Showing posts with label Creation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Creation. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 01, 2020

The Melchizedek Chronicles - The Road to Kingdom Come – Path to Eternal Salvation – From Birth to Death to Eternity - The Mission of Jesus

John the Baptist baptizes Jesus
the Ministry of Jesus begins!

Christian religions celebrate the baptism of Jesus on either January 8 or January 13.

Honor Death by Celebrating the Life, not Mourning the Loss

Jesus demonstrated the path to eternal salvation with five actions, three had never been experienced by mankind.  Life and Death are two actions familiar to us although our knowledge of the significance of these is little understood.

When you add the other three, Transfiguration, Resurrection, and Ascension, the whole concept of each one alone defies our maximum mental capabilities to grasp.  At that point we are stuck somewhere between Steven Spielberg and Walt Disney, like a fuzzy fantasy.

All three are far beyond our understanding of life, and so many other things beyond life as we know it.  You must get beyond the limits of your mind.  This world is no longer a playground, this is a spiritual war zone.  The long-rumored battle between Michael with his legions of Angels versus the Fallen Angels, good versus evil, was true, and the battleground has now spilled into our world, Creation.

We don’t even see it.

But this is just a backdrop for the Main Event, your awakening.

It can and must come, to each and every one of you, if you are prepared to pay the price.

What I am about to disclose to you could change you, or reinforce what you might have thought.  At a minimum, I hope it will lead to triggering your imagination and stimulating your creativity.



These are two of the most important gifts you were given by the Creator.  Or perhaps it will stimulate you to seek out the truth.  Deep down inside you harbor a fear that you are not fulfilling your mission in life.  Your intuition is probably right.

Your physical body is perhaps the most complex, miraculous, and magnificent creation of the Creator.  When I say your body, I mean in a living state, after the Soul has fused with the fetus at the moment of birth, and the result defies physics, all of science, logic, or any other form of comprehension.

No matter what you think about yourself, the Creator loves you so much because you are his Creation, that he gave you life.  Your life is just the first step in your journey, for you must then find answers to the most unlikely of questions.

Not only did he create you to function in our world, he then gave you a path to return to the Kingdom, then to the Eternal State of Oneness of the Creator in Eternity.  And then, about thirteen billion years after he created your world, he sent you his Son Jesus.

When Jesus first came to Earth during the Roman Empire his visit certainly did not get the press attention it deserved.  But then, it took a long time for the news of events in Jerusalem to circulate around the world by camel and messenger pigeon.

His first mission was not just to die for your sins, it was meant to serve as a wake-up call.

  • To help you know who you are and where you came from.
  • To give you a living, breathing Son of God who looked and lived just like you.
  • To use his powers through the Creator to work miracles and get your attention.
  • To demonstrate through Transfiguration that God’s Grace in Heaven awaits those who awaken to the light on Earth.
  • To demonstrate that sacrifices must be made to bask in the brilliant white light of the Kingdom of Heaven, or the golden glow of Eternity beyond.

All of these things, in order for the Holy Spirit to awaken you to the mysteries of creation and the magic of beyond.  So, Jesus came to experience Birth, Transfiguration, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension to show you how it is done.

Our knowledge and experience are centered around Birth and Death, the natural cycle of life.  Our misunderstanding of the significance of death has led to a backlash of negative thinking, thus increasing the density or frequency of our own bodies and stalling the progress of our spiritual evolution back to the Creator.

Nothing can trigger an emotional response on Earth like Death.  To understand the meaning of Death we need to unravel the mysteries of life, our life, in the Earth state.

We have discussed the structure of the spiritual world outside.  There are three key components we have identified, Eternity, the Kingdom (of Heaven), and Creation, the world in which we take physical form.

Based on a preponderance of information that has come to us through ancient scripture, inspired thinking, the teaching of Jesus, and new revelations of long-hidden truth, we have been exposed to some of the truth.  All things on Earth and the rest of Creation agree that one of the most important cycles we experience is the circle of life.  Yet for all its importance there is very little we truly understand about it.

The Creator created all that is in order for us to experience the human condition, the physical body.  It is our most important test of faith and of our ability to seek salvation by following the path as shown by Jesus.

I think we might all agree on this premise and goal.  Yet in our everyday life on Earth, we tend to ignore the most important teaching and example set by the Son of God.  Of course, you may disagree with me about the importance, but look at the evidence.  You praise the power of the God and pray to his Son to show you the light, all the while denying the most important components of the path Jesus showed us.

Being born and dying are but two of the five actions Jesus taught us, and generally we accept them.  Still we ignore the core of his teaching that all five steps are necessary for our spiritual awakening and fulfillment of the most important aspect of our mission, reuniting with our Creator.

