Showing posts with label liberal media. Show all posts
Showing posts with label liberal media. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The Crucifixion of Chris Christie


Once upon a time a bunch of political partisans, special interests, defenders of the faith and powerful interests got together to decide what was in the best interest of the people without bothering to ask the people what they thought or wanted.
The media at the time did their best through the use of lies, deception, deceit and demagoguery to undermine the credibility of someone who just wanted to help the people and teach them the power of love.  So the media whipped up a frenzy in the people to destroy this person.
Unfortunately, for the hordes of special interests calling for his destruction, their success in winning public support was fleeting and the malicious and deceptive facade was exposed and crumbled before nightfall of the Crucifixion.
And then came the Resurrection - reinforcing that the people, not the media, not the radical special interests or the crooked politicians who tried to control the people's minds and will through corrupt government, financial institutions and a disregard for the truth, that the people would overcome.
This was proven by the test of time as billions of people today embrace the teaching of the lonely voice in the wilderness crucified over 2,000 years ago.
When the intent of the Crucifiers is to mislead, control or subvert the will of the people, they are destined to fail.
So what does this have to do with Chris Christie, Governor of New Jersey?
First, before you get carried away with theological challenges and heretical demands from the Inquisition era to burn me at the stake, let me make it clear I am talking about a comparison of the act of crucifying, not the actual victim of the crucifixion.
I am talking about the highly visible and obvious attempts by some very special interests to destroy Chris Christie by using every obscure incident that comes along to smear him in the media.
The Ft. Lee bridge lane closure was a trigger that brought out the worst in our politicians, news media, radical left wing, radical right wing and presidential hopefuls in an attempt to destroy Christie's credibility with the people across America.
Why might that be?
Think about it.  Professional politicians and the political campaign machines behind them have effectively neutralized the voice of "We the people".  It has been accomplished through years of manipulation and collusion between the political demons and money changers, those who profit from the business of government or the subversion of government regulations.
As Obama has proven it no longer matters right now if our political leaders are a Democrat or Republican, they are all puppets and the puppet masters pulling the strings control the financial institutions of Wall Street and corporate America.  Main Street and rural America simply have no chance as long as the status quo remains.
Christie is an outsider, demonstrating over and over that he is not a professional politician under the control of the puppet masters, while his popularity in New Jersey and now throughout the nation have grown.
Like 2000 years ago, the political corruption and moral morass of the system is suddenly threatened by this brash outsider with no strings attached.  The most dangerous threat to the puppet masters is that of a populist movement to expose them and their practices.
Populist movements require a person to personify the nature, character and ethics of the movement.  For example, one third of all Americans reject the control of the two-party system and signed up as Independents.  The number grows every election cycle.
This huge block of people is leaderless and thus will remain disenfranchised until they get a standard bearer for their movement to rid our nation of the strangling control of the puppet masters.
Chris Christie is an outsider.  Look at the people who attacked him before they even knew the truth about the Ft. Lee situation, so desperate are they to derail his success at uniting people.  For Christie can unite the disenfranchised Democrats and Republicans with the Independents, as many polls have shown.
Supporters of Hillary Clinton and numerous other potential presidential candidates have led the charges against Christie along with their supporters in the news media.  Hard-line leftist liberals and radical, right wing conservatives have joined in the hatchet job.
Then there are the New Jersey politicians, the good old boys, from the high profile aspirants to the unknown, from potential candidates for governor to state senators.  Finally, there are the mayors, so many egos furious that Christie had become the darling of the media and not them.
I lived in New Jersey longer than anywhere I lived in my life.  Working for Governor Tom Kean I spent 8 years travelling every nook and cranny in Jersey and came to respect and appreciate the incredible diversity of the people, the strength of their convictions and their tolerance for other people's opinions.
Corruption has been prevalent for a long time in Jersey from the political corruption resulting from too many government entities to the Atlantic City casino and mob influence to the New York and Philadelphia La Casa Nostra.
Every year more and more corrupt officials are caught and more federal cases have greatly reduced the influence of organized crime in the state.  When he was US Attorney for New Jersey Chris Christie successfully prosecuted 130 corruption cases.
Any mayor in New Jersey who whimpers and wines about the rough and tumble politics of the Garden State needs to find a new garden to play in because they are oblivious to reality.  Of course it is rough and tough because that is what it takes to defy a culture of corruption and survive the temptations of office.
But tough politics is not corruption.
The greatest danger to those attempting to crucify Christie for something he denies doing is not that they fail to derail his place in the hearts of New Jersey and national voters, it is that the people will see through the political smoke screens and fog banks to the truth and that his resurrection will make him far stronger than the person he was before.
Ironic, isn't it, that the crucifiers might trigger a resurrection that destroys everything they are trying to protect.  People, people of all political persuasions who still possess the view that politics should be ethical, free of partisan control and built on integrity share a common ideal that transcends partisan politics.
New Jersey voters know the meaning of fair play and have no interest in letting the news media or outsiders tell them what is good for the State of New Jersey.  They know the value of a Chris Christie with no strings attached compared to the multitude of pampered, pandering political hypocrites and their puppet masters claiming to have the best interests of the people at heart.
Will the resurrection allow the rest of America to share in this dream with New Jersey people and trigger a populist revolution throughout our nation that will sweep into national office a new breed of people's politician and restore "We the people" to our Constitution?
Will the strings of the puppet masters be severed once and for all?
Stay tuned...
p.s.  I was raised in Iowa and can tell you straight shooting Chris Christie will be a breath of fresh air to the normally polluted presidential primaries of the Hawkeye State.

