Showing posts with label Wall Street bailout. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wall Street bailout. Show all posts

Friday, July 16, 2010

Obama Gets Financial Reform as Wall Street Giant Goldman gets off the Hook again!


The same day President Obama got his watered down Financial Reform bill through Congress his Administration let the top Wall Street contributor to his campaign, bad boy Goldman Sachs, off the hook with a paltry settlement for financial misconduct to the surprise of Wall Street watchers.

While claiming victory with the financial regulations, it might prove bittersweet to the Administration since Goldman, whose reckless investing many believe nearly brought down the economy, was given a paltry fine of $550 million for stock fraud and lying to investors.

The total fine for Goldman, while not admitting guilt, was half of what the street expected and amounted to just 15 days profit at Wall Street's most profitable bad boy. Since the American public lost trillions of dollars because of this and other actions by Goldman and others it was sorry testament to the enforcement capability of the Administration as they failed to make Goldman an example of Wall Street excess.

To add insult to injury for the American public, the terms of the settlement which allowed Goldman to pay the fine but plea no contest, thus avoid pleading guilty, also allows Goldman to write off the entire cost of the fine, all $550 million, as a business expense thus gaining a huge tax windfall for defrauding investors. Some punishment.

The Obama administration already let Goldman recover 100% of their derivative exposure, which did bring down the economy, when Goldman received $12.9 billion, yes billion, from the federal money going to AIG. In addition Goldman was granted access to discounted Fed funds thus insuring they would make billions of dollars in profits, and spend billions of dollars on executive bonuses, even though their actions helped cause the world economic collapse.

It is clear the Democrats are incapable of launching any kind of reasonable investigation of Goldman with all the former Goldman employees working for the Obama administration, so maybe a Republican victory in the midterm elections could finally result in unveiling the deep, dark secrets of the relationship between Barack Obama and Goldman Sachs.

No answers have ever been offered to questions like the role Goldman played in Obama's 2006 Illinois Senate race when Obama was an underdog and his opponents in the democratic primary and the general election both withdrew from the campaign at the last minute. There are claims one sold his business to Goldman and the other worked for Goldman.

Goldman secretly met with Obama in Chicago before the presidential campaign and became his largest Wall Street contributor as well as bundler for many millions more in contributions. They also sponsored a secret debate in NYC for Obama with Tom Brokaw as moderator to prep him for debating Hillary Clinton in the primary.

Was there any coincidence that the Goldman settlement came the same day as the new financial regulations were approved to crack down on Wall Street? Of course the new regulations are not effective until Obama signs them and he won't do that until next week.

How did Goldman manage to do what they did and only get a slight slap on the wrist when it cost the taxpayers trillions of dollars in losses? Was there any discussion about Goldman between Obama and Warren Buffett, one of the largest stockholders in Goldman, when they met privately the day the settlement was announced.

If the Democrat leaders in Congress are going to ignore the suspicious activity between Goldman and Obama and his campaign, not to mention their influence on his staff which has benefitted Goldman to the tune of billions of dollars since Obama got elected, then what value is any financial reform?

When the truth about what transpired comes out it may indeed be a bittersweet victory for the administration for how can they claim they have cracked down on Wall Street when they just allowed their biggest Wall Street campaign contributor to raid the public treasury for billions of dollars while costing Main Street trillions of dollars in losses?

People should demand Congress rip the veil off of any misconduct that might have taken place between the Obama campaign and Goldman, the billion dollar beneficiary of the Obama Wall Street crackdown.


Friday, February 05, 2010

Wake Up Washington! Are Obama & Congress Listening to the People?


It has now been a full year since the Democrats extended their control over all of Washington. People seem to have forgotten that Nancy Pelosi has been in control of the House for three years now. We have now had four elections in this era of change, Obama, New Jersey, Virginia and Massachusetts and finally those folks in our capitol figured out people want results, not hyperbole.

