Showing posts with label polarization. Show all posts
Showing posts with label polarization. Show all posts

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Roe versus Wade - What to do, what to do? - When life begins! The rest of the story...

When the dust settles and the debate stops and the latest polarization of the nation passes, where will the nation be.  Will we finally settle the moral question of "When Does Human Life Begin?"

Roe versus Wade is forty-six years old.  It might be one of the oldest laws on the books based on a state of science and technology that has never been updated or changed for nearly fifty years.  In order to legalize abortion there had to be a determination of when life began.  That was a key component of the case.

The problem in 1973 was no one knew when life began and  determining the moment life begins, at least in the eyes of the courts, was a matter of science and technology.  That is what Roe versus Wade did nearly 50 years ago.  Science has now proven the definition is obsolete.

Science and Technology

Think about it, the advances in science and technology have been monumental since 1973.  In 1973, the year Roe versus Wade was decided, technology saw the first cell (mobile) phone demonstrated for commercial use.  During the next 46 years we have seen this bulky beast morph into today's smart phone which has the processing power of large computers from the seventies.  Yet the science behind Roe versus Wade never changed.

Personal computers did not exist in 1973 and look where they are today.  In virtually every field of science and technology there has been lightning change, with products often going to market about the same time they were becoming obsolete.

The digital revolution was just beginning and it brought change never experienced before in our history.  Yet Roe versus Wade remained trapped in time and never changed.  In 1976 Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs launched the Apple personal computer.  By 1980 Sony introduced the Walkman.

The first Space Shuttle was launched in 1981, the same year laser eye surgery was developed.  In 1982 quantum dots were discovered.  Compact discs (CDs) arrived in 1983.  By 1989 the worldwide web was invented, yet Roe versus Wade technology was still stuck in a time warp.

In the first two decades of the twenty-first century the change has become even greater in all aspects of our lives as the digital revolution took control.  Yet through it all the Roe versus Wade technology has remained frozen at the 1973 level.

It is hard to believe there has been no update to Roe versus Wade medical science and technology since the time we were just beginning to end the Vietnam war.  That is an insult to technology and a denial of truth to the people of America.

What is the record of the Abortion exceptions in Roe versus Wade?      

Advocates claimed abortion was needed in three cases, rape or incest, a threat to the health of the baby, or a threat to the health of the mother. History has proven them wrong. Multiple studies performed with the advantage of actual statistics show only 1% of all abortions resulted from rape or incest, just 2% resulted because of the health of the baby, and 2% resulted from the threat to the health of the mother. In other words the three major causes for passing Roe versus Wade actually represented no more than 5% of the total abortions performed.

Based on the claims in the debate over Roe versus Wade we should not even have a law since so few abortions performed meet the primary needs used to justify the law. However, there is another reason to reconsider the language of the law besides 60 million deaths and no justification for the law, that is what the law did do in the first place.

When does life begin with today's technology?

Roe versus Wade was a ruling by the Supreme Court that centrally held that a mother may abort her pregnancy for any reason, up until the "point at which the fetus becomes ‘viable'". The Court defined viable as being potentially able to live outside the mother's womb, albeit with artificial aid. In 1973 viability usually occurred at about seven months (28 weeks) but might occur earlier, even at 24 weeks. Medical breakthroughs since the ruling and prenatal advances have demonstrated that the ability of the fetus to live outside the mother's womb can come at a much earlier time.

James Elgin Gill

The record for the world's most premature baby is shared by James Elgin Gill, a Canadian man born at just 21 weeks 5 days in 1988. James was born so early that he was expected to die at birth or, if he survived, to have multiple and severe handicaps. James beat all of the odds, growing to be a healthy teenager was known to be heading off to college at the typical age.

Amilia Taylor

American baby Amilia Taylor was born at 21 weeks 6 days in October of 2006. Because Amilia was conceived by in vitro fertilization, her gestational age can be pinpointed exactly, an impossibility for most infants. Although she needed oxygen at hospital discharge, was anemic, and has mild osteopenia she is otherwise a normal, healthy girl.

The successful birth of these two premature babies is living proof of the need to update Roe versus Wade and the 28 week limit.  They are living proof that Roe versus Wade is scientifically wrong, a baby can now survive at 21 weeks, not 28 weeks.