Friday, March 09, 2012

Politics in America - the Clash of the Titans - Axelrod & Plouffe versus Palin & Limbaugh


The Shadow Campaign moves to the Forefront as the Chicago Gang goes for the Conservative Kill

Politics in America is about to hit a new high or low depending on your point of view.  This past week brought to the forefront the underlying organizations who will most likely decide the future of America.

The four Shadow combatants now squaring off might as well be the ticket for the Democrat and Republican party because they have the potential to make the real candidates nothing more than wallpaper.

As a matter of fact, none of the four has any particular loyalty to a political party although they have taken the spoils of office as income sources in the case of the Democrats.

What is clear is there are no more powerful opinion makers, policy makers and spokespeople for the liberal and conservative causes that fight for control of the American political system every couple of years.

Make no mistake, nothing is done by the president without first checking with his surrogates David Axelrod and David Plouffe, and most times what the president does is what they told him to do.

Between the two they control access to the president and activities of the president.  They decide who gets what in terms of government aid and loans and if they don't sign off on policy it probably won't happen.

On the conservative side you have media titan Rush Limbaugh and media star Sarah Palin, the only one of the four to have run for major office or to have served in office as governor.

As non-candidates they hold sway over massive resources and can influence the entire campaigns from Super PACs and candidates to public opinion and political activism.

It is very rare that those operating in the shadows of a campaign come to the forefront but this time it happened and the result will be one of the most interesting, entertaining and brutal campaign perhaps in our history.

These four Titans can influence billions of dollars in campaign spending and they hold the keys to success of either President Obama or Mitt Romney, the most likely Republican candidate.

This week is a prime example of the Puppet Masters at their best as the liberal Titans made an early move to neutralize the conservatives.  It was broad based, well coordinated and did result in a few darts hitting their targets but it was far from a fatal blow.  Here is what took place.

The destruction of the twin pillars of the right, Rush Limbaugh & Sarah Palin

Make no mistake, the most important thing to the Chicago gang running the Obama campaign is the total destruction of the spokespeople of the conservative movement, Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin.

This past week Palin was scheduled for termination from the political scene with the release of the HBO movie about her based on the research of the Game Change book by MSNBC contributors John Heilemann and Mark Halperin.

The movie was directed by Jay Roach of Austin Powers and The Little Fockers fame which makes him more than qualified to do a film on the 2008 political race.  His political leaning is obvious as this was his second venture to destroy the career of a conservative Republican.

He tried it first with Recount, a film attempting to show that George Bush stole the 2000 presidential election in Florida.  In spite multiple appearances by the writers defending the "fair and balanced" portrayal of Sarah Palin, early reviews, even by liberal leaning critics, find that hard to believe as the film was clearly another effort to trash Palin's career.

