Showing posts with label emails. Show all posts
Showing posts with label emails. Show all posts

Friday, June 17, 2016

Obamaville June 16 - America burns as Obama Fiddles - Terrorist Attacks and Economic weakness demonstrate Obama loss of focus and perspective on America


Did Obama fall into the Trump Trap in Presidential Campaign?

This has been the strangest campaign in history and things get more bizarre by the day.  You can thank the unconventional disrupter Donald Trump for throwing out the rules and shattering all tradition.  Of course what do you really expect from the Populist Disrupter, Trump.

So far, he has opened eyes and shattered many preconceived notions about how to run presidential campaigns.  For example, both Trump and Clinton won their respective nominations in the primaries but it cost Trump about $50 million and Hillary four times as much, about $200 million.

When you consider that Trump was one of 17 candidates, meaning he had to defeat 16 other opponents, and Hillary was one of just 3, her spending seems much more unreasonable.  At the last check, Hillary had about 800 campaign staff while Trump had about 60.

Then there is the near total absence of prepared speeches by Trump, his habit of telling it like he sees it regardless of the truth, and his total disregard for the news media, and one wonders how he could possibly survive.

He may or may not be a Republican, he contributed money to Democrats in the past, and he thinks his private jet is better than Air Force One, and he may just be right.  People love him or hate him, and that includes fellow Republicans.

His unfavorable rating is the highest ever recorded in a presidential campaign, at 69%, yet Hillary has the second highest unfavorable rating in history at 56%.  The last two weeks were the best two weeks of her campaign as Hillary won the nomination, got the endorsement of Obama and many others, and teamed up with Elizabeth Warren to dice and slice poor Donald, yet her unfavorable continued to rise.

On the positive side for Mr. Trump, Hillary is still waiting for the FBI to act on her email scandal.  President Putin of Russia just might help Trump by disclosing classified Hillary emails hacked by the Russians, proving she jeopardized national security with her private server.

Trump has still not started on her about the Clinton Foundation, her conflicts of interest as Secretary of State, and her husband's dismal record when president in terms of jailing African Americans, destroying the manufacturing base in America, and providing the rule changes that directly led to the economic collapse of 2008-2009.

So in spite of everything I have just outlined, at best we can say we do not even know if either presidential candidate selected by the popular vote of the people will actually make it to election day without getting thrown off the party ticket, thrown in jail, charged with felony actions, or discovers some other form of self-destruction.

As for Obama taking over the Clinton campaign, here was the headline on CNBC this past week regarding the Obama economy.

US created 38,000 jobs in May vs. 162,000 expected
(Editor's note, just 23% of what was expected)

How Trump Trumped Obama!

We know Hillary decided to run on the coattails of President Obama, promising to protect his legacy if elected president.  In fact, she has been pandering to him the entire campaign, even though the whole world knows the Clinton and Obama clans do not like each other, maybe even despise the other.

It is an unhealthy alliance for the moment in order to keep Trump from winning the presidency and exposing all the bad things Obama might have done.  Tenuous at best, it could implode at any moment.

Trump seems to have come up with a strategy with his favorite advisor, himself, to change the campaign from a contest with Hillary to a referendum on the Obama presidency but like most lame duck presidents Obama pretty much kept out of the campaign.  Here in America tradition has it that a sitting president stays above politics by staying out of politics at the end of his term.

Obama followed such a course until this week when the constant baiting by Trump with little jabs at the departing president finally made Obama come unglued and viciously attack Donald.  It was quite the spectacle when the president lowered himself to the Trump standard and then distortions and exaggerations started flowing from his lips.

Suddenly Obama was morphing into the very person he hated the most, Donald Trump.

So here we are, just four months until the general election.  Trump is standing alone taking on the last two Democratic Presidents (Obama and Clinton), the good old boy VP Joe Biden, the former First Lady, Senator, and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the entire elitist political establishments from both parties, and the purveyor of the truth, the liberal news media.

