Showing posts with label help. Show all posts
Showing posts with label help. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Melchizedek Chronicles – Humanity – We must Help each other to Survive! We must Seek out and find The Raggedy People

I think every politician, member of the news media, and all teachers responsible for forming the minds of our youth need to step back from the deadly precipice of fear mongering, polarization and blind acceptance of someone else’s truth, and seek out their own truth.

As a society, at least on the Internet and news media, we are to quick to condemn, to quick to judge, too eager to blame and to fearful to forgive.  Look around you and the result is quite terrifying. Chaos is the only constant.  The ability to communicate has been lost.  We have broken off contact with our moral and spiritual foundation.

Tragically, we have lost our connection to God.  Yet even in the shadows of darkness engulfing much of the world, God has not given up on us.

Look at the price we pay for living.  Health care costs are bankrupting our people and destroying a lifetime of savings intended for the children in a matter of months.  Student debt is causing our youth to be broke from the minute they get out of school.

Owning a home is too expensive.  Consumer goods are too cheap.  The nutritional value of food is being decimated by excessive biogenetic manipulation while most water is to polluted to drink.

Our institutions like schools, health care, even religions are more like prisons trying to entrap, or more appropriately to enslave you, isolating you from the evil lurking in the shadows rather than preparing you to survive in the world.

Almost everywhere the seeds of doubt, the level of greed, the lust for power, and accumulation of unfathomable wealth undermines the values and principles of good, honesty, fairness, justice and salvation for all Souls.

Our obsession with serving ourselves and our own selfish needs dominates our actions and causes us to lose sight of the most powerful message of our existence.  We are all children of God.  We are part of a shared humanity created by God.  We share responsibility for each other and for the Earth which God gave us to live upon.

Make no mistake, among the billions of inhabitants of Earth, there are many who are free of the darkness shrouding our world.  They are the seekers, believers, dreamers and enlightened souls free of the chaos and fear sweeping or world.

They live in a state of grace which makes them invisible to the evil forces on Earth.  I once described these souls as the Raggedy People in a Dedication for my book The Joshua Chronicles.  It went like this.



Somewhere out there are the Raggedy People, those souls whose purpose in life is to live in the enlightenment of the Father. They seek only the riches of the perfect love of God and are welcomed into His Kingdom by Him. Full of wonder and joy, and empowered with the knowledge they are the image and likeness of God, the Raggedy People are the silent multitudes upon which a new and wonderful civilization will rise.

The Raggedy People are everywhere and nowhere, for they function as silent and often forgotten members of society. There is no gender differentiation, no classes, no hierarchy, no ethnic purification, even no preferred form of worship or religion to which they subscribe, for they may be found anywhere. All believe the Kingdom is for all souls, if you only dare to seek.

The Raggedy People are truly the children of God. One day all humankind will discover their secret, and the world will transform. One day the rich, the powerful, the politician, and the greedy will understand success in this life is not control and accumulation, but kindness and love.

There are those who read the words of God, teach it, preach it, and study it, but few who live it. Dwelling in the goodness of God on earth are the Raggedy People. We should seek them out to help us find the way. As always, they stand ready to assist.

The Joshua Chronicles tells the story of one of them. The tale of an obscure soul upon whose broad shoulders rested the salvation of humankind. How one person befriended a young lad long ago, agreed to a sacred covenant, and set out on a 2000-year odyssey to fulfill his destiny and his obligation to the Creator.

Along the way, he faced the relentless fury of "the second most powerful force in all of creation, the evil Prince of Darkness." With the unlikely assistance of an attractive young psychologist, an aging monk, two ancient members of the secret Order of the Templar and a relic of a doorkeeper, Joshua must overcome the master of the underworld in order to fulfill his sacred covenant.

The Joshua Chronicles, the most important papers in the history of humankind, must be preserved and revealed in order for all of us to find our way home. This is Joshua's story of finding his way back among the Raggedy People, and his reluctant acceptance of the sacrifices he made so that others could find their way as well.

