Monday, August 17, 2015

Planned Parenthood - Harvesting Fetal Tissue and Organs? What is the rest of the story?


As the debate continues to rage over what Planned Parenthood stands for or against, and what is the truth about the harvesting and selling of embryos by clinics affiliated with Planned Parenthood, I think the organization owes us some explanations.

Of course, when it comes to liberal causes, getting any real answers may be as difficult as Hillary telling the truth about her emails, or foundation, but one must try.  However, when it comes to the defender of women's health issues, PP, answers are not always associated with truth.

Margaret Sanger - Founder of Planned Parenthood

For example, do they tell us the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger,
Abortions were first promoted by Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood and one of the first to endorse eugenics at the turn of the 20th century. Present Pro-abortion people want to forget the sad chapter in America's abortion movement when eugenics was the motivation behind "choice" for women, it is a secret they wish would remain forever buried.

You see, abortion was never meant to be a "freedom of choice" for women in America but a sinister way to keep the nation from being populated by undesirables which included the handicapped, institutionalized, the insane, criminals and the poor lower classes including the African Americans.  In short, it was the vehicle for creating America's own super race long before Hitler adopted the Aryan Master race program.

In the late 1800's, after the Civil War and the difficult adjustment to the freedom of the slaves in 1865, eugenics started to take an unexpected and unknown twist.  Over one hundred years ago eugenics was a science defined as; "The quality of breeding well of freely; the production of young by the union of individuals of different species or stocks."

Back at the turn of the century, some eugenics advocates such as Margaret Sanger used it as a justification for state-sponsored discrimination, forced sterilization of persons deemed genetically defective, and the killing of institutionalized populations.  It evolved into a practice intended to cleanse the human population of inferior classes and cultures.

Sanger's newsletters and organizations were advocates of this social philosophy and her associates worked with people including Ernst Rudin who became architects of the Nazi Aryan Purification programs under Adolph Hitler.

Margaret Sanger advanced the cause of science even farther than the use of mass sterilization by promoting a way to dispose of undesirables while purifying the race through abortion and targeted birth control of the lower classes.

In fact, she was leader of the eugenics movement up until it provided training to Hitler's Nazis before World War II on the purification of the white race through birth control, sterilization, extermination, and other means.  The intent of the movement was the purification of the white race period!  Not only did the evil Nazi doctors embrace the teaching of Sanger, so did the Ku Klux Klan, not surprisingly, where she was a featured speaker at rallies.

By the middle of the 20 century the definition of eugenics changed to; "The science which deals with the improvement and culture of race, especially the human race, through improved conditions in the relation of the sexes." It pertained to genes, race and family, and the nobleness of birth.

Make no mistake, among other targets the African American population was a primary target of the eugenics movement.  The battle for eugenics raged during the 20th century with the pro-abortionists fighting the Christian churches and in the end came Roe versus Wade in 1973, a landmark bill that did not approve abortion as pro-abortionists claimed but did state that life began in a fetus at the age of 27 weeks, and as early as 24 weeks.  As a result, it legalized abortions up to that stage.

Planned Parenthood and Abortions Today

Today Margaret Sanger's Planned Parenthood claims no federal money is used for abortions, and that Planned Parenthood only performed a limited number of abortions.

In January 2014, the Guttmacher Institute, which was founded by Planned Parenthgood, reported there were 1.05 million abortions in the US in 2012, of which Planned Parenthood performed 327, 166, about 31% of all abortions.

Since the passage of Roe versus Wade in 1973 there have been a staggering 58 million abortions in America with Planned Parenthood performing over 6.8 million, or 11%.  That means the number of abortions performed by Planned Parenthood has tripled over the past 40 years.

Still, who performs the remaining three quarters of a million abortions?  Again according to Planned Parenthood there are about 1,700 health clinics performing the abortions, some of the pop-up variety who keep relocating to avoid pro-life protestors.

Curiously, Planned Parenthood identifies affiliate status with 66 independently incorporated affiliates and supports 700 health clinics serving 2.7 million additional patients.  One wonders if congress has ever looked into the fact of how much Planned Parenthood support to independent affiliates and health clinics is used by those clinics for abortions. 

Abortions Compared to Worst Health Disasters in History

Between 1348 and 1350 the Black Death or bubonic plague is estimated to have killed 30–60 percent of Europe's population, more than 50 million people, reducing the world population from an estimated 450 million to between 350 and 375 million in the 14th century. 