On the Republican side, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan seems to be the only party leader willing to try to help Trump become a viable candidate.  The two Republican Presidents from the Bush family are sitting on the sidelines along with the party establishment and the last GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney seemingly willing to let the party suffer a humiliating defeat rather than help Trump.

Most of the major Republican contributors whose money is essential for most candidates to win are also like Ladies in Waiting on the sidelines.  The vast majority of the news media, long ago wrote off Trump and are now working overtime to make certain it was a self-fulfilling prophecy and not just a pipedream to stop Trump.

So, it is David versus Goliath, Trump versus the world.

On the side of Goliath stands everyone in the universal establishment from the news media to financial contributors to Republicans and Democrats united in their hatred of Trump and their desire to protect the status quo.

As the camera pans to the opposition, the David or Trump side of the most one-sided battle in the history of politics, we see a lone soul in the wilderness like a John the Baptist shouting out that it does not have to be like this.

Behind the lone soul in the wilderness the forest of trees emerge from the fog and we begin to see not trees but the Little People, the forgotten Americans.  These are the disenfranchised voters, the disappointed public, the out of work minorities, the undocumented workers, union members abandoned by their protectors, unemployed manufacturing and coal workers who believed their politicians, the people upon whose backs and hard labor the Establishment has flourished.

Now we see millions of Little People begin to come into view armed only with a faith in our nation and believing things have got to be better than what we have.  This army of forgotten souls has been searching for a leader for decades as both political parties have made empty promise after empty promise.

Very special interests that dominate the two party system and control Wall Street and all wealth, those one percent few, demand the politicians and media they own take down this radical from the wilderness and his followers who threaten their gravy train, their control of power, and their obsession with wealth.

Even President Obama, the latest of the political beneficiaries of the super wealthy, who has played their game since becoming president and increased their wealth enormously, is now worried about the voice in the wilderness.  Trump is threatening his legacy so Obama decides to break all the rules himself and use the office of the president and power of the presidency to destroy this insignificant gnat.

Watch as Hillary fades into the background as Obama takes front and center on stage to crush this brash native of Queens.

Perhaps this is why Obama wants to crush Trump.  Trump is in the process of exposing the real Obama eight-year legacy including;

failed to heal the economy,
failed to secure payroll increases for Middle Class
failed to improve foreign policy,
failed on his campaign promises to heal the nation and end illegal immigration,
failed to end the fighting in the Middle East,
failed to help the African American community,
failed to provide immigration reform to Hispanics,
failed to save 400,000 Syrian citizens from death since his red line promise,
failed to save 182,650 Mexicans murdered in drug wars to supply USA

It will be interesting to see how the battle between David and Goliath evolves the next five months.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Obamaville May 25 - Hillary and her Emails - Where do we go from here?


Are government officials lying about the Clinton email controversy?

For the first time since the Hillary email affair broke last year a government official appointed by President Barack Obama, the Inspector General of the State Department, has confirmed Clinton violated the rules of the government by refusing to turn over emails when she left office, and by maintaining her own private server independent of the secured government system.

How convenient that the President is in Japan when the report was released today.

Immediately after the release, the Hillary defenders took to the airways to attempt to mitigate the impact on her already swollen unfavorable and non-trustworthy poll numbers.  Sadly, the mouthpieces continue to say anything to divert attention from the truth.  I wonder if proven wrong by an upcoming FBI report if they will resign from office for lying to the public.

The attempted cover up of what took place on that server could be the lead story of the 2016 election and has the potential of overshadowing whatever Donald Trump has and will accomplish during the long and painful campaign.

The sharp intensity of the Clinton surrogates attack on the Inspector General's report was breathtaking and is a good clue as to whether her server outcome is going to be bad or good.  The determined effort by the surrogates to say Hillary was doing nothing more than previous Secretaries of State like those of Bush and Bill Clinton, was a clever tactic but has little to do with what Hillary did.

Each presidential administration issues their own rules and regulations guiding appointees like Clinton on how to handle emails.  The Obama administration, to their credit, had far more detailed rules than previous administrations.  According to Obama's Inspector General for the State Department, Hillary broke the rules.

