Tuesday, April 13, 2010

No Inflation? Do You Really Believe the Government or FED?


I hope not. Thanks to the politicians heading our government the spin doctors have gotten so good at twisting information and stretching the story, that it is almost impossible to tell the truth from the lies. Then there is the ideology influence meaning both sides of an issue give absolutely opposite analysis and supposed truth about every issue.

For every subject there are both sides. Democrats and Republicans, the House versus the Senate, liberals versus conservatives. president versus congress, working class versus the elite, intellectuals versus Tea Party members, well you see what I'm saying.

But that is not the end of the confusion. For on top of all that, there are so many special interests, again on both sides, that we are also bombarded by them. All this is a rather long segue into the story I am writing which concerns government credibility.

Take inflation. For the last several years we have been repeatedly told by the government and the media, surrogate mouthpiece for the government, that our inflation rate is practically non-existent. But these past few years of extremely low interest rates resulting from very low inflation rates don't seem to have reduced credit card interest, bank fees, the price of gasoline or even the cost of everything else.

Maybe I just don't understand. I mean how could inflation be insignificant if health care costs are rising by anywhere from 16-33% a year depending on who you listened to. Even Obama says the cost of health insurance premiums were up by 40% this year? Those claims were why we now have health care reform.

Actually Obama and the Democrats in Congress said there would be no increase in insurance premiums, no increase in medical costs, no increase in taxes yet they said it would cost about a trillion dollars to implement. If we are saving a trillion dollars by cutting Medicare and Medicaid and eliminating all that fraud, then why does it still cost a trillion dollars? Shouldn't the cost be paid from the savings? Of course the increases in fees and taxes start right away, while major changes don't take effect until 2013, the first year after Obama is re-elected if he is re-elected.

Another thing about our lack of inflation. Why is it the same banks charging us 20% interest on credit cards get the money for free from our Federal Reserve? Right now banks can borrow from the Fed at 0% to one-quarter of one percent. We pay 20%, they pay nothing and they get their money from us?

As near as I can figure, a bank can borrow money at no interest from our government, then charge the people who pay for the government, namely us, 20% on the money we spend, meaning the bank can make a 20% gross profit on money they borrow from the government if they do nothing but process credit card transactions. No wonder no one's making loans, that car and home sales are miserable.

But that is still not my only beef with inflation reported by the government. Gasoline is way up the past few years yet consumption is down and per capita use is way down. Still makes no sense unless it is a scam to keep the big banks in business.

I do a lot of shopping, and prices keep going up. The alternative to prices going up is to shrink the size of packaging which everyone seems to have done. Keep the price the same, reduce the amount of food they get. Now that sure sounds inflationary to me but not to the government bean counters.

Finally there is the Wal-Mart approach to being successful when the economy sucks. Just force a reduction in the cost of goods, this is a big advantage for Wal-Mart with the buying power of about 8,400 stores. Wal-Mart demands such low prices from suppliers because they sell more stuff than anyone else. Of course this sends the jobs overseas because American companies cannot cut prices anymore. And it reduces the quality of products because "Made in America" labeling is no longer true.

The quality of the products gets reduced in order for even foreign suppliers to get a Wal-Mart contract. I noticed how cheap materials have become commonplace, or how thin packaging is getting. What I buy breaks down faster, like scouring pads that are shot after one or two good pot scrubs. Ten or twenty years ago they cleaned many pots and pans. My laundry detergent says it does x2 or x3 the loads yet I get half the loads from what I got ten years ago.

So Wal-Mart can save me money but only if I give up American jobs and American quality control and accept inferior materials and much shorter product life. Now selling that should have required a great spin job but it didn't. Americans flock to Wal-Mart, jobs flock overseas and quality sinks even lower. This is the bill of goods we are being sold by the spin doctors.

I think inflation is going up a lot faster than reported by the government and media. As I just explained, there are a lot of ways to hide the cost of inflation and none of them do much to help the consumer. What pennies the Wal-Mart way saves us in groceries and goods, we pay in increased interest and fees on our bank and credit cards.

