Showing posts with label Monica Lewinsky. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Monica Lewinsky. Show all posts

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Clinton’s Speaking Tour Sucks $5.4 million from Democratic Party Election Campaigns


Will Clinton tour prove the hypocrisy of MeToo movement in the process?

The army of Democratic apologists who refuse to let go of the checkered Clinton legacy say the thirteen-city tour of President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is an opportunity to share their life experiences with the nation, as if we do not already know about their life experiences.

They also claim the Clintons are waiting until after the midterm election so as not to interfere with the Democratic campaigns desperately in need of money for the upcoming election.

How big of them.  Of course, they did not tell us the tickets were going on sale immediately for all thirteen events spread out over the next six months.  Nor did they tell us the real price of tickets.

The talks, titled "An Evening with President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton," will focus on "stories and inspiring anecdotes that shaped their historic careers in public service, while also discussing issues of the day and looking toward the future," according to the tour's organizer, Live Nation.  The first event is slated for Nov. 18 in Las Vegas.

Live Nation is the promoter behind Michelle Obama's book tour for her new memoir, "Becoming," and has handled tours for the likes of Beyoncé, Taylor Swift (hummm any coincidence?) and Bruno Mars.  While they did say the tickets would cost between $200 and $700, they forgot to mention the resale arrangement and promotion fees that would drive the prices into the stratosphere.

So, I checked with the ticket selling groups about the event planned for Washington, D.C. and here is what I found.  Yes, there are some $200, seat still available, even though the tickets just went on sale, but virtually all the expensive seats have been pre-sold.  The cost of the floor, orchestra and other prime locations, well it ran as high as $4,233 per seat.

Now if we take the past history of the Clinton’s and speaking, it has been documented that Bill and Hillary earned $153 million for 729 speaking engagements between 2001 and 2015, note she served as Secretary of State between 2009 and 2013 before launching her presidential run.

Once upon a time it was illegal to rake in millions of dollars in speaking fees while being a government employee.  On average, they each earned about $210,000 per engagement, meaning they would get $420,000 if both appeared together.  Not bad for about sixty minutes work.

Since preferred seating for the new tour has already sold out of most prime seats and boxes, and the real cost is not $700 but $4,233 so far, the tour could easily generate around $5.4 million dollars for the Clintons.

Too bad for some Democratic candidates facing close elections and needing a last shot of money for media campaigns, $5.4 million in potential Democratic contributions has already been snatched by the Clintons.  Since they also closed their Foundation before the federal auditors could expose the billions of dollars in questionable expenditures, the new fees will go straight into their pockets.

As if their sordid experience with horrendous speaking fees were not enough, their in-your-face presence on the speaking trail will collide with the midterm and beginning of the primary campaign for president in 2020.  Did she forget she announced she was running for president January 20, 2007, almost two years before the last election?

Then there is the question of how is the MeToo movement going to react to the tour since they have been the poster group for the Democratic party recently in the Kavanaugh hearings.  You see, MeToo formed in response to the Harvey Weinstein sexual escapades and not only was he one of the biggest Democratic party fundraising heroes, but thirty-eight years ago he helped Bill Clinton pay off millions of dollars of legal fees and payoffs to the numerous female victims of then President Clinton.

In a number of those legendary acts of misogyny, which is the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against women or girls, Hillary attempted, as First Lady, to discredit and destroy the credibility of victims of sexual abuse. Misogyny can manifest in numerous ways, including social exclusion, sex discrimination, hostility, androcentrism, patriarchy, male privilege, belittling of women, violence against women, and sexual objectification.

Not sure how many of those describe his two-year affair with Monica Lewinsky.  After Bill lied about the affair, Lewinsky stated that between November 1995 and March 1997, she had nine sexual encounters in the White House Oval Office with then-President Bill Clinton.  According to her testimony, these involved fellatio (oral sex), and other sexual acts, but not sexual intercourse.  She was a White House intern at the time.

Ironically, when the true story of Weinstein came out, and the MeToo movement was formed to help female victims of sexual abuse, Hillary actually tried to take credit for starting the new movement, a rather bold statement considering her decades long friendship with Weinstein and her previous attempts to discredit the victims of the infidelity of her husband.

If MeToo chooses to ignore protesting the Clinton’s on tour, best friends of Harvey Weinstein for decades, after their high-profile protests against Weinstein and Kavanaugh among others, they will demonstrate a level of hypocrisy unbecoming to their cause and show they are not interested in helping all victims, and are willing to help cover up those of preferred Democratic party leaders.