Also according to the IG report, she knowingly violated the rules by never seeking approval for a private email server from the State Department, or the White House, a serious charge since she has repeatedly denied violating any rules.  The fact Hillary and her staff refused to meet with the Inspector General during the investigation, while all previous Secretaries of State did meet with the IG, is highly suspicious.

Far more ominous was another related news story that broke today about the Romanian hacker recently extradited to the USA at the request of the FBI, who did a plea bargain with the FBI and pleaded guilty of hacking the private emails of several top ranking government officials.

Among the claims of this convicted hacker was his admitted hacking into Secretary Clinton's private email server.  Could that be why they extradited him?  Was it ironic or just a coincidence both stories broke today?

As stunning as today's revelations may be, they could pale in comparison to the FBI investigation still underway.  As far as we can tell, the FBI still must interview the Romanian hacker and Secretary Clinton before they issue findings.  Unlike the Inspector General report, the FBI investigation can lead to criminal charges.

Here are potential major actions that could result from the ongoing FBI investigation.

  • Indictments of Clinton staff members for jeopardizing national security.

  • Confirmation that foreign entities hacked Clinton's server.

  • Confirmation that classified national security memos were hacked.

  • Proof of a deliberate effort by Clinton staff to keep the server from government oversight.

  • Proof that classified memos were deliberately transferred from the classified server to the private Clinton server.

  • Proof that the same server was used for Clinton Foundation activity with foreign entities or State Department waivers.
Now before the liberals of the nation start popping pain relievers just thinking of the consequences of any one or all of these potential outcomes, let it be said NONE of them suggest, imply, or otherwise say Hillary Clinton is guilty of anything as President Obama so aptly put it as reported in the liberal friendly The New York Times.


Obama Says Hillary Clinton Wouldn’t Intentionally Endanger U.S. With Emails

WASHINGTON — President Obama said in an interview broadcast on Sunday that while Hillary Clinton had been careless in managing her emails as secretary of state, she would never intentionally do anything to endanger the country.


Ever the clever lawyer, he specifically said "Intentionally" which suggests there might have been "unintentional" endangering of the country.  Of course, he failed to mention the national security of the nation is compromised no matter whether it was intentional or unintentional.

Now, the extreme outcome of this investigation may be:

  • She lied to authorities by failing to disclose or get approval for her private system.

  • She compromised national security

  • There were blatant conflicts of interest when the Clinton Foundation sought waivers from the State Department to accept money (millions of dollars) from foreign nations on "restricted" lists and she granted the waivers.

If any of these come true suffice it to say her campaign may well be over.  There are those of us who long held the belief the only reason Bernie Sanders remained in the campaign when the outcome was never in doubt was because he thought one of these potential results from the FBI investigation would give him the nomination.

However, because the FBI has just entered a plea agreement with the Romanian hacker who claimed to have hacked her emails, much investigation work remains.  In addition, the FBI has not called Hillary in to testify yet but has indicated it will happen.

There is a good reason to delay the FBI results until after the Democratic National Convention in sixty days. As it now stands, Hillary will be declared the nominee at the convention, as there is no hope Bernie can overcome her Super Delegate stockpile.

If the FBI releases their report before that moment, it could derail her presidential bid and Bernie would most likely be the nominee by finishing second.

However, if she wins the nomination at the convention and then a devastating FBI report comes out forcing her to withdraw as the nominee, what happens?

Both the Republican and the Democratic parties have rules in their bylaws governing how to fill the vacancy. The Party Chair calls a meeting of the National Committee, and the Committee members at the meeting vote to fill the vacancy on the ticket. A candidate must receive a majority of the votes to win the party's nod.

There are 447 members of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) including 75 at-large members nominated by the Chairman (Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz) and approved by the full DNC.  The DNC is composed of the chairs and vice-chairs of each state Democratic Party Committee and over 200 members elected by Democrats in all 50 states and the territories.

