Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Liberal One Nation Rally Trashes Nation's Capitol - News The Media Didn't Report


More than 400 liberal unions, civil rights, environmental, gay rights, and other progressive groups gathered in DC October 2 to prove 400 liberal organizations could outdraw one conservative, Glenn Beck, but all they really proved is how much they are really dedicated to the nation and environment. The mountain of trash left behind on our nation's most sacred monuments was astounding considering the causes in attendance and of course the media forgot to point out a single negative sign when the mall had many negative and socialist signs.

Capehart on Right

While the unions again spent a small fortune in union dues busing in protesters and the speakers wailed against the Constitution and those who might disagree with their far left agendas at least the left wing media like Jonathan Capehart from the Washington Post, a favorite of MSNBC, could report on events with the typical blinders of a special interest.
Glenn Beck Rally

Liberal Rally 

As for the comparison with Beck, you judge from the actual photos. We now know it takes 400 liberal organizations and free busing from the SEIU to equal 1/2 the crowd drawn by Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin and that liberals who champion the environment re the biggest polluters of all.

NAACP's Ben Jealous Continues Liberal Lies and Distortion

What is wrong with the leaders of the civil rights groups in America who claim to want to work with the Tea party to bring America together then spout blatant lies about the Tea party as if hiding behind Martin Luther King, Jr.'s legacy can shield them from the truth.

Hey Ben, a lie is a lie! Claiming to extend an olive branch to the Tea party won't work when the olive branch is laced with cyanide. It is also really silly to claim you formally invited the Tea party to the socialist rally and then refuse to identify what Tea Party official you invited to the media. Since you then proceeded to trash the Tea Party while purporting to extend the olive branch you win hypocrite of the day honors.

Here are some of the other images the national media doesn't want you to see from the liberal bash.


Friday, October 01, 2010

Having left the nation in shambles, polarization in DC and class warfare inflamed, Rahm Emanuel heads to Chicago as Obama loses his lifeline to reality


One thing you must admit about the little man with the mighty bark from Illinois, his influence over Barack Obama was dominating and it will take years for historians to figure out whether Obama or Emanuel was more responsible for the wreck of the Obama ship of state after two years in office.
A second thing you must admit is how this former Goldman Sachs executive and Wall Street money machine was able to silence the liberal left as he made the Democrats under Obama the beneficiaries of Wall Street special interest money while making certain nothing of any substance happened to the fat cats as a result of their destruction of the American economy.

Liberal groups and the liberal media, supposedly protectors of human rights and defenders of America from corporate crooks, were silent as Wall Street destroyed the economy, were silent as Wall Street got bailed out by Obama, and were silent as Wall Street and the banks got rich at our expense.

We have raised questions since 2007 about the Obama relationship to Goldman Sachs, what Goldman had to do with two leading opponents of Obama withdrawing from his campaign for the US Senate, about the role Goldman played as the top giver and pied piper for Wall Street money flowing to Obama and fellow Democrats, and on and on.

As a Goldman alumni and Obama's top aide Rahm was in a position to answer questions or block the answers and with his departure maybe some answers will finally be forthcoming.

There is no doubt he dominated the West Wing of the White House and much of the domestic and foreign policy offered by his inexperienced president and boss. It will take years before enough records will be declassified to discover the true extent of his role.

Still Emanuel will be missed because he was the only person in the White House who seemed to do anything, and never failed to follow his own advice and take advantage of every crisis. Chicago is much more suited to Rahm than Washington. I mean Chicago had Al Capone.

California Democrats Smear Whitman - Take Dirty Tricks Mantle from California Republicans of Watergate.


Once upon a time it was the Republicans from California who were accused of the most dirty of all dirty tricks in political campaigns. That was back when Watergate sank President Nixon thanks to the political manipulation by Californian's Haldeman and Erlichman who worked for Nixon.

Today it seems the Democrats from California have taken control of dirty tricks as the tag team of Jerry Brown, Democratic candidate for governor, and Gloria Allred, 69, a well-known publicity seeking lawyer who, on her website, calls herself "the most famous woman attorney practicing law in the nation today, " have launched the modern effort of campaign dirty tricks to save the Brown campaign, protect union control of California, and stop Meg Whitman from becoming the next governor.

Allred produced a letter from Social Security, one that was 7 years old mind you, raising questions about the Social Security number of a domestic worker f0r Whitman. A year ago Whitman discovered her employee was an illegal alien and fired her. Gloria called a news conference claiming Whitman knew she was illegal since the letter 7 years ago.

Although she has been a substantial financial supporter of Jerry Brown who began a long and illustrious career before World War I or whenever he started as a public servant of California, and she is a card carrying liberal Democrat along with being self-proclaimed as the greatest woman lawyer in America, she denies Brown, the current attorney general for the state, was involved in this latest caper.

Of course she does not explain how she got a confidential letter from Social Security with a hand written note from Whitman's husband on it, though someone had to steal it. She also does not explain how a letter from Social Security about a SS number has anything to do with Illegal Immigration since that is handled by the Justice Department and there is no mention of her residency status in the letter.

Justice Department, hummm, isn't Mr. Brown the head of the California Justice Department that works with the US Justice Department on illegal immigration matters? Maybe someone in his office accidently stole the Social Security letter and accidentally gave it to Gloria?

