Friday, August 13, 2010

The Innocence of Youth in America Triumphs


Jackie Evancho – America’s Got Talent Video
August 12, 2010 at 12:32 pm

America HAS Got Talent, and Jackie Evancho is proof enough of that. Britian may have its Susan Boyle, but we Yanks have got a ten-year-old sensation and you can watch her belt those dulcet tones firsthand.

She was introduced to the world on the August 10 episode of Talent. When the Pittsburgh girl performed a rendition of “O Mio Babbino Caro” and received a standing ovation. To listen to the girl sing is to witness a modern marvel. That big operatic voice just shouldn’t be able to come from such a small being. What did the judges have to say about Evancho? Piers Morgan said, “That is one of the most extraordinary performances I have ever seen [on this show].” Sharon Osbourne added, “I’ve never seen anything like it.”


Thursday, August 12, 2010

From Main Street to News Media - This is What the Obama Polls Mean!


He has the right to criticize who has the heart to help.
Abraham Lincoln

Today the national and cable news is wondering how President Barack Obama can have a relatively high favorable rating when the general public is solidly against all the Obama policies. In fact the public believes the president is dead wrong on 10 of 12 national issues.

Well if the media ever got out of their ivory towers they would know the truth. The public elected the president to break one of the last racial barriers in America and prove to the rest of the world that we live by the Constitution that guarantees equal rights to all.

A favorable rating means little in terms of government policy and for the media eggheads in our nation's capitol who still believe the sun rises and sets in Washington, get real! The day Obama took office he had accomplished the mission most Americans expected of him, he became our first Black president. From that day on nothing more was expected.

As Obama settled into the role of "just another politician" and greased the flow of campaign money into the Democrat coffers the media and White House started misreading the tea leaves. Obama's agenda was never in touch with America, he placed a dozen social issues over the economy, jobs and the deficit.

The result was his poll numbers faded like that of all professional politicians. So why does his favorable rating seem abnormally high compared to the total rejection of the public of the Obama agenda? First of all, since his disapproval is higher than his approval I find it ridiculous that the media sees it as so high.

But the real story is this. After it became clear to the public that Obama had an agenda far removed from the will of the people, the people determined that his performance had no relationship to his favorable rating. They have no expectations of what he will accomplish because they know he is just another politician like the rest. If nothing more is expected you should have a favorable rating.

What our misguided media gurus really refuse to acknowledge is how little they understand the public. The media continue to compare the Democrats to the Republicans as if that is all there are in America when the public long ago rejected the two parties as representative of their mood. The media trashes any breach of their two party approach yet history tells us the people have never embraced just two parties.

In the last 50 years thanks to the media and professional politicians the two parties have been protected by the most discriminatory laws that still exist. Independents or third party movements face the most unfair, biased and discriminatory laws since Blacks were denied the right to vote. In the 150 years before the two party stranglehold on the American electoral process there were always three major parties and often there were four on the ballot.

Any effort by a Ross Perot or Tea Party to try and break through the political straight jacket is viciously attacked by the media acting as the surrogates for the political hacks that rule America. In most states the Independent voter is not eligible to vote in the primary because the primary is only for Democrats and Republicans. In the few states where Independents can participate they usually have to join one of the two parties for the day in order to vote.

The Independent voter in America is more disenfranchised than Blacks or Hispanics. Yet every year more and more Americans abandon the Democrats and Republicans and join the Independent movement that has been growing since Ross Perot nearly broke the stranglehold 18years ago. In truth, Perot is the Godfather of the modern Independent movement.

Yet modern Independents, who join parties like the GOP in order to even get on the ballot, are treated like second class citizens by the news media. Just today the liberal media was laughing about all the "odd ball" candidates that won primaries and are on the ballot come November 2. Odd balls? I thought any American citizen could run for office, not just the political elite. I thought grassroots candidates always were the best reflection of the mood of the people.

So why do the news media label them odd balls and try and undermine their efforts to get elected? It can only be because the media has such a cozy relationship to the professional politicians they want to protect the Obama, Pelosi, Reid and even Republicans who are card carrying members of the good old boy network.

Now here is the real insight from Main Street. There is a reason that the only group that approaches our politicians in Congress for the lowest favorable rating in America is, of course, the news media. There is a reason Main Street trusts the citizen bloggers more than the news media for getting the truth. And there is a reason Main Street knows the news media is driven by entertainment rather than truth, and by bias and polarization rather than facts.

