Showing posts with label Joe Biden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Joe Biden. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Obama Pelosi Reid Health Care - Reform or Intellectual Constipation?


Give America a Christmas Present - Kill the Bill and Give Us a Reason to Live!!!

If there is any sanity left in our nation's capitol, which is a lot to ask for after the last year of intellectual constipation, then the powers that be should listen to the people and simply kill the mutating health care bill. Even the former Chairman of the Democratic party Howard Dean, the person who brought us Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama and the Democratic takeover of America, says stop it.

Up to 2/3 of the public does not believe the bill will help and based on the track record of our new president and his congress, the people are right and the left are wrong. This mishmash of partisan pieces and political manipulation, which the adoring national media call the most important bill of Obama's presidency, is hogwash.

Obama's legacy will not be defined by this bill any more than it will be defined by the trillion dollar pork barrel bills, bank and auto bailouts, Afghanistan war or a host of other issues. Fact is there is looming darkness on the horizon that make health care seem trivial at best.

This hodgepodge of political gobbly gook should be deep sixed and Congress should fix the health care system a piece at a time. Why there is a propensity on the part of politicians and media to demand a massive change in the name of reform without testing the various components being advanced makes no sense.

This ill-fated bill is destined to fail and take all the politicians with it that made it possible. It has been compromised and modified so much that little remains of the altruistic goals of the original proposal and any time a bill is formed out of weakness rather than compromise it has no business in national debate.

While congress twiddles with health care reform Rome burns, and congress conveniently has an excuse for inaction. Perhaps no one will notice the radical bills like cap and trade or card check sneaking through the process with all eyes focused on the prize of health care. Perhaps no one will notice that our political leaders have totally ignored the most important issues facing America, the economy, jobs and economic independence.

Perhaps the public will finally realize that politicians are politicians, no matter whether they are disguised as Democrats or Republicans. Both parties had many opportunities to stop the economic collapse but both blame each other. Both had opportunities to stop deficit spending and the radical expansion of government and both failed. Both could have stopped the bank, insurance and auto bailouts,

They didn't. They continue to shake down the lobbyists for campaign donations. The lobbyists continue to throw money at the politicians to protect their turf. Banks give record bonuses. The only stimulus we feel is the surge of money through the federal spigot paying off all those who pledged support to the president and Democrats.

As for health care, how can there be reform when we probably will ignore tort reform, interstate competition, and promoting the use of many long proven alternative health care treatments like herbal medicine, acupuncture and other forms of holistic healing?

How can we fix a broken health care system that protects the huge pharmaceutical conglomerates who own the Food & Drug Administration and who prevent, directly and indirectly, new cures and treatment developed by small businesses from getting federal approval?

Is a system worth saving that has no incentive to heal but rewards excessive treatment, encourages unnecessary diagnoses and pours millions of dollars into political campaigns? Most important, how can a health care system designed to help us die ever help us heal? I, for one, have no intention of waiting to die when I can start living.

Kill the bill and give us a reason to live!!!


Wednesday, December 02, 2009

After Thinking for 92 Days Obama at West Point - The Enemy Camp


Leave it to the idjit Democratic liberals to cast dirt on their own president as Chris Matthews of the comrades in arms network MSNBC called our nation's Military Academy at West Point "the enemy camp". As usual when a elitist liberal shoots off at the mouth he got caught and immediately began to backpedal faster than Obama's promise for transparency in government.

One thing the liberals said was right concerning the speech on Afghanistan was it certainly came across dry and clinical, a typical professor speaking down to the students even those he was sending these students off to war and some will not be coming home. If the cadets were grave perhaps it was the subject matter.

Then again, there was none of the motivational lines, uplifting rhetoric, and pride most presidents have demonstrated when addressing his troops. It took at least 92 days for the president to figure out what to say from the time his own general asked for more troops. Over the past three months of indecision his poll numbers crashed from 56% approval to 35% on his handling of the war. As usual he apologized for all the mistakes by America.

Obama then proceeded to give the generals pretty much all they wanted in terms of troops, 30,000 more as fast as possible. Now most red blooded Americans will support the president on the troops because in America patriotism is a way of life and we are getting tired of endless wars. But Obama never claimed we would win. He didn't claim any positive result but merely mumbled about we will see how it goes.

Suddenly the bombshell, obviously meant to appease all the flaming liberals in his White House, as he said we would start withdrawing troops 18 months after the troop build up, and that we would complete our withdrawal before the 2012 presidential elections. It seems a bit much to expect 30,000 more troops will give us victory in just 18 months when it has been over eight years since we started the war.