So why write this article? Because if the economy is still being built on a house of cards then more of the house of cards may still collapse. Oh yes, and about that Wall Street manipulation that nearly destroyed the world economy two years ago, the one Obama promised to fix, not even the new and highly spun Financial Reform program Obama wants will fix those problems.

The crucial rules will remain the same and the same crooks are handling the money. Maybe one day our president and congress will take care of us instead of all their more special interests. That is as good as I can spin this story right now.


Monday, April 12, 2010

136th Kentucky Derby Preview - The Colt Eskendereya


Exciting colt Eskendereya (3c Giant’s Causeway x Aldebran Light, by Seattle Slew) took another step on the trail to the Kentucky Derby with a scintillating win in the Group One Wood Memorial at Aqueduct on the weekend.

A dominant winner of the Group Two Fountain of Youth Stakes on February 20, the Todd Pletcher trained colt stepped it up another notch in the Wood Memorial, bolting away down the stretch to win the 1 1/8 mile contest by nine and three-quarter lengths.

"The horse is amazing,'' said trainer Todd Pletcher, who appears to have an outstanding prospect to secure his first Derby win.

"The further he goes the stronger he gets. The horse has natural stamina. It would be big to win the Derby. We’ll try to make that happen.”

Eskendereya settled off the pace for Johhny Velaazquez and chimed in with a big run from the top of the straight, coasting to the line as he pleased.

"He allowed me to get him back off the slow pace, and once I did that I got into the clear on the backstretch and he settled really, really well until (Awesome Act) came to him on the outside on the backstretch," Velazquez said.

"I gave him his head a little bit then, and he settled. Once we got to three-eighths pole he got on the bridle pretty strong, and when I gave him his head he just went up and up and up from the horses. He was just galloping. It was a good feeling.”

Eskendereya is now considered the horse to beat in the Kentucky Derby, his rate of improvement and ability to adapt to varying race conditions stamping him a rising star.

“He’s not at the mercy of anyone’s pace. He sets his own pace. We just wanted him in his rhythm,” said Pletcher.

“I said to (owner Ahmed) Zayat (last summer at Saratoga), this horse literally improves every week. A lot of times they improve to a certain point and then level off. He keeps doing it."

A $250,000 Keeneland purchase for the Zayat Stables, Eskendereya was thought good enough to run in the Group One Breeders Cup Juvenile last year, but disappointed connections with a ninth place finish.

He has since bounced back in top form this year, his overall record now four wins and a second from six starts with prizemoney of $725,700.

Eskendereya is a half-brother to Group One Newmarket Middle Park Stakes winner Balmont being from the Seattle Slew mare Aldebaran Light.


Phil Mickelson Shows Tiger True Meaning of Family - Wins Masters for Wife Amy


One of the most watched and most fascinating Master's tournaments in history came to a conclusion Sunday and it was not the surly Tiger Woods who dominated attention but the somewhat unheralded Phil Mickelson.

You see while Tiger was trying to overcome infidelity problems with his wife Michelson was dedicating the exciting victory to his wife Amy.

Fighting off challenges from two Englishmen, a Korean-American, a Korean, another fan favorite Fred Couples and Tiger Woods, Michelson won his third Masters for mothers, wives and women facing the difficulty of breast cancer.

In fact, both his mother and wife have suffered breast cancer and his wife, whose doctors would not let her walk the course with her husband, did get to greet him at the 18th green. It was a fairytale ending to a terrific championship in which he swept her into his arms and kissed her, long and passionate, while the fans in the gallery and millions of television viewers were wiping tears from their own eyes.

First staged in 1934, it has been a long time since the Masters has given us a great human interest story. Even longer since the tournament has given us the feel good stories that seem to surround the champions like Arnold Palmer, Jack Nicklaus, Gary Player, Tom Watson and many others.

To know Mickelson, who has been pushed from the golf stories since the Tiger Woods dynasty began, just check out the following that appeared in the Los Angeles Times. These are the characteristics that make for real champions.