In our life on Earth we must achieve Transfiguration, embrace the State of Grace it represents, and know that such a state can only be temporarily experienced in our life, as it cannot be a permanent condition until we die.  In somewhat scientific terms since Earthlings have a tendency of wanting to feel, see, and experience something before accepting it as truth, we create our own barriers to keep from experiencing the state of Transfiguration, the state of living in the Grace of God.

When Jesus transfigured for apostles Peter, James, and John, an event he neither planned nor expected, he was in a deep state of prayer.  Suddenly his body burst into a blinding radiating white light, he seemed almost transparent to them, and on each side of him appeared spiritual entities the apostles identified as Moses and Elijah.  Both had been long dead at the time yet there they stood, in the clouds on either side of Jesus radiating the same blinding light.

Jesus was frustrated at the time with his apostles who continued to doubt and misunderstand his words and teaching, even as he was demonstrating his power with miracles.  In spite of spending three years with the Son of God before his death, those closest to him continued to lack faith.  Only the Magdalen, who we call Mary Magdalen, understood the meaning and purpose of his words and actions, and in time came to be known as the Apostle to the Apostles.

It was Magdalen alone among all others who heard and understood the words of Jesus and who spent the rest of her life trying to make certain those words were not misinterpreted.  She had a faith in Jesus and a love for Jesus that transcended their human condition and limitations.

Throughout his entire ministry she stood beside him, from the Baptism with John the Baptist to his Crucifixion and death on the Cross, where only Magdalen, of all the apostles and disciples, stood with his Mother Mary to mourn their beloved’s death.

She helped bring his body down and move it to the tomb where she anointed it with sacred oils.  When the tomb was closed, she checked periodically in anticipation of his Resurrection, was first to discover the tomb was empty, first to discover the arisen Lord, then sent by Jesus to tell the Apostles of his Resurrection.  Finally, she was at his Ascension when the followers received the Holy Spirit and Jesus, accompanied again by Moses and Elijah, ascended into the Kingdom of Heaven.

His Resurrection was the second time Jesus had Transfigured, into the State of God’s Grace, having previously experienced it with Peter, James, and John.  This time it was permanent.  So, in his human state he experienced Birth, Transfiguration into a state of Grace, and his final act of being crucified and Death.  At the moment of his Death the world was made aware that he had fulfilled the ancient prophecy by dying, and would soon return.

In fact, let me review what happened at the moment of his Death on the Cross by quoting from an earlier description of events in an article written Good Friday of 2017.


Colton’s Point Times – Conversations with Melchizedek – April 6, 2017


[On Good Friday were there Angels with Jesus?]

Yes, Michael and Gabriel.

[How about when He was carrying the Cross?]

They turned away.

[So, He was on His own.]

They turned away their faces from the greatness of that ultimate human experience, his being crucified for bearing the truth.  And the turning away was so as not to be contaminated by the loneness, the low vibration of that ultimate human condition.  The carnage and the ugliness of the humanness.  The ugliness to which, we would bring ourselves down, descend.

[Is it true the Roman stabbed the sword into Jesus to make sure he would die before the Sabbath began?]

Yes, that was the motive, that was the intention.  It was also in the mind of the one who ordered this, the Roman Centurion.

Longinus was the soldier who actually pierced Jesus.  He really was trying to help the Savior pass.  He got the message, oh he got the message.  He knew who Jesus was.  He did not want to prolong this anymore.  It also fulfilled a prophecy that Jesus would be dead before the Passover paving the way for the angels to arrive.

There would be no Jews on the streets concerned with the body missing or the burial. As a result, there would be a blank space in there where all of this other story would unfold.  Without the Passover and everyone home and in after the sunset, this all would not have been possible.  So, the Roman, the head of that guard who ordered it, was motivated by the Holy Spirit to create fulfillment of this prophecy.

Thus, at the precise moment of death on that fateful Friday, the earth, nature, the universe, and endless hordes of angels were able to awaken the world to the death of Jesus and the coming resurrection from the dead.

At the moment Jesus died, a massive earthquake tremor shook the entire earth.  There was a complete great darkening of the sky.  It was not just an eclipse, but an emission from a planet.  It was some kind of an explosion or emission that slowly passed in front of the sun blocking the sunlight for the next twenty-four hours.

A celestial darkening overcame the earth.  More like a cloud, more like a shadow, as clouds pulled together bringing a great darkening.  It was almost like the clouds pulled together to mask a major explosion behind it.  There was a great roar, a rumbling from that, which people would interpret as thunder.

[At the time of the death and resurrection was the whole world aware of what was going on, just the Middle East, or only the Israelis?]

The whole world felt the tremor and, the side where the Sun was, all of that area would have seen the darkening, whether it was on the horizon or not.