Finally, perhaps all those Democratic candidates desperately in need of financial assistance before the midterm election in November, will finally start to understand how they have been played for decades by the Democratic party leadership and begin seeking truth for themselves.

Friday, January 08, 2016

The Games People Play - Can Hillary Clinton run on Bill Clinton's Legacy?


Oh the Games People Play Now

Every night and every day now
Never meaning what they say now
Never saying what they mean now

Seems the trial balloons are flying through the air as Hillary Clinton continues to toy with the idea of a presidential run yet the news media continues to push her possible candidacy while making no effort to qualify or quantify the results of her record.

No doubt Hillary would make a formidable candidate as the Clinton machine long ago mastered the art of fund raising and aren't presidential politics in America all about MONEY regardless of qualification?

But her campaign strategy seems to be dependent on the news media not doing their job when it comes to due diligence regarding candidates.  Now clearly the media love affair with the Clinton's predates the media love affair with Obama but now that Obama has demonstrated the media was wrong they have had to shift their love to Hillary as the last hope for liberal reform.

Yet the media is living a lie based on the record, as it seems history, and even recent history, runs contrary to the media depiction of Hillary.  For one she is not liberal.

For another, the media is prepared to blame Obama for all the foreign relations disasters of this Administration when as Secretary of State Hillary was the Administration person most responsible for policy development and implementation.

Here is just a partial record:

  • Iraq and Afghanistan are drifting farther and farther from US influence in spite of the billions and billions of dollars this Administration spent.

  • The Arab spring has resulted in new governments from Egypt to Libya and the Arab states distrust the US more than ever.

  • The Israeli and Palestine peace talks have once again broken down leaving tension higher than ever.

  • The Administration attempts to stop nuclear proliferation in Iran have failed and nothing is being done.

  • The Administration threats to dump the President of Syria and liberate the people because Assad "crossed the line in the sand" is an international joke and policy disaster.

  • The Administration response to the Benghazi fiasco has demonstrated a serious neglect of State Department security, and failure to make any effort to save our four diplomats who were murdered.

  • The Administration failed to recognize any threat to the Ukraine from Russia until the Russians had already annexed Crimea and the eastern Ukraine was totally destabilized.

  • We have done nothing to help Mexico in their drug wars on the American border as more than 120,000 Mexicans were killed and another 27,000 are missing since 2006.

  • The Administration failure to approve the Keystone Pipeline to ship Canadian crude oil to American refineries has alienated our best ally and neighbor to the north.

All of this has happened while Hillary was Secretary of State.  Yet the news media acts as if she had nothing to do with it, it was just Obama's fault.

Still the Clinton people are carefully working to transfer media focus from the litany of policy disasters she was responsible for under Obama to what they consider to be President Bill Clinton's economic achievements while she was First Lady, even though she was not responsible for them.

So let's play the game.  If she had no official standing in economics as First Lady then her influence came from her intimacy with her husband and the media would try to convince us she influenced him through such intimacy.

When one thinks of the proliferation of the president as a ladies man and looks at the record of conquests admitted and reported we come up with the following list of ladies in Bill Clinton's life from the time he was governor of Arkansas through his presidency.

Paula Jones - Gennifer Flowers - Kathleen Willey - Monica Lewinsky - Juanita Broaddrick - Elizabeth Ward Gracen

One wonders how Bill Clinton had any time to be intimate with his wife Hillary and who knows if this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the presidential prowess.  It seems pretty doubtful such intimacy could have occurred and clearly defining economic policy was not the president's goal in intimacy.

Still we are expected to believe she was a major force in his economic policy.  If you really look at the record the major economic policies that led to accelerated growth generated by Clinton came from co-opting the Republican platform, not through bedside manners.

Clinton's Budget Reduction Act cut spending and cut taxes for over 12 million Americans.  He passed a Balanced Budget bill and reduced the deficit, again cutting taxes for millions of Americans.  He championed the NAFTA free trade treaty with Canada and Mexico.  All of these policies were approved on bi-partisan votes and all came from the Republican platform including his new Federalism initiatives to reduce central government control and transfer powers to the states.

The whole concept that they were a result of Hillary's efforts is laughable at best, sheer lunacy at worst.  More important, to expect the American public to credit Hillary with Bill Clinton's economic achievements indicates a rather dark and foreboding cloud has descended over our news media as truth, facts and history have been distorted, twisted and mutilated in an effort to get her elected.

If they continue to promote Hillary through such tactics then America needs to find a new source of news and truth.  One day American voters, progressives and moderates, liberals and conservatives, Democrats and Republicans, and yes, even the one third of the vote totally ignored by the media and our two party system, the Independents, will wake up and realize they have been victims of an unethical political system that simply takes their vote for granted because the so called "experts" think Americans are too dumb to think for themselves.

