Showing posts with label CDC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CDC. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Lyme Disease Pandemic Update - The Truth Begins to Emerge through the work of independent Doctors


Lyme Disease - The CDC and Western Medical system hiding behind lies and omissions!

As a chronic sufferer of Lyme disease and one who has heard about every lie and distortion about Lyme from Western Doctors, the CDC, and alternative health providers, I can say there might be hope on the horizon for a real cure.

My extensive research and more extensive pain has led me to conclude that no one knows the truth and the Western Medical community including doctors, hospitals, research centers, insurance companies, and pharmaceutical companies, not to mention testing labs and the CDC, have created a massive deception to avoid being responsible, liable, or culpable in the continuing disaster in response to the health pandemic.

There are so many seemingly unrelated conditions triggered by the Lyme disease the road to recovery will be slow and may require supplemental treatment of the neurological and other consequences such as multiple bacterial infections.

Here are the latest truths I can find in the health care industry.

It will take a combination of Eastern, Western, and alternative medicine to really destroy the Lyme.

A pre-treatment before the antibody treatment must attack parasites protecting the Lyme cells from the antibodies. (Parasite Complex)

Only one antibiotic has actually worked with regularity - Doxycycline - it must be taken as the parasite treatment is ending.  (A typical treatment is 200 mg per day for 10-15 days.)

Drug resistant cells must be treated simultaneously with stefania de cantis to enable them to be killed by the antibody.  For more information on how to use the herb see the work of Stephen Harrod Buhner at his website;

Do not be surprised if follow up treatments for various infections and other issues still must be resolved.

The latest information on Lyme awareness and treatment comes from Dr. Nevena Zubcevik, attending physician at Harvard Medical School and co-director of Dean Center for Tick Borne Illness at Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital in Charlestown.

Here is a 2016 interview with this exceptional and dedicated doctor.


Visiting physician sheds new light on Lyme disease

On a visit to Martha’s Vineyard Hospital, Dr. Nevena Zubcevik challenged conventional diagnosis and treatment of tick-borne diseases.
 -Jul 13, 2016

Dr. Nevena Zubcevik described her findings on Lyme disease diagnosis and treatment, and its effect on the brain, to Martha's Vineyard Hospital physicians and members of the public last week. — Barry Stringfellow