Those on the opposite side of the earth would have seen a shower of that explosion, a dense meteor shower with remnants striking the earth at different points.  There was impact, impact all over the globe, yes, a shower of the stars and the sky, the sky lighting up in places because of that. 

There was also a great essence of human foreboding, and all through the animal kingdom, the animal behavior just responded, indeed all through nature, marking that point.  That the mission was fulfilled.

There was rejoicing, great rejoicing.  Definitely, Angels sang.

[How many Angels came down during that period, between the death and Resurrection.  I mean is there such a thing as the number of Angels, was it like an overwhelming amount?  It seems people would stay off the streets for the next couple of days waiting to see what happened.]

A good question, can we number the Angels? 

There were hordes, hordes of Angels.  Banks upon banks, layers upon layers.  Sweeping, sweeping and rolling, and ascending and descending.  You know that concept of Seraphim, the Seraphim.  Michael was within that whole ascending, descending, rolling, turning, of Angelic forces coming.  He would appear and reappear.


Once he was laid to rest in his tomb the stage was set for his last two acts on Earth, his Resurrection and Ascension.

How do we embrace the Death of a Loved One?

If we understand death is a necessary step to get to the Kingdom in Heaven, then we should turn our attention to focusing on celebrating the life lived and the progress made toward a reunion in Heaven.  This is not a time for grieving, mourning the loss, feeling abandoned by those left behind.

It is a time to celebrate the life lived, not mourn the death.  In death, you return to the Kingdom where your progress in your sacred covenant with God is assessed.  You are following the path of Jesus “outside of time” with your body no longer necessary.  You have returned to the Heavenly Soul of the Just, the Heart of the Creator in the Kingdom.

In order for your lifetimes on Earth to reach an end, you must embrace and experience the last two acts demonstrated by Jesus, the Resurrection from the Dead and the Ascension into the Kingdom.

Earlier, when you experienced the Transfiguration by being touched by the Holy Spirit, you were made aware of the final calling to the Father, the secrets to life everlasting.  Your own Resurrection, demonstrated by Jesus, allows you to break free of the ties that bind you to everyday life on Earth.  You have evolved to a higher frequency than the density of Earth.

In this state of Grace, you have the wisdom of Melchizedek, the power of Angels, and the example of Jesus at your disposal.  It will be your new mission to help all others still left attached to Earth.

You see, in the eyes of the Creator, we all are One, the Oneness found in the heart of Father Creator.  That same heart is the Soul for all mankind.  Each of you is connected to the heart of the Creator by golden filament light beams.

All physical bodies have their own Soul on Earth, but all Souls come from the same single source, the One source, the heart of Father Creator.  You achieve Resurrection when you follow the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and the path of Jesus, Son of God.

You do not die in the physical world, only the vessel you occupy ceases to exist.  Your soul and spirit, they live on in the Kingdom where form is energy, thought is energy, and perfect love is energy.

God the Creator does never give up on His creations.  No matter how far astray you may drift, Jesus taught us the pathway to redemption and salvation.  During the billions of years of our existence the Father also gave you multiple experiences on Earth to achieve the state of grace necessary to finally enter the Kingdom and return to Oneness with Father Creator.

You Resurrect when your Will reflects the Will of the Father, when you have achieved the state of grace of the Transfiguration needed to achieve your own ascension.  When you finally know that the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are all always present within you.

Never again will you return to Earth in the physical form.

Some call it Judgement Day, the Grande Finale, your Ascension, when all Souls destined for Eternity Ascend, at the end of time, in unison, in Oneness, in the Grace of God, and the love of the Father.

And then there was the One.

Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Melchizedek Chronicles - The Twelve Days of Christmas – December 28 - The Feast of the Holy Innocents

December 28, is the Feast of the Holy Innocents honoring the baby boys of Bethlehem killed by Herod the Great, the Roman-appointed King of the Jews, in order to stop the birth of the new Messiah.  It was a desperate act by this torn king fearful that the coming King of Kings would usurp him.  You see, he was a brutal yet great builder, but his fear of Jesus drove him to become a fruitless mass murder.

His victims, the baby boys of Bethlehem, are honored on this day for they were instrumental in providing cover so the Baby Jesus could be saved.  The original intent was specifically for these children.  Over the years other causes have jumped on the bandwagon laying claim to the feast.

This is the fourth day of the Twelve Days of Christmas, and the third feast day in a row (St. Stephen and St. John).  The Twelve Days span from the birth of Jesus on Christmas Day to the Feast of the Epiphany, the manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles as represented by the Magi (Matthew 2:1–12).

On January 6 we celebrate the Epiphany, the day the Magi, Wise Men, and the many other prominent long-distance travelers arriving at the stable to honor the new Messiah.  A magnificent Star of Bethlehem illuminated the sky like a beacon guiding them home.  From kings, princes, priests, and rulers to shepherds and angels they were drawn to the Baby in the Manger.