This story is of one person's sojourn to rediscover the perfect love of God for all His creations, and to reveal that love in a way all could understand. Read this and you will know you can never be alone or forgotten, everyone counts to the Creator.

Perhaps you may be one of the Raggedy People too...

Jim Putnam

The Raggedy People are out there and they are the key to our salvation.  Through them we can discover our purpose, seek out the truth, and rediscover our faith in God and Jesus.  They can show us the path to Grace, redemption, resurrection and salvation, for the Raggedy People dwell on the path Jesus walks, illuminated by the power of the love of God and Jesus for each and every one of us.

Pray for help, pray for guidance, pray for inspiration to help others.

We must Help each other to Survive!  

Friday, April 12, 2019

The Melchizedek Chronicles – A Message of Hope from God!

It is okay to doubt what you have been taught to believe when a higher Truth prevails!

As we approach the fateful crucifixion and resurrection of the Son of God, Jesus, you should take a moment off from your texting, your digital real-time conversations, your gaming or whatever other apps absorb your time, and think of the sacrifice that was made for you.

Your Creator, the real “Unknowable One,” not the one in your games or video fantasies but God, is watching the Holy Week activities honoring the fulfillment of ancient prophecies in your life.  At the heart of that fulfillment is the vicious torture and death of God’s Son, Jesus.

Followers and kinfolk of Jesus will experience a wild swing of the pendulum between polar opposites of emotions.  First is the uplifting glory of the triumphant arrival in Jerusalem on Palm Sunday to the cheers of the adoring crowds.  Then the plunge to the deepest depths of Hell as the same people demanded and got the crucifixion and death of their Messiah, the Son of their Creator.

Jesus came to show us the errors of our way, to teach us the true path to salvation, to remind us of all we have forgotten about God through the centuries, and to bring joy, peace and love back into our lives.

You have a mind, a spirit and a soul all gifted to you by Father Creator.  Do you protect those gifts, cherish them, nurture them and keep them free of contamination by the Dark side?  I reckon not, in the case of many of you.

Sometimes even, through no fault of your own, you actually believe the lies of your existence.  Has your mind shut out the spirit and soul, blocked them from influencing your day-to-day life by denying access to your spiritual and moral foundation?   Instead the mind has cleverly substituted rationalization for them.  You might fool yourself, but you will never fool God.

Today we have arrived at a major fork in your path of life and existence.  One fork leads to your illumination in the blinding enlightenment of God’s Plan for Creation.  The other fork, the polar opposite of the Christ consciousness, leads to your oblivion at the Final Judgement for failing to remember God’s Plan.

The good news, even if you start down the wrong path, God will never give up on you and will send divine spirits and angels to help you find your way.  On the other side of the equation, the wrong path, a failure to pursue God’s Plan is your expression of free will to defy God’s Plan.

In this time, we have entered the Seventh, and last Human Life Cycle on Earth after all those billions of years of existence.  By now your expression of free will should be consistent with God’s will.  You are running out of time to secure your chance for forgiveness, redemption and salvation.

Those who live by lies, falsehoods or partial truths are contaminated by the Dark Side.  If you remain that way you can never find eternal salvation as One with the Creator.  Evil cannot exist in the Creator’s eternity.

It is a pretty grim outlook for many.

However, contrary to prevalent “fake” news regarding the ancient Biblical prophecy, the whole story of being condemned and sent to burn in Hell for eternity is not part of God’s Plan at all.

You may be contaminated and fail, make no mistake, but the consequences are more “humanitarian” I guess.  Contaminated souls are sent to the farthest reach of the cosmos, the edge of the universe, and put to the final test, seeking forgiveness, redemption and salvation.

Fail that test and the contaminated soul is sent into a Black Hole where everything goes in, including light, and nothing comes back out.  All trace of existence is gone in an instant.

That need not be your final conclusion if you just make an effort to get on the path of redemption.  Many good people walking the earth as well as divine spirits and angels of God wait in the wings to come to your aid if you only cry out for help.