This past Friday, Dr. Nevena Zubcevik, attending physician at Harvard Medical School and co-director of Dean Center for Tick Borne Illness at Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital in Charlestown (SRH) traveled to one of the nation’s front lines in the public health battle against Lyme disease to speak to a group of Martha’s Vineyard Hospital physicians. “I wanted to do this presentation by Skype because of all the ticks you have here,” she joked.
Dr. Zubcevik was at Martha’s Vineyard Hospital (MVH) to speak at grand rounds, a weekly meeting of clinicians, which on this day was open to the public, resulting in an overflow crowd at the Community Room just off the hospital lobby.
Over the course of the hour, she shared the most recent findings that she and her colleagues have made on the diagnosis and treatment of Lyme disease, in particular on the 10 to 15 percent of patients who suffer long-term symptoms, defined by Centers for Disease Control (CDC) as post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome (PTLDS). She discussed the protean nature of tick-borne diseases, the importance of public awareness, and the urgent need for the medical community to step up its game.
“Graduating medical students and doctors really aren’t educated about the gravity of this epidemic,” she said. “There’s a gap there that needs to be filled. We’re all responsible to educate our young doctors about what this entails.”
Dr. Zubcevic said the recent revelation that actor, singer, and songwriter Kris Kristofferson was cured of dementia once he was properly diagnosed with Lyme disease should be a lesson for medical professionals on how pervasive the disease is, and how often it is overlooked.
“Sudden-onset dementia should really be a red flag for Lyme [disease], especially in people with compromised immune systems,” she said.
“Everyone over 50 has a compromised immune system.”
Dr. Zubcevik said that doctors and parents should know that Lyme presents differently in children than it does in adults. “71 percent of the time, headache is the most common symptom in children,” she said. “Mood disturbance, fatigue, and irritability are also frequent symptoms in children. If they are acting out in school all of a sudden, get them tested.”
Dr. Zubcevik cited a particularly compelling example of undiagnosed Lyme disease where a 29-year-old male had been institutionalized four times for schizophrenia. After a series of tests, and in concert with a psychiatrist, Dr. Zubcevik began a course of daily antibiotics on him. “The first month he could remember what he had for breakfast,” she said. “The second month he could read a chapter of a book, and after six months he was back to normal. He could tolerate light and sound again, which he couldn’t before.”
Tick truths challenged
Dr. Zubcevik said recent research debunks several commonly held beliefs about the transmission and treatment of tick-borne diseases.
“The conception that the tick has to be attached for 48 hours to inject the bacteria is completely outdated,” she said. “There are studies that show that an attachment of 15 minutes can give you anaplasmosis,10 minutes for the Powassan virus, and for the different strains of Borrelia burgdorferi, we have no idea.”
Dr. Zubcevic said the notion that children, infants, or pregnant women should not be given doxycycline is also outdated. “Dermatologists have prescribed doxycycline to kids for years to treat acne; why not for such a debilitating disease?”
She also said the two-day course of doxycycline, often prescribed for people who find a tick embedded on their body, has little or no prophylactic value. “It should be 100 to 200 milligrams of doxycycline twice a day for 20 days, regardless of the time of engorgement,” she said. “It is not a two-day thing.”
The blood tests currently used to detect the presence of the Borrelia burgdorferi bacterium are the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and the Western blot test.
Dr. Zubcevik said research has shown there are 10 different strains of Lyme disease in the United States, and many of them do not test positive on the traditional Western blot or ELISA tests. In a previous email to The Times, she wrote that with current testing, 69 out of 100 patients who have Lyme disease may go untreated.
“The bull’s-eye rash only happens 20 percent of the time,” she said. “It can often look like a spider bite or a bruise. If you get a bull’s-eye it’s like winning the lottery. Borrelia miyamotoi, which we have a lot in Massachusetts, will not test positive on either test. That’s a huge problem, so the CDC is moving toward a different kind of test.”
Borrelia miyamotoi also has the potential to spread rapidly, since it’s transmitted directly from mother to offspring. Nymphal deer ticks need to feed on a mammal, most likely the white-footed mouse, to contract the virulent Borrelia burgdorferi bacterium.
In addition to Lyme disease, Islanders are also vulnerable to coinfections such as babesiosis, anaplasmosis, ehrlichiosis, and tularemia, which can also go undetected. “Babesiosis is a malaria-like disease that can persist for months or even years,” she said. “Patients who can’t catch their breath are a red flag for babesiosis.”
Double whammy
Dr. Zubcevik described deer tick nymphs as “the perfect vector” because of their diminutive size — the size of the “D” on a dime — and because of the analgesic in their saliva that often makes their bite almost undetectable.
The bacteria they inject are equally crafty.
“Borrelia burgdorferi is an amazing organism; I have a lot of respect for it,” she said. “It is a spirochete, meaning it can corkscrew into tissue as well as travel in the bloodstream. It can do whatever it wants. It’s twice the speed of a [white blood cell], which is our fastest cell. It’s so strong it can swim against the flow of the bloodstream.”
Dr. Zubcevik said there are videos that show a white blood cell pursuing a spirochete, which evades capture by drilling into tissue.
“It’s really easy to see why this adaptive bug can avoid the immune system,” she said.
Dr. Zubcevik said doxycycline stops the bacteria from replicating, but it doesn’t kill them. The rest is up to the body’s immune system, which is the reason some people suffer for so long.
“There’s a lot of neurotoxicity, which is why people feel so bad all over. It’s like a toxic warfare going on inside the patient’s body.”
Controversy continues
Last week, Governor Charlie Baker rejected the legislature’s controversial budget amendment that would have required insurance companies to cover the cost of long-term antibiotic treatment which chronic Lyme Disease (CLD) advocates maintain is the most effective treatment for their symptoms. The Massachusetts Infectious Disease Society, representing more than 500 infectious disease specialists, does not recognize CLD, and urged the governor to reject the amendment, asserting that long-term intravenous antibiotic therapy can be dangerous and possibly lead to “superbugs” that are immune to current treatments.