Los Angeles Times

April 10, 2010|Bill Plaschke

With a giant clink, the ball disappeared into the mass of people crowding the left side of the 18th green.

Everyone but Crystal Hodges scattered. The young medical worker from Myrtle Beach, S.C., was not allowed to move. The ball had landed directly under her green folding chair. She was ordered to sit still until her hero arrived.

"Hey, how are you doing?" said Phil Mickelson, approaching with a smile.

"Um, good," she said. "How are you doing?"

How is he doing? Hodges spends her days working with cancer patients. She came to Augusta National for her first Masters on Saturday to cheer Mickelson because he is helping his wife and mother battle cancer. Out of nowhere, her chair had just stopped his ball from further trouble.

How do you think Phil Mickelson is doing? The chair was moved, Hodges was resettled, Mickelson calmly chipped onto the green and saved par to appropriately finish perhaps the most fortuitous round of his life.

"All that he's going through, and he asks how I'm doing?" Hodges said later. "How could anybody not cheer for him?"

Phil Mickelson has made a major contribution to helping golf overcome the Tiger problems and turning attention to what makes sports in America so fascinating. There are a lot of good guys in sports doing a lot for family values, charitable causes, and genuine concern for their fellow man. Thank you Phil for reminding us of that.

Here were the wives of Phil and Tiger together at the last Ryder Cup meet.


Tragedy Again Strikes Poland in Death of President and Leaders


For the second time this decade Poland has suffered the death of a leader when President Lech Kaczynski, his wife and many members of the Polish government were killed in a tragic plane crash on April 10 while flying to a ceremony in Russia to honor the 20,000 Polish citizens murdered by Soviet Communists in World War II.

It was a chance to heal the wounds spanning most of the 20th century between Poland and Russia and was seen as a chance to finally begin the healing process. It was the first time Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin took a personal role in matters with Poland signifying a major shift in relations between the two nations.

To his credit, Putin took charge of the disaster and honored the Polish President, demonstrating a rare glimpse of the personal side of the powerful Russian leader, as he personally oversaw the recovery and return of Kaczynski's remains to the Polish capitol.

Nearly five years ago to the day, April 2, 2005, Pope John Paul II, the Polish Pope who captivated the world, died in Rome. The beloved Pope John Paul was the first non-Italian Pope since 1520 and his election as Pope represented a major shift in the Roman Catholic church.

BBC World News

The Queen has expressed her "deepest sympathy" to the Polish government and people after the death of President Lech Kaczynski in a plane crash.

Gordon Brown said the whole world would be "saddened" and Tory leader David Cameron called it a "black day".

Scores died in the crash in Russia, including Ryszard Kaczorowski, Poland's president in exile during the Communist years, who lived in London.

The Rev Canon Bronislaw Gostomski, from a Polish church in London, also died.
The aircraft was carrying more than 80 passengers, including some of the country's top military and civilian leaders, as well as the president's wife, when it came down in thick fog as it approached Smolensk airport, in western Russia.

The delegation was flying in from the Polish capital, Warsaw, to mark the 70th anniversary of the Katyn massacre of thousands of Poles by Soviet forces during World War II.

Polish and Russian officials said no-one survived the crash.

'Deeply upset'

In her message to the Polish government, the Queen spoke of the president's "long and distinguished public service".

She also paid tribute to the other victims, including Mr Kaczorowski.

"The deaths of many other of Poland's leading figures, including former President in Exile Kaczorowski, only serve to deepen this tragedy," she said.

Here in America President Barack Obama called Polish prime minister Donald Tusk to express his condolences: "Our thoughts and prayers are with the Kaczynski family, the loved ones of those killed in this tragic plane crash, and the Polish nation," he said.

What Obama did not say was Poland was long one of the strongest allies of the USA in Eastern Europe throughout the Cold War and after. There are over 10 million Americans of Polish descent.

