Showing posts with label Obamaville. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Obamaville. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Obamaville - July 1, 2014 -- Déjà Vu all over again


So today we look at the headlines then ask ourselves how things have changed during the 6 1/2 years of the Obama presidency.

 Headline - President continues to send more troops to Iraq to fight terrorist invasion!

Headline - Obamacare limited by Supreme Court ruling!

 Headline - Mideast Peace Talks go up in flames as Israel attacks Hamas!

Headline - ISIS terrorists capture huge parts of Syria and Iraq and move toward Lebanon and Jordan!

Headline - Russia defies UN and USA and moves more troops to Ukraine border!

Headline - Russia bans American astronauts from flights to International Space station!

Headline - Tens of Thousands of Illegal immigrants overwhelm American borders!

Headline - GMC teeters on brink of bankruptcy again with 30 million cars recalled!

Headline - US Federal Deficit blows past $17.5 trillion - has now tripled under Obama!

Headline - Obama has now completed over 176 rounds of golf during his 78 months as president!

Headline - America's hope for Energy Independence - the Keystone Pipeline - still not approved by Obama!

Headline - American military veterans face death at home as well as in wars with neglect and corruption permeating the Obama Veterans Administration  health program!

Headline - Health care costs and health insurance costs prepare for massive increases to pay for new Obamacare program!

Headline - Democrats and Obama continue to blame Republicans and Bush for everything that has gone wrong since Obama was elected and Democrats took control of the presidency, house and senate 6 1/2 long years ago!

Whew!  Has anything really changed?

Thank God the USA plays in the World Cup today or it would be a most depressing Fourth of July weekend.


Friday, April 06, 2012

Obamaville April 6 - Holy Week in the Nation's Capitol



Holy Week is the final week of Lent. It commemorates the events of our Lord's last week before His death. The chief festivals of Holy Week are Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and the Great Vigil (Holy Saturday). Holy Week, together with Easter, is the most sacred part of the Christian calendar -- the celebration of the death and resurrection Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.

Palm Sunday

With the nonsense over a Romney campaign staffer mention of Etch A Sketch last week finally subsiding, Holy Week began with an international focus.

Today our favorite new leader of the feminine movement to save the world from men, Aung San Suu Kyi, was elected to parliament in Myanmar.


President Obama, along with Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Mexican President Felipe Calderon hold a news conference in the Rose Garden of the White House April 2, 2012 in Washington, DC.

During questioning about Obamacare the President testily warned the Supreme Court not to strike down his health care law, a move that stunned political veterans.

Of course no mention was made of the controversial Keystone Pipeline from Canada to the US or the 45,000 Mexicans murdered by the drug cartel supplying illegal drugs to the US. But they must have talked about something.

Sarah Palin beats Katie Couric in ratings in the battle for network morning show Nielsen ratings even though Jack Rafferty of CNN, yet another GOP hater, guaranteed that Katie would easily beat Palin.

Kentucky wins 8th NCAA National Championship over Kansas.


Obama meets with news editors and openly attacks GOP nominee Mitt Romney for the first time, signaling an early start to the fall presidential election.  The president delivers blistering partisan attack on modern Republican Party.

Not even waiting until a GOP candidate is nominated to oppose him, Obama could no longer resist getting into the political fray attacking Republicans Romney and Paul Ryan, the only person in Washington to have a federal budget get approved by just one house of congress.  Obama should try it.

Romney wins three more primary elections in Wisconsin, Maryland and Washington, DC.

Baylor beats Notre dame in Women's NCAA National Championship.


Hollywood movie studio chieftain Jeffrey Katzenberg says he just wants President Obama to have a fair shot at a second term.  Katzenberg, the chief executive of DreamWorks Animation gave $2 million last year to the pro-Obama super PAC Priorities USA Action, which was almost a third of the $6.5 million raised by the political action committee through February.

Thursday - Maundy Thursday

Maundy Thursday is observed during Holy Week on the Thursday before Easter. Also referred to as "Holy Thursday" or "Great Thursday" in some Christian denominations, Maundy Thursday commemorates the Last Supper when Jesus shared the Passover meal with his disciples on the night before he was crucified.

President Obama signed the Jumpstart Our Business Startups (JOBS) Act at the White House.

President Obama celebrates the feast of the Last Supper attending major fund raisers for his presidential campaign.

Good Friday

The President uses the feast of the death of Jesus Christ on the Cross to host a White House conference on women Friday to highlight steps his administration has taken to improve opportunities and access for women in areas such as education, business and health care.

This political forum enabled the president to take advantage of his attacks on the GOP contraceptive issue while avoiding a discussion of the abortion issue.

And that is Holy Week in Obamaville.

Friday, January 07, 2011

Obamaville January 7 - Where do we go from here?


After several weeks of treatment in Kentucky for an as yet undefined ailment that nearly left me helpless 2010 has been quite a forgettable year.  Still we had elections that left heads spinning in Washington, there was a lame duck congress that did not act lame at all, Obama and the Republicans made peace at least long enough to give us the tax cuts we already had along with a few other goodies, and for a time things have been almost normal in our nation if not the world.

Since the beginning of the new year the White House staff has been gutted, Obama has appointed an insider from his public enemy number one, Wall Street, as his new chief of staff, and he is out to make peace between the president and the business community.

I don't know about you but I still remember Obama was financed by Wall Street in the last campaign while spending almost $1 billion getting elected and since he was elected only the executives on Wall Street seem to be benefitting during the recession with billions of dollars in bonuses.  I guess the media forgot all about that.

