Wednesday, October 27, 2010



The war of annihilation between the Nazis and Communists

ISBN 0964599317
LCCN 2004095812

Available worldwide through Amazon Kindle books

Note to French Readers - What You May Not Know About Your History

During my 7 years researching my history book, Saviors of the 20th Century, Hitler & Stalin, The War of Annihilation between the Nazis and Communists, I was somewhat surprised to learn of the role of France in the development and spread of Communism and the rise of Jewish dominance in the communist movement prior to the Russian Revolution of 1917.

From the time of the French Revolution until the Russian Revolution, France was the place where the German, English and other radical Communists met to plan and execute the rise of the Communist party into one of the most powerful and blood thirsty political movements on earth.

It was action by Communist sympathizers in France that seeded the international revolutionary socialist and then Communist movements that brought about the overthrow of several European nations before achieving success in overthrowing the Czar in Russia and forming the Soviet Union.

More important, it was a pamphlet whose origins are reputed to be French called The Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion that seemed to expose a worldwide revolution undertaken by Jews. This document fell into the hands of Czar Nicholas II and led to intensifying the Russian revolution, a battle between the Czarist regime and Jewish revolutionaries.

The same document fell into the hands of a young Adolph Hitler and was responsible for the war of annihilation between the Nazis and Jewish Bolshevik Communists controlling the Soviet Union 20 years later.

In a way it was this documented that played a role in bringing about both Communism and Nazism, and with it brought about the deaths of 220 million people at the hands of the leaders of the two political movements.

As the following excerpt from my book, Saviors of the 20th Century Hitler & Stalin, Chapter 7 describes, it was often the unnoticed and unexpected events that changed the course of history.

Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion

It was rumored throughout western nations that in the fall of 1897 Jewish leaders from around the world met and adopted “The Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion,” an inflammatory document outlining a plot by the Jews to undermine society, overthrow governments, and destroy Christianity.

The story of this publication is fascinating and none told it better than Konrad Heiden, an acquaintance of Hitler and the self-proclaimed leader of an anti-Hitler and anti-Nazi group in Munich, Germany in the early 1920s. In his book, “Der Fuehrer,” 1944, the following excerpts indicated the history of the Protocols according to Heiden.

One day in the summer of 1917 a student was reading in his room in Moscow. A stranger entered, laid a book on the table, and silently vanished. The cover of the book bore in Russian the words from the twenty-fourth chapter of Matthew: “He is near, he is hard by the door.”

The student sensed the masterful irony of higher powers in this strange happening. They had sent him a silent message. He opened the book, and the voice of a demon spoke to him.

It was a message concerning the Antichrist, who would come at the end of days. The Antichrist is no mythical being, no monkish medieval fantasy. It is the portrait of a type of man who comes to the fore when an epoch is dying. He is a man with a white skin, in everyday clothes, dangerously contemporary, and a mighty demagogue. He will talk with the masses, and at his word the masses will rise up and turn a culture to ashes, a culture which has deserved no better, since it has borne the Antichrist in its own image and for its own destruction.

“We” - the demon always says “We” - shall create unrest, struggle, and hate in the whole of Europe and thence in other continents. We shall at all times be in a position to call forth new disturbances at will, or to restore the old order...

Unremittingly we shall poison the relations between the peoples and states of all countries...

We are the chosen, we are the true men…

Outwardly, however, in our “official” utterances, we shall adopt an opposite procedure and always do our best to appear honorable and co-operative. A statesman’s words do not have to agree with his acts…

If any state dares to resist us; if its neighbors make common cause with it against us, we shall unleash a world war.

By all these methods we shall so wear down the nations that they will be forced to offer us world domination...

He turns back the pages and discovers that all this accursed wisdom, all these diabolical plans, were hatched out by a group of old Jews. Who met together in a back room in Basel, Switzerland, in the year 1897? The demon aiming to devour the world is a Jewish club…

And thus The Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion, since became so famous, fell into the hands of Alfred Rosenberg.

A mysterious occurrence. Rosenberg himself has often told how the unknown suddenly stepped into the room, laid down the book, and silently departed. To Rosenberg it was a sign from heaven. Both the place and the hour were significant. Moscow, 1917. Far to the west, the German-Russian phase of the First World War was drawing to an end in crumbling trenches; in the streets of the capital, the Russian Revolution was ebbing and flowing. Alfred Rosenberg, the son of a shoemaker, born in Reval (Tallinn) on the Baltic, was then twenty-four years old; he was of German descent but as an Esthonian, he was a subject of the Russian Tsar. He had been raised in the German and Russian languages; he had first studied engineering and architecture at Riga, also on the Baltic; then, when the German army occupied Riga, he had fled. Now he was studying in Moscow.

