Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Lost and Found - That First Cup of Coffee


So I got up three times this morning, meaning I went to bed three times as well.  It was a typical sleep with my brain running wild when it was supposed to be resting.  That is a curse I face which I suspect ties in to the Salem Witch Trial curse already inflicted on my ancestors.

Let me explain.  Tests indicate my brain never goes to sleep like it should every night when it is supposed to go into a REM (Rapid Eye Movement) state and recharge your batteries.  Somehow it tricks my body into a REM state and then the wily brain is off to Alice's Wonderland where nothing is as it seems.

So while you might spend the midnight hours safely asleep and restoring your body and mind, my mind is off in the Land of Oz, Wonderland, Camelot, or where ever my fantasy wants to go.  Now who would want to miss a chance like that?

As for the Salem Witch curse, if you check the real records of what transpired in the Salem Witch Trials back in 1692 you will find many, far too many, references to my paternal ancestors.

For a time they were suspected of providing a sanctuary for the witches and wizards from the Puritans and several times they came close to getting caught.  But it was other family members, part of the Church hierarchy, who falsely testified, were part of the trial or part of the clergy condemning the witches.

Thus the sins of the father, mother or whoever most certainly can result in a powerful spell being cast against the accusers, and all future generations of that family, like me, for something that happened 320 years ago.

At least I used it as an excuse for failing to do something, like homework when in school or chores at home.  You need some bizarre family stories to make for a decent genealogy and to be able to mesmerize the kids with your spell.

Now back to getting up.  Here is my routine.  Pour a cold cup of yesterday's coffee.  Check my face in the mirror to make certain some alien walk in did not take place overnight.  Grab the remote control and sample the various cable news shows listening until I'm certain they are still in a mindless babble mode.

Then I ask my brain what I did last night and wait for the download.  My next physical activity, (until this point I only walked down from the bedroom to the kitchen, poured the coffee, and staggered to the front room to remote cruise the cable), is my daily radiation fix.

This is my second concession to modern technology having already subjected myself to the television radiation.  So I wander to the pc and check my emails, the comments and stats on my newspaper, and confirm that I again failed to win the lottery so my routine will continue ad infinitum.

Then I think, I write, I fantasize just so I can check my options, and finally eat lunch.  From that point on all measure of predictability, planning, foresight or productivity can and most likely will be thrown to the winds.

When we were kids my kid brother, one year younger, would get bored and come find me to conjure up our next adventure, we called them "capers"  Finding something to do was never a problem for my mind.  It did not matter if I was alone, with my brother or in group, an endless series of "what to do" possibilities were always waiting on the tip of my tongue.

I think that is missing from a lot of kids in today's world.  The desire for adventure, a thirst for knowledge, a hunger for understanding and a motivation to learn what you don't know and experience what you've never seen.  We should all help them.

Right now kids are trapped into delegating all their knowledge, wisdom, time, maturity and truth to the viral world of the Internet.  Talk about peer pressure.  If you don't have the latest I Phone, I Pad, Smart Phone and Apps then forget it, you are ostracized from society.

Add to that the parental pressure to keep up with technology, network with all those kids in case any of them might be kids of rich people who can help you some day, to finally to compete and do all those other things parents seem obsessed to do with computers.

So the phone can replace your teachers and social media replaces society, it has now become viral.  With the Internet you never need to personally know your best friends.  In fact, with the Internet, you can create any kind of persona for yourself you want, thus insuring you can never interact with people lest you expose who you really are.

Losers can have friends.  The lonely can find lovers.  The dumb can act smart.  And we can all live happily ever after as long as we never expose the person behind the facade.

The Internet has ruptured the fabric of family and societal structure leaving real people dependent on a machine for communication, companionship, knowledge, entertainment and all the creativity in your life.

On a national level we need to Take Back America and on a personal level we need to Take Back Our Kids from the precipice of self-destruction which comes when the mind becomes a useless thing and only follows instructions from the God in the Cloud of Cyber Space.

Save a kid.  Unplug him or her.  Teach them the real life meaning of knowledge, wisdom, caring and love.  Teach them their responsibility to be creative, sing, dance and be happy.  In the process we just might remember our long lost responsibilities as well.

Teach them to think, to be sociable, to be articulate and to be humble and all those other things our technology has not quite mastered yet.  Video games should be an occasional diversion, not a constant obsession.  Life is more than being bombarded with the latest videos, movies and music that somebody else decided you need.

I mean we can still do things for ourselves, can't we?


Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Obamaville, February 7 - President Obama's True Colors?


It is only Tuesday and it has already been a weird week in Obamaville.  Maybe it is the weather?  Maybe the fact the Super Bowl is over?  Maybe because today, February 7, is a full moon and the spirits are mischievous?

No matter, with the attention off the Republicans the Obama administration has a strange way of using the available air time.  So far the policies and decisions of the Obama gang the past few days has threatened traditional Democrat bases long taken for granted by the Democrats.

