Showing posts with label Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Show all posts

Monday, July 07, 2014

Obamaville July 7, 2014 - Who can run faster - away from the president?


The Obama Foreign Policy Process

So here in the political capital (yes the spelling is right) of America there is a new game in town and it is who can run the fastest away from the policies of President Barack Obama. You might have noticed that the Obama favorability ratings have been in free fall since his re-election in 2012.

Now that his negatives have passed his positives and the people of America seem to be wondering just what it is he actually stands for there seems to be a stampede of liberals, people and institutions, running away from any responsibility for the Obama presidency.

Once upon a time such turncoats were known as hypocrites and scorned but since the list of hypocrites includes people and institutions who were once darlings of the left I guess we have to consider them enlightened.

With no apparent concept of the mechanics of the policy development and implementation process and having been abandoned by all those Obama mouthpieces who used to be around and told him what to think and say, you might say who ran interference with the media, the Obama administration is clearly adrift when it comes to coherent messaging and purpose.

There are times when presidential decisions seem to be made with an Ouija Board rather than any decision-making process.  And at times it seems as if the Dark Side is controlling the Board.  Such is the mystery of the presidential policy process.

As for the runners away:

Hillary Clinton - Her calculated ambitions to lock everyone out of the Democratic nomination for president keep running into speed bumps when it comes to her relationship with Obama.  She did lose to him then agree to be a loyal partner as his Secretary of State.  It has come back to haunt her stumbling presidential coronation as the Obama foreign policy, which she directed, has collapsed in the eyes of the public.  It will take a diversion as good as husband Bill Clinton pulled off to avoid impeachment when he was president to get out of responsibility for the Obama foreign affairs fiasco.

Bill Clinton - Lo and behold the other Clinton has also gone silent on what used to be his lukewarm support for the guy who beat his wife in the 2008 election.  Let's face it, after the rough and tumble primary it was probably the endorsement by Bill Clinton and his work to get Obama elected that propelled Barack into the presidency.  The same effort was critical to getting Obama re-elected.  Now Bill has to make all that go away to help his wife.

Harry Reid & Nancy Pelosi - The Democrat leaders of the Senate and House never seem to mention Barack Obama as if that would make him fade away in the minds of the public.  But there is a massive record of all the times they served as water boy and girl to the president, defended his actions, and supported his failures during the past six years so in their cases silence is golden.

The chairperson of the Democratic National Committee, DNC, U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida - She was handpicked by Obama to defend him against the dastardly Republicans, and also seems to have adopted the "out of mind out of sight" approach to public relations.  Once upon a time her face was all over the media defending her president but those days seem long gone and after the exasperation it must have caused her it came not a moment too soon.

The New York Times and The Washington Post - These Citadels of liberal Main Street media have changed their tune from Obama apologists to nitpickers about the failure of the president to live up to his liberal agenda promises.  In particular they seem surprised and upset about the massive failure in the Obama foreign relations.

Stay tuned because we still have 2 1/2 more years to report on.


Thursday, April 10, 2014

Obama again for Women's Rights while AG Holder whines


Okay, so the American public is really stupid like the White House seems to think.  Like we don't remember the very first bill Obama signed into law when he was elected and the Democrats could do anything they wanted because they controlled the House and Senate.

On January 29, 2009 Obama signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009 to much fanfare, and the Obama White House declared:

"President Obama actively supported the bill.  President Obama has long championed this bill and Lilly Ledbetter's cause, and by signing it into law, he will insure that women like Ms. Ledbetter and other victims of pay discrimination can effectively challenge unequal pay."

That was only five years ago.  Today Obama has launched yet another partisan war against that most heinous of villains, those dastardly Republicans in Congress who stand in the way of the Democrats' Equal Pay Fairness Act of 2014.

Wait, isn't that the same problem he already solved with the much heralded Lilly Ledbetter Act back when he began?  Didn't he and his Democrat mouthpieces say THAT act of Congress would solve the fair pay problem?

Here we go again..

What Obama, the Democrats and the Main Street media failed to tell the public was his original solution was a joke in terms of helping women but a great payback by Obama for the millions of dollars of campaign contributions he got from the powerful Trial Lawyers Association and trial lawyers.

Every analysis done of his "signature" Lilly act by good guys (Democrats and Main Street media) and bad guys (Republicans and the business community) say his act was nothing more than a trial lawyer payout and did more to assist lawyers in collecting more fees than to promote equal pay for women in the workplace.