The Kingdom of Heaven and eternity in Oneness with God await your decision.  All you have to do is ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten you to the path of Jesus leading to eternal salvation.  Joy, peace and love await those who hear the call and seek grace.

Perhaps you might want to reconsider your goals in life if they are ego-based or under the influence of the many sinful forms of deadly virtues in our lives.

Knock on the door of God, either the Father, or Sophia the Mother, or Jesus, the Holy Spirit, Mother Mary, Magdalen, Michael or other divine spirits of the Kingdom and you will be welcomed by open arms and shrouded from evil by the cloak of love of the Father.

Will you seek your path back to the Garden?           

Monday, September 18, 2017

Conversations with Melchizedek – More Weather Anomalies Coming

Jesus - The Path to the Creator
After Melchizedek's warnings about the unusual aspects of the first two hurricanes of the season, Harvey and Irma, and the wide swath of damage it caused, two more hurricanes are following in their footsteps and once again the Caribbean and Eastern Coast of the United States may face yet more strange weather behavior.

Hurricane Jose is meandering up the East coast and may give Boston and New England a blast as it passes by, a quite rare occurrence.  Hurricane Maria, however, poses a much greater threat as it is following the destructive path of Irma and has its sights set on the nearly destroyed Caribbean Islands, as well as the Eastern USA.  Speaking of anomalies, the Caribbean has not suffered a direct hit by two hurricanes in one season, another record that will fall in the next few days.

As damage estimates in the USA alone already push beyond $200 billion, additional damage will become a burden to the nations involved.

Of course we have also recorded nine major solar flares in the past two weeks affecting radio, cell phone, and other reception at a time when the solar disruptions are supposed to be in the multi-year quiet cycle.  Then there are the record fires all over the western United States, Canada, South Africa, Portugal, France, and Siberia burning millions of acres and destroying homes and businesses.

Melchizedek warned there would be numerous natural disasters over a twelve month period ending next August that would cause temporary disruptions to the electrical grid, Internet, and thus security systems protecting our borders.  His warning is for the entire world, not just America.

According to Melchizedek storms will continue to come off the oceans bringing high winds, flooding, and other damage.  He also said “the ground will be shaking” as well and to watch for significant earthquake disturbances in Middle America and the Western region of China near Tibet.

One of Melchizedek’s more profound quotes is to “look for the good in adversity.”  The world has been so focused on polarization, hatred, and frustration in recent times that finding good in adversity might appear to be an overwhelming task.

Human emotions are one of the most powerful forces we have at our disposal and our failure to master and control our emotions magnifies and intensifies the impact of the negative emotions, thus shrouding earth in a cloud of negative energy.

In gloomy times like these, and according to Melchizedek this is not the first nor the last time we will experience this, it often takes intervention by Divine Providence to snap us out of our self-generated and self-perpetuated sea of negativity.

We are in an adjustment phase and the series of weather anomalies is our wake-up call to stop our downward spiral and once again move ahead with our spiritual evolution.  Will we wake up?

All it takes is a change of attitude which is achieved through prayer, collective prayer, to our Creator.  Earth is abundant with religions and philosophies claiming a connection to the Creator so where are the leaders calling for us to stop the hatred, and to pray.  No one is pleased with the way things are and they are only going to get worse as long as we remain trapped in falsehood, and we remain self-perceived as victims.

You have the power, along with everyone else who shares a vision of a world in peace and harmony, free of hunger and bias, hatred and starvation.  Do you really think the Creator of all that is would not give us the power to make things right?  The power is the ability to ask for His help in making Creation, our world, serve the will of the Creator and manifest the love and mercy and compassion and empathy for all of Creations within Creation.

All souls are equal when it comes to our relationship to the Creator.  If we use our creativity, our imagination, and our determination, there is nothing we cannot accomplish.  Maybe it is time we give it a try.


Wednesday, July 27, 2016

What to do about the 2016 Presidential Election?


Call in  supernatural help to protect us from both parties.

You can use the spiritual -

or you can use the extraterrestrial - 

either gives us more hope than we have got.

Or is time really running out!