Did you see the Baseball Standings Today?
I checked the Major League baseball standings this morning and now I am more convinced than ever we are approaching the Mayan End Times. The top three teams in the northeast are Washington Nationals - first place, Baltimore Orioles - first place and New York Mets - second to the Nationals but tied in losses.
The Nationals, Orioles and Mets? Are you kidding me? Where are the Red Socks, Yankees and Phillies, the perennial powerhouses of the northeast? Well, the Red Socks are in fifth place behind Baltimore, the Yankees third behind
There may be more parity in the MLB than we thought which is a good thing for all the teams and fans. However, in our nation's capitol the people promised to support moving the Nationals to DC by supporting the team and yesterday, Sunday, a beautiful day in Washington with the Nationals in first place, and only 16,000 fans were at the game.
Out west the Los Angeles Dodgers must be feeling the "Magic" effect of Magic Johnson and his groups purchase of the Dodgers as they are also in first place in the west. Maybe Don Mattingly, the Yankee great, can manage the Dodgers back to the glory days of the Brooklyn Dodgers.

Obama in
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There are times when it sure seems Obama should have gone to
About 11 Secret Service and 5-10 military personnel were involved in some kind of party. Seems like they were trying to compete with the party masters at GSA who were pleading the 5th amendment .over their multi-million dollar taxpayer paid parties and incentive programs.
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The presidential travel budget has skyrocketed with the debt and deficit and the extensive travel appetite of the president and his family. Big bucks are spent when they reach
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Goldman Sachs sells stake in Backpage trafficking website
New York Times columnist and anti-human trafficking crusader Nicholas Kristof discovered that Goldman Sachs used to own 16 percent of Village Voice Media, which operates prostitution site Backstage.com.
Backpage.com has dominated the market for sex ads since Craigslist stopped running them. The site earns Village Voice Media $25.4 million a year. In his article, Kristof calls Backpage the “biggest forum for sex trafficking of under-age girls in the United States” and says that while many ads run in Backpage.com are for adult escorts, Backpage also “plays a major role in the trafficking of women or minors who are coerced” into prostitution.
Goldman Sachs was “mortified” when Kristof began his reporting, Kristof says, and began to “frantically” unload its Backpage shares. The day before his article was published on the New York Times website, Goldman called to report that it had signed an agreement to sell its shares to Backpage management.
A Goldman Sachs director sat on the Village Voice board for four years, but Goldman claimed it had no influence on the direction of the company. Wall Street bankers are frequent users of prostitutes. Perhaps Goldman was playing both side of the trade?
Source: Huffington Post
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