Showing posts with label patriotism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label patriotism. Show all posts

Thursday, December 03, 2009

Christmas 2009 - The Winter of Discontent in America


The Slumbering Giant is Awakened

Was it just a year ago that a fresh new president had been elected promising a tired and battered America change and hope? No more secret dealings in the White House and Congress. No more partisan politics and pork barrel projects. No more caving in to Wall Street and the financial sector. Our new president was going to listen to Main Street, not Wall Street, not lobbyists and not play backroom politics. In fact our new face of hope was going to bring in fresh faces, new ideas and stop special interests from owning our national agenda.

Well friends, there is a reason 2009 is the winter of discontent. Now we know that Obama was just another politician from a long line of Chicago politicians who sold their souls for power, surrounded themselves with master manipulators, adopted a secret code of omerta far more powerful than anything the mob ever had, and seems to think the American public is going to stand aside while they destroy everything that is important to Americans.

Sound harsh? Then think of this. The American military has always represented what is good, strong and patriotic about America. From George Washington to George Patton our leaders have demanded the best from the military and we have stood alone in defending the world from evil, from terrorism, from human rights violations and from far worse human suffering than we have seen.

For 100 years the world rested easier whenever they heard the American military was coming and when they got there for the most part the world was indeed safer. Only when politics attempted to limit war did we not complete our mission. Then came the past few decades, the legacy of both political parties playing politics with war.

It started with President Johnson in the 1960's, a Democrat, in Vietnam. Then Nixon, a Republican was elected to clean up the mess. Pretty soon Carter, a Democrat got elected to cleanup Nixon's political mess and along came the capture of our American embassy and staff in Iran. Reagan, a Republican cleaned up that mess but Bush 1, a Republican inherited a world in which terrorist actions were now being rewarded and he was forced into playing politics with Iraq and their invasion of Kuwait.

As the dust settled on that skirmish we had now demonstrated beyond doubt that our resolve was fading. So Clinton, a Democrat, wanting to avoid war then played the highly political non-war games financing a defacto war against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan.

Oh yes, we financed Osama Bin Laden in a battle against the Soviet empire and in time the terrorists, our terrorists won. With that we had now sanctioned terrorism as a viable war strategy. Unfortunately, the terrorists used us just as we used them as the Islamic radicals had an underlying purpose to all they did. Our ally Israel was always the target of terrorists.

While we helped build up the terrorist fighting machine in Afghanistan they exported it to the Middle East and used it to start attacking our very own assets in the Arab world. Loyalty was never a concern to the terrorists. Before Clinton left office the terrorists were busy working on the first attack on American soil since Pearl Harbor.

Osama Bin Laden's goal was to strike a blow into the heart and soul of America, the core of our financial system, and then to occupy our national consciousness in diversions from the ultimate goal of inciting a world war in the Middle East with Israel as the target. There was never any doubt as to his purpose or resolve had we taken the time to study him.

Whether it was the genius behind the Bin Laden strategy or the lack of morals and ethics on wall Street, Bin Laden knew us better than we ever expected. He seemed to know that greed would drive Wall Street once America was no longer a safe haven. You see, our financial institutions had loyalty only to their own bottom line and America had been the cash cow for bankers since our Revolution.

Very quietly toward the end of the Clinton presidency while America was embroiled in the shenanigans of a wayward president and his impeachment for womanizing, the agents for the financial institutions embedded in the Clinton administration quietly raped the regulatory controls of government to insure a whole new and unregulated line of business could be launched outside the control of government but able to use the government treasury as if it were their own.

All that was needed was a trigger to cut loose the financial greed and that trigger was fear, fear that America, the bastion of world economic commerce, was no longer free from the ravages of war. What better way to destroy confidence in the American economy than to strike a deadly blow to the heart of Wall Street, the World Trade Center.

Bush 2, a Republican followed Clinton and in his first year in office the fruits of the terrorist plan were realized as five of our own commercial planes were used to destroy the greatest symbol of American might the twin towers of the World Trade Center. Bush saw the results of a couple of decades of political wars when the World Trade Center was obliterated from the earth.

