Thursday, January 26, 2017

The Most Tragic of all Issues - Abortion in USA - The Brain Wave Test of Life and Death!


[After three previous years of articles on various aspects of the abortion issue, this article first appeared February 23, 2012 as a solution!  With over 58 million abortions performed in America through 2015, it is time to act!]

1/26/2017 9:07  PM

Total Abortions in US Since Roe versus Wade

Total 2016 population of California and New York


Abortion Policy - Where Choice can end Life

Abortion is perhaps the most complex of all social issues.  A way to accommodate both sides of the Pro-Life and Pro-Choice movements must be found that does not make our young girls and women victims between factions.

The Facts as of February 23, 2012:


Total abortions since 1973

Based on numbers reported by the Guttmacher Institute 1973-2008,

with estimates of 1,212,400 for 2009-2011. GI estimates a possible

3% under reporting rate, which is factored into the total.

Race                Abortions                  Population

White             19.6 million              211.4 million

Hispanic        13.6 million                46.8 million

Black              16.4 million                38.1 million

Other races     4.9 million                  3.7 million

Total               54.5 million              310.0 million

Just the sheer volume of abortions are staggering.  In the USA 55.4 million since 1973, worldwide 1.7 billion.  Those are millions and billions of incidents.  Yet there are also disturbing trends in those statistics that represent real lives.

Most abortions are from unwanted pregnancy, as if that would not be obvious.  However, abortion was never intended to be just another form of contraceptive.  Yet analysis now shows that as many as half of all women receiving abortions have had a previous abortion.  Are abortions so readily available that women are using the abortion to exploit sexual promiscuity at the government expense?  What does this say about the value of life in America? 

Annually the number of abortions has ranged from about 1.6 million to 1.2 million since 1990.  Only four cities in the United States have a higher population than the annual abortions, New York CityLos AngelesChicago and Houston.

Since the automobile was invented and records started in 1900, one hundred and eleven years ago, there have been 3.5 million killed in America.  Since 1973 there have been 15 times as many abortions as auto deaths since 1900.

There have been almost as many abortions in the US as the total number of people living in Great BritainFrance or Italy, men, women and children combined.

Compared to Worst Health Disasters in History

Between 1348 and 1350 the Black Death or bubonic plague is estimated to have killed 30–60 percent of Europe's population, more than 50 million people, reducing the world population from an estimated 450 million to between 350 and 375 million in the 14th century. 

The Great Influenza, 1918 - 1919, also known as the Spanish Flu, the Great Influenza was most likely the deadliest plague in history. The extremely virulent influenza virus killed an estimated 50 million or more people in the space of just six months.  The world’s population at the time was just 1.8 billion.

For comparison, the total abortions in America equaled the total world deaths from either of the two worst disease outbreaks in history, the Black Death and Spanish Influenza.

Worldwide abortion deaths of 1.7 billion are more than three times the total world population in 1350, and nearly equal to the entire world population in 1919, the years of the health disasters.

The debate over Abortion - Choice or Life or both

By all public opinion measures Abortion is the most volatile and controversial of all social issues in America.  The Pro-Choice (Pro-Abortion) movement defends the right of women to control their body while the Pro-Life movement defends the right of the unborn human life.

Roe versus Wade in 1973 set the standard for federal law on abortion yet it is often wrongly credited with also legalizing abortion at any time during the nine months of pregnancy.  In fact it was limited to the question of personal rights versus legitimate government rights.

Specifically what is the government's legitimate interest in protecting the rights of the embryo or fetus?  Since an embryo or fetus do not have rights themselves then what determines when they are human persons?

In 1973 medical science and forensics was far from the level of sophistication of today in being able to determine the moment life begins and when the fetus acquires human rights.

Four decades have passed since the landmark ruling.

During that time Pro-Life and Pro-Choice movements have become rich and powerful and abortion continues to be one of the most decisive issues of the day.  The special interests in the abortion debate are every bit as powerful and demanding as any from the financial or other sectors.