Any people anywhere being inclined and having the power have the right to rise up and shake off the existing government, and force a new one that suits them better.
Abraham Lincoln

The media elitists share the same bottom dwelling position as the politicians because long ago they lost their objectivity and choose ratings over truth, revenue over integrity and egos over honesty. I say good for America! The sooner we break the two party stranglehold and the news media domination of our nation's capitol the sooner we can have hope and inspiration for the future.

Odd Balls are American compared to elitists in the media and politics.  In fact, by today's standards Abraham Lincoln would have been an odd ball as he had no formal education, minimum social skills, was rather tall and gawky and was a candidate from a fourth party on the ballot.  We would never have had America's greatest president if odd balls weren't elected.  Elect Odd Balls - things can't get any worse!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Primary Losers News Media, Pundits, Democrats and Republicans - the Mighty Beast is Awaken

With the book almost closed on the primary campaigns this year the entire Washington establishment has entirely missed the message given by the voters across the country. Not surprising with the egos that dominate the mirrors of Washington, they have become such a legend in their own minds.

Today, the day after Colorado, Georgia, Connecticut and Minnesota party voters went to the polls, the analysis from Washington was nonsense and it did not matter if it was from the news media, the political pundits, the political parties or the politicians, they were all spinning yarns that made Mark Twain classics seem lame.

One thing is clear and the know-it-alls in our nation's capitol haven't got a clue, there is a tsunami bearing down on Washington and a whole lot of people will be unemployed come November. If you study the signs from across the country starting with the New Jersey and Massachusetts races at the beginning of the year, politics in America and news media analysis are dead in the water.

The Tsunami bears the name THE PEOPLE and those people could care less what the media or politicians in DC say, think or do, the time has come to clean house once and for all. No one expects it to be easy. It may take two or three election cycles, but the restless spirit of the Beast, the conscious of the American people, has been awaken to the fraud, lies, deception and addiction to money that dominates every aspect of life in the capitol.

Special interests supply the narcotic, money, to fuel the corrupted votes of the politicians, as the pundits spin stories to keep their pet politicians in office, while the politicians shout change and do what they have been doing for years, sell out the public and the nation, and all the while the media cover up the truth.

The primaries this year lifted the veil on the unholy alliance of the news media, pundits, political parties, politicians and special interests. Don't think for a minute that the people do not understand. Just look at the analysis if you want to see the truth.

This morning on the sanctuary for liberal socialism, NBC's own MSNBC, a steady stream of liberal analysts from the New York Times, Washington Post, Politico, Huffington Post, and on and on touted the great Obama victory in the Colorado senate race. Obama backed Bennet while Bill Clinton backed the opponent Romanoff.

Bennet won with 54% to 46%. But the Washington insiders missed the real facts of the race. Bennet got 183,521 vote against Romanoff with 155,016, meaning 338,537 Democrats voted. In the GOP primary Ken Buck upset the favorite with 52% to 48%, or 209,967 GOP votes to 197,143 for a total GOP vote of 407,110. That means both GOP candidates beat the winning Democrat by 26,446 and 13,622 respectively while an astounding 70,000 more Republicans voted than Democrats.

After spending millions of dollars more than the GOP candidates and having Obama come to Colorado and hold fundraisers, along with election day voter robo calls, Bennet and the Democrats still got clobbered. But that it only the beginning. The real source of voter discontent in America is the huge block of Independents who are the force behind the Tea Party.

In Colorado Independents could not vote in the primary unless they joined a primary which 82,000 did. However, the vast majority of Independents, about 750,000, did not even vote in the primary. This is the group that is overwhelmingly anti-politician and anti-incumbent. Poll afer poll show they are mad as Hell at both parties but madder at the incumbents. Bennet is the Senate incumbent and should lose the vote of the Independents by a landslide. Combined with the GOP vote total an Obama backed Democratic incumbent who supports the work of Obama and Pelosi should be easily defeated in the general election.

You will not hear that truth from the Washington news media, political pundits, political parties or the politicians because they are in denial and soon will be swept away in the general elections no matter how much special interest money and how many trips Obama may make to Colorado. Stay tuned and listen for the sound of the approaching Tsunami.


Outside the Beltway - The People's View - Colorado Primary


A new feature of the Coltons Point Times is local election analysis from local people who are not partisan hacks. These are real people far removed from the Washington beltway.

