Showing posts with label natural disasters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label natural disasters. Show all posts

Friday, January 17, 2020

The Melchizedek Chronicles – Are you prepared for a devastating event in the near future? What will you do if the lights went out?

We all need to know how we will react to a natural disaster, maybe an economic collapse, perhaps a secret scientific experiment gone array, something of that magnitude that disrupts your life plans and instantly whisks your world into chaos.

Melchizedek, nearly four years ago, warned of the coming weather anomalies reaching record shattering dimensions.  Each year weather patterns have deviated farther and farther from normal, with much stronger and more dangerous fires, tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, blizzards, wind shear, you get the idea.

It seems the new weather mutations are now the new normal.  One-hundred-year-old flood records fall almost daily, and the unheard of 500-year flood levels are now being breached.

Coast-to-coast annual rainfall totals shatter previous records while snowfall records have tumbled in a wide swath of Northern states from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean, with some snow packs reaching 25 feet deep.

Highly unusual “Cyclone Bombs” have cause massive freak wind storms, major blizzards, and breathtaking floods two years in a row.  Denver International Airport recorded winds of 96 miles per hour, and no tornado or hurricane conditions were present.

Speaking of hurricanes, they are not only on steroids but doing rather bizarre things like rotating in a 360-degree circle, stalling over major Texas cities, and leaving a tragic path of destruction much farther inland than previous storms, even after they become tropical depressions after hitting land.

Tornadoes are now much stronger than before.  Blizzards strike more frequently with greater intensity, and hurricanes spawn more destruction over wider areas than normal times.

Yet, in spite of the weather anomalies and upheavals we have experienced, three of the greatest, most dangerous, unpredictable of all disasters are yet to occur.  Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and solar storms on the Sun, a trio of destroyers who wield so much power the people of the world have no defense against them.

Melchizedek says our science is yet to determine the age of our cosmos and when it does, through mathematics and physics breakthroughs, we will discover creation took place thirty-billion years ago, not the 13.82 billion years old currently speculated.

During our thirty-billion years of existence there were times when the Human Life Cycle evolved, but it was not always in synchronization with the will of the Creator.  In six previous eras of the Human Life Cycle, when mankind became too infatuated with greed and power and lost their way, it had to be stopped and reset, leaving only enough human survivors to repopulate the new Human Life Cycle era.

We are now in the seventh Human Life Cycle on Earth, and most likely, the last.  Are you prepared for the disruptions we will most likely face in the imminent days ahead?  Are you prepared for the real Earth warming and climate change?

While the environmental threats trigger fearful reactions and responses in victims, and just plain fear in those anticipating the storms, perhaps we place too much attention and significance on them and not enough attention on the other possibilities.

According to science and archaeology at least four times in our history the earth has experienced global warming before the existence of a new Ice Age on Earth.  It is the natural progression of the evolution of planet earth, with or without the humans.

Earth's elliptical orbit around the Sun and the degree of tilt of Earth's axis in its path around the Sun, are factors to consider when discussing climate change. In the cycle of Earth’s Great Year, the line off the North Pole axis (extending toward Polaris) scribes a complete circle in the heavens about every 25,800 years.

A complete cycle takes between 25,000 and 28,000 years, depending on the amount of Earth's wobble. One cycle is “Earth’s Great Year” (also called a "Platonic Year.") Climate and atmospheric changes appear to become more acute toward the end and beginning of a new year.

Earth’s Purification and Regeneration Processes

Earth has a built-in, naturally-occurring “force field” around it that creates and helps maintain viable living conditions for its plant and animal inhabitants. The atmosphere contains greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide to keep the Earth warm, and an ozone layer to protect the Earth from harmful and incinerating (burning) radiation.
The Earth also has other means that help it absorb and retain the sun’s heat and energy (such as the oceans) as well as reflect its energy back into space (such as the polar ice caps). Wind and ocean currents also help distribute this heat around the globe, all within the Earth’s protective atmosphere.

The point is that Earth is unique in its ability to create and maintain sustainable living conditions, because all of its systems and influences are connected to each other, from its atmosphere, oceans and land, to its seasons, its living inhabitants, and the sun.

Imagine the impact when a massive meteor crashed into the earth and created the Gulf of Mexico, resulting in so much debris from the explosion being tossed up in the atmosphere of the earth it blocked out the healing rays of the Sun for not days, weeks, or years, but hundreds of years bringing most life forms to a screeching halt.

Another time the Yellowstone Super-volcano exploded out west and the debris field again blocked out the life-saving natural rays of the Sun.  In the process it annihilated the most powerful species to walk the earth, the dinosaurs.

Certainly, humans can speed up the process of global warming and climate change, but just as certainly it took a massive number of natural disasters to disrupt our climate to the point of reaching the highest limits of the global warm up, which then triggered a new Ice Age.
So, what does all this mean to you?