Yet there is something different about abortion than most social issues.  It is the only one in which there is a living entity as the victim and thus it elevates the issue to a real matter of life or death depending on your definition.

Now I don't know of anyone in the Pro-Choice or Pro-Life movements who would say any baby can be aborted.  The dispute is over when they are a human person, which allows a fetus to not be considered a human.  I don't think anyone wants to be seen as a baby killer.

When Does Human Life Begin?

The problem is determining the moment life begins, at least in the eyes of the courts.  That is what Roe versus Wade did nearly 40 years ago.  Science has now proven otherwise.

Advocates claimed abortion was needed in three cases, rape or incest, a threat to the health of the baby, or a threat to the health of the mother. History has proven them wrong. Multiple studies performed with the advantage of actual statistics show only 1% of all abortions resulted from rape or incest, just 2% resulted because of the health of the baby, and 2% resulted from the threat to the health of the mother. In other words the three major causes for passing Roe versus Wade actually represented no more than 5% of the total abortions performed.

Based on the claims in the debate over Roe versus Wade we should not even have a law since so few abortions performed meet the primary needs used to justify the law. However, there is another reason to reconsider the language of the law besides 50 million deaths and no justification for the law, that is what the law did do in the first place.

Roe versus Wade was a ruling by the Supreme Court that centrally held that a mother may abort her pregnancy for any reason, up until the "point at which the fetus becomes ‘viable'". The Court defined viable as being potentially able to live outside the mother's womb, albeit with artificial aid. In 1973 viability usually occurred at about seven months (28 weeks) but might occur earlier, even at 24 weeks. Medical breakthroughs since the ruling and prenatal advances have demonstrated that the ability of the fetus to live outside the mother's womb can come at a much earlier time.

In fact in recent years the youngest baby in history was delivered in Florida at 21 weeks and 6 days, survived and has now gone home to live a normal life.  She is living proof that Roe versus Wade is scientifically wrong, a baby can survive at 21 weeks, not 28 weeks.

Clearly the language of the law is flawed, so what should it be? Here is the test for all pro abortion groups who claim they really aren't advocating taking lives.   If you are sincere in wanting to protect human lives while pursuing an abortion option, then you should have no problem accepting the newest scientific evidence of when life begins.

Scientific Proof of Life versus Death

 There is one medical test widely accepted and upheld by the courts to establish that a human is legally alive or dead.  All 50 states have used this test for over 30 years.

The Uniform Determination of Death Act, promulgated in 1980 and supported by the President’s Commission for the Study of Ethical Problems in Medicine and Biomedical and Behavioral Research, has served as a model statute for the adoption of state legislation that defines death. The act asserts: “An individual, who has sustained either irreversible cessation of circulatory and respiratory functions, or irreversible cessation of all functions of the entire brain, including the brainstem, is dead. A determination of death must be made in accordance with accepted medical standards.”

Since brain activity is the legal measure for the cessation of life, then it must also be the legally accepted measure of the beginning of life. A fetus becomes a living baby when brain activity can be first measured. According to established science with the use of an electroencephalogram, or EEG, activity in the brain can be detected as early as six weeks gestational age (6). Whether brain activity begins at this time or started earlier but becomes detectable at this time is uncertain; it is known that neural connections begin forming as soon as neurons begin forming, as early as 14 days gestation.

A Constitutional lawyer like President Obama should embrace scientific advances that have proven when brain activity is detected, at six weeks, and since the courts accept brain activity as a reliable measure of life or death, then life can be scientifically proven at six weeks.

As science improves, the brain wave activity will consistently be detected some time between 14 days and six weeks.  All hospitals are equipped with EEG machines and they could be adapted to complete these tests for pregnant women.

Roe versus Wade Needs a Scientific Overhaul

Roe versus Wade, adopted nearly four decades ago, is medically and scientifically obsolete in the determination that life begins at 28 weeks. Responsible members of Congress and the White House should advocate, in the interest of scientific accuracy, a change in the law to reflect the latest scientific advances. With nearly 55 million abortions already performed, do we really want to keep terminating the lives of babies we know are living beings?

