CBS News led by CBS Anchor just cannot stop trying to smear Sarah Palin long after Katie Couric failed to generate higher ratings when she attempted to embarrass Palin during a campaign interview.

In fact the backlash against Couric was fierce as she steadily sank to the lowest ratings in network news history finishing a distant last with little more than 5 million viewers. Her counterpart at NBC, Brian Williams saw the same erosion in ratings after the election as NBC and the MSNBC cable network also attempted to smear Palin every chance they got.

The latest move by CBS is an Early Morning Show interview with Levi Johnston, the father of Palin's granddaughter. Somehow CBS and MSNBC think Palin is still a major threat to "real women" on the liberal left and her early success with her new book has infuriated those leftist elitists who have been trying to silence Palin ever since she took the political world by storm.

Still two weeks away from release, the Palin book, Going Rogue - An American Story, is literally driving the liberal media insane. When CBS has to dig up the 19 year old disenfranchised father of Bristol Palin's baby, then give the story a provocative lead as follows, it shows CBS News is either desperate for higher ratings or supportive of promoting pornography since Johnston is announcing a nude spread he is doing for Playgirl magazine.

ANCHORAGE, Alaska, Oct. 8, 2009

Levi Johnston to Pose Nude for Playgirl
19-Year-Old Father of Sarah Palin's Grandchild Training Hard to Buff-Up for Magazine Spread

If malice had no role in this why would CBS News be the only network to give it national television exposure? Why would any headline writer with journalistic integrity focus on Sarah Palin and her grandchild when highlighting a nude photo spread by a lunatic from the Alaska backwoods? Neither Palin nor her grandchild had anything to do with this attention starved maniac and his nude photo shoot.

MSNBC was quick to feature the CBS interview in a rare showing of competitors cooperating but then the bond of extreme socialism runs deep and no one in media is more socialist than MSNBC. It is a fact well known to the public as MSNBC ratings fail to reach one million viewers most of the time, more than ten times less than competitor Fox News.

Fact is Fox News has more viewers than every competitor on cable combined. As for CBS and Katie Couric, they should be paying less attention to smearing Palin and more preparing for more bad news as Diane Sawyer will soon become the ABC Evening News Anchor and dear Katie could fade farther into the depths of disastrous ratings.

As for Sarah Palin, she has a million dollars and a best selling book and will be featured on Oprah who vowed to keep Palin off her TV show during the campaign because she was backing Obama. I guess Palin has a much more Christian attitude than our media since she can forgive and forget media efforts to hurt her.

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