Women seem to be a tool of political expediency for this Administration to be used and confused by mixed signals, empty promises and demagoguery of the most sinuous nature.  Perhaps that is a reason Hillary Clinton seems to be putting more and more distance between herself and her former boss Obama.  And former President Bill Clinton is making more and more obvious references to the failures of the Obama Administration to accomplish anything.

So Obama has three public spokeswomen, Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, former House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Senator Barbara Mikulski, all part of the partisan Washington establishment with years of game playing experience and all part of the wonderful solution to women's pay equality they passed five years ago.

If they screwed it up last time and simply paid off the trial lawyers what in the world gives us confidence they will get it right this time?  Besides, they had their chance when they absolutely controlled Congress with Pelosi and Harry Reid in charge, do we really want to go back to that kind of leadership again.  Where is Hillary?

Attorney General Eric Holder

Now we come to the AG whining about the hidden agenda of racism that is causing him as the chief law enforcement officer in America and Obama as the first Black president to be victims to some nefarious secret plot.  In fact, the "attorney general", he said, talking in the third person as if he wasn't even in the room, is subject to the worst harassment by congress in history and it was even worse for Obama as our first minority president.

This came up because Holder was called to congress to deliver documents on the Obama Fast and Furious operations where guns confiscated by the government were sold to drug dealers from Mexico and used to kill American federal agents.  He again refused to turn over all the documents requested in the congressional investigation.

Then he gives a speech and attacks the way he was treated by congress.  When one of the top government officials has absolutely no sense of history and turns to race baiting to keep the media attention off his own failure to turn over documents to congress then something is very wrong with this Administration.

I could rattle off a list of former attorney generals who were persecuted by congress and it made no difference whether they were Black, Hispanic, White, Democrat or Republican.  The AG is the front man for the president and he better be capable of taking criticism for the boss and for the cover ups that take place.

As for the president being a target of racism, even the most beloved president in our history and the one who took the courageous action to fight a civil war in order to free the slaves, an act that made it possible for Obama to one day be president, Abraham Lincoln from Obama's own state of Illinois, was the victim of far more sinister and shameful racist attacks and eventually paid his life for his convictions.  Ironically Lincoln was accused of being part Negro by the rabid racists of that day.

Come on Eric, don't put yourself and the president above everyone who ever held the offices if you can't take the heat.  Just get out.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Obama Democrat Pit Bulls Called Off - Romney wins Dog World


I'll be doggone - Axelrod underestimates Obama's taste for dogs

In a shocking political turnaround that could easily swing the rest of the western world into Romney's corner, it seems those Democrat pit bulls Axelrod and Wasserman-Shultz, bit off a little more than they could chew.

For weeks the Obama surrogates have worked the compliant national media into story after story about how Romney drove to Canada with his dog on the roof.  Only a goof ball would think a dog would rather be in the car with five little boys, but that was the Obama campaign strategy.

Well, as always the truth finally comes out in politics and the truth was rather hard to swallow, even to the Chicago boys.

Romney might like his dog on the roof, but Obama seems to have liked his dog for dinner.  It seems the liberal media forgot to check Obama's own best selling book for his own vulnerabilities regarding dogs.

If they had, they would have noticed Obama talked about, well, eating dog in Indonesia which seems to be a bit more extreme than Romney's dog riding in a car carrier on the roof.

As the Obama campaign team continues to fumble the ball on issue after issue and talking point after talking point the Obama White House is beginning to look more like a fraternity party than presidency.

Their attempts to paint Obama as the chosen one or messiah fall apart every time the media takes the time to fact check the White House.  Too bad the lame street media didn't even bother vetting Obama in 2008, they were too busy drooling, or we might have known a lot more about our president.

For example, yes, the same guy (Obama) who says Republicans were the ones who declared war on women does not allow women to golf or play basketball with him.

Maybe the Obama slogan should be "I am what I say, not what I am."  Then truth might prevail.

Leave the dogs alone, they still have a reputation for loyalty and honesty.


Thursday, March 01, 2012

Is Obama backing Sexual Promiscuity as a Woman's Wellness Issue?


Obama backs federal regulation to pay for sexual promiscuity

In another bizarre deviation from the norm when it comes to an over-reaching federal government President Obama, and today the Democrat controlled Senate on a narrow 51-48 vote, have extended federal health care jurisdiction to guarantee protection for sexual promiscuity.

