Showing posts with label national debt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label national debt. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Obamaville - February 1 - Florida Primary Recap


GOP Candidates Take Aim at Obama Economy

The people spoke and once again the pundits are wrong.  Just last week The New York Times said Newt Gingrich had a 73.3% chance of winning the Florida primary.  He got buried by 14% by the Romney organization.  But the real story which should be of concern to Obama's Chicago campaign team was the breakdown of the vote.

Romney strengthened his position in nearly every important demographic including women, the Tea Party, Catholics, conservatives, Latinos and others who make up the core of the Independent vote in America.  Slowly but surely, as if a slumbering elephant coming back to life, the message of Mitt Romney is starting to resonate with the voters.

America's future is about jobs and strengthening the economy.  It is not about excuses.  It is about promises broken and policies gone wrong.  It is about a regulatory assault on small business and the American economic engine.  It is about a president who chooses to ignore the reality of capitalism and who pins his hopes on three years of failed social engineering.

It is about a track record of enthusiastic promises, followed by dismal results.  In a word, it is about the difference when the president of the United States fails to provide leadership, even when he controlled the congress.  The president blames Republicans for all his many woes yet he did nothing to change the massive problems he so successfully articulated when he controlled the House and the Senate for two years with a solid Democratic majority.

A $16 trillion national debt.  A trillion dollar budget deficit every year he has been preisdent.  No strengthening of Social Security or Medicare.  An increase in unemployment.  A recovery that has failed to restore 5 million jobs lost in the recession.  Stimulus and bailouts that failed to generate economic growth. A failuire to even address the need for energy independence.  A health care reform program, Obamacare, that has seen health care costs and health insurance premiums continue to soar.  The collapse of the housing market and failure to address the foreclosure nightmare.

For the first time in post election speeches the three major candidates focused on the president and not each other.  Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul each gave passionate and quite different attacks on the president's performance since being elected and laid out a wealth of ideas on how the president is vulnerable.

Romney won the primary handily and there is evidence the GOP is coming together in their mission to stop Obama from further damaging the America the people want to see restored.  No matter how much trivia the media and White House throw at Romney and the other candidates, no matter how negative the campaign ads may get, all Republicans and about 50% of Independents are becoming united in the determination to throw out the politicians including President Obama.

The worst fear of the president is that he might have to run on his record as president.  Because when it comes to domestic issues there is no record.  You cannot defend doing nothing and contributing to the malaise in our nation's capitol.

Stay tuned for the next efforts of the media and Obama administration to try and divert attention from the record.  The Congressional Budget Office (non-partisan) and many others keep warning us that we are far from out of the economic danger and we are doing nothing to address the long term problems facing our nation.


Monday, January 30, 2012

Obamaville - January 30 - Florida Primary Eve


Any Surprises Tomorrow?

In a word, no. Romney, as expected before the media driven Gingrich surge, has equaled his surge in the polls with a retreat about as dramatic. In the process he has left a lot of people perplexed.

The volatile Republican candidate who wants to take on our Democratic President, in which there would have been a clash of wills over who is the most intelligent, most knowing and most scholarly, has fallen by the wayside in spite of media efforts to prop up his flailing campaign.

The problem is Newt can never live up to his exaggerated opinion of himself. The second problem is he might be a senior member of the establishment, but it was an establishment that lost control long ago.

While the media wants him to remain in the race to rip Mitt Romney apart and leave Romney vulnerable to the expected billion dollar attack by the president this fall, I believe the media, Obama and his Chicago gang are way out of touch with the public.

Newt's petulant and insolent attacks on Romney just make Newt look smaller and smaller in the eyes of the public. He shows no signs of being interested in what the public wants, only satisfying his raging animosity toward a candidate who is simply walloping the schoolyard bully.

Revenge, anger, and jealously are hardly becoming a GOP candidate for president and the more he sho9ws his true colors the faster his fall from grace in the eyes of the public.

As for Romney, he is getting a Harvard education in the primary because as soon as he wins the nomination, the Harvard president will try the same tactics only then Romney will have the experience and class to keep the election focused on the economy.

Barack Obama, through his mouthpieces in the media and campaign, is doing everything possible to encourage Gingrich because the biggest obstacle to his re-election is not Romney, it is the truth. This president has failed to address high unemployment, his $1.3 trillion a year deficit, and his ballooning nearly $16 trillion national debt.