The DNC is the epitome of the political party establishment and only two people rank higher than Debbie Wasserman Schultz, President Barack Obama, and Vice President Joe Biden.

Now think of the consequences if Hillary resigns from the ticket after winning the nomination, and remember there is nothing normal about this 2016 election process, so anything is possible.

Since it is after the convention, it matters not that Bernie Sanders finished second.  The matter of selecting a replacement candidate for president falls into the hands of the Democratic establishment.

Barack Obama will have the most to say about the replacement, and his loyal second in command Joe Biden is the most likely choice to replace Clinton.  Why Biden, because the whole world knows a socialist like Bernie can never win election in America, nor will he ever get the chance.

Once Hillary gets the nomination, his hope is gone because the establishment will not pick someone who spent the last year bashing them.  Besides, many Democrats regretted that Joe Biden passed up his chance to get in the race and believe if Hillary stumbled, then Biden would be the nominee.

Call it fate, call it coincidental, call it Divine Providence, Joe Biden would finally get his chance to be president and he did not even have to run in the primary.  Biden may be the only Democrat capable of battling Trump head-to-head.

Besides, who better to defend the Obama legacy than Obama's right hand man in building it?

Sorry Bernie, you are out.

As Lewis Carroll so aptly put it in Alice in Wonderland, "Nothing is as it seems."

Thursday, May 05, 2016

Is this the beginning of the end, for Hillary Clinton as US Authorities Extradite Romanian hacker Claiming to have Hacked Clinton's classified and Top Secret emails?


Reuters News, NBC News, and Fox News, confirmed the Justice Department Indictment claimed the following US officials were hacked:

"a family member of two former presidents, a former Cabinet member, a former member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and a former presidential advisor"

In addition to the action by the Justice Department in recent days there was an additional very disturbing release of events taking place in the Courts of the Russian Federation, in which the Federal Security Services (FSB) introduced evidence in court including "Beyond Top Secret" emails from a private server of the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Here are three stories on the startling developments in the Hillary Clinton email investigation.

January 30, 2016
“Beyond Top Secret” Hillary Clinton Emails Used In Russian Court Against Ukraine Pilot

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A very intriguing Federal Security Services (FSB) report prepared for The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation (SLEDKOM) relating to the trial of Ukrainian “spy/terroristNadiya (Nadezhda) Savchenko states that “beyond top secret” emails obtained from a “private computer storage device” belonging to former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton “should/must” be allowed into the sentencing phase of this case due not only to their “critical relevance”, but, also, because the “apprehension” of them falls outside the purview of the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR). 

According to this report, Nadiya Savchenko is a former Ukraine Air Force pilot who in 2014 joined the neo-Nazi Aidar Battalion, which is a volunteer military detachment of Ukraine's Ministry of Defense currently fighting against Russian separatist factions in their eastern regions and has been the target of many war crimes investigations

On 6 June 2014, this report continues, Nadiya Savchenko entered into the Federation from Ukraine and presented herself before Federal Migration Service (FMS) officials stating that she was a refugee and requesting she be granted Russian identity documents—which were approved.

On 17 June 2014, this report notes, while on Federation soil and in the possession of (legal) Russian identity documents, Nadiya Savchenko used her cellular phone to secretly adjust mortar fire from her Aidar Battalion terrorist allies in Ukraine onto a militia roadblock in the vicinity of Metallist village in the self-proclaimed Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR) killing Russian television reporter Vladimirovich Kornelyuk and his sound engineer Anton Voloshin.

With the facts relating to Nadiya Savchenko’s terrorist crimes and neo-Nazi affiliations having been fully documented during her trial, FSB legal analysts in this report state, the “beyond top secret” emails belonging to former Secretary Hillary Clinton are critical for the court’s “understanding/consideration” in sentencing as they “directly relate” to the causes as to why this murderer has become the West’s latest cause célèbre against Russia.

