Showing posts with label campaign reform. Show all posts
Showing posts with label campaign reform. Show all posts

Thursday, June 03, 2010

How long can Obama chase Don Quixote's Windmill? A Fool can only fool himself!


The more pressure on the president the more he reacts like a trapped rat than the leader of the greatest free nation on Earth. As his sagging personal popularity polls continue to drop down to the level of the polls showing a public dislike for his policies, Obama continues to act like a spoiled aristocrat from the Ivy League blaming everyone but himself for his misfortunes.

It seems no one in the Chicago White House ever got the message that when he was elected it was to serve all the people all the time, not just friends, cronies, campaign contributors and celebrities. Obama lost the hope he supposedly brought to the presidency when he forgot the campaign was over a year and a half ago.

Ever since whenever things have got tough, and he should have known being president was no cakewalk, his modus operandi is to attack the critics, attack the Republicans, attack George Bush, attack the media, and one of these days the Harvard boy Obama will start attacking Yale for giving us 20 years of presidents before Obama came along.

In spite of his ruthless attacks against Sarah Palin for being inexperienced during the campaign, Obama has proven over and over that the greatest myth of his campaign claims was having any experience of his own whatsoever that might help prepare him to be president.

Last night he again attacked the Republicans, then attacked George Bush at length, for all the woes he faces as president. Didn't Obama do his homework when he was a candidate and know what was going on with the government?

If he really was experienced he would have known about our problems because he would have been on the Senate floor voting on the very problems he bemoans today instead of missing Senate votes because he was too busy campaigning.

By the way Mr. President, the last two years Bush was president your very own Democrats controlled the House, which controls the budget, which approved the deficits in the first place.

Last night he also viciously lashed out at those who say government is too big, as if everyone opposed to big government is a right wing Republican. Here his pollsters led him astray. The vast majority of Independents are opposed to big government and deficit spending and even a substantial number of Democrats know we are on a runaway train to oblivion.

Obama seems to be declaring everyone who doesn't want big government should not benefit from the government, a typical Chicago attitude to punish the disloyal while rewarding the insiders. Well Mr. President, it is not your government and not your tax money you are spending like some stoned punk at a frat party.

You have entered the real world and your time is running out to get real. This fall the people of America will give you a good education on politics. The people will bring your endless partisan and divisive political campaigning to a conclusion by stripping what little political strength you have left and taking back control of the Congress. You deserve no less.

At that point you will be a toothless tiger. However, if you continue to act as a picked on member of the elite frat pack and continue to try and manipulate the government to serve your own selfish purposes and agenda you will become the biggest liability of our future.

The majority of Americans who oppose big government and deficit spending have already tired of your politics of excuses and blame, finger pointing and character assassination, and it better end. If not, your performance will become the subject of debate on the national agenda and the new Independent controlled Congress will turn attention on how to limit the powers of a disconnected president to keep him from permanently damaging our Republic.

The future of America is in danger. Not because we face insurmountable problems. Not because we cannot fix our regulatory process. Not because corruption runs too deep. Not because any other nation is a viable national security threat. No, our danger comes from within.

Our government of the people and by the people has been hijacked by your gang of thugs who are trying to bring about radical change in spite of the will of the people. We had a pretty good country before you took over. Now we are becoming the laughing stock of the international community. At home there are no true Americans in your world, only those for and against your radical agenda.

Patriots in America are defenders of freedom and the greatest freedom we have you are trying to steal from us. Big government and deficit spending are the enemies of freedom and the antitheses of the freedoms inherent in the American Republic. You are supposed to be on our side Mr. President. We gave you the chance to serve us.

You want to help you can start with this. Campaign reform, the greatest need and only major issue totally ignored by you since you spent almost a billion dollars to buy the presidency. Public financing with no media ads is the only solution. Anything less is a sea of corruption.

We all want alternative energy but we are not fools. Today conventional energy is our life source. A prudent energy policy will seek out all forms of conventional energy in America to break the dependence on foreign oil. It will also set in motion a long term conversion to alternative energy because to do anything less is economically suicidal.

Real health care reform. So far you have paved the pockets of special interests and health care lobbyists with gold, protected the pharmaceutical and insurance industries ability to steal from the public, assured that health care costs can never go down, and generally made a mess of the health care delivery system.

