Sunday, November 11, 2018

Veterans Day November 11 - the years will never wipe out the memory of their sacrifice and deaths for us

41 million men and women

served in our military

They have done enough for us - it is time we take care of them!

With petty politics still dominating our national debate, confusion over our war policy, partisanship again dominating our headlines, and predator interest gouging from our banks and credit card companies, how does that make those returning from the war zone feel about what little we do as a nation to honor our veterans upon whose back we have built this temple to the Gods of greed and malicious behavior. Don't you think we could do a little better?

Since hot air and no substance have ruled in our nation's capital  for years, it seems the least we could do is take a few moments to pause and ask what have we done for those who risk their lives to defend us. If we were truly in to soul searching as opposed to partisan babble the answer would be clear. Our failure to address the cost of government, rising debt and deficit spending, greed mongering by the very banks we bailed out with taxpayers money, and the entire specter of empty promises and political lies is a sorry testament to leadership, concern, compassion and honesty toward veterans.

1,309,000+ Died in the war

During that time not only did we lose several thousand brave men and women defending a bizarre foreign policy and a non-existent war strategy, but America brought back over 700,000 disabled veterans, meaning we now have over four million disabled veterans from wars since World War II.

1,498,240+ Were wounded

Our new president has finally begun to fulfill the empty promises to our heroes and their families which have been so long neglected.

Let us vow to not let our political failures of the past continue to harm our veterans, those proud souls who answered the call to arms and now cannot get help for risking and often giving their lives.  

Let us not let the malaise of failure continue to punish our veterans, and especially our wounded warriors and those suffering the many stressful results of war against terrorism.  

These brave men and women and their families who depended on them should be the first priority for our government, before big bankers, big pharmaceuticals, and those who profit from the fruits of war.

Over the past decade our government has demonstrated little to give people confidence, certainly nothing to indicate it is any different than business as usual, and even less to demonstrate they have a clear policy and the ability to implement the strategy. Our veterans and the people deserved much better.

President Trump has vowed to fix the mess facing veterans, and never let it happen again. Godspeed.  So far he is making good progress but much remains to be done.

The time is now to act.

Honoring our Vets and taking care of them for their sacrifices is not a political problem, not Democrat or Republican, but an American problem.

If our government wants to honor the veterans, truly honor the veterans, then stop playing politics with war and foreign relations and give our new president the chance to make decisions, act bold, and demonstrate leadership.

Every day we should wake up and remember that it is our Constitution our politicians pledged to defend, the people's Constitution, and nothing can be more appropriate than protecting those who fought for our freedom.

So Washington, DC, stop the partisanship. Stop the bickering over ideological nonsense. Stop taking care of special interests and protecting people who should be prosecuted. Listen to the pulse of the country, listen to the heartbeat of America, and you will see how far you have strayed from our expectations.

When we reach that point we have honored our veterans by honoring their families and friends.

Tuesday, November 06, 2018

Thank you for being part of the great American experience - by voting! Now it is time to heal!

One thing is clear and maybe we can all agree upon it, the election is over and we have now been a part of the greatest experiment in democracy in the history of the world if you are one of the 100 million plus who vote today, November 6.  Over 30 million early votes were cast, a new record, and the total votes cast could approach record levels.

This is how our Republic continues to be the strongest nation on earth after only 242 years of existence, when the Democrats, Republicans and Independents cast their votes throughout the nation.

Now, this could be one of the most contentious elections in our history as well, with the hatred, fake news, attempts by other nations to interfere, polarization, and all the other bitterness involved. However, we survived intact though rather scarred and bruised in the process.

Now the true test of American spirit comes, whether we can get over the craziness, tone down the rhetoric, stop the insults and lies, and act like mature Americans again.  Might be asking for a lot with the presidential election looming in the near distance.

Gracias por votar!

No matter what the outcome, now would be a nice time to patch up the differences between parties and candidates, respect the winners and losers, and start working together whoever is left standing for the good of all Americans, not just the special interest maybe of us have been supporting.

A great deal has been accomplished yet a lot remains to be done.  We must fix the broken health care system before people are broke and start dying because they cannot afford treatment or insurance premiums.  That is not a political problem but an American problem.  While we are at it we need to finally redirect health care from treating people to healing people to keeping them from ever getting sick in the first place.   Only then will we be on the right track.

We must address immigration reform and eliminate the barriers to getting into the country by enforcing the fixing and enforcing the laws on the books.  Comprehensive reform is needed to guide us through the twenty-first century.  This too is an American problem and one party cannot fix it a bipartisan solution is required.

Trade agreements must be negotiated with China and the rest of the world, containment of nations like North Korea and Iran must be fixed, peace must finally come to the middle east, and we must address the financial stability of our Social Security,  Medicare and retirement systems, so future generations of our offspring have the security and opportunity they deserve.

Once again no political party is going to achieve this, it must be a bipartisan effort and it will have to be heroic.  So thank you for taking part in the election, now it is time to share responsibility for the future of our great nation.

Come together.


Saturday, November 03, 2018

Election Eve News - Fox continues to crush liberal media in latest Nielsen results. Trump trumps Mainstream Media Whiners

Trump praises Fox News for 'fair' coverage as channel's
ratings soar, beating CNN and MSNBC combined

Once again, the liberal media failed to destroy President Trump with their 93% negative media coverage, a fact he has grown to exploit.  Wolf has just been crying wolf too long to excite anyone anymore.  Why would anybody believe the media?

Overall for October, Fox averaged 2.8 million total viewers in prime time while MSNBC got 1.58 million and CNN 931,000, according to Nielsen Media Research.

Donald Trump expressed great satisfaction that Fox News crushed the liberal opposition in the latest ratings noting that the fake news gang just do not get it.  Trump's favorable rating has soared to 50, or 54, or maybe 69 percent, I mean, who is counting?

In the latest cable news ratings for the month of October, Fox News achieved higher ratings than MSNBC and CNN combined.

Overall for October, Fox averaged 2.8 million total viewers in prime time while MSNBC got 1.58 million and CNN 931,000, according to Nielsen Media Research.

The president took to Twitter to react to the latest ratings.