Showing posts with label deficit spending. Show all posts
Showing posts with label deficit spending. Show all posts

Friday, February 19, 2010

What Do the President, Congress and Tiger Woods have in Common? They all owe us a Mea Culpa


Today Tiger is going to explain to the American people, or is it the corporate sector, why he should be forgiven and forgotten and let him return to making millions. It is an event the media, sports community and sponsors all want because they are all losing mega bucks with Tiger in rehab.

But don't the president and Congress also owe us a Mea Culpa as well? I mean for the last decade or more Congress, Democrats and Republicans alike, have been spending money like drunken, well, politicians I guess, without a care in the world about paying for the spending. We now have record deficits and a record national debt and right now not even our great grandchildren will be able to pay for our sins of gluttony.

President Obama promised us a change from the old way of politics. He promised us new and responsible government and he promised no more deficits like Bush. He then proceeded to rewrite the record book for deficit spending and increasing the national debt in his first year in office and has done nothing but make excuses why he was forced to be just another politician once he became president.

Along came the public who promptly said, the idjits in Washington still don't get it. Then the public did something that caught our politicians flat footed, they started throwing out politicians through the ballot box. First came New Jersey and Virginia and then came Massachusetts and suddenly the back room politicians took notice.

Now the president, Congress and even the media seem to have undergone divine enlightenment and suddenly they are acting as if they knew all along what the public wanted. Well look at the record my friends, our elected leaders and our news media were dead wrong in reading the public, dead wrong in how they managed the public trust, and dead wrong in their dramatic, born again attitude that maybe the liberal spendthrifts were leading us astray. It was not the liberals, it was the whole damn bunch!

Now, we are supposed to forgive the president and Congress for prior spending discretions. But unlike Tiger Woods, whose apology may be a bit hypocritical since it has a lot more to do with money than honesty, but at least he did apologize, when are the president and all of Congress going to also come forward with their Mea Culpa and admit they were wrong?

An addiction to spending money cannot be stopped until there is an acknowledgement it was wrong in the first place. As they do fall in line and adopt the fiscally responsible way DO NOT let them off the hook until they have attacked the causes of their spending addiction. We all know how easy it is to stop an addiction only to start again. However, until you throw away and stay away from prescription drugs, booze or tobacco if that is your addiction, you will always be stopping but never be finished.

There are root causes to our political addiction to big spending which have not been acknowledged and are not being addressed by our born again leaders. While we know they can play the role of Uncle Sugar and throw money at anything and everything, we also must know that they are awash in money because of their uncontrolled spending. Yes, our politicians have legislated themselves legal grand larceny with the ridiculous campaign finance laws and the sea of special interest money they are drowning in.

Here is a profile of our born again politicians as we enter the 2010 election cycle, and remember we are only s little over 6 weeks into the year. So far candidates for the House of Representatives have raised over $370 million. Candidates for the Senate have raised over $239 million, and the Democratic and Republican party combined have raised over, get this folks, ONE BILLION DOLLARS! That means over $1.6billion is already in the bank, or is it pockets, of our elected officials.

Incumbent politicians, those the public distrust the least, hold an enormous advantage raising five times more than their opponents in the House and eight times more in the Senate. Now where do you suppose all those hundreds of millions of dollars come from? Special interests, lobbyists, PACS (Political Action Committees) for special interests and employees of special interests.

An avalanche of dollars from finance, insurance, real estate, lawyers, lobbyists, single issue groups, health, communications and labor make up the top contributors to our elected officials. Where I come from that is called a conflict of interest, a bribe, a kickback or whatever. Our elected officials are owned by special interests so what chance does the public have to clean out the mess?

There is only one chance and that is if Congress and the president back campaign finance reform and I do not mean the smokescreen reforms of the past where more and more loopholes were created, I mean once and for all slamming the door shut to buying our elections. Remember, all this money was raised before the Supreme Court threw out limits on contributions by these same industries and organizations. Billions more may now be spent to protect the politicians who protect the contributors.

