Friday, April 01, 2016

April Fools Day - The end of the week long political assassination of Donald Trump


Trump might just be the first presidential candidate to make good on a campaign promise, and he is not even the party nominee yet.

The Donald promised to bring America together again, a pledge of unity most media observers found preposterous, yet here, on April 1, he seems to have achieved the impossible.

After a week of bizarre, almost surreal campaign stumbles, a week when millions of dollars in negative television ads have been emasculating Trump, virtually all of America following the presidential campaign united in condemning the words, performance, actions, and record of Trump.

The results were stunning as the Democratic and Republican candidates all condemned Donald, as did leaders of both political parties.  Even President Obama took to the media to tell fellow Americans Trump could not be their president.  Obama even assured the leaders from all over the world it was not possible, that Hillary Clinton would be president to continue his legacy.

The biggest Super PACs for both parties seemed coordinated in pumping millions of dollars into negative ads to savage and ravage the tattered remains of Donald.

Then there was the media, oh the media, including most of the major television and newspaper personalities, all were attacking every aspect of Trump's words and action like a pack of starving hyenas ripping a half-dead carcass to pieces.

Even more stunning was liberal and conservative, radical liberal and radical conservative joining forces to jump on the media dismemberment.  It seems everyone in America was waiting for instructions to rip Trump to shreds and protect America from even a threat of seeing him elected.

There was joy in Mudville, joy in Clintonville, and joy in Cruzville, as the election of Hillary seemed assured and the ascent of the Clinton family to American Royalty nears.

Most of all, there was joy on Wall Street and in the international banking community as they watch America unite in destroying Trump and thus assuring Goldman Sachs, on behalf of their benefactors in the Golden Palace of Gold, I mean God, knew all would be well again on Earth.

Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein

Once again the forces that be but should not be usurped the American public, hoodwinked the American media, and re-established the iron fist of control over the America political and economic engines that rule the world.

Only one can survive!

Safe was their hold on the world's wealth and safer their absolute control of the world's nations.

The Donald lay destroyed, his back broken, his mouth silenced, and his demons put to rest.  No one would believe him again nor listen to his crazy ideas that threatened the Establishment control of the nation and world.

Finally, their Chosen One for the Republican nomination was secure and Ted Cruz would coast to victory at the brokered convention against the broken spirit of Trump.  His wife and longtime employee and officer of Goldman Sachs deserved a substantial reward for her efforts.

As soon as the dust settled, they would be free to turn their attention to finishing off the old, Independent Jew from Vermont who was rattling cages in his efforts to expose the truth.  Never in a million years did they think he would seriously challenge their other Chosen One, Hillary Clinton.

Hillary was a long-term investment dating back to when Wild Bill was President.  Once again Goldman stepped in to pay off a lawsuit by one of his conquests, then pay off the millions for his impeachment defense.  As soon as he left office they began a campaign to give him over $100 million in net worth before Hillary ran in 2008 but she lost.

Fortunately, Goldman also had a very long-term investment in Barack Obama from before he ran for the U.S. Senate so his victory was a bonus.  If they can elect Hillary now, in 2016, Goldman will have owned presidents in 24 of 32 years since 1992.  The Ruling Oligarchy will be pleased.

So we say, goodbye Donald, go back to your playpen in the Manhattan Heavens.  The New World Order has silenced the people once again and proven the one consistent principle of domination, The New World Order is the Old World Order.

Thank you Chris Matthews for once again serving us well and you can count on more money for the congressional campaign for you wife.  We really hate to see our disciples get in trouble for illegal fundraising.

April Fools or not?

Odd, but I thought elections were of the people, by the people, and for the people...

American Elections 4 - Tips for International Followers - Who is the Dreaded Establishment in the American election?


I have been following throughout the election the media focus on "The Establishment," the true villain to the "outsiders" running for president.  There are some interesting conclusions one might reach in discussing such a Dark Force.

For one, the absolute lack of historical perspective by the reporters is depressing to anyone hoping to find high journalistic standards in the reporting.  If one were to believe all the various stories one might think this is a new phenomenon in this election cycle and that is false.

Quite the contrary, the lack of definition by the media of what is the establishment results in a total failure to identify who is the establishment.  As a result, I say shame on a media that claims to be your source of information, and implied truth, yet operates without the benefit of historical perspective when writing about the establishment and the impact on the election.

Defining the Establishment

So let me define the establishment.  They are the people, organizations, political parties, corporations, bankers, and institutions whose own special interest is more important to them than what is good for the people.

Make no mistake this villain has been around since the dawning of civilization.  Since then there has been a continuous war of words, and even arms, as in the weapons type, between the power seekers and the people.