Our first analyst is Ed O'Connor from Northern Colorado and his analysis was given just before the primary yesterday. Ed was one of the record setting Colorado voters to vote by mail. He is a retired fighter pilot from the Air Force and retired commercial pilot from Northwest Airlines.

All photos are from Ed and the plane is one he built and flies throughout the country.

His analysis and predictions follow:

Hey Jim: I live in Weld County, a very conservative area of Colorado. Did I mention we have a lot of water that Denver wants here in Colorado.

From a political viewpoint, just about everyone I associate with is conservative and a Republican and is pretty unhappy with the present congress, the President and the state officials. That being said:

The Republicans have a golden opportunity to gain back some of the losses from the last election but as usual, egos and money have really screwed things up. Not to mention some charges made against the candidates for Governor and Ken Bucks inability to realize he is never off the record when he speaks.

I am a big believer in Party trumps individuals in a two party political system. There is no substitute for being in the majority. If your party is not in control of the majority you really have nothing. You do not control the agenda, the committees, the bills nor the votes. So it really pisses me off to see the Republicans blow an opportunity to take back the statehouse. Ritter has been a disaster to the state.

I listen to these politicians make statements that if they are elected they will do certain things which any one with a brain knows that unless they are in the majority, they stand no chance to accomplish any of what they say.

So I fail to understand people like Trancedo who just make it more difficult to gain a conservative majority in the state regardless of who it is.

At present, I think Ken Buck (who is from Weld CO) will win the Republican Senate race and will beat any Democrat running, Bennett, or Romanoff.

The Governors race is harder to call because of the Republican bickering, Trancedo in the race who draws all of his support from Republicans. As of now Hickenlooper looks like he may win because of the split vote for the Republican or Constitutional Party Candidate

And I think Markey will be defeated as no one in this district is happy with her except the Democrats and this is a Republican district.

Of course I have been wrong in the past so who knows.

[Note from Publisher - Results showed Ken Buck did win as Ed projected. He will oppose Bennet in the general election. Ed said it was too close to call the GOP governor's race and with most precincts reporting the race between Maes and McInnis is 50% each with Maes, the surprise outsider, about 3,000 votes ahead. It looks like it is headed for a recount. Ed is right again. His final predictions about Hickenlooper and Markey concern the general election and will not be known until November 2. Way to go Ed - a perfect record so far!]


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Obama & Pelosi New Democratic Campaign Strategy - Bush Babble

Our president who promised to champion change starting with eliminating the polarization of politicians and the partisanship in Washington, not to mention the adoration toward special interests and dependence on campaign contributions, seems to have forgotten all those promises.

Now we see that our president, the one who is supposed to serve all Americans including Independents, Republicans, Democrats and the Disinterested, has returned to the campaign trail with a whole new Democratic strategy called the Bush Babble attack mode.

I suppose when you don't have a leg to stand on any old Bush will do.

Obama just might be the first president in modern history to conclude after just two years in office it is easier to be against everything Bush than to learn the art of compromise and work with those you were elected to serve.

His new image is quite a contrast from the slick, intelligent, pre-packaged, self-assured Ivy League image he tried to convey when he got elected. Those days of the consummate elitist are gone it seems, replaced by the tough talking, slang slinging Bush basher he has become on the fall campaign trail.

Here we thought two years ago we had put Bush behind us with the election of Obama. He was not running against Bush two years ago and he sure is not in 2010 but when your legislative initiatives have passed and still no one understands them or has seen any evidence of what good they will do for us, you are in desperate need of a straw man to blame for your misfortunes.

So Obama and Pelosi have instituted the Bush Babble strategy and so far about the only thing it has achieved for them is to bring them one step closer to oblivion as far as their political power and careers. No presidents have bashed their predecessor like Obama has bashed Bush. I mean Clinton even worked with George Bush senior and George Bush junior worked with Clinton on highly successful charitable causes.

Such unabashed Bush bashing as Obama undertakes daily from the bully pulpit is demeaning to the office of president and much more in tune with the bully politics of Chicago than the dignity of the office of president.

How can the nation have hope when our leader is too busy tearing people down and pointing fingers to set an example for the world? Of all the empty promises we heard during the election none are missed more than the promises of an experienced healer to lead the nation.


Pelosi Delivers Congress to Teacher's Union - Assures Long Term Financial Chaos


Once again Obama Administration tramples all over state's rights!