Public funding of federal campaigns is the only way to break the cycle of corrupted politicians. If our leaders would set up a non-partisan election fund and only allow special interests to contribute to this fund there would be no more shenanigans in the Halls of government. To substantially reduce the cost of campaigns, thus the eventual cost to the government, also ban campaign expenditures for media ads, radio, television and the Internet.

At the same time require all television stations, radio and Internet service providers to make available at no cost time for each qualified candidate for federal office. They should also be encouraged to have debates as part of their news responsibilities. Remember, our government licenses all television and radio stations and networks so why should they benefit from billions of dollars in campaign costs for commercials when they are just selling the airways granted by our government.

Of course the media will scream but the media has a special responsibility to the people as they are protected by our Bill of Rights in the Constitution, something no other industry can claim. Don't they have a responsibility to help keep campaigns free from special interests, even if they are the special interest? Most certainly.

Eliminate campaign ads on the airways and you reduce the cost of campaigns by more than 50%. Provide public funding and all candidates, incumbents and challengers alike, are on more equal footing even though the incumbent still has great advantages. At least the financial gap is closed. Eliminate all special interest funding for campaigns, instead telling those that would buy favor with their money to contribute to the non-partisan federal campaign fund. And eliminate special interest funding to the Democrat and Republican parties since these contributions are simply a way to circumvent the federal campaign finance laws and there is nothing in our Constitution that says only the Democratic and Republican parties know what is best for the people.

This is just the beginning of reforms needed but it takes the billions of dollars in special interest money off the table, money that buys favor and buys politicians. If our born again leaders can't take this first step toward breaking their addiction to campaign money from special interests they will never stop spending your tax money to help the special interests. America will lose!


Friday, February 05, 2010

Wake Up Washington! Are Obama & Congress Listening to the People?


It has now been a full year since the Democrats extended their control over all of Washington. People seem to have forgotten that Nancy Pelosi has been in control of the House for three years now. We have now had four elections in this era of change, Obama, New Jersey, Virginia and Massachusetts and finally those folks in our capitol figured out people want results, not hyperbole.

Not only that but aside from Obama, who promised change but had no idea what to give us, the last three elections have shown a return to American values, not Republican and not Democrat. Over and over the people have clearly said give us a responsible president and congress who understand that deficit spending and increasing our national debt so all people benefit is the agenda.

No it is not just about jobs, although they are tied in to responsible fiscal government, it is also about reducing the debt and not increasing the deficit. It is about helping all Americans, not just Democrats, or Republicans, or liberals, or conservatives, or unions, or management. Most Americans expect the Constitution and our president and congress to work for the good of all Americans.

How did the Washington gang respond over the past year? Well, in the words of Wanda Sykes, as if all of Washington, DC was on medicinal marijuana. It seemed as if all of the politicians were on a different planet, in the Twilight Zone, dead drunk or stoned.

First Obama supported and then completed the implementation of the bank bailout bill which cost $700 billion. The Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac bailouts were another $100 billion. The AIG insurance bailout took another $180 billion. The auto industry bailout was $100 billion. The stimulus bill was another $789 billion but CBO said it could cost $3.27 trillion over ten years.

The president sought a cap and trade bill that would raise energy costs and taxes by billions of dollars. A secret analysis of the Obama bill prepared by the U.S. Department of Treasury says the total in new taxes would be between $100 billion to $200 billion a year. At the upper end of the administration's estimate, the cost per American household would be an extra $1,761 a year.

Stop it!

A health care reform bill was slammed together over the entire year with a price tag of $1.1 trillion and did not even include the cost of about a dozen new programs required in the legislation. Millions of dollars in new taxes and fees that would be passed on to the taxpayers would be spent every year though the benefits would not start until 2013. What kind of nonsense is that?

Stop it!

Obama also wants Climate Change at a cost of $46.7 billion, Education spending increased $81.1 trillion, and after a year in office proposed a new budget for 2011 of $3.8 trillion with a deficit of over $1.6 trillion.

Hasn't anyone been listening?

