Friday, October 16, 2009

Media Conned Again, and Again, and Again


So much for the fair and balanced coverage, the validation of facts and being guardians of the truth as the mainstream media, entertainment media and all the other media suffered through a series of recent hijacks by people testing the gullibility of our public watchdogs. In a word, the result was "failure", a failure to fact check, to question or to validate.

First there was the case of the English group who fed false story after false story to the entertainment media to see if garbage would reach the airways and they were stunned to see their bogus tips to the media show up on news sites then rampage around the world on the Internet with no attempt to check the facts.

Then there was the case of Rush Limbaugh who was blocked from becoming an owner of a NFL team by the new American business censorship czars Reverend Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. Once again malicious rumors appeared throughout the media and around the world thanks to our pit bull czars who promoted the lies and hoodwinked the public. The stampede worked as Rush lost out on his bid to act like an American and be free to invest his money where he wanted.

The White House and those defenders of liberal freedom in America were silent as they watched with glee as lies prevailed, were never challenged, and were bought hook, line and sinker by the media. At the same time the White House was unleashing their communications czar, Anita Dunn, on Fox News and Glenn Beck in particular, becoming the first presidency in our history to declare a television news channel as, well let me give you her words.

"We’re going to treat them the way we would treat an opponent,” White House Communications Director Anita Dunn told CNN over the weekend. "The reality of it is that Fox News often operates almost as either the research arm or the communications arm of the Republican Party." In a media blitz against the network, Dunn also gave interviews with Time magazine and the New York Times.

In addition the White House and the Federal Communications Commission have both begun campaigns to control Internet blogs and keep them from spreading rumors disguised as news. The blog business has exploded ever since the public realized that the mainstream media was compromised but bloggers and their incessant search for truth now threaten the very institutions in the federal government charged with the Constitutional responsibility to protect the right of free speech in America.

Obama is a constitutional lawyer, you would think his administration would know better than to use the power of the government to silence critics but then they seem to do a lot of things that ignore the US Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the freedom of the press and public. The White House wants you to only hear the liberal babble of their favorites like MSNBC.

The next media con was the Obama trip to New Orleans, his first since taking office. We are supposed to believe that his campaign promise to undo the damage Bush did by not helping New Orleans recover from hurricane Katrina was a promise he delivered on. Once again the media was fed the administration cop out line that we cannot make progress because of the last eight Republican years of disaster.

I, for one, am tired of the excuses for inaction. America is three trillion more dollars in debt because of the Obama agenda. One would think that much money could get some of these problems fixed but the money went to the banks, Wall Street executives, home mortgage companies, insurance companies, failed automobile companies and unions. I'm also tired of hearing how Bush is still to blame for everything that goes wrong with the Obama agenda. Bush has been gone nine months. And the last two years of the Bush presidency the Democrats under Nancy Pelosi controlled the House meaning she could have stopped anything Bush wanted.

The City of New Orleans was lost in the Obama rush to pay back campaign contributors to the tune of billions of dollars in profits, bonuses, opportunities for profit and whatever else is used to determine who gets the first cash from the greatest cash cow in history, good old Uncle Sugar. The number one Obama campaign supporter Goldman Sachs has received billions of dollars in federal aid and built a $16.7 billion pool for employee wages and bonuses, the largest in Wall Street history since he took office.

After a brief four hour stop in New Orleans to tell the people why Bush is responsible for the delays in aid to New Orleans even though Bush has been gone for nine months, Obama went to San Francisco to spend the evening at Democratic fundraisers that cost more than $30,000 per couple to attend one event and get your picture taken with Obama. He raised about $3 million for election campaigns next year. Pelosi was there to introduce him. She must have flown in on her private government owned jet too. Two jets to San Francisco for a fund raiser would cost maybe a million dollars? Who knows?

So New Orleans still cannot get $245 million this year to rebuild their hospital but the head of Obama campaign contributor Goldman can get $70 million this year for making money off government loopholes while his staff can make $16.7 billion this year. More than $40 billion has been allocated for New Orleans, most in the three years before Obama took office, and still no hospital, no housing and limited protection from future hurricanes. The truth is New Orleans was a disaster before the disaster and had to be rebuilt to survive, with or without the hurricane.

Why don't we take a few more billions from the trillions of dollars already approved for Obama stimulus, bank bailout, insurance bailout and auto bailout bills and just buy the rest of New Orleans, rebuild it, lease it out and make money for the federal government? It would be far cheaper than an unlimited amount of federal aid being pumped into a bottomless pit.