Only in America could the Speaker of the House call Congress back in session from vacation to pass a bill designed to pay back the teacher's union for millions in campaign contributions to Obama and the House Democrats who are running for their lives in the fall elections, and have the audacity to call it a "jobs bill".

It sounds good, hiring back 160,000 teachers about to be let go because states have failed to balance their budgets. But if Pelosi, Obama and the Democrats were being honest they would give the money to the governors and let them decide who to keep and who to fire. Don't they trust the governors to act in the best interests of the public they serve?

You see, Pelosi thinks up to 140,000 policemen and firemen may also be saved from unemployment. Yet I fail to see the logic of forcing the governors to hire 160,000 teachers when our educational system is a disaster, then saying the governors could hire some additional police and firemen with the left over money.

First of all, governors don't hire teachers, policemen or firemen, that is done by local governments and most local governments are being held hostage by unions such as the teachers union that already has the most expensive health and pension payments in the nation, far higher than our policemen and firemen.

Union health and pension benefits already broke the auto industry and cost the taxpayers billions of dollars. Why is Pelosi forcing governors to hire the most expensive public employees possible, the teachers, thus increasing the state and local budgets for future health and pension costs? You see the teachers work for local school boards but the state is responsible for health and pension costs.

Better yet, since the states now know Obama and Pelosi will give them whatever they need to keep union jobs, then Congress will have to spend $26 billion every year, meaning the $26 billion is now going to be $130 billion just for the next five years. And it does nothing to reduce the health and pension benefits in which some states pay 100% of the health care cost for life. Do you have a health care program with no matching or co-pay requirements on your part? Do you have a health care program that pays every dollar of cost for the rest of your life?

This is really an issue of the federal government again usurping state's rights not because it is fair or cost effective or even needed but to protect the unions as a payback for the millions in campaign funds they already gave to the Democrats. If there was an honest bone in the congressional leadership they would vote on a five year bill because that is the least it will really cost, $130 billion not $26 billion.


Monday, August 09, 2010

New Look and New Sophistication for the Coltons Point Times

By now those of you who are regular readers have probably noticed a few things different about the CPT starting with the photo at the top of this story I took looking across the Potomac River here at Coltons Point toward Virginia.  That view extends the length of our little village and the river is about two miles wide at this view.  A mile downriver near the St. Clement's Museum the river grows to seven miles wide and the view is sill breath taking.

Interestingly, the photo includes the Virginia riverside locations of the birth of two famous people in our history, President George Washington, father of our nation, and Robert E. Lee, commander of the Confederate Army.  As a surveyor Washington used to walk the lands of Coltons Point before leading us through the Revolution while Lee is recognized as the greatest soldier in American history and a friend of Abraham Lincoln whose army he fought to defeat.  Not many people know Lincoln offered to name him commander of the Union army but he could not give up his loyalty to the South.

I am considering using the photo as background for the title of the paper at the top of the page.  I would likwe to hear what you think about it.  Of course we want first and foremost to look like a newspaper so this idea might be too radical.  Let me know what you think.

I have made a few changes to the paper which I hope you enjoy.  In addition, we now have worked out all the bugs for RSS feeds of the CPT headlines.  If you click on the symbol pictured in this story that you should find on your toolbar above the CPT you can subscribe for free to the headlines and have them fed to your own computer to see the latest stories we publish.  If the story is of interest you can click on it and it will automatically link to the CPT.

If you don't have the RSS icon on your toolbar you can scroll to the bottom of the paper and you will find a "Subscribe" button.  This will also enable you to access the RSS feed.  Big things are planned as we prepare for the fall elections and you will be the first to know the news.

Finally, at the end of each story you have the option of sharing the story on a social site like Facebook.  There are several sites you can choose from and I would hope you might find some stories worth sharing.

For an update on activity, we have passed 250,000 visitors the past year.  Readers from all 50 states and the District of Columbia, as well as from over 100 foreign countries access the CPT.  Please tell all your friends about the CPT as word of mouth remains our best and only form of advertising.

We take pride in being an independent voice bringing you the truth behind the news and the stories you are not being told by the media.  Your comments are always welcome.  I thank you for checking us out and hope you enjoy our improvements.

Jim Putnam, Publisher    

Friday, August 06, 2010

Today in Obamaville - August 6


Liberal Environmentalists Condemn Mother Earth for Gulf Oil Clean Up

The liberal environmentalists have condemned the amazing job done by Mother Earth to cleanup the mess caused by people in the Gulf BP oil spill. The release by the White House of a detailed scientific analysis of the status of the oil spill, in which government scientists and private environmental consultants admit 75% of the oil is now gone from the Gulf, has enraged the far left environmentalists who will not get years of government subsidies to study the long term effects of no oil on the Gulf.