I mean Obama promised to save unions over $60 billion in taxes on luxury health benefits in his health care program. Add this to the billions of dollars the auto unions preserved in the bankruptcy of GMC and Chrysler and the unions have benefited by billions of dollars already, and over $100 billion in health care gets approved.

Yet what about jobs? The only jobs only legislation proposed, none has been approved except the supposed impact of everything else on jobs, has a price tag of just $90 billion. He proposed more money be spent saving unions than he wants to spend on all the small businesses in America who generate the jobs so desperately needed in America.

We spent trillions of dollars to save the banks so money would be available to small business. Trillions more were spent by the Federal Reserve making cheap money available to banks. Yet no money is available for credit to small business to generate the jobs.

Only a fraction of expenditures are targeted for small business from all the government deficit spending. Is anyone in our nation's capitol listening to the people? Words in Washington no longer have meaning and promises seem meant to be broken. All the while the Independent movement who expects to be heard gets angrier.


Thursday, January 28, 2010

Obama Hijacks Palin Agenda for Born Again Populist Pitch


Obama talks for 70 minutes, people are still not sure what he said. But he did smile a lot, tell a few jokes, lecture the public, scold the Supreme Court, castigate an inept Congress and hijacked a bunch of Sarah Palin's agenda that he condemned so viciously last year.

So now, will the liberal elite who buried Palin in insults and smears claiming she was too inexperienced to be babysitter let alone president when she was really running for vice president, now apologize to her since the Chosen One has now seen the light and co-opted her platform and that of the Tea Party? Why he didn't even credit the source of the ideas.

Off shore oil drilling, business tax credits, eliminate capital gains taxes, hiring credits, more nuclear plants, coal and natural gas production, he used a whole lot of the Palin platform to try and win back the independents and people who expect government to be competent. You don't think it has anything to do with the polls do you?

Just so you know he was not completely out of form, as the original Obama was quite the entertaining speaker, he did point out that recent letters he has received from people tell him of the suffering and pain Americans feel about jobs, housing, healthcare and education. You would think after campaigning for president for two years and being president for one year he would have known how bad people were suffering but at least he reads the mail.

Did he hear anything the people told him? Guess not as he said the anti-Washington feeling sweeping across the nation and sweeping politicians out of office was the same wave he rode on his surfboard. I don't think so Mr. Obama. How in the world could someone with all the experience you had as United States Senator and community organizer make you an outsider? Anyone mistaking Obama for anything but a Washington insider would be the same people who mistake Bambi for a serial killer.

Anyway his long and often used "outsider" pivot is another area where he ripped off Sarah Palin who really was an outsider and did fight the political establishment. Heck, Obama even made reference to the bank bailout being like a root canal. Does that mean he ripped off Palin once again with her "drill baby drill" mantra during the campaign? After all the flip flops and absconding of Palin's agenda and platform he would have been a lot better off to have had Palin as VP and kept Biden in the doghouse.

Okay, then there were the 66 references to the almighty "I", another consistent Obama trait that leaves one wondering if the virtue of humility has any place in our young president's worldview. I'm beginning to think he has no foundation to his worldview but snatches the last argument he heard about what to think, whether it came from Sarah Palin or South Park. Then he throws out all he stood for in the campaign which seems to upset those liberal groups expecting socialism to already be here.

Did Obama pivot on his policies like he did his Palinesque rhetoric? Let's see. He still wants his health care bill, cap and trade legislation, pending jobs bill, maybe another similar stimulus since the first one did not do what he wanted, and he now has better ideas for the Tarp funds repaid by the big, bad banks. One might have thought the bank payments would go to reduce the deficit but not our president.

Overall there is one difference between what Obama proposes and what Palin, the Republicans or the Tea Party people would want. I'm sorry Mr. President but you are not the poster boy for the Tea Party and you are most certainly not the Washington outsider you claim. You made the deals to bailout out the banks, insurance companies, auto companies and save the unions and Goldman Sachs from huge losses for irresponsible investing.