Not only that but aside from Obama, who promised change but had no idea what to give us, the last three elections have shown a return to American values, not Republican and not Democrat. Over and over the people have clearly said give us a responsible president and congress who understand that deficit spending and increasing our national debt so all people benefit is the agenda.

No it is not just about jobs, although they are tied in to responsible fiscal government, it is also about reducing the debt and not increasing the deficit. It is about helping all Americans, not just Democrats, or Republicans, or liberals, or conservatives, or unions, or management. Most Americans expect the Constitution and our president and congress to work for the good of all Americans.

How did the Washington gang respond over the past year? Well, in the words of Wanda Sykes, as if all of Washington, DC was on medicinal marijuana. It seemed as if all of the politicians were on a different planet, in the Twilight Zone, dead drunk or stoned.

First Obama supported and then completed the implementation of the bank bailout bill which cost $700 billion. The Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac bailouts were another $100 billion. The AIG insurance bailout took another $180 billion. The auto industry bailout was $100 billion. The stimulus bill was another $789 billion but CBO said it could cost $3.27 trillion over ten years.

The president sought a cap and trade bill that would raise energy costs and taxes by billions of dollars. A secret analysis of the Obama bill prepared by the U.S. Department of Treasury says the total in new taxes would be between $100 billion to $200 billion a year. At the upper end of the administration's estimate, the cost per American household would be an extra $1,761 a year.

Stop it!

A health care reform bill was slammed together over the entire year with a price tag of $1.1 trillion and did not even include the cost of about a dozen new programs required in the legislation. Millions of dollars in new taxes and fees that would be passed on to the taxpayers would be spent every year though the benefits would not start until 2013. What kind of nonsense is that?

Stop it!

Obama also wants Climate Change at a cost of $46.7 billion, Education spending increased $81.1 trillion, and after a year in office proposed a new budget for 2011 of $3.8 trillion with a deficit of over $1.6 trillion.

Hasn't anyone been listening?

I mean Obama promised to save unions over $60 billion in taxes on luxury health benefits in his health care program. Add this to the billions of dollars the auto unions preserved in the bankruptcy of GMC and Chrysler and the unions have benefited by billions of dollars already, and over $100 billion in health care gets approved.

Yet what about jobs? The only jobs only legislation proposed, none has been approved except the supposed impact of everything else on jobs, has a price tag of just $90 billion. He proposed more money be spent saving unions than he wants to spend on all the small businesses in America who generate the jobs so desperately needed in America.

We spent trillions of dollars to save the banks so money would be available to small business. Trillions more were spent by the Federal Reserve making cheap money available to banks. Yet no money is available for credit to small business to generate the jobs.

Only a fraction of expenditures are targeted for small business from all the government deficit spending. Is anyone in our nation's capitol listening to the people? Words in Washington no longer have meaning and promises seem meant to be broken. All the while the Independent movement who expects to be heard gets angrier.


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Summer Wrap Up - Obama and The Economy - What About the Forgotten Americans?


Nothing has really changed. Money owns Wall Street, money owns the news media and money owns our politicians. Perhaps the public is finally figuring that out. The crooks are in control like they have been for the past couple of centuries and the noose around individual freedom has continued to tighten. Money should support our system, not control it, because money has no loyalty to a people or to a cause, just an insatiable obsession with acquiring more.

After years of Wall Street greed in which both political parties were willing beneficiaries and Republicans and Democrats failed to protect us nothing has changed. The same mindset that figured out how to circumvent whatever feeble attempts by the federal government to regulate the money managers remains alive and well in the Obama regime.

No one has moved to eliminate the opportunity for market manipulation nor even the hideous practices with futures, swaps, programmed buying and selling and the maze of other techniques brought about by the darkest financial minds in America to squeeze every last cent of profit out of our system with no regard for the consequences on people.

Money has no geographic borders. The whole world tried to cash in on Wall Street greed by buying into the sub-prime mortgage market and oil price speculation brought to you by the folks at Goldman Sachs, AIG, CitiGroup and others. The whole world lost a fortune betting on immoral practices.