Abortion is not a matter of pro choice when the baby being aborted is a living, human being in the eyes of science. Pro Life and Pro Choice advocates should join in seeking this correction of a flawed law and the Obama Administration and Congress should make it the law of the land.

Implementing the New Scientific Findings

In the end this could be the easiest huge policy change regarding a volatile social issue in history.  It would not appear to require any action by Congress or the President.  Since the courts have recognized The Uniform Determination of Death Act as the national standard for scientifically proving death over life, then the same standard and same tests, can determine when the fetus becomes a "human" life or person, when life begins according to science and the courts.

Most governors or state attorney generals could find a way to incorporate the missing language from Roe versus Wade, the lack of a court tested determination of the difference between life and death, through executive order or the many remedies used in the judicial process.

Another option to clarify this issue would be for a legislature to amend whatever their determination of death law to use it as a determination of life or death.  There are many avenues open to those who really want to end the debate and protect those children who are not protected under the current flawed laws.

Get your governor or state attorney general to act and act now and this debate can be brought to a close.  We will have a scientific determination of when life begins and ends, and we will stop using abortion as just another form birth control to terminate unwanted pregnancies.

Most of all, we will all agree on life.

Margaret Sanger (Planned Parenthood) and "Eugenics" America's Darkest Secret - African American Abortions Equal Nearly 50% of Black Population


This article first appeared November 10, 2009 as written.

As Congress and the White House continue their bickering over provisions of the health care bill the latest snag was approval of the Anti-abortion amendment to the Pelosi House bill, an action that began as a clever way to compromise and get enough Democrats to support the effort.

What resulted was a glimpse into the soul of America as 240 House members supported the so called Stupak-Pitts Amendment restricting abortions, including an astonishing 64 Democrats, while just 192 opposed it. In the House 218 votes are necessary to approve a bill or amendment. There are 258 Democrats and 178 Republicans in the House right now. The 64 Democrats supporting Pro-life means Pelosi has only 192 votes at most supporting Pro-abortion.

That means for the first time in years there is more Pro-life support than Pro-abortion support in the House, a turn of events that caught the pro-abortion forces by total surprise. Immediately the liberal leftists moved to get House and Senate members and President Obama to say they would have to modify the amendment because it went too far in preventing abortions.

Abortions were first promoted by Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood and one of the first to endorse eugenics at the turn of the 20th century. Present Pro-abortion people want to forget the sad chapter in America's abortion movement when eugenics was the motivation behind "choice" for women and it is a secret they wish would remain forever buried.

You see, abortion was never meant to be a "freedom of choice" for women in America but a sinister way to keep the nation from being populated by undesirables which included the handicapped, institutionalized, the insane, criminals and the poor lower classes including the African Americans. In short, it was the vehicle for creating America's own super race long before Hitler adopted the Aryan Master race program. Margaret Sanger's own foundation was strongly supported by the Ku Klux Klan and helped train the German Nazi's in the science of eugenics lest there be any doubt as to their intent.

In the late 1800's, after the Civil War and the difficult adjustment to the freedom of the slaves in 1865, eugenics started to take a heretofore unknown twist. Up until that time eugenics was a science defined as; "The quality of breeding well of freely; the production of young by the union of individuals of different species or stocks." By the middle of the 20 century the definition had changed to; "The science which deals with the improvement and culture of race, especially the human race, through improved conditions in the relation of the sexes." It pertained to genes, race and family, and the nobleness of birth.

Margaret Sanger advanced the cause of science even farther by promoting a way to dispose of undesirables while purifying the race through abortion and targeted birth control of the lower classes. Here in America the advocates of eugenics using abortion and birth control were every bit as sinister as the Nazi advocates of the Master race as both served the same purpose, human intervention to purify mankind of undesirables.

