Showing posts with label youth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label youth. Show all posts

Thursday, April 04, 2019

The Melchizedek Chronicles – Are you prepared for a devastating event in the near future? What will you do if the lights went out?

We all need to know how we will react to a natural disaster, maybe an economic collapse, perhaps a secret scientific experiment gone array, something of that magnitude that disrupts your life plans and instantly whisks your world into chaos.

Melchizedek, three years ago, warned of the coming weather anomalies reaching record shattering dimensions.  Each year weather patterns have deviated farther and farther from normal, with much stronger and more dangerous fires, tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, blizzards, wind shear, you get the idea.

It seems the new weather mutations are now the new normal.  One-hundred-year-old flood records fall almost daily, and the unheard of 500-year flood levels are now being breached.

Coast-to-coast annual rainfall totals shatter previous records while snowfall records have tumbled in a wide swath of Northern states from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean, with some snow packs reaching 25 feet deep.

Highly unusual “Cyclone Bombs” have cause massive freak wind storms, major blizzards, and breathtaking floods two years in a row.  Denver International Airport recorded winds of 96 miles per hour, and no tornado or hurricane conditions were present.

Speaking of hurricanes, they are not only on steroids but doing rather bizarre things like rotating in a 360-degree circle, stalling over major Texas cities, and leaving a tragic path of destruction much farther inland than previous storms, even after they become tropical depressions after hitting land.

Tornadoes are now much stronger than before.  Blizzards strike more frequently with greater intensity, and hurricanes spawn more destruction over wider areas than normal times.

Yet, in spite of the weather anomalies and upheavals we have experienced, three of the greatest, most dangerous, unpredictable of all disasters are yet to occur.  Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and solar storms on the Sun, a trio of destroyers who wield so much power the people of the world have no defense against them.

Melchizedek says our science is yet to determine the age of our cosmos and when it does, through mathematics and physics breakthroughs, we will discover creation took place thirty-billion years ago, not the 13.82 billion years old currently speculated.

During our thirty-billion years of existence there were times when the Human Life Cycle evolved, but it was not always in synchronization with the will of the Creator.  In six previous eras of the Human Life Cycle, when mankind became too infatuated with greed and power and lost their way, it had to be stopped and reset, leaving only enough human survivors to repopulate the new Human Life Cycle era.

We are now in the seventh Human Life Cycle on Earth, and most likely, the last.  Are you prepared for the disruptions we will most likely face in the imminent days ahead?  Are you prepared for the real Earth warming and climate change?

While the environmental threats trigger fearful reactions and responses in victims, and just plain fear in those anticipating the storms, perhaps we place too much attention and significance on them and not enough attention on the other possibilities.

According to science and archeology at least four times in our history the earth has experienced global warming before the existence of a new Ice Age on Earth.  It is the natural progression of the evolution of planet earth, with or without the humans.

A massive meteor crashed into the earth and created the Gulf of Mexico, resulting in so much debris from the explosion being tossed up in the atmosphere of the earth it blocked out the healing rays of the Sun for not days, weeks, or years, but hundreds of years bringing most life forms to a screeching halt.

Another time the Yellowstone Super-volcano exploded out west and the debris field again blocked out the life-saving natural rays of the Sun.  In the process it annihilated the most powerful species to walk the earth, the dinosaurs.

Certainly, humans can speed up the process of global warming and climate change, but just as certainly it took a massive number of natural disasters to disrupt our climate to the point of reaching the highest limits of the global warm up, which then triggered a new Ice Age.
So, what does all this mean to you?

First, it means the Earth has survived nearly thirty billion years without the help of mankind.

Second, it means whoever created the earth, Sun and cosmos must have been one powerful entity to create such miracles.

Third, the Earth itself is a miraculous creation since it can continually regenerate over billions of years.

Fourth, it not only regenerates but it also heals and repairs itself from even catastrophic natural disasters, like meteor strikes or super-volcano eruptions that contaminate our atmosphere while blocking the life-giving rays of the Sun.

Fifth and finally, the Creator, God, Lord or whatever you choose to call God, seems to take a special interest in what happens here on Earth because the Earth, Sun and humans are all creations of the Creator and survived the catastrophic events in our known and unknown history.