The media covered up these practices that began with Clinton and now have impacted on three presidents because the media is even more dependent than politicians on the profits of greed, money, in the form of advertising. Now the media is hurting and until the media is destroyed in its present form it will continue bleeding to death because it no longer serves a useful service to the money changers.

When advertisers pumped money into television and news media wrote good things about the advertisers everyone was happy. Then the bubble burst. Now the money is drying up as the greed mongers destroyed the credibility of our news media just as they had destroyed the credibility of our politicians by getting them addicted to the money.

After the crash on Wall Street last year people stopped investing. The media and politicians immediately said to start spending our way out of the recession. How stupid when spending was what got us into the recession. When we stop spending, start saving, and stop our obsession with owning things that have no impact on our quality of life nor morality, we might have a ray of hope for the future.

In Asia every person consumes two barrels of oil per year while in America every person consumes twenty-six barrels of oil per year. At the end of the day the people of Asia are the ones financing our addiction to greed by buying American bonds that we cannot afford so we can continue our growth by increasing our deficit.

What is the point of fixing a system that does not serve the American people, whether a political or a financial system? One that is throwing billions and trillions of hard earned American dollars down an endless pit into the arms of the very people we are trying to stop. You cannot cure cancer by feeding it and you cannot cure corruption by feeding it, you cure them by eradicating it. End the practices that do not serve the greater good of the country and you will clean up the mess in America. If you are Obama, the place to start is in the White House and Congress where the manipulation of America was planned and executed and where it remains alive and well today.

Friday, May 08, 2009

Coltons Point Times Financial Articles

Because of interest in the financial articles previously posted and the fact they are running on dozens of other web sites including Ron Paul's home page the following is a listing of all the previously released stories from the Coltons Point Times on Wall Street, Capitol Hill, the White House, the Rothschilds, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, the trillionaires, oil price conspiracy, credit crisis, bank bailout, sub-prime mortgages and related actions causing our economic meltdown and recovery.
A painting of prayers with the Rothschilds.

Click on the link and enjoy the articles that tens of thousands of people have been reading.

Friday, February 27, 2009



We have still received no explanation from the Administration regarding the secret meetings and millions of dollars in support that Goldman gave to or raised for Obama to get him elected. We still have received no comment from the Administration during the campaign or now that Obama is elected about the role Goldman played in the sub-prime mortgage mess, the oil price run up, or the billions of dollars in executive bonuses paid by Goldman. The silence is becoming deafening.

Maybe this will help explain why the Administration is keeping the media attention away from Goldman. Look at the stock value of our major investment banking houses, the largest in the world, since Obama got elected.

On election day, November 4, 2008:

Goldman Sachs traded at $95.00
Bank of America traded at $24.62
Citigroup traded at $14.81
JP Morgan traded at $42.42

On the day Obama was sworn in as President, January 20, 2009:

Goldman Sachs traded at $59.13
Bank of America traded at $6.50
Citigroup traded at $3.58
JP Morgan traded at $21.27

Yesterday, February 26, 2008:

Goldman Sachs traded at $94.00
Bank of America traded at $5.89
Citigroup traded at $2.83
JP Morgan traded at $24.18

Since Obama got elected:

Goldman Sachs lost 1% of value
Bank of America lost 76% of value
Citigroup lost 81% of value
JP Morgan lost 43% of value

Hummm. Goldman loses 1% while the rest lose 43%, 76% and 81% of value. There seems to be something seriously wrong with this performance since Obama got elected. Wonder why Congress seems to have no interest in it?


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Obama and Geithner - Enough Whining & Finger Pointing - Give Us a Reason to Hope!

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President Obama and Treasury Secretary Geithner both gave major addresses in the last 24 hours, talks given with a great deal of advanced hype on how they were going to show how the new Administration was in control of the economy, and the result was a public relations nightmare casting severe doubt on the real communications skills in our nation's capitol.

First Obama went on prime time TV and his long winded answers seemed more like a lecture from a professor on the fundamentals of blaming everyone else for his woes, raising fears on the fate of our economic system, and promising everything would be clear this morning when Geithner gave his national address on fixing the economy.