Now fix it so we are encouraged to get well, not stay sick. If someone is healthy and does not need a doctor give them back the money they paid for health insurance. Stop FDA from accepting bribes from the pharmaceutical companies for the massive cost for New Drug Approval. It is the same conflict of interest that got the SEC in trouble with the banks and Interior Department in trouble with the oil companies.

We have over 2.5 million defense soldiers and civilian employees but only 1.1 million are in the USA. Since about 100,000 are in both Iraq and Afghanistan that leaves 1.2 million DOD employees all over the rest of the world. There are over 735 American military bases outside the USA including 38 large and medium size facilities. At the height of the British Empire in 1898 they had 36 bases spread out around the world and at the height of the Roman Empire in 117 AD they had 37 major bases. Of course they were both trying to conquer the world. We aren't supposed to be conquering the world so get rid of the excess bases.

In financial reform we have fixed everything but the problem, even with the new reform bill. If congress and the president continue to insist housing and derivatives should not be part of the bill then it is a joke. Eliminate unregulated derivatives and stop short selling which contributes nothing to managing the economy but is just a lame excuse for investment houses to steal from the market.

The object of the capitalist markets was to bring about orderly economic development while allowing investors to share in the profits. The result was to make money available to small business to build the economy. If a practice on Wall Street does not serve that purpose then stop it. Right now there is no capital available to small business, no credit from banks, yet all the banks are drawing discounted money from the Federal Reserve. Obama has done nothing but encourage the crooks on Wall Street and we are just as vulnerable as ever.

Our president has more than enough things to do to help and most of those things continue to eat away at the America spirit and budget. After all this time as president, it is clear Obama is not going to get it. We must start preparing to get control of the government back from the political hacks in our nation's capital who are in the pockets of the special interests. Obama is now a part of the problem.


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Congressional Investigations - When does Congress Investigate Itself?


This has been the year of intense Congressional investigations as the bankers, auto people, housing and oil people have been paraded in before a packed and stacked House or Senate Committee and derided, ridiculed and disgraced in full view of the world.

Who are these holier than thou House and Senate members who preach to the bad guys about ethics, special interests, conflicts of interest, bribes and a host of other problems that helped bring down the economy, wipe out home values, and even help destroy the environment?

About the only positive result of the hearings is that we are discovering it was not the lack of rules and regulations that was behind most of these problems, it was the lack of enforcement of the laws, rules and regulations that were already on the books.

Now last time I read the Constitution it was Congress that passed the laws and approved the regulations, yes the same ones that got us in trouble. That must mean Congress might just be the primary party that did not do it's job to protect the people.

Of course Congress knows this, they just forget to mention it. They also know the reason Congress has allowed rules and regulations to be flawed or not enforced is that special interests control Washington. And yes, these are the same special interests that spend hundreds of millions of dollars filling the very campaign coffers of the people sitting at the hearings acting as if they are holier than thou.

The most important hearing Congress could hold to fix ALL the problems facing America is a hearing of itself, and the relationship between the hundreds of millions of campaign dollars they get from special interests and their performance in office.

The people are not stupid. They know Congress is the best money can buy. But when it is the best money can buy then it is also serving the wrong master. Congress is addicted to special interest money and that money has compromised the ability of our elected representatives to serve the people.

It is almost like a Saturday Night Live skit watching Congress lambast the witnesses in the hearings about the corruption, conflicts of interest, immorality and disregard for the public interest while they are filling their campaign accounts with money from these same special interests.

Campaign reform, especially finance reform, is the only solution for the malaise that has enveloped our nation's government. While all of our leaders are blaming special interests for our problems, not a single person in the White House, Congress, leaders of the house or senate, or even our president is talking about taking on the biggest special interest in Washington, the politicians addicted to the special interest money.

They could fix this problem overnight if they had guts and the interest of the people in mind but they are not about to shut down the money spigot that has enabled them to get and stay elected. They are nothing but hypocrites and have made a mockery of their oath of office to defend the Constitution and protect the Republic and the people of the Republic.

The Washington establishment serves no one but itself and has demonstrated over and over that it has no interest in changing. Only the people can force the change through the electoral process and if the early elections this year have demonstrated nothing else, they have shown the people are sick and tired of the status quo. "Throw them out, throw them all out" seems more and more the theme for this year's election and it cannot come a day too soon.