The multitude of miracles it took to create humans, earth, the cosmos and everything in it, reflect the ultimate mystical, magical, and spiritual power of a deity beyond our knowing.  

There is no other valid explanation for how things were created and exist.

Melchizedek says humans should worry a little less about the future of the Earth, and a lot more about our continued existence in that future.

We are not the Masters of Creation, we are a creation of creation just like everything else in our world and cosmos.  It only makes sense to say all of creation share the responsibility to work in harmony, to protect our world from the contamination of evil and fear, and preserve all that was created in the world we were given.

You do not need a miracle to awaken you to the Divine Creator, just look in the mirror, then look at the landscape outside the window, the Earth you inherited and inhabit.  The reality you see is a miraculous creation.  You are living and experiencing the miracle of creation.

If only we took time to catch our collective breath, to meditate, to find that elusive peace, block out the physical world from your senses, and open yourself to the unlimited potential of the Kingdom of Heaven, located just beyond the physical world in the spiritual dimensions beyond.

You would probably be in awe if you peeked into a dimension beyond time and space, a world of imagination beyond our comprehension.  Perhaps you might begin to understand the power and love of our Creator.

What we have available to us are the miraculous gifts God gave us.  What we do with those gifts is our acknowledgement of the Creator and enlightenment of basking in the Creator’s love.

Have you searched for your God-given purpose or mission in life?  Identified the special gifts and attributes God gave you?  Are you using those gifts for the benefit of all God’s creations?

Are you really prepared for the coming day when the lights go out, and from that void of darkness a new world must emerge?

There is hope for we are creations of the Creator.  Our mind, spirit and soul are capable of fantastic feats.  We must challenge the limits of our imaginations and work in harmony with the Creator to protect, honor and nurture all aspects of God’s Creation.

Seek out and acknowledge the God who gave you your life, by using the gifts God gave you to help bring peace and harmony to our world.  Ask the Holy Spirit for enlightenment to find the path of Jesus, the Son of God, who is ready to help you find your way home.

A spiritual army of protectors and defenders led by Michael  are poised in the spiritual world and stand ready to come to your aid, if you just ask.

We are all Creations of the Creator.
The Creator never gives up on his Creations.
That means you!
Don’t give up on yourself!

From Palm Sunday, April 14, to Easter Sunday, April 21, we honor the life, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus as he lived among us and showed us the path of redemption and eternal salvation.  You should pay attention to the Holy Week and Easter activities if you want to seek enlightenment in your life.

Wednesday, April 02, 2014

ObamaCare hits milestone - or does it?


By the end of March the Obamacare website had registered 7.1 million people, which was the initial goal of the roll out.  However, in order to be successful there has to be a minimum number of  young people to achieve actuarial solvency, the new members cannot be on Medicare or Medicaid since they were already eligible for existing programs, and we have to get the 48.6 million Americans with no health insurance (Census Bureau est. 2009) put on insurance.

So early estimates are that the youth factor failed to reach the Obama goals, meaning, if true, next year the rate base will have to be readjusted by potentially substantial health insurance premium rate increases for everyone.

It seems new members for Medicare and Medicaid would be easy to report so the only reason for not telling us the total new members in those entitlement programs, which the Administration and Lame Street media failed to do, then the real numbers must make the program look bad.

In light of the possibility of the previously discussed adjustments, it is not unreasonable to assume maybe 3-5 million of the 7.1 million need to be accounted for which brings up the next adjustment.  How many enrollees were people who lost their health insurance when ObamaCare was implemented and were buying replacement policies?

Finally we get to the people expected by the Obama Administration to benefit the most, the 48.6 million uninsured Americans.  How many of the 7.1 million enrollees came from the group the bill was passed to serve?

If we deduct the Baby Boomer enrollees sent to Medicare and Medicaid, say 2 million but it could be a lot more, then deduct those who lost their insurance because of ObamaCare, we might have 2-3 million who actually did not have insurance and do now.  Of course that assumes all the new enrollees also paid for their new insurance.

So perhaps if all went well we now have 2-3 million people insured who were not insured before.

To listen to the Main Street media react to the news you might think reaching 7.1 million enrollees was the greatest event in the history of our fledgling nation.  Greater than almost anything else because it vindicated President Obama and his socialist ways.