So the media con? Nothing is really being done in New Orleans, the president was just stopping by to justify the taxpayers paying for his campaign junket to San Francisco. New Orleans still has the same problems it had when he was elected. But San Francisco has Nancy Pelosi who was waiting to introduce him to the deep pockets from Silicon Valley. So while New Orleans got a four hour stopover San Francisco and Pelosi got the president for the evening and night.

Perhaps the last recent media con was the best. If it turns out that the reality show savvy family from Colorado who supposedly lost their 6 year old son in a runaway helium balloon whose flight across Colorado dominated the television airwaves across the nation and even Europe turns out to be a staged event, then the media will look stupid.

On the CNN Larry King Show the kid, who was never on the balloon but safely hidden in an attic, did say he stayed hidden in a box in the attic to help the show. What show? The one some idiotic network will sign them to star in I guess. Here was The Washington Post internet headline about this major event.

Breaking: A Six-Year-Old Is Trapped In A Homemade Helium Balloon Over Denver

Why in the world would a runaway balloon require fulltime coverage from all the news networks, mainstream and cable, tying up the most expensive television system in the world? Fifty people being killed in Pakistan or Afghanistan would never get such live coverage. I am sick of the stupid live video feeds of car chases, truck chases, runaway helium balloons and other stunts shown almost daily on what used to be our news stations and networks.

Our news media are becoming reality shows. When we are supposed to be learning about the nation and world we watch police chases. No wonder nobody believes the news media, it is a joke. News has become entertainment and reality TV and people have no clue who or what to believe. My advice, turn the television off!


Thursday, October 15, 2009

A bet on Obama turns to Gold for Goldman


America's Best Investment the Last Year - Obama's Presidential Campaign

So we just suffered through the worst year since the Great depression and the collapsing economy wiped out more than half of people's savings and investments along with a big chunk of their home and other real estate values. The stock market has now recovered about 40-50% of it's value. The Dow Jones hit 10,000 for the first time in a year.

Home prices have stabilized although below the value of the past few years. Unemployment is way up but economists say we are out of the recession. Oil prices have settled at about twice what they were before the economic crash. Even billionaires like Bill Gates and Warren Buffett lost a lot of value over the past year.

At least things seem to have stopped losing value and we can catch our breath. All in all we seem happy to be where we are which is far worse off than we were a year or two ago. Still some people managed to make a lot of money on the pain and suffering of the rest of the world, a whole lot of money.

There was an investment you could have made that would have made you wealthy in the past year. If you were a Goldman Sachs employee your investment in Barack Obama's presidential campaign resulted in the highest earnings per quarter for employees in history in this, Goldman's 140th year in business. Goldman employees donated about $1 million to Obama's campaign, helped raise a total of over $21 million from the Wall Street financial community and of course have helped guide his career since his start in politics.

Goldman's financial contributions to Obama amounted to about $32 per employee (there are 31,700 Goldman employees). The money Goldman earned in 2009 and is paying for wages and benefits just through the last nine months since Obama took office average $527,192 per employee. Imagine if you gave someone $32 last year and already were paid back over half a million dollars.

Goldman generated $35.6 billion in revenue so far this year, an increase of 49% over last year. 47% is allocated to the employees, a total of $16.7 billion. The only better year was 2007 when $16.9 billion was set aside and the only better quarter was the last quarter of this year.

Besides the billions of dollars in pay this year, the stock value has also been astronomical for Goldman's. They are the only financial services company to achieve such staggering success as their stock value increased from $53.31 a share when Obama was elected to about $187.32 today, an increase of over 3.5 times in less than a year.

Compare Goldman's to the next largest investment bank and another Obama backer JP Morgan. Morgan also had a great year but allocated just $8.79 billion to employees, half of the Goldman allocation. The Morgan stock hit $23.38 when Obama got elected and today is up to $46.83, double the value but far below the Goldman record pace.

Goldman was a major player in the sub-prime mortgage market and oil futures market whose wild swings drove the world into economic chaos. They also were selling mortgage packages to clients while they were spending their own money betting the mortgage market would collapse. It earned them the record earnings in 2007 and cost them $60 million in state fines so far. However, the fine was paid with no admission of guilt to limit the corporate liability and allow the expense to be deducted. Some people have all the breaks it seems.

In addition, Goldman received $10 billion in bank bailout funds last year and billions more from the AIG bailout. The bank funds were repaid so the federal government could not challenge the payoffs to their employees. Yet to be determined is the long term relationship between Goldman and Obama to explain why one of the largest investment banks in the world took a state senator from Illinois under their wing and led him to the presidency of the nation.