Watergate took the work of political insiders working with outsiders in an abuse of government powers and manipulation of the political process. Sounds like the modern Democrats of California are following in the footsteps of the California gang behind the Watergate.

The celebrities of the liberal left are really upset with the potential loss of control of the nation as well as California in the upcoming election but we really thought Watergate style chicanery was a thing of the past. Leave it to the liberals to save the things Americans want no part of today.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Die Hard Yankees fan Sees Phillies win World Series


Okay, so the playoffs haven't even started.  And yes the Yankees are in the playoffs for the 100th or so year.  They are the defending champions and they have won so many World Series NYC lost track.

Then this is the year old George Steinbrenner died and the Yankees broke the bank spending on talent.  When talent fails a team like the Yankees tradition can usually carry them.  Coach Girardi is a clever dude and he may have been resting some the the Yanks these last few weeks and they may suddenly come to life.

But I have an instinct about some things.  I had it when I was in the clubhouse of Yankee stadium and then the dugout with the likes of Mickey Mantle and Roger Maris, Yogi Berra and Whitey Ford back in the early 1960's.  Even when I attended parties at Yogi's house in Jersey when I worked for the New Jersey governor.  Of course Yogi was a Jersey treasure longbefore he was a national treasure.

But my instinct tells me the Yankees are a little too tired to win the Series this year.  I think the Philadelphia Phillies will win the world championship because the are the hottest and most fearless team in the majors right now.  If they don't Ihope it is the Yankees.


Remember When - The Ads that Formed America


I made it all the way from the corn fields of Iowa to the canyons of Madison Avenue in good old NYC and even played a role in a lot of ad campaigns to sell America on something they may or may not need. Still, I enjoy looking back at what was done years ago when it came to molding the minds of America and when I see these old ads it makes me wonder how we ever survived. Just think of the lawsuits if they were to run today.


Stonehenge - Where Mystery Reins Supreme


I have always been drawn to the ancient Stonehenge in England and to the world of Druids and Wizards, King Arthur and Dragons.  Growing up in Iowa just didn't offer the thrills of warriors and nature and spirits and good over evil.  Now we can't even tell the diffence between good and evil, they all look the same.

So I made a couple of pilgrimages to Stonehenge and sacred sites throughout the British Isles and Ireland and explored the far reaches of Scotland and Wales.  It was like going home and I hope to make many more journeys to my past.

I found the following article about Stonehenge which just adds to the mystery and mystic.  I also lived in Nebraska for a number of years and we had our own Stonehenge as you can see from the photos.  Not quite the 5,000 year old (or much older) vintage of the original but it is Nebraska.

Stonehenge skeleton came from Mediterranean

By RAPHAEL G. SATTER, Associated Press Writer Raphael G. Satter, Associated Press Writer – Wed Sep 29, 3:41 pm ET

LONDON — A wealthy young teenager buried near Britain's mysterious Stonehenge monument came from the Mediterranean hundreds of miles away, scientists said Wednesday, proof of the site's importance as a travel destination in prehistoric times.

The teen — dubbed "The Boy with the Amber Necklace" because he was unearthed with a cluster of amber beads around his neck — is one of several sets of foreign remains found around the ancient ring of imposing stones, whose exact purpose remains unknown.

The British Geological Survey's Jane Evans said that the find, radiocarbon dated to 1,550 B.C., "highlights the diversity of people who came to Stonehenge from across Europe," a statement backed by Bournemouth University's Timothy Darvill, a Stonehenge scholar uninvolved with the discovery.

"The find adds considerable weight to the idea that people traveled long distances to visit Stonehenge, which must therefore have had a big reputation as a cult center," Darvill said in an e-mail Wednesday. "Long distance travel was certainly more common at this time than we generally think."

The skeleton, thought to be that of a 14- or 15-year-old, was unearthed about two miles (3 kilometers) southeast of Stonehenge, in southern England.

Clues to the adolescent's foreign origins could be found in the necklace, which isn't a recognized British type. But he was traced to the area around the Mediterranean Sea by a technique known as isotope analysis, which in this case measured the ratio of strontium and oxygen isotopes in his tooth enamel.

Different regions have different mixes of elements in their drinking water, for example, and some of those are absorbed into a person's tooth enamel as he or she grows up. Analysis of the isotopes of oxygen and strontium carried in the enamel can give scientists a good but rather general idea of where a person was raised.

The teen, whose necklace suggests he came from a rich family, is one of several long-distance travelers found near Stonehenge. The "Amesbury Archer," so-called because of the stone arrowheads he was found with, was buried three miles (5 kilometers) from Stonehenge but is thought to have come from the Alpine foothills of central Europe. The "Boscombe Bowmen," also found nearby, are thought to have come from Wales or possibly Brittany.

It isn't clear precisely what drew these people to Stonehenge, a site which has existed in various forms for some 5,000 years. It clearly had an important ceremonial function, and the area around it is dotted with the remains of prehistoric monuments and tombs. Some say it was at the center of a sun-worshipping culture or that it served as a kind of astronomical calendar.

Others, like Darvill, also say it might have been an important healing site, drawing pilgrims from across Europe like a prehistoric version of Lourdes.