The report says 25 percent of the spill has been recovered or removed, another 25 percent has been dispersed, and another 25 percent has been evaporated or dissolved. Mother Earth has microbes in the oceans that dissolve much of the junk mankind dumps as well as takes care of accidental or natural oil leaks in the waters of the world. She has been doing this for millions of years. When the water temperature gets warmer more microbes eat away at the waste.

Right now the Gulf is at record high temperatures thanks to the heat wave provided by Mother Earth. Simple logic says high temperatures create more microbes that eat more oil. It is just as likely that even more than 25 percent of the leak was dissolved by Mother Earth, far more than mankind has done.

The leak has been sealed, now it is time to let nature take her course with a little help from continued clean up by BP. What the people of the Gulf need is people telling the world that they should be going to the beaches, eating Gulf seafood and be happy that thanks to the stunning efforts of Mother Earth the doom and gloom forecasts will not happen.

MSNBC Features Donny Deutsch - New Cast Member for Jersey Shore?

Our favorite hotbed for liberal media propaganda, MSNBC, allowed advertising bad boy Donny Deutsch back on the Morning Joe Show after twice jerking the legend in his own mind off the air for mindless bad taste. His new image of tight tee shirts to show off his bulging muscles in order to make this wannabe cast member for the Jersey Shore more desirable to the women of MSNBC just doesn't work.

As he continues to fight the midlife crisis, he is 53 and not a Hamptons playboy anymore, he pumps iron, continues to insult women and has gone from Armani suits to painted on tee shirts. His first effort to be the TV star he knows he is, was a show on CNBC that promptly got cancelled. It was just the beginning of controversy for the bionic tongue.

On February 22, 2010, Deutsch, a self-described Democrat, called Florida's Cuban-American Senate candidate Marco Rubio the racially derogatory term "coconut" on The Joy Behar Show. On April 27, 2010, MSNBC suspended him from appearances on their programming for including MSNBC hosts Keith Olbermann and Ed Schultz in his Angry Americans special.

Deutsch began appearing on MSNBC programs again on June 4, 2010 but weeklong anchoring stint on MSNBC by Donny ended abruptly when he made unflattering mention of that channel’s No. 1 anchor and liberal, Keith Olbermann. Mr. Deutsch had labeled his hour on MSNBC “America the Angry,” and Mr. Olbermann was shown briefly in a series of clips of media figures during a segment that pondered what role the media plays in fomenting the public’s anger.

Just a couple of weeks ago on the "Morning Joe." show he was the only panelist to decry Sarah Palin's inspiring new video designed to galvanize conservative women for the midterm elections, an act that puzzled even his liberal colleagues. New York Times writer Andrew Ross Sorkin and Time magazine's Mark Halperin interjected to refute Deutsch, but the determined advertising guru just talked over them: "Listen to me! The American public wants more than 'I protect my cubs' ''.

As described in other media at the time, "With all the subtlety of an air horn, Deutsch revealed the source of his visceral antipathy for Palin: "I'm a Democrat, I really hope she's going to do Iowa and she's going to win South Carolina and she's the party's candidate because she's unelectable."

My advice to NBC in their continuing efforts to figure out what to do with him to keep his ad clients buying network spots is to get him a role as a mentor on the Jersey Shore cast where the sizzling lip from current cast may silence him once and for all. Maybe the kids on Jersey Shore will teach him to finally grow up.

Obama Travels to Ford Factory to Declare Ford Success due to his Auto Bailout

Yesterday President Obama finally made it to a Ford plant, I mean Ford is the most successful auto company in America, and tried to take credit for Ford's success as a result his multi billion dollar auto bailout. Did the president forget that Ford refused to take any bailout money from Obama for the auto bailout, which really was a union bailout that left the union and federal government owning GM and Chrysler?

No financial analyst in the world attributes Ford's dramatic success to not taking Obama's bailout money yet the White House does. I doubt anyone on Main Street will buy the twisted logic either but the Obama gang continues to think the America public is just plain stupid and that is a huge mistake. All he had to do was talk about the success of Ford, their executives, the productivity of their workers, the concessions of their unions and their new product lines and avoid trying to politicize a good thing, but avoiding partisan politics is not on Obama's teleprompter.