The Roman Catholic Church

First his Department of Health and Human Services under Secretary Kathleen Sebelius lowered the boom on the Roman Catholic Church by telling them the federal government now required all Catholic Charities and hospitals to offer free birth control through health insurance (Obamacare) to hundreds of thousands of Catholic employees.

The agency has the noble motto "Our goal is for all Americans to live healthier, more prosperous, and more productive lives."  Notice they say nothing about religion, morality, religious freedom, censorship, or politics.

It is important to note that one out of every six Americans get their health care from the Catholic Church.

Then the Obama Office of the Chief of Chaplains of the U.S. Army forbade Catholic chaplains from reading, in Sunday masses, a letter about a controversial Obamacare mandate from the Catholic Church’s military archbishop. The censorship move, which resulted in the head of Roman Catholic military chaplains calling the Obama administration un-American, sets the stage for a philosophical conflict between Catholic soldiers and their commander-in-chief.

Okay, so now the Obama boys have threatened to drive away the Catholics.

Wall Street and our Super PAC Populist President

Then there is Obama's wavering relationship with Wall Street.  Goldman Sachs led the way in getting Wall Street money to elect Obama in 2008.  In return Obama spent the last three years demonizing Wall Street, corporate America and big business and castigating the Supreme Court for allowing such demons to fund political campaigns.

Today, our trustworthy president who is devoted to his people's agenda reversed himself yet again and decided those demonic Super PACs have found God and can now fund the Obama political campaign.  So he has now gone full cycle, from pro Wall Street in 2008 to anti-Wall  Street in 2009-2012 to pro-Wall Street on February 7, 2012.

I'm not sure how all those liberals that he promised to take on the 1% fat cats will react to him once again embracing the very fat cats he characterized as demons.  This year is so crazy that the Wall Street Occupiers will have to occupy the White House next.

That means the Obama boys have threatened to drive away either the Wall Street fat cats or liberal populists or both.

Latinos and Immigration

The traditional support for the Democrats is also fading away as Obama has failed to bring about immigration reform, has failed to deal with illegal immigration, has failed to move the Dream Act giving illegal kids who attend American schools the right to become citizens, along with broken promises like helping Mexico with the drug war.  Isn't 45,000 innocent Mexican deaths from our drug war about enough?

The Latino population of the United States is expected to exceed 50 million, or roughly 1 in 6 Americans; among U.S. children, Hispanics are now roughly 1 in 4, according to Pew Hispanic Center analysis of U.S. Census Data.

The population numbers released by the Census show the Hispanic population on track to be 900,000 higher than expected as their ranks surpassed census estimates in roughly 40 states. Many of their biggest jumps were in the South, including Alabama, Louisiana and North Carolina, where immigrants made large inroads over the last decade.

With over 60% of the 50 million Latino people Roman Catholics, whether they are from Puerto Rico, Mexico, Cuba or South America, this powerful electoral force also is interested in the Obama handling of the church on birth control and abortion.

I guess this was a week the president missed a few bases.

Super Bowl or Social Blabfest - You Decide!


The day after the Super Bowl is usually dominated by following the MVP to Disneyland and the David Letterman Show followed by a ticker tape parade through the Canyon of Legends in New York City.

This year was a classic battle of strength between gladiators and cunning between rival coaches, both of whom were out of the New York Giants organization and destined for the NFL Hall of Fame.

So what happened?  The Internet social network overwhelmed the Main Street and Lame Street media and drop kicked  the follow up stories about the game through the goal posts. Instead, Face Book and Twitter ruled the next 24 hours and we are still feeling the lingering impact 48 hours later.

What football game Super Bowl Sunday?  According to the Viral Jabbernet the Super Bowl was really the Social Bawl where people, millions of people, trashed about every trivial aspect of the event having nothing to do with anything.

Madonna lip-synching?  Gisele's lips moving?  Clint Eastwood endorsing Barack Obama?

Come on, I'm a Giants fan and watched the game and none of those three dominant game topics of our Internet social network bothered me.  I was interested in the terrific game between great rivals and the uncanny ability of New York teams to win the big ones, even when not the favorite.

Young Madonna

As for Madonna, she fought her way to the top of the pop world and people could always dance to her music.  I thought her show was great entertainment.  Now some of my friends in the music business pointed out some technical problems but they were things I didn't notice. I was focused on the game.

Madonna today

And Gisele, well I had heard about Gisele Bundchen as a model and just vaguely in the far corners of my memory banks I thought I had heard something about Tom Brady and a supermodel but I never put the two together.

I thought her pre-game prayer Tweet thing was kind of refreshing.  Asking her circle of friends to pray for her husband when he was going to go out and be beat up by the best, meanest and strongest linemen in the world seemed a good idea.

So after the game some Giants fans are hassