Showing posts with label Ouija Board. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ouija Board. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 04, 2016

Does God Intend to do that which Humans failed to do - Silence the Political Blowhards in our Nation's Capitol? God is Angry! Hurricane Matthew - Bullseye - Washington, D.C.


I think we all grew up hearing stories about times when the gods were upset, and most had a cast of humans involved who seemed to draw the ire of those Gods.  Thus Divine Providence took action against the human race, His creation I might add, to put an end to the self-destructive nature of humans.

Well this time I think we have really done it.  Move over all those ancient purges of humanity, there is a new messenger from the Almighty, and the message surely is not good.  You really do not want to make God angry.  It happened before with consequences as noted in the Old Testament.

1. The Flood (Genesis 6-8)
2. The cities of the plain, including Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 18-19)
3. The Egyptian firstborn sons during the Passover (Exodus 11-12)
4. The Canaanites under Moses and Joshua (Numbers 21:2-3; Deuteronomy 20:17; Joshua 6:17, 21)
5. The Amalekites annihilated by Saul (1 Samuel 15)

The Presidential election in America seems to have angered God and it seems the way God has chosen to respond is to send a massive hurricane and make certain there is not enough warning to prepare for it.

Thus we have Hurricane Matthew bearing down on America and as of today, Tuesday, the news media has failed to tell people of the threat and danger.  Oh, they have filed endless reports on the Hurricane and Haiti among other islands in the Caribbean but have you heard a word about Norfolk, Washington, D.C., Philadelphia, the New Jersey coast, or New York City and Long Island?

Of course not.

Perhaps there have been so many false reports from the weather stations in the past few years they are gun shy of making predictions, even though all predictions are computer models and not from humans.

I do not know about you but I no longer trust anything digital from the news to weather to gossip.  Behind every digital signal is a giant member of the One Tenth of One Percent Club, the good old OTOPC that is pulling all the strings on Earth now.  The Trillionaire's Club, owners of the Illuminati, New World Order, Templars, news media, and all the other secret societies on Earth will be in control.

Obviously, they do not want us to know about the Hurricane bearing down on about 50 million people in the Northeast or they would have started dire broadcasts about the monster storm about to engulf the East Coast.

One can only assume there are no advertisers left with any money to buy ads for the storm warnings, so no ads, no warnings.

By now, all the shelves in stores would be emptied, even after the prices were doubled for hurricane preparations.

Well Gallup says 94% of the public do not trust the news media, and since weather is part of news, I guess it is a good thing they are not warning us because the warnings would be wrong.  They would generate a panic in Boston as the storm destroys Washington, D.C.

No, finding the truth requires a more concerted effort.  Thus, I dusted off the Ouija Board and asked if I could trust the weather forecasters.  The answer, "Eejits", the Irish-English equivalent of idiot but softer of tone.

When I asked where the big storm would hit I got a curious four-word coded response from the Board, "steamy blabbermouths, and blowhards!"

Clearly, it meant our nation's capitol where there is always a cloud of steam when the politicians gather.  The only problem I ever had was determining if those characters were working up a head of steam or were lost in the fog.

Then I asked what we did to make God so angry and deserve such a storm, and the Ouija Board, quite indignantly, said, "Listen to the Eejits Eejit."

What kind of Almighty God would want to silence humanity in such a way I thought, when the Board shot a parting answer, "Not just The One, but also the six Alien races already there."

My first question was what in the world did Trump say this time.  Then it occurred to me, the Board was not talking about "illegal aliens" but about the kind from somewhere far out into the galaxy.  In case you are wondering, the six Alien races are defined in the next story.

Not one to take such abuse from paranormal, spiritual, or ethereal answers, I promptly packed up the Board and decided to take my chances with common sense.  Trust no one and watch I Dream of Jeannie reruns until November 9 and all will be well.

Monday, July 07, 2014

Obamaville July 7, 2014 - Who can run faster - away from the president?


The Obama Foreign Policy Process

So here in the political capital (yes the spelling is right) of America there is a new game in town and it is who can run the fastest away from the policies of President Barack Obama. You might have noticed that the Obama favorability ratings have been in free fall since his re-election in 2012.

Now that his negatives have passed his positives and the people of America seem to be wondering just what it is he actually stands for there seems to be a stampede of liberals, people and institutions, running away from any responsibility for the Obama presidency.

Once upon a time such turncoats were known as hypocrites and scorned but since the list of hypocrites includes people and institutions who were once darlings of the left I guess we have to consider them enlightened.

With no apparent concept of the mechanics of the policy development and implementation process and having been abandoned by all those Obama mouthpieces who used to be around and told him what to think and say, you might say who ran interference with the media, the Obama administration is clearly adrift when it comes to coherent messaging and purpose.

There are times when presidential decisions seem to be made with an Ouija Board rather than any decision-making process.  And at times it seems as if the Dark Side is controlling the Board.  Such is the mystery of the presidential policy process.

As for the runners away:

Hillary Clinton - Her calculated ambitions to lock everyone out of the Democratic nomination for president keep running into speed bumps when it comes to her relationship with Obama.  She did lose to him then agree to be a loyal partner as his Secretary of State.  It has come back to haunt her stumbling presidential coronation as the Obama foreign policy, which she directed, has collapsed in the eyes of the public.  It will take a diversion as good as husband Bill Clinton pulled off to avoid impeachment when he was president to get out of responsibility for the Obama foreign affairs fiasco.

Bill Clinton - Lo and behold the other Clinton has also gone silent on what used to be his lukewarm support for the guy who beat his wife in the 2008 election.  Let's face it, after the rough and tumble primary it was probably the endorsement by Bill Clinton and his work to get Obama elected that propelled Barack into the presidency.  The same effort was critical to getting Obama re-elected.  Now Bill has to make all that go away to help his wife.

Harry Reid & Nancy Pelosi - The Democrat leaders of the Senate and House never seem to mention Barack Obama as if that would make him fade away in the minds of the public.  But there is a massive record of all the times they served as water boy and girl to the president, defended his actions, and supported his failures during the past six years so in their cases silence is golden.

The chairperson of the Democratic National Committee, DNC, U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida - She was handpicked by Obama to defend him against the dastardly Republicans, and also seems to have adopted the "out of mind out of sight" approach to public relations.  Once upon a time her face was all over the media defending her president but those days seem long gone and after the exasperation it must have caused her it came not a moment too soon.

The New York Times and The Washington Post - These Citadels of liberal Main Street media have changed their tune from Obama apologists to nitpickers about the failure of the president to live up to his liberal agenda promises.  In particular they seem surprised and upset about the massive failure in the Obama foreign relations.

Stay tuned because we still have 2 1/2 more years to report on.