Clearly the language of the law is flawed, so what should it be? Here is the test for all pro-abortion groups who claim they really aren't advocating taking lives.   If you are sincere in wanting to protect human lives while pursuing an abortion option, then you should have no problem accepting the newest scientific evidence of when life begins.

Scientific Proof of Life versus Death

There is one medical test widely accepted and upheld by the courts to establish that a human is legally alive or dead.  All 50 states have used this test for over 30 years.

The Uniform Determination of Death Act, promulgated in 1980 and supported by the President’s Commission for the Study of Ethical Problems in Medicine and Biomedical and Behavioral Research, has served as a model statute for the adoption of state legislation that defines death. The act asserts: “An individual, who has sustained either irreversible cessation of circulatory and respiratory functions, or irreversible cessation of all functions of the entire brain, including the brain stem, is dead. A determination of death must be made in accordance with accepted medical standards.”

Since brain activity is the legal measure for the cessation of life, then it must also be the legally accepted measure of the beginning of life. A fetus becomes a living baby when brain activity can be first measured. According to established science with the use of an electroencephalogram, or EEG, activity in the brain can be detected as early as six weeks gestational age (6). Whether brain activity begins at this time or started earlier but becomes detectable at this time is uncertain; it is known that neural connections begin forming as soon as neurons begin forming, as early as 14 days gestation.

Those politicians claiming to be Constitutional lawyers or protectors of the Constitution should embrace scientific advances that have proven when brain activity is detected, at six weeks, and since the courts accept brain activity as a reliable measure of life or death, then life can be scientifically proven at six weeks.

As science improves, the brain wave activity will consistently be detected some time between 14 days and six weeks.  All hospitals are equipped with EEG machines and they could be adapted to complete these tests for pregnant women.

Roe versus Wade Needs a Scientific Overhaul

Roe versus Wade, adopted nearly four decades ago, is medically and scientifically obsolete in the determination that life begins at 28 weeks. Responsible members of Congress and the White House should advocate, in the interest of scientific accuracy, a change in the law to reflect the latest scientific advances. With nearly 55 million abortions already performed, do we really want to keep terminating the lives of babies we know are living beings?

Abortion is not a matter of pro choice when the baby being aborted is a living, human being in the eyes of science. Pro Life and Pro Choice advocates should join in seeking this correction of a flawed law and the Trump Administration and Congress should make it the law of the land.

Implementing the New Scientific Findings

In the end this could be the easiest huge policy change regarding a volatile social issue in history.  It would not appear to require any action by Congress or the President.  Since the courts have recognized The Uniform Determination of Death Act as the national standard for scientifically proving death over life, then the same standard and same tests, can determine when the fetus becomes a "human" life or person, when life begins according to science and the courts.

Most governors or state attorney generals could find a way to incorporate the missing language from Roe versus Wade, the lack of a court tested determination of the difference between life and death, through executive order or the many remedies used in the judicial process.

Another option to clarify this issue would be for a legislature to amend whatever their determination of death law to use it as a determination of life or death.  There are many avenues open to those who really want to end the debate and protect those children who are not protected under the current flawed laws.

Get your governor or state attorney general to act and act now and this debate can be brought to a close.  We will have a scientific determination of when life begins and ends, and we will stop using abortion as just another form birth control to terminate unwanted pregnancies.

Gianna Jessen — Abortion Survivor

God is using Gianna to remind the world that each human being is precious to Him. It is beautiful to see the strength of the love of Jesus, which he has poured into her heart. My prayer for Gianna, and for all who listen to her, is that this message of God’s love will put an end to abortion with the power of love.

Mother Teresa

Most of all, we will all agree on life.

The Dark Side of Abortion in the world of wealth and technology of today.

One other aspect of life that has changed dramatically since the passage of Roe versus Wade is the tremendous concentration of wealth in the hands of so few.  Billionaires are now the measure of success, yet another tribute to technology advances, where once it was millionaires.

Money in and of itself can be bad or good depending on the intent of the owner, but if these billions are in the hands of a few unscrupulous, greedy, power hungry or paranoid people it is only natural they would pursue the extension of their lives, or the cloning of replacements for themselves.

Technology has also created a new field of biological modification, through the Human Genome program and others, that are shattering all efforts to restrict the use of human body parts for replacement organs, or biological work to master human cloning.