I wrote a history of the Nazi and Communist movements called "Saviors of the 20th Century, Hitler and Stalin - The War of Annihilation between the Nazis and Communists" and in it was a chapter called Poland - Armageddon of WW II. Because of the tragic history of Poland throughout the century I believe it merits another look so we can understand the difficulties the Polish people have had to overcome. Here is the excerpt from the book.

Poland - Armageddon of WW II

Poland, the Armageddon of World War II, the proverbial scene of the decisive battle between good and evil. In the history of civilization it is doubtful any country faced the dire conditions and the deadly consequences faced by Poland from 1939-1945.

Sandwiched between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union, it was the only nation to be partitioned without a vote between the Nazi and Communist Empires as a result of the 1939 non-aggression pact between Hitler and Stalin. Poland was a geographic buffer between these two menacing monsters, a buffer that vanished off the face of the earth during the month of September 1939.

Both Hitler and Stalin had reasons to hate the Poles. Fact is both felt justified in ravaging the nation for their own purposes. After World War I Poland humiliated the Germans as a result of the severe conditions of the Treaty of Versailles. Over one and one half million Germans were forced to abandon their homes to Poles because of the treaty.

In 1939 Poland was the fastest growing industrial nation in Europe and was much needed to support the German war machine. Both Hitler and Himmler had rejected their Catholic upbringing and there were more Catholics in Poland than any other country, making it a convenient target for religious persecution. It was also the gateway for the inevitable invasion of the Soviet Union and of vital strategic importance.

More ominously, it was the home to nearly three million Jews before the war. Ever since Catherine II established the Pale for Jews they had moved into Poland and had recently represented nearly eight percent of the population, the most of any nation in Europe.

Earlier in the 20th century, before World War I, there were over thirty million Poles, but four million were killed in World War I, thirty-four times the American loss in the war. Almost all the fighting of that World War took place on Polish soil. Yet deaths were not the only suffering by the Poles. Devastation was astounding as over 1.7 million buildings were destroyed, 6,969 churches, and 40% of all railway bridges and stations during the First World War.

The Soviets also had reason to dislike Poland. When the Communists swept to power in Russia and successfully won the Russian Civil War, the Soviet leaders decided to continue rolling right over Europe with their revolution. The mighty Red Army attacked the Poles in August of 1920 driving to the very gates of Warsaw.

A miracle of sorts happened when the embattled Poles fought back valiantly August 15 in the Battle of Warsaw outmaneuvering the stunned and vastly superior Red Army and routing them on August 18, thus saving Europe from Soviet conquest. It was a setback that reverberated throughout the Kremlin and caused the Communists to slow down the worldwide revolution they advocated. In time it came to be known as the day of the Polish Miracle.

Yet there was more, for though the Soviets were a new nation dominated by Jewish-Bolshevik leaders and committed to stopping anti-Semitic actions, they were also committed to driving the opposition Jewish groups from influence, adversaries such as the Jewish Zionist and Bund nationalist parties.

Because of its proximity Poland had become a haven for Jewish outcasts from the Soviet Union after the revolution and civil war - those on the wrong side of Judaism who became enemies of the Bolshevik State. It also was a safe haven for all those fleeing Communist persecution throughout the Soviet Empire. To the Soviets, Poland was a nation harboring many dangerous fugitives and traitors.

Poland also was a hotbed of another faction of Jewish revolutionaries who were committed to the Communist Marxist revolution and the Soviet Bolshevik leadership. Thus some Polish Jews were enemies of the Soviets and many more were allies. Ironically Jewish participation in the Marxist revolution in Poland earlier caused the Poles and Ukrainians to distrust them as well. Active Jewish involvement in the revolutions that swept Europe after World War I would come back to haunt them.

Beyond the desire of the Soviets to save some Jews from Nazis and punish some for opposing the Bolsheviks, the Soviets were also in desperate need of access to the Baltic Sea north of Poland. A treaty with Hitler gave Stalin freedom to overrun the Baltic States and gain that ocean access.

By 1921 the Polish population dropped to twenty-seven million, then grew to thirty-two million by 1931, the last official census before World War II. It was a diverse population as Ukrainians and Belorussians were the majority, Poles made up one third of the population, and Jews were about eight percent.