Our nation was born in a revolution against the establishment at the time, the British Empire, and has been a continuous struggle for control between the people and the establishment ever since.  Many of those perceived as the establishment change from time to time although there is a core that has perpetrated their power as long as there has been a nation.

Greed for power, the audacity for knowing what is right for the people, control of the institutions, manipulation of the government, an insatiable appetite for wealth and money, all characterize the foundation of the establishment.  This group sees themselves as the sole judge of what is right and best for the people.

More often than not, they harbor a disdain for the people casting them off as ignorant and uninformed.  Thus, we begin to see the complexity of the establishment and difficulty one may have in identifying them.

The establishment can be a group, a corporation, advocates of a social cause, political partisans, even individuals provided they are billionaires.

The Ruling Oligarchy

However, the core and foundation for the establishment reflects the prestige of the blue bloods who have survived for generations, to wit, the Goldman Sachs, Rockefellers, Lehmans and Kuhn Loebs of New York; the Rothschilds of Paris and London; the Warburgs of Hamburg; the Lazards of Paris; and the Israel Moses Seifs of Rome.

It is this group and their network of banks that effectively control all major corporations and banks in America and most of the civilized world.  The same group has been fighting for control of American assets and wealth since the American Revolution.  You hear not a word from the media about the power, reach, and control of this group because they hide their holdings in a complex ownership maze and use far removed agents to do their bidding.

Control of arms, energy, transportation, finances, diamonds, gold, even economies of most governments of the world are the tools of this group used successfully not just for generations, for centuries.

Here you have the core foundation of the establishment that has tormented presidents for nearly 250 years from Washington to Jackson, Lincoln to Kennedy, Reagan and beyond, through their banking maze and Federal Reserve control.  .  

This oligarchy controls the world and the American public is beginning to understand how powerful the establishment has become in exerting control over our institutions, and becoming aware of the self-serving greed of said oligarchy.

The Agents, Institutions, and Special Interests

I noted the wealth and reach of the oligarchy reaches into the mainstream of our society through the many ways we spend money.  Thus, the special interests that lobby, pay off, and even own our elected officials and political personalities can be extensive.

Lobbyists for special interests and the special interests themselves like the banking, financial, pharmaceutical, health care, insurance, transportation, energy, automobile, food, arms, and other major institutions are card-carrying members.

Even groups like the Chamber of Commerce, Labor Unions and Teachers, and Lawyers are hardcore members of the establishment though with far less political clout than those previously mentioned.

A major institution is the bureaucracy of government at the federal, state, and local levels, as distinguished from the workers for the bureaucracy covered by the unions.

Colleges and Universities as a whole, and in particular individual institutions like Harvard, Yale, and Princeton of the Ivy League are major players because they have been educating the children of the rich and powerful for over two centuries.  As a result, their alumni are the rulers of the world and the children of the alumni receive legacy status assuring them a place in the hallowed halls of the Ivy League without competing for limited openings.

It is no accident these three Ivy League schools are in a league of their own as Harvard has produced six presidents, Yale three, and Princeton two, eleven of our forty-four presidents from just three schools.

In fact, Yale and Harvard have now controlled the United States presidency 28 straight years, and with Hillary Clinton from Yale and Ted Cruz from Harvard, the streak may extend another eight years. 
Political Parties and Social Causes

Beyond the membership already outlined in the establishment, there are the political parties, the Democratic and Republican national and statewide organizations, along with the political action committees (PACS), who provide the dollars to maintain the political agendas of the two parties.  In truth, no political agenda articulated in a campaign is implemented once someone is elected as both parties are beholden to the same Core Establishment controlling the wealth and finances of the nation.

PACS can be party affiliated or Super PACS who can support any party, cause, or person they want who will best protect the establishment.

As for the Social Causes, many have become so institutionalized and powerful over the years that they now represent tentacles of the establishment.  Money has no opinion, no favorite cause nor bias, it is the people who control the wealth who do.

Most powerful among the social cause institutions is the National Rifle Association.  Others who yield lesser degrees of power are Planned Parenthood, the Right to Choice, Prolife, and well down the list are the various groups involved in civil rights, equality, anti-discrimination, and others.

There you have it, a definitive identification of the Establishment, perhaps missing a few players, but far more inclusive than anything the media has done to date.  Of course the bottom line is this.  The New World Order is the Old World Order.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

CPT Twit - Hate and Fear Swept Over the Earth - Soon it was Embraced by All


Revelations - Apocalypse

We were warned it would be like this!!!

 Are we so caught up in life we became blind to the consequences???

Is this the price to be paid for fostering hate and fear?

Or are there still good ones left among us?