Make no mistake, among other targets the African American population was a primary target of the eugenics movement. The battle for eugenics raged during the 20th century with the pro-abortionists fighting the Christian churches and in the end came Roe versus Wade in 1973, a landmark bill that did not approve abortion as pro-abortionists claimed but did state that life began in a fetus at the age of 27 weeks, and as early as 24 weeks. Thus it legalized abortions up to that stage.

Now in the 36 years since Roe versus Wade a lot has happened. In America there have now been 50 million legal abortions. Worldwide there have been one billion legal abortions. Medical advances have made it possible to save a fetus before the age of 24 weeks. And there has now been a lot of statistics gathered on abortions.

So what have we learned? Of the 1.2 million annual abortions in America less than 5% involve the popular cries of the pro-abortion forces who demand abortions in the case of rape, incest, a threat to the life of the mother and a threat to the life of the fetus. It was thought for many years that these cases would dominate the abortions and would justify the humanity of the practice.

But the truth is a far different story. The comprehensive analysis shows that 95% of abortions are not for the humanitarian reasons as anticipated but are out of convenience to the pregnant mother. What do the numbers really tell us? For one, they prove beyond doubt that the Sanger inspired eugenics is alive, well and prospering as abortions have now killed 18.5 million African American children, a number equal to nearly 50% of all African Americans alive today.

Whites constitute 221 million Americans, 79.8%, and there are 11 abortions for every 1000 White births. Hispanics total 47 million in America including illegal immigrants, 15.4% of the population, and there are 28 abortions per 1000 births. Blacks total 39 million, 12.8% of the population, and there are 50 abortions per 1000 births.

The Black abortion rate is 5 times higher than the White rate while the Hispanic is 2 times higher than the White rate. That means 18.5 million Black babies have been aborted since 1973, and who knows how many were aborted during the prior years when it was illegal but practiced at the encouragement of the eugenic movement. As stated, total Black abortions now equal nearly 50% of the current Black population in America.

Eugenics is very much alive and well in America. If Blacks had not been the victims of eugenics about 18% of the US population would be Black today, a number approaching the highest point in our history back in 1790 when 19.2% of our population was African American. The continued accelerated use of abortions by Blacks will ensure a continued loss of population as the Hispanic, Asian and White populations in America all have much greater birth rates.

Yes, the current health care debate opened Pandora's box and now that we are allowed a glimpse into our abortion history and the results, will prominent African Americans and others finally realize what abortion is doing and bring it to an end? Will they realize their political party and their social pro-abortion rallying cry that Blacks blindly support and follow is leading them into extinction?

Will they tell their leaders to end this heinous practice at once rather than support the destruction of the African American race? And finally, will they also tear back the lid to hell and expose the truths about the international abortions, now totaling over 1 billion and progressing at a rate of 50 million every year, and take a careful look at what races and cultures are being wiped off the face of the Earth by their so called friends?

1/26/2017 9:07  PM

Total Abortions in US Since Roe versus Wade

Total 2016 population of California and New York

The right to choice often gives us a difficult decision to make. Is claiming our freedom of choice the right choice when it means contributing to the extinction of races and cultures? Beware of what choice you embrace. One person's freedom can be another's slavery or extermination.

Nielsen Ratings week of January 22 including Trump Inaugural Activities


This week’s cable ratings
January 25, 2017

In cable ratings for the week ended Jan. 22:

Top five networks in primetime (18-49s): TBS, USA, TNT, Fox News Channel, Discovery Channel.

Top five networks in primetime (total viewers): Fox News Channel, CNN, HGTV, USA, Discovery Channel.

Top five total-day networks (total viewers): Fox News Channel, Nickelodeon, CNN, Disney Channel, HGTV.

Top cable news networks in primetime (total viewers): Fox News Channel, CNN, MSNBC, HLN, CNBC, FBN.