No one in the new era of the enlightened US capitol from the president to congress to the media is talking about campaign finance reform needed to stop special interests from continuing to control Washington with their millions of dollars in campaign contributions.  We have a long ways to go to return government to the people.

The politicians all talk about creating jobs, and I guess after three years of a terrible recession and the midterm election debacle that is a good thing, but why did it take so long for them to figure it out?  Once again the liberals are on the outsided looking in as the nation again regained it's conservative leaning mid ground.  That means MSNBC has to change their tone to get good guests.

Some trends are a little unnerving like the average American now watches 34 hours of television a week.  Maybe that explains why we are sicker and fatter than ever.  Add to that the addiction of youth to the computer, IPad, cellphone, texting, social networking, and all the other electronic distractions from reality and one wonders if their radiation soaked brains will survive long enough for them to ever collect Social Security.  Maybe that crisis isn't such a crisis?

The Obamacare program to control health costs has already brought us health insurance increases from 18% in Iowa to 59% in California while escalating rates for medical treatment and drugs continue unabated.  In response to the massive increase in health insurance premiums since the beginning of the New Year Obama's Secretary of Health and Human Services now admits there is nothing the president can do about it.  So why are we spending $1.3 trillion for Obamacare if we can't control the costs?

Oh we have a long ways to go to solve health care, along with pension problems in government, particularly states, getting out of two wars, beginning to address the housing crisis, overcoming the recession, bringing honesty back to government and business, and a host of other issues.  That is why I will continue reporting on the good, bad and ugly while trying to find real hope in our future.

More than anything else we need the truth and truth is what I seek in the sugarcoated world of politics.




Thursday, October 21, 2010

Obamaville 2010 - Rage Rules as our President of Democrats of America rejects 2/3 of Constituents


Reality is as reality seems and the rage and discontent in America has been fueled by the most partisan, polarizing and paralyzing new president in our modern history. Somewhere along the way after being sworn in as president Barack Obama and his Chicago gang made a series of assumptions that defy logic and reflect either a total misunderstanding of democracy or an arrogant exercise in power politics not see since, maybe Napoleon in France.

Socialism is a political system based on a perceived sense of entitlement. In modern times the very socialist leaning system so rigorously pursued by our president and his confidants is crumbling around the world in nation after nation, especially in Europe, that embraced the socialist notion of creating a society based on entitlement rather than hard work and productivity.

One by one the socialist experiments of the world have fallen into disarray just as our young, idealistic and inexperienced new president decided he knew what was best for America without consulting the American people he was elected to represent. In America an election victory, especially one by just 7 % as Obama achieved, is far from a mandate but an opportunity to lead.

In the sweet elixir of his victory he forgot the most important principles of politics in America, our president is not king and once elected our president serves all the people all the time, not just those he likes who blindly support him. Two years later, nothing has changed. Obama remains the President of the Democrats who still support him and everyone else be damned, including the Democrats who once supported him and he betrayed for political expediency.

Make no mistake, Obama's agenda has no regard for the little people who are the backbone and foundation of America. His elitist worldview is based on bringing to America what we have rejected for over 234 years. We have no intention of making all the mistakes of our older European friends who long ago jumped to socialism because they were seduced by leaders whose vision extended no further than their noses.

Europe is a really old place and they have seen thousands of years of monarchs, despots, dictators, crazy kings, revolutions, capitalism, socialism, nazism and communism all come and go in the name of God and the worker. Of course once they become popular the God part fades away.

Recent generations have seen the collapse of the empty promises of socialism and nation by nation is not paying for the socialist sins of their parents. The health care and education systems love by Obama are self-destructing in a sea of long term debt. The cradle to grave promise of social welfare and pensions is drowning in bankrupt nations, ever growing demands for entitlement, and the rejection of socialist and leftist government and their replacement with fiscally conservative governments.

From the UK to France, Spain to Greece, Ireland to Italy, they are all following the lead of the one nation that has most incorporated and imitated the American way, the nation of Germany. Led by Angela Merkel and her conservative government, Germany is the most powerful nation in Europe after being totally destroyed and gutted twice in the past century and after absorbing the ruins of East Germany into the German nation after the fall of the Soviet Union.

Of course that should not be surprising to those of us in America since over sixty million Americans are fully or partly of German ancestry, the largest ethnic block by far in America. These are the descendants of the German immigrants to America who built our unparalleled agricultural system in the 1800's and powered our industrial revolution in the 1900's.

Our young president seems to have forgotten the lessons of the past or never learned them as he continues to be president to only those who don't criticize or oppose him. Well two thirds of the people don't agree with him or the direction he is leading the country and his fall from grace and the fall from grace of his Democrat party is the only possible outcome when arrogance and elitism are imposed on the people of America.

To the people of America the socialist leaning agenda of Obama is a dinosaur that has failed and is self-destructing in Europe and around the world. Americans have no desire to be better at socialism than the rest of the world. Fact is we have no interest in being anything like the rest of the world. We have the most integrated, multi-cultural, and dynamic nation in the world. We have the most powerful economy, natural resources, agricultural production and military on earth.

Our economy ranks second to none with the second greatest economy on earth, China, five times smaller than ours. We are the most generous, charitable, forgiving free people on earth and we are the only nation where people are desperate to move here and are willing to risk arrest to get here.  We have a lot to be proud about and a lot more ambition, innovation, creativity and motivation than any people on earth.   

Please Mr. President, respect our heritage not your naive vision. You work for us, all of us.