According to these FSB analysts, the specific emails obtained from former Secretary Hillary Clinton involving Nadiya Savchenko were written by US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland who masterminded what the private American intelligence firm Stratfor (known as the Shadow CIA) called the “most blatant coup in history” in toppling Ukraine’s legitimate government.
And with these emails having a US government classification of SAP (an acronym for ‘special access programs,’ a level of classification above top secret), this report further notes, the “black project” nature of the American’s attempting to subvert justice in the case of Nadiya Savchenko has not only been confirmed, but also explained.

For what these emails show, this report explains, was that upon the FSB’s arrest and detention of Nadiya Savchenko for her crimes in 2014, Assistant Secretary Nuland began a “counter campaign” of Western propaganda depicting this neo-Nazi terrorist as a heroic female pilot unjustly being persecuted by Russia—and while at the same time not a single report of Foreign Minister Lavrov’s extensive report to the international media has yet appeared on any major online American, French, British and German newspaper portals or television channels, the coverage of this Nazi terrorist has been non-stop.

Most intriguing, however, about this FSB report is its advising the Investigative Committee that it is legal to use these Secretary Hillary Clinton’s emails against Nadiya Savchenko as the method(s) in which they were obtained were outside of the jurisdiction of the SVR.

This is an important distinction to note due to if these were emails obtained from a foreign government (in this case the US), the SVR would have “sole and exclusive” domain over them and would never allow their admittance in court due to the high security level they would be held under.

Having been obtained from Secretary Hillary Clinton’s “private computer email server” though, FSB legal analysts state in this report, these emails are to be considered as outside of US government jurisdiction and thus legal, under Russian law, to be used in any matter before the court.

As to how exactly the FSB obtained these “beyond top secret” Secretary Hillary Clinton emails this report doesn’t say, but it is important to note that the former US Defense Secretary, Robert Gates, did recently acknowledge that they were in the possession of Russia and, just yesterday, the US State Department was forced to admit that 22 “top secret” emails were found on her private email server she had previously told the American weren’t there because she deleted them.

January 30, 2016 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

Infamous hacker ‘Guccifer’ appears in US court

Marcel Lazar Lehel after his arrest in Romania in 2014.Photo: Reuters

WASHINGTON – A Romanian hacker known as “Guccifer” who posted unofficial emails sent to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on the Internet was extradited from Romania and made his first court appearance in the United States on Friday.
Marcel Lehel, 44, is charged in a nine-count indictment that includes three counts of gaining unauthorized access to protected computers, the Justice Department said in a statement.
According to the indictment, Lehel “hacked into the email and social media accounts of high-profile victims, including a family member of two former presidents, a former Cabinet member, a former member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and a former presidential advisor,” the statement said.
It did not name the victims, but in 2013 news websites published hacked emails sent to Clinton by her former adviser Sidney Blumenthal, offering the first public clues about Clinton’s unconventional email arrangements and attributing the hack to Guccifer.

Clinton, the front-runner in the race for the Democratic 2016 presidential nomination, has apologized for using a private email server for official business while secretary of state from 2009 to 2013. The FBI is conducting an inquiry into the arrangement.
Guccifer shot to fame in 2013 after he claimed responsibility for hacking into George W. Bush’s family emails and posted artwork by the former president, including self-portraits in the bathtub.
He also distributed emails exchanged by former Secretary of State Colin Powell and Corina Cretu, a Romanian member of the European Parliament, prompting Powell to deny the two had had an affair.
Lehel, a cab driver by trade, was arrested in Bucharest in January 2014. He was serving a combined seven-year sentence in Romania, including a four-year term handed down in 2014 for illegally accessing email accounts of public figures.
Last month, a source with Romania’s DIICOT anti-organized crime and terrorism unit told Reuters that the country’s top court had “approved an 18-month temporary extradition to America for the hacker.
According to the U.S. indictment, Lehel “publicly released his victims’ private email correspondence, medical and financial information and personal photographs,” the Justice Department statement said.
Lehel appeared in federal court in Alexandria, Virginia. The other charges in the indictment are three counts of wire fraud, and one count each of aggravated identity theft, cyberstalking and obstruction of justice, it said. The statement did not say what punishment the charges carried.