This third feast in a row, the Feast of the Innocents, honors those innocent victims of King Herod who also died in their service to Jesus and Father Creator.  Such a cowardly act by Herod that he should decide the fate of the new Messiah.

How arrogant for any human being to believe their Will was all-powerful like the Will of Father Creator.  They have no concept of the power of the Creator’s Perfect Love for all of Creation.

In this day and age, it is so easy to get caught up in the frenzied, frantic, freaky, and fear-filled minds of the people.  It is like a giant vacuum hose sucking everything in sight down into an endless Black Hole leading to the abyss.

But enough of this babble, we know the frayed edges of humanity where wounds are laid open and can never be healed is alive and well, but we can free ourselves of the dark influence.

You want to find inspiration and hope?

Seek out a quiet place and meditate.  Purge your mind of all the worldly distractions, and free your spirit of all those other-worldly distractions.  It may take some effort, but you can achieve this pathway to enlightenment.

When you achieve the state of peace and solitude ask Jesus to activate the Holy Spirit within you, long dormant while awaiting your call for help.  As you have drifted farther and farther away from Jesus, who is the pathway to Father Creator, the Dark Side has harvested more and more weak and fear-laden Souls.

Rule number one in Creation, it is foolhardy to attempt to usurp control over any of the Creator’s Creations.  Whatever action you take to accumulate power and possessions never intended for individuals and are not yours to take, is a direct affront to the Creator.

You can kiss off the Kingdom and embrace the void of the abyss where contaminated souls are transformed into anti-matter for all eternity.  Perhaps you might call that Hell.

At present there are a considerable number of lost or contaminated souls walking the Earth who collectively represent a roadblock to salvation in the Kingdom for all others.  Do not be surprised if substantial numbers of these contaminants are suddenly taken from the Earth to clear a better path for those of faith, or those who will seek out and find faith given a chance.

Not all of the seeds that are planted will grow, some must die away so that others will thrive.

And now back to our pathway to enlightenment.  You are meditating, free of the worries and burdens of the real world, and beyond reach of the bad influences of the spirit world.  Now what?

I mentioned you must ask Jesus to activate the Holy Spirit within you, long dormant while awaiting your call for help.  What that means is Jesus is calling for the Holy Spirit to awaken in you those memories or DNA coding of the path to the truth.  Jesus is the path to the truth and the truth guiding your salvation is knowing the Perfect Love of Father Creator is already within you.

When the Creator made Creation, to make it complete, the Creator became part of His own creation, not just humans but all life forces of his own Creation, thus everything that is has a life force of the perfect love of the Father.

End of lesson for the day.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The Melchizedek Chronicles – Climate Change and Global Warming – are you truly informed and committed or just another Hypocritic trying to impress people?

If you plan on having an Earth to inherit you better read this overview!

Thanks to the enthusiasm of youth from around the world there is yet another growing interest in the truth about climate change and global warming.  Millions have taken to the streets, and they should, but first they must check their own motives, review their own search for truth, and frame the debate outside the partisan world of politics.

Melchizedek says there are several truths innocently or conveniently ignored by those claiming to be true climate activists.  Unless they are part of the climate agenda the movement will fail.  Why, because there are underlying causes and impacts on climate change that require a much broader look at the total picture in order to address the problems we face.

These are the Five key Climate Change Issues missing from the agenda of all current interest groups.

  1. What is the foundation of climate change?
  2. What are the most grievous actions by humans that threaten the environment of earth?
  3. Nuclear Reactors, spent fuel rods and radioactive sludge.
  4. The spiderweb of man-made electromagnetic waves suffocating the Earth.
  5. The Smartphone and Digital Destruction of the Mind.
Sounds simple but this requires an awareness much greater than what is taught in colleges and universities today.  We must know the facts, history, and sources of climate change to be successful.  In this most science driven of modern political issues science alone cannot supply the answers.

1. What is the foundation of climate change?

To understand the life cycle of Planet Earth we must know the core tenets of creation of all that is and will be.  Science has no answers but spirituality does have answers that must be accepted until proven wrong.

Divine Law

To know what must be done we must include the implications in Divine Law, Natural Law and Man’s Law.

God, the Unknowable One as called by Melchizedek, created all that is and will be.  At the beginning of time in our time space continuum the Big Bang took place and all was put in motion that became the cosmos, humans, and everything in between.

So, if the Creator created Earth along with everything else in existence, and everything was intended to continue creating, recreating, evolving and purifying which seems to be the case since our Earth has been here billions and billions of years, then there is a Divine element to climate change.

God did not create such a marvelous miracle as the Earth without giving it the ability to survive, recover, regenerate and grow over all these billions of years, with or without humans.  Do we really think carbon build-up or temperature change is a terminal condition for Mother Earth?