Obama has to be the first commander in chief in history to predict the end of a war when he just sent more troops to the battleground. To commit might be the second dumbest thing he has done next to thinking he was anointed president in the first place. What did the new policy do to VP Biden's reputation? He was very much opposed to it in White House deliberations. Hillary, on the other hand, approved of it.

Still, anyone with experience knows there is no way we can start leaving 18 months after reaching full force so his words will slip by unnoticed and when the deadline comes and goes it will just be another in the series of failed promises to his rapidly fading liberal base.

Now Afghanistan has given him the opportunity to count the votes on health care and decide it was time to change his priorities. Of course the war in Afghanistan will only dominate the president for a day as he starts a whole new campaign to define a new strategy for joblessness and the floundering economy. I guess taking 92 days to think about Afghanistan pales in comparison to the economy which has been ignored since he passed the ill fated bailouts and stimulus bills at the beginning of his term.

Let's see, Afghanistan yesterday and joblessness tomorrow, does that mean health care is no longer a priority or did he finally decide to blame any failure in health care on Nancy Pelosi whose pork barrel bill gives new meaning to fat cats in our nation's capitol?

The Obama record on foreign policy leaves a lot to be desired. Every day another of his "enlightened" new foreign policies seems to self-destruct. He wanted to sit down with North Korea and Iran and got fireworks he didn't seem to expect. North Korea fired off missiles in defiance of the president while Iran boasts it will build ten more nuclear reactors and create even more powerful enhanced uranium for nuclear weapons.

Israel greeted warnings from Obama to stop building settlements with a ban on settlement construction where it was not happening and ordering 8,000 more homes built in the controversial East Jerusalem settlements. Some ban. Every day Israel is closer to attempting to take out the Iranian reactors with military force which will instantly move the world a step closer to world war.

China scolds us for causing the world economic meltdown, Russia ignores calls to lean on Iran, China ignores calls to lean on North Korea. Europe seems to ignore just about everything he asks of our European allies. Even the global warming cartel led by Al Gore and Goldman Sachs is self-destructing with the release of a pattern of liberal scientists who manipulated and made up numbers to justify the global warming debacle.

Ironically, the White House just announced the president would go to the world conference on global warming on his way to pick up his Nobel Peace prize, hummm, just a few days after expanding the war in Afghanistan. Can't wait to hear his Peace prize acceptance speech.

And then, well, it was disclosed that Obama and his friend Tiger Woods are featured on the cover of Golf Digest under the story ten things Tiger can teach Obama on the same day Tiger admitted to his digressions that hurt his wife and family.

Finally Obama's patron saint Goldman Sachs continues to raid Obama's US Treasury and pay out $23 billion in bonuses and this week it was announced Goldman has forbidden employees to gather in groups of 12 or larger and that Goldman employees are filing for gun permits in NYC to protect themselves from the threats they seem to be receiving for raiding our treasury.

And then there was the crashing at the White House state dinner by socialites who got pictures with Obama and Biden. Is the president safe in his own home? What a week for our commander in chief.

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

The Afghanistan War - Now is the Time for Patriotism, Not Politics


As President Obama ponders a new strategy for America's role in Afghanistan and over 60,000 of America's finest face the front lines of the war on terrorism it is time for the politicians and pundits to shut up and for all Americans to stand tall for the military, the nation, and even the Commander in Chief.

There is no room for politics when the lives of our soldiers are at risk. America has always stood behind our military, no matter what the opinion toward our president. Sometimes we like the president and sometimes we don't. President Johnson was literally forced out of office by Viet Nam while President Eisenhower was extraordinarily popular in spite of the Korean War.

Still it didn't matter as the public supported the troops. We may not like the war, but we always stood behind the Commander in Chief who is responsible for the conduct of the war and the protection of our troops. The swirling controversy over the future policy in Afghanistan does nothing to help the troops.

Of course we have a right to state our views. Even the military, who were not heard during the early years of the Bush administration have a right to state their views as long as it does not compromise the war plans on the ground. Much has been made about the public position taken by General Stanley A. McChrystal, a rare occurrence for a military officer. But the generals were not heard during the early years of the war and who can fault him for wanting to make sure the best plan to support the troops was put forward.

Secretary of Defense Gates scolded the general yesterday for making the public statements but Gates should have scolded Vice President Biden and others in the Administration who went public well before McChrystal. They set the tone for White House policy development for the war in Afghanistan and if the president is mad, he should start with his own VP who violated every rule in confidential policy development.