Of course they didn't release any numbers, which they do have, which seems pretty strange if the numbers do what he said they do.

Think about it.

Obama and the Democrat politicians pass ObamaCare with NO Republican support.

ObamaCare is to extend health insurance to 48.6 million uninsured.

After spending around a billion dollars to launch the new program, about the cost of one Obama political campaign, maybe 3 million uninsured are now insured.

I think that means after three years and billions of dollars we have lowered the number of  uninsured by one half of one percent.  At this pace we might eliminate the uninsured by the year 2114.

Of course how many more uninsured are there since over 10 million American workers still can't find jobs and have given up looking?  There could be millions of more uninsured since Obama took office which means we might have lost ground thus extending my projected solution date for eliminating the uninsured to closer to 2500.

In basketball terms, which the Administration surely understands, not only are we not scoring points, but we are making shots in the other team's basket giving them the points.

Progressive socialism is most certainly a peculiar concept.


Friday, July 26, 2013

Pope Francis reaches Rock Star status in Historic Brazilian Gig


1.5 million youth ignore heavy rains to rock with Pope at Copacabana beach Mass - The Man they call Papa!
The American media seems adverse to covering "feel good" stories but at least the rest of the world can learn with amazement the incredible journey Pope Francis is making to Brazil where millions of faithful are showing him how much they love his compassionate approach to leading the world to the light.

Check out the video from The Telegraph in the UK.  At least the rest of the world see the news value.
Barely a word was mentioned about the Pope's first international trip on network or cable news and that is a sad testament to the nature of stories that reach the people.  Oh our news media showed the Pope in the ghettos of Rio and tried to say the story was all about the failure of the rich to help the poor.
But the message had nothing to do with failure and everything to do with faith, and a Catholic Pope's plea to have faith in God and Jesus Christ is the last thing you will hear from a liberal media in America still intent on driving God from everything in our nation.
How sad but how typical.  The Pope is in South America pleading the cause for ALL poor and rich people, the need for faith in a higher cause, from a loving God, while in America our politicians are holding a Conference on Violent Crime in Chicago, where 226 deaths have rocked the local landscape already this year.
Pope Francis focuses attention on prayer and faith for all while American politicians focus attention on gangs and murder on the streets of our cities.  In Brazil 1.5 million youth, yes the same age as those in gangs and committing murder in America, joined the Pope on that rain driven beach in his journey to bring us closer to God.

How strange for the media to not notice such a massive movement in our Southern Hemisphere.  How odd to not cover a story that affects over 1.2 billion Catholics around the world, the largest single religious denomination in the world and in America.
When it comes to media coverage the Pope is truly a voice in the wilderness because the networks have not figured out how to make God or faith into a reality show so they can make money.
People of all faiths have a right to know there is one world leader walking the walk and talking the talk when it comes to laying his life on the line for his love of all people and belief in the power of prayer and faith.
There are rare times in the history of mankind when one solitary voice can make a difference.  Pope Francis may very well be one of those people whose genuine love, compassion and empathy for giving transcend ego, power and greed for taking.
Politicians and people from Wall Street to Main Street could benefit from his example and may very well find salvation in his gentler and kinder message.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Death of European Socialism - France in Flames over Pension Funding


In what should come as a warning to the socialist leaning Obama administration, the great socialistic experiment in Europe the Obama policies seem so inclined to pursue has suffered two more nails in the coffin in terms of being a viable economic experiment.

Much of the liberal leaning main stream media in America does not want you to know about the events that are rocking Europe but we need to take notice for it could be but a harbinger of the future we face under adoption of the Obama agenda.

Early this year Greece, Spain, Ireland and England faced huge budget deficits and took extremely unpopular moves to bring the debt and economies under control. Now the focus moves to France where they are finally forced to deal with the long ignored runaway spending driven by socialism.

In France the issue is the retirement age. In order to avoid economic bankruptcy the retirement age has to be raised from 60 to 62 and full retirement benefits from 65 to 67. That does not seem like a big deal to save the national pension system. All workers in France already are guaranteed 4 weeks of vacation a year compared to 2 weeks in America.

The response has been a national wide union strike that has crippled the economy, shut down the transit system, and threatens to polarize the people and police. Rioting has always been the union tactic in European nations to force the agenda.

