Showing posts with label weather anomalies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weather anomalies. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 08, 2017

Conversations with Melchizedek - Index of Articles


Conversations with Melchizedek
Index and Links
October 20, 2017

Melchizedek Prophecy - Weather Anomalies - Spreading Worldwide

Conversations with Melchizedek – California Wild Fires, more Prophecy Fulfilled

CPT Twit - This Can't Possibly be All There is to This life! The God Life or the Artificial Intelligence Life?

Melchizedek's Apprentice - I Look in the Mirror. What do I see! Who is that staring back at me?

America Hit by Senseless Slaughter at Las Vegas Concert - Greatest Mass Murder in American History

Conversations with Melchizedek – North Korea – Hatred – World War III – Truth

Melchizedek Prophecy - Update on Mexico City Earthquake

Melchizedek Prophecy related - The Earth will not end September 23, 2017 - Stay tuned for updates starting September 24

Melchizedek Prophecy related - Earthquakes and Volcanoes Rock the Earth - "The Ground will be shaking"

Melchizedek Prophecy - Mexico City hit by 7.1 Earthquake on Anniversary of Worst Quake in History September 19, 1985

The Coltons Point Times - The Melchizedek Prophecy index

Conversations with Melchizedek – More Weather Anomalies Coming

Conversations with Melchizedek – Did America just Witness a Modern-Day Miracle?

Conversations with Melchizedek - More Melchizedek Prophecy Comes True through Solar Flares

Conversations with Melchizedek - Mexico rocked by 8.1 Earthquake - Solar Flares threaten Earth - Are these manifestations of the Melchizedek Prophecy?

Conversations with Melchizedek – Where is the Truth in Weather reporting?

Conversations with Melchizedek – Natural Disasters Reclaim the World for Mother Earth

Conversations with Melchizedek – Suppose Divine Intervention wiped out the Internet – could you survive?

FRIDAY, JULY 07, 2017
Conversations with Melchizedek - Who is the mysterious Biblical person?

Conversations with Melchizedek - Earth's Weather Anomalies - Are there Dark Clouds on the Horizon?

MONDAY, JULY 03, 2017
Conversations with Melchizedek - Knowledge and Wisdom, what is the difference?

TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 2017
Conversations with Melchizedek - Time to Listen to Mother Earth - We are Running Out of Time

HATRED - America's New Terrorism - It has Begun!

TUESDAY, MAY 23, 2017
Conversations with Melchizedek - The Ascension of Jesus of Nazareth

FRIDAY, MAY 05, 2017
The Coltons Point Times predicts Emmanuel Macron will be the next President of France

Conversations with Melchizedek - The Meaning of Lent and Holy Week

Into the Future - Presidential Election Results November 8 and 9, 2016

Huffington Post – Into the Future

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Conversations with Melchizedek – California Wild Fires, more Prophecy Fulfilled


First the September 23rd Rapture

Before we discuss the tragic and record-breaking California Wild Fires and their implications on our destiny, let me just mention to all those desperately waiting for the September 23rd Rapture to take us, September 23rd has come and gone, and we are still here, ALL of us are still here.

That means one of two things happened, first and clearly the most obvious, is you false prophets were wrong, just like all the previous prophets of pending doom, the PPPD.

Or, from a Rapture perspective, and this is most intriguing, you were right.  On September 23rd you lifted off this Hell hole called Earth, meaning there are still 143,999 more left to join you.  You got your longed-for Rapture all right, and you transformed and transported yourself right back to where you came from.  So, we are still here too.

Bummer huh.

The California catastrophe

As I mentioned previously, Melchizedek says we are not being punished for our sins of today.  As more and more people wake up to the fact that we really cannot be experiencing the natural disaster after natural disaster setting record after record, there will come a time very soon when it becomes obvious.  Our incredible stretch of calamitous weather is not a natural occurrence in the cycles of nature.

California wildfires are the worst in history.  Over 22 fires burn out of control today and have destroyed over 3,500 homes and businesses.  Northern and Southern California are both under siege as nothing can stand in the way of nature purifying itself.

Unlike most California wildfires, these attacked towns and vineyards, much more heavily populated places than normal.  Over 8,000 firefighters have been brought in.  The fire destroyed 77 cell phone towers and wiped out the Internet in the process.  As a result, the state emergency notification and evacuation plan collapsed since most people in the area only have cell phones.

Only those lucky enough to have that old antique technology, the telephone land line, were notified of the impending disaster, knew what routes to use evacuating, where to find shelters, and where to find food and water.

These fires have consumed over 270,000 acres of land, leaving nothing but a scorched earth in her wake.  So far there are 31 deaths while hundreds remain missing.  Many are expected to be found once cell phone service is repaired.

This horrific scenario is the latest of the international weather anomalies including hurricanes, extremely high winds, floods, and earthquakes to batter the USA as well as many places across the globe.  Soon we will recognize the string of once every 1,000-year events defies logic, defies physics, defies weather possibilities, and defies natural law.

Only the Creator can allow natural law to be suspended to heal our Mother Earth.  If Earth fails we have no other home and are not prepared to go somewhere else.  This is a result of external, supernatural forces who really do control the weather.

Why are they doing it?

That is the question.  Mother Earth, our planet, is sacred to the Creator and essential to the Creation, especially us.  Melchizedek says Earth and all of Creation came from the one single explosion of thought from the Creator.

We all became at once.

In truth we are all unique forms of energy when we are in Heaven, the Kingdom, or whatever you care to call the place “outside of time” as Melchizedek says.  Unique, but the same.  All of our Creation in time came in one giant explosion of thought forming seven concentric circles from the same point of origin.