The globe was afire. The Tsar’s empire was crumbling. Perhaps there would never again be peace. Perhaps this book would tell him why. The demon, who had incited the nations against each other, had spoken…

The demon of world domination has spoken. He has proclaimed the great secret: the world can be dominated. Bowed with weariness, the peoples demand subjection. And those who resist will be tamed by terrible blows and sufferings. Modern society is charged with a magical current which in all men creates the same thoughts. The masses expect great things of their rulers. And for that reason, great things are easy.

This is the true sense of the secret writings, which we today know as The Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion. Everything else in them develops from the basic idea that world domination is possible in our time; with sovereign contempt it is shown with what relative ease it can be achieved…

Its content is how to establish dictatorship with the help - and abuse - of democratic methods…

Furthermore, democracy, in the international field actually offers a dictator, who has firmly entrenched himself in one country, the possibility of world domination. This is the true content of the famous Protocols...

Three generations ago a brilliant thinker wrote this secret formula for the achievement of world domination. We know little concerning his life. He was a French lawyer named Maurice Joly. He was, at the time he wrote his little book, a conservative, ligitimist and monarchist. He had no thought of writing a secret document; on the contrary, he had in mind a satire against Napoleon III, then emperor of the French. Whether he ever perceived that he was leaving behind him the prophecies of a great seer; whether he ever guessed that his book embraced a political doctrine of world-shaking force, we do not know.

The work was published in Brussels in 1864, by A Mertens et Fils, as an illegal propaganda pamphlet; it was written in French and bore the title: Dialogue aux enfers entre Machiavel et Montesquieu, ou la politique de Machiavel au XIX siecle, par un Contemporian. (Dialaogue in hell between Machiavelli and Montesquieu, of the politics of Machiavelli in the nineteenth century by a contemporary.)

His anonymity did not avail the author. The police of the French emperor discovered him, he was sent to prison for fifteen months. His book was published in a second edition, then it was forgotten, and today scarcely any copies of it can be found.

This brings us to world domination. It is the secret necessity inherent in the mechanism of our existence; it lives in our minds as a secret goal; it stands in the sea of the future as a magnetic mountain, inexorably attracting the ship of modern society…

Is this the truth? Who has spoken? Perhaps it is only a half-truth, but even in its halfness it is of enormous import, which is not seen by most men…

History is the most skeptical of all sciences; it knows no absolute truths…

Joly’s magnificent portrait of modern tyranny underwent a strange fate. After thirty years of oblivion, its great day came. It was discovered by a group of Russian conspirators. Not, to be sure, by the Russian revolutionaries of that day, the Nihilists, Social Democrats, or Social Revolutionaries; but by a few crafty agents of the counter-revolution, members of the Ochrana, the tsar’s secret police. They wanted to frighten the tsar and drive him to bloodshed. To this end they persuaded him that the Jews of the whole world had devised a secret conspiracy to achieve world domination, first over Russia, then over the whole world.

Claims of this sort were not new; they lay to a certain extent in the air. In the nineteenth century the Jews had nearly everywhere - though not in Russia - achieved civil equality and thus taken their place in modern society. Some had amassed great wealth, a few - for example, the house of Rothschild - had even attained real influence, and inspired venomous anti-Semitism…

In 1868, Hermann Godsche, a German signing himself Sir John Retcliffe the Younger, wrote a novel entitled Biarritz. In it twelve rabbis from all corners of the earth meet in the Jewish cemetery in Prague. There they set up a cry of Satanic glee, for through accursed gold, through its mighty bankers, Judah has conquered the world, brought kings and the princes to the Church; Judah is wallowing in vice and glory. The rabbis represent the twelve tribes of Israel and speak Chaldaean…

Godsche’s text was childish and none too convincing. But suppose you take these rabbis conspiring in their cemetery and give them the worldly wisdom, the contempt for humanity, the seductive power of Joly’s tyrant…

That is what happened. The group of Russian conspirators dug up Joly’s forgotten book; they were also familiar with the horror story about the Jewish cemetery in Prague; they knew by the newspapers that in 1897 the Jewish Zionist Movement had very publicly been founded at a congress in Basel; finally, they knew only too well the golden awe emanating from the ancient fame of the Rothschilds. The ingredients of a magnificent conspiracy lay at hand, requiring only to be mixed.

The Orchrana, the tsarist secret police, furnished the means and the brain. Fiurst General Oryevsky, one of its heads, had a pamphlet prepared, based on the rabbis’ conspiracy in Godsche’s story. The novelty was that the pamphlet was written in the form of protocols; this gave it a much more serious look…

This was the work of General Ratchkovsky, the leader of the French division of the Ochrana…

Their plan was more than a simple palace conspiracy. It was the first great attempt at a mighty national counter-revolution against the democratic and socialist revolution of the nineteenth century. The plan was to fuse the passion of the people and the cold power of the state into a mighty, counter-revolutionary force that would shake society to its foundations…

Through this conspiracy, Russia became the spiritual mother country of modern fascism, as it later became the world center of Communism.