Already a massive Black market for human parts and organs has become a thriving black market business, but with the availability of the aborted fetus, it is also poised to become very lucrative practice for many years to come.  Money talks.

The world market and demand for body parts. 



Friday, February 12, 2016

Congressional Black Caucus PAC Endorses Clinton - Black Vote Hijacked Again


W.E.B DuBois - Booker T. Washington -.Malcolm X - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Since when did a group of just 30 older black politicians get the authority to speak for the 42.3 million Afro-American blacks in America?

“We may have all come on different ships, but we’re in the same boat now.”
                                              Martin Luther King, Jr.

Based on the news media exposure for this CBC special interest group, you would think that blacks controlled election outcomes in American presidential elections when in truth they represent just 13.2% of our total population.

“We must live together as brothers or perish together as fools.”
                                                Martin Luther King, Jr.

The Congressional Black Caucus in Washington has never had a white member and only two Republican members in its history.  By liberal standards, that makes them racist.

“I believe that all men, black, brown, and white, are brothers.”
W. E. B. Du Bois

They claimed they endorsed Hillary Clinton because of the work by the Clinton family over the decades on behalf of minorities in America.

From this point on, the facts get fuzzy.

 “I have learned that success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed.”
 Booker T. Washington, Up From Slavery: An Autobiography

Bill Clinton was the president who took three actions that nearly destroyed the black community when he passed a major criminal reform program, the NAFTA trade program, and the Regulatory Reform regulations for the stock market.

“If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else.”
Booker T. Washington    

The crime program filled the prisons with new criminals, the vast majority who were black.

NAFTA wiped out the blue-collar manufacturing base in America and opened the floodgates for the corporate flight to offshore islands and foreign nations to avoid high labor costs and taxes in America.

As for the financial regulatory reform, well it turned our stock and financial markets over to the criminals who drove us into the worst recession in our history, wiping out any chance to get financial backing from the credit markets, and burying the public in housing debt.

                                                Martin Luther King, Jr.

So why do minority groups like the CBC play into the hands of dynasties like the Clintons, who have demonstrated they are most likely to benefit financially, not the people they claim to champion.

“The Negro cannot win if he is willing to sacrifice the futures of his children for immediate personal comfort and safety. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”
                                                Martin Luther King, Jr. 1929-1968

One claim from the CBC members who spoke was that Hillary's support for protecting Planned Parenthood was a reason to back her.  Well both Hillary and Bernie Sanders support Planned Parenthood, so are they also responsible for the death of 17.4 million black children by abortion, and there is no way all blacks in America support such an aggressive termination effort.

“There is another class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs — partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.”
Booker T. Washington

The CBC is concerned only for black issues.  That is contrary to the work by previous black American icons like W. E. B. Du Bois, Booker T. Washington, and Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. who recognized the diversity within the black population and sought the assimilation of all people, all races, and all factions within those people into the American Constitutional system.

“Honest and earnest criticism from those whose interests are most nearly touched,- criticism of writers by readers, of government by those governed, of leaders by those led, - this is the soul of democracy and the safeguard of modern society”
                                                W. E. B. Du Bois, The Soul of Black Folk

No group of 30 elders has the right to speak for millions people of all ages, all economic backgrounds, and all levels of academic achievement.  More than half of all blacks have family incomes of over $50,000.  Graduation from high school has improved to the point that 92% of blacks graduate today compared to 96% of Whites.

“The happiest people are those who do the most for others. The most miserable are those who do the least.”
 Booker T. Washington, Up from Slavery

In higher education, black graduation rates have improved significantly with many of the top universities and colleges in America showing white and black student graduation rates equal or within 10%.  Today nearly 4.6 million blacks are college graduates.

“Believe in life! Always human beings will progress to greater, broader, and fuller life.”
W. E. B. Du Bois

There are many black leaders in business, politics, education, health care, and private industry.  Many of them long ago recognized black voters were taken for granted by the Democrats or the black politicians.

“Associate yourself with people of good quality, for it is better to be alone than to be in bad company”
 Booker T. Washington

Of course, there is a long way to go to achieve racial and criminal justice equality, but that is not a Democrat or Republican problem, it is an American problem, and the sooner we work together the sooner the problem will be resolved.

“Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into friend.”
                                                Martin Luther King, Jr.