The problem is there are a lot of disgruntled people in France because of the long standing social promises for more benefits, more vacations, less work and earlier retirement. The riots over retirement have now given the social activist youth, even high school students, to join the riots even though they will have to pay for any excess benefits throughout their lives.

There are a lot of radical elements in the socialist countries just looking for the opportunity to use the cause of someone else, like the retirees, as a cover to discredit the government and police authority. In France the latest poll of workers supporting the police is around 70% approval while teens are around the 15% approval range.

Youth groups and other radical groups have seized on the unrest to escalate the protests to full blown riots as you will see from the following reports.

Some three million people took to the streets throughout France on Saturday to protest President Nicolas Sarkozy’s pension reform, unions said, as a strike by transport and oil refinery workers went into its fifth day.

As usual, the Interior Ministry saw substantially fewer demonstrators in the streets, saying in a statement that about 825,000 people protested against the reform.

The demonstrations in some 260 cities took place as strikes at all 12 of France’s refineries raised fears that airports would soon run out of fuel.

On Friday, fuel stopped running through a pipeline feeding Paris’s two major airports, Orly and Charles de Gaulle.

While Orly has reserves for 17 days, the stockpiled fuel at Charles de Gaulle could run dry by Monday or Tuesday, the junior minister for transport, Dominique Bussereau, said.

However, Finance Minister Christine Lagarde told RTL radio Saturday that the government has options to provide them with fuel.

“We are confident,” she added.

Railway traffic remained disrupted throughout the country, with about half of all scheduled trains not operating Saturday, the state— run rail network SNCF said.

The pension reform would gradually raise the retirement age from 60 to 62 by the year 2018. It has already passed the National Assembly and is scheduled to be voted on in the Senate on Wednesday.

Unions have called for another nationwide day of strikes and demonstrations on Tuesday, just ahead of the Senate vote.

French truck drivers staged go-slow operations on highways, trains were cancelled and gas stations ran out of fuel yesterday as strikers dug in ahead of a key government vote this week on an unpopular pension overhaul.

Riot police used tear gas and rubber pellet guns in the Paris suburb of Nanterre to break up a crowd of youths who set fire to cars near an anti-reform protest by secondary school students. They intervened for similar reasons in the city of Lyon.

The interior ministry said police arrested 290 rioters in various towns.

Wider strikes will hit everything from air travel to mail today when unions opposed to President Nicolas Sarkozy's plan to raise the retirement age to 62 from 60 have called for another street protest.

With a final Senate vote on the legislation expected tomorrow, this could be a make-or-break week for Sarkozy.

The centre-right government, which has stood firm through months of anti-pension reform protests, assured that public infrastructure would not freeze up despite a week-long strike at refineries that has dried up supplies at hundreds of France's 12,500 gas stations.

"The situation is critical," a spokeswoman at Exxon Mobil said. "Anyone looking for diesel in the Paris and Nantes [western France] regions will have problems."

Sarkozy, in the northern seaside town of Deauville for talks with the leaders of Germany and Russia, said he would not back down. "The reform is essential and France is committed to it and will go ahead with it just as our German partners did," he told reporters after meeting German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Workers at France's 12 refineries were in their seventh day of a strike and protesters blocked access at many fuel distribution depots around the country.

The French aviation authority urged airlines to reduce flights to Paris's Orly airport by 50 per cent and to all other airports by 30 per cent today.

Today will be the sixth major work stoppage and street demonstration since June, but the unrest has intensified.

As many as 1,800 service stations have run short of fuel in recent days. At an empty station on Paris's Champs Elysees avenue, the manager said she spent much of her morning trying to stop drivers unhooking fuel pumps.

Los Angeles Times

By Devorah Lauter, Los Angeles Times
October 19, 2010

Reporting from Paris —

Camille Maupas, a 14-year-old high school student, stood in the middle of a major intersection in the center of Paris, took a deep breath, smiled and sat down.

So did about 150 fellow students, who spontaneously decided to block the intersection at Rue de Rivoli and Rue du Renard, causing a traffic jam near City Hall on Monday, to protest against a government plan to raise the retirement age.

