Showing posts with label chaos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chaos. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Establishment Democrats and News Media still do not get it as Trump juggernaut buries them in Chaos


One day, most likely far into the future, the American Democratic party and the national news media may step back and say, "what did we do wrong?" as Trump is finishing his second term as President of the United States.

You see, the news media, liberal world, and to some extent the conservative world in the USA find each other in the midst of a non-stop political maelstrom and the source of the political potpourri is none other than the most unlikely president in our history, Donald Trump.

All of these potential enemies of our new president share a few common bonds called conceit, arrogance, elitism, a holier than thou attitude, and a serious lack of historical knowledge and common sense.

"MSNBC Is 'Shocked' That Donald Trump Followed Through on His Campaign Promises"

As a result, they fail to understand that President Trump is not of the same mold, cloth, or temperament of any of them.  Oh, he graduated from an Ivy League School, Wharton, but he did not receive the same indoctrination those other elitists absorbed.

No, President Trump learned the game of life and survival in the school of hard knocks, the streets of New York City, where winners survive and losers just disappear.  In my years in New York and New Jersey, after growing up in the Midwest and college in Arizona, I came to understand the incredible disenfranchisement between the grass roots American and the eastern elitist.

In the Midwest, public service was an honorable activity but was seldom a career.  Out East, the political parties and politicians tried to make it a dominant force over society.  Money ruled the hallways of government out East while patriotism ruled in the Midwest.

Call it an attitude, a superiority complex, or putting on airs, as far back as the 1960's it was well established and obvious and the result was those out East took themselves far more seriously than the typical Midwestern American.

When I traveled more extensively over the years, I noticed the same detachment between the East and South, Great Lakes, and Southwest.

All the while, the political and news media elitists out East became more alike than dissimilar except over a few basic issues while becoming more and more ideologically polarized.  Political party platforms became a joke never to be seriously pursued once one was elected president.

Among the greatest mistakes of the elitist politicians and news media are they continually underestimated the knowledge and wisdom of Americans outside the Northeast corridor, the area from Washington, DC to Boston where 54 million people live.

Long ago, the silent majority of Americans saw the growth of money and corruption in politics and government.  As the two political parties fought it out for the minds and votes of Americans, the people were deserting the parties in record numbers.

So dramatic was this ignorance by the elitists they did not notice in 2016 when for the first time in our history there were more voters registered as Independents than either Democrats or Republicans.  Even more ominous for the elitists, almost 50 percent of the eligible voters did not even register to vote.

For those pollsters and political pundits too blind to see the truth, that means nearly two-thirds of all the eligible voters in America were fed up with the political system as presented by the news media and two political parties.

At the very same time the polarization in politics and the parallel rise of ideological bias in the news media caused a disastrous collapse of trust in that most sacred of US protected classes, the news media.  By the time the 2016 election was in full swing, just six percent of the public trusted the news media.

"Is the Liberal Media Trump trashing finally over, or is it now destined for oblivion?"

Again, for the benefit of the brain dead media and pundits who failed to read the tea leaves, that means ninety-four out of every one hundred Americans did NOT trust the news media.  Yet the media arrogance continued to grow as they tried to project their bias into all aspects of reporting and Trump was the target of the growing venom of the media.

Donald Trump sensed this frustration, dissolution, and disgust of the forgotten Americans that was accelerating as the Obama years ground to an end and once again, the agenda of another political leader had failed to materialize.

Here is the real news Trump was not an ideological candidate.  Trump was not a politician.  Trump was not even a real Republican.  He was not interested in being politically correct and he sure hated the status quo.  Because he was rich, he did not need to sell his body and soul to the financially powerful.  Each of these characteristics made him more and more valuable to the vast and growing silent majority.

In the end, the vast majority of the people who voted to elect Trump did not vote for Donald Trump, they voted for a voice, an ear, a doer, an outsider, a disrupter, a person who just wanted to make America Great Again.