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Obama, Rothschild's "Chosen One" Closer to being President of New World Order


Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize - New World Order Presidential Campaign Underway

There is nothing that makes any sense about this award to the new president of the US. Neither his friends nor enemies, advocates or opponents can find any logical reason for the Nobel Peace Prize to be given to someone who just took office. Even the stated reasons by the Nobel Committee lack substance as no one has ever been awarded this prize for promises yet to be fulfilled.

One wonders what the founder of the Nobel prizes, Alfred Nobel, would think about the award were he alive today. Then again, when a Swedish inventor and businessman has spent his lifetime making weapons of mass destruction then moves to Norway to retire and set up the Nobel Foundation the whole idea of a Nobel Peace prize seems a bit stretched.

Alfred, who patented dynamite and nitroglycerin in the 1800's and whose family went to Russia and got into the arms and oil business under the Czar could be responsible for more deaths in all the ensuing wars than anyone in history. The Nobel prizes were an attempt to change his legacy from a master of weapons of mass destruction to a person devoted to Peace and science.

Yet the Nobel family never achieved the level of financial success they expected because they attempted to take on the strongest arms dealers and oil barons of the 19th century, the House of Rothschild. Before the Rothschild family was through with them they lost the oil business and Alfred wound up with just $245 million in his estate from the arms deals, a mere pittance of the billions of dollars generated over the years.

The Rothschild's, with the Rockefellers who they also financed, stopped the Nobels cold in Russia in their efforts to control the world oil production. When the Nobels tried to break into the arms market in Europe where war was an economic tool for the international financiers they were also stopped by the House of Rothschild who already controlled the arms markets on both sides of the European wars.

Back in the 1800's, after gaining control of European banking, the oil and diamond market, and even the cotton market the House of Rothschild moved into the American oil, steel and railroad markets but it was not until Woodrow Wilson came to their aid with the Federal Reserve Bank early in the 20th Century that they were able to get a foothold into the American economy like they did in Europe.

Patiently they have used wars and debt to take control of the US economy and now are positioned to bankrupt the American economy at any moment. It is all part of the plan conceived long ago by the family and their secret investment strategy to eliminate all governments of the world and have a single source for money under a New World Order.

For over 200 years the Rothschild family has been laying the foundation to achieve their dream and using organizations like the Illuminati and others to do the work. But now we are approaching the culmination of their dream, when they actually control the international banking community, and can manipulate the end of independence, end of competition and end of sovereign nations folding them into the New World Order.

Arranging for Obama to get the Nobel Peace Prize further elevated his status in the international community, a movement that has been building since his German trip during the election campaign. His popularity worldwide is much higher than in America and his agenda toward eliminating all world problems is a lot more popular than his domestic efforts.

Could it be that the dreaded year of 2012, the year the Mayan calendar ends and that all psychics and religions are talking about, is really the time of the transformation to the New World Order? Ironically it would be the end of Obama's first term as President. Right now he would have trouble getting elected again. Moving from US president to World president might be a very logical thing.

It is also worth noting that 2012 is the 200th anniversary of the death of the patriarch of the Rothschild family, Mayer Amschel Rothschild, the founder of the House of Rothschild, and the person responsible for building the most powerful family in the history of the world with an estimated worth of some $250 trillions. Yes that is trillions and compare it to the US national debt of $10 trillion, a debt that is a cause for world economic concern, and you have an idea of the unlimited resources of this family.

Mayer grew up during the most revolutionary period in world history and his fingerprints are all over the American, French and Russian revolutions and every war since. In his book, The Rothschilds, Frederick Morton wrote; "...the wealth of the Rothschilds consists of the bankruptcy of nations." His vision created the international banking community and his family provided the banks. By 1850 the House of Rothschild represented more wealth than all the families of Europe.

When America won the war of independence a central bank was set up in 1781 known as the Bank of North America. It failed and the international bankers then gained a charter for the Bank of the United States in 1791 with a 20 year charter. Thomas Jefferson fiercely opposed the central bank saying the tendency of the bank to generate debt was contrary to the US Constitution. He said, "I place economy among the first and most important virtues, and public debt as the greatest of dangers. To preserve our independence, we must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt."

In 1826, the second bank's charter was soon to expire and presidential candidate Andrew Jackson campaigned strongly against a central bank which was owned and operated by the international banking element. Here is Jackson's opinion of those bankers:

"You are a den of vipers. I intend to wipe you out, and by the Eternal God I will rout you out...If people only understood the rank injustice of the money and banking system, there would be a revolution by morning." He succeeded but there was an attempt on his life that was tied back to the international bankers.

By the time of the Civil War The Rothschild's Bank of England financed the North while the Paris branch of the Rothschild bank funded the South. In 1863, the National Banking Act was passed despite protest by President Lincoln. This act allowed a private corporation the authority to issue our money. Lincoln was assassinated.