The name of the movement was “The Black Hundreds,” which meant simply; the black guard. The Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion became the program of this movement; with it they were born and with it they grew. Even the primitive version, based on Godsche’s nocturnal conspiracy of rabbis, had a terrible effect. It was circulated widely, and in 1903 gave the signal for the Kishenev pogram, in which several thousand Jews were massacred…

A first version had been prepared toward the end of the nineties by Golovinski and Manuilov, two journalists in the service of Ratchkovsky…

In 1904-05, the pamphlet was refurbished as an attack on Prince Svatopulk-Mirski, minister of the interior, and Count Witte, the finance minister, who were too liberal for the Ochrana…

This is the origin of the supposed textbook of Jewish world domination. Today the forgery is incontrovertibly proved, yet something infinitely significant has remained: a textbook of world domination pure and simple…

The spirit of the Protocols, therefore, contains historical truth, though all the facts put forth in them are forgeries. Hence its influence on such varied times and peoples. When they were published, their deeper, genuine content beneath the varnish of falsification found a receptive mood in many sections of the Russian people - a mood of decadence and despair. The Russian literature of the period from Tolstoi to Sologub bears witness to this mood…

Sergei Nilus…Nilus was a religious writer…

He had written a book, under the influence of Soloviev, on the theme of the Jewish Antichrist. Its title: “Small signs betoken great events. The Antichrist is near at hand.”

This second edition was sponsored by the Ochrana and published in 1905 in the Imperial stateprinting shop in Tsarskoye Selo. Its appendix includes The Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion. This was the first publication of the Protocols in their present form, and it was claimed by Nilus that these Protocols were the minutes of speeches and debates which were made at the founding congress of the Zionist Movement in Basel, Switzerland, in 1897.

This much was true, that in 1897 in Basel the Jewish Nationalist Movement of the Zionists was born. The goal of this group, to put it simply, was to lead the Jews back again to Palestine; to state it more exactly, to create for those Jews who were leading an intolerable life of oppression, especially in Russia, a ‘legally assured homestead’ in Palestine…

This was the purpose of the Basel congress. But, if we believe Nilus, its true, secret aim was just the opposite; that is, the foundation of an uncontested world domination by the Jews. He claimed that the public congress was a mere blind for a number of far more secret sessions. In those secret sessions the Zionist leaders set forth their plan for Jewish world conquest…

These speeches were taken down in shorthand and entered in the minutes. A courier of the congress was supposed to bring the terrible papers from Basel to the German city of Frankfurt am Main, to be preserved in the secret archives of the Rising Sun Lodge of Freemasons…

But there is one point to which he always adheres: that he himself had received the papers from a certain Suchotin, marshal of nobility in the district of Chernigov, who had received them from Ratchkovsky…

In 1917, during the World War and after the tsar’s downfall, Nilus published the last edition of his book, with the Protocols in the appendix. This time it was: ‘He is near, he is hard by the door.’ It is this edition which was placed on Alfred Rosenberg’s table…

Rosenberg believed in the secret session of Basel, at least he did then. For this we cannot be too hard on a lad of twenty-four. For beneath the heavy coating of a clumsily exaggerated forgery, the Protocols contain a genuine element which might well carry a strong, mysterious appeal to the modern intellectual…

With the book in his bag, he fled at the beginning of 1918 to his native city of Reval, later called Tallinn. German troops took the city. Rosenberg remembered that he was a German. He volunteered for the German army, to fight against the Bolsheviki who for some months had been in the saddle in Petersburg and Moscow. The German commandant distrusted the German Russian and rejected him…

The Bolsheviki, in a desperate life-and-death struggle, always in power but always on the brink of catastrophe, struck down their enemies by ruthless, barbaric terror. They acted in accordance with the recommendations of the Protocols of Zion. Were they not themselves the Wise Men of Zion? Hadn’t they Jewish leaders?

For at the end of 1918, Rosenberg was forced to leave Reval with the remnants of the withdrawing, disbanding German army. The Bolsheviki pressed after them, occupied Reval, took Riga, approached the German border…

In a swarm of Russian fugitives, officers, intellectuals, barons and princes, Rosenberg reached Berlin, then Munich. At the same time other refugees reached Constantinople, London, Paris; Russians, Germans, but also Englishmen, Frenchmen, even American, members of those Allied expeditionary armies who, after the outbreak of the Bolshevik revolution, had occupied, for a time, Russian territory in Siberia, in the North, in the Crimea…

A pity that General Ratchkovsky never lived to see the day. The shadow of Russia fell over Europe. From the Kremlin, Lenin exhorted the world to revolution, holding aloft the Communist Manifesto. Rosenberg comes, a humble fugitive, with the textbook of world domination in his battered suitcase.”

Upon reaching Munich those driven from the Russian territories by the Communists found a way of finding each other. They formed groups, often in secret, to plan conspiracies and raise arms to fight the Communists.