You along with most of the politicians in Washington take the money from the lobbyists, banks, insurance companies and every other group like trial lawyers and pharmaceuticals and stick it in your campaign coffers. Some outsider. If you could just tell us the truth and say you will stop being a politician we might believe you. But you act as if you are disgusted by the very practices you encourage behind the scenes and behind closed doors. Where I come from that is being a hypocrite.

Beyond the rhetoric and entertainment there were a couple of ominous signs that would scare the hell out of any God fearing, patriotic American but our adoring media seemed to not notice, and they all too often seem to not notice when Obama makes no sense. This time he made sense.

First he threatened Congress when he said if they didn't give him a bill he wanted he would just sign an executive order and eliminate the need for Congress to act. So the Executive branch can eliminate the need for the Legislative branch to perform their duty. It has already happened under Obama with the cap and trade fiasco demonstrating a distain for such Constitutional principles like the separation of powers and checks and balances between the Executive and Legislative branches.

The House passed the Al Gore/Goldman Sachs cap and trade carbon emissions retirement bill but the Senate wants to think about it, so it spins in the wind doing nothing while others investigate it. Obama's Environmental Protection Agency then decides it knows how to cut Congress out of the decision by declaring carbon dioxide a toxic gas thus making it subject to federal regulation with no action by Congress. One again the Administration has demonstrated a disregard for the Constitutional separation of powers between the Executive and Legislative branches.

My advice to EPA is to go out and arrest all the trees of the world because they emit carbon dioxide when they are cut down. Forget about the fact they also absorb nearly 40% of all carbon dioxide through their natural photosynthesis process. Arrest all the people burning wood for heat because they are directly polluting our atmosphere. And arrest the oceans while they are at it because the sea both generates carbon dioxide and absorbs it to the tune of 60% of all emissions.

The Obama Administration disregard for our Constitutional protections, ones which our forefathers warned us about, is quite disturbing. Why do they think they can ignore elements of the Constitution that guarantee the separation of powers and assure the checks and balances between each division of our republic? Not content with ignoring the separation of powers with the Legislature, he then took aim at the third division of government, the Judiciary.

He scolded the Supreme Court, condemning their decision on corporate free speech, and seemed to try and embarrass them as they sat in the front row watching his speech. One was visibly upset, not by the criticism but by the fact Obama did not even tell the truth about the decision. Obama said the court action will allow corporations, including foreign corporations, to own the US election process. Well foreign corporations are prohibited from contributing to our campaigns and the Supreme Court decision had nothing to do with that.

Obama also forgot to mention he and the Democrats already have taken millions of dollars from corporate executives while the political parties take money directly. He also forgot to mention that anytime Obama and Congress want to fix the system of campaign financing they can do it if they have the guts. However, corporations are betting millions that Obama and our political leaders in the capitol will do nothing.

The thought that a president thinks he can ignore the Constitution if the Legislature and the Judiciary fail to do his bidding is very scary. Finally, his criticism of both parties for not doing what he wanted is a joke as he was the one who refused to work with both parties choosing to work directly with the lobbyists of the special interests. His approach resulted in a new meaning for pork barrel as he gave away $60 billion to the unions without Congressional approval, tens of millions of dollars to the people of Nebraska and Louisiana to bribe their Senators, and billions in protection to the pharmaceutical companies.

Well, he can say what he wants but it sure seems to me as if politics as usual is alive and well in the back rooms of our nation's capitol from the White House to the Halls of Congress. Don't be fooled by the rhetoric. Don't be fooled by the pivots. Don't be fooled by the new found or born again populism. No one in Washington, including our Ivy League educated president, is a friend of the people over special interests or Wall Street.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The State of the Union - What Can We Expect from Obama, the Born Again Populist?


It's time once again for that great American drama, the event that proves we are in the depressing depths of winter and we really have nothing to do, the State of the Union speech by our president. Thanks to the complicity of the television networks the president gets to dominate the airways tonight to tell us all the things politicians tells us to reassure us we are in good hands.

Now I don't know about you but it is hard for me to take too seriously anyone in Washington, DC who has the audacity to say we are in good hands. I'm not sure but it seems as if we would be a lot better off if our politicians just shut up for a year or two and stopped telling us all the nonsense.