I always thought the president was supposed to give us hope when we were down, not further depress the public with talk of the worst economy in our history or an Armageddon on Wall Street. Even Franklin Roosevelt, on the day Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, gave us hope.

Obama, Biden and Geithner take every opportunity to remind us that our problems are not theirs, but were inherited by them because of the irresponsible actions of the past. Bush and the Congress let things get out of control but Obama and Biden were Senators, Senators with the power to stop the president at any time. And Geithner, he was president of the New York Federal Reserve and also in a position to stop the financial meltdown.

Obama condemns tax cuts for the wealthy saying it has been tried over and over again and failed. Yet two of the most successful tax cuts for the rich were the work of John Kennedy and Bill Clinton and both led to recovery and economic growth. Did Obama forget he is a Democrat?

So now that we have established that Obama and company are not to blame for anything, but Wall Street and the past government are to blame, then what is the real relationship between Obama and the giant of Wall Street Goldman Sachs? Goldman is the only financial institution on Wall Street whose value has shot up since Obama became president, the only firm out of hundreds in the financial sector. What makes Goldman's different? They have the most toxic debt. They championed the oil price run up that nearly destroyed the world economy.

Several years ago they secretly had the Board meet with a young senator named Obama. They quietly financed his presidential bid before most people knew who Obama was. They even had another secret meeting with Obama during the primary campaign and brought in Tom Brokaw to help prepare the new kid for the grueling campaign. The same Tom Brokaw who was moderator of a debate a year later between Obama and McCain but no one knew that they had practiced a year earlier.

So what happened to Goldman's since Obama got elected. Take a look at the fate of some of our major financial institutions in the time between election day November 4 and today. The stock price 11/4 and 2/10 are shown with the percent change.

Bank of America $23.61 $5.56 -76%
JP Morgan $40.73 $24.62 -40%
Citibank $13.99 $3.35 -76%
Wells Fargo $33.80 $16.35 -52%
Goldman Sachs $89.09 $90.40 +1%

While virtually every other financial institution in the market has lost between 40% and 76% in total value only Goldman Sachs has increased in value since Obama got elected. Of course Goldman has also stated they will return the $10 billion in bailout money they received, meaning they didn't need it in the first place or the restrictions Congress is contemplating don't appeal to the firm with the highest executive bonus program in history. When will the president explain his secret relationship with the super bank and when will the media ask about it?

What is the real relationship of Biden with the credit giant Mastercard and Visa headquartered in Delaware, his home, firms whose outrageous credit fees and practices helped lead to the economic crisis and who were bailed out a couple of years earlier when Congress passed bankruptcy reform that stole the rights of the consumer and allowed the credit card companies to undertake collection and debt recovery methods the Mafia could not get away with?

Who was chief lobbyist for the credit card assault by the thugs on Congress, why I believe it was Biden's son who then became State Attorney General. Let's see, the Biden son lobbies Congress to strip the public of their rights and the bill is sponsored by Senator Biden to strip the consumer of his rights and passed by the Congress. No conflict of interest there because that would violate the high ethical standards of the new Administration who is going to change the way things are done in the capitol.

We deserve explanations and we deserve better. The media seems incapable of digging up the truth because the truth is the media elected Obama. Congress can't dig up the truth because the Democrats controlling Congress think they now rule the world when in truth they were bought and paid for by money interests long ago. The Truth is Out There because it sure isn't here on Wall Street, Madison Avenue or at our nation's capitol.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Obama's Historic Presidency - Harvard Must Clean Up the Yale Mess

On the abs and shoulders of newly elected Barack Obama comes the most daunting task of his historic presidency which is cleaning up the legacy (mess) that 20 straight years of Yale grads as president has bestowed on us. The last Harvard grad to undertake such a challenge was John F. Kennedy 48 years ago.