As a result, there is no growth in the economy and no way health care costs can be controlled, Social Security can be saved, and Medicare can be protected. We are in a whale of trouble is the president is not held responsible for what he didn't do, and what he shows no signs of wanting to address in the immediate future.

ObamaCare does nothing to reduce health care or health insurance costs, and most certainly will not make Americans healthier. Just tell us the truth, that the problem is greater than they thought and is not being addressed.

The same with the unemployment, deficit and debt. We are not over the recession, but we could be, if the White House would admit they failed with social engineering to solve our problems and now must listen to the people who want less government, less regulation and most certainly a lot less hot air from our nation's capitol.

There is nothing wrong with admitting we still have a problem. Honesty is always better than cover ups, misinformation and distortion. We have had three years of intellectual thought. We need solutions, not theories. We need a will to take on the problems, not ignore them. We need foresight to tackle issues like Social Security and Medicare reform, not act as if they will take care of themselves.

Right now Romney is the only candidate relentlessly pursuing an agenda of the concerns of the people. Yes, he must deviate for a short time to secure the primary nomination and if that means to defeat Gingrich then so be it. But rest assured he will focus on the issues, the national issues, and that is the president's Achilles heel.

Now as I mentioned before, at this time the last campaign Obama and Hillary were in a brutal battle over the attempts (according to Obama) by Bill Clinton to use the race issue to defeat Obama. Now that sounds a lot meaner than today when Romney's tax returns showing $3 million in taxes paid and $3 million in charitable contributions seems to be the big concern?

Need I remind us all that maybe we need a president that can't be bought. Maybe we need a president who spends his time on the people's business instead of campaign fundraising. Maybe we need hope and change. Maybe we can get it this time.


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Obamaville January 25 - The State of the Union


 No Debt or Deficit?

President Obama finally took the spotlight from the Republican debates with his third State of the Union address to the nation last night.  Once again he proved that he is a master of the teleprompter and his Harvard delivery is intact.

Our often time ethereal president softened his political attacks for the moment and changed his rhetoric about the decline and fall of our empire.  Seems his aides have finally figured out Jimmy Carter negativism does not help one get re-elected.

On the other hand, the vision he outlined for America was not real clear.  One thing about politics and politicians, there is a fine line between working up a head of steam and being lost in a fog.  On the surface they look almost the same but in truth they are opposites.  It is often hard to determine which role Obama plays.

As I predicted, his economic plan was based on the Buffett principle, not proven economic strategies or techniques.  I was a little disappointed Obama had Warren Buffett's secretary in the President's box and not Warren Buffett himself but rumor has it he was busy playing his ukulele in China.

After three years in office and with little to say in terms of accomplishments on the issues of most concern to Americans, like protecting Social Security and Medicare, slashing the $15 trillion national debt, cutting the trillion dollar annual deficit, or reducing the high unemployment rate, one must embrace the ethereal to avoid the real.

There were no new or even old proposals to address any of these issues but he did offer an unusual assessment of how he had turned around all our economic problems in what must be some Harvard Business School secret code because I did not understand it.  Obama said:

"In the six months before I took office, we lost nearly four million jobs. And we lost another four million before our policies were in full effect.

Those are the facts. But so are these. In the last 22 months, businesses have created more than three million jobs."

Now I realize my handicap in being from the Midwest yet I still have not figured out how losing 8 million jobs as he said, then gaining 3 million jobs as he said, which leaves us 5 million short of where we started, is a sign we have recovered from our economic problems.

He also offered some curious proposal on how he would help the millions of people who are in housing foreclose because they could not afford what they bought because of fraud in the first place, or they lost their jobs.  Some unfortunate folks have lived in homes up to two years or more without making payments.

Rather than help them move to homes they can afford, he wants Uncle Sugar to pay billions of dollars to keep them in the homes they can't afford.  Well, that means those that have made their payments and met their obligations will have to fork over even more money to subsidize those living beyond their means.

I thought the people subsidizing those who lived beyond their means was a discussion of the difference between taxpayers and politicians like the president and congress.  So I guess since we have done such a good job of subsidizing the runaway national debt of our politicians we now must pay off the mortgages for those who can't afford the homes to begin with.  I think these are the types of proposals that cause polarization.

One thing did change in his speech.  He used to define the rich at first as those making $200,000 a year, then $250,000 a year, then $1 million a year, and now it is not clear if he says the enemy are millionaires or billionaires.  We only know it is not Warren Buffett's secretary.