Thursday, April 08, 2010

Campaign Financing in America, the Most Special of Special Interests


Lobbying has been part of the government process ever since the fight for freedom and adoption of the US Constitution in America. No doubt as a result of the pressure put on colonists by special interests during the formation of America, great care was made to protect the fledgling Republic from these marauding manipulators of governments, wars and people.

During debate over the new treasury department there was an argument over the need to form a US National Bank, sought by the international bankers who were bankrolling the revolution and arms bought by the colonists. The fear of international bankers controlling the economy and printing the nation's money was debated extensively. Opposition was led by Thomas Jefferson.

In time the First National Bank was approved and chartered to a group representing the House of Rothschild. When Andrew Jackson was elected our 7th president and served from 1829-1837 he blocked the renewal of the First National Bank charter by vetoing the Congressional bill. It was a bitter battle with the banking interests and before it was through there was an assassination attempt on the president.

So we know special interests have a long and dubious stranglehold on our nation's capitol.

Today it is more prevalent than ever as witnessed by the accommodation of big banks in the TARP program, big labor in the stimulus and health care reforms, Wall Street and Goldman Sachs in the watered down version of Financial reform being considered, Goldman Sachs again in the cap and trade bill proposed, the unions again in the card check bill, and all sources of big bucks in the total lack of campaign reform not being considered by Congress nor advocated by the administration.

Campaign reform, the only hope for America if it goes far enough to break the stranglehold of special interests on our government, remains the elusive dream of justice and the only effective tool to wipe out corruption.

Obama directly spent nearly three quarters of a billion dollars getting elected. Hundreds of millions of additional dollars were spent on his behalf by other political and special interest groups. The same groups are pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into the campaign coffers of our elected officials yet the media gives no attention to this massive buy out of our politicians.

Paid political advertising must be stopped or our government will always be for sale to the highest bidder. There is no paid advertising in Great Britain yet their government seems to function. Most European nations control the licensing of media companies to a degree that prohibits massive television campaigns yet they seem to function.

Political advertising, which dominates the airways during primary and general election campaigns with often obnoxious and misleading ads should be banned and those media corporations getting federal licenses to use the airways must be required to make available limited time for all legitimate candidates through debates or other forums.

Estimates are that over $5.3 billion dollars were spent during 2008 alone for political television ads for congress and the presidency. That includes spending by candidates, campaign committees, political parties, political action groups, and special interest groups. A few million more was spent on the internet.

Over $5.5 billion was spent to elect 469 politicians. Hundreds of million more dollars have been spent since then by special interests on behalf of legislation they want approved.

No longer can our federal elected officials spend weekends in Washington working on the nation's business because they are running for re-election the day they take office. Of course billions of more dollars are being spent by the same groups to raise the money needed to bombard us with those political ads.

Unfortunately, many media outlet owners are now addicted to the political revenue to stay in business and that raises the most obvious conflict of interest possible for the news media. How could they possibly be advocates or even report fairly on the need for campaign finance reform when their jobs are dependent on that campaign revenue?

It is time Americans realize the campaign money is the root of all evil in Washington and in our media. It is time we realize that meaningful reform, missing from the agenda of our president and both political parties, is the only way to end corruption and special influence peddling in our nation's capitol. It is time we recognize that without such reform, our politicians are on a fast track to permanent slavery to special interests.

Yes, it is time the people demand their elected representatives stop the policy of selling out our government to the highest bidder and ban political advertising in America. European countries have proven that it can be done Constitutionally.

Just as important, if it was done there would be no need for never ending campaigns, for politicians to start raising money for the next campaign the minute they are elected, for them to be spending all their free time raising money rather than taking care of our nation's business, and most of all, for them to be owned by special interests.

Demand campaign finance reform from your politicians. Demand more than just empty promises or watered down actions to achieve these reforms. Do this and there is a chance the Republic may survive. Fail to do this and you will live forever with the corrupt system we now have in place.


Monday, March 15, 2010

March Madness Dominates America - Obamacare and NCAA Championships


This year we are treated to two types of March Madness as the NCAA Basketball championships, the annual rite of passage to spring in America, gets underway. Things are a little different this year and not just because Obama has intruded on the publicity surrounding March Madness basketball style.