The White House is filled with liberals who demanded that Obama get out of Iraq, close Guantanamo, bail out the unions at the auto companies, prosecute the CIA and make Al Gore and Goldman Sachs rich off the efforts to change the energy policy of America. So far they have hurt the president badly and their own public whining shows they haven't got a clue when it comes to being the president for all the people, not just the radical fringe.

All America needs to step back and let the president give Afghanistan the consideration needed to protect the lives of those men and women risking their lives so we don't have another 9-11. When that policy is announced all Americans have a responsibility to support it like we have every time this nation has had to go to war to defend freedom.

Every day soldiers are dying in a land far away so that we may live in peace back home. Let us not let the ranting and raving of public mouthpieces distract us from that truth. No war is good, nor should it ever be considered a popular policy. It is the single worst trait of human nature to fight wars because it is the innocent victims of war that suffer the most.

We are fighting in Afghanistan to help free a people who have been the victims of a generation of war and to stop a terrorist organization who believe human life has no value. If you have to go to war there can no higher calling. Get behind the president and get behind the troops. What happens is his responsibility and their lives are at risk. It has always been the American way.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Biden Tells Real Intent of Obama Health Care Reform


Vice President Biden is no stranger to sticking his foot in his mouth or telling too much when asked a question. Yeserday, he may have finally revealed the real intent of the Obama health care reform in a speech everyone thought would get no notice because of the United Nations meeting.

In a discussion of the health care reforms needed, and after mauling the insurance industry which is required of every card carrying liberal, he made the following comments.

"You can't rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic. We've got to change ships here!"

Is that liberal code for throwing out the system 70% of the people want to keep and replacing it with the government run public option program sought by the far left and socialist crowd? The goal has always been to eliminate all competition and eliminate private sector involvement in health care so the new system can be controlled by the unions and liberals.

At least he said what he meant this time. There was no effort by the White House to clarify what Biden meant, even when Obama's press secretary was asked directly if Biden was speaking for the president.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Summer Wrap Up - Obama and The Economy - What About the Forgotten Americans?


Nothing has really changed. Money owns Wall Street, money owns the news media and money owns our politicians. Perhaps the public is finally figuring that out. The crooks are in control like they have been for the past couple of centuries and the noose around individual freedom has continued to tighten. Money should support our system, not control it, because money has no loyalty to a people or to a cause, just an insatiable obsession with acquiring more.

After years of Wall Street greed in which both political parties were willing beneficiaries and Republicans and Democrats failed to protect us nothing has changed. The same mindset that figured out how to circumvent whatever feeble attempts by the federal government to regulate the money managers remains alive and well in the Obama regime.

No one has moved to eliminate the opportunity for market manipulation nor even the hideous practices with futures, swaps, programmed buying and selling and the maze of other techniques brought about by the darkest financial minds in America to squeeze every last cent of profit out of our system with no regard for the consequences on people.

Money has no geographic borders. The whole world tried to cash in on Wall Street greed by buying into the sub-prime mortgage market and oil price speculation brought to you by the folks at Goldman Sachs, AIG, CitiGroup and others. The whole world lost a fortune betting on immoral practices.

The media covered up these practices that began with Clinton and now have impacted on three presidents because the media is even more dependent than politicians on the profits of greed, money, in the form of advertising. Now the media is hurting and until the media is destroyed in its present form it will continue bleeding to death because it no longer serves a useful service to the money changers.

When advertisers pumped money into television and news media wrote good things about the advertisers everyone was happy. Then the bubble burst. Now the money is drying up as the greed mongers destroyed the credibility of our news media just as they had destroyed the credibility of our politicians by getting them addicted to the money.

After the crash on Wall Street last year people stopped investing. The media and politicians immediately said to start spending our way out of the recession. How stupid when spending was what got us into the recession. When we stop spending, start saving, and stop our obsession with owning things that have no impact on our quality of life nor morality, we might have a ray of hope for the future.

In Asia every person consumes two barrels of oil per year while in America every person consumes twenty-six barrels of oil per year. At the end of the day the people of Asia are the ones financing our addiction to greed by buying American bonds that we cannot afford so we can continue our growth by increasing our deficit.