The fuzzy math of the White House policy was apparent also in terms of defense spending and cuts.  In his speech he said:

"That's why, working with our military leaders, I have proposed a new defense strategy that ensures we maintain the finest military in the world, while saving nearly half a trillion dollars in our budget."

And he said:

"Take the money we're no longer spending at war, use half of it to pay down our debt, and use the rest to do some nation-building right here at home."

Now that sounds great but does it really mean what he said?  The failure of Congress to pass any kind of deficit reduction plan last November automatically triggered a forced budget reduction calling for cutting $1.2 trillion over the next ten years, 2013 through 2022.  Of that, about $492 billion must come from the defense department.

Wait, Obama said he and his generals worked out a half a trillion dollars in defense savings.  What he forgot to say was he had no choice.  The failure of congress and the president to pass a budget or address the deficit and debt automatically triggered the cuts, no matter what Obama and the generals had to say about it.

That is not all.  The Obama deficit is now running over $1.3 trillion a year.  Our total defense budget is about $1 trillion a year.  Does that mean we are cutting 50% of our defense budget to lower the deficit, as he seems to suggest in the speech, without sacrificing our defense capability?  That would be great but is not true.

The half a trillion in defense cuts he proudly exclaimed are over ten years, not one.  That means a cut of $50 billion a year in defense, not half a trillion.  But even that is based on a foundation of quicksand.  What it really means is the government will reduce future increases in defense spending by $50 billion a year so our actual defense budget will go up while we are cutting half a trillion dollars.

Remember, he also said half of the cuts will go to reduce the deficit.  That means $25 billion a year will go to deficit or budget reductions.  Our annual deficit is now $1.3 trillion.  It does not even make a small dent in the annual deficit.  More than that, we still have the national debt of $15 trillion.  Did he forget what got us into this mess in the first place?

If that is modern math Pythagoras would be turning over in his grave and declaring it is time for an end to the American Empire because we are so caught up in our falsehoods, misrepresentations and distortions we can no longer tell the difference between having a head of steam or being lost in the fog.

Rome burned while Nero fiddled.  Let's hope Obama doesn't take up the ukulele like Buffett and pluck away while America goes up in flames.

Will someone out there please help the people strengthen Social Security and Medicare, reduce the national debt, cut the annual budget deficit, get people back to work, and then get out of our lives thank you very much.


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

If politicians and news media took an oath of silence things might get fixed


If politicians did not have to campaign all the time and if the news media did not have to sell advertising there would be a lot less tension in our nation. Then they would be free to tell us just the truth and we would have a far more honest and hopeful picture of America.

For example, the headlines scream of the battle over extending the Bush tax cuts. What disagreement? They will be extended for all Americans for probably two years. End of controversy. What about the new START treaty with Russia that has been stuck in the Senate? Today the headlines said the GOP Whip declared the treaty dead. Nonsense!

All the politicians know reducing nuclear arms with Russia is a good thing, duh. Insiders also know our nuclear weapons are older than our Space Shuttles which have now flown their last mission because they are obsolete. Our current nuclear weapons need to be replaced with modern weapons using the most advanced technology. Add some money to modernize some of our weapons and the treaty will pass, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev will be a hero, and Prime Minister and soon to be President again Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin will have to wait to become the super-hero of the super-power.

So what about the bitter battle between alternative energy advocates and conventional energy advocates and their demands for a green future and energy independence? The truth is we have to become energy independent from foreign oil producers who manipulate the prices and supply and threaten our national security. We also need to make the most of green activities to reduce waste and reduce dependence on non-renewal energy like oil.

Forget the political fighting and special interest civil war. Forget the doom and gloom forecasts, special reports and movies by the news media of the destruction and chaos from an energy crisis. One day the president and congress will come to their senses and realize both things must happen.

We can have energy independence from the bad guys by exploiting natural gas, from America, and using it to replace 40-50% of our energy demand. At the same time more domestic oil from the Gulf, Alaska and offshore is needed. One goal of natural gas should be to use it in all semi-trailer trucks to replace diesel fuel currently in use. Diesel is from oil so this could reduce total domestic oil consumption by half.

It is true we are the biggest oil consumer in the world using 22 million barrels a year but Canada and Saudi Arabia use more oil per capita. Saudi Arabia uses 33 barrels per capita, Canada 24, the US 22, South Korea 16, Japan 13, Germany and France 11, the UK and Italy 10, and far down the list are China at 2 and India at less than 1 barrel per year per capita.