In 1636 Harvard was founded and in 1701 Yale was founded and ever since these two Ivy League competitors have been at each other's throats whether it was in founding a nation, creating the game of football, distinguishing themselves as the educational elite of America, charging the highest tuition in the nation to attend, or just capturing the presidency.

Almost a year ago I wrote an article called "Presidential Election 2008 - Harvard versus Yale" . The stunning recent success of Yale in capturing the presidency the past 20 years and nearly for an additional 8 with Hillary capped a long and dominant run by the Bulldogs. In every election since 1972 either a Democrat or Republican presidential candidate or both were from Yale and the 20 year domination beat out the old record held by Harvard and Franklin Roosevelt.

Roosevelt was elected four times himself, meaning Harvard had the muscle to change the Constitution and have a president elected more than twice to keep a favorite son in office. He served into his 13th year before dying and had been elected to serve 16 years. Yale controlled the White House the last 20 years with three different presidents, Bush, Clinton and Bush 2.

Now before we all become overly enamored with the power and success of the Ivy elite remember that Harvard, the venerable 372 year oldest university in the nation still has the dumbest mascot ever adopted by a school in America while the Yale Bulldogs must explain away the legacy of the past 20 years. Oh yes, and only once in history has someone been president who graduated from both schools, our very own George W. Bush, leaving both with much to explain.

As for the Harvard mascot, for those of you who don't know and the Harvard Crimson has worked very hard to conceal the fact, the university mascot is a real person, John Harvard, a puritan clergyman from England in the 1600's. A statue of John Harvard, sculpted by Daniel Chester French, sits in Harvard Yard at Harvard University. Despite its name, the statue does not depict the true likeness of John Harvard, as the sculptor had no accurate image to work from.

The statue, known by Harvard tour guides as the statue of three lies, claims that it depicts John Harvard, Founder, 1638, but in reality Harvard was a contributor, not the founder; the institution was founded in 1636; and the statue is actually a likeness of someone else as French used a student as a model. What Harvard did do was leave the first major endowment to Harvard along with his library thus immortalizing the value of endowments over academics. The current mascot is a hideous distortion of the original John Harvard who wasn't John Harvard to begin with but some student.

Obama is the 8th Harvard grad to serve as president from colonial days after John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Rutherford Hayes, Teddy Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy and George Bush. John Adams was vice president under George Washington for two terms before being elected the 2nd president of the USA in 1797.

Yale has given us 5 presidents with the first being William Howard Taft who was not elected until 1908, 111 years after the first Harvard president. Following Taft were Gerald Ford, George Bush, Sr., Bill Clinton and George Bush, Jr. all in the past 35 years.

The current Yale legacy, Iraq, Afghanistan, the credit crisis, Wall Street collapse, auto company collapse, insurance industry collapse, in fact the whole economic collapse, the extreme negative attitudes toward our elected officials, financial leaders and media, the negative attitude of the world toward America, corruption, oil crisis, terrorism and all the other stuff is certain to be the biggest challenge to Harvard since the great depression and World War II inherited by Franklin Roosevelt.

We can only hope and pray that Barack Obama can clean up the Yale mess and maybe even get the Harvard mascot finally changed during his historic presidency, something even the Adams, Roosevelt's and Kennedy failed to accomplish.

Friday, October 24, 2008

The worldwide financial meltdown. Are the players, analysts and media guilty as well?

Why does Obama surround himself with them?

If there is anything we have learned this election cycle it is that the experts in the fields of economics, banking, housing, defense, automobiles and a host of other industries have been dead wrong for years and as a result there may be nothing left of the economy for the next president to inherit. Make no mistake, they have been wrong over and over again and yet the media gave them credibility so like just like the Pied Piper, we have followed them down the path to self-destruction.

Now we are faced with a choice for president between well meaning but relatively inexperienced people and we are about to entrust them with our future in perhaps the most difficult period of our history so what lessons have we learned? Ironically, many in America continue to blindly follow the Pied Pipers, the very same people who taught us the meaning of greed.

