Showing posts with label NBC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NBC. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Is the Liberal Media Trump trashing finally over, or is it now destined for oblivion?


With the latest effort to dump Trump, inspired and promulgated by the Liberal media, failing miserably, along with the election of Hillary Clinton, the Russian invasion of the American cyber world, and the phony recount efforts, do we finally get a break?

The election is still over, Donald Trump is still president, and the left wing liars, whiners, and wimps, best get used to the new America, Donald Trump's vision of hope, for a change.

I have been following presidential elections for more than half a century and the world has not seen such a despicable performance by a free and protected media to influence an election as that witnessed in 2016.

Sadly, the same biased, bigoted, and racist, left wing writers, prognosticators, pundits, pollsters, and political consultants will write all 21st Century historical accounts of the election of 2016.  Once again, we will fail to find truth in the news or history because of the manipulation by those who continually used their media positions to advance the Clinton agenda.

They still do not get it.

Once upon a time in America our news media reported the facts and let the public decide the truth.  Those days are long gone.  As the liberal movement swept over the media thanks to the merger of academic freedom with radical liberalism starting back in the 1960's, there has been a disconnect missed by all those attempting to shove an agenda down the throats of the public.

The people in America, to the shock of the left leaning media, have the same protection by the Constitution and Bill of Rights and retain the right to ignore the banshee screams of an alarmed liberal media that we are teetering on the eve of destruction for the past 50 years.

The same pollsters, who failed to rig our national election by misreading the mood of the public, seemed to miss their own credibility demise as public faith in our news media faded to the lowest level ever recorded this past year with just six percent of the public trusting the news media.

Ironically, it was just one of many signs that the Obama tenure as president gave them a very false sense of security, as the popularity of Obama the person could never overcome the many staggering "wrong track" polls against the Obama agenda.

The result was a media full of itself and the social agenda they intended to impose, whose real foundation, built on the temporary executive orders of a president without a country to run, were doomed from the start.  Obama was the vanguard of the political activist, community organizer, and ethereal professor, a champion of a social revolution not wanted in America.

Is it any surprise there were so many shocked experts and players every step of the election process as the lofty vision and dreams of a popular president failed to result in any public support and consensus?

While the liberals were busy congratulating themselves for eight years of Obama, and looking forward to eight more with Hillary, they did not even notice for the first time in modern American history more eligible American voters registered as Independents, than either Democrats or Republicans.

This is one of the most significant shifts in our history and the news media failed to notice as the majority of eligible voters rejected both political parties for the first time.  Is it any wonder a candidate for change finally had a path to victory?

From the point of the national conventions and selection of final candidates, the media made the coronation of Hillary Clinton the sole priority of the news media and ignored all warning signs that the public did not agree.

The nightly news anchors and reporters stopped being objective if they ever were, and created a murders role mentality among their liberal brethren to destroy the deplorable Trump by any way and means possible.

By late fall it seemed impossible to find unbiased media with the networks spewing the mantra that Trump cannot win while cable news became a bigger joke than the Saturday Night Live gang did.  Speaking of Saturday Night Live, the legendary network show did their best to humiliate Trump but drew some of the lowest ratings in years averaging about a third of their peak audiences from decades ago.

SNL pulled 2-3 million viewers a night, paltry for a network icon yet better than even lower numbers generated by all cable media, except the dominant Fox News.  Liberals dominated the media, yet totally missed the fact the public stopped watching the traditional news.

We are now more than a month past the election and just today, the Electoral College voted Trump president despite the many negative stories from the media about how he could still lose.  Clearly major network and cable news outlets will never accept Trump as president nor the will of the people in electing him.

If the liberal media continue to treat Trump as a pariah rather than president then it is only fair the Trump administration treat the media as hopelessly lost in unethical journalistic conduct and not deserving a place in the White House press corp.  Why recognize a media that refuses to recognize you as president?

Trump proved you do not need to spend a billion dollars on media buys to win an election.  He proved politicians could successfully appeal directly to the public and ignore the media.  The failure of the media to give Trump a fair chance and his astonishing victory tell the tale of truth.

The real dinosaur in this campaign is the outdated and biased news media.  The have suffocated on their own egos.  Now, never even considering the possibility of a Trump victory, they are lost at sea.

If there was any doubt of media bias against Trump here are excerpts from a recent article of the liberal media commenting on their own dilemma of having no one on their fair and balanced media staff who can write an op-ed article favorable to our new president Trump.


Mainstream media puts out the call for pro-Trump columnists
By Paul Farhi December 9 at 9:09 AM 

Wanted: Columnists to say nice things about Donald Trump. Must be able to make cogent arguments in favor of the president-elect’s policies, appointees and statements. Experience preferred but not required.

It’s not an actual want ad, but it might as well be one. As they discovered during the long campaign season, the nation’s newspapers and major digital news sites — the dreaded mainstream media — are facing a shortage of people able, or more likely willing, to write opinion columns supportive of the president-elect.

