Showing posts with label social security. Show all posts
Showing posts with label social security. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Death of European Socialism - France in Flames over Pension Funding


In what should come as a warning to the socialist leaning Obama administration, the great socialistic experiment in Europe the Obama policies seem so inclined to pursue has suffered two more nails in the coffin in terms of being a viable economic experiment.

Much of the liberal leaning main stream media in America does not want you to know about the events that are rocking Europe but we need to take notice for it could be but a harbinger of the future we face under adoption of the Obama agenda.

Early this year Greece, Spain, Ireland and England faced huge budget deficits and took extremely unpopular moves to bring the debt and economies under control. Now the focus moves to France where they are finally forced to deal with the long ignored runaway spending driven by socialism.

In France the issue is the retirement age. In order to avoid economic bankruptcy the retirement age has to be raised from 60 to 62 and full retirement benefits from 65 to 67. That does not seem like a big deal to save the national pension system. All workers in France already are guaranteed 4 weeks of vacation a year compared to 2 weeks in America.

The response has been a national wide union strike that has crippled the economy, shut down the transit system, and threatens to polarize the people and police. Rioting has always been the union tactic in European nations to force the agenda.

The problem is there are a lot of disgruntled people in France because of the long standing social promises for more benefits, more vacations, less work and earlier retirement. The riots over retirement have now given the social activist youth, even high school students, to join the riots even though they will have to pay for any excess benefits throughout their lives.

There are a lot of radical elements in the socialist countries just looking for the opportunity to use the cause of someone else, like the retirees, as a cover to discredit the government and police authority. In France the latest poll of workers supporting the police is around 70% approval while teens are around the 15% approval range.

Youth groups and other radical groups have seized on the unrest to escalate the protests to full blown riots as you will see from the following reports.

Some three million people took to the streets throughout France on Saturday to protest President Nicolas Sarkozy’s pension reform, unions said, as a strike by transport and oil refinery workers went into its fifth day.

As usual, the Interior Ministry saw substantially fewer demonstrators in the streets, saying in a statement that about 825,000 people protested against the reform.

The demonstrations in some 260 cities took place as strikes at all 12 of France’s refineries raised fears that airports would soon run out of fuel.

On Friday, fuel stopped running through a pipeline feeding Paris’s two major airports, Orly and Charles de Gaulle.

While Orly has reserves for 17 days, the stockpiled fuel at Charles de Gaulle could run dry by Monday or Tuesday, the junior minister for transport, Dominique Bussereau, said.

However, Finance Minister Christine Lagarde told RTL radio Saturday that the government has options to provide them with fuel.

“We are confident,” she added.

Railway traffic remained disrupted throughout the country, with about half of all scheduled trains not operating Saturday, the state— run rail network SNCF said.

The pension reform would gradually raise the retirement age from 60 to 62 by the year 2018. It has already passed the National Assembly and is scheduled to be voted on in the Senate on Wednesday.

Unions have called for another nationwide day of strikes and demonstrations on Tuesday, just ahead of the Senate vote.

French truck drivers staged go-slow operations on highways, trains were cancelled and gas stations ran out of fuel yesterday as strikers dug in ahead of a key government vote this week on an unpopular pension overhaul.

Riot police used tear gas and rubber pellet guns in the Paris suburb of Nanterre to break up a crowd of youths who set fire to cars near an anti-reform protest by secondary school students. They intervened for similar reasons in the city of Lyon.

The interior ministry said police arrested 290 rioters in various towns.

Wider strikes will hit everything from air travel to mail today when unions opposed to President Nicolas Sarkozy's plan to raise the retirement age to 62 from 60 have called for another street protest.

With a final Senate vote on the legislation expected tomorrow, this could be a make-or-break week for Sarkozy.

The centre-right government, which has stood firm through months of anti-pension reform protests, assured that public infrastructure would not freeze up despite a week-long strike at refineries that has dried up supplies at hundreds of France's 12,500 gas stations.

"The situation is critical," a spokeswoman at Exxon Mobil said. "Anyone looking for diesel in the Paris and Nantes [western France] regions will have problems."

Sarkozy, in the northern seaside town of Deauville for talks with the leaders of Germany and Russia, said he would not back down. "The reform is essential and France is committed to it and will go ahead with it just as our German partners did," he told reporters after meeting German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Workers at France's 12 refineries were in their seventh day of a strike and protesters blocked access at many fuel distribution depots around the country.

The French aviation authority urged airlines to reduce flights to Paris's Orly airport by 50 per cent and to all other airports by 30 per cent today.

Today will be the sixth major work stoppage and street demonstration since June, but the unrest has intensified.

As many as 1,800 service stations have run short of fuel in recent days. At an empty station on Paris's Champs Elysees avenue, the manager said she spent much of her morning trying to stop drivers unhooking fuel pumps.

Los Angeles Times

By Devorah Lauter, Los Angeles Times
October 19, 2010

Reporting from Paris —

Camille Maupas, a 14-year-old high school student, stood in the middle of a major intersection in the center of Paris, took a deep breath, smiled and sat down.

So did about 150 fellow students, who spontaneously decided to block the intersection at Rue de Rivoli and Rue du Renard, causing a traffic jam near City Hall on Monday, to protest against a government plan to raise the retirement age.

With no pension at stake, the students are a worrisome wild card in the eyes of the government, and a recent addition to an intensifying protest movement against President Nicolas Sarkozy's promise to help reduce the state deficit by forcing workers to legally retire at 62, instead of 60.

Students have blocked entrances to their schools with large objects, and on Monday some youths clashed with riot police and burned cars. The violence was blamed on youths who are not part of the student protest.