First, it means the Earth has survived nearly thirty billion years without the help of mankind.

Second, it means whoever created the earth, Sun and cosmos [The Unknowable One] must have been one powerful entity to create such miracles.

Third, the Earth itself is a miraculous creation since it can continually regenerate over billions of years.

Fourth, it not only regenerates but it also heals and repairs itself from even catastrophic natural disasters, like meteor strikes or super-volcano eruptions that contaminate our atmosphere while blocking the life-giving rays of the Sun.

Fifth and finally, the Creator, God, Lord or whatever you choose to call God, seems to take a special interest in what happens here on Earth because the Earth, Sun and humans are all creations of the Creator and survived the catastrophic events in our known and unknown history.

The multitude of miracles it took for The Unknowable One to create humans, earth, the cosmos, and everything in it, reflect the ultimate mystical, magical, and spiritual power of a deity beyond our knowing.  

There is no other valid explanation for how things were created and exist.

Melchizedek says humans should worry a little less about the future of the Earth, and a lot more about our continued existence in that future.

We are not the Masters of Creation, we are a creation of the Creator just like everything else in our world and cosmos.  It only makes sense to say all of creation share the responsibility to work in harmony, to protect our world from the contamination of evil and fear, and preserve all that was created in the world we were given.

You do not need a miracle to awaken you to the Divine Creator, just look in the mirror, then look at the landscape outside the window, the Earth you inherited and inhabit.  The reality you see is a miraculous creation.  You are living and experiencing the miracle of creation.

If only we took time to catch our collective breath, to meditate, to find that elusive peace, block out the physical world from your senses, and open yourself to the unlimited potential of the Kingdom of Heaven, located just beyond the physical world in the spiritual dimensions beyond.

You would probably be in awe if you peeked into a dimension beyond time and space, a world of imagination beyond our comprehension.  Perhaps you might begin to understand the power and love of our Creator.

What we have available to us are the miraculous gifts God gave us.  What we do with those gifts is our acknowledgement of the Creator and enlightenment of basking in the Creator’s love.

Have you searched for your God-given purpose or mission in life?  Identified the special gifts and attributes God gave you?  Are you using those gifts for the benefit of all God’s creations?

Are you really prepared for the coming day when the lights go out, and from that void of darkness a new world must emerge?

There is hope for we are creations of the Creator.  Our mind, spirit and soul are capable of fantastic feats.  We must challenge the limits of our imaginations and work in harmony with the Creator to protect, honor, and nurture all aspects of God’s Creation.

Seek out and acknowledge the God who gave you your life, by using the gifts God gave you to help bring peace and harmony to our world.  Ask the Holy Spirit for enlightenment to find the path of Jesus, the Son of God, who is ready to help you find your way home.

A spiritual army of protectors and defenders led by Michael are poised in the spiritual world and stand ready to come to your aid, if you just ask.

We are all Creations of the Creator.
The Creator never gives up on his Creations.
That means you!
Do not give up on yourself!

From Palm Sunday, April 5 to Easter Sunday, April 11, we honor the five stages of human spiritual evolution. 


Transfiguration (state of Grace)



and Ascension

of Jesus as he lived among us and showed us the path of redemption and eternal salvation.  You should pay attention to the coming Holy Week and Easter activities if you want to seek enlightenment in your life.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

The Melchizedek Chronicles - Why are we so sad, hateful, disrespectful and depressed? Are we, the master of, or victim of, our environment?

Are you hiding behind your fears?

It matters not what side you are on, liberal or conservative, rich or poor, victim or perpetrator, majority or minority, republican or democrat, Christian or Islamic, not even race, color or creed, it only matters that you have created barriers to hide behind.

All it took was a little effort on your part to decide you were different, not one of them, an outsider, and you were determined to never become one of them.  They, your polar opposite, are your enemy.

Funny thing about humans that distinguishes us from about everything else in Creation, we think this Earth is our very own world made for the only creation with the ability to “think” and with the choice of a “free will.”  I guess we think we are the Masters over our creation and know what is best for Earth and mankind.

I do not remember reading anything in my research about God’s Creation being sold to the highest bidder.  Not a penny, pound, shekel, dirham, riyal, dinar, ruble, euro, renminbi, yen, franc, or peso among others, was paid to God so we could “own” the lands.  It was given to us, all of us, as a gift.

Earth was never ours to own, possess, control, dominate or abuse.  More than likely the Creator intended for us to use what we needed and leave the rest for others.

I have a lot to say about the self-bestowed title of “Master of the Earth,” given to humans by humans.  Then, not content with destroying the Crown Jewel of the Universe, Mother Earth, [so we think], we have now turned our attention to imposing our dominance on the rest of the solar system and universe.

Are we exploring the unknown of outer space to discover the full scope of the universe, or are we fleeing from our own self-destruction?  Perhaps, we made some bad choices along the way and might want to reconsider the path we pursued.