Clinton's server held nearly 2,200 emails that contained information now deemed classified -- and 22 that were labeled "Top Secret."
A spokesperson for Clinton told NBC News that there is no reason anyone should take Guccifer's claims seriously.
"There is absolutely no basis to believe the claims made by this criminal from his prison cell," said Brian Fallon, national press secretary for Clinton's presidential campaign.

Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Hillary, Hillary, Hillary - you sound more like Bill every day


Today The New York Times broke a story that Hillary Clinton, during her four years as Secretary of State, refused to use a government email and conducted all government and non-government business on a private email with no copies given to the government.

In response to a request from a congressional committee, the State department disclosed they had no record of her emails though eventually Hillary did send about 55,000 pages to the State Department.  Now the Obama administration, the State Department, and Hillary are scrambling to explain why Hillary is above the law that is followed by all other government officials.

Of course, the idiots in the administration are saying it is not their responsibility, the press should check with the agency.  Ironically, this is the second violation with the emails for the administration as the head of IRS lost all her emails in the midst of a corruption investigation.

The Obama people make it a point to say only emails to government agencies are covered but that is insane.  What about emails between Hillary and Goldman Sachs, the international bank that has consistently bailed out the Clintons with millions of dollars when they needed it.

Goldman arranged to pay off Bill Clinton's multi-million dollar legal fees to defend him from impeachment during the Monica Lewinsky era.  When Bill Clinton left office Goldman helped secure not only millions needed to pay off the legal debt, but they arranged for the most lucrative speaking fees in history with the Clintons getting over $250,000 for a single speech.

Now that the Clintons are worth over $100 million, and millions more are raised for their non-profit foundation from corporations and foreign entities, did she do anything while in office to ensure her financial future?  Ethics and morality have never been of much concern to the Clintons.

To deliberately avoid a paper trail for what one did in office raises a spectrum of possibility that all kinds of bad things could have taken place.  Of all people, Hillary knew better after all the lies and cover-ups that took place in her husband's White House.  She should turn over all emails, not just the ones she wants to turn over.

This is not the first time she has gotten in trouble with emails.  A hacker got into her private account and got emails about the Benghazi debacle she exchanged with political advisor Sidney Blumenthal.  It was RT News (Russia Today) who broke the story.

Ironically, the Russians know what our Secretary of State was doing when her own government and agency did not.  So what about the greatest hackers of all, the National Security Agency, they should have a file on all her private emails.  That is where we might find the truth.

Here are excerpts from a report CNN did on the Clinton's and their banking alliances.

Clinton Foundation tied to troubled banks
March 3, 2015

WASHINGTON (CNN) —Hillary Clinton's coziness with Wall Street has long given progressives pause on her potential presidential candidacy. But her family's foundation's ties to banks that have been under investigation for everything from interest rate manipulation scandals to breaking Iran sanctions could further deepen the trust gap between the Democratic front-runner and those who think banks would have too much say over her policies.

A CNN review of public event listings for the Clinton Global Initiative's Annual Meeting found partnerships with at least six banks that were under investigation, involved in litigation or had been fined by government agencies and regulators at the time of the meeting.

In every case, the bank in question was listed as a sponsor of the event even after the investigations were widely reported in the media.

Of the array of sponsors, a few banks were perennial supporters, including British bank Standard Chartered, Goldman Sachs and Germany's Deutsche Bank, all of which were listed as mid-level backers of the event every year from 2009 on. French bank Credit Agricole was a supporter of the event from 2009-2012.

British banking giant Barclays emerged as a "strategic partner" with CGI for its 2010 annual meeting, and gave the same level of support every year after that. In 2014, HSBC became the latest bank to get on-board with the event, signing on as a "convening sponsor," the highest level of support possible.

All of the banks have had pockmarked pasts --- and many were either under investigation or fined for breaking Iran sanctions, while Clinton was secretary of State.