As authorities prepared for another national strike Tuesday, a larger swath of the population was already feeling the effect of nearly a week of continuous strikes by workers, especially in the energy sector, who were joined early Monday by truck drivers who blocked major roads around France, driving at a snail's pace in "escargot operations."

Despite government assurances, fears of gasoline shortages pushed drivers to fill up their tanks, causing more than 1,000 of France's 12,500 gas stations to temporarily run dry.

"The most serious concern is fuel," said Richard Laisne, 58, a Paris taxi driver. "Because if there's a fuel problem, there's no work for me." He said he filled up his tank Sunday.

Government leaders continue to assure the public that there was no reason to fear a shortage, and Prime Minister Francois Fillon said Sunday, "I won't let our country be blocked."

A spokesman for the Energy Ministry said trucks were on their way to restock gas stations that ran out of fuel.

Flight cancellations and delays are expected Tuesday as airport and public transport workers plan to strike. The government again advised airlines to reduce the number of flights they have planned to Paris and to arrive with their fuel tanks as full as possible, despite insisting there was no risk of fuel shortages at France's major airports.

With striking workers blocking roads, trains, gasoline depots and refineries, there could be a long delay before hard-hit gas stations are able to function normally.

A crisis unit was created Monday by the Interior Ministry, and key gasoline depots and pipelines have been unblocked by authorities, who said they did not use force. Days after certain depots were opened, others were blocked by new protesters Monday. Workers at all of France's 12 oil refineries are on strike too.

The Senate is expected to pass the retirement overhaul bill by Thursday or Friday, but protesters say they will continue striking.

"It's a political success. Everyone is involved," said Josiane Jousset, 62, of the strikes. "The government got a good slap in the face."

Media coverage of the student protests showed images of burned cars, shattered storefront windows and glass walls at bus stations in various towns across France, and were reminiscent of 2005 riots in the country's low-income suburbs.

In the center of Paris, participants said their intentions were peaceful.

"We are pacifists. We just want to be heard," said Hugo Behar, 16.

Though the Sarkozy government contends that the French need to work longer in order to finance future pensions, Hugo said the reform would mean fewer jobs for younger people, because aging employees wouldn't be able to leave their posts open for the next generation. "I don't want to be out of work at 30," he said.

"We aren't doing this to get out of class. … We hope to prevent the vote" in favor of pension overhaul, said Camille, the 14-year-old student.

Lauter is a special correspondent.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Obama Stimulus Not for Seniors as Social Security Increases Dropped - A Sad Day for America


As if the slow moving Obama stimulus program doesn't already have enough problems, recent revelations show that the Obama record deficit is going to hit new record deficits with the new projections now being revealed by the White House economists, raising our deficit projections by $9 trillion from $7 trillion. At the same time tens of millions of senior citizens are being told there is no money for a Social Security cost of living increase the next two years.

So failing banks, investment companies, insurance companies, labor unions and community organizing programs get all the billions they want and need to survive and pay bonuses but our senior citizens cannot even get a cost of living increase for the money they paid into the system during their entire life. The truth about deficit spending could only be hidden for so long.

Now the Oath of President of the United States reads as follows:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

And the Preamble of the Constitution reads as follows:

"The Constitution of the United States of America

"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

Nowhere in the Oath or Preamble do I read that the president can show favoritism to any political party or special interest, nor campaign contributor or endorser. I can find no language that says the president, his staff or his party (Democratic) leaders can ignore the interests of groups of Americans because those groups disagree with them and only the president knows what is best.

Nowhere do I find that if the president doesn't like what the Republicans or Independents think he can refuse to listen to their concerns yet isn't that what Obama and Pelosi said about the stimulus and health care? Take it or leave it.

Obama was elected to represent "all the people" not a chosen few and he promised not to hurt the middle class with his massive agenda yet the seniors on social security are the middle class. So why are the corporations and unions being bailed out by getting trillions of dollars for salaries, bonuses and benefits while our senior citizens are told there is no money for a cost of living adjustment?

There is no representative government in America. When our parents and grandparents are denied cost of living increases while the corporate and union people are given whatever they want to save them then something is dreadfully wrong with our system because "We the people" of the Constitution seem to have disappeared under the barrage of economic stimulus for the chosen few.

The people who built this country are not just being ignored but totally forgotten. Will the military veterans be then next to be forgotten? It almost seems that the goal of the Democratic leadership and president is to eliminate the middle class in order to take care of the special interests. The promises of the Administration to heal the country, eliminate the prejudice and lower the volume were nothing more than empty promises and the hope that was promised was a modern fable.

Anyone out there dependent on Social Security and Medicare or military pensions better wonder if they are next to be swindled out of their life's work in order to help the special interests. The Obama palace guard have demonstrated that deficit spending is of no concern to them and that paying for their payoffs is a problem for future generations.

Their solution was to mortgage our children and grandchildren's future and lives but the drunken spending spree now overwhelming Washington has gotten so extreme that they are going to have to start stealing it from today's seniors and veterans pensions and health benefits to pay for it.

Blocking a cost of living increase for our seniors, the first time since 1970 this has happened, while driving up inflation through reckless deficit spending is stealing in every sense of the word. I find these actions to be in direct conflict with protecting the welfare of the people, all the people, as articulated in the Constitution.

If there is criticism of our new president it is not related to race but to performance and in America leadership determines popularity when it comes to politics. Obama's freefall in the polls is a measure of his leadership in office and his reliance on the political hacks and practices of old time back room politics. We hoped we were beyond that but we find we are saddled with just more of the same.

The Gross National Debt:

Right now there is no black or white but simply green when it comes to distinguishing between politicians, and not the green of the environment but the greenbacks of money, money, money. It seems our hope for change for the good of all has been lost in the avalanche of spending and that is a sad day for America.