Imagine that, the two fastest growing and feared economies in the world, China and India, use a fraction of the oil per person as we do. Of course that is not from good energy conservation, it is a result of their much poorer standard of living, minimum wages and lack of commercial choices in much of these two emerging nations. As they evolve their oil consumption will sky rocket and soon enough they will be like us.

Alternative energy can help a little in the areas of electric cars, solar energy and improved conservation materials but contrary to popular myth, neither will help reduce energy use much. Oil savings must be offset by the high cost of electric generation and maintenance of the alternative. Wind turbines will most likely have even higher operating costs.

If global warming was truly a human created environmental disaster these alternatives might help. But then so does natural gas replacing oil reduce carbon emissions since it is much more efficient. However, since there have been at least four previous periods of global warming followed by ice ages, and we are yet to find evidence of gas stations, automobiles, or hair dryers in any of these previous ages, in fact there weren't even any carbon spewing humans alive back then, then we can assume with or without us Mother Nature will have her global warming and cooling cycles to purify the planet.

So, as for the debate over energy policy, combine aggressive energy independence through expanded natural gas use, oil drilling and alternative techniques combined with an energy compact with our neighbors Mexico and Canada, and we can have the best attack on energy independence and alternative energy possible.

The same thing is true with the economy and our entitlement programs which give politicians and news media a real chance to scare us. I mean without a strong economy and protected entitlement programs like Social Security and Medicare neither we when we retire or our kids yet to be born will be safe in the future. Right now if we have a job we wonder for how long and if we don't things don't seem inclined to change any time soon.

Both the media and the politicians are having a field day with scary stories written to make you afraid of the future. Think about it for a minute before embracing their fear tactics. Is there really any Republican or Democrat in congress who is going to get rid of your pension or earned health benefits? Do they really want you to have worse health care? What nonsense!

Whatever it takes to reduce the deficit from 20% of gnp to 3% of gnp will happen. The super rich should pay more by making certain they don't benefit more than the middle class in tax benefits. Today Warren Buffett, one of the richest billionaires in the world, said he was in the highest tax bracket yet only paid 17% taxes because of tax deductions, a lower percent than his secretaries and office workers who paid up to 34%. Warren said there should be a minimum tax paid by the rich and even with the all deductions they should never pay a lower tax rate than the middle class.

So we have a minimum high tax rate for the rich so they pay their fair share. We extend Social Security retirement a couple of years, make all Medicare and Medicaid recipients use alternative health care like traditional Chinese or Native American for annual maintenance and natural treatment. Instead of rewarding you to be sick by giving you more tests, prescription drugs, doctor and hospital visits, you will be rewarded to be well and use preventive maintenance. This is the only way to reduce health care costs while improving results.

Things may be tough, but they are far from bad. We are still the most powerful economic force on Earth with a gross national income of $9.8 trillion a year, while China is at $1.2 trillion and India is less than one half a trillion. Our old friends and allies of Japan $4.5 trillion, Germany $1.9, UK $1.4 and France $1.3 all are bigger than China or India.

There is only one nation on earth too big to fail because the future of every other country on earth is dependent on the United States for their own economic survival. Love us or hate us they still can't survive without us. So cheer up folks, in due time all will be well again. We are the United States of America, the people not the politicians, the industry not the government, the small business not the entitlements, and no one is going to take that away!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Obamaville October 14 - Ask Pelosi not Republicans for Budget Cuts!


Why do the liberal media and Democrats in the House and Senate keep complaining that Republicans will never give ideas on how to cut the budget? They make it sound as if there is some conspiracy of silence as a result.

If I were a Republican, which I am not, I would remind the liberal media and incumbents who are running scared that Nancy Pelosi, yes the Democratic Speaker of the House, is responsible for passing the federal budget, not the Republicans. I would also remind them that Nancy Pelosi has been in charge of the budget FOUR years running, not just two since Obama got elected.

They seem to forget the last two years of the Bush Administration it was Speaker Pelosi and a Democratic majority in the House in charge of the largest deficit increase in history before Obama took office and promptly shattered the record the last two years.

Okay, so the Democrats have been in charge all through the massive deficits of the last two Bush years and first two Obama years. What about the current budget for next year that was due last October 1, what cuts did the Democrats approve now that they control EVERYTHING in Washington?