Yet to be determined is the role anyone from the Obama campaign played in making sure Palin was out of the political scene during this campaign with the release of the film, curiously just before Republicans will select the opponent to the president.

Since HBO is owned by liberal Time Warner and MSNBC is owned by GE, yes the same company that made $9 billion in one quarter and paid no federal taxes, it seems as if the Hollywood liberals have found a cause to unite them, the final destruction of Sarah Palin.

Ironically, the Obama campaign came out with a Hollywood puff piece. a  17 minute major motion picture on how Obama saved America since being elected, and released it at the same time the Sarah Palin film was being released.

Do you find it a little ironic that the same week Obama officially launches his presidential campaign, his people orchestrate a nationwide assault on Rush Limbaugh to destroy his credibility, the Obama campaign releases a major minor motion picture on the hero Obama who has solved all our problems, and his cohorts at MSNBC, HBO and Time Warner release a major motion picture doing a trash job on Palin?

The problem with Chicago politicians all the way back to the days of Al Capone is that they just don't know when to quit when it comes to defeating their opponents.  Look how the Chicago gang  botched up the Valentine's Day massacre by killing everyone, leaving no one to tell their story to the press.  What good is a great hit if no one knows it was your hit?

Chicago provided the winning margin for John Kennedy's election back in the Richard Daly days getting 100,000 votes for the soon to be president out of Chicago graveyards.

When Barak Obama first ran for US Senate he was behind in the Democrat primary and his opponent mysteriously withdrew from the race though he was leading in the polls and went to work for Goldman Sachs.

Again in the general election his Republican opponent, also leading at the time, also withdrew from the campaign and went to work for Goldman Sachs.  I guess it was no coincidence that Obama's first chief of staff and now mayor of Chicago, Rahm Emanuel, also worked for Goldman Sachs.

So it is not surprising that this week saw a major flurry of activity against Limbaugh and Palin that left Obama smiling and emboldened and must have the Axelrod gang giggling like, well Chicago politicians.  After all, Limbaugh with his millions of conservative followers was also a force standing in the way of Obama getting reelected.

At the same time Palin, a force with the Tea Party, conservatives and many women's groups, was the only Republican politician who really got under Obama's skin in 2008 and since and brought out his true colors.

Never had a presidential candidate like Obama spent his time attacking the vice presidential candidate, Palin, like he did.  She singlehandedly stood between him and an anti-Bush landslide which he felt was his birthright having attended Harvard, and she denied him the glory of an electoral landslide to push his agenda of change.

Woe are those who cross a Chicago political boss and isn't his campaign located in the Windy City and not the east coast?  Must be because Oprah lives there.

So how did their political assassination and character destruction campaigns against Limbaugh and Palin work out?

Well, after all the liberal media filled the airways with how Limbaugh had lost his credibility, had lost a staggering 50 advertising sponsors since he shot his mouth off about a college woman before apologizing twice, and it looked like he would have his show cancelled.

Once again the Obama boys just might have exaggerated a little and overplayed their hand a lot.  Maybe Limbaugh lost 50 advertisers, but they forgot to mention on all those fair and balanced news shows that he is broadcast on over 600 stations and has over 1,800 advertisers with a whole lot waiting in line because his show is sold out.

Who is going to fire Rush when he owns his own show?  He has a $400 million broadcasting contract that is only half complete and he made over $64 million last year alone.  Most important, he has over 20 million loyal fans who could care less what he might have said bad about some liberal.  They have watched too many liberals try to destroy Rush and Sarah.

Then there is Sarah Palin.

After four years of the meanest attacks, most vicious lies and dirty underhanded tricks to discredit her they have failed to silence the Alaskan Grizzly.  What the liberal media did to her will haunt them forever in the history books when the truth can be told.

They are fools to think anyone in the public will buy into the lie that Game Change was anything but a Palin trash job by Obama surrogates who were trying to keep the president's hands from getting too much dirt on them.