Top cable news programs (total viewers): 1. Fox News Channel’s “AEHQ: Inauguration 2017” (Friday 12 p.m.); 2. Fox News Channel’s “AEHQ: Inauguration 2017” (Friday 11 a.m.); 3. Fox News Channel’s “AEHQ: Inauguration 2017” (Friday 4 p.m.); 4. Fox News Channel’s “AEHQ: Inauguration 2017” (Friday 1 p.m.); 5. Fox News Channel’s “The Five” (Friday, 5 p.m.)

Top movie (total viewers): Nickelodeon’s “Rufus 2,” (Monday, 7 p.m.) 2.88 million.

Top sporting event (total viewers): TNT’s “NBA Basketball: Cleveland/Golden State” (Monday, 8 p.m.) 4.53 million.

Show on the rise: Discovery Channel’s “Alaskan Bush People,” Wednesday, 9 p.m. The reality show was one of very few programs to show week-to-week gains, rising 8 percent among total viewers to 3.22 million.

Show on the decline: FX’s “Taboo,” Tuesday, 10 p.m. The drama’s second episode averaged 1.84 million total viewers, down 39 percent from 1.12 million for the previous week’s premiere.

Fox News beats out all Cable and Network news for Trump Inaugural - Crushes CNN by over 8 million viewers



Fox Tops Broadcast and Cable News in Inauguration Ratings; CNN Posts Strong Primetime Numbers

by Justin Baragona | 10:37 am, January 23rd, 2017

Friday was Inauguration Day and therefore a huge day for broadcast and cable news coverage. And the undisputed winner of the ratings battle for the day was Fox News.

During the peak coverage block of 11 AM to 4 PM ET, Fox News averaged 8.77 million viewers and 2.19 million in the key 25-54 demographic. The cable news network pulled in nearly three million more than the runner-up NBC, who drew 5.90 million viewers and 2.02 million in the 25-54 demo. ABC and CBS finished third and fourth, with 4.90 million and 4.65 million viewers respectively.

As for the other cable news channels, CNN nabbed and audience 2.61 million and 942,000 in the demo in that time block. They nearly doubled up MSNBC who brought in 1.38 million and 309,000 in the demographic.

During the the Oath and Inaugural Address, Fox really dominated. The channel drew 11.77 million during that timeframe and 2.99 million in the demo. CNN, meanwhile, attracted 3.38 million viewers and 1.21 million in the 25-54 age range. MSNBC was at 1.49 million and 315,000 demo viewers.

In primetime coverage, which featured the inaugural balls, Fox News pulled in 6.96 million total viewers and 1.77 million in the 25-54 demographic. CNN enticed 4.53 million total people to watch and 1.39 million in the demo. MSNBC drew a total audience of 1.62 million and 395,000 in the key demographic.

As for the business channels, Fox Business topped CNBC in the 11 AM – 4 PM block. FBN pulled in a total of 536,000 viewers and 104,000 in the 25-54 age group compared to CNBC’s 314,000 total viewers and 91,000 in the demo.

Donald Trump Presidential Campaign leaves networks Rich with Ratings


Cable TV Rankings 2016: Presidential Politics Fuels Ratings Gains

December 20, 2016

2016 will be remembered as the year Donald Trump won the White House by taking control of the television news cycle. One year after the reality TV star’s antics and debate performances nearly catapulted Fox News Channel to the top spot among basic cable networks, finishing within 300,000 viewers of ESPN, this year Fox News leapfrogged the sports network by more than half a million primetime viewers, averaging nearly 2.5 million to ESPN’s 1.9 million.

With presidential politics taking over as viewers’ contact sport of choice, FNC enjoyed a 36% year-to-year total-viewer spike, while ESPN tumbled 11%, after 2015’s 7% decline.

But FNC wasn’t the only cable news network benefiting. CNN enjoyed a Trump-fueled 77% total-viewers spike, pushing AMC out of the yearly primetime Top 10; last year, CNN only notched a 24th-place finish. 

This year, AMC will settle for 11th place, after dropping 9% year to year.