My friends, the United States of America, under the leadership of Obama, Pelosi and Reid, has NO APPROVED BUDGET for the current fiscal year. No budget, no cuts, no guts to even pass a budget. Why doesn't the liberal media attack this truth? Why doesn't Obama demand itemized cuts from his fellow Democrats who are Constitutionally responsible for passing the budget and have ignored their duties?

Truth seems to be in awfully short supply in our nation's capitol. I trust at least the people know the truth.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Democrats Can't Pass Budget - Republicans Can't Tell Budget Cuts - What to do?


So we have a stalemate in Washington, what else is new? Since neither the majority nor minority party has demonstrated any leadership to date on controlling our budget maybe they would like to hear from the people about how to go about balancing the budget.

Here is my primer on how to get control of America, our budget deficit and national debt.

1. No Congressman (House or Senate) should be allowed to vote on any bill benefiting their campaign contributors. A very straight forward law to prevent conflicts of interest. It should be illegal to vote on bills where the congressman received campaign money from a special interest. Such a rule does not exist and is long overdue.

2. Consolidate half of the overseas military bases in the USA along the Mexican border bringing home - 20,000 - 25,000 troops and support staff to each of four new bases, one in Arizona, one in New Mexico, and two in Texas strategically located along the border to discourage illegal immigration.

Over 1 million American troops are stationed overseas and NOT in a war zone. By relocating a total of about 100,000 troops back to America we would save billions of lost dollars and substantially reduce the cost of keeping troops overseas. A second phase of this relocation would be to bring home an additional, 500,000 troops over the next five years.

3. Require pharmaceutical companies to provide prescription drugs for 25% less than currently charged for the Medicare and Medicaid programs the first year, and an additional 25% less the second year. If they resist get generic drugs.

4. Require health insurance companies to reduce premiums by25% through eliminating unnecessary testing and treatment and adopting tort reform.

5. Create a National Trust for National Parks as a private, profit making enterprise and require the selling of stock to purchase these national treasurers and make them more profitable. Make stock available to all citizens allowing the purchase of trust stock with tax refunds and other incentives. All National Parks should be highly profitable and services could be expanded with private capital available for expansion. This could save raise several billions in the purchase of the Park property by the private trust and the profits from the operation could earn stock holders significant annual dividends. Right now there is no way for the average citizen to earn a fair return on their money.

6. Reduce foreign aid by 50%.

7. Establish small business development initiative to encourage rapid expansion in small business and innovation. Among components would be free patent service for small business, free trademark service for small business, free laboratory testing of small business products and a senior corps of retired business executives to consult with small business owners. This would eliminate some of the prohibitive start up costs of small business encouraging more hiring and expansion. The cost to the government would be more than offset by the increase in taxes paid by the businesses.

7. Offer free medical insurance to anyone agreeing to work beyond the Social Security retirement age of 62 or 67. Raise the retirement age to 65.

8. Undertake a one year review of all government expenditures, waste, duplication and lack of legal authority for the existence of programs with a goal of reducing agency costs by 15%. This review would give the agencies a chance to offset losses with cost efficiencies and elimination of waste.

9. Expand charter schools to 50% of all public education students within three years establishing performance standards on the charter schools and requiring them to give first preference for teacher hiring on displaced public school teachers.

10. Require an economic impact statement on all new expenditures which documents the legislative right to fund the program, identifies a five year budget for the new initiative, identifies the permanent funding source for the program, and determines the cost analysis of hiring employees versus contracting out for the service.

This is part one of my program to balance the federal budget and begin to eliminate the national debt. I welcome all other ideas from readers to help our congress do the job we elected them to do.


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Obama Stops Drilling Again - Continues to Ignore Public Will - Is this the New World Order?


In spite of the fact the US Courts have ruled that a ban on all deep water drilling is not a legal response to the BP oil leak, Obama continues to try and use regulations to circumvent the court. In spite of his so called Constitutional Law background, he has established a pattern of using executive orders and regulatory law to circumvent the Constitution, Congress and Courts, a practice long detested by the public.

You would think he did not have Democratic control of the Congress in mind when he makes his supreme decisions to block Gulf oil drilling, or attempt to block the Arizona Immigration law. He has already used the EPA to issue emission regulations Congress refused to approve. He used an executive order to establish a Debt Commission the Senate refused to approve. He used executive orders to force union participation and wages on public projects, even in non-union states, which significantly increased the cost of the public works budgets.