Major newspapers, from The Washington Post to the New York Times, have struggled to find and publish pro-Trump columns for months. So have regional ones, such as the Des Moines Register and Arizona Republic, which have a long history of supporting Republican candidates

 “We struggled to find voices that could advocate for Donald Trump’s ideas,” said James Bennet, the Times’ editorial-page editor. “It was really unusual. It didn’t help that the conservative intelligentsia lined up against him.” But Bennet says Trump’s campaign contributed to the imbalance: “He didn’t have the people around him who were prepared to put together his arguments” for publication.

The Washington Post’s editorial-page editor, Fred Hiatt, said the paper is as committed “as ever” to offering readers “a range of smart, independent thinking, and we are always thinking about whether there are new voices we should be adding” as Trump takes office.
Said the Times’ Bennet: “We owe it to our readers to help them hear the voices that were supportive of Trump. . . . I’m proud of the work we did, but we could have done better.”


So, the bias is built in and extensive by their own admission.  It continues with the misleading headlines, false fact checking services, and unusual use of long discredited information on Trump still used in current stories.

If the liberal and former Main Street media continue their practices of bias and twisting the truth, ratings will continue to collapse, trust will reach rock bottom, and the once venerable American media will face extinction not from government censorship or assaults on the First Amendment, but a failure to meet the public need for truth.

Oblivion will be a self-imposed death sentence due to lack of interest on the part of the public.


Friday, January 08, 2016

New MSNBC same old Skullduggery - Manufacturing the News Liberals Love - Part 3.


Morning Joe wins awards for best boasting and best Imitation of a Modern Barbie while rolling out carbon copy of Nazi and Communist Propaganda Machine

The last bit of news regarding the MSNBC changes involves the Morning Joe Show in which a non-descript congressman from the 1990's, Joe Scarborough and his Modern Barbie sidekick Mika Brzezinski have completely redesigned their logo, breakaway slides, and promotional pieces to look like the following.

Not much else has changed except Mika no longer has her entire family on the show selling books and self-promoting.  Her Daddy, Zbigniew Brzezinski, was a former National Security Advisor to Jimmy Carter and we know how well foreign policy things went for Carter with the Iranian's taking 50 some Americans hostage.

Her dad, mom, and two brothers have all made numerous appearances and Mika's own self-promotion of her books and book signings are shameless self-promotion gimmicks allowed by the previous owners of MSNBC but not the new owners.  The blatant conflict of interest and unfair business practice seems o longer tolerated.

Of course, Barbie has never ceased to promote her body parts, in particular legs, so that will most likely continue.

As for the Man Joe, a Congressman who quit in the middle of a term under a dark cloud of suspicion way back in the 1990's, he is the only Republican who admits to being Republican at NBC it seems.

However, his penchant for taking credit for everything that happens in Washington, D.C., for always claiming to have predicted what is going to happen in the future in politics, and for being the source, oracle, and medium for all things in politics, has resulted in an ego far in excess to his head size.

Here is a comparison of the new Morning Joe artwork compared to previous artwork from the Soviet Union Communist party and Hitler's Nazi party.  What is that all about?

That's all folks.

New MSNBC same old Skullduggery - Manufacturing the News Liberals Love - Part 2.


Chris "Hardball" Matthews serves softballs to Hillary in exclusive Lovefest.

For a guy who claims to be excited by the movers and shakers in history, and one who enjoys projecting a "tougher than nails" approach to interviews, he certainly met his match when he interviewed Hillary Clinton this past Tuesday on his Hardball show.

What a misnomer for a show name.  Matthews was like a puppy dog licking the boots of his master as he substituted softballs and cotton candy for anything close to tough questions.  It began before she started when Matthews, like a star struck student in awe of his professor, giddily told his audience this was going to be the best interview of his career, or some such nonsensical words.

From that moment on, he seemed like his goal was to get a six-figure grant from the Clinton Foundation to study the genetic mutations in Republicans, not to report the news.

It made me think back to 2008 when Matthews headily took on the Clinton machine and got pulverized in the process.  Guess he learned his lesson.  If you cannot tell the truth then you should embrace the lies.  Back then it seemed he was point man in the media for the fledgling Obama campaign, a role he maintained until his hero kept double-crossing the liberal base after promising them the world.
Here is an excerpt from a story in the quite liberal Huffington Post written by Sam Stein and published on August 5, 2008.

Matthews Calls Clinton Press Shop "Lousy," "Kneecappers"

Chris Matthews fired a salvo at the Clinton campaign this morning after both he and his MSNBC colleague were privately and publicly rebuked for recent comments deemed misogynistic or inappropriate.

Appearing on MSNBC's Morning Joe, the Hardball host went off on the Clinton press shop, calling them "knee cappers" who were "lousy" and delve in the business of "intimidation."

"What she has to do is get rid of the kneecapers that work for her, these press people whose main job seems to be punishing Obama or going after the press, to building a positive case for her," said Matthews. "Her campaign slogan right now is don't get your hopes up. That won't work in America. You can't diminish Obama and hope that you will rise from the ashes."

Here we are, sixteen years later, and Matthews is so incensed the American public could be so stupid as to support Trump, that he now embraces his own enemy.

Where I come from that is selling out your principles and mortgaging your independence.