The long sought after Federal Reserve was finally incorporated in 1914 and has been creating a completely unnecessary national debt ever since. In simple terms, the Fed creates money as debt. They create money out of thin air by nothing more than a book entry. Whenever the members of the Fed make any loans, that debt money is our money supply.

The United States went bankrupt in 1938 because of this system. It took the Fed only 25 years to bankrupt the USA. The Federal Reserve is a private corporation owned by the international banking interests yet it is responsible for the US money supply. It was the last tool the Rothschilds needed to control the American economy. Ever since there has been a gradual elimination of all competition in the investment and banking communities leaving a couple of international banks in control of our money supply and the US in debt.

Could the US go broke again, thus paving the way for a New World Order? In order for this to happen the US economy will have to collapse before 2012 thus showing that no one nation is capable of surviving on its own. We still have to face commercial toxic loans, sub-prime mortgage toxic debt, a record national deficit, trillions in new expenditures for bank bailouts, stimulus, health care and wars, a dollar falling in value because of the crushing debt, a potential war in the Middle East, the long term effects of a recession and the ominous cloud of inflation hovering on the horizon. The world remains on the precipice of economic catastrophe. Will we be pushed into the New World Order?

Stay tuned...

Thursday, October 08, 2009

God and Patriotism are Dead in America - But not the Independents who will bring them back


It seems as if a full scale war is on in Washington by the Obama gang to destroy God and destroy patriotism in America. One is almost ashamed to speak of God and government or to put the needs of our country above the special interests.

Certainly Obama's administration has done little but reinforce that special interest needs will be the priority from his staffing to executive orders to legislation and spending. Never has a new president done so much so fast for such a small segment of the nation's population. Selected special interests from Wall Street powerhouse Goldman Sachs to the Chicago politicians to radical unions have been hugely rewarded while the American public has been skewered on the grill.

Legislation is not passed that does not reward cronies and contributors and spending bills are setting a record pace for deficit spending and increasing the national debt while trying to pay back the privileged few. Even altruistic efforts like health care reform, which is desperately needed by the public, have a far deeper and more sinister purpose of lining the pockets of a chosen few at the expense of many.

When it comes to eliminating God from the national consciousness the record may even be stronger. After all those years of listening to Reverend Wright rail against the whites with a degree of hatred and racism seldom seen from the pulpit, Obama made one photo op of going to church when he was inaugurated and then his displays of religion and God stopped once he took the oath of office. In nine months he has still not found a church for his family to attend. No matter which way you turn God and all signs of God are disappearing from the one nation under God that existed. How can that be?

The Supreme Court is about to rule on whether a Cross can be banned from federal land. If that is the case will the Cross then be banned from Arlington Naitonal cemetery? And if the Cross violates the First Amendment then the ACLU muct also file to ban the Star of David from all public land including Arlington Cemetery.

As the liberals trash the conservatives while the conservatives trash the liberals and the Democrats trash the Republicans while the Republicans trash the Democrats it seems as if the media and politicians are oblivious that the Independents continue to grow in strength.

There is no difference in politics whether you are a liberal, conservative, Democrat or Republican, you are all bought and paid for by corporations, unions or other special interests. Money is the lifeblood of politics and politicians are the endless spigot of money for those special interests.

Both parties scream about Wall Street but not one thing has been done by either party to prevent another economic collapse. There is no transparency, no new rules, not even prosecutions of all the criminals who executed the fraud on the American public.

In fact, the very people in the banks and financial institutions have been bolder than ever in manipulating the markets and preparing new markets, to wit the cap and trade energy market, thanks to the new $100 million man Al Gore.

There is no credit available to the public in spite of a trillion dollars in aid to banks and corporations. Not even the trillion dollar stimulus helped ease the credit crunch. What in the world are all those trillions in spending doing? Oh yes, multi-million dollar bonuses and other perks.

Here's news for the politicians. The public really does support health care reform but Congress, the President and media are the last people to know what that means. People want better prices, more choices and a chance to use alternative care whenever possible. They do not want the insurance companies or unions or government to tell them what to do, what doctor they can see, or how much it will cost.

Give us competition but don't say the public option is the only way to achieve it. Instead of giving full coverage to the millions of uninsured why not set up government owned health care clinics to stop them from going to emergency centers. Both the insured and uninsured will benefit from this. Fix tort reform by limiting penalties to actual damages and limit legal fees for both sides.