With no pension at stake, the students are a worrisome wild card in the eyes of the government, and a recent addition to an intensifying protest movement against President Nicolas Sarkozy's promise to help reduce the state deficit by forcing workers to legally retire at 62, instead of 60.

Students have blocked entrances to their schools with large objects, and on Monday some youths clashed with riot police and burned cars. The violence was blamed on youths who are not part of the student protest.

As authorities prepared for another national strike Tuesday, a larger swath of the population was already feeling the effect of nearly a week of continuous strikes by workers, especially in the energy sector, who were joined early Monday by truck drivers who blocked major roads around France, driving at a snail's pace in "escargot operations."

Despite government assurances, fears of gasoline shortages pushed drivers to fill up their tanks, causing more than 1,000 of France's 12,500 gas stations to temporarily run dry.

"The most serious concern is fuel," said Richard Laisne, 58, a Paris taxi driver. "Because if there's a fuel problem, there's no work for me." He said he filled up his tank Sunday.

Government leaders continue to assure the public that there was no reason to fear a shortage, and Prime Minister Francois Fillon said Sunday, "I won't let our country be blocked."

A spokesman for the Energy Ministry said trucks were on their way to restock gas stations that ran out of fuel.

Flight cancellations and delays are expected Tuesday as airport and public transport workers plan to strike. The government again advised airlines to reduce the number of flights they have planned to Paris and to arrive with their fuel tanks as full as possible, despite insisting there was no risk of fuel shortages at France's major airports.

With striking workers blocking roads, trains, gasoline depots and refineries, there could be a long delay before hard-hit gas stations are able to function normally.

A crisis unit was created Monday by the Interior Ministry, and key gasoline depots and pipelines have been unblocked by authorities, who said they did not use force. Days after certain depots were opened, others were blocked by new protesters Monday. Workers at all of France's 12 oil refineries are on strike too.

The Senate is expected to pass the retirement overhaul bill by Thursday or Friday, but protesters say they will continue striking.

"It's a political success. Everyone is involved," said Josiane Jousset, 62, of the strikes. "The government got a good slap in the face."

Media coverage of the student protests showed images of burned cars, shattered storefront windows and glass walls at bus stations in various towns across France, and were reminiscent of 2005 riots in the country's low-income suburbs.

In the center of Paris, participants said their intentions were peaceful.

"We are pacifists. We just want to be heard," said Hugo Behar, 16.

Though the Sarkozy government contends that the French need to work longer in order to finance future pensions, Hugo said the reform would mean fewer jobs for younger people, because aging employees wouldn't be able to leave their posts open for the next generation. "I don't want to be out of work at 30," he said.

"We aren't doing this to get out of class. … We hope to prevent the vote" in favor of pension overhaul, said Camille, the 14-year-old student.

Lauter is a special correspondent.

Friday, August 13, 2010

The Innocence of Youth in America Triumphs


Jackie Evancho – America’s Got Talent Video
August 12, 2010 at 12:32 pm

America HAS Got Talent, and Jackie Evancho is proof enough of that. Britian may have its Susan Boyle, but we Yanks have got a ten-year-old sensation and you can watch her belt those dulcet tones firsthand.

She was introduced to the world on the August 10 episode of Talent. When the Pittsburgh girl performed a rendition of “O Mio Babbino Caro” and received a standing ovation. To listen to the girl sing is to witness a modern marvel. That big operatic voice just shouldn’t be able to come from such a small being. What did the judges have to say about Evancho? Piers Morgan said, “That is one of the most extraordinary performances I have ever seen [on this show].” Sharon Osbourne added, “I’ve never seen anything like it.”


Friday, August 14, 2009

Memories of Youth in America - 1776 Revolution to 1969 Woodstock


With the media fascination surrounding the 40th anniversary of the Woodstock Music Festival that began August 15, 1969, I think our reflection should also not forget other incidents when our youth stepped to the forefront. I am a baby boomer and was in my early 20's when Woodstock took place. By then several of my classmates and friends had been killed in Viet Nam.

Yes it was a time desperately in need of peace and tranquility. Coming from the Midwest we were raised to be patriots and taught that there was a price to be paid for freedom and we were more than willing to pay that price. Then things seemed to change.