As for our youth, when did a new generation of Americans ever accept that the current leaders and standard of living was the best they could expect for their generation?  Times change, needs change, opportunities change, and our youth are smart enough to know the future does not have to reflect the problems of the past but the dreams for a better tomorrow.

“I will permit no man to narrow and degrade my soul by making me hate him.”
 Booker T. Washington
CBC made a mistake, they had no business endorsing anyone.  A racist and discriminatory organization has no right to tell anyone what to do, who to vote for, and what to think.  Perhaps our youth could solve the many problems we, and they, face if we stopped telling them what to do and let them tell us how to do it.

“Here is the chance for young women and young men of devotion to lift again the banner of humanity and to walk toward a civilization which will be free and intelligent; which will be healthy and unafraid, and build in the world a culture led by black folk and joined by peoples of all colors and all races - without poverty, ignorance and disease!”
                                                W. E. B. Du Bois, A Reader

Imposing your will and wants on anyone else is not American, nor democracy, and not respect for individual rights and freedom.  Polarization and hatred never solved anything and judging others is a slap in the face to Christianity.  Now is the time to get rid of hypocrisy, and get on with solving problems.  Now is the time to listen to the true heroes of America.

                                                Martin Luther King, Jr.

                                                Martin Luther King, Jr.

Thursday, September 09, 2010

Obamaville September 9 - A Bush League Obama Turns Back the Clock 2 Years


Was I dreaming or was that Barack Obama yesterday, or two years earlier, blasting the Republicans just after John McCain and Sarah Palin had been nominated and the polls showed the 2008 election closing rapidly? There was Obama before another by invitation only Democratic rally in Ohio slamming the GOP for the Bush years, condemning them for destroying the economy, and demanding a chance to give us hope with change.

Of course he forgot to mention back then that the Democrats had been in control of the budget since Nancy Pelosi became Majority Leader in 2006 and was thus responsible for the budget deficit and the wars. Or that the Clinton White House had made the regulatory changes that resulted in the sub-prime mortgage fiasco that caused the economy to collapse. But that was campaign bravado and facts never got in the way of a good speech. President Obama, your enemy now may very well be Nancy Pelosi, she's a Democrat Mr. President from your very own party, who has been in control of the federal budget for the last FOUR years.

Turn the calendar forward two years and Obama is wrapping up his second year as president with a huge Democratic majority in the House and the Senate and what does the commander in chief have to say about the outlook in America? He is still blasting the Republicans for causing the economic mess, still lamenting about the cost of the two wars, one of which he has expanded, blames the GOP for blocking his legislation though his own party controls both houses of congress now, and seems to have forgotten that Bush has been long gone from the scene.

His polarizing political speeches continue to divide the nation. His condemnation of the "rich" continues to promote class warfare. His build up in Afghanistan has been dropped from the speeches. His promise to help heal the nation is lost by his vicious attacks on the GOP. And then there are the straw dogs he creates to win a point, like attacking House Republican leader John Boehner at least seven times by name. John WHO? Most of Main Street America has no clue who John Boehner is and could care less about a congressman from Ohio. What kind of presidential strategy is that?

Even the president's facts and sound bites are bush league. He said he would not hurt the middle class or small business by raising their taxes, yet his tax of everyone over $200,000 for individuals and $250,000 for couples means, according to independent small business groups and even ABC News, that over 894,000 small businesses in America will pay higher taxes thanks to his policies.

The only thing more predictable than Obama being bush league is MSNBC's Joe Scarborough, the resident Republican in the liberal conclave of the Morning Joe Show being shameless in his quite obvious efforts to make it look like the GOP is hopelessly ineffective and impotent. Joe, if he really is a Republican, needs to change his party registration to the Democrat party he seems to espouse so fervently.


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Obama Silent as NAACP Sparks Polarization and Sarah Palin says Let's End Divisive Language


The NAACP called the Tea Party racists in order to bring attention to their fading image and only Sarah Palin among all the politicians in America including President Obama called for an end to such divisive language by the Civil Rights group and all other groups in America.

Ironically, only the outsider Palin spoke up for the people of America and the cause of ending the legacy of racism which Ronald Reagan first championed. It seems the Democrats and Republicans currently in office were content to let the ridiculous charges by the NAACP go unchallenged. Perhaps they want the polarization as their silence would indicate but their failure to join Palin and calling for an end to it along with the media efforts to imply this is Palin speaking only for the Tea Party when she is truly speaking for any fair minded American shows weakness by politicians, not strength.