Fortunately, we have become accustom to these annual invasions of privacy by those who know better so we are not going to get our hopes up and expect a miracle, like someone might tell us the truth. After all the campaigning and the first year of torture under the control of the Democrats, I still really can't tell the difference between the elephants and donkeys, or is it jackasses?

The Washington Post, that revered institution of truth if you happen to think the liberal view is remotely related to the truth, says President Obama made about 360 promises of things he would do once he got elected. After a year they say he did 15 of them and none were much to talk about. Does that mean after four years of Obama in 2012 he will have delivered on 60 promises of the 360, or a total of 16% of all that he promised?

At the rate he is delivering it will take him 24 years just to do the things he promised before he got elected. That was before he got God, I mean lost in Virginia, New Jersey and Massachusetts, and suddenly changed his tune back to the born again populist. It was also before his policies were rejected in poll after poll by the public.

CBS news reports that our president gave 411 speeches during his first 365 days as president, including two speeches to joint sessions of Congress. He also gave 158 interviews and held four prime time news conferences. Just like his billion dollar campaign spending, that is far more than any previous president in our history.

Now we are being told by his henchmen that the people, we, did not understand his message so he has to try again but more forcibly so us stupid humans might get it. It must be a real burden for a person to have such an intellect and so much knowledge and be forced to speak to the six pack majority of America. How in the world will these people ever get it?

Well I don't get it. Congress doesn't seem to get it either. After a year of senseless blabber does anyone know what he wants in his health care bill, what the current bill will do, or why we need to throw out the whole health care system in the first place? Don't expect him to dwell too much on that issue except to say raising your health care costs will create more jobs.

In fact everything in his speech will most likely create more jobs even though not a single respectable economist can figure out the value of creating jobs if they cost about $500,000 each like the stimulus package has done. Does he even know millions of people lost their jobs since he became president?

How stupid of me, whatever went wrong this past year was Bush's fault. Maybe he won't need to say too much about Bush in this speech since he already blamed everything that went wrong the last century on Bush. I think that must be an Ivy League debate tactic, blaming everyone else for your failures.

Yet Obama did support the bank bailout and even kept it going. And it was Obama's AIG, auto, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac bailouts that cost us way over a trillion dollars. It was his inability to do anything to stop the banks that resulted in billions of dollars in profits for the very guys who ripped off the system and got the taxpayer to pay off their sins. Then they gave out $60 billion in executive bonuses just to remind the public how they could care less that we saved them.

Even today, the day of his State of the Union, Congress is holding hearings to determine how Obama's administration could bailout AIG and let them pay $62 billion in taxpayer money to Goldman Sachs and other big banks. The Obama gang say they didn't know it happened. If they didn't know $62 billion was ripped off in taxpayer money they should all go to jail for intellectual constipation and moral indifference.

But those are truths and when talking about the good old boys in Washington truth has no place. Wasn't it Goldman Sachs who financed Obama's campaign? Didn't Goldman Sachs pour millions of dollars into his and other leaders campaigns and get millions more from their partners for the politicians in the great American Monopoly game? In fact, weren't they behind the housing market collapse, the energy price increases, the economic collapse and over $20 billion in executive bonuses this year?

Well don't expect the president to tell us how the banks, insurance companies, health care groups, auto companies, pharmaceutical companies and unions, who all have gotten and/or made billions of dollars off the president and Congress, are now pouring millions more into the campaigns of our leaders in the nation's capitol.

However, our born again populist president, the man who taught us that the only problems we have are those he tells us we have, will most certainly double cross those other bridges when he gets to them. As for tonight, everything will be okay. He knows. He knows we don't know. All will be well on Wall Street because he is now going to give us tax credits, incentives, and even a federal spending freeze to save the day. Of course the freeze will not apply to 83% of federal spending but that is a trivial detail. And none of the credits and incentives are going to small business where jobs are created.