It is almost as if he is practicing for being President of the New World Order where every government on Earth is superseded by a higher and more powerful entity. Heaven forbid if he is still trying to implement the Rothschild and Goldman Sachs dream of a worldwide socialistic system beholden to the dark and all powerful forces of a secret cartel using politicians as puppets, governments as their labor force, national banks as their personal bank accounts and control of the money supply to demand loyalty to the New World Order.

Over 225 years ago we were first warned by our forefathers of the dangers of a central and international banking cartel and the power they could hold over all governments and freedom. In the late 1700's the first attempt to control the US Treasury was successfully made by the Rothschilds and it was not until President Andrew Jackson forced it out of business that the USA controlled it's destiny. Such was the power of the international banking community that there was an assassination attempt on President Jackson.

By the time of the Civil War and Lincoln the international banks again made an effort to control the USA through money and arms sales, supplying both the Union and Confederate causes with money and guns. When Lincoln resisted the international cartel and their demands for outrageous interest on the loans and he received the help and backing of the Czar of Russia both Lincoln and the Czar were assassinated.

Other presidents opposed the gold standard manipulation and establishment of a federal bank and some lost their lives, others were forced from office. Finally the Federal Reserve was quietly established in the midst of a Congressional recess by Woodrow Wilson and the springboard for international control of the USA was in place.

To this day the Federal Reserve continues to print our money, without our regulation, without even an audit of what the Fed is doing to use our money to help other international causes which we may or may not agree with. With Obama spending our way into bankruptcy, the national debt is now expected to hit $14 trillion next year, and his efforts to undermine the congress and courts through his legal challenges, regulatory policy and executive orders, it is almost as if his agenda has nothing to do with protecting the USA or the integrity of the Constitution.

For those of you who doubt the enormous power of the international banking cartel or the House of Rothschild that controls the world economy, I am running once again an article I wrote about the history of the international banks and Rothschilds to remind us of what they have already accomplished. Look at their tactics and strategies and see if the USA under Obama is not playing right in to the financial traps they have set.

The massive Obama policy agenda and the radical swing toward socialism inherent in much of the policy has been rejected by the people, yet the administration has continued to defy the public will and continues to use regulatory actions and odd lawsuits to keep implementing the big government, huge deficits and massive increase in national debt.

Our Constitutional freedoms are not merely being challenged by this administration, they are being recklessly attacked on multiple fronts in spite of the public opposition. Someone inside the White House knows that our congress has been compromised by campaign money and greed and is in no position to defend the people from this assault on our freedoms. Congress has neither the guts nor the desire to fight for us. Do you?

Watch for the reprint of The Trillionaires Delight in the Coltons Point Times for the background on this issue.


Thursday, June 03, 2010

How long can Obama chase Don Quixote's Windmill? A Fool can only fool himself!


The more pressure on the president the more he reacts like a trapped rat than the leader of the greatest free nation on Earth. As his sagging personal popularity polls continue to drop down to the level of the polls showing a public dislike for his policies, Obama continues to act like a spoiled aristocrat from the Ivy League blaming everyone but himself for his misfortunes.

It seems no one in the Chicago White House ever got the message that when he was elected it was to serve all the people all the time, not just friends, cronies, campaign contributors and celebrities. Obama lost the hope he supposedly brought to the presidency when he forgot the campaign was over a year and a half ago.

Ever since whenever things have got tough, and he should have known being president was no cakewalk, his modus operandi is to attack the critics, attack the Republicans, attack George Bush, attack the media, and one of these days the Harvard boy Obama will start attacking Yale for giving us 20 years of presidents before Obama came along.

In spite of his ruthless attacks against Sarah Palin for being inexperienced during the campaign, Obama has proven over and over that the greatest myth of his campaign claims was having any experience of his own whatsoever that might help prepare him to be president.

Last night he again attacked the Republicans, then attacked George Bush at length, for all the woes he faces as president. Didn't Obama do his homework when he was a candidate and know what was going on with the government?

If he really was experienced he would have known about our problems because he would have been on the Senate floor voting on the very problems he bemoans today instead of missing Senate votes because he was too busy campaigning.

By the way Mr. President, the last two years Bush was president your very own Democrats controlled the House, which controls the budget, which approved the deficits in the first place.