New MSNBC same old Skullduggery - Manufacturing the News Liberals Love - Part 2.


Chris "Hardball" Matthews serves softballs to Hillary in exclusive Lovefest.

For a guy who claims to be excited by the movers and shakers in history, and one who enjoys projecting a "tougher than nails" approach to interviews, he certainly met his match when he interviewed Hillary Clinton this past Tuesday on his Hardball show.

What a misnomer for a show name.  Matthews was like a puppy dog licking the boots of his master as he substituted softballs and cotton candy for anything close to tough questions.  It began before she started when Matthews, like a star struck student in awe of his professor, giddily told his audience this was going to be the best interview of his career, or some such nonsensical words.

From that moment on, he seemed like his goal was to get a six-figure grant from the Clinton Foundation to study the genetic mutations in Republicans, not to report the news.

It made me think back to 2008 when Matthews headily took on the Clinton machine and got pulverized in the process.  Guess he learned his lesson.  If you cannot tell the truth then you should embrace the lies.  Back then it seemed he was point man in the media for the fledgling Obama campaign, a role he maintained until his hero kept double-crossing the liberal base after promising them the world.
Here is an excerpt from a story in the quite liberal Huffington Post written by Sam Stein and published on August 5, 2008.

Matthews Calls Clinton Press Shop "Lousy," "Kneecappers"

Chris Matthews fired a salvo at the Clinton campaign this morning after both he and his MSNBC colleague were privately and publicly rebuked for recent comments deemed misogynistic or inappropriate.

Appearing on MSNBC's Morning Joe, the Hardball host went off on the Clinton press shop, calling them "knee cappers" who were "lousy" and delve in the business of "intimidation."

"What she has to do is get rid of the kneecapers that work for her, these press people whose main job seems to be punishing Obama or going after the press, to building a positive case for her," said Matthews. "Her campaign slogan right now is don't get your hopes up. That won't work in America. You can't diminish Obama and hope that you will rise from the ashes."

Here we are, sixteen years later, and Matthews is so incensed the American public could be so stupid as to support Trump, that he now embraces his own enemy.

Where I come from that is selling out your principles and mortgaging your independence.

Perhaps the low and high point of the interview came when he tried to coach Hillary on how to handle the Trump questions about the infidelity of her husband, Wild William Clinton.

Playing the part of Freud and psychologically evaluating her situation, he told her she was the victim and what a tragedy she had to endure as the never-ending tales of Bill's promiscuity kept popping up over the years.

In a courtroom, it is leading the witness.  In the Hardball lovefest, it was more like offering humble advice to the Goddess, although humility is hardly one of Matthews' virtues.

However, for a time it was Romeo and Juliet all over again as he continued.  When he was done what had we learned?

Did he ask about the influence of Goldman Sachs over her and her husband?

Like who raised the money to pay off the millions of dollars in legal fees for Bill's impeachment or the millions in settlements to his former mistresses.

No questions about the $250,000 to $500,000 she and her hubby get just for speaking to Goldman people?

No questions about the millions of dollars she and her Clinton Foundation get from Wall Street banks, the same banks that paid nearly $200 billion, yes that is billion, in fines and settlements for their role in destroying the economy in 2008-2009, yet not a single banker has been punished.

In fact, under Obama, the crooks have flourished and the ten biggest banks are down to six and bigger and richer than ever, even after the billions in fines.

Sanders is proving to be a thorn in the side of Hillary who claims to represent the people while advocating the cause on behalf of Wall Street and taking millions from the financiers.
Her only opponent, Bernie Sanders, announced an economic plan two days ago that pledged to break up the biggest banks and financial institutions, whose size and complexity threaten the financial system as a whole and the U.S. economy.

Why is this more critical than ever before? Because the massive banks that fueled the 2008 financial crisis are even bigger today.

Sanders points out: "Three out of the four largest financial institutions (JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America and Wells Fargo) are nearly 80 percent bigger than before we bailed them out. Incredibly, the six largest banks in this country issue more than two-thirds of all credit cards and more than 35 percent of all mortgages. They control more than 95 percent of all financial derivatives and hold more than 40 percent of all bank deposits. Their assets are equivalent to nearly 60 percent of our GDP. Enough is enough."

The Clinton legions immediately set out to trash the Sanders plan.

No, Chris Matthews might consider naming his show "Powder Puff" to better reflect the role he is playing in the presidential sweepstakes.

See the next article for Part 3 of the series.