And MSNBC, last year’s No. 29-ranked basic cable net in overall primetime crowd, jumped 87% to land at No. 12 with 1.1M viewers compared with previous year’s 596K.

The rest of 2016’s Top 10 list is the Land of Double-Digit Declines, save USA Network, which dropped a more modest 8%, and HGTV, the only non-news network to experience audience again in primetime crowd, to the tune of 5%.

USA Network

USA did, however, hang on to its status as the most watched basic cable entertainment network for an 11th consecutive year, finishing behind FNC and ESPN with 1.7M viewers.

ESPN hung on to the top spot in the coveted 18-49 demographic group, with 816K viewers in that age bracket. But here too the network tumbled, 12%, on the heels of last year’s 9% slip.

In the demo, as in overall audience, the biggest year-to-year gains were enjoyed by the news networks. CNN spiked a massive 90% in the 18-49 age group, logging 373K primetime viewers to outstrip FNC (354K, up 51%) for the year. In the percentage racket, CNN was beaten by MSNBC, which climbed 99% from last year’s negligible 104K to 207K this year.

But TBS was No. 2 in the demo to ESPN with 729K viewers, despite sloughing off 13% of its audience; USA followed (692K), with a 4% year-to-year slip.

Here are the 2016 rankings in total viewers and demo through December 18:


(Total Viewers in millions)

p2+ 2016
p2+ 2015
% change
Fox News Channel
USA Network
Discovery Channel
Disney Channel
Food Network
Hallmark Channel
Investigation Discovery
Adult Swim
A&E Network
Nick At Nite
Spike TV
TV Land
Disney Junior
Nick Jr
Animal Planet
Hallmark Movies & Mysteries
Comedy Central
Source: Nielsen; Live+SD numbers from 12/28/2015-12/18/2016

BASIC CABLE RANKINGS 2016(Adults 18-49 in Thousands)

p18-49 2016
p18-49 2015
% change
USA Network
Discovery Channel
Adult Swim
Food Network
A&E Network
Fox News Channel
Spike TV
Comedy Central
Investigation Discovery
Disney Channel
Nick At nite
Hallmark Channel
Fox Sports 1
Animal Planet
Source: Nielsen; Live+SD numbers from 12/28/2015-12/18/2016

CNN Bad Boys not content trashing Trump - they decide to Assassinate the entire Trump Administration


As CNN continues to flounder far, far behind Fox News in viewership, the network seems to be facing a reality check knowing that Trump helped them to the highest ratings in years in 2016,  but with Trump now settled in office, CNN no longer has access to the Golden Goose of TV ratings.

Trump has already demonstrated his extreme disdain of CNN by refusing to take a question from a CNN reporter at his only news conference since getting elected.  Fear not, while throwing bad taste and sheer idiocy to the wind, the CNN producers decided if they could not stop Trump from being elected, and they could not stop Trump from being certified as winner, they might as well kill him off.

So the following program was aired on the eve of the Trump inaugural in one of the worst examples of journalistic lack of ethics and integrity, and poorest taste on behalf of a radicalized cable television network, in television history.

If CNN ran the same program on the eve of the Obama inaugural in 2009, the entire network would have been in jail for civil rights violations, bias, and perpetrating HATE crimes, before being crucified in the court of public opinion by the progressive radicals.

In today's age of ethical violations and lack of journalistic standards, no other member of the Establishment Media even bothered to note the ill-timed effort for last ditch ratings by a quite desperate cable news network.

CNN Wonders About Trump, Pence Assassination Leaving Obama Administration in Charge


Bizarre, incredible, irresponsible, shocking -- you could run out of adjectives describing this CNN segment before you exhausted your outrage.

Apparently, the network thought that, in the interest of informing the public, they should posit a scenario where Donald Trump, Mike Pence, Speaker Paul Ryan, and President Pro Tempore of the Senate Orin Hatch, would all be assassinated before 12 noon on inauguration day.
Since no Trump cabinet members have been confirmed, the presidency would go to the highest ranking Obama administration cabinet member left alive.
Isn't that fascinating?