The Great Influenza, 1918 - 1919, also known as the Spanish Flu, the Great Influenza was most likely the deadliest plague in history. The extremely virulent influenza virus killed an estimated 50 million or more people in the space of just six months.  The world’s population at the time was just 1.8 billion.

For comparison, the total abortions in America equaled the total world deaths from either of the two worst disease outbreaks in history, the Black Death and Spanish Influenza.

Worldwide abortion deaths of 1.7 billion are more than three times the total world population in 1350, and nearly equal to the entire world population in 1919, the years of the health disasters.

The Harvesting of Fetal Tissue and Organs

Now we have the issue of Planned Parenthood medical staff discussing the harvesting of fetal tissue and selling it for profit.

Scientists at major universities and government labs have quietly been using fetal tissue for decades. They say it is an invaluable tool for certain types of research, including the study of eye diseases, diabetes, and muscular dystrophy.

Companies that obtain the tissue from clinics and sell it to laboratories exist in a gray zone, legally. Federal law says they cannot profit from the tissue itself, but the law does not specify how much they can charge for processing and shipping.

There is no doubt that the market for fetal tissue and organs is a potentially multi-billion dollar industry and with those stakes, how long can a government ban on profits be maintained?  The black market will surely infiltrate the market if it has not already.

The Obama administration and congress must get to the bottom of the Planned Parenthood numbers games and create a meaningful policy for the long term use of fetal tissue and organs that can be enforced by the law.

Trump Trumps Media - Drowns out Opponents - Turns Politics Upside Down


The boys inside the beltway and the media powers from NYC to DC are choking on their microphones as The Donald, as he is known to adoring fans, continues to devour a steady diet of liberal media, political opposition, and preferential prodigals designed by the "politically correct" clowns.

Trump cannot help himself, he is having great fun and he is doing it in a way the professional politicians and media, whether right or left leaning, had better take seriously.  No one east of the Allegheny Mountains has a clue about politics in America's third world, or outside the beltway.

Where I grew up, in Iowa the caucus state, talk of Washington, D.C. was generally concerned with the foolishness and egomania of those politicians in the nation's capitol.  Outside the beltway, people had little good to say about government and a lot bad.

As government became more and more polarized people figured it was just as well, they were only doing stupid things anyway.  At times, it seemed the safest course of action was to send congress back on vacation where they could not screw up the union further.

People could still talk about politics with humor, not hate.  They could still talk about God without legal challenges.  They could still talk about all the things now on the politically taboo list and forbidden to discussion.

Well, along comes Trump and suddenly he shatters all the taboo subjects and strategies and perceptions heretofore promoted by the eastern elite.

If an opponent attacks him, he fires back with guns in both hands.

If a news media demagogue asks a stupid question, he calls it a stupid question and refuses to answer.

He flaunts his hard-earned wealth and laughs at the tax loopholes that made it possible.  Yet he stands alone as the only person running for office who really knows what needs to be fixed, and how to fix it.

When pressed by the media for details he implies there will be plenty of time for details when he is president.  How many politicians have been quick to lay out extensive policy papers, like Obama, and then ignore them once elected.

The truth is no one knows what will work until they are in the oval office and discover the truth about what the government is doing.

Win or lose The Donald is turning the election upside down and his down-to-Earth comments and instant availability to an often hostile press is refreshing transparency missing from the Obama administration and many other professional politicians.

If his numbers keep improving in the polls and he continues to dominate the media he will be a force to be reckoned with, one created by the very media that called him a buffoon and an idiot just a few weeks ago.

Keep it up Donald because at last we are getting some honesty in politics.


Thursday, August 13, 2015

The Liberal Media has lost their Memory and Mind


Ever since Ross Perot erupted on the scene back in 1992 and cost the Republican party the presidential election there has been a melt down in the minds of America's Fourth Estate.

Lost from the minds of the liberals is the history of liberalism in America and the desire of the American public to have balance between the conservative and liberal advocates.  At times, it seems our new generation of news reporters, ignore the tradition and values of Americans and try to push an agenda inconsistent with the public views.

When our country was founded the prevailing constitutional battle was between a dominate central government versus strong state governments.  Even back then, they understood the only obstacle to a successful America was the potential for a concentration of power in our nation's capitol.

Over the years, the pendulum swung ever so slowly between conservative and liberal views but in the 20th Century, the opposing policies became more entrenched.

Along came Franklin Roosevelt and with the depression followed by World War II dominating the USA, there was a massive move to the liberal left.  But once again it could not be sustained as Adlai Stevenson, the darling of the liberals, went up in flames as Ike took control of the post-war America.