Rosenberg joined such a group, along with a young man named Rudolf Hess and an elderly writer named Dietrich Eckart. They shared the Protocols. The name of their secret group was called the Thule Society. Through them a German translation of the Protocols was issued with the distribution success extraordinary. Edition after edition followed. Soon it was released in England, France, Poland and even America.

The Thule Society finally decided to act, and decided to kill Kurt Eisner, the leader of the Bavarian Revolution. Unlike Lenin, whose Judaism could be traced only as far as his grandmother, Eisner really was a Jew. But while the Thuilists and many other groups made plans to recapture Bavaria from the socialists, a young Jewish officer the Thuilists had rejected from membership because he was Jewish beat them to the act.

Count Anton Arco-Valley, insulted by his rejection by the Thulists and determined to shame them, shot Eisner in the midst of his guards on an open street. It was the very day Eisner was going to resign. In the chaos that followed the Communists seized power from the socialists and Eisner became a martyred hero.

Remnants of the Bavarian army recaptured Munich; they were part of a group called the National Socialist Workers Party, dedicated to hunting down the Jewish Bolsheviks. Rosenberg was invited to speak to their group and along with the Thule members Eckart, Hess and Feder became a part of this rapidly growing political movement.

In time a young soldier assigned to keep watch on potentially subversive groups would speak to the new organization, and then become a member. His name was Adolf Hitler and the Protocols became an essential source of his attitudes toward the Soviets (the Antichrist), and the Jews (the Wise Men).

Whether the document was true or not the response this amazing document achieved wherever it was published served the purpose of inciting people against the Jews. If it indeed was a hoax it was one of the more elaborate and comprehensive hoaxes in history.

That it was mysteriously received by Rosenberg in Russia, and delivered by him to Hitler personally is quite coincidential, or is it? The entire text of the mysterious Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion appears in the appendix of this book.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Monster Freak Storm Blasts Midwest - Weather Channel to drop Live Weather


Following are a series of weather charts and satellite photos of the freak storm rambling through the upper Midwest spawning snow, blizzard conditions, winds, 20 foot waves on Lake Michigan, tornadoes, and who knows what else in this year of very strange weather conditions.

This comes on the same day that NBC Universal, who bought The Weather Channel that has been keeping us informed of the weather around the country and world live since 1982 announced they will discontinue some live broadcasts and replace them with more reality programs like you see dominating the network TV channnels.

Leave it to NBC, who has gutted network news coverage leaving NBC News almost a joke because the traditional news doesn't make enough money.  Since GE, owner of NBC, has sold the network along with The Weather Channel, MSNBC and CNBC to Comcast Cable, we can probably expect to get reruns in the future instead of reality or live broadcasts.

America's newspaper, television and radio have all sold out to the Almighty dollar so there is no room left in America for real news, real journalism or real weather.  Our knowledge of current events has been reduced to 30 second sound bites leaving us the most ill-informed generation in the last century.

Of course as little sense as some of the charts make does raise questions about how well the weather is now being reported.  After billions of dollars in equipment, satellites and computers you would think we could have much better information already.

Then again, my brother says the government is deliberating withholding weather information because there are weather anamolies going on the Defense Department does not want us to know about.  I'm working on a story about one, the electromagnetic waves that can bombard earth fom the sun. I already tried to warn you about EMP (electromagnetic pulses) man made with HAARP and other weapons systems.

Maybe there is a reason they don't want us to know about the weather.


NCAA Football - Will Unbeatens Survive?


Only 7 major college teams remain unbeaten and in the driver's seat for the national championship but if the powerhouses like Auburn and other major conference teams lose it will open the floodgates to a host of once beaten premier teams to challenge for the title.

Just behind the first tier of unbeaten teams stand Alabama, Ohio State, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Wisconsin, Arizona, Stanford, LSU and Florida State. Finishing unbeaten will not be easy as 1. Auburn still faces Alabama, 2. Oregon faces USC, Arizona and always dangerous Oregon State, 3. Boise State has a battle brewing with Nevada, 4. TCU still must face unbeaten Utah, 5. Michigan State faces Iowa, 6.Missouri faces Nebraska and 8. Utah faces TCU.

The top games this weekend have Michigan State against Iowa and Missouri against Nebraska. For the first time in three weeks the number one may remain the same as Auburn faces Mississippi with a 3-4 record.

The latest polls:

Campaign 2010 - The Die is Cast for Sweeping Changes in America


One week before the elections the polls politicians don't want you to see are showing startling results as the campaign draws to a close. These are not the polls of individual races but the ones measuring the sentiment of likely voters. Gallup shows that likely enthusiastic voters leaning Democrat are at 37% while likely voters leaning Republican are at 63%, the highest Republican figure ever recorded in the history of the polls. That means a 26% lead in enthusiasm for those leaning Republican with just one week to go.

More ominous for the Democrats, this is after the President, Vice President and First Lady Michelle Obama have been crisscrossing the nation seeking to generate enthusiasm and raising millions of campaign dollars. Clearly this election has become a referendum on the Obama agenda and the Obama campaign strategy.