“On the day of the inauguration, as a precaution, a Cabinet secretary called the designated presidential successor will not attend the inauguration, ready to step in if something happens,” Todd said. “But, it won’t be a Trump Cabinet secretary, since none of them have been confirmed yet. It will be an Obama appointee.”

He said there was “no word from the White House on who that will be.”

Todd then asked an expert if the line of succession switches to the new presidency at noon.
The former director of the Continuity of Government Commission, John Fortier, explained that there are two lines of succession, one that is already in place and one that will not be in place until the inauguration is over.

” … And one which really won’t be in place until Donald Trump is inaugurated, comes into office, and actually formally nominates and the Senate confirms his people,” Fortier said. “You might actually end up with a president from the prior administration because of a tragedy.”

Since Secretary of State John Kerry will be officially out of office on Friday by noon, and Rex Tillerson, Trump’s nominee to head the State Department, will not be confirmed by then, the person to take over the position could be Obama appointee Tom Shannon, the undersecretary for political affairs.

He is the highest ranking non-political official.

Todd said Former Agriculture Secretary Dan Glickman was the designated survivor during one of Bill Clinton’s State of the Union addresses.

“In 1997, during an address by President Clinton to Congress, he [Glickman] was the designated survivor,” Todd said.” He left Washington and went to his daughter’s apartment in Manhattan but he wasn’t alone. The role is a serious one and he says he was accompanied by a doctor, a military officer with access to the nuclear codes, and the Secret Service.”
Question: If Fox News had run a similar segment on January 19, 2009, the reaction of Democrats and the media would have been ....(fill in the blank)?

What was the purpose of this little exercise in Constitutional impossibilities? There's a better chance that President Obama will appear before the press tomorrow morning and apologize for being such a royal screwup as president than there is that the Republican leaders in government will all go down in a hail of bullets or a massive bomb blast before noon..  This is a daydream by desperate, stupid people who have convinced themselves that the end times are upon us because Donald Trump is going to be president of the United States. They have talked themselves into hysteria because, of course, all their friends are hysterical about Trump and this reinforcing feedback loop gives certainty to their delusions.

Are they ever going to snap out of it?  Or are we doomed to being treated to four years of every move Trump makes being a step toward fascism or Armageddon depending on the issue and the day of the week?

Hopefully, the press will lose interest and eventually move on to playing up a more conventional GOP hate. Meanwhile, pop some popcorn, sit back, and enjoy watching the meltdown. 

Madonna Banned by Radio Station for Lack of ‘Patriotism’


Madonna Banned by Radio Station for Lack of ‘Patriotism’

James Hibberd 14 hours ago 

A Texas radio station has a message for Madonna: Don’t preach about Trump.
Texarkana’s Hits 105 posted a message on its Facebook page alerting its listeners that they’re dumping the Material Girl’s songs “indefinitely” due to comments they found rather immaterial to being a pop star.
General Manager Terry Thomas released a statement explaining why Madonna’s tracks will no longer be among their 50 minutes of commercial-free hits from the ’60s, ’70s and ’80s: “Banning all Madonna songs at HITS 105 is not a matter of politics, it’s a matter of patriotism. It just feels wrong to us to be playing Madonna songs and paying her royalties when the artist has shown un-American sentiments. If all stations playing Madonna took their lead from us, that would send a powerful economic message to Madonna.”
Specifically, the station referenced Madonna’s “f-bombs” during her Women’s March on Washington speech last Saturday and this line that’s generated plenty of controversy: “Yes, I’m angry. Yes, I am outraged. Yes, I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House.”

Madonna has since clarified the comments, writing on Instagram: “I am not a violent person, I do not promote violence and it’s important people hear and understand my speech in its entirety rather than one phrase taken wildly out of context … the only way to change things for the better is to do it with love.”