Natural Law

If you knew our history you would know giant meteors have crashed into the earth, creating bodies of water like the entire Gulf of Mexico, in a single event.  Our earth has been buried in ice and covered with water as a result of such natural catastrophes like meteor or comet strikes, super-volcano explosions like Yellowstone, massive tectonic plate shifts causing huge earthquakes, tsunami inundations, droughts, fires, and events from our long-forgotten past we are yet to discover.

Dinosaurs were wiped out, most people obliterated, the debris from super-volcanoes and meteor strikes could have blotted out the healing qualities of the Sun for thousands of years, plunging us into instantaneous climate catastrophes.

In spite of all these events, Mother Earth survived, and even prospered if you consider the increase number of humans throughout our history as a good sign.  God would not have created Earth without giving the precious planet the ability to purify itself of undesired pollutants, to cleanse the air and water, and to even purge the earth below the surface of what might threaten God’s plan.

In addition to Divine Law that seems to have preserved and protected the earth, there is natural law at play which are the tools God gave the earth and Sun to preserve, repair, regenerate or purify itself from unwanted disruptions of our climate balance.

Natural disasters fall in this category like floods, excessive rains, droughts, tornadoes, volcanoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunami, blizzards, and meteor strikes among others.
Add to that the ability of the earth to launch devastating health issues like the plague, Spanish flu, and even the drug resistant diseases of today, and more natural implications are obvious.  Do not forget that such health plagues have wipe out 25-50% of the entire human population of the world in a matter of years.

Man’s Law

Then there is Man’s law which has tried to control the environment, to manage and exploit the natural resources of the world, alter the air and water quality of the planet, as if we are the only ones with answers to our climate control issues.  In truth, we know so little.  We are still missing the history of the human race and evolution for billions of lost years on earth.

Make no mistake, there is a natural progression of climate change that has resulted in at least four Ice ages over the billions of years, and mankind had nothing to do with them.  The evolution of the solar system over the billions of years brings about change as well.  God created all that is, God knew what was needed to preserve it, and God gave it the ability to heal itself.

This relationship between Divine, Natural and Man’s law is essential knowledge that must be understood in order to combat the true problems of today, and what is our role in causing and fixing environmental problems.

2. What are the most grievous actions by humans that threaten the environment of earth?

We seem preoccupied with carbon issues, air and water quality, and land management yet we overlook the implications of health pandemics such as drug resistant disease, the destruction of our own immune system, or the reckless actions of the past that are foreboding for the future.

According to Melchizedek, the greatest threat to survival by humans is a result of our own use of technology, to improve the quality of life.  There is polarity in everything in God’s creation, and that includes technology.  There is a good and bad potential for all human actions and our free will makes us the most dangerous threat to our existence.

Nuclear power was the first of the technology issues to be faced by humans.  Splitting the atom opened the door to all kinds of yet to be defined changes in our lives for the same technology that makes genetic engineering a possible life-saving way to eliminate genetic diseases, also enabled us to create the most powerful and destructive bombs and weapons systems in history.

“So, what,” you might say since we have not used nuclear bombs since they brought an end to World war II when the two atomic bombs were dropped on Japan just seventy-four years ago, in 1945.

Since the first nuclear test explosion on July 16, 1945, at least eight nations have detonated 2,056 nuclear test explosions at dozens of test sites from Lop Nor in China, to the atolls of the Pacific, to Nevada, to Algeria where France conducted its first nuclear device, to western Australia where the U.K. exploded nuclear weapons, the South Atlantic, to Semipalatinsk in Kazakhstan, across Russia, and elsewhere.

By the height of the Cold War in 1986 there were 70,300 active nuclear weapons on earth.  Wisely the number has been reduced and as of 2019 there are approximately 3,750 active nuclear warheads and 13,890 total nuclear warheads in the world.  The United States and Russia control 92% of all nuclear warheads.  That might seem like a good thing.

Yet you are missing the most destructive environmental disaster ever faced by the Earth, what it took to get to where we are today.  In order to build those stockpiles, the nations of the world performed 2,056 tests of nuclear bombs over the years up until the recent North Korean fiascos.

Nuclear Winter – total destruction

In June of 2018 new research argues that 100 nuclear weapons is the “pragmatic limit” for any country to have in its arsenal. Any aggressor nation unleashing more than 100 nuclear weapons could ultimately devastate its own society, scientists warn.

The study was published in the journal Safety and was co-authored by Michigan Technological University professor Joshua Pearce and David Denkenberger, assistant professor at Tennessee State University and director of Alliance to Feed the Earth in Disasters.

If more than 100 nuclear bombs exploding would effectively destroy the environment of the earth, then what is the cumulative impact of 2,056 nuclear bombs exploding over a 74-year period, recognizing that over the years the explosions became more and more powerful.