Thanks to the overwhelming lack of humility of the media I feel a little uncomfortable saying it but wasn't it Jesus Christ in the Sermon on the Mount who said; "Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth" (Matthew 5:5). What a shame when quoting Jesus can result in condemnation from the very media who is supposed to be telling us the truth.

Well this very media has been engaged in a financial conspiracy dedicated to establishing greed, desire and possession as the virtues of American society as they have bombarded us for decades with all the things we had to own to keep up with the Jones's or to be a leader. Fancy cars, clothes, country club memberships, spas, lattes, you name it, there is not enough money on earth to acquire everything they want you to buy and the more expensive the better.

Oh yes, the media had to attract the billions in advertising dollars from the greed mongers in order to brainwash an unsuspecting public into following a path of economic moral bankruptcy. But the day would come when the excesses of corporations and the lies and deceits of the experts would finally bleed the last drops of blood money from the public and that day has now come not just here but around the entire world.

The American public could see this coming and the experts didn't. Public opinion poll after public opinion poll showed the people no longer trusted politicians, Congress, financial experts and the media as their credibility ratings dropped to the lowest levels ever recorded. What was the difference? Well the experts relied on the philosophy of the products of the best businesses schools in the world while the meek relied on the Bible and the teachings of a humble man named Jesus.

What is the result, economic chaos. What is the conclusion, the experts were wrong. So if they were wrong, why does the media continue to embrace them, give us their latest version of what is going to happen, and expect the public (the fools in the world according to the media) to still follow?

Barach Obama, the least experienced of the candidates, did the only thing he could and used an enormous war chest of money to surround himself with the best, most experienced experts in the world, a Whose Who of Policy experts. These are the very same experts who caused the economic destruction of the world we now face and make no mistake, we are only feeling the beginnings of the fruits of deception and greed.

Look at the record. My last article detailed how the executives of Goldman Sachs recruited Obama to run for president and have helped finance the most expensive campaign in history. To give himself the benefit of others experience Obama surrounded himself with former Goldman executives as his key advisors and endorsers including Robert Rubin (former Goldman CEO), New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine (former Goldman CEO) and a host of fund raisers from Goldman's that gave over $800,000 and raised millions more.

Obama was seduced into supporting the Wall Street bailout, in fact was a leader in bringing it about according to the Democratic party press releases, a bailout designed by yet another former Goldman CEO Treasury Secretary Henry Paulsen. Finally, Obama says billionaire Warren Buffet is his close friend and closest advisor on the economy. Buffet also is now one of the largest stockholders in Goldman Sachs with over $5 billion in the company. There is an old Chicago motto that comes in to play as Buffet not only propped up Goldman but went public to tell Congress to get the bailout done! That motto, "Ubi Est Mea" means "Where's mine?"

To establish his foreign policy credentials Obama got the endorsement of Colin Powell, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Secretary of State. This was another beneficiary of Goldman largess and was the one who personally took the case to the United Nations to justify the invasion of Iraq, a war Obama says he opposed from the beginning though he was only a young state senator with no involvement in world wars at the time. In housing, there are Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac people throughout his campaign.

So does surrounding oneself with the very people who have led the nation down the path of destruction give one the experience necessary to lead us through the worst period of our history? Judgment is a very interesting thing when selecting people to prove you have credentials as having experience is not nearly as important as learning from experience. If the very people that brought on these deceptions and mistakes are the people you rely on, then not only do you rely on the wrong experience but you demonstrate bad judgment as well.

It would seem the Obama cabinet might as well meet in the Goldman Sachs boardroom as the faces of his team already line the walls of former executives, benefactors and stockholders of the company whose corporate motto is proudly proclaimed as, "Long Term Greed!" Now maybe it is time to update the motto and add, "Take the Money and Run!".

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Big Bailout - Free Market Socialism or Government Regulated Capitalism?

Somewhere between the wildly vacillating stock market, the global economic response and the confusion in Congress there is a presidential campaign nearing a conclusion. As the market soars down 2,000 points one week then up 1,000 the next day and governments around the globe step in to fix crisis after crisis it is no wonder the American public has no clue what just happened. Well certain aspects of the market have been repaired and a lot of manipulation has been covered up. The American public will now be a major shareholder in banks and other companies and a whole lot of hidden losses by the greed mongers will be paid off by the feds.