But the jobs, well, he is going to create more jobs than anyone in history as it will take more to make up for the disastrous first year in office. Of course the jobs may go to the unions who poured millions into his campaign and are pouring millions more into his campaign committee in 2010. Why does he need to raise tens of millions of dollars when he just got elected to a four year term? And why raise it from the very people you say are the bad guys?

Anyway, there will be millions of jobs created, probably most in government service which will not help the economy but will give the unions a great big payoff. Somehow Obama's Chicago gang has turned economic principles upside down. They have determined we should not worry about increasing the deficit by over $1.4 trillion a year. Why worry? Let the next generation blame it on Bush as the nation goes bankrupt.

So expect promises for a better economy, millions of jobs for the unions, billions to be spent on alternative energy which is not even cost effective but will make Al Gore and Goldman Sachs billions, billions more to prop up housing through Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae because the Democrats cannot let those liberal bastions fail, billions more for education which will take care of those unions but insure that the inferior education system in America will continue to prosper, lots of billions for wars since two new ones are likely in Yemen and the Middle East while Iraq, another promise to get out, will continue and Afghanistan will expand, and a whole bunch of other things we didn't know we needed.

The State of the Union, about the 415th speech in the 370 days he has been president. Haven't we had enough? I mean he is a nice guy and all but doesn't he ever lose his voice or anything? Maybe he could go on another extended world tour and do to the world what he has been doing to us. We have 535 politicians in Congress, a president with a bionic tongue, a vice president who keeps stepping on his tongue, a bevy of presidential advisors, his personal army of drones spewing innocuous facts and engaging in flights of fantasy, and we pay for all that. As far as I can see the only jobs saved this past year were all the blowhards in DC.

When will it be time to really help the rest of us?


Monday, August 24, 2009

Obama Stimulus Not for Seniors as Social Security Increases Dropped - A Sad Day for America


As if the slow moving Obama stimulus program doesn't already have enough problems, recent revelations show that the Obama record deficit is going to hit new record deficits with the new projections now being revealed by the White House economists, raising our deficit projections by $9 trillion from $7 trillion. At the same time tens of millions of senior citizens are being told there is no money for a Social Security cost of living increase the next two years.

So failing banks, investment companies, insurance companies, labor unions and community organizing programs get all the billions they want and need to survive and pay bonuses but our senior citizens cannot even get a cost of living increase for the money they paid into the system during their entire life. The truth about deficit spending could only be hidden for so long.

Now the Oath of President of the United States reads as follows:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

And the Preamble of the Constitution reads as follows:

"The Constitution of the United States of America

"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

Nowhere in the Oath or Preamble do I read that the president can show favoritism to any political party or special interest, nor campaign contributor or endorser. I can find no language that says the president, his staff or his party (Democratic) leaders can ignore the interests of groups of Americans because those groups disagree with them and only the president knows what is best.

Nowhere do I find that if the president doesn't like what the Republicans or Independents think he can refuse to listen to their concerns yet isn't that what Obama and Pelosi said about the stimulus and health care? Take it or leave it.

Obama was elected to represent "all the people" not a chosen few and he promised not to hurt the middle class with his massive agenda yet the seniors on social security are the middle class. So why are the corporations and unions being bailed out by getting trillions of dollars for salaries, bonuses and benefits while our senior citizens are told there is no money for a cost of living adjustment?

There is no representative government in America. When our parents and grandparents are denied cost of living increases while the corporate and union people are given whatever they want to save them then something is dreadfully wrong with our system because "We the people" of the Constitution seem to have disappeared under the barrage of economic stimulus for the chosen few.

The people who built this country are not just being ignored but totally forgotten. Will the military veterans be then next to be forgotten? It almost seems that the goal of the Democratic leadership and president is to eliminate the middle class in order to take care of the special interests. The promises of the Administration to heal the country, eliminate the prejudice and lower the volume were nothing more than empty promises and the hope that was promised was a modern fable.

Anyone out there dependent on Social Security and Medicare or military pensions better wonder if they are next to be swindled out of their life's work in order to help the special interests. The Obama palace guard have demonstrated that deficit spending is of no concern to them and that paying for their payoffs is a problem for future generations.