Germany and the Soviets announced to a stunned world the signing of the non-aggression pact at the end of August 1939 and on September 1 the Nazi invasion of Poland from the west was launched. It was to be a coordinated attack with the Red Army attacking from the east.

Over 1,800,000 German soldiers poured across the border with 2,600 tanks and over 2,000 aircraft supporting the invasion. Typical of the new German strategy designed by Hitler personally, it was to be a rapid and deadly strike. The Poles, like the rest of the world, were caught unprepared and less than a third of the Polish military was able to mobilize against the Nazi invasion.

Stalin, to the chagrin of Hitler, did not attack immediately as promised but waited to see what kind of resistance the Germans would encounter. He was also wary of the reaction of England and America to the invasion, as he needed Churchill and Roosevelt to be allies if he were to have any hope of defeating Hitler and Germany.

By waiting until the Germans destroyed the Polish army, he could proclaim the Soviets were invading Poland to protect the Ukrainian and Belorussian populations living in Poland from the Nazis, a tactic that infuriated Hitler when he learned of it.

The Soviet war machine finally did roll across the eastern border of Poland September 17 as Hitler's forces had secured the German half of the country and were rapidly moving into the Soviet territory. For a time it appeared as if the former bitter enemies and now allies might start fighting each other as they laid claim to the Polish nation.

One of the most intriguing comments of the dilemma faced by the Poles came from their decorated General Wladyslaw Anders, Polish Commander, speaking to General George Patton later in the war. Anders said:

"With the Nazis, we lose our lives; with the Soviets, we lose our souls… If I found my army between the Nazis and the Soviets, I would attack in both directions."

By October 5 Poland could hold out no longer against the onslaught from the Nazis and Red Army, and finally surrendered. Poland ceased to exist. Still in just a few weeks of fighting the Poles inflicted heavy losses on the Germans, 50,000 men, 697 planes and 993 tanks and armored cars, while thousands of Polish soldiers and civilians were able to escape to France and Britain.

The defeat in battle was just the beginning of the Polish suffering. In the 20 years following World War I Poland had rebuilt her industry and railroads. She now had over 5,500 railroad locomotives, 11,350 passenger cars, and 164,000 freight cars. Over 1,250 miles of new railroad track had been laid and Polish highways had been expanded by over 30%.

All of these resources were needed by the Nazis in their ambitious plans to reunite the German Empire. A vast network of nearly 200 concentration camps were soon developed throughout Poland and the surrounding area first for the purpose of providing labor, and later as the sites of the Nazi death camps. The need for industrial output was the priority and over two million Poles were among five million prisoners sent into forced labor.

When the occupation was completed Germany controlled about 13 million Poles including 2.1 million Jews, and the Soviets controlled about 13 million Poles including about 1.2 million Jews. Over 600,000 people fled from the German to Soviet sector including over 350,000 Jews during the next year. Of the total population in Soviet occupied areas about one tenth were Jewish, one third were Poles, and the majority were Ukraine and Belorussian.

Germany immediately threw 1.2 million Poles from their ancestral homes for resettlement in ghettos to make room for Germans who lost their homes after World War I. The Soviets and Polish were bitter enemies and the Soviets captured 230,000 Polish soldiers including 25,000 Jewish soldiers. Millions of Poles died in the hands of the Germans and Soviets.

Before the Nazis were driven out of Poland nearly 2.5 million Poles were murdered in camps and another 500,000 were starved to death. Millions more died during forced labor, resettlement and deportation.

As for Poles living in the Soviet lands, 1.6 million Poles were deported to the gulags and prisons of Russia including over 130,000 Jews sent from the Soviet occupied area of Poland to Siberia as "enemies of the state." Ironically this deportation probably saved them from the Nazi holocaust. In addition to the Polish citizens imprisoned or forced into labor camps the Soviets murdered many thousands of Polish military.

Soviet treatment of the Poles changed only when Hitler violated the non-aggression treaty and attacked the Soviet Union using Poland as the launch point in June of 1941. This action caused some positive events to take place in the midst of the carnage.