What price did we just pay for stabilization of the stock market? Did we just take a giant leap into the abyss of Free Market Socialism or Government Regulated Capitalism, either of which has never been a part of the American capitalist system? Even more important, did it fix the problems? Since the raid on the US Treasury went so smoothly don't be surprised if more demons of past behavior don't surface in the near future that also have to be addressed to save the struggling economy.

What hasn't been done? For one, the Congress and other elected officials must be banned from taking campaign money from all special interests from the corporations of Wall Street to the labor unions. This bailout is the best evidence yet that campaign contributions from those with a conflict of interest have no place in America. Beyond that lobbying by any group or organization benefiting from any of the many packages to bailout Wall Street or Main Street must be prohibited. Blood money from lobbyists has contaminated our political process to a degree never seen before. Does anyone think Congress and the new president will have the guts and honesty to do this?

Second of all, why has there been no discussion of the hidden debt or losses already incurred by the Wall Street titans in terms of unregulated derivatives and swaps I have discussed in previous articles? I believe there are about $62 trillion more in hidden losses directly attributable to greed, a level of losses far greater than what we have already dealt with in this crisis. If I am right, the economy could go into a severe recession or even depression and if the losses are any larger the consequences could be unimaginable.

In an earlier article about the resilience of the American economy I said the rest of the world cannot afford to let us fail. Recent events demonstrated just what I meant as a problem in the American housing market nearly destroyed the world economy. Perhaps I need to rethink my conclusion as we just were witness to a world teetering on the brink of economic destruction because of a little greed in the way mortgages were approved. It just might be that the world no longer has the ability to help America if we collapse and the interdependence of world markets and speed of world communications will bring down everyone within days.

One thing is certain, our economic system and congress are permeated with people who hold greed to a higher standard than honesty, with people who believe taking is more important than giving, and with people who place far more faith in the almighty dollar than the Almighty God. The foundation of our nation's existence is that we are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable Rights. We are a nation that puts "In God We Trust" on currency and "One nation under God" in our national anthem. Somehow the Christian values so important to the formation of this nation have been lost in Washington, in Wall Street, in the media and in the overwhelming desire for more power, wealth and control.

What could happen? Read Ayn Rand's book Atlas Shrugged and you will see as the mysterious John Galt led the disappearance of the little people who were the foundation for the wealth accumulated by the rich and greedy and all the puppets who served them. Fascism, socialism and communism were all targets of her failures of civilization and a couple of them could still be around today. Come to think of it, after the great nationalization efforts this dark October things may not be all that different.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Hey Wall Street - Enough is Enough! Or Did You Already Bet on Obama?

In yet another slap in the face to the American consumer the greed mongers on Wall Street have gotten everything they wanted from the President, the Congress, the Treasury, the Federal Reserve, the international central banks, even the two candidates for president Obama and McCain and still they refuse to release the trillions of US dollars they are hoarding while continuing to hold the economy hostage.

Over two trillion dollars in American pension savings have gone up in smoke this year as the forces behind the government have manipulated and raped every treasure trove they could find to protect their precious credit, line their pockets, and demonstrate to the government just who is in charge of the US economy. Such behavior almost borders on criminal if there were any laws that existed to prosecute the predators of lower Manhattan. But thanks to the millions of dollars in special interest contributions poured into the campaigns and pockets of our elected officials no such laws exist.

Is it just circumstance that only two investment houses survived the economic meltdown this year and gobbled up all their competitors, two firms now sitting on billions if not trillions of our funds? Is it circumstance these firms have the power to call accounts in other companies, in other words demand early payment, when there is no money to be had thus driving those competitors out of business?