Perhaps the low and high point of the interview came when he tried to coach Hillary on how to handle the Trump questions about the infidelity of her husband, Wild William Clinton.

Playing the part of Freud and psychologically evaluating her situation, he told her she was the victim and what a tragedy she had to endure as the never-ending tales of Bill's promiscuity kept popping up over the years.

In a courtroom, it is leading the witness.  In the Hardball lovefest, it was more like offering humble advice to the Goddess, although humility is hardly one of Matthews' virtues.

However, for a time it was Romeo and Juliet all over again as he continued.  When he was done what had we learned?

Did he ask about the influence of Goldman Sachs over her and her husband?

Like who raised the money to pay off the millions of dollars in legal fees for Bill's impeachment or the millions in settlements to his former mistresses.

No questions about the $250,000 to $500,000 she and her hubby get just for speaking to Goldman people?

No questions about the millions of dollars she and her Clinton Foundation get from Wall Street banks, the same banks that paid nearly $200 billion, yes that is billion, in fines and settlements for their role in destroying the economy in 2008-2009, yet not a single banker has been punished.

In fact, under Obama, the crooks have flourished and the ten biggest banks are down to six and bigger and richer than ever, even after the billions in fines.

Sanders is proving to be a thorn in the side of Hillary who claims to represent the people while advocating the cause on behalf of Wall Street and taking millions from the financiers.
Her only opponent, Bernie Sanders, announced an economic plan two days ago that pledged to break up the biggest banks and financial institutions, whose size and complexity threaten the financial system as a whole and the U.S. economy.

Why is this more critical than ever before? Because the massive banks that fueled the 2008 financial crisis are even bigger today.

Sanders points out: "Three out of the four largest financial institutions (JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America and Wells Fargo) are nearly 80 percent bigger than before we bailed them out. Incredibly, the six largest banks in this country issue more than two-thirds of all credit cards and more than 35 percent of all mortgages. They control more than 95 percent of all financial derivatives and hold more than 40 percent of all bank deposits. Their assets are equivalent to nearly 60 percent of our GDP. Enough is enough."

The Clinton legions immediately set out to trash the Sanders plan.

No, Chris Matthews might consider naming his show "Powder Puff" to better reflect the role he is playing in the presidential sweepstakes.

See the next article for Part 3 of the series.

New MSNBC same old Skullduggery - Manufacturing the News Liberals Love - Part 1.


Trump is first GOP candidate to take his case to Vermont, home of Bernie Sanders.

Nothing can tell the story of the media manipulation of the American public better than the recent reorganization of MSNBC to become less liberal and offer more balanced news coverage.  Yes, they did get rid of a bunch of people whose brand of liberalism drove the viewers away.  Still, they kept too many who are clearly frustrated by the new direction of the cable channel.

So, my next three stories are examples of why MSNBC failed to become anywhere close to fair and balanced in their coverage of the presidential election.  Now bear in mind that to the new bean counters at MSNBC, ratings mean everything and the grossly liberal views were driving the network into oblivion.

So they restructured sending flaming liberals to the scrapheap and trying to tone down those remaining.  Unfortunately, those remaining are finding it impossible to even approach a standard of fair and balanced as their hatred of Republicans in general and Donald Trump in particular has made them do things beyond unethical, beyond belief, and beyond any journalistic standards ever used in American television.

Tonight Trump was speaking in Bernie Sanders hometown of Burlington, Vermont.  The first part of his speech aired during the Chris Matthews Hardball show and in uncharacteristic fashion host Matthews let the viewers watch Trump.  Of course just a couple of days ago Mathews landed what he said might be the best interview in his life when he had a sit down with Hillary Clinton, but that is the next story.

The second part of the Trump rally was during the Chris Hayes show and he made a shambles of journalistic ethics.  First, he (MSNBC) staged a Bernie Sanders rally in a bar down the street from Trump filled with Sanders supporters.  This was no focus group, it was a rally to trash Trump.

Then his producers apparently decided to do a split screen showing Trump talking while the noise of the Sanders bar crowd and a video of them trashing Trump was shown to the nation.  There was no effort by Hayes to identify the protestors and noise came from a staged event in the bar, not from the Trump rally.

Those few protestors at the rally were quickly thrown out by Trump while MSNBC aired footage of the disrupters being tossed and a crowd of anti-Trump protestors cheering as they left the building.  A staged event by the media, a split screen with no identification that they were two separate events, and total bias in the reporting by Hayes and company, is a sad commentary on today's media.

Ironically, MSNBC was covering Trump at the same time Obama was doing a gun control town hall on CNN and it will be interesting to see who won the ratings war.  Of course the liberal tilting CNN and liberal dominated MSNBC are fighting it out for last place in the ratings race.

Is it any wonder that the fires of polarization, partisanship, and gross hatred are fanned by the very liberal progressive media who suddenly figured out what the American voters has known for some time.  Trump is a real threat to the progressive movement of the Obama administration, and Trump is exposing all the hypocritical ways the Democratic party has conned and conjured the Democratic base into blind submission.

See the next article for Part 2 of the MSNBC debacle when attempting to become a legitimate news service.