9 vs. 2.6) and Total Teens up +53% (2.9 vs. 1.9).

Palin Boosts Oprah Ratings - Blows Nielsen Lights Out


It was just another day for Sarah Palin as she had an exceptional interview with talk show Queen Oprah Winfrey then sat back to hear the firestorm of criticism from the far left media. In the process, the Nielsen TV ratings company was trying to compile the overnight audience for the Oprah Show and their computer processing center lost power for much of the night delaying ratings reports for more than 24 hours.

At the time of this writing they are still not back on the air but Oprah averaged under 7 million viewers last year and her first few shows this year have been around 7 million. Let us see who benefited the most from the appearance, Oprah with ratings or Sarah with book sales. It was a long awaited interview ever since Oprah endorsed Obama last year and then said no candidates would be on her show.

Of course Obama had already been on the show and she did appear with him several times during the campaign not to mention the ill-fated Chicago Olympic bid trip with the Obama's. Still, when she asked Palin if she was upset from being shunned Sarah said she didn't ask to be on the show and didn't expect to be with Oprah's support of Obama. It was a very generous answer.

The long awaited interview with the girl that won't go away Sarah Palin went fine and the response from the liberal media was typically deafening which in and of itself tells you a lot about the bias of the media and bitterness they feel about her being a populist politician and now a stunningly successful author. You see, nearly every liberal media member I saw complaining about the interview has a book for sale and none are even in the same universe with Sarah in terms of sales.

Examples of media bias:

Complaints that the Palin book and Oprah interview fail to address Palin's ambitions in 2012 miss the entire point of the book. Although the last chapter does talk about the future, the intent of the book was a reflection on the past. Why in the world would a memoir about the past talk about a political campaign well into the future? This is biased and a deliberate distortion of the book.

All the liberal media trash Palin as a viable candidate for president yet Palin did not run for president (maybe our elitist media need a fact check on them) and she has never expressed an interest in running for president in 2012. She is trying to sell books, the same thing all the journalists are doing. Perhaps they should try reporting news. Maybe the negativity on the part of liberal elitists has more to do with the fact Palin has sold far more books than they ever will meaning jealously is a powerful motivator for biased reporting.

Polls used to show how Palin has lost her popularity by all the liberal media from Washington Post reporters to MSNBC comrades do not reflect registered voters, are not scientific and are designed to distort the results. In spite of this, the polls show that Palin has lost less popularity than Obama and his wife Michelle yet the liberal elitists forget to mention that point.

For the truth pay attention to the polls from Rasmussen, a long established and reputable polling firm for the national media. Palin hit a high on her national favorability rating right after the Republican convention last year when she reached 52% favorable. Monday of this week, November 16, 2009 Rasmussen reported Palin had a 51% national favorable rating.

For a dose of the truth, that represents a loss of 1% in the polls a year after the election and after Sarah resigned as Governor of Alaska. For comparison, Obama reached a 65% favorable rating on January 21 of this year and now has a 48% favorable rating. a loss of 17%. Now if my math is correct that means Obama lost 16 times as much support as Palin since he took office. Funny the liberal liars didn't mention this fact.

Chris Matthews, dean of MSNBC naysayers, continues to show fabricated pictures of Palin in his stories, and does not say they are photo shop fabrications. This is a violation of basic journalistic standards yet indicative of the MSNBC hatred for Palin. It demonstrates why MSNBC is at the bottom of the pit in terms of ratings and credibility.

Norah O'Donnell, MSNBC reporter, while attempting to do unbiased news reporting consistently uses stories, quotes and photos clearly intended to undermine Palin's credibility. She also says there is no way Palin can get elected president in 2012, a most audacious opinion from someone who is supposed to report the news, not opinions.

Tina Brown, journalist, partner in the Daily Beast blog site and former editor of Vanity Fair and The New Yorker had this to say about Palin.

"That Sarah Palin, oh what a tease."

Tina compared Palin's style to Obama who she described in the following way.

"Obama's cerebral aloofness makes him a cold fish in a hot medium, and Michelle, who used to provide the human crackle, looked as downcast as her husband's latest poll numbers when peddling health care to seniors last week."

The good news is that for all the bad there was a lot of good and the general public knows better than to trust the national media when it comes to Sarah Palin. Long ago the public figured out she was one of them, not one of Washington elitists.

More later when Nielsen finally gets back on track.

Friday, November 13, 2009

The Blockbuster 2012 - The End of Time - Fact or Fiction according to Hopi Prophecy


With the release of the $200 million blockbuster movie 2012 this weekend and the dismal state of the union and the world there is sure to be a renewed interest in the End Time prophecies and perhaps that is a good thing. Throughout the history of civilization there has always been a fascination with the so called apocalypse, the Biblical story of the end of time. In fact the entire last Book of the New Testament, the Book of Revelations, gives us a 2000 year old account of what is to come.

So why is attention suddenly being focused on the year 2012 and why will this movie become a box office hit? First, there are events that have been prophesized for centuries that are coming to a head. For example, the Mayan calendar, one of the most sophisticated astrological wonders ever discovered, abruptly ends on December 21, 2012. Now why did this ancient Indian tribe have an understanding of the science of astronomy that we still cannot duplicate with all our scientific advancement?

Then there is the planetary alignment that takes place every thousand years or so and it just happens to take place in December of 2012. Again the ancient Indians have been proven right by modern science. There was a reason the Mayans worshipped the sun. But the knowledge they had hundreds of years ago defies anything that can be explained by the evolution of mankind. They were centuries ahead of the rest of mankind.