What is the point of fixing a system that does not serve the American people, whether a political or a financial system? One that is throwing billions and trillions of hard earned American dollars down an endless pit into the arms of the very people we are trying to stop. You cannot cure cancer by feeding it and you cannot cure corruption by feeding it, you cure them by eradicating it. End the practices that do not serve the greater good of the country and you will clean up the mess in America. If you are Obama, the place to start is in the White House and Congress where the manipulation of America was planned and executed and where it remains alive and well today.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Mr. President - What have you accomplished?


Has anyone noticed that time seems to be speeding up while nothing seems to be changing in this world? We have a new president but all the same problems are still here. The economy is built on a foundation of quicksand. Troops remain in Iraq. More troops have been sent to Afghanistan. North Korea and Iran both have spit in the face of our new president and his policy of engagement in dialogue with our enemies.

Nancy Pelosi continues to lead the Democratic party down the black hole of intellectual constipation and permanent inertia with her broken promises, her running from responsibility and blaming everyone else for the lack of action and leadership. Pelosi continues to slam defective bills through Congress which will have no chance of getting into law.

Thanks to the Democrats control of the universe we have the highest budget deficit in history, the highest national debt in history, two wars still underway and two more hot spots moving closer to conflict in North Korea and Iran.

Fat cats on Wall Street that backed Obama have gotten richer while those that caused the economic chaos have not been prosecuted. Green politicians like Al Gore have made a hundred million dollars off the environment and stand to make billions more while the Administration continues to fund them and ignore the oil and gas assets we do control.

Social programs have grown adding millions more to the future deficits while Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid while we do rely on and have paid for are on a fast track to destruction. Oh yes, and what happened to your 401K that was supposed to be protected by the government?

If I had all these things going wrong I think I would rent a resort home for $40,000 like Obama and go on vacation as well. Too bad he can't find a church to go to as easy as spending tens of thousands of dollars visiting resorts, going to Broadway shows, hosting million dollar Hawaiian parties for cronies, and whatever else he does for diversion. Maybe keeping him out of Washington along with the Congress is what America needs most to heal.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Obama - You Can't Do That! Don't lie to the Pope!


Chris Matthews, MSNBC liberal anchor and Obama supporter said it best when summarizing Obama's recent visit with Pope Benedict XVI, a visit that was quietly hushed up by the liberal media of America.

Matthews said Obama cannot go to the Vatican and promise the Pope he will work to reduce abortions in America at the same time he is pushing through Congress, as a top national priority, a Health Care bill which provides federal funding for abortions that will increase abortions by up to 420,000 a year, an increase of up to 35%.

In Congressional Committee hearings just 3 days after Obama's visit with the Pope, Senator Barbara Mikulski, our very own Senator from Maryland, was forced to admit under questioning by Senator Orin Hatch that the new Health Care bill does indeed fund abortions, a bill she and the White House support.

In 2006, the most recent year statistics on abortion are available, there were 1,206,200 legal abortions in America. Planned Parenthood's Guttmacher Institute estimates government funding of abortion increases the number of abortions by 20 to 35 percent. That means we can expect between 220,000 and 420,000 more abortions to result.

Sometime in the past year the total of legal abortions performed in America passed 50 million, a number equal to about 14% of our total population. While the media and pro-abortion people claim the number consists mostly of three types of cases, rape, the threat of death to the mother, or the extensive physical handicaps of the fetus, numerous studies have failed to document the claim. In fact these studies show that the three reasons cited account for less than 5% of all abortions, meaning 95% had no reason to happen other than convenience.

Worldwide there have now been over one billion abortions and there are 50 million in the world every year. There is simply no evidence that anything the government does will reduce the number of abortions or stop the abortions of convenience from being performed but substantial evidence government action will increase the number of abortions.

Even Chris Matthew of MSNBC said on Hardball, his program, that Obama "can't do that,", promise the Pope he will work to reduce abortions at the same time his bill subsidizes abortion. Matthews is one of the many Obama supporters who are Catholic but disagree with the Vatican position on abortion. This circle of supporters also includes Nancy Pelosi and Vice President Biden.

One wonders if the agenda of the Obama gang is to build bridges with groups like the Catholics or drive a wedge between the leaders and members of the Catholic faith. Often in politics the best strategy is to neutralize an opponent if you cannot convert them. With only 54% of Catholics voting for Obama, one of the lowest Democratic totals in history, there is just cause for concern.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Rapping with VP Biden - Next in Line for Presidency

In order to protect the Vice President from making one of his legendary blunders we are going to conduct our interview by asking him questions but only allowing him to respond with facial expressions, no words can be used. The White House should be much more at ease with this technique as no international incidents should result.