Creation is a living, breathing process forever creating and re-creating itself in pursuit of the perfect love of the Creator.  You might call it DNA coding from the spiritual side outside of time.  Creation and the imagination are your engines to live the Will of the Creator in your time on Earth.

All Creations share in the constant creation process thus all of creation must continue to expand and evolve in terms of galaxies, planets, people, animals, trees, and water, plus all it takes to support them. Well Mother Earth is a very important component of Creation.  Since we were put here I guess it would only be fair if we had responsibility for protecting and maintaining what gives us life, shelter, food, health, everything you need to survive.

We pretty much failed in our responsibility to protect or maintain Mother Earth.  Yet our benevolent Creator overlooks such failure and knows our potential, he gave it to us.  Just as we are given time to overcome our shortfalls and find the truth about Creation, so is Mother Earth.

In truth, we are still the weak link in creation, because we still refuse to embrace the concept that we are all equal and co-creators of what we were given in time, or this lifetime.  Mother Earth has to heal herself in order to help us find our own salvation by giving us more time.

Ironically, most of the damage Mother Earth has to heal is from the hands of mankind in the form of the damage from the radiation of over 2,000 nuclear explosions which is poisoning the very core, or engine of our Earth.

We can add to that many more bad decisions over the years as we raped and pillaged the earth of oil, coal, gas, diamonds, crystals, uranium, vast amount of minerals, water, you name it.  Now through our coveted technology we have intensified the problems just as the Internet has intensified the distribution of the problem.

We are slaves of technology, slaves of artificial intelligence, slaves of financial debt, and we covet the wealth and power it brings.  Don’t know what part of that profile reflects the image and likeness of God thing Jesus talks about.

For all these reasons Mother Earth has to fix herself and her medicine bag consists of hurricanes, rains, flooding, fires, tornadoes, earthquakes, and volcanoes, all powerful tools to help her heal the damage we might have caused.

California wildfires seem like a scene out of Dante’s Inferno but in truth they are the only way Earth can heal her wounds, wildfires along with all the other forms of natural disasters.  This intensive healing will bring a year of intense, record-breaking storms, including hurricanes, fires, floods, and earthquakes.  It should end by next August.

Then begin years of additional adjustment with occasional extreme disasters through massive earthquakes and volcano explosions.

Yet this all serves as a message of hope of the highest order and form.  This is being done to assure we have a home to complete our part of the Creation cycle.  It serves as a reminder to us that we are the cause of such harm in the first place by ignoring to accept all of Creation as equal to us.

We are getting plenty of celestial help in keeping alive as a species, but are we learning and spiritually evolving as Earth goes through the healing purification.  If we are, we have much work to do to help fix the problems our race has manifested on earth.

And yes, in time we will realize that there can be only one race, the human race, just as the Hopi Indian have prophesized, for thousands of years.  

The purification of Mother Earth has begun.  Our day of awakening is upon us.  Are you ready to wake up, seek out the truth, and help save our precious planet for our future generations of children?

Pay attention, the signs and signals are waiting for you to discover.

Thursday, September 07, 2017

Conversations with Melchizedek – Natural Disasters Reclaim the World for Mother Earth


Previous Conversations with Melchizedek discussed how we are entering a period of unprecedented natural disasters in which a succession of storms would defy previous records and results in their intensity and destruction.

This year has brought a rather consistent series of weather anomalies from record warmth in the winter, record rains, record fires, record hurricanes, monsoons, flooding, and the damage has been throughout the world.

Melchizedek says this is Mother Earth demonstrating that no matter how advanced our technology and how evolved our materials we are still subject to, and dependent on, Divine and Natural Law to keep stability in our lives.

As we drift farther and farther from the path of spiritual evolution and fall deeper and deeper into the age of technology slavery through artificial intelligence, Mother Earth will teach us that our technology and the internet and the never-ending apps for our personal use cannot stop the ravages of nature or the efforts of Mother Earth to protect our planet.

Right now, we face worldwide consequences in the form of record shattering weather anomalies as no sooner than Hurricane Harvey stops dead over Houston and drops up to five feet of water, Hurricane Irma brings the strongest hurricane ever recorded in the Atlantic with 180 mph sustained winds, and gusts up to 225 mph.

We expect Irma to turn north earlier than projected and save much of Florida from catastrophic damage as the far more dangerous Eastern side of the storm remains out to sea.  Because this massive storm is 400 miles wide the State of Florida will be hit with tropical winds and rains, but spared the devastating damage of the super winds and torrential rains.

One might consider it a miracle if that happens as at present there is no consensus on where the storm track will lead.  Under our scenario the hurricane will reach land between the Georgia-South Carolina border and North Carolina with remnants of a tropical storm pushing into the Mid-Atlantic.

Hurricane Harvey proved nature can change patterns and records at will.  Hurricane Irma will reinforce this with an exclamation point!   However, hurricanes are not the only weather anomalies impacting on the world.

At the same time numerous countries face record shattering wildfires from the US to Canada, New Zealand to Russia, to France, while the India area faces record monsoons.

We must wake up to the form of purification that is being brought to our Earth.  Melchizedek says such actions are course corrections to help keep the spiritual evolution of civilization on track.

The electromagnetic spider web we have created to establish the Internet and offer a never-ending series of apps to take care of our every need, is a serious distraction, it stops the creative process and blocks the use of the imagination in people, and makes us ever more dependent on artificial intelligence to survive.

If we as inhabitants of this Earth can collectively work to protect Mother Earth and protect our own children from the ravages of technology slavery, then collectively we can change the future and once again get on the Road to Kingdom Come.

Will you be part of the collective conscious of humanity working to facilitate our return to the Kingdom?

By the way, we are not the only people watching these natural disasters and seeking opportunities to exploit humanity in the midst of the tragedy.