The same is true in other areas of science from the ancient Egyptians who built the pyramids to the ancient Celtics who built Stonehenge. How could they possibly have built these architectural wonders? Plato's account of the lost civilization of Atlantis is yet another case of ancient Greeks knowing things that modern science still cannot figure out.

Author at Stonehenge England

So maybe science does not have the answers. The frequency of the Earth is rising. The Earth has reversed the electro-magnetic spin dozens of times. There have been a series of ice ages followed by global warming and most pre-dated man and the advance of civilization. Al Gore and his Goldman Sachs associates who are becoming millionaires shouting about global warming most certainly know the truth, but there is no profit in truth.

The orbit of the Earth takes an elliptical orbit that takes about 26,000 years to go from the closest point to the sun to the farthest point from the sun and back again. That means we spend 13,000 years moving away from the sun and 13,000 years getting back to the beginning. Global warming seems to happen when we approach the closest point to the sun and we are approaching the closest point right now.

When you go beyond science and add spirituality and metaphysical fields into the equations the result gets even more interesting. Nostradamus and Edgar Casey, two of the most accurate psychics of all time, both saw visions of an apocalypse. From the spiritual realm the Holy Mother Mary, mother of Jesus, has delivered numerous warnings of the approaching trials over the past couple of centuries.

So who or what can we believe when no one knows the truth? There is one other group that most people do not even know that deserves a hearing before we really worry too much about the End Times. It is a group a lot of truth seekers have become aware of but few have ever understood because it was not the mission of this group to be understood.

They are the most ancient of Native American tribes, also known as the People of Peace and Children of God, the Hopi Indian nation. Once upon a time the Hopi dominated the Americas and many ancient tribes have been found to be spin offs of the Hopi. The Hopi have the most complex and sacred of prophecies and their mission has always been to protect Mother Earth from the march of human civilization.

Author before the Hopi Prophecy Stone in Arizona

They are also here to preserve ancient and extinct cultures. The Hopi have never been involved in a war in all their centuries of existence. They have never signed a treaty with the US because they always believed the land could not be owned or bought and sold by people, it was a gift from Father Creator for all people to use what they needed.

The Hopi are the only tribe to never request or need government aid even though our government took away all their lands and left them on a desolate high desert plateau with little rain. Somehow the Hopi have always managed to grow their own food, in the high desert, with no rain.

One of the sacred sites of the Hopi is the Grand Canyon. Other sacred sites like the Red Rocks of Sedona Arizona and Monument Park on the Utah and Arizona border have been contaminated by mankind. Still the Hopi spend 234 days a year in prayer honoring God and asking for guidance to do God's work.

According to ancient Hopi prophecy, mankind goes through cycles of civilization. In each cycle mankind develops until they reach a point of evolution that technological advancement, power, and greed dominate civilization. You see mankind is supposed to find their own way in service to Father Creator and Mother Earth and maintain morality and ethics. When man has failed the spiritual world steps in and cleans up the mess mankind has made by wiping out the immoral and unethical people of the world.

According to the Hopi prophecy, man has been granted five cycles of civilization. We are in the fourth cycle of civilization. As we approach the end of the cycle of civilization we enter a time of Purification when the sins of mankind are exposed for all to see. Corrupt institutions then collapse. As we approach the end of the cycle time speeds up, the Hopi say we enter the Quickening.

It is entirely possible that we are not at the end of times but at the end of the fourth cycle of civilization and although the apocalyptic events may occur, they serve to purify mankind, not exterminate him. If so, those who have not lost their morality can survive to rebuild mankind once again. Maybe we can finally get it right.

Are we at such a point of moral decay, corruption and greed that spiritual intervention is needed? Look at our leaders. Look where they led us. And look where they are still taking us. What the banks and financial institutions have done and are still doing to us is certainly the epitome of corruption. The politicians who bail them out and protect them are certainly corrupt. If we are to avoid the apocalypse we have a long ways to go.

A last couple of points of concern. As for the year 2012, it is the last year of Obama's first term in office. Hummmm. The first year he was in office, 2009, was the 200th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln's birth. His last year in office, 2012, is also the 200th anniversary of the death of Amschel Mayer Rothschild, the architect of the modern banking system, patriarch of the House of Rothschild, and whose followers are advocates of the New World Order to replace all governments. By the way, the House of Rothschild with a wealth estimated at over $250 trillion, dwarfs all governments of the world including the USA.

Is there Hope? The Hopi believe we always have the ability to clean up the mess before spiritual intervention takes place. In fact a few years ago the Hopi went public with their mission, prophecy and solutions for the world to help us find our way. So far the world has chosen to ignore the warnings.

Finally, if we are facing the apocalypse is that bad? I asked the Hopi once how they could know what they know and watch the world fall into corruption and moral decay and still have hope. The told me that spiritual evolution is following the Divine Plan of God. If we believe in the goodness of God then we must accept that events such as the apocalypse are part of the Divine Plan and will help us, all of us, get one step closer to union with Father Creator.

We have a lot to learn from our ancient ancestors and a wealth of information awaits us out in the Arizona desert where the Hopi nation remains, doing God's work, as they have for thousands of years. People who seek the truth and are prepared to do what is necessary for the benefit of mankind can benefit greatly by paying attention to the Hopi.

Those who want to use the Hopi secrets for their own corrupt purposes, well, the Hopi say you are Two Hearts. Are you a One or Two Heart? If you love Father Creator above all else and love all others before yourself you are a One Heart have a chance to dance in the light. Many a Two Heart has tried to steal the secrets and treasures of the Hopi for selfish, ego driven purposes. None have succeeded.

Listen to the following introduction to Hopi prophecy and see if it doesn't ring true.