For example, the first nuclear bombs exploded were in the 15 to 30 megaton class, with each megaton equaling one million tons of TNT.  As of today, the most powerful bomb ever detonated was called the Tsar Bomba. The USSR tested this monstrosity in 1961. The Tsar Bomb caused a 100-megaton explosion.

Earth Gravitational Field

A team of scientists has measured the melting point of iron at high precision in a laboratory, and then drew from that result to calculate the temperature at the boundary of Earth's inner and outer core — now estimated at 6,000 C (about 10,800 F). That is as hot as the surface of the sun.

Temperatures of a nuclear explosion reach those found in the interior of the sun, about 100 million degrees Celsius, over 180 million degrees Fahrenheit, and produce a brilliant fireball.

Consider it takes 100 nuclear bombs to destroy the earth.  There have now been 2,056 nuclear bombs tested over 74 years.  That is 28 nuclear bombs per year, and every four years we reach the number needed to end civilization.

Of those tests, 1,500 were underground to capture the radiation and debris, and 500 above ground.  Either way the result of the fusion reaction was instantaneous debris reaching temperatures up to 180 million degrees Fahrenheit.

What happened to the tens of thousands of tons of super-heated radioactive debris and sludge from those bombs?  Remember, the volume of contaminated waste equals twenty times the volume needed to wipe out everything living on Earth.

More than 75% of the volume was trapped beneath the surface of the earth, while the remaining air bursts spread radioactive debris throughout the world eventually making its way to the ground and waters of the oceans.

Now consider the impact of this debris in terms of the gravity of the earth.  Gravity is the force by which a planet or other body draws objects toward its center. The force of gravity keeps all of the planets in orbit around the sun.

Gravity is what holds the planets in orbit around the sun and what keeps the moon in orbit around Earth. The gravitational pull of the moon pulls the seas towards it, causing the ocean tides. Gravity creates stars and planets by pulling together the material from which they are made.

Gravity is very important to us. We could not live on Earth without it. The sun's gravity keeps Earth in orbit around it, keeping us at a comfortable distance to enjoy the sun's light and warmth. It holds down our atmosphere and the air we need to breath. Gravity is what holds our world together.

The same gravity pulls radioactive debris toward the center of the Earth, our core.  With gravity pulling the radioactive waste to the center, the core of the earth, what is the impact?  Does it disintegrate?  What is the half-life or radioisotopes?

The term half-life is defined as the time it takes for one-half of the atoms of radioactive material to disintegrate. Half-lives for various radioisotopes can range from a few microseconds to billions of years.  To date there is no way to disintegrate or destroy the radioisotopes created by the bombs.

Thus, we have super-heated radioisotopes being drawn to the core of the earth.  What happens when these radioisotopes, which could be up to a million degrees, reaches the core of the earth which is only 10,800 degrees Fahrenheit.

We do not know, but can assume Mother Earth would be in excruciating pain and panic.  That is what happened the last few decades as the earth fought to control the damage from the massive toxic radiation.

The Earth reacted as it always does when threatened with destruction, it began the initial process of Purification to cleanse, renew and regenerate from the toxic poison seeping into the core.

It began the long process of expelling the unwanted toxic waste using the multiple paths of self-preservation given to earth by the Creator, the Natural Laws of God.  Earth has many fissures that allow venting from within the body of the earth to the atmosphere of molten magma which contains the toxic waste.

Yellowstone National Park, the most dominant super-volcano in America, is a complex example of the incredible natural Purification mechanism of Mother Earth to help fight off earth-threatening dangers.  Within the boundaries of Yellowstone alone are over 400 fissures such as hot springs, geysers, volcanoes, and other vents where toxins can be released.  There is a 700-mile long underground magma deposit under Yellowstone.

3. Nuclear Reactors, spent fuel rods and radioactive sludge.

The third cornerstone of critical climate change and global warming focus is the proliferation of nuclear reactors, the power generating stations of the world.  There are currently 448 operating nuclear reactors with an additional 53 under construction.  They supply 10% of the world energy needs.

Many are operating well beyond their life expectancy because it is too costly to shut them down.  Why you might ask?  There is no way to dispose of the nuclear waste generated by operating the plants, and the cost of closing and decommissioning the plant is huge.

For example, Three Mile Island, the site of Americas only nuclear accident, was built at a cost of $400 million dollars and opened in September 4, 1974.  On March 28, 1979, just two weeks after the release of a motion picture called The China Syndrome about a meltdown at a nuclear plant, it became the worst nuclear accident in American history.

The accident was a partial meltdown with limited radiation leaking into the atmosphere that cost over one billion dollars to cleanup over five years.  One of the two reactors was closed until the final unit was closed this month, September, 2019.  The cost of the additional clean up and decommissioning of the plant will be another billion dollars and take sixty years or longer.