On August 12, 1941, with the German army advancing on Moscow, the Supreme Soviet granted amnesty to all Polish citizens and released all Polish prisoners from gulags and prisons in order to help in the fight against Nazi Germany. The millions of Poles sent to Soviet prisons were now free, unlike the fate of most Russian citizens sent to the deadly Soviet gulag prison system.

A total of nearly six million Poles died (civilian and military) during the war, ranking Poland third behind the Soviet Union and Germany for the most deaths in the European sector of World War II. This represented nearly 22% of the entire Polish population before the war.

When the dust finally settled on the deadliest conflict in history over fifteen million people had died in Polish concentration camps. Most were Soviet and Communist prisoners captured when the Germans overran the Soviet occupied Poland, the Ukraine and western Soviet territory extending all the way to Moscow. Tens of millions of Soviet military and civilians, Communists and Communist sympathizers were exterminated. Poland once again lay in ruins and it was to remain a Soviet state for the next half century.

As destiny would have it, Poland made history in quite another way. On the very same day as the Polish Miracle, May 18, 1920, when the Poles stopped the mighty Soviet Red Army and captured Kiev, in Poland a baby boy named Karol Jozef Wojtyla was born.

This young boy grew up and helped organize a secret theater group during the Nazi occupation. By 1944 he became a Catholic priest in a secret order in Poland. Soon the equally murderous Communists under Stalin drove out the murderous Nazi regime.

The priest became a Cardinal, and then the Cardinal became the first Polish Pope of the Roman Catholic Church, Pope John Paul II. In time he would use his influence as Pope to help the Solidarity movement in Poland oppose the Communist rule, and would help lead the Polish people out from under the shackles of Communism into a new life of freedom.


Friday, April 09, 2010

South Side Chicago Obama at Sarah Palin's Tea Party - He Just Keeps Her in the Spotlight


Sounding more like a South Side Chicago bully who has been put down by a girl, President Obama once again lost his presidential cool and blasted Sarah Palin for questioning what he considers to be good for the nation.

Before the ink was even dry on his nuclear agreement with Russia and before he had a chance to leave Prague and return to America the President was on the defensive from across the world blasting Palin for questioning his nuclear energy and offshore drilling policies announced just days earlier.

Unfortunately for Obama, this lady just won't go away and each time she speaks up there are thousands of people cheering her on and a national television audience fueled by both sides of the media, the liberal haters and conservative lovers. Sarah invited Obama to a tea party and he should have stayed away.

After Obama made overtures toward the Republicans by endorsing nuclear energy and seeming to endorse the Palin "drill baby drill" oil and gas policy, Palin brought a little bit of reality to his moves by dissecting the real meaning of his "new initiatives".

She said the Obama nuclear policy would take decades to implement because it takes nearly ten years just to approve one nuclear reactor. As a tool to help American energy independence, she called it everything but a fraud. The overwhelming cost and environmental regulations facing any new reactor will insure it is far into the future, much too far to help with American energy independence now.

As for his adoption of the patented Palin "drill baby drill" policy, she pointed out that he removed more known oil fields from production than added new areas for drilling. Then she noted he was going to delay the drilling licenses until 2012, giving the radical conservation groups an extended amount of time to launch legal challenges to slow down the licensing and increase the costs to Americans.

"I really have no response," Obama told ABC News. "Because last I checked, Sarah Palin's not much of an expert on nuclear issues."

The interview occurred Thursday in Prague, where Obama signed a treaty with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev that orders both nations to shrink their nuclear arsenals. That deal that must still be ratified by the Russian parliament and the U.S. Senate.

Palin was referring to another development on the nuclear front this week, a rewriting of American nuclear strategy.

Among many other elements of that new plan, the U.S. makes plain that if a non-nuclear nation is in compliance with an international nonproliferation treaty, the United States will not threaten or use nuclear weapons against it.

If such a state were to use chemical or biological weapons against the U.S. or its allies, it would face a potentially devastating conventional military strike by the U.S., but not a nuclear one.