So, let us start with the environment of Earth that causes us to embrace all the wrong things on the Road to Kingdom Come.  We share the same environment with all other creations.  We think we are entrusted as masters of earth by the Creator.

Our natural or physical earth is protected by a series of miraculous creations.

The complex atmosphere of our earth…

The magnetic attraction of gravity…

The penetration of natural electromagnetic waves from the Sun…

The land, water and air supporting us…

And of course, the miraculous vessel we call Earth which was created and never ceases to continue recreating, repairing, and purifying so we have a place to exist.

Thus, when I say natural environment I mean like our oxygen-based atmosphere, our magnetic polarity resulting in gravity, the magical interdependence of the Earth, Sun and Moon in stabilizing the solar system, the life-giving natural electromagnetic waves from the Sun vital for maintaining our existence, and the land, water and air we require to exist.

Well, all of these things are contributing gifts from our Creator and when they function in harmony and unity, when we see the face of Jesus in everyone else, and when they see the face of Jesus in you, me and us, we are almost back home again.

As for us, the humans, remember we fellow homo sapiens were not the first life forms on the planet Earth, we were more like the last.

Give or take a few billion years, let us assume all of Creation as we know it is at least thirty billion years old, since the original Big Bang of Creation at the beginning of time, Earth has evolved and matured in our solar system.

After say ten billion years of evolution earth finally reached the physical stage, acknowledging that earth began in a gas form, which eventually evolved into the earth, Sun, Moon and galaxies.  Once physical the earth then created a permanent atmosphere, which transformed the once invisible planet into mountains, rivers, lakes, forests, continents and oceans.

After the addition of birds, animals, reptiles, bugs, mammals, a range of living species from ants to dinosaurs, along comes mankind now that earth can provide all the needs of humans.  Thus, in truth we are the first alien species to occupy the earth.

Can you imagine how Earth must have felt when the Creator said now that we have the Crown Jewel of planets in the skies, Earth gets to be permanent host to mankind.  Sounds more like Earth was being punished than rewarded.

Just look at the results.

Noting that the very first humans on Earth were created, then seeded throughout the world, and all subsequent generations of humans have been conceived, not created, one thing is not clear.  After the spiritual and cultural evolution of a whole bunch of known and unknown civilizations over the billions of years since humans were first seeded on Earth, what have we achieved?

One day our true history will be known.  Melchizedek says there have been seven disruptions in the evolution of mankind, when humans strayed too far from the plan of the Creator thanks to their free will, and it was necessary to make natural adjustments to the earth.  The vast majority of humans were lost in those meteor strikes, floods, droughts, maybe even wars.

At best our known history only covers the current cycle of civilization.  Far more information will be released in the coming days that will greatly extend knowledge of the existence of humans on the planet and shed light on our prior civilizations.

The vehicle of Earth has survived every imaginable catastrophic event throughout time and it is still here providing for our needs.  For billions of years Earth withstood the far more devastating natural disasters ranging from monstrous comet strikes powerful enough to create the Gulf of Mexico, super-volcano eruptions blowing holes in the Rocky Mountains and creating a debris field in the sky thick enough to block the Sun for years, ice ages that buried the Earth under glaciers, warmups and floods so severe man barely escaped extinction.

As if the really big disasters were not enough, there were the endless weather anomalies over the billions of years with “once in a lifetime” blizzards and freezing cold, relentless floods and drought, volcano eruptions burying towns and villages, earthquakes that swallowed up entire cities and continents, and fires that scorched massive quantities of forests.

Those are the natural earth changes.

Humans, of course, have become a force for concern because of our contributions to the destruction of the earth as well.  Whether we rape the land of resources, disrupt the balance of nature through development, blow up 2,000 nuclear bombs testing to see if they work, try to harness rivers not meant to be controlled, build on beaches not meant to be human habitat, destroy natural resources, become dependent on things excessive to our needs, we are not a good partner to Earth.

Perhaps, we should recognize the tremendous ability of Earth and protection of the Creator for our planet.  Melchizedek says humans will not destroy the Earth.  If we do bad things there will be bad consequences to pay, but it will not in our power to destroy Earth.

However, if we do not use our energy to learn to co-exist through the Creator’s commandments of love, then continue to sow the seeds of hate and polarity, judgement and war, dark over light, we will fail.

There is one aspect of our environment we do control, the negative energy we introduce to our world, the same negative energy we are so quick to inflict on our enemy no matter what human form it may take.  You might call this the spiritual environment of Earth, and it has been seriously neglected over the years.

Can you give up your prejudice and hate, your bias and fear, and replace it with love as the Creator and Jesus instruct?  Are you willing to project a positive message of hope for all humans if we just accept our equality as creation of the Crestor?

We shall soon learn the truth…