As noted in earlier discussion of the half life of radiation, it can last thousands of years and leave behind a dead zone in the landscape.  Unlike the bombs with limited geographic impact over a designated area, reactors are close to populated areas and subject to all kinds of natural disasters, accidents, human errors, and devastating ramifications.

Nuclear plants are not supposed to leak.  They have a massive containment shell around them to protect the earth from leaks.  Yet the natural disasters and human error have caused two total meltdowns of nuclear facilities as the Chernobyl reactor in the Ukraine exploded April 26, 1986, and the Fukushima reactor in Japan was destroyed March 11, 2011 after a 9.0 earthquake struck less than 100 miles offshore of Japan and sent a 50 foot tsunami over the plant melting down all three reactors.

Massive amounts of radiation were released in the two major nuclear disasters reaching from Europe across Asia all the way to California.  To this day both disabled plants are leaking radiation into the earth and Pacific Ocean while massive storage containers of radioactive water remain on the Japan site.  All active nuclear reactors in the world continue to generate radioactive spent rods, water and sludge that represent a disaster waiting to happen. 

4. The spiderweb of man-made electromagnetic waves suffocating the Earth.

Few people have any idea of the massive amount of man-made electromagnetic waves being generated that are bombarding you, your body and your brain.  Even fewer know that the proliferation is so great it has formed a spider web around the earth that is choking off the natural electromagnetic waves of the Sun desperately needed by the earth and your brain.

With science and technology powering our daily lives the danger of man-made waves will be kept hidden unless you seek out the Truth.  Our brain under performs because we do not get enough natural radiation from the Sun.  By the way, sunbathing does not qualify as a healthy way to absorb more rays.

Even more important, the earth needs the natural waves to maintain everything necessary to preserve the balance of creation, from the relationship between the Sun, Moon and Earth to the health and life of the animals and plants we depend upon for life, not to mention maintaining our atmosphere and environment.

You might say the natural rays are far too important to leave to people to protect and you are right.  When the density of the man-made electromagnetic waves creates the spider web in the sky as prophesied by the Hopi Indian elders, it will only take a single powerful sunburst aimed toward the earth to wipe out the digital stranglehold.  
Man-made Electromagnetic Radiation

Electromagnetic radiation brings us heat and lights up our day, it brings us radio and television and carries our telephone conversations.

Electromagnetic radiation has the following interesting properties

·         It can be found in nature or be man-made.
·         It does not require a medium for propagation.
·         It travels with the speed of light.
·         It carries energy as it propagates. The higher the frequency, the higher the energy associated with the wave.
·         It can transfer its energy to the matter on which it impinges.
·         Its transferred energy may be sufficient to break chemical bonds, ionising the matter on which it impinges.
·         Its propagation obeys the inverse square law.
·         It can be used to carry information.
·         It can be broadcast outwards to reach many locations or it can be formed into beams to reach a particular spot.
·         It can be reflected or refracted.
·         It can be split and recombined to form diffraction patterns.
·         It can travel great distances. The radiation resulting from a simple 100 volt, 1 MHz sine wave fed into a suitable antenna can be detected as far away as the next planet.
·         It travels in straight lines.
·         It can be bent around the Earth's circumference by reflection from the ionosphere.
·         It can pass through walls.
·         It can be captured by placing a metal rod, a loop, parabolic metal dish or horn in its path and it can be launched into the atmosphere with the same tools.

Radio Waves

Radio waves are a specific example of electromagnetic radiation. Despite all the communications benefits "electromagnetic radiation" makes possible, the name has a sinister connotation. The alternative name, "radio waves", does not seem nearly so threatening. But too much of a good thing, even water, can be dangerous if present in excessive quantities at the wrong place or time. So it is with electromagnetic radiation.

We are in fact swimming in an ocean of radio waves of various strengths. At home we have high frequency radiation coming from

·         Hundreds of long wave, medium wave, short wave and UHF radio broadcasts
·         Dozens of terrestrial television signals
·         Television signals at microwave frequencies beamed down by satellites
·         UHF signals from hundreds of mobile phones and their local base stations
·         VHF Private mobile radio signals used by the emergency services and private networks
·         Television remote controls
·         Remote control toys (cars and planes)
·         Microwave GPS satellite navigation location signals whether we use them or not.
·         Wi-Fi networks for communications between computers and computer networks
·         Bluetooth connections between electronic appliances
·         Laser light in CD players
·         Infrared television remote controls
·         Wireless security sensors
·         Garage door openers
·         Car door remote locking keys
·         Infrared radiation from cookers and domestic heaters
·         Leakage from microwave ovens
·         Continuous unwanted radio frequency interference (RFI) generated by computer circuit boards and oscillators in radio reception and transmission equipment
·         Random RFI due to local electrostatic discharges from motor commutators on household equipment and power tools as well as automobile ignition systems (sparking plugs).
·         Random RFI due to distant electrostatic discharges from lightning strikes anywhere between the signal source and the home.