The last year there was a Republican landslide was 1994 when the GOP took control of both the House and Senate and the GOP enthusiasm advantage was only 9% compared to 26% this year. With the discontent of Independents over Obama and his Democrats rising consistently, Independents favor the GOP over Democrats by over 14%.

A Gallup poll released Friday found that only 23 percent of Independent voters agree that “most members of Congress deserve reelection.” The similar figure for Republican voters is 21 percent, according to Gallup, while 59 percent of Democrats say most US representatives should be returned to office. The combined results of all three groups means only 33 percent of voters overall think incumbents deserve to win. That’s the lowest such percentage prior to a midterm election that Gallup has found in the past 16 years.

At the same time if Republicans win overwhelmingly they sill have a lot of work to do to convince the public they will do what is best for the nation as just 43% of the people believe either party can lead effectively. The GOP will have two years to prove they can best meet the public needs.


Monday, October 25, 2010

How will America Survive the Election Results No Matter Who Does What?

With both political parties staking early claims to success in the midterm elections and the spin machines in high gear pending the reality of the November 2 balloting, perhaps we should look at how America will survive one of the most contentious campaigns in recent memory.

Let's face it, between the two parties practically every aspect of American society has been demonized by one party or the other. It matters not whether you are a Democrat or a Republican, somewhere someone has probably trashed you and what you stand for this year.

TV ads already tell us both the Democrats and Republicans are bad for America. The Democrats are socialists or selfish if they back Obama while Republicans are Neanderthals or racists f they oppose him. Conservatives and liberals are both anti-American. There are the pacifists and war mongers, the tree huggers and drill baby drill brigades, '60's revolutionaries and Reaganities, Muslim haters and Jewish lovers, radical Christians and atheists, and the list goes on and on.

These were times when finding the issues in the midst of the virulent debate was almost impossible. Truth seemed to serve no purpose, facts were much too long for sound bites, and worn out clichés and slick slogans were always more convenient than honesty with the voters.

Partisanship and polarization were accepted strategies while reason and compromise were condemned. Heaven forbid if you were a spokesperson of any significance for a cause like Sarah Palin, John Boehner, Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reid, not to mention Barack Obama, because you were the target of scorn, rumor and innuendo at a scale not often witnessed in America.

The news media and the politicians were guilty of baiting the opposition, freely distorting facts, spreading untruths and character assassination, all plastered in our faces by blank checks from corporations, unions, billionaires and a bevy of special interests intent on having a bunch of politicians in their back pocket.

Yet come November 3 America will awaken to a new day and a bunch of new leaders just like it will awaken every day from now until Judgment Day. No doubt there will be some deep wounds left by the hatred and bitterness of the rhetoric and the lack of good judgment by politicians of both parties who were all too willing to forfeit fair play and common decency for their own egos and political survival.

Still, we are a nation that survived politics for 234 years because we placed our faith in the wisdom and genius of our Founding Fathers, not the politicians of expediency of today. By adhering to the incredible blueprint for success left as a legacy from our Founders, the Constitution and Bill of Rights, the people of America have always survived the politicians.

Politicians come and go but the principles of our foundation never change. Our people are guaranteed life, liberty, equal opportunity, freedom and the pursuit of happiness no matter what the politicians in Washington do to try and take it away. Long ago the people understood that the conservative or liberal views of our politicians swing like a pendulum throughout our history when the people decide it is time for it to swing, not when the politicians declare they know what is best for us.

Our Founding Fathers created this great political show in our nation's capitol and then added an elaborate government framework with three distinct branches of government and checks and balances in order to protect the people from wasting all our lives being preoccupied with politics. There are 546 people in Washington doing the people's business at the beck and call of the people. That includes a president and vice president, 100 Senators and 435 house members, all elected, and 9 Supreme Court Justices appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate.

That's it. It takes 2 million civilian employees and 2 more million military to do the work of the 546 people but then it does keep a lot of people employed, out of Main Street and out of our hair throughout the year. In the end the 4 million people running our federal government equal just over 1% of our population so at least we have saved about 99% of the people from taking themselves too seriously.

Outside of Washington we know that a hard work ethic, common sense, a good sense of humor and a good bit of humility are the keys to our economy, education, competitiveness, sense of fair play, creative energy, compassion and place in the world, not the boasting or saber rattling of our politicians. And certainly not the pre-occupation of the media with the sins of the politicians.

It is the politicians who have the most to learn from the election. They must learn to shut up, stop whining and get on with the people's business or they will be thrown out of office. Right now they have lost sight of their role. We don't send Messiahs to Washington to lead us to salvation, we have our own churches and Gods to take care of that. We send people to Washington and the moment they lose sight of that relationship to us, is the moment their usefulness to America has ended.