Palin still has her broadcasting job where she can still tell the truth about Obama.  She still lives in Alaska where the Chicago boys won't go though they have often sent their own surrogates to dig up dirt on Palin.  She still has her organization with millions of gun toting fans and grizzly mothers along with her PACs and other fund raising groups.

Just like Rush, she is laughing all the way to the bank as every Palin book outsells the books by Obama and his legions of book writing liberals calling for the takeover of America and the redistribution of America's wealth.

The Shadow Campaign Titan Team Players

This secret Shadow Campaign, in which the two teams are now fully exposed, pits Axelrod, a New York kid who grew up in the lower east side of Manhattan before moving to Chicago for college, and Plouffe, a Delaware native with a long history in liberal political campaigns, as the liberal Titans.

Representing the conservative cause are Limbaugh, who grew up in Missouri, attended college in Missouri and went on to fulfill his lifelong dream to be a radio personality and Sarah Palin, perhaps the most dissected political personality in existence who is still alive. Sarah is a hard nosed, basketball playing, gun toting, hunter, fisherman, bush pilot and politician from Alaska.

This is going to be a most interesting and entertaining campaign.

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Debbie Wasserman Schultz - She's No Sarah Palin


Obama's Democrat Mouthpiece Toes the Obama Line

If you are not a professional politician or member of the Lame Street Media then by now you must be missing the over-shadowing presence of one Sarah Palin from the daily campaign scene.  No one politician has ever rattled the cages of the establishment and liberal media like Palin and it did not matter if she did or said anything.  As long as she was a viable spokesperson for the Tea Party, the Momma Grizzlies or any other group of anti-establishment people, she riled the liberal media and Democrats like no one could.

By the end of the 2008 campaign the GOP lost the election but by only 7% of the vote.  With Obama running against the most unpopular president in history, the economy in a shambles, America in decline, two endless wars killing our youth, millions losing jobs and millions more losing their homes, it is hard to believe Obama could not win by a landslide.

Palin was most responsible for keeping the GOP ticket in the race, a fact that will never be agreed to by the media and Democrats whose faces still turn red with hatred or envy when they think of this shotgun toting Alaska firecracker.

Well Obama must have wanted his own Sarah Palin knowing that she was the only thorn in his side during the campaign so he named his answer to Sarah, a Congressional Democrat named Debbie Wasserman Schultz from Florida.

In some ways she has seemed to parrot Sarah Palin because she has demonstrated an ability to polarize the public, to annoy the Republicans with her half baked arguments against anything relating to the GOP, and with her total disregard for Republicans, Independents and reality.

However, she is just an Obama spokesperson and no Obama spokesperson is allowed to have a mind of their own or a concern for anything non-Obama.  If one were to fact check her stream of consciousness blurted out in sound bites over the liberal media every day it would take a virtual encyclopedia to correct the record.  Then again, she uses the traditional political party spokesperson model of throwing truth to the wind when talking to the people.  Forget the facts, just stick with the party line.

Wasserman Shultz is no Sarah Palin and her attempts to emulate the success and power of the conservative media star of the Tea Party have about as much chance of succeeding as the Obama economic recovery program.

Many a politician tried to control Palin and failed.  Even the McCain campaign could not silence her and her ideas on what was wrong with America.  Long after she lost the election her bitter enemies continued to try and destroy her reputation and her life but she survived attack after attack and made herself into something of a folk hero for standing up to the ruthless establishment in Washington, D.C.

Slowly the Obama party line voiced by Debbie Wasserman Schultz may just draw the real Sarah Palin back in to the presidential campaign as a counter point to the deluge of babble and we most surely could use the common sense and lightning impact of Sarah in offsetting the billion dollar re-election campaign promised by the president.

Stay tuned...

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Media in America - Sound bytes of Truth - Fighting Back Against the Media


What do movie star Richard Dreyfuss and tennis star Kim Clijsters have in common? Both have made very subtle yet powerful statements in the last 24 hours showing how ridiculous the American media has become in their efforts to censure and trivialize the news.

In the Austrian Open tennis tournament underway last night Kim was interviewed by sports commentator Todd Woodbridge when she turned the interview into questioning the reporter about text comments he made to another tennis star saying, well, listen to what happened yourself.  Double click to enlarge video.