Life changes with the 5G computer network

The people at, a community of people interested in the newest innovations in the engineering field, had this to say about the implementation of the 5G computer network.

What is the potential benefit of the 5G computer network?  It promises mobile data speeds that far outstrip the fastest home broadband network currently available to consumers. With speeds of up to 100 gigabits per second, 5G is set to be as much as 100 times faster than 4G.

Ultra High Frequency and Intensity

For its incredible speed, 5G uses what are called millimeter waves (MMW). These are radio signals having frequencies between 30 GHz and 300 GHz. While these higher-frequency bands have a lot of capacity, their shorter wavelengths mean their range is lower, and they can be easily blocked by buildings, cars, airplanes, and trees.

5G requires what are called "small-cell antennas," which must be deployed far more densely than 4G antennas, at roughly every 500 feet, or about one antenna per city block.

At the end of 2017, there were approximately 320,000 4G cell antennas in the US.  A study by consultant firm Accenture estimates that 5G will require 769,000 small-cell antennas, an increase of 449,000 new antennas.

Is 5G harmful for Humans and the Environment?

Small-cell antennas are about 4 feet tall, with some as large as a refrigerator. The cell phone operators plan to affix them to streetlights and utility poles, or place them on the ground, sometimes disguised as mailboxes.

Besides the question of whether these antennas are an eyesore is: are small-cell antennas safe? 5G waves are ultra high frequency and ultra high intensity. Whereas 1G, 2G, 3G and 4G use between 1 and 5 gigahertz frequency, 5G uses between 24 and 90 gigahertz frequency.

Radio frequency radiation dissipates with distance, obeying the inverse-square law. That makes sources close to you far more dangerous than a source that is farther away. Duration of exposure is also an issue, and the new small-cell antennas will be active 24/7.

The Scientists Weigh In

On June 9, 2017, scientists with the International EMF Scientist Appeal submitted a letter of comment to the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in opposition to FCC Docket Numbers 17-79 and 15-180, which would allow streamlined approval of 5G infrastructure to be built on existing utility poles, in greater number than current cellular antennas.

The group is comprised of over 225 reputable scientists from 41 countries who have peer reviewed publications on electromagnetic fields. Their letter calls on "The FCC to critically consider the potential impact of the 5th generation wireless infrastructure on the health and safety of the U.S. population before proceeding to deploy this infrastructure." The letter includes:

"FCC is urging an accelerated deployment schedule for the 5th generation wireless infrastructure, to be installed pervasively throughout the United States. This is being done without public health review of the growing body of scientific evidence that includes reports of increasing rates of cancer and neurological diseases that may be caused by exposure to EMF from wireless sources."

The scientists went on to say: "Numerous recent scientific publications have shown that EMF affects living organisms at levels well below most international and national guidelines." These effects can include an increased cancer risk, genetic damage, structural and functional changes to the reproductive system, learning and memory deficits, and neurological disorders.

5. The Smartphone and Digital Destruction of the Mind.

Finally, the last of the Five cornerstones of fair, honest and practical climate change.  This is the second most threatening result of technology driving our lives after the man-made electromagnetic waves.  No one measures the destructive impact of various smartphones and all other Wifi devices used by people today.

With the advent of 5G and the 100 times more power and speed of 5G with towers every block we must pay close attention to the impact, especially cumulative impact over a period of years, of those waves bombarding your brain 24/7.

The last time a thorough test of the radiation impact of cell phones on the brain took place was in England in the 1990’s and even with the primitive cell phones back then the scientists said there should be no more than one cell phone tower every five miles to be safe.

Today there are multiple broadcast transmitters on every tower and many more sources of radiation than before.  Thorough testing must be performed to make sure we are not destroying the brain cells of our next generation.


If you really believe in climate change and global warming you need to incorporate these five major issues as the cornerstone of your approach if you want to find truth.  The first rule to achieve success is to avoid at all costs being hijacked by political parties or special interests and wind up taking sides, for truth has no sides.

Action comes from being honest, fair, non-judgmental, and open to various views for progress does not come from having answers nobody accepts, but from reaching compromises benefitting all.  Politics is the toxic contamination of reality and the more political the less effective you can ever be.

No responsible climate change or global warming strategy can ignore the severe implications of these five issues, the Foundation of Creation, the nuclear bomb radiation, the nuclear reactor accidents and waste, the electromagnetic spider web and the destructive forces on the brain.

Finally, you can pray for the ability to find the truth and the wisdom to share it with others.