Is it circumstance that the survivors, Goldman Sachs and J P Morgan owned and controlled the London energy futures market used to drive up the price of oil and devastate our economy and that of the world? Well is it circumstance that these companies have poured hundreds of thousands of dollars into the campaigns of our elected officials and both were the primary beneficiaries of stunning government actions to rescue the economy?

As of August 31 according to the Center for Responsive Government Barack Obama had raised about $460 million compared to about $230 million for McCain. Obama is the first federal candidate in our history to refuse public financing even though he pledged to take the public financing which would have greatly reduced his spending in the campaign.

Goldman Sachs temple in Wall Street.

So what financial interest did Goldman Sachs have in Barack Obama? Since the beginning of his campaign the boys at Goldmans have been the biggest contributors to Obama and helped bring in millions from the Wall Street establishment. Goldman executives alone have given Obama $739,521 and have helped raise the following from Wall Street firms for Obama. CitiGroup - $492,548, J P Morgan - $475,112, UBS - $419,550, Lehman Brothers - $391,774, Morgan Stanley - $341,380 and various amounts from Bear Stearns, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank and Merrill Lynch.

What could be Obama's fascination with Goldman Sachs? Well it goes back as Bloomberg News reported Obama was the featured speaker at the Goldman's annual partners meeting in 2006 in Chicago. This was a junior member of the US Senate who had not even been in office two years yet he was speaking to the top executives of one of the most powerful investment houses in the world. There is something very strange about the circumstance.

The story only gets better. On May 3, 2007, Barack Obama attended an event at the Museum of Modern Art in Manhattan that was not on his public schedule and is only now surfacing. The exclusive private dinner was for Goldman Sachs traders and featured a discussion on issues moderated for the Wall Street firm by NBC's Tom Brokaw. Once again the circumstances are strange as a year later Brokaw would be moderating the second presidential debate between Obama and McCain and the economy and Wall Street were the main points of discussion. Of course the debate commission and McCain were unaware that Obama and Brokaw had already held a practice session the year earlier when Obama was facing a withering attack from Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden in the democratic primary.

Now that is three most unusual encounters between Obama and Goldman Sachs. Then comes the economic chaos and the president calls a meeting of Congressional leaders, Treasury and Federal Reserve staff and the presidential candidates. Obama, who was staying away from Washington during the crisis got the call and at the meeting was the only person to talk about a Republican alternative proposal for the crisis, a proposal that had not even been made public at the time.

Former Goldman CEO and now Treasury Secretary Paulsen.

It was later learned that a Treasury staff member reviewing the confidential proposal from Republicans was able to smuggle the information to Goldman Sachs employees who emailed it to Obama staff and it was given to him before the White House meeting, thus enabling him to pre-empt McCain from offering the new Republican proposal. Of course the Secretary of the Treasury was a former Chairman and CEO of Goldman Sachs.

Do we really know anything about the relationship between Obama and Goldman Sachs other than their massive fund raising for him? Since he has been secretly guided and financed by Goldman people from the very beginning of his presidential campaign were they influential in his economic platform. While he now admits things have changed and many of his proposals might be delayed or dropped, he still proposed a tax on the rich which would seem to be opposed to the Goldman executives.

Yet it was convenient that Goldman faced billions in losses from the sub-prime mortgage mess and they helped trigger the economic collapse with the manipulation of oil futures driving the world into a credit crisis, a crisis that helped them make billions of dollars through spiraling oil prices. Most convenient of all, the $700 billion Wall Street bailout plan was approved just before a new president was elected so the new president would not be blamed for anything that went wrong.

Obama never questioned the role of Goldman in the sub-prime fiasco nor in manipulating the oil futures prices. When Goldman specialists tried to drive the price of oil up to $200 a barrel Obama never said a word. His meetings with them over the years were in secret and his actions were a wall of silence as the boys from Wall Street destroyed the economic system forcing a historic bailout by Congress that gave Wall Street nearly unlimited access to the US Treasury. Now did all of these incidents slip his mind as well as if his secret meetings with Goldman had nothing to do with the economy. I hope he can explain to the public just what has been going on and what, if anything he promised them in return.