North Korea and Iran were not included in that pledge because they do not cooperate with other countries on nonproliferation standards.

"It's unbelievable. Unbelievable," Palin told Fox News on Wednesday. "No administration in America's history would, I think, ever have considered such a step that we just found out President Obama is supporting today."

Asked about that criticism from Palin and other Republicans, Obama said: "If the secretary of defense and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff are comfortable with it, I'm probably going to take my advice from them and not from Sarah Palin."

Unlike the Democrats in Congress who cowed to the power of the president, Sarah Palin is not going to just sit back and take it from the White House. After his remarks got wide play in the liberal media Palin was in New Orleans today at the Southern Republican Leadership Conference and cut loose with both barrels to resounding applause and ovations from the several thousand attending the event.

Palin shot back in her comments Friday, mocking the president for "the vast nuclear experience that he acquired as a community organizer." She said that his alleged experience had not helped him make progress in the issue with Iran and North Korea.

Palin was greeted with overwhelming enthusiasm by the delegates here, who entered the hall to find Alaskan caribou jerky waiting on their seats. Hundreds of flashbulbs went off when Palin came onstage, and standing ovations and chants of "Sarah, Sarah, Sarah" broke out throughout her remarks.

Palin, a potential 2012 GOP presidential candidate, said the Obama doctrine involved "coddling enemies and alienating allies," attacking the administration for its handling of Israel, Iran and North Korea. She criticized the administration for its "yes we can spread the wealth around" attitude and said its programs, which she said took money from future generations, involved what "a lot of us" consider "stealing."

She suggested alternatives to the Obama administration's "Yes we can" slogan, among them "repeal and replace," in reference to the health care bill, and "don't retreat, reload," which prompted a standing ovation.

Palin said "don't retreat, reload," was "not a call for violence," despite what Democrats and members of the media have suggested. She said the media is "so desperate to discredit the people's movement, the tea party movement" that they make up such claims.

Later, after saying the word "shoot," she quipped, "I said shoot, I'm sorry," prompting laughter from the crowd.

Palin said that too many in Washington see money as free, referencing the stimulus package passed by the Obama administration. She quoted Bill Clinton's comment about then-candidate Obama during the presidential campaign, stating in a deep voice, "If this ain't the biggest fairy tale I've ever seen."

On energy policy, she said "the left has waged a multi-front war on conventional resources." Palin dismissed the president's decision to open up some offshore areas for drilling, saying, "they banned more offshore drilling than they allowed." She said the administration had purposely built a delay into opening the areas "to give environmentalists more time to sue."

"Let's drill, baby, drill, not stall, baby, stall," said Palin.

And the debate between the president and citizen Sarah goes on.


Al Gore, King of Global Warming - Where are Obama's Friends When He Needs Them?


Al Gore is the latest Obama supporter to turn on him because he is not moving fast enough to line Al's pockets with millions of dollars.

Last spring at the urging of Gore and his Global Warming gang Obama asked Congress for the Cap and Trade legislation to regulate the nation's carbon emissions. It sounded like an interesting environmental move except for the fine print which can be found all too often in the Obama legislative agenda.

Nancy Pelosi immediately got the House to approve the bill but the Senate has taken a much deeper look at the proposal and what has come out may not be the pro-environment bill as advertised. It seems the bill creates yet another new stock exchange, this one for carbon emissions, and makes it profitable for polluting companies to get emission credits from companies that pollute less.

This interesting concept makes it possible to keep polluting as long as the entire industry stays below the total carbon allowed. This also makes a fortune for those who control stock and who run the exchanges and surprise, surprise, Al Gore and Goldman Sachs are at the top of the heap of greed mongers who will financially benefit from the exchange as well as the Obama promotion of environmental causes.

Now Gore has already made over $100 million being the Pied Piper of Global Warming and he is still reeling from all the debate over the falsification of records by global warming scientists to justify the worldwide crisis Gore says we face.