This year the politicians are a sorry lot with a huge ego and an even bigger appetite for money. Greed is not an asset for our elected representatives. Come November 3, those lucky enough to survive and get elected have two years to demonstrate they have got the message. They better clean up their act, all of them, work together, and fix the mess they have got us into before we take things into our own hands.

American War Deaths


Afghanistan War

Iraq War

Mexican Drug War

Weekend Death Toll - 30


(Reuters) - Families mourned on Sunday the victims of one of Mexico's worst shootings, weeping over the open coffins of teenagers as young as 14 as Ciudad Juarez residents expressed outrage at surging violence.

Crowding around the bodies in white and gray coffins, parents and friends sobbed as they bid farewell to the 14 people killed at a family birthday party on Friday night in the Mexican city that is the epicenter of the country's drug war.

"This can't be happening. Today it's them who are killed, and tomorrow who will be next?" said a sister of one of the victims, who gave only her first name, Miriam.

In Tijuana across the border from San Diego, California, suspected drug gang hitmen shot dead 13 people at a drug rehab clinic on Sunday, a member of the local police force said.

And in the northern state of Coahuila, two women and a teenage boy died on Sunday after being caught in crossfire during a shootout between unidentified gunmen, police and soldiers, state prosecutors said.

The shooting in Juarez on Friday was the second massacre at a party this month in the city across from El Paso, Texas. Ciudad Juarez has become one of the world's most violent cities since drug cartels launched a turf war there in early 2008. Almost 7,000 people have been killed in the city since then.

MSNBC Morning Joe in Alabama - Political Correctness Run Amok


Last Friday Morning Joe broadcast live from Tuscaloosa, Alabama as Joe Scarborough was receiving an award from the University.  The broadcast was from the Rama Bama Cafe and for the most liberal network on TV it is a little odd and hypocritical that as you watched the show I could find no Blacks in the crowd of Cafe patrons but mostly Blacks in the kitchen preparing food.

How can that be politically correct for MSNBC?  Just another example of the dual standards for the liberal media versus the Tea Party, Sarah Palin or anyone else on their hit list.  They would have been condemned for not showing Black patrons.  Let Mika show you the crowd for the record in the video until MSNBC jams the broadcast.

Campaign 2010 - Economy Poised to Take off if Republicans Win Big


One of the realities of economics is a favorable (Conservative) Congress can always trump an unfavorable (Liberal) president and never is that more obvious than in the 2010 midterm elections. Obama has clearly staked his claim as the enemy of the business community, big and small business, with harsh anti-business and class polarization rhetoric and a Progressive agenda threatening income redistribution and regulatory interference in a broad range of business interests.

Anyone wanting to send a message to Washington need only vote Republican and the extent of GOP wins will dictate the extent of the positive economic bounce that may result in the stock market and throughout the business community. Seldom, if ever, has a sitting president run against the entire scope of the broad based business community that fuels the American economy.

Perhaps Obama had no choice because he relied on the far left and self-serving special interests to get elected in the first place in 2008 and as feeble as his efforts were to take care of the unions, health care industries like insurers and pharmaceutical giants, and the housing industry, he built a base of special interests with diametrically opposed agendas.

Whatever he did to help his Goldman Sachs base hurt his SEIU union base. His efforts to protect the union health care plans while trying to appease the health care industry left him with a phony health care reform that may extend coverage to the uninsured at some point, but assured the health care industry they could raise prices and premiums to cover any loss. By guaranteeing that unions could keep their Cadillac high cost plans he assured future health care would drive up prices for all Americans.

As for his so called economic reforms, his highly heralded economic reform program did not even touch the housing industry which brought down the economy in the first place. His hundreds of millions of dollar contributors from Wall Street not only did not even get a slap on the wrist, they got federal bailouts and record bonuses since Obama was elected.

To protect his contributors to the most expensive presidential campaign in history in which Obama and the Democrats spent well over ONE BILLION DOLLARS to get him elected, he had to create a straw dog to blame for his failure to keep unemployment under 8%, his promise not mine, in order to get his TRILLION DOLLAR non-stimulus bill passed. Thus the Republicans and Bush became the enemy.

Certain truths have been conveniently obscured by our young president and he seems convinced the people of Main Street America are too stupid see through the political smoke screen. He cannot deliver on his promises to his own liberal base because the nation and the world are rejecting the folly of a liberal nation dominating the world. Unfortunately someone has to pay for the socialist agenda and it won't be the socialists who claim to be entitled to cradle to grave care from the government.

Every socialist experiment in the world in which there is no capitalist base to pay for the program has failed, pure and simple. Nearly every country in Europe has had to elect a conservative government to undertake the painful budget and deficit reforms needed to save the nations from bankruptcy while gutting the liberal promises previously made.

At the same time, Obama has run against the Bush and Republican record the 8 years before he got elected and forgets to mention the Democrats under Pelosi, not the Republicans, controlled the House the last two Bush years and approved the record deficits. During the entire 8 years many Democrats had to vote with the GOP in order for the depending to happen. In fact during the entire Bush years Republicans never had control like Obama did the last two years with huge majorities in the House and Senate, yet Bush always got the Democrats to approve his budgets and deficits and never whined about the Democrat minority or majority blocking progress.