Under ObamaCare the federal government has now determined that sexual promiscuity must be covered by health insurance companies by ordering them to pay for multiple kinds of birth control in addition to abortions.

Where in the US Constitution does it guarantee the government will pay for freedom of sexual promiscuity?

Is this what a Harvard trained lawyer like Obama learns about our Constitution in law school?  He is the one claiming to be a Constitutional lawyer.

In the first place birth control was available and paid for through private sources for anyone in America for the last few decades.  Was it even necessary?  Or was it another ruse to expand the social engineering to further undermine morality and religion in our country?

Leading liberals, particularly feminist spokespeople, have made a passionate case that birth control is just another woman's health issue as if sexual promiscuity has no relationship to the matter and a woman is not normal unless they have a healthy sexual appetite.

They deny morality is involved and that religion has any role in working to stop the sexual epidemic currently facing our nation.

The Henry J. Kaiser family foundation says:

Every year there are more than 15 million new cases of STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) in the United States, including approximately 10 million new cases among people aged 15-24. Put another way: By age 24, at least one in three sexually active people will have contracted an STD.

Americans are getting hit at three times the rate of other wealthy nations by bad health consequences of sexual activity, a report says.

Based on an analysis of national health data, researchers said 20 million adverse health events occur each year as a result of sexual behavior.

An additional 30,000 deaths each year are attributable to sexual behavior translating to 2 million years of lost life, according to the study.

You may think it can’t happen to you, but every year there are almost 3 million unintended pregnancies in this country. Among young people the problem is especially serious. Each year nearly 1 million young women aged 15 to 19 get pregnant; that’s a little more than one in every nine teenagers. Eighty percent of these pregnancies are unplanned.

These unplanned pregnancies result in about 1.2 million abortions every year in America.

The Centers for Disease Control says `these are numbers that have been reported; actual cases may be much higher. But it remains a hidden epidemic, not just because many STDs have no symptoms, but because of the stigma and politics that complicate efforts to fight them.

DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz

DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz told Megyn Kelly of Fox News that all women deserve free contraceptives.  Here is what else Obama spokesperson and Democrat National Chairwoman Wasserman Schultz has said on this issue.

"Contraception in which 99 percent of women in America have used at some point in their life. And the Republicans want to debate not just religious liberty. They want to debate allowing all employers who might have an objection to deny that coverage that President Obama has said should be available under the Affordable Care Act, without a copay, and without a deductible."

"There is a new poll that shows the American people trust the president to make the right decision about this."

"that's a huge extreme divide between President Obama and his excellent accomplishment in passing the affordable care act and then giving access to health care, free preventive wellness like contraception"

"Contraception is an important part of women's preventive health care. It not only prevents unwanted pregnancies, but also allows couples to limit family size, increase the interval between pregnancies, and reduces infant, child and maternal deaths in women whom, either because of age or health, should not become pregnant. Oral contraceptives can also be crucial for women who suffer from painful maladies like endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome, or debilitating menstrual cramps or irregular periods."

Just a couple of notes about the facts and omissions from Chairwoman Wasserman.  She has said repeatedly that 99% of all women in America have used contraception.

Facts and Omissions

According to the US Census Bureau there were 127,026,000 women in America 15 years and older in 2010.  That means Wasserman says over 125 million women use contraceptives.

According to The Alan Guttmacher Institute:

• There are 62 million U.S. women in their childbearing years (15–44).

• Seven in 10 women of reproductive age (43 million women) are sexually active and do not want to become pregnant, but could become pregnant if they and their partners fail to use a contraceptive method.

• The proportion of women aged 15–44 currently using a contraceptive method increased from 56% in 1982 to 64% in 1995, and then declined slightly to 62% in 2002 and 2006–2008.

In other words, 38 million women use contraception in America of the 43 million who could use it.  Wasserman's facts are off by over 84 million.  Even if we assumed she misspoke and meant 99% of the "childbearing age " women use contraceptives she is still dead wrong, just 61% of that group use contraceptives.

She also goes into great detail about how couples and families have a right to a government mandate to provide contraceptives for child planning purposes but fails to mention teens who are responsible for one third of all unwanted pregnancies, are far more sexually active than adults, and suffer far more from an epidemic of sexually transmitted diseases.

Family Planning Centers and many schools have free contraceptives available for teens yet the epidemic of sexually transmitted diseases continues to spiral upward.  Her ideas will do nothing to help this demographic, the sufferers of the worst consequences of rampant sex.

What are STDs?