A few years earlier I went to the University of Arizona where I was in ROTC as anti-war demonstrations rocked our campus. There was considerable co-mingling of students from various West Coast schools like UCLA, USC, and other California schools along with the Arizona students.

We were in the same conference, the PAC Ten and competed in athletics. At the time UCLA was becoming the dominant force in college basketball. Unfortunately I was on the Arizona basketball team and had to face the Bruins.

Then I was injured, lost my athletic scholarship and volunteered for the military draft. To my dismay I was rejected because of the sports injuries. In case you were not around then if you were not a full time student you were eligible to be drafted and if you volunteered for the draft you went to Viet Nam earlier and served one year less active duty. You could then return and go to school under the GI program.

In 1969 my brother was in the Marines and the year before was in the Tet offensive in the war zone. The Viet Cong attacks on over 100 cities stunned the military, the Johnson Administration and the public. We had been led to believe the war was winding down and we were winning. The stunning action drove the President from office that year.

Also the year before Woodstock I was a volunteer in Bobby Kennedy's presidential campaign and saw him just before he was assassinated in California. It was the second Kennedy I volunteered to work for to be murdered. Just a few weeks before Kennedy was murdered Martin Luther King, Jr. had been murdered. He was about to undertake the Poor People's March on Washington, DC and Resurrection City had been built on the nation's Mall. I had visited the city where up to 3,000 poor people lived and up to 50,000 gathered for the March.

King's assassination led to deadly riots across the nation and even in Omaha where I worked for the Mayor we had policemen murdered during the riots leaving behind young families. The radicals of the 1960's were attempting to hijack every cause that was legitimate. In time I got to personally know Coretta Scott King, Martin's widow, and came to appreciate the severe price her family paid to help others.

All of this was in the year leading up to Woodstock.

By the time Woodstock came around I was 23 years old, married with kids, involved in politics and trying to change the world from within the system. My work took me from Omaha to Washington, DC often. I was also into music and rock groups were dominating the music scene.

On one trip out east I heard about the upcoming Woodstock event and the line up of potential artists going to perform. Unfortunately, tickets for the event were only on sale in New York City and the surrounding area. Several of the scheduled acts performed that summer in Omaha at the auditorium and when I talked to them they were unsure of the event and if they would appear.

I was not a hippie nor did I even know any hippies though I had lived from the east coast to the west coast, and I did not grow up in the drug culture though I knew people who were exposed to it. Like many kids at the time, I was drawn to the music and the message in the music.

When Woodstock took place and nearly 500,000 showed up I was amazed it went so well but concerned that this festival would become recognized for much more than it represented because of the size of the crowd. For every ten people showing up at Woodstock to party one person had died in Viet Nam to protect their right to freedom, with nearly 55,000 of our nation's youth killed in the war.

I remembered an earlier time when our youth came together to promote an unpopular cause. The average age at Woodstock was 18-25. The average age of the Colonial Army that fought the mighty British Empire for the right to create the United States was 18-25. There was little food, clothing, money, and medical help for both groups.

While there were about 450,000 youth at Woodstock there were 231,771 who fought for freedom in the Revolution. One was a peaceful revolution to stop a war while the other was forged of battles, deaths and fighting against all odds to lay the foundation of freedom that would spawn the youth at Woodstock nearly 200 years later.

Both came at a terrible time for the people when the poor suffered, racial prejudice was dominant, there was high unemployment, excessive taxes and little opportunity. Those youth in the Revolution risked their lives, families, property and futures for a dream and were willing to pay the ultimate price to get it.

I only hope the nation does not forget the extreme difference in roles played by our youth over time. I only hope the Woodstock generation does not forget what was behind the desire for peace that summer weekend both in terms of the terrible sacrifices of the generation of youth 200 years earlier and the events of the previous year.

There was terrible war, racial prejudice, the environment was being destroyed, education was poor, unemployment was high, Madison Avenue materialism was dominant, Wall Street corruption was out of control, politicians did not listen, special interests got their way, confidence in government was at an all time low and too many people were indifferent. Sound familiar?

And I really hope the youth of today look around and see what previous generations of youth did to get you where you are today. Are you willing to take up the mantle of peace or war to defend what you inherited? Or have you let America slip back to where it was when earlier youth rose to the challenge?