In retaliation Bush 2 launched the Afghanistan and Iraq wars against terrorism thus diverting the attention of the American public toward two political wars. At the same time fear hit Wall Street as they were no longer safe here. It seemed as if our financial institutions seemed to decide that America as an unending source of money had a very limited future.

While the world watched our efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan the money manipulators launched all those secret devices approved during the Clinton impeachment, unregulated devices like hedge funds, derivatives, swaps and mortgage bundling which flooded the stock market while futures in commodities and oil were moved outside the control of the federal government.

Fear drove the financial suits to use all the secret tools they injected into the system during the Clinton impeachment as a backdoor to raid the Treasury if they could not make money legitimately. Osama was right. One need not destroy a house of cards to bring it down, just pull the right cards from the bottom of the stack. The house will then collapse by itself just as the World Trade Center collapse triggered the raid on the US Treasury by the financial institutions. Make no mistake, when the Clinton team made those secret changes to the federal regulatory laws they knew exactly what they were doing.

For those who think the World Trade Center was an isolated incident you forget the purpose of Bin Laden, to destroy the American economy. By the time Bin Laden had battled us for eight years in the deserts of the Middle East and the financiers had bled the markets dry with the unregulated speculation and unsecured new investment vehicles our military machine and economy were in shambles.

Bin Laden has no loyalty to anyone or any institution. Neither do the financial institutions of Wall Street who used the US Treasury as a petty cash fund and could care less if they bankrupted the nation. In fact they were so bold as to demand a bailout when their economic corruption caught up with them. In the end Wall Street finished the job for Bin Laden.

And along comes Obama, a Democrat, to break the chain of politics as usual. But Obama is already in the back pocket of Wall Street long before he is elected thanks to his right hand Little Napoleon, Rahm Emanuel, the Clinton and Democratic party insider from Wall Street and top fund raiser for the past two decades. Nothing has changed in Washington. Thanks to Little Napoleon Goldman Sachs reigns supreme. There is a serious question as to whether Obama is the president or puppet. There is a more serious question as to whether he can ever be president no matter how much damage Napoleon's White House gang does to him and to America.

Now we have the new Obama strategy in Afghanistan. The only thing new is that he has tied the hands of our military leaders more than any president in history. Imagine if Roosevelt had told his generals they have 18 months to end World War II. That is what the White House concluded after 92 days of thinking. That is about the dumbest reason for delay I have ever heard. Perhaps it is a result of all those years the ivy league boys got deferred from military service and they do not understand the concept of military strategy. About the only White House insider with military experience was Little Napoleon and he was a mechanic in the Israeli army.

Will we ever have a president who is proud of the American military, confident in their ability, and stands back and says to them go kick their butts and let me know what you need. Our nation has 233 years of history to be proud about. For most of that time we were the only nation in the world that defended the world without asking for anything in return. Our military was feared and our resolve was ferocious. It will take more than a toothless president and a politics playing Napoleon in the White House to take that away from us.

If they do not change their ways it will be Napoleon, his puppet and gang who are looking for a new home. What the fools in Washington have done is not destroy the spirit of America but they have awaken the spirit of America, a slumbering giant, and no one can take that love of life and freedom away from us. Clearly it is again time for a change. Only American patriots should be in Washington.


Thursday, October 08, 2009

God and Patriotism are Dead in America - But not the Independents who will bring them back


It seems as if a full scale war is on in Washington by the Obama gang to destroy God and destroy patriotism in America. One is almost ashamed to speak of God and government or to put the needs of our country above the special interests.

Certainly Obama's administration has done little but reinforce that special interest needs will be the priority from his staffing to executive orders to legislation and spending. Never has a new president done so much so fast for such a small segment of the nation's population. Selected special interests from Wall Street powerhouse Goldman Sachs to the Chicago politicians to radical unions have been hugely rewarded while the American public has been skewered on the grill.

Legislation is not passed that does not reward cronies and contributors and spending bills are setting a record pace for deficit spending and increasing the national debt while trying to pay back the privileged few. Even altruistic efforts like health care reform, which is desperately needed by the public, have a far deeper and more sinister purpose of lining the pockets of a chosen few at the expense of many.