The CDC also does not recognize CLD or the use of long-term antibiotics for PTLDS. “Regardless of the cause of PTLDS, studies have not shown that patients who received prolonged courses of antibiotics do better in the long run than patients treated with placebo,” the CDC website states. “Furthermore, long-term antibiotic treatment for Lyme disease has been associated with serious complications.”
However, the website also says, “Recent animal studies have given rise to questions that require further research.”
Dr. Zubcevik diagnoses the condition with a different name — “persistent symptoms related to Lyme disease.”
“I’m new to this field,” she said. “For me there’s no controversy. We have to innovate, we have to find solutions. [SRH] has connected with top scientists from all around the country. Studies show that after treatment in mice, dogs, and monkeys, Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria are still there. This has also been shown in human tests.”
Citing the work of Dr. Ying Zhang at Johns Hopkins Lyme Center, she said the most likely effective remedy will be a combination of several antibiotics. In a previous interview with The Times, Dr. Zhang said he has worked on an effective PTLDS treatment for six years, and that current Lyme disease treatments may not clear bacterial debris, or “persisters,” which may be one of the possible causes of PTLDS. Dr. Zhang said that his work on tuberculosis (TB) is his primary focus; however, advances in fighting TB, e.g. using new combinations of drugs already approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), have yielded promising results in the fight against “persisters.”
“There’s also a need to develop a more sensitive test,” he said.
Patient advocate
Although she started out at Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital focusing on the neuropathy of concussions, Dr. Zubcevik branched out into treating people with Lyme disease in part because both maladies can cause similar cognitive impairment. “I heard Lyme disease patients say they can’t remember what they had for breakfast, or they get lost driving home,” she said. “It sounded the same as concussion symptoms, so we started doing PET scans.”
Positron emission tomography, or PET scan, is an imaging test that uses a radioactive substance that shows brain functioning. Dr. Zubcevik said PET scan of a patient with persistent Lyme disease symptoms showed a brain colored in blue and purple hues, where a healthy brain presented with shades of yellow and green. She showed an image of the patient’s brain after six months of intravenous antibiotics, which was dominated by shades of yellow and green.
Dr. Zubcevik told the hospital gathering that many patients she sees have been suffering the physical, mental, and emotional effects of the disease for so long, they have lost the will to live. “I literally have patients who were just done,” she said. “They couldn’t go on. The first thing I do is validate their experience, and tell them, ‘I believe you.’ Sometimes they start crying because somebody finally listened. Some patients show symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder because they’ve been ignored for so long. Marriages dissolve all the time because one spouse thinks the other is being lazy. Many chronically ill patients end up alone.”
Treatment at SRH borrows from many different disciplines. In addition to medication, it can include nutrition counseling, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech language therapy, mental health counseling, and referrals to infectious disease and other specialists as necessary.
Dr. Zubcevik said that the program was initially funded by a donation from a patient who was treated shortly after the clinic opened. “We’re always looking for more funding,” she said.
The current wait list at Spaulding is about four months.  
Prevention, prevention, prevention
“Once patients are doing better, I will call harass them on the weekend to check if they are taking the proper precautions,” Dr. Zubcevik said. “Are they using repellant? Are they doing daily checks? Are they treating their dogs? I don’t want to do another PICC line [intravenous drug access] or PET scan.”
Dr. Zubcevik also said many people need to know proper tick removal — using tweezers to grab the head of the tick, not at the body.
“Don’t don’t squeeze the belly of the tick, it will inject the bacteria into your bloodstream. Do not use oils; it can make the tick vomit the bacteria into the bloodstream. If the tick is deeply embedded, go to the doctor.”
More information on SRH can be found at
Numerous videos on Lyme disease prevention, including Dr. Zubcevik’s presentation, are available on the MVTV website.
My daughter was bitten by a tick on the Vineyard three years ago during our annual family vacation at an up-island rental. Her husband removed it & we thought nothing of it. She eventually developed flu-like symptoms, panic attacks, etc. Six months later in South Carolina she had a miscarriage which triggered a myriad of neurological symptoms which dozens of neurologists, ER doctors, Cleveland Clinic Epilepsy doctors & surgeons, psychiatrists who told her it was all in her head & tons of tests could not explain why she was continually becoming sicker everyday! An ER doctor in the midst of this questioned if she'd ever been bitten by a tick, to which we responded yes. But The ELISA test was too late in the game & came back negative. She continued to suffer tremendously. And any other doctor who questioned if she'd been tested for Lyme was given our usual response: Yes she was tested & it was negative. We were not Lyme literate. Well here we are 3 years after the bite. She ended up with double stars on significant bands on a Western Blot. She was treated in AZ by a clinic for 13 weeks with IV antibiotics and many other methods to try and kill the bacteria, costing tens of thousands of dollars out of pocket. She had to quit her successful job as a artistic director for an advertising firm due to this devastating illness. Her husband's a 5th grade teacher. She is still not well & struggling every day let alone every hour. She's now been put on oral antibiotics & supplements. And a new DNA test has recently revealed that she not only still has the Lyme Borrelia bacteria, but also has the co-infections of Bartonella (which we suspected due to the "cat scratches" she develops on her skin periodically), Babesia & Ehrlichia! This has been a very traumatic road she's been down, along with those supporting her. Her symptoms range from seizure-like shocks radiating through her head to hearing fluctuation & sensitivity, tinnitus, visual disturbances, facial paralysis, low grade fever, tingling & numbness to her head & extremities, buzzing in her feet & hands, the list goes on. The medical community through out this country must listen to doctors such as Dr. Zubcevik and begin treatment to individuals asap. When it reaches a chronic state its so difficult for the person to deal with. She struggles facing every new day knowing what she has to battle! So thank you Dr. Zubcevik! I pray the nation listens!

She is very fortunate to have you as her cheerleader! Many others have families that deny there is anything wrong which makes fighting this illness much harder. Thank you for standing by your daughter and sharing with others!
You are very very kind. I honestly wished she would've kept a journal. To have put this into a book would have been so helpful to others suffering while feeling alone. But she is struggling so horrendously that she's been unable to do so. Very hard to see someone suffer day after day and know that you must kill the bacteria but the process makes you unimaginably sicker when you're dealing with neuro Lyme. Thank you, again for your kind words!
Not kindness, just simple decency to respond to your trials. I completely agree with Sharon hansen, and salute you, until all physicians admit how little we actually know about Lyme, more will suffer. thank you for sharing your story it has educated me.
Thank you. I want the world to know the devastation & debilitation this illness can cause. We need Dr. Zubcevik to share her information with the masses! Again, thank you.

Each summer for several years I got bitten, but was diagnosed and treated with Doxy, which remediated most of the symptoms . Three year ago, however, it went undiagnosed and became disseminated. That's when all hell broke loose. You and others here have described the life-altering changes, neurological and otherwise, so all I'll say is that I'm grateful it didn't happen during the years when I was responsible for supporting my family. That would have been truly devastating for all concerned.
The article didn't really offer much hope for those of us whose "barn door" was unknowingly left open too long, with the horse long gone. Like many others others, I'm now trying to live productively under very challenging circumstances.
As a side note, I have no patience for those in my area who resist and condemn efforts to control the deer population. I used to think the worst impact of having them grazing on my property was the loss of shrubbery. I now know it's more about the loss of life as I knew it.
Its the rodents that bring the ticks so close to us far more than the deer, thats why we needs Coyotes & foxes, 96% of thr diet is rodents
I hear foxes in the backyard at night and always wish them well in their hunting.
            False negative Lyme tests are very common, doesn't mean anything... Symptoms determine Lyme disease. Good natural treatments are more effective, far less costly, I am cured after having 7 years of chronic Lyme disease! Come join this non-profit group... JimJax:

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Health Care in America - Did You Hear About This in the News?


Someone forgot to tell us the news we can use

I'm a curious sort so I try to understand the world view on America by following news sources from around the world.  It has always fascinated me how the American, and the television network and cable news stations in particular, seem to filter what we need to know.

So I check out the BBC in the UK and other sources in France, Germany, Russia, China, Japan, Mexico and South America every day.  Many international events are not even reported on American television.  In fact, a lot of American events are not reported on American television.

It makes one wonder.  Why are stories important to the world considered not important to our own television network and cable news shows?  Isn't that what they are supposed to do?

Take a look at the following stories that can be found around the world.  Don't you think it would be important to know about them?  Don't you think they have an impact on America?

America's Legal Drug Addiction

Prescription drug abuse has become a major problem in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 100 people die from drug overdoses everyday in the US; and nearly 3 of 4 drug overdoses are caused by prescription painkillers.

In other words, legally prescribed drug abuse results in 27,375 deaths a year, while illegal drug abuse results in just 9,125 deaths a year.  Think about it.  Three times as many people are killed by doctors as all the illegal drug dealers combined.

Deaths from Hospital Medical Errors Near 200,000 a year in USA

Preventable medical mistakes and infections are responsible for about 200,000 deaths in the U.S. each year, according to an investigation by the Hearst media corporation.

In a separate article by Dr. Gary Null, (archived at government statistics were gathered to present an overall picture of the extent of death-by-the medical-system serving the United States.

Here is a summary of the data supporting Dr. Null’s conclusion that the American medical system is the leading cause of death and injury in the United States resulting in at least 783,136 dead.

The medical system mortalities break down this way: adverse drug reactions: 106,000; medical error: 98,000; bedsores: 115,000; infection: 88,000; malnutrition: 108,000; outpatients: 199,000; unnecessary procedures: 37,136; and surgery-related: 32,000.

As Dr. Null explains, these are conservative estimates that do not attempt to overcome the considerable limitations of self-reporting regarding error and negligence.

Dr. Null's report is at:

Are Medical Mistakes Counted in "Leading Cause of Death Records in USA?

Leading Causes of Death

(Data are for the U.S. and are final 2009 data; For the most recent preliminary data see Deaths: Preliminary Data for 2010 [PDF - 724 KB])

Number of deaths for leading causes of death

·         Heart disease: 599,413

·         Cancer: 567,628

·         Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 137,353

·         Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 128,842

·         Accidents (unintentional injuries): 118,021

·         Alzheimer's disease: 79,003

·         Diabetes: 68,705

·         Influenza and Pneumonia: 53,692

·         Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 48,935

Posted by the US Center for Disease Control

Editors Note:

Do you see a category for any of the Medical Mistakes that cause deaths?  Neither the Hearst investigation nor the study by Dr. Gary Null which indicates there are nearly 800,000 deaths a year from Medical Mistakes are reflected in the CDC report.

Why are we not being told what is going on in America?

When considering these stories and the death totals note that the In Hospital Medical Error deaths (200,000) would rank it as the 3rd highest cause of death in America while the Medical Mistakes deaths (800,000) would make it the number one cause of death in America.

Is there a financial incentive for news media to NOT report the news?  Stay tuned for further updates.

Wednesday, October 01, 2014

Obamaville October 1 - When do the lies stop?


Today the CDC became the newest government agency to lie to the public in a long list of institutional lying the past two years alone.  When they announced the first Ebola case in the United States they said there was no chance of anyone else being exposed.  Then 12 hours later they said the patient was refused Ebola treatment the first time he went to the hospital because they didn't test for Ebola even though he told them he came from Liberia.  He was given the great American cure all, antibodies, which have no effect on Ebola, then sent home.  For the next two days everyone he encountered in Dallas, Texas was exposed to Ebola.

What does it mean to citizens of the USA?  More important, who can you believe?  Did I mention there is no cure currently available?

Of course we are also facing a nationwide epidemic of the D68 virus in children and numerous cases have mutated from a very dangerous virus to paralyzing the victims and no cure is in sight for this either. 

Then there is the MERS coronavirus virus that has spread to the USA from the Middle East and again there is no cure.  If the victim has a strong immune system they may live.  Here in the land of addictive prescription drugs, dozens of required vaccinations, and the explosion of antibiotics prescribed, to both the humans for every little cause and in the food supply through massive doses in the animal feed, we have destroyed much of our immune system thanks to our government regulation.

The biggest lie of all is that we have a good health care system.  Right now the only thing healthy about American health care is the massive wealth being accumulated by the doctors, pharmaceutical corporations, health care providers, insurance companies, health equipment manufacturers, stock holders in health care companies, and banks financing the maze of activity designed to keep you sick, not make you healthy.

To this day our government does not allow medical practices that have been in use around the world for thousands of years that prevent people from getting sick.  Why are proven Chinese health practices such as herbal treatment and acupuncture not approved for health insurance and Medicare?

Did I mention the agency scandal of the week, this time the Secret Service, forced to admit the president has been in danger more than once and if the most recent fence jumping person who made it over the fence, across the lawn, and inside the White House to the private quarters of the first family had been carrying plastic explosives instead of a knife, there might not be a White House.  Thank God an off duty officer finally tackled the intruder.

This comes on the heels of two more disclosures of failures to protect the president, which was preceded by a prostitution ring that was serving the Secret Service agents some kind of security.  Today the Secret Service director was fired or resigned depending on whose lie you care to believe.

Not to prolong the discussion, but we are also still trying to find out what really happened in the IRS scandal that also cost a director her job.

Bringing up the rear in our cavalcade of institutional lies is the National Security Agency tale of woes thanks to whistle blower Edward Snowden.  Now these lies have echoed throughout the world and seriously damaged our credibility.

And that, my friends, is all the ink I will devote to the avalanche of lies we are being spoon fed.