A whole lot of misinformation has been thrown at the electorate in this, the worst year in campaigns in ages. It is a testament to the fact Obama made no effort to reform the campaign laws that give special interests more control than citizens and give campaign funds more importance than citizen needs. He owned the national agenda and made NO effort to fix the corrupt campaign mess we are in.

So we shall see to what extent the people were fooled by the politicians like Obama who has now taken his rightful place among the political establishment he is so quick to condemn. As I said, the stronger the Republican vote against the Obama agenda the stronger the recovery of the economy and the return to bi-partisan cooperation to solve our problems.

Friday, October 22, 2010

The Mystical and Mysterious Land of Mexico - Our Forgotten Friend and Embattled Neighbor


As a journalist I have always been intrigued by the perceptions Americans have of our Southern neighbor the nation of Mexico. It always amazed me that so much of what Americans believed was influenced by the movies and news and so little by reality and the truth.

Though I was born and raised in Iowa I was fortunate to have relatives living by the Rio Grande River in Mission, Texas, just across the border from Mexico. My parents loved to take the family on trips and we spent many vacations down in the bottom of Texas where Mexicans always outnumbered the Americans.

Later when I went to college at the University of Arizona Tucson was less than an hour from Mexico and for those of us without a large allowance a trip across the border to Nogales or camping in Mexico on the Gulf of California was far less expensive. We even had the annual spring break ritual when tens of thousands of college students from Arizona to California schools would set out down the coast of Mexico and party until we ran out of money.

Even in those days we were warned of the dangers of banditos, the corrupt federales, and to beware of the water and food though the cheap tequila was always a much bigger threat. When you think about tens of thousands of rebellious teenagers invading the quiet villages of the Mexican coast I suspect they were warned about us as much as we were warned about them.

I even drove through Mexico from the border to Monterrey, the industrial city, Mexico City, Guadalajara and Acapulco and made it back safely. As students we drove with thousands of kids from Arizona down the Gulf of California to beach villages of Puerto Libertad, Guaymas and Mazatlan and seldom had a problem unless we caused the problems.

There were always dangers, about the same you might encounter in any metropolitan area in America if you got off the beaten path. But I was not a party animal and spent much of my time trying to learn about the Mexican people. I was fascinated by the rich and ancient history of the people and the hundreds of different Mexican Indian tribes I met along the way.

Back in Iowa most people were aware of Mexico only from the Walt Disney movie The Alamo, or the struggles for Independence by settlers from the Republic of Texas. Little was taught about the struggle of the people of Mexico against foreign invasions.

The Spanish invaded Mexico in 1519 and conquered an area from Mexico to South Carolina to San Francisco on the West Coast before they were through. Great Britain took part of Mexico in 1763 and part of Mexico was under French and part under Spanish rule in the time of Napoleon.

Through this period many European monarchs survived only because of the tons of gold they stole from the Mexican native Indians and the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of Mexican natives. It was the stolen wealth of Mexico that transformed Spain from a bankrupt nation to the most powerful kingdom on Earth at the time of the Spanish Armada. By 1821 the Mexicans declared independence from the Europeans but war broke out in the Texas territory which led to the fall of the Alamo in 1836 and Texas Independence the same year.

Four more military campaigns were fought between the Mexicans and Americans from 1846-48 before Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ended the fighting. When the American Civil War broke out in 1861 Great Britain, Spain and France all invaded Mexico in hopes of being in position to invade the USA if Lincoln lost the war for the Union. By 1863 France gained control of Mexico, Great Britain settled for Canada, and Spain was sent packing.

During the same time the first Mexican civil war took place and ended when American troops drove the French out of Mexico in 1867 and settled claims with Mexico. This was the first time our two nations helped each other and began a series of positive steps to be good neighbors. A second Mexican Revolution took place from 1910 to 1920 and there was American intervention until the outbreak of World War I. When World War II broke out Mexico joined the Americans in fighting the Germans and Japanese.

By 1995 America again came to the aid of the Mexicans when we saved them from a banking crisis that threatened to bankrupt the nation. Throughout the development of the United States Mexican migrant workers crossing the border were always a vital and welcome contribution to the development of our vegetable and fruit crops and agricultural production. As our industrial and manufacturing industries expanded illegal immigrants crossed the border to work.

And here we are today, again faced with a dire problem in which the Mexicans are fighting a brutal war against drug cartels to stop the illegal flow of drugs into America. This is really our war, not theirs as the cartels would not be in northern Mexico if not for the American drug trade.

Make no mistake, the brutal consequence of the war is that over 28,000 Mexicans have been killed in drug battles the past couple of years along the Mexican border leaving the peaceful towns and villages in a state of war and terror. Compare that to the 5,771 American military deaths throughout the entire Iraq and Afghanistan wars. That means FIVE times as many Mexicans have been killed defending our borders from drug cartels than our military deaths fighting terrorism halfway around the world.