Then Kennedy pulled off the closest presidential victory in history, which the liberals took as a mandate, and once again, socialism dominated our policies.  However, Kennedy, the political pragmatist, realized the limited value of socialism and moved to the center.

After his assassination, Viet Nam, the Great Society, Civil Rights, and academic freedom issues tore apart the nation.  Hubert Humphrey, Gene McCarthy, and George McGovern were the poster boys for liberalism.

Once again, the public mood swung to the right and Nixon was elected, dismantled much of the liberal control with his New Federalism, meaning a reduction in the power of the central government, and proceeded to destroy the liberal movement when he defeated McGovern by 18 million votes, the greatest margin in our history.  In the process, he won 49 out of 50 states.

For most of the next four decades, the moderate conservative policy ruled America except for the four years Jimmy Carter was president.  There was Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, who often sounded more Republican than the Republicans, and finally Bush.

Then along came Barack Obama who set out to turn America back into the socialist bastion he dreamed it should be but Barack could deliver on very few of his promises and refusing to take the road of compromise, he introduced partisanship into his leadership and brought the Republic to a near standstill.

Unfortunately, the liberal media played right into his hands and kept seeking out conservatives to be the bad guys, in blocking the Obama socialist agenda.  Thanks to the media, the social issues dominated the headlines throughout Obama's time as president and the government basically ground to a halt.

Back in 1992 when Perot robbed Bush of re-election, it marked the beginning-of-the-end for the two party system.  Since that time, there as been a steady erosion of eligible voters registering to vote, and a steady erosion of the control of the two political parties over registered voters.

This past year two major, milestones were passed in terms of voters.  Within the registered voters in the nation, it was the first time more people declared themselves Independents than either Democrats or Republicans.

Perhaps more foreboding, within the eligible voters, it was the first time more people chose not to register to vote than those registering.  The result was Obama won his last and largest victory with just 25% of the eligible vote.

Pythagorean Analysis of Voter reality in America

Total USA Population Today          325,332,205
Total Population under 18                 78,000,000
Total Population 18 and over          247,322,000

Total Eligible Voters 18+                 247,322,000

Total Registered Voters                    142,200,000
Percent                                                            57%

Total Voter Turnout 2014                121,757,000
Percent of Registered Voters                        85.6%
Percent of Eligible Voters                             49.2%

Total Obama Votes 2014                    62,615,406
Percent of Registered Voters                        44%
Percent of Eligible Voters                             25.3%                                                                        

Total Romney Voters 2014                 59,100,000
Percent of Registered Voters                       41.5%
Percent of Eligible Voters                             23.9%                                    

Total Eligible Voters not Voting       125,565,000
Percent of Eligible Voters                             50.8%                                                

Back on September 16, 2010, I wrote the following.

The March of the Invisible Americans - the Independents

In the past two years a fascinating phenomena has quietly taken place that could change the future of politics in America. Just 18 months ago for the first time the number of people claiming to be Independents has surpassed the total number of members of either the Democrat or Republican parties. If the political bosses of the two parties are paying attention then they better be preparing for an early retirement, their stranglehold on the political system and the government may be coming to an end.

So what if the Independents outnumber the Elephants and Donkeys? Well in simple words it means that nearly 40% of our voters have rejected the policies, programs and candidates of the two party system. It also means this huge voting block reflects the disenfranchised voters of America, the one group of our citizens subject to taxation without representation.

You see just 32 states allow registered Independents to vote in the primary election for federal offices, meaning for those of you who slept during American History class that means 18 states do not allow Independents to vote in the primary. Several are rather large states banning the Independent vote.

Now some enterprising Independents have formed a bunch of Independent political parties in order to get on the ballot but the states, thanks to the pressure from the two reigning political parties, have made the rules so difficult it is hard to accomplish. Even with his millions of dollars Ross Perot, without a doubt the most successful Independent candidate in the 20th century, still was not on all ballots.

Ross did what he had to do and in spite of the efforts of the two parties to crush him he still got 19% of the vote and cost Bush senior the election.  Clinton won by far less than the 19% Perot took away from both party candidates. More on Mr. Perot later as I intend to report on my years as a media advisor to Ross Perot and the things he was doing for people behind the scenes.

Why are states forcing Independents to set up their own political party when they are Independents because they are fed up with the political parties that exist? They don't want their own party, there is all ready to much politics in America. They just want the right to vote for candidates from either party or any of the many minor parties like the Green Movement, etc. in the primary and general elections.