These are some of the diseases transmitted sexually.

In 2010, a total of 1,307,893 cases of sexually transmitted Chlamydia trachomatis infection were reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This is the largest number of cases ever reported to CDC for any condition. This case count corresponds to a rate of 426.0 cases per 100,000 population, an increase of 5.1% compared with the rate in 2009.

Rates of reported chlamydial infections among women have been increasing annually since the late 1980s, when public programs for screening and treatment of women were first established to avert pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) and related complications.

Following a 74% decline in the rate of reported gonorrhea during 1975–1996, overall gonorrhea rates plateaued for 10 years; it decreased during 2006–2009 to the lowest rate since national reporting began and then increased 2.8% between 2009 and 2010. In 2010, a total of 309,341 cases of gonorrhea were reported in the United States, which corresponds to a rate of 100.8 cases per 100,000 population.

The rate of primary and secondary (P&S) syphilis reported in the United States decreased during the 1990s, and in 2000, it was the lowest since reporting began in 1941. The low rate of syphilis and the concentration of most syphilis cases in a small number of geographic areas led to the development of the National Plan to Eliminate Syphilis from the United States, which was announced by the Surgeon General in 1999 and updated in 2006.

The overall rate of P&S syphilis in the United States declined 89.7% during 1990–2000, then increased each year from 2001 through 2009. In 2010, the overall rate decreased for the first time in 10 years. The rate decreased 21% in women but increased slightly, 1.3%, in men. In 2010, a total of 13,774 cases of P&S syphilis were reported to CDC. After 14 years of decline, the number of reported cases of congenital syphilis reached an historic low of 339 cases in 2005. The number of cases increased from 2006–2008 but has since decreased with 377 cases reported in 2010, a 15% decrease since 2008.

Do we really believe this has nothing to do with sexual promiscuity or morality but is simply a matter of wellness for women according to Obama?

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Debbie Wasserman Schultz - She's No Sarah Palin


Obama's Democrat Mouthpiece Toes the Obama Line

If you are not a professional politician or member of the Lame Street Media then by now you must be missing the over-shadowing presence of one Sarah Palin from the daily campaign scene.  No one politician has ever rattled the cages of the establishment and liberal media like Palin and it did not matter if she did or said anything.  As long as she was a viable spokesperson for the Tea Party, the Momma Grizzlies or any other group of anti-establishment people, she riled the liberal media and Democrats like no one could.

By the end of the 2008 campaign the GOP lost the election but by only 7% of the vote.  With Obama running against the most unpopular president in history, the economy in a shambles, America in decline, two endless wars killing our youth, millions losing jobs and millions more losing their homes, it is hard to believe Obama could not win by a landslide.

Palin was most responsible for keeping the GOP ticket in the race, a fact that will never be agreed to by the media and Democrats whose faces still turn red with hatred or envy when they think of this shotgun toting Alaska firecracker.

Well Obama must have wanted his own Sarah Palin knowing that she was the only thorn in his side during the campaign so he named his answer to Sarah, a Congressional Democrat named Debbie Wasserman Schultz from Florida.

In some ways she has seemed to parrot Sarah Palin because she has demonstrated an ability to polarize the public, to annoy the Republicans with her half baked arguments against anything relating to the GOP, and with her total disregard for Republicans, Independents and reality.

However, she is just an Obama spokesperson and no Obama spokesperson is allowed to have a mind of their own or a concern for anything non-Obama.  If one were to fact check her stream of consciousness blurted out in sound bites over the liberal media every day it would take a virtual encyclopedia to correct the record.  Then again, she uses the traditional political party spokesperson model of throwing truth to the wind when talking to the people.  Forget the facts, just stick with the party line.

Wasserman Shultz is no Sarah Palin and her attempts to emulate the success and power of the conservative media star of the Tea Party have about as much chance of succeeding as the Obama economic recovery program.

Many a politician tried to control Palin and failed.  Even the McCain campaign could not silence her and her ideas on what was wrong with America.  Long after she lost the election her bitter enemies continued to try and destroy her reputation and her life but she survived attack after attack and made herself into something of a folk hero for standing up to the ruthless establishment in Washington, D.C.

Slowly the Obama party line voiced by Debbie Wasserman Schultz may just draw the real Sarah Palin back in to the presidential campaign as a counter point to the deluge of babble and we most surely could use the common sense and lightning impact of Sarah in offsetting the billion dollar re-election campaign promised by the president.

Stay tuned...