As for the distinguished actor Dreyfuss, a self-acknowledged liberal, he appeared on Fox News this morning to explain his new effort to teach America's youth the meaning and need for civility. His new program could make a difference in school as the goal is to increase patriotism in our much distracted youth.

Just as he was beginning to discuss the details of how the program works, he was interrupted by the Fox announcers saying his time had expired and they had to cut to another story. Richard calmly said that was another reason the country is in trouble, to which the announcer said we promised you four minutes.

Dreyfuss was making a point I mention often, the pandering of the media to the MTV model that the people of America lose interest in stories that run over three minutes, about the length of a new song on the radio. Now how in the hell can someone explain the problems with youth, the problems with our education system, and how this program can help address the problems in less than four minutes?

Why do the media think no story is worth more than 3-4 minutes? Media market researchers have sold our news media on the concept that we have no interest in meaningful stories nor in depth reports on such stories. I believe the American public is hungry for real news, not sound bytes, and cares what is happening in the world.

All news on mainstream and cable media use his strategy unless there is a reality element to the story such as the Chilean miners story or the shooting of Congresswoman Giffords in Tucson. Perhaps it is the media and their bean counters who are responsible for the loss of interest and trust in the news because the people know we are being shortchanged.

What is the point of giving Constitutional protection to the media when they don't have time to report the news?

Well I thought we could learn a lot more from Dreyfuss and his program so here is an interview he gave explaining the program in more detail.  Double click to enlarge video.

Richard Dreyfuss on Civics


Monday, November 01, 2010

Sarah Palin calls CBS Reporters "Corrupt Bastards" - CBS Responds in Doubletalk


If ever there was a clear case of how Sarah Palin is treated by the Lame Street media it is this latest gun battle. Sarah hear a tape of KTVA television reporters planning stories to smear the Palin backed Tea Party candidate in Alaska, Joe Miller, and understandably went public calling the actions and words of the reporters acts by "corrupt bastards".

She added that CBS might stand for the Corrupt Bastards Club in deference to the Katie Couric effort to embarrass her during a CBS campaign interview. The CBS network in NYC was inundated with calls about it and promptly put out the following statement:

“KTVA News is owned by the Alaska Broadcasting Co., not CBS. No CBS staffers were involved and CBS has no knowledge of and no comment.

Conveniently, CBS forgot to mention that KTVA is, in fact, a CBS affiliate just as Palin stated. One supposes they meant to imply they had nothing to do with KTVA. According to Wikipedia, "In the broadcasting industry (especially in North America), a network affiliate (or affiliated station) is a local broadcaster which carries some or all of the program line-up of a television or radio network, but is owned by a company other than the owner of the network.

That would indicate that KTVA is a CBS affiliate, contrary to the omission by CBS, and there is usually direct ties between the news departments of the network and their affiliates. With all the efforts by CBS to discredit Sarah Palin since 2008, did CBS news ever use the CBS affiliate reporters at KTVA for field reports from Alaska? Most likely, and if they did they are trained and indoctrinated in he network ways.

The actual CBS affiliate, KTVA, responded in an equally bizarre fashion. The station’s General Manager Jerry Bever vehemently denies that, responding on

“While the recording is real, the allegations are untrue,” adding, “The perception that this garbled, out of context recording may leave is unfortunate, but to allege that our staff was discussing or planning to create or fabricate stories regarding candidate Miller is absurd. The complete conversation was about what others might be able to do to cause disruption within the Miller campaign, not what KTVA could do.”

The clips I heard clearly indicated the reporters were discussing ways to trap the campaign into bad press by searching out sex offenders in crowds at a Miller event or causing "chaos" at a campaign event and showing a fight. Try as they might, someone got caught planning a very un-journalism like attack on Miller and Palin was dead right, it does reflect the Corrupt Bastards in the media who attempt to manufacture the news.