Since the media will only focus on sound bites I am presenting Sarah Palin's entire message which the news media will not give you because they are not about to do anything to show that her understanding and compassion reflects the mood of America. How long they will continue to favor the beltway view of America and not the Main Street reality is not known, but sharing the entire context of what she said will allow you to understand.

Sarah Palin's Facebook Statement:

The Charge of Racism: It’s Time to Bury the Divisive Politics of the Past

I am saddened by the NAACP’s claim that patriotic Americans who stand up for the United States of America’s Constitutional rights are somehow “racists.” The charge that Tea Party Americans judge people by the color of their skin is false, appalling, and is a regressive and diversionary tactic to change the subject at hand.

President Reagan called America’s past racism “a legacy of evil” against which we have seen the long struggle of minority citizens for equal rights. He condemned any sort of racism, as all good and decent people do today. He also called it a “point of pride for all Americans” that as a nation, we have successfully struggled to overcome this evil. Reagan rightly declared that “there is no room for racism, anti-Semitism, or other forms of ethnic and racial hatred in this country,” and he warned that we must never go back to the racism of our past.

His words rang especially true in the immediate aftermath of the 2008 presidential election. It seemed that with the election of our first black president, our country had become a new “post-racial” society. As one writer in the Washington Post stated: “[Barack Obama’s] election isn’t just about a black president. It’s about a new America. The days of confrontational identity politics have come to an end.”

We, as a united people, applauded that sentiment. We were proud of that progress. That’s why it is so sad to see that 18 months later, the NAACP is once again using the divisive language of the past to unfairly accuse the Tea Party movement of harboring “racist elements.”

Having been on the receiving end of a similar spurious charge of racism (in a recent frivolous lawsuit which was finally dismissed by a federal judge), I know how Tea Party Americans feel to be falsely accused. To be unjustly accused of association with what Reagan so aptly called that “legacy of evil” is a traumatizing experience, and one of which the honest, freedom-loving patriots of the Tea Party movement are truly undeserving.

On this subject, I can recommend the statement issued by a man I was proud to endorse, Tim Scott, the GOP candidate from South Carolina’s First Congressional District. Tim, poised to become the first African-American Republican Congressman from the former Confederacy since Reconstruction, is himself a sign of a hopeful, truly post-racial future for our country. It gives added meaning to his warning that “the NAACP is making a grave mistake in stereotyping a diverse group of Americans who care deeply about their country and who contribute their time, energy and resources to make a difference.”

The only purpose of such an unfair accusation of racism is to dissuade good Americans from joining the Tea Party movement or listening to the common sense message of Tea Party Americans who simply want government to abide by our Constitution, live within its means, and not borrow and spend away our children’s futures. Red and yellow, black and white, this message is precious in all our sights. All decent Americans abhor racism. No one wants to be associated with any organization that is in any way racist in sentiment or origin. I certainly don’t want to be. Thankfully, the Tea Party movement is not racist or motivated by racism. It is motivated by love of country and all that is good and honest about our proud and diverse nation.

Like President Reagan, Tea Party Americans believe that “the glory of this land has been its capacity for transcending the moral evils of our past.” Isn’t it time we put aside the divisive politics of the past once and for all and celebrate the fact that neither race nor gender is any longer a barrier to achieving success in America – even in achieving the highest office in the land?

I just spent a few beautiful Alaskan days with some beautiful Americans in my husband’s birthplace – they are Todd’s family and they are Yupik Eskimo. In the decades that our families have blended, I have never heard one proud, patriotic member judge another member based on skin color. Both Todd and I were raised to measure a person according to their capacity and willingness to love, work, forgive, contribute, and show good character. We’re joined by the vast majority of Americans in this belief whereby we measure a man by his character, not his color. Because of amazing efforts and accomplishments by those who came before my generation, it is foreign to us to consider condemning or condoning anyone’s actions based on race or gender. Being with our diverse family in a melting pot that is a Native village just days ago reminded me of that.

So to leave that remote village and return back to “modern civilization” only to hear of the NAACP’s resolution today suggesting that we Tea Party Americans don’t respect equality makes me sad for those who choose to divide these great United States. It is time to end the divisive politics.

-- Sarah Palin