Whether he registered as a Republican or Democrat mattered not because he was certain to alienate anyone standing for the status quo, for preserving the establishment, for accepting the dominant rule of political parties, or one who catered to the needs of a needy news media.

People did not have to like him to vote for him, they just had to believe he would fight for change, disrupt the Establishment, and in the end fix the many problems now facing our nation.

Donald Trump understood his strange bond with the silent majority where a billionaire becomes the ombudsman for the ignored masses.  There are no favorites in Trump's worldview, only those willing to play.

Trump believes in a world that leaves no one behind.  That including those many voters lied to and mislead by the political parties over the years.  Trump recognizes everyone is a victim of a failing political system and a biased news media establishment.
The Trump juggernaut is dominating the establishment politicians and news media because they insist on playing by their own rules (he does not), and because urgency is not a part of the bureaucratic way in our nation's capitol.  President Trump, on the other hand, thrives on action and chaos.

One day the politicians and news media may realize that Trump is not the favorite, but is certainly the chosen, to do what American citizens believe is necessary to save our American institution.


Friday, September 23, 2016

The Day of Reckoning is nearly at Hand! The Presidential Election!

Countdown clock to the day of reckoning when half of the voters in America will be squealing for joy while the other half prepare to move to Canada, or perhaps Newfoundland.  Where will you be?

What if Trump wins?

And what about Hillary winning?

So what is the conclusion?

Newfoundland Real Estate Specials

The final word...


Wednesday, July 27, 2016

What to do about the 2016 Presidential Election?


Call in  supernatural help to protect us from both parties.

You can use the spiritual -

or you can use the extraterrestrial - 

either gives us more hope than we have got.

Or is time really running out!

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Obamaville May 24 - The Election - Trump's Greatest Reality Show - America's Greatest Test


In one corner - The most experienced candidate ever to run for President Hillary Clinton

In the other corner - The most outrageous inexperienced candidate ever to run for President Donald Trump

For those of you who take the 2016 presidential campaign so seriously that you are blinded by hate, overwhelmed by fear, and terrified by the thought of losing, well, I really do not know the antidote to help you make it through the long, dark night.

Had President Obama been successful in legalizing marijuana perhaps there might have been a joint strong enough to help but such was not the case.  You might consider an extended vacation in Colorado where you could remain on a Rocky Mountain high until after November.  Then again, you might consider securing an option on a nice home in Nova Scotia to settle in if you lose.

How long ago it seems this campaign for the ages started with a line up of highly qualified Republicans in the shape of governors, senators, former senate candidates, males, and a female, quite an all-star line up.  Many thought it was the best and most qualified field of candidates ever assembled. Of course, the GOP had two former presidents ready to come to the aid of the heir-apparent of the GOP dynasty, the Bush family.

On the Democratic side was the pre-emptive favorite to win it all, a former White House First Lady, senator, secretary of state, and career politician who just happened to also be a multi-millionaire.  Waiting in the wings was another former popular president known for his wit and charisma who expected to whisk his wife back into the White House, Bill Clinton.

The Democratic field was "fixed" for Hillary but the Republican field was expected to be a blood bath between the conservatives, the more conservatives, the radical right-wing conservatives, and those who wore both suspenders and belts, along with a quiet little voice from a libertarian in the wilderness named Rand Paul for diversity.

The odds on favorites to square off in the fall election were Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush, the legacy candidates with the blue blood and access to a couple of billion dollars for the campaign.

Then someone opened the gates of Hell, most likely an innocent bureaucrat who was tired and pulled the wrong lever.

The Outcasts Emerge

One should expect the unexpected when two certain losers in the eyes of the news media and politicians materialize on the scene.  One was wrapped in gold and stepped out of an escalator from heaven while the other suddenly appeared through a fog of socialism and appeared older than Moses.

The news media laughed and immediately condemned them to the scrap heap of presidential trivia mocking their intent and ridiculing their credentials.

I mean, Trump, the Republican candidate, never ran for political office before.  Fact is he was a Democrat before he filed and a long time contributor to left wing causes including previous campaigns of Hillary Clinton.

His claim to fame, he build VERY big buildings and was more or less a billionaire.  Most knew him as a reality talk show host who gave bombastic a new definition, knew almost nothing about what a president does, and considers his best advisor to be the person facing him in the mirror.

On the Democratic side came a candidate who was not even a Democrat but a registered Independent riding his own wave of socialism for the masses, and standing for about everything America hated.  A socialist might be a Stalin, Hitler, Castro, or some figment of our imagination but not a real person in the citadel of Democracy.

We had a history of destroying socialism in wars and elections since 1776.  As if not being a Democrat and being a rabid socialist were not enough to get the Democratic nomination, add to that the fact Bernie Sanders was also as old as Moses and Jewish to boot.  If elected, he would be the oldest person ever elected to the presidency.

America prides itself in being modern and the last three presidents were all part of the Baby Boomer generation, meaning they were born after the Great War.  We think young and spend a fortune trying to act young so the prospects for someone old enough to be our grandfather, well not quite, winning the election was outrageous.  Our national slogan seemed to be "Young is fun and old sucks."

Enter the time machine and come to the present.

The pre-emptive president Hillary Clinton is coming upon the last primary elections of the presidential year and lo and behold, pesky old Bernie Sanders is still around drawing tens of thousands of young people disenfranchised by Hillary to campaign rallies and causing a rather significant number of worry lines in the already battle tested face of Clinton.

As for the Republican challenger to the Clinton machine, perhaps even more remarkable than Bernie, is the brash and brazen golden boy from Queens who virtually destroyed the entire field of highly qualified Republicans on the way to the nomination.

The impact of Bernie Sanders on the election is rather historic while the impact of Trump on the election just might be cataclysmic.

You see, Bernie was a conventional politician, even a sitting Senator, an indentured member of The Establishment, who used the system to poke holes in the Clinton mystic.  I suspect because he was from Vermont, and the first socialist mayor of a big town, few people ever heard of him.

Trump, well he had other ideas on how to win.  Having never run for office before, he had no loyalty to conventional rules, experience, or consultants.  In fact, he had no clue what they might be.

What he did have was a sixth sense of the mood of the public and he tapped right into a sense of frustration and disgust with the political establishment and the news media establishment by the people.  Whether by design or accident, he knew people were not interested in experience or flowing promises and policy platforms.

People were mad as Hell, and there was no better person to lead them in their anger and frustration than Donald Trump, the outsider from politics, the man who got things done.  He may not have the answers, he may twist facts and exaggerate, but they could count on him to fight for the little people against the ironclad political establishment running and wrecking our nation.

The result, the election rules, and decorum went out the window along with every rule of survival in politics.  Even our vaunted fourth estate, the press, was steamrolled by Trump because of his free wheeling style and most unusual approach.

Bernie calls for a revolution, Trump already shoved it down the throats of The Establishment, and we have not even reached the conventions to nominate the party candidates.

Nearly a month before the end of the primary elections and two months before the convention Trump finished demolishing the entire sixteen-person field running against him.

Already he has turned his machine gun barrage of charges against Hillary and at times it has resembled the Valentine's Day massacre in Chicago.

No one has a clue as to what will happen the last six months until the election.  Trump has already surged into a tie with Hillary.  Leaders of foreign nations have condemned Trump, and still he climbs in the polls.

America is in for one of the most entertaining presidential campaigns in history as Donald Trump finally gets his wish, to be part of the greatest reality show in history.  If he wins, he most likely faces even bigger hurdles winning over the people and then the leaders of the world.

Nothing will ever be the same in politics and maybe not even in life, as we know it.  Some people have long held the belief that people grow into the responsibilities of the presidency.  Students of history can point to many examples and even our most recent president, Barack Obama, has overcome many issues with inexperience to grow into the job.

The survivor of this raucous campaign, whether Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump, face many challenges if elected president, and will most certainly be tested by our friends and enemies around the world.  Healing America after the election will be the greatest challenge.  For our part, we must help America heal.