When it comes to eliminating God from the national consciousness the record may even be stronger. After all those years of listening to Reverend Wright rail against the whites with a degree of hatred and racism seldom seen from the pulpit, Obama made one photo op of going to church when he was inaugurated and then his displays of religion and God stopped once he took the oath of office. In nine months he has still not found a church for his family to attend. No matter which way you turn God and all signs of God are disappearing from the one nation under God that existed. How can that be?

The Supreme Court is about to rule on whether a Cross can be banned from federal land. If that is the case will the Cross then be banned from Arlington Naitonal cemetery? And if the Cross violates the First Amendment then the ACLU muct also file to ban the Star of David from all public land including Arlington Cemetery.

As the liberals trash the conservatives while the conservatives trash the liberals and the Democrats trash the Republicans while the Republicans trash the Democrats it seems as if the media and politicians are oblivious that the Independents continue to grow in strength.

There is no difference in politics whether you are a liberal, conservative, Democrat or Republican, you are all bought and paid for by corporations, unions or other special interests. Money is the lifeblood of politics and politicians are the endless spigot of money for those special interests.

Both parties scream about Wall Street but not one thing has been done by either party to prevent another economic collapse. There is no transparency, no new rules, not even prosecutions of all the criminals who executed the fraud on the American public.

In fact, the very people in the banks and financial institutions have been bolder than ever in manipulating the markets and preparing new markets, to wit the cap and trade energy market, thanks to the new $100 million man Al Gore.

There is no credit available to the public in spite of a trillion dollars in aid to banks and corporations. Not even the trillion dollar stimulus helped ease the credit crunch. What in the world are all those trillions in spending doing? Oh yes, multi-million dollar bonuses and other perks.

Here's news for the politicians. The public really does support health care reform but Congress, the President and media are the last people to know what that means. People want better prices, more choices and a chance to use alternative care whenever possible. They do not want the insurance companies or unions or government to tell them what to do, what doctor they can see, or how much it will cost.

Give us competition but don't say the public option is the only way to achieve it. Instead of giving full coverage to the millions of uninsured why not set up government owned health care clinics to stop them from going to emergency centers. Both the insured and uninsured will benefit from this. Fix tort reform by limiting penalties to actual damages and limit legal fees for both sides.

Tell Obama Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel to stop making secret deals with the pharmaceutical companies to protect them from generic drugs, thus keeping the cost of drugs way above necessary. Also how about a little of the transparency Obama promised. Obama should have his chief of staff fully disclose whatever deal he made with big pharma and tell us why the big pharma companies are spending over $100 million on television ads to endorse the Obama health care bill which isn't even in bill form yet.

Stop the banks and credit card companies from gouging us with hidden fees and higher interest rates when they took government money and they still won't loan us money. If Obama really wants transparency stop all corporate, non-profit and union campaign contributions and spending for political purposes as it is the biggest money machine next to Wall Street and has compromised the ability of our elected officials to act in our interest.

Now these are just some of the issues middle America, Main Street America, the town hall terrorists or whatever the media and politicians choose to call us, the issues that concern us the most. They are not conservative or liberal issues. Neither the Democrats nor Republicans have addressed them and both parties are responsible for them.

Our nation's politicians and media have no clue the people are abandoning both parties and joining a growing populist body as the new American Independents. Our platform is fairness, common sense and corruption free government. We want God and patriotism to be restored to their proper place in the American system. This nation was founded under Christian values and rights granted by God and we are tired of the Congress, President and courts taking it away from us.

We are tired of your trashing of America and your tolerance of all the media who trash patriotism in America. Stop apologizing for our country. When we exercise our constitutional right to free speech you condemn us as goons, thugs, hired guns and even a threat to you. Well we are a threat to you, to your political future for you have taken enough, given enough away to your contributors and abused your powers in government long enough.

We are proud of the patriotism we feel and do not believe your world view and corporate relationships have anything to do with patriotism. You have failed us. The two political parties have failed us. Wall Street and the banks have failed us. The media has failed us. We have just each other to rely on and that bond of spirit between people is far more important than the bond of bucks that guide you.
