Showing posts with label George Bush Sr. Show all posts
Showing posts with label George Bush Sr. Show all posts

Saturday, October 08, 2016

What the National News Media Failed to Tell You about the Election, Hurricane, and Haiti


Long ago when I worked for the federal government I learned that often the foreign press tells a much different story than the American news media when it comes to politics in America.  So I began checking the foreign news on a daily basis and compared it to the USA news media coverage.

Not only is the difference remarkable, our Constitution and the guarantee of individual freedom and freedom of the press has no real impact in determining the truth.

In over fifty years of monitoring the media, however, there has never been such a dramatic breakdown in telling the truth as this year.  The good news is the public is highly skeptical of both candidates and parties so few believe the news media version either.

In the past media outlets tended to be ideologically linked to a political party or a political philosophy and often both.  This year you can throw out history because the lines of demarcation between the warring parties has been blurred, compromised, twisted and turned.

Perhaps Bush had to endorse Clinton

Forget truth, it does not stand a chance.  At the same time polarization has achieved such a miserable level that the difference between political parties is even blurred as both are addicted to massive corporate funds.

Once upon a time networks sought and told the truth.  Sadly, that day is far behind us.  More truth comes from illegally hacked emails than from politician's mouths.  More truth comes from the downtrodden and often forgotten than from the powerful special interests who rule America.

In the interest of passing on truth to you, the following links, most to foreign media outlets, will give you another side of the campaign our media media fail to identify.  Yes the world is watching, and the first thing they notice is the institutional bias, deception, and manipulation of the news.

Hurricane Matthew and Haiti Coverage

The Independent UK
Hurricane Matthew: In Haiti the death toll stands at 877 but the US media does not seem to care

Al Jazeera News

Horrors left by Hurricane Matthew become clear in Haiti

Haiti and Clinton Foundation

Telesur News of Latin America

Hillary Clinton Already Has Destructive Legacy in Latin America

Politico News
The Clintons’ Haiti Screw-Up, As Told By Hillary’s Emails

Huffington Post
The Clintons’ Haiti Screw-Up, As Told By Hillary’s Email

National Review
How the Clinton Foundation Got Rich off Poor Haitians

Democratic Underground
The Clinton-Bush Fund has closed up shop in Haiti

Hacked Email Story

BBC World News

Hillary Clinton's Wall St speeches published by Wikileaks


Sunday, October 02, 2016

The California Shake and Bake - More than a Quake - Too Much to Take - the Trump and Clinton Wake


The official news media report on the California earthquake warning seems to have upset some people but as with all things in the news, what is the hidden meaning?  In this case, what is the hidden cause and meaning?

Could this have anything to do with the political presidential campaign underway?  Let us face it, this is a campaign for the ages that has finished off the political process, the institutions of America, the news media of America, so why not California and the world?

The Book of Revelations may have the Four Horsemen but we have got Hillary, the Donald, throw in a Wild Billy for good measure, with the Fourth being none other than Barack Obama whose legacy rests in the hands and mouths of the other three.

This is a campaign for the ages so it might as well be heralding the End Times because what will be left when this finally ends, probably nothing of consequence.

So we can hardly fault California for being the starting point for the End of Time and it would only make sense a giant earthquake would swallow up the state being it is the last outpost for liberal purity.

Most fair minded Americans realize there is something dreadfully wrong with this presidential election.  It is bad enough we have to pick the lesser of two evils, but add in the baggage of past presidents and the load is too great to absorb.

So get this for 2016 logic.  We have a Republican president who was defeated by a Democratic governor of Arkansas because of an Independent - and we all know Independents have no status in America.  Then we have the same Republican president who got whipped by the Democratic Arkansas governor now endorsing the wife and former First Lady of the Arkansas governor who whipped him because the Republican now running for president whipped the former Republican president's kid.

Bring on the End Times, it has to make more sense than the present.  Did I mention the former First Lady of the Arkansas governor who whipped the former Republican president that now supports her got whipped by the present Democratic president who has now joined forces with the former Republican president to back the former First Lady who nearly beat him and whose husband whipped the former Republican president.

Please note all members of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Hillary, Donald, Billy, and Barack are all products of the venerable Ivy League that has controlled the presidency for 28 straight years and I am certain this information has something to do with the End Times.