Their solution was to mortgage our children and grandchildren's future and lives but the drunken spending spree now overwhelming Washington has gotten so extreme that they are going to have to start stealing it from today's seniors and veterans pensions and health benefits to pay for it.

Blocking a cost of living increase for our seniors, the first time since 1970 this has happened, while driving up inflation through reckless deficit spending is stealing in every sense of the word. I find these actions to be in direct conflict with protecting the welfare of the people, all the people, as articulated in the Constitution.

If there is criticism of our new president it is not related to race but to performance and in America leadership determines popularity when it comes to politics. Obama's freefall in the polls is a measure of his leadership in office and his reliance on the political hacks and practices of old time back room politics. We hoped we were beyond that but we find we are saddled with just more of the same.

The Gross National Debt:

Right now there is no black or white but simply green when it comes to distinguishing between politicians, and not the green of the environment but the greenbacks of money, money, money. It seems our hope for change for the good of all has been lost in the avalanche of spending and that is a sad day for America.


Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Clinton Returns with Gore Girl Journalists - at what price to Foreign Relations?


Bill Clinton did what Bill Clinton does best and that is make a mad dash around the globe to share his popularity with foreign heads of state desperately in need of character rehabilitation. This time it was North Korea, the nuclear saber rattler of Asia and most radical Communist country on earth.

While the White House tried to play coy denying involvement in the "private mission" to bring about the release of the arrant journalists who just happened to accidentally wander across the most secure border in existence, North Korea reported a far more active role for President Obama and his gang.

Reports from North Korea say Clinton and North Korean leader Kim Jong il spent three hours discussing Korean and US relations, the nuclear issue and other concerns of the Communists. It also said Clinton delivered a message from Obama and that Clinton also apologized profusely for the illegal acts and the intent of the two journalists to smear the Communists. Stay tuned to see if the White House or North Koreans are lying.

From the outset of the capture of the journalists it was obvious Obama was going to have to pay a lot to secure their release. For years all contact with North Korea has been through third parties and any meetings with them has been with Russia, China, Japan and South Korea present.

North Korea has demanded one-on-one discussions with the USA for a long time to increase their credibility with the world and to increase their propaganda at home by showing that the superpower America had to come to them for concessions. The involvement of the other Asian countries was a way to avoid being used for propaganda gain.

With the United States dependent on the other Asian countries for our financial survival and having already done some pretty stupid things to increase friction with Russia and China in particular, the end run by North Korea to achieve direct negotiations with the USA, and for the first time a visit by an American President, was a propaganda windfall.

If Obama was acting behind the scenes and his actions cut our allies in Asia out of the process of controlling relations with North Korea we are going to pay a price far beyond belief for violating the honor and trust with our partners.

Obama's historic deficit spending machine is dependent on selling bonds to advance the liberal agenda and the largest bond buyers in the world are China, Russia and Japan. When the record becomes clear on how this trip came about and what Clinton actually said to the North Koreans we may have further strained relations with our most powerful trading partners.

Obama Press Secretary Gibbs denied any involvement by the White House and even said Obama had not talked to Clinton since last March. Of course the media forgot to ask him if Obama talked to Gore since then but since Gore has been DC pushing for the Obama "cap and trade" legislation that will make Gore and his Goldman Sachs partner billionaires one can assume they have talked.

Since his election Obama has been a failure on all his international efforts from joint economic stimulus to sanctions against Iran and North Korea. His promise of a new era of world cooperation has fallen on deaf ears around the world and his rapidly plunging poll numbers on domestic issues means the Obama gang is in desperate need of some positive news. The Gore girls in Korea provided a dramatic platform to divert media and public attention from the massive stimulus failure, deficit rise and empty promises that will result in a middle class tax increase.

While we congratulate Clinton on his success, and you can bet the success was guaranteed before he ever got on a plane to go to North Korea, we hope our liberal media will uncover all the background on the trip and the role of Obama and most important on whether this political stunt might damage our foreign relations. Oh yes, and what might have been promised to North Korea concerning the nuclear issues.