Monday, October 25, 2010

MSNBC Morning Joe in Alabama - Political Correctness Run Amok


Last Friday Morning Joe broadcast live from Tuscaloosa, Alabama as Joe Scarborough was receiving an award from the University.  The broadcast was from the Rama Bama Cafe and for the most liberal network on TV it is a little odd and hypocritical that as you watched the show I could find no Blacks in the crowd of Cafe patrons but mostly Blacks in the kitchen preparing food.

How can that be politically correct for MSNBC?  Just another example of the dual standards for the liberal media versus the Tea Party, Sarah Palin or anyone else on their hit list.  They would have been condemned for not showing Black patrons.  Let Mika show you the crowd for the record in the video until MSNBC jams the broadcast.

Campaign 2010 - Economy Poised to Take off if Republicans Win Big


One of the realities of economics is a favorable (Conservative) Congress can always trump an unfavorable (Liberal) president and never is that more obvious than in the 2010 midterm elections. Obama has clearly staked his claim as the enemy of the business community, big and small business, with harsh anti-business and class polarization rhetoric and a Progressive agenda threatening income redistribution and regulatory interference in a broad range of business interests.

Anyone wanting to send a message to Washington need only vote Republican and the extent of GOP wins will dictate the extent of the positive economic bounce that may result in the stock market and throughout the business community. Seldom, if ever, has a sitting president run against the entire scope of the broad based business community that fuels the American economy.

Perhaps Obama had no choice because he relied on the far left and self-serving special interests to get elected in the first place in 2008 and as feeble as his efforts were to take care of the unions, health care industries like insurers and pharmaceutical giants, and the housing industry, he built a base of special interests with diametrically opposed agendas.

Whatever he did to help his Goldman Sachs base hurt his SEIU union base. His efforts to protect the union health care plans while trying to appease the health care industry left him with a phony health care reform that may extend coverage to the uninsured at some point, but assured the health care industry they could raise prices and premiums to cover any loss. By guaranteeing that unions could keep their Cadillac high cost plans he assured future health care would drive up prices for all Americans.

As for his so called economic reforms, his highly heralded economic reform program did not even touch the housing industry which brought down the economy in the first place. His hundreds of millions of dollar contributors from Wall Street not only did not even get a slap on the wrist, they got federal bailouts and record bonuses since Obama was elected.

To protect his contributors to the most expensive presidential campaign in history in which Obama and the Democrats spent well over ONE BILLION DOLLARS to get him elected, he had to create a straw dog to blame for his failure to keep unemployment under 8%, his promise not mine, in order to get his TRILLION DOLLAR non-stimulus bill passed. Thus the Republicans and Bush became the enemy.

Certain truths have been conveniently obscured by our young president and he seems convinced the people of Main Street America are too stupid see through the political smoke screen. He cannot deliver on his promises to his own liberal base because the nation and the world are rejecting the folly of a liberal nation dominating the world. Unfortunately someone has to pay for the socialist agenda and it won't be the socialists who claim to be entitled to cradle to grave care from the government.

Every socialist experiment in the world in which there is no capitalist base to pay for the program has failed, pure and simple. Nearly every country in Europe has had to elect a conservative government to undertake the painful budget and deficit reforms needed to save the nations from bankruptcy while gutting the liberal promises previously made.

At the same time, Obama has run against the Bush and Republican record the 8 years before he got elected and forgets to mention the Democrats under Pelosi, not the Republicans, controlled the House the last two Bush years and approved the record deficits. During the entire 8 years many Democrats had to vote with the GOP in order for the depending to happen. In fact during the entire Bush years Republicans never had control like Obama did the last two years with huge majorities in the House and Senate, yet Bush always got the Democrats to approve his budgets and deficits and never whined about the Democrat minority or majority blocking progress.

A whole lot of misinformation has been thrown at the electorate in this, the worst year in campaigns in ages. It is a testament to the fact Obama made no effort to reform the campaign laws that give special interests more control than citizens and give campaign funds more importance than citizen needs. He owned the national agenda and made NO effort to fix the corrupt campaign mess we are in.

So we shall see to what extent the people were fooled by the politicians like Obama who has now taken his rightful place among the political establishment he is so quick to condemn. As I said, the stronger the Republican vote against the Obama agenda the stronger the recovery of the economy and the return to bi-partisan cooperation to solve our problems.