Our political response has been to build a wall along the border to keep the bad guys away from us, to shield us from the carnage, and to ignore the horrors and massacre being inflicted on the Mexican people for our problems. What is taking place right under our noses is a massacre that should shame the most powerful nation on earth, a bloodbath being inflicted upon an innocent people who are just trying to help us out again.

Part two of this story will provide a detailed overview on how we can correct this tragedy and rebuild the relationship with the people of Mexico that reflects our common bond throughout our history as defenders against the Europeans and others who have threatened our freedom, and how we can be partners in seeking economic and energy independence in the world.

Obamaville October 22 - Our Elitist President can't help being Elitist but That's Okay


Every time the Obama's almost convince us they are just like us common people they go and do something to prove they are not. Call it political naivety or stupidity, once an elitist always an elitist. You will never find Willie Nelson performing in the White House when pop stars like the Jonas brothers (for the Obama daughters) or Beyonce are available. Michelle's idea of catching a show is flying to NYC for a Broadway Production.

On his current campaign swing Barack again demonstrated his propensity for rock star elitism when he decided to show his concern for Main Street America and the small business community that powers our national economy by having a private meeting with the rock star of the mega-corporate world Steven Jobs, founder and CEO of Apple Corporation, the 2nd largest corporation in America.

It seems a key qualification for a business person to get a personal meeting with the people's president is to be a member of the billionaires club like Warren Buffet, Bill Gates and Steven Jobs. Hardly Main Street's idea of the common folk but when you are an Ivy League elitist you tend to have a different view of yourself and who should be in your presence I guess.

Make no mistake, Steven Jobs is legendary in the business world and is most certainly the top rock star of the billionaires club but in the midst of the final days of campaigning couldn't our president just once have a meeting with a corporate leader who represents the Made In America by American Workers goal we all want to promote, including our wayward president? I mean Apple has more Chinese employees in China than any other American company?

If I were an elitist and I had their money Jobs would be on my short list as well but why doesn't our president meet with a real American company CEO that epitomizes the Made In America by Americans we all want to see? Obama need look no further than his own state of Illinois for the perfect example, Caterpillar Corporation.

Caterpillar makes heavy equipment in America crucial to construction and mining operations around the world. It is one of the largest exporter of America goods overseas. In spite of the worldwide recession Caterpillar has increased their American manufacturing work force by over 7,500 employees in the last year and significantly increased export sales overseas which helps our balance of trade deficit. I guess it is too much to ask that an elitist president jump in the cab of an earth moving Cat from his home state when he can sip a latté in Silicon Valley with a billionaire.

We love you Obama because you are our president but be honest about yourself when your media people try to paint you as a commoner. John Kennedy never had to distort his Ivy League image to win our love because he knew even Ivy Leaguers can show concern and compassion for everyone and be real.

Barack and Michelle spent the last two years saying one thing and doing another. That does not sit well with the public and only makes you hypocrites. You say Michelle won't campaign then send her out to do million dollar political events. She spends a day on the Gulf Coast and a week at a Southern Spanish resort on vacation.

It's okay for our president to be a little elitist, we expect our president to be a little special. But do it with the style and class of a Kennedy, acknowledge you are different, but be the friend and advocate of Main Street America, along with rubbing shoulders with the billionaires club.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

When is a Liberal Bad? When they Punish their Own!


The liberal media showed it's true colors when NPR fired their Senior Political Analyst Juan Williams, a decorated Black Journalist with a long and distinguished career with the Washington Post and NPR after Williams made comments about the Muslim controversy on the Fox News Bill O'Reilly.

Of course Fox has long been feared and hated by the Obama administration and is hated by the far left community because the Fox News ratings have buried the combined ratings of all the liberal shows and that has left the liberals bristling since Obama got elected.

Still there are a lot of good liberals and good liberal causes but when the liberals punish a fellow liberal for exercising free speech, now that is a true censoring of free speech. I wonder if we can get the liberal American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) to defend the liberal reporter in a suit against the liberal National Public Broadcasting Networks over the right to free speech.

Sounds like a boondoggle for the liberal Trial Lawyers Association.

Here's what he said.

On Monday, O'Reilly asked Williams if there is a "Muslim dilemma" in the United States. The NPR analyst and longtime Fox News contributor agreed with O'Reilly that such a thing exists, and added that "political correctness can lead to some kind of paralysis where you don't address reality."

"I mean, look, Bill, I'm not a bigot," Williams continued. "You know the kind of books I've written about the civil rights movement in this country. But when I get on the plane, I got to tell you, if I see people who are in Muslim garb and I think, you know, they are identifying themselves first and foremost as Muslims, I get worried. I get nervous."

Some commentators and a leading Muslim civil rights organization took issue with Williams' comments.