So now he blasts the Obama move toward energy independence and Obama's adoption of the Sarah Palin "drill baby drill" energy plan. It is just another sign that when Obama's supporters don't get what they expect from him they turn on him.

Gore backed an article written by Maggie Fox, CEO of his own environmental group, Alliance for Climate Protection.

Fox wrote that President Obama "must now deliver a comprehensive plan for curbing carbon pollution so we can invest in the clean energy technologies we will need in the 21st century. The longer we spend time discussing whether and where to drill for oil, the longer we delay a more comprehensive solution. What we need now is presidential leadership on comprehensive clean energy and climate legislation, which can end our reliance on foreign oil, create jobs and make our country more secure."

Of course Fox didn't say that is if we start drilling for oil and natural gas right now we will move much faster toward energy independence. Nor did she say how much her boss, Al, will make if we invest like she wants. Nor did she mention that Al Gore and his partner from Goldman Sachs already control the stock of most alternative energy companies or that Goldman already has the exchange ready to pump money into someone's pockets.


Israel Again Embarrasses Obama as Netanyahu Drops Out of Obama's Nuclear Summit Next Week


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has changed his plans and will not attend President Barack Obama’s nuclear summit beginning Monday in Washington. Israeli media reports that Netanyahu backed out after reports that Middle Eastern nations would use the 47-nation summit to criticize Israel’s failure to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

This does raise an interesting concern with Obama's foreign policy and our treatment of allies. You see, the five major sponsors of nuclear weapons in the world, the so called NWC (Nuclear Weapons Club) are signers of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. They are the United States, Russia, Great Britain, France and China. These are the nations currently in negotiations with Iran.

The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty was approved in 1968 and closed in 1970. Today 189 countries have signed or acceded to approving the Treaty. North Korea originally signed the Treaty but withdrew in 2003. Three nations have never signed the Treaty, Israel, India and Pakistan. India, Pakistan and North Korea have admitted to testing nuclear weapons.

The only three countries refusing to sign the treaty are US allies. Of these it is widely known that Israel does have a nuclear capability even though they refuse to acknowledge it. Both India and Pakistan also have much smaller arsenals but they do have nuclear weapons. Why is the United States leading a worldwide effort to eliminate nuclear weapons yet we give billions of dollars in foreign aid to the only three countries who refuse to sign the agreement and are not bound by anything we propose? Is it time to reconsider our foreign policy?

If we can't influence these nations with nuclear weapons of mass destruction why are we so concerned with Iran who has no nuclear operating facility nor nuclear weapons? We are prepared to let Israel go to war with Iran simply because Iran wants to develop nuclear weapons. but the Administration and media never mention the three countries who do have nuclear weapons and gained them by ignoring the United Nations and the Treaty.

Of the nations refusing to recognize the Treaty it is estimated India and Pakistan have under 100 nuclear weapons while North Korea has under 25. Israel has never offered information nor inspection of their nuclear generating and weapons producing facilities but best estimates are Israel has about 200 nuclear weapons along with nuclear and enhancement facilities to make additional warheads.

The center of Israel's weapons program is the Negev Nuclear Research Center near the desert town of Dimona (the center is usually identified simply as "Dimona"). A nuclear reactor and plutonium production facility was secretly built by France at this facility in the late 1950s and early 60s. All of the production and fabrication of special nuclear materials (plutonium, lithium-6 deuteride, and enriched and unenriched uranium) occurs at Dimona.

The NWC nations, the United States, Russia, Great Britain, France and China, are the same nations who were responsible for providing the nations refusing to sign the Treaty with the materials, equipment and fuel to build their own nuclear plants and nuclear weapons capability outside the Treaty.

France provided Israel with the nuclear weapons support. The United States and Canada were the source for the India nuclear program. North Korea's nuclear weapons programs was helped by the Soviet Union and then Russia. China was behind the Pakistan nuclear weapons program.

Is there something wrong with this picture? Our billions in foreign aid go to three of the four renegade nations with nuclear weapons while we do not require them to be part of the worldwide nuclear treaty that we support.