Who gave the Democrats and Republicans the right to dictate who we can choose from on the ballot? In many cases the parties are protecting the worst candidates and the parties have demonstrated that their primary purpose is to protect the political system that is corrupt to the bone. If America is the land of the free then why do the political parties get to screen and virtually dictate who we can vote for in the elections?

As America has matured and both parties have demonstrated an equal zeal to promote greed and corruption the difference between the Democrats and Republicans has vanished. Oh it may be that most liberals are Democrats and most conservatives are Republicans but there are liberals, conservatives and moderates in both parties.

It may be that the party and presidential candidate have a platform to run on but as every winner the past century including the most recent candidate of change Barack Obama have demonstrated, once they win nothing really changes. Both parties are addicted to campaign money, both try to control government policy and in the end the rich still get richer while the middle class is left holding the bag. There will never be effective and honest campaign reform as long as the two parties control the candidates for president, the House and the Senate.

It is time someone sensible in our nation's capitol step up and give all the voters rights. It is time we recognize that control of the government is not the right of the political parties but the people. It is time we pay attention to what got us into this mess in the first place, taxation without representation, greed and a healthy dose of corruption.

I don't remember reading anything about the power or role of the Democrat or Republican parties in our Declaration of Independence or Constitution. There were no guarantees that they should be allowed to control our national policy nor pick our candidates. Fact is they weren't even in existence when our Founding Fathers were debating our future.

I believe both parties should have a voice in national politics, along with the Independents. Then the voice of the people will be heard. Right now only the political machines are heard. Someone in Washington should clean up the mess. For the first 100 years third parties were essential to our success as our forefathers knew there was an inherent danger in allowing political control to be concentrated in a couple of parties.

It was a system that worked quite well. Then came the party bosses who tapped the money and found out how financially rewarding control could become if only they could force the public to pick between two stooges. Occasionally we get good presidents. But there are a lot more good people that could be helping out the country but they will never get the chance because they do not have the backing of the political parties, unions, Wall Street or the money managers, all who conspire to preserve the status quo.

In summary, neither political party has an interest in preserving our future, just protecting their special interests.  Obama tried to tip the balance of interests in America by pushing his aggressive socialist agenda.  It failed.

Now the Democratic party is running a liberal, a progressive, and a socialist for president while the GOP have a mix of moderates and conservatives.  Our future is not about party, it is about people.  Is it really surprising that those outside the political system present the greatest challenge to continuing with business as usual?

I say let the liberal media and political parties keep living in fantasyland, and the people will rip the nation right out from under them.  Perhaps that is the only way to elect people to serve the people, a long, lost American principle.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015



Born: January 8, 1935, Tupelo, MS

Died: August 16, 1977, Memphis, TN

Only in America could a country kid from Tupelo, Mississippi grow up to become King, sell over 600 million records, and become one of the greatest icons in American history.

While amassing 14 Grammy nominations and winning three, Elvis was awarded a Grammy lifetime achievement award at the ripe old age of just 36.

Single handed Elvis brought life and controversy to the fledgling rock and roll movement in the 1950's and by the end of the decade it was the dominate music genre in the world.  Every rock and roll success story since his time was because of what he did.

Elvis used television and movies like no other star at the time to make the public aware of him but it was probably the military that helped make Elvis.

Why do I say this?  Back in the mid-1950's when Elvis was starting out rock and roll did not exist. He was known locally and some of those early fans were in the military and would take copies of his records to Germany and other bases where they would share them with fellow soldiers from other parts of the country.

One of my closest friends had a brother in the army who was stationed in Germany and when he came home he brought his brother and thus me copies of the early Elvis records.  

The Elvis and Priscilla love story remains one of the greatest in rock history as he asked her father, an officer in Germany when Elvis was serving in the military, if he could take his 14 year old daughter under his protection until they were old enough to marry.  It was seven years before they were married.  

His one child, named Lisa-Marie, went on to become wife to Michael Jackson thus merging two families of the most revered singers in the world.

Elvis was also friends with my favorite 20th century icon Marilyn Monroe thus insuring him a permanent place in my mind.

During his life he reinvented his career several times, had a manager whose love for money made Elvis a fortune but may have cost him a lifetime of unhappiness, and he became addicted to prescription drugs.

Both Elvis and Michael Jackson would die prematurely from an overdose of prescription drugs.  Still, he remains one of the greatest icons of the 20th century.