Last night he also viciously lashed out at those who say government is too big, as if everyone opposed to big government is a right wing Republican. Here his pollsters led him astray. The vast majority of Independents are opposed to big government and deficit spending and even a substantial number of Democrats know we are on a runaway train to oblivion.

Obama seems to be declaring everyone who doesn't want big government should not benefit from the government, a typical Chicago attitude to punish the disloyal while rewarding the insiders. Well Mr. President, it is not your government and not your tax money you are spending like some stoned punk at a frat party.

You have entered the real world and your time is running out to get real. This fall the people of America will give you a good education on politics. The people will bring your endless partisan and divisive political campaigning to a conclusion by stripping what little political strength you have left and taking back control of the Congress. You deserve no less.

At that point you will be a toothless tiger. However, if you continue to act as a picked on member of the elite frat pack and continue to try and manipulate the government to serve your own selfish purposes and agenda you will become the biggest liability of our future.

The majority of Americans who oppose big government and deficit spending have already tired of your politics of excuses and blame, finger pointing and character assassination, and it better end. If not, your performance will become the subject of debate on the national agenda and the new Independent controlled Congress will turn attention on how to limit the powers of a disconnected president to keep him from permanently damaging our Republic.

The future of America is in danger. Not because we face insurmountable problems. Not because we cannot fix our regulatory process. Not because corruption runs too deep. Not because any other nation is a viable national security threat. No, our danger comes from within.

Our government of the people and by the people has been hijacked by your gang of thugs who are trying to bring about radical change in spite of the will of the people. We had a pretty good country before you took over. Now we are becoming the laughing stock of the international community. At home there are no true Americans in your world, only those for and against your radical agenda.

Patriots in America are defenders of freedom and the greatest freedom we have you are trying to steal from us. Big government and deficit spending are the enemies of freedom and the antitheses of the freedoms inherent in the American Republic. You are supposed to be on our side Mr. President. We gave you the chance to serve us.

You want to help you can start with this. Campaign reform, the greatest need and only major issue totally ignored by you since you spent almost a billion dollars to buy the presidency. Public financing with no media ads is the only solution. Anything less is a sea of corruption.

We all want alternative energy but we are not fools. Today conventional energy is our life source. A prudent energy policy will seek out all forms of conventional energy in America to break the dependence on foreign oil. It will also set in motion a long term conversion to alternative energy because to do anything less is economically suicidal.

Real health care reform. So far you have paved the pockets of special interests and health care lobbyists with gold, protected the pharmaceutical and insurance industries ability to steal from the public, assured that health care costs can never go down, and generally made a mess of the health care delivery system.

Now fix it so we are encouraged to get well, not stay sick. If someone is healthy and does not need a doctor give them back the money they paid for health insurance. Stop FDA from accepting bribes from the pharmaceutical companies for the massive cost for New Drug Approval. It is the same conflict of interest that got the SEC in trouble with the banks and Interior Department in trouble with the oil companies.

We have over 2.5 million defense soldiers and civilian employees but only 1.1 million are in the USA. Since about 100,000 are in both Iraq and Afghanistan that leaves 1.2 million DOD employees all over the rest of the world. There are over 735 American military bases outside the USA including 38 large and medium size facilities. At the height of the British Empire in 1898 they had 36 bases spread out around the world and at the height of the Roman Empire in 117 AD they had 37 major bases. Of course they were both trying to conquer the world. We aren't supposed to be conquering the world so get rid of the excess bases.

In financial reform we have fixed everything but the problem, even with the new reform bill. If congress and the president continue to insist housing and derivatives should not be part of the bill then it is a joke. Eliminate unregulated derivatives and stop short selling which contributes nothing to managing the economy but is just a lame excuse for investment houses to steal from the market.

The object of the capitalist markets was to bring about orderly economic development while allowing investors to share in the profits. The result was to make money available to small business to build the economy. If a practice on Wall Street does not serve that purpose then stop it. Right now there is no capital available to small business, no credit from banks, yet all the banks are drawing discounted money from the Federal Reserve. Obama has done nothing but encourage the crooks on Wall Street and we are just as vulnerable as ever.

Our president has more than enough things to do to help and most of those things continue to eat away at the America spirit and budget. After all this time as president, it is clear Obama is not going to get it. We must start preparing to get control of the government back from the political hacks in our nation's capital who are in the pockets of the special interests. Obama is now a part of the problem.