That in itself is enough to upset the millions of basketball loving Americans as how many overtimes does the president get before he stops trying to dominate the headlines? He started his health reform game over a year ago and now we are to believe it will finally be over. It almost sounds too good to be true that Congress could actually get off health care and start worrying about the economy.

Of course the Obama, Pelosi and Reid team seem hell bent toward leaving the Constitution a shambles before they give up the battle with all their manipulation of Senate and House rules but then Obama, as a constitutional lawyer, knows exactly what he is doing.

Now over 2,700 pages are required to explain what the government will do for the Obama plan and that is only the beginning as there will be thousands, maybe tens of thousands of pages of federal regulations needed to make it possible. So let's say Obama will have to generate 25,000 pages of law and regulations, maybe more, to change our health care.

What is behind the health care bill that even the Congress has not seen although it will be voted on this week? We know there are union protections, Obama has already generated billions of dollars in savings for the bosses. We also know he intends to insure 30 million more people and stop insurance companies for pre-existing condition service denials.

Of course what we don't know is what Pelosi and Reid and Obama have promised those Democrats whose arms they are twisting. The dreaded Nebraska, Louisiana and Florida bribes given for the Senate and House votes may seem like child's play before this week is over. What is the value to Obama for those last few votes?

Does this bill address the primary concerns of health care? It seems Congress is not going to be too hard on those health insurance and service providers when they have poured tens of millions of dollars into the Democrats campaign funds. Do you think these companies are stupid enough to pay off the congressmen if they are going to be punished? There is no more chance of this happening than Obama will punish and prosecute the Wall Street executives who nearly brought the world economy down.

Wall Street continues with their swaps, derivatives and Repo 105 games making billions more at the expense of the consumer and even the federal regulatory controls proposed by Obama and the Democrat majority will not stop them nor the illegal actions by the rating companies who falsely valued the stocks in the first place. Money bought Wall Street protection and money will buy the health industry protection because the president and congress are addicted to the campaign slush funds from the bad guys.

Now Obama has talked about how, well with the help of a Republican proposal, he will fight fraud and corruption in health care. Doesn't it seem odd that he just decided to attack it after talking health care for a year? But what is he doing to fight artificially high prices for drugs, unnecessary treatment, or even the huge costs of malpractice insurance? Your guess is as good as mine but remember the banks, drug companies and trial lawyers who bring those malpractice suits are among his biggest contributors.

I think there are more unanswered questions than answers and if we are betting 16% of our GNP on more government control, regulation and take overs fixing things we have a very short memory about the ability of government to run businesses. Did we forget that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were government run programs and both required, and still require, billions of dollars to bail them out of the mess they made of the housing and mortgage markets?

Am Trak has not been such a sterling example of government success nor has the Postal Service. Even Obama himself says Medicare is a disaster. Social Security is on the brink of bankruptcy. The CDC and health department have generated massive losses with stupid vaccination scares and hysteria. Fact is it is hard to find anything the government has done that worked like expected and nothing the government has done cost what was expected.

I may have a simple view of things but as least I'm not trying to hide my motives and actions in a fog and hope the voters forget it in time. I don't see how 30 million more people can be insured at no cost. I don't see where the doctors and nurses are going to come from to treat 30 million more people when there is already a shortage of hospitals, doctors and nurses. I don't see how drug costs are going to go down.

I don't understand why we have to have health insurance that doesn't work. Why do we have to pay for what we don't need in the first place? Government has no more business requiring health insurance than it has spending billions of dollars in foreign aid to countries and organizations that are not our friends. Stop throwing away international aid and use that money to fund health care.

As for the other March Madness, the one we expected, let us hope it provides a great diversion from the ongoing efforts in our nation's capitol to steal America for the special interests. I think it is time Obama foul out of his game and go to the bench. As for Congress, they should be thrown off the court for throwing the game they were sent to play.

Go Kansas, Kentucky, Duke and Syracuse, beat those scoundrels like Obama, Pelosi and Reid off the television airways so we can finally get a breath of fresh air. By the way, wouldn't a ban of congress result in a great reduction of hot gas emission from our country? Maybe Gore should work on that if he really wants to clean up the environment.