New Economic Report can't find Stimulus from the Stimulus

Today's employment report showed that the billions being thrown into so called Obama stimulus has failed to stimulate much of anything in the economy as unemployed went up, the unemployment rate did not go down, the stimulated banks aren't doing anything to stimulate the economy, the government laid off 202,000 while the private sector hired 71,000. After over a trillion dollars in stimulus spending it seems the economy has been pumped full of Valium and remains in a stupor. Maybe the Democrats should try something else?

Elena Kagan Approved for Supreme Court - Harvard wins Again

In yet another example of the Harvard stranglehold on the Obama government Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan was approved by the Senate as the next member of the Supreme Court. It is the first time three women have served together on the court.

Kagan is the fifth Harvard law school grad currently serving, while Yale has three and Columbia has one although the Columbia grad, Ginsberg, also attended Harvard law school. I suppose Harvard will say there are 5 1/2 justices from Harvard. One might note that this gives the three Ivy League schools total control of the Supreme Court.

The Supreme Court reflection on religion in America is just as dramatic as gender and the Ivy League law schools. America is the citadel of religious freedom in the world. There are now about 4,200 different types of religion and over 100 major religions in the world.

There are now 6 Catholics and 3 Jews on the Supreme Court. Of course Catholics are the largest religious denomination in America and the world and the Jews are one of the smallest and since the Catholics are a direct offshoot of the Jews about 2,000 years ago I suppose it is no wonder all 9 came from the same religious lineage.

The CPT was the first newspaper to endorse Kagan long ago because she was a female, has a great sense of humor, she smiles more than all the rest put together, and she has a great softball swing.


Wednesday, August 04, 2010

News Headlines of the Day in Obamaville


Pelosi and her Swamp

When Nancy Pelosi was swept into her House Leadership position four years ago she promised to "drain the swamp" in Washington of corruption. Four years later the only swamp that was drained was two top Democratic party leaders Rangel and Waters, both members of the Congressional Black Caucus, so Nancy has had to redefine what she meant by draining the swamp.

In a burst of pre-election insight she now says she meant, "The swamp was described in the press as a 'criminal syndicate' operating out of the Republican leader's office." Now that is a pretty major charge for the Leader of the House and a person a heartbeat away from being president.

Of course after four years of her witch hunt for criminal syndicate Republicans none have been charged with anything while her own party leaders have been charged and are going to trial so one might say Ms. Pelosi is playing politics with ethics and is delusional with the facts. It's no wonder just 11% of the people have a favorable opinion of Congress.

Obama's Birthday

Today is Obama's 49th birthday and he is celebrating it with the boys in California while his wife, Michelle scheduled a last minute junket to a posh resort in Southern Spain along with 30-40 $2,000 rooms at a Spanish resort for her family and friends. Why is the First Family halfway around the world spending hundreds of thousands of taxpayers dollars instead of celebrating with the President at home? Rumor has it she is fed up with Barack's emulation of Clinton's presidential style, at least the parts not involving Clinton's bi-partisan work with Republicans.

BP Oil Leak

The Obama administration has defied liberal environmentalists once again and trial lawyers for the first time by releasing a report today that 75% of the oil that leaked into the Gulf is gone and the rest is widely dispersed and no longer a threat to cause cataclysmic environmental destruction. That does not bode well with the environmentalists who claim the Gulf was destroyed by the spill and that we must allocate billions of dollars for future research by them to find the missing oil.;

Nor does it sit well with the Trial lawyers, the largest special interest contributor to Obama's presidential campaign, who expected to make billions of dollars in legal fees suing BP and everyone else for the disaster. Since Obama already protected them during the acrimonious health care debate by refusing to limit excessive medical malpractice legal fees and fines, they expected a better return on their investment in Obama.

Will Obama Oil Drilling Ban be Lifted?

As the weeks roll on and nothing has been done to resolve the Obama ban on deep sea drilling, that has also literally blocked all offshore drilling, and the Obama administration's own scientific report says the environmental damage is far less severe than previously claimed, there is growing distress in the Gulf states who stand to lose thousands of jobs that are going to other countries where offshore drilling is encouraged.

Alternative energy advocates have held the drilling ban hostage as a way to block oil production and get federal approval for the massive energy cap and trade legislation Obama wants that will force a huge increase in taxes and in the cost of gasoline and all other oil products. Of course Al Gore and Goldman Sachs, also big Obama campaign backers, are poised to make billions of dollars from the cap and trade initiative and are desperate to protect heir investment.