Mr. Vice President, what do you have to say about your connections to the credit card industry?

No comment huh. Well how about the fact your son is on their payroll and was when you were championing the bill to strip consumers of their rights on behalf of the credit card giants?

Well excuse me. So how is it being in the shadow of the much younger Barack Obama?

Do you feel the same way about most other Obama appointees?

Could you pelase help us understand how you are communicating with the President when you two always seem to be passing in the night?
What do you think about your predecessor Dick Cheney?

Do you have the ear of the president when it comes to our nation's business?

How do you get along with Hillary now that she travels the world grabbing headlines and you seem to have vanished?

Since you no longer have to commute from Delaware how long is your commute to your office now?

What do you think of that French President's wife?

Saturday, April 11, 2009


It is sure a good thing our new president is a people's president ready to return the White House to focusing on the needs of the "little people". Of course there are a few contradictions in what he has done to date that raise eyebrows but his loyal staff seem able to sugar coat these actions with the adoring media and thus deflect attention from the contradictions.

I mentioned in an earlier article how he vowed to keep lobbyists out of government and then violated his own executive order and hired lobbyists. There are the seven senior executive nominees who owed back taxes, quite significant sums in some cases. He promised to bring reform to campaign laws which are yet to be seen while his people's campaign shattered spending records more than doubling the most ever spent in a presidential campaign.

He has given no explanation to his secret relationship with Goldman Sachs other than to help them remain the dominant investment banking house in the world, keeping their stock value at a level far beyond their closest competitors, and even giving billions to AIG of which $30 billion were passed on to Goldman Sachs. That is quite a return on their investment of a few millions into his campaign. More important, in spite of his highly publicized ranting and raving about the greed of bankers and Wall Street, he has never mentioned the biggest and greediest of all Wall Street, Goldman Sachs.

This Ivy League by product, we are now in the 21st straight year of having an Ivy League president and will reach 24 straight years by the end of his first term, has little in common with the little people. He attended Columbia and Harvard, his wife attended Princeton and Harvard. Both spent under-graduate and graduate years in the Ivy League at the most expensive schools in the world. Today it would cost about $435,000 for the law degree, meaning Michelle and Barack spent nearly $1 million ($868,000 in today's dollars plus other expenses) for their Ivy League educations.

Since he entered public service as a community organizer and state senator, both quite low paying jobs, one wonders how all those education loans got paid. I don't remember anyone in the media asking who paid the million dollars during the campaign. Still, even with the huge debt they were able to spend another $1.6 million for a home when he was first elected to the US Senate. His close advisor who arranged that deal is now in jail, Tony Rezko, a Chicago multi-millionaire fixer who lived across the street.

Then Obama enters the White House promising to change things, clean out the old Washington and bring in new people. His top advisor is a hand-me-down investment banker from Clinton and his top five White House advisors are all multi-millionaires. Again it seems rather unusual for a people's president to be surrounded by millionaires. Of course when his daughters toured their new home in the White House and found the Jonas brothers recording stars in their bedroom, it once again seemed rather unusual for a populist.

Now that he has been in office a couple of months he has added a couple of trillion dollars to our budget and his first budget increased government cost by another trillion. At the rate he is spending he will double our national debt in about three years, twice as fast as Bush did in spite of 911 and two wars. In fact our taxes for his budget next year only pay for 44% of the cost. Where in the world is the rest coming from?

Okay, so there are a few conflicts, but what about the dog. After the election he promised his kids a dog and the family promptly decided to set an example by getting a pound pup. Three months later it turns out there will be no pound pup but a Portuguese Water Dog from one of the most exclusive breeders in the world where the dogs can cost over $2,500. Did I mention the Texas breeder where he is getting the dog is the same who breeds Portuguese Water Dogs for the Ted Kennedy family?

Tonight, Good Friday, one of the holiest days in Christianity, he is throwing a party for 140 of his closest friends at the White House and having Chicago deep dish pizza brought in from St. Louis, not Chicago, which I suppose is the Ivy League way of honoring the death of Jesus.

Finally there is the mysterious selection of Joe Biden, resident pit bull and bionic tongue and godfather to America's credit card companies and their insane interest charges as Vice President. You do understand he is a heartbeat away from the presidency? With his tongue he is the time bomb of the Obama team. Now to be fair, he did predict a major international crisis within a few months of Obama taking office. I guess the attempted hijacking of the American cargo ship by Somalia pirates and taking the captain hostage qualifies.

Does anybody know just who we elected to be president?