Friday, February 19, 2010

What Do the President, Congress and Tiger Woods have in Common? They all owe us a Mea Culpa


Today Tiger is going to explain to the American people, or is it the corporate sector, why he should be forgiven and forgotten and let him return to making millions. It is an event the media, sports community and sponsors all want because they are all losing mega bucks with Tiger in rehab.

But don't the president and Congress also owe us a Mea Culpa as well? I mean for the last decade or more Congress, Democrats and Republicans alike, have been spending money like drunken, well, politicians I guess, without a care in the world about paying for the spending. We now have record deficits and a record national debt and right now not even our great grandchildren will be able to pay for our sins of gluttony.

President Obama promised us a change from the old way of politics. He promised us new and responsible government and he promised no more deficits like Bush. He then proceeded to rewrite the record book for deficit spending and increasing the national debt in his first year in office and has done nothing but make excuses why he was forced to be just another politician once he became president.

Along came the public who promptly said, the idjits in Washington still don't get it. Then the public did something that caught our politicians flat footed, they started throwing out politicians through the ballot box. First came New Jersey and Virginia and then came Massachusetts and suddenly the back room politicians took notice.

Now the president, Congress and even the media seem to have undergone divine enlightenment and suddenly they are acting as if they knew all along what the public wanted. Well look at the record my friends, our elected leaders and our news media were dead wrong in reading the public, dead wrong in how they managed the public trust, and dead wrong in their dramatic, born again attitude that maybe the liberal spendthrifts were leading us astray. It was not the liberals, it was the whole damn bunch!

Now, we are supposed to forgive the president and Congress for prior spending discretions. But unlike Tiger Woods, whose apology may be a bit hypocritical since it has a lot more to do with money than honesty, but at least he did apologize, when are the president and all of Congress going to also come forward with their Mea Culpa and admit they were wrong?

An addiction to spending money cannot be stopped until there is an acknowledgement it was wrong in the first place. As they do fall in line and adopt the fiscally responsible way DO NOT let them off the hook until they have attacked the causes of their spending addiction. We all know how easy it is to stop an addiction only to start again. However, until you throw away and stay away from prescription drugs, booze or tobacco if that is your addiction, you will always be stopping but never be finished.

There are root causes to our political addiction to big spending which have not been acknowledged and are not being addressed by our born again leaders. While we know they can play the role of Uncle Sugar and throw money at anything and everything, we also must know that they are awash in money because of their uncontrolled spending. Yes, our politicians have legislated themselves legal grand larceny with the ridiculous campaign finance laws and the sea of special interest money they are drowning in.

Here is a profile of our born again politicians as we enter the 2010 election cycle, and remember we are only s little over 6 weeks into the year. So far candidates for the House of Representatives have raised over $370 million. Candidates for the Senate have raised over $239 million, and the Democratic and Republican party combined have raised over, get this folks, ONE BILLION DOLLARS! That means over $1.6billion is already in the bank, or is it pockets, of our elected officials.

Incumbent politicians, those the public distrust the least, hold an enormous advantage raising five times more than their opponents in the House and eight times more in the Senate. Now where do you suppose all those hundreds of millions of dollars come from? Special interests, lobbyists, PACS (Political Action Committees) for special interests and employees of special interests.

An avalanche of dollars from finance, insurance, real estate, lawyers, lobbyists, single issue groups, health, communications and labor make up the top contributors to our elected officials. Where I come from that is called a conflict of interest, a bribe, a kickback or whatever. Our elected officials are owned by special interests so what chance does the public have to clean out the mess?

There is only one chance and that is if Congress and the president back campaign finance reform and I do not mean the smokescreen reforms of the past where more and more loopholes were created, I mean once and for all slamming the door shut to buying our elections. Remember, all this money was raised before the Supreme Court threw out limits on contributions by these same industries and organizations. Billions more may now be spent to protect the politicians who protect the contributors.

Public funding of federal campaigns is the only way to break the cycle of corrupted politicians. If our leaders would set up a non-partisan election fund and only allow special interests to contribute to this fund there would be no more shenanigans in the Halls of government. To substantially reduce the cost of campaigns, thus the eventual cost to the government, also ban campaign expenditures for media ads, radio, television and the Internet.

At the same time require all television stations, radio and Internet service providers to make available at no cost time for each qualified candidate for federal office. They should also be encouraged to have debates as part of their news responsibilities. Remember, our government licenses all television and radio stations and networks so why should they benefit from billions of dollars in campaign costs for commercials when they are just selling the airways granted by our government.