State's Rights versus Obama Centralized Government

Arizona has been joined by 19 other states in fighting the Obama Justice Department efforts to deny states the right to protect their citizens from illegal immigration costs and crime.

Virginia and Michigan are pursuing separate court challenges to the Obama health care experiment saying it is unconstitutional for the federal government to force their citizens to buy health insurance against their will, especially if they have the ability to pay for it.

As Obama moves closer and closer to the massive federal government he has advocated in order to pursue his often stated goals of redistribution of wealth and expanded control over all sectors of the economy and banking system expect more and more challenges by the states to protect their Constitutional rights.


Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Obama Stops Being President - The Secret Harvard Strategy to Keep Yale from Regaining the Presidency?


Since the Democrats can't hold town hall meetings anymore because they cannot control what the people say and the people are mad as Hell, Obama is leading the way by making excursion after excursion to safe havens around the country in a feeble attempt turn the clock back to 2008 when he was running for president against George Bush.

It is as if the President can wave a magic wand and make us all forget that for the last four years the Democrats have controlled the House of Representatives under Nancy Pelosi, and that Barack Obama has been president for nearly two years.

In the process of trying to polarize the nation and turn citizens against citizens in hopes that a fragmented public will give these Democrats a better chance to win, it is a campaign that must have come out of the bowels of Harvard because it sure hasn't worked in real life politics ever since Yale took control of the presidency 20long years before Obama stopped the Yale control streak and won for Harvard in 2008.

For those who are not into tracking Ivy League control of our political institutions let me remind you that George Bush senior (1988-1992), Bill Clinton (1993-2000) and George Bush junior (2001-2008) were all Yale graduates while Obama is the first Harvard educated president since John Kennedy.

Throughout our history there have been 8 presidents from Harvard and 5 from Yale although the recent string of 4 from Yale closed the gap considerably. Of course only one president graduated from both Harvard and Yale, Bush junior, which might shock a few people out there in America. That means Obama has taken the drastic step of attacking a fellow Harvard grad who was president.

In the last 50 years Harvard has controlled the nation for just 5 years, Yale for 20 years, and the rest of America for 25 years. That, of course, is why Harvard thinks the nation is in deep trouble. But if you look back at the entire history of the nation there have been 44 presidents, 12 from Harvard and Yale since George junior can only be counted once, which means 32 presidents have not been from the most elite of the elitist Ivy League schools.

Thus the law of averages says Harvard and Yale should only have about 1 out of every 3 presidents. Since 1960 Harvard and Yale have had 5 of our 10 presidents. Perhaps our over-dependence on Harvard and Yale the last 50 years, in which 50% of the presidents were super-elitists, while over our 234 year national history only 27% were super elitists, has more to do with the sorry state of affairs and the fact Obama has had to stoop so low as to attack a fellow Harvard grad to save face.

I mean what is the problem here Obama? Don't attack fellow alumnus Bush, he gave us wars in Iraq and Afghanistan which you continued. To both of your credit you two and fellow elitist Bush senior have given us the only wars with no draft, thus making sure all the students in Harvard and Yale did not have to serve in the military.

Bush paved the way for your economic stimulus with the bank bailout, which you also supported. If it weren't for his deficits you wouldn't have been able to bailout the auto unions, AIG, more banks, the crooks in housing, even Wall Street and the health care industry where many of the companies were run by your fellow Harvard and Yale grads.

More important, his deficits enabled you to advance your social or socialist agenda, your transfer of wealth and your massive expansion of big government. So what if the American public does not agree, they are entitled to their silly opinions while you are in control.

Most important, Bush caused such discontent that it allowed you to quietly move ahead with the New World Order agenda to replace all governments of the world while blaming everything on the Republicans and Bush. Amschel Rothschild, founder of the House of Rothschild, would be proud of the progress you have made to carry out his dream.

Now Mr. President, don't you think you owe fellow Yale/Harvard alumni George Bush an apology, okay you can make it in secret, and you should agree in the interest of elitist etiquette to stop jeopardizing donations to the Harvard and Yale endowment funds with your inter-ivy league attacks?

Just remember you still have to be taken care of when you are no longer president which may be sooner than you think. Proper elitist etiquette could make you as successful in retirement as Bill Clinton and Al Gore, both earning over $100 million since leaving public office.