Tell Obama Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel to stop making secret deals with the pharmaceutical companies to protect them from generic drugs, thus keeping the cost of drugs way above necessary. Also how about a little of the transparency Obama promised. Obama should have his chief of staff fully disclose whatever deal he made with big pharma and tell us why the big pharma companies are spending over $100 million on television ads to endorse the Obama health care bill which isn't even in bill form yet.

Stop the banks and credit card companies from gouging us with hidden fees and higher interest rates when they took government money and they still won't loan us money. If Obama really wants transparency stop all corporate, non-profit and union campaign contributions and spending for political purposes as it is the biggest money machine next to Wall Street and has compromised the ability of our elected officials to act in our interest.

Now these are just some of the issues middle America, Main Street America, the town hall terrorists or whatever the media and politicians choose to call us, the issues that concern us the most. They are not conservative or liberal issues. Neither the Democrats nor Republicans have addressed them and both parties are responsible for them.

Our nation's politicians and media have no clue the people are abandoning both parties and joining a growing populist body as the new American Independents. Our platform is fairness, common sense and corruption free government. We want God and patriotism to be restored to their proper place in the American system. This nation was founded under Christian values and rights granted by God and we are tired of the Congress, President and courts taking it away from us.

We are tired of your trashing of America and your tolerance of all the media who trash patriotism in America. Stop apologizing for our country. When we exercise our constitutional right to free speech you condemn us as goons, thugs, hired guns and even a threat to you. Well we are a threat to you, to your political future for you have taken enough, given enough away to your contributors and abused your powers in government long enough.

We are proud of the patriotism we feel and do not believe your world view and corporate relationships have anything to do with patriotism. You have failed us. The two political parties have failed us. Wall Street and the banks have failed us. The media has failed us. We have just each other to rely on and that bond of spirit between people is far more important than the bond of bucks that guide you.


Does the Cross Represent a Specific Religious Denomination?


A statue of a cross erected in the Mojave Desert on federal land in 1934 by the Veterans of Foreign War to honor all those military killed in the service of the country is ruled a violation of the First Amendment. If this is upheld by the Supreme Court does that mean the thousands of crosses on graves at Arlington National Cemetery and throughout the nation and world have to be removed?

What nonsense. The First Amendment said no religious denomination could be favored. How does showing a cross constitute favoring a specific religious denomination? The Jewish lawyer arguing to get rid of the cross said Jews do not honor the cross.

Two questions arise. Does the Cross represent a specific religious denomination? What are religions? There are five major religions recognized by everyone who keeps track of religion. Here they are with estimates of their membership worldwide.

1. Christianity: 2.1 billion
2. Islam: 1.5 billion
3. Hinduism: 900 million
4. Buddhism: 376 million
5. Judaism: 14 million

Within the Christianity category there are estimated to be 34,000 to 38,000 denominations, with the largest being Roman Catholic with 1.3 billion members. Thousands of denominations reference the Cross as a symbol. In the Islam category the main groups are the Shiite and Sunni with 85% being Sunni. Clearly there are a lot of religious denominations.

Here in Maryland we are proud that the first colonists came to the original thirteen colonies and landed at St. Clements Island in 1634 with the first charter guaranteeing religious freedom in the New World. Not Jamestown nor Plymouth can say the same. How was this historic religious toleration moment celebrated, honoring an act that would eventually be incorporated into the Constitution in the Bill of Rights? The colonists erected a giant cross on St. Clements Island.

The Cross as a religious symbol may be recognized by many religions denominations but it was also accepted as the symbol of religious freedom in America 375 years ago. The Maryland colony was the only one guaranteeing religious freedom. So I say the Cross is a secular symbol of our Bill of Rights, the freedom of religion, all religions in America. The Cross does not reflect any one denomination of Christianity.

If the Cross as a secular symbol of America is abandoned in all of America that is public, whether federal, state, or local including schools, then the Star of David and the hechsher symbols, very specific religious symbols to Judaism, should also be banned from all public places.

The Star of David appears on the back of a one dollar bill while the hechsher, the circled-U symbol is on the labels of many commercial and consumer food products found in schools, the Capitol dining room, public auditoriums, and on and on.

Of course any symbols reflecting the original thirteen colonies including the Official US Seal, the Seal of the Office of President, money and flags could represent the 12 tribes of Israel plus Levi, the thirteen tribes of Israel. That is also a religious (Judaism) symbol, they all have to go as well. Do you see how foolish this can become?

Since the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) is prosecuting this case and they have been in the forefront of making sure God has no role in America then they should see that if they get rid of the Cross which is a 375 year old secular symbol more so than a symbol of a specific religious denomination, then it is their responsibility to get rid of the far more religious symbols like the Star of David, anything that denotes the tribes of Israel and even the hechsher, the religious Hebrew symbol on food products.