Of course the media will scream but the media has a special responsibility to the people as they are protected by our Bill of Rights in the Constitution, something no other industry can claim. Don't they have a responsibility to help keep campaigns free from special interests, even if they are the special interest? Most certainly.

Eliminate campaign ads on the airways and you reduce the cost of campaigns by more than 50%. Provide public funding and all candidates, incumbents and challengers alike, are on more equal footing even though the incumbent still has great advantages. At least the financial gap is closed. Eliminate all special interest funding for campaigns, instead telling those that would buy favor with their money to contribute to the non-partisan federal campaign fund. And eliminate special interest funding to the Democrat and Republican parties since these contributions are simply a way to circumvent the federal campaign finance laws and there is nothing in our Constitution that says only the Democratic and Republican parties know what is best for the people.

This is just the beginning of reforms needed but it takes the billions of dollars in special interest money off the table, money that buys favor and buys politicians. If our born again leaders can't take this first step toward breaking their addiction to campaign money from special interests they will never stop spending your tax money to help the special interests. America will lose!


Friday, January 22, 2010

Tweedledee and Tweedledum - 48 Hours after Massachusetts both Parties Double Cross Public


In a stunning reaction to the Supreme Court ruling on campaign finances, both Democrats and Republicans seem to be suffering short term memory loss from the Massachusetts Senate debacle and they immediately took the most hypocritical and self-destructive positions possible. One thinks the American public knew this was coming, just more of the same politics as usual.

As for the lesson at the Boston Tea Party last Tuesday night, it fell on deaf ears in the White House and in both political party caucuses in the House and Senate. People are fed up with politics as usual. The Wednesday morning after the election Obama, Reid, Pelosi and the Republicans all said they recognized the angry mood of the public.

By Thursday both parties hoped the public would remember what they said Wednesday and forget what they had said before Wednesday. Thursday both had returned to vintage form in responding to the Supreme Court decision regarding campaign finance. You need a daily scorecard to keep track of how many times they change positions per day.

Obama led the Democrats in condemning the Supreme Court decision saying it opened the floodgates to corporate financing of candidates. Duh... As reported before, Obama and the Democrats are the chief beneficiary of corporate money in campaigns. They also failed to mention the unions were also given carte blanc to buy politicians by the Supreme Court. So the Democrats double crossed the public less than 48 hours after the campaign catastrophe in Boston.

How about the new found populist element of the Republican party? Well they double crossed the public in the same 48 hour period when they reacted to the Supreme Court ruling by saying it restored free speech in America or it puts media corporations and the rest of corporate America on the same footing. Either way it means the same thing, they supported the decision.

Both political party bosses and our young president sank back into the old world of politics before the ink even dried on the stories of how they learned their lesson in Massachusetts. My goodness, the mental institutions are filled with people with multiple personalities, self-destructive psychosis and subliminal paranoia.

Get out the straight jackets and move over patients, we have 539 politicians, (437 House, 100 Senate and 2 in White House - Obama & Biden) in need of a heavy dose of America's favorite cocktail, Prozac, or kid's drink, Ritalin, a straight jacket and a few years to sleep off their attack of sheer idiocy.

Obama, the Democrats and Republicans are all addicted to corporate and union money and all share in the spoils of hundreds of millions of dollars being poured into campaigns by special interests who own our elected leaders. Do not express your dismay, shock or approval in press conferences while you are stuffing your campaign accounts with money from these bad guys.

Any politician who takes the money or support from such dirty money should admit their deception immediately and give back the bucks or be thrown on the scrap heap of history. Untruth still rules our nation's capitol and the Non-political Independent movement that has already plowed through Virginia, New Jersey and Massachusetts the last few weeks can take aim at the rest of the gang in DC and keep on house cleaning.

We will continue reporting on the hypocrisy as long as the lies and cover ups keep flowing from the mouths of the guilty in Washington. Keep it up people, we have a lot of straight jackets to fill. In the meantime responsible public officials will eliminate private financing of campaigns, make corporate and union contributions of any kind illegal, provide limited public financing and require media to give ads to viable candidates. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out how to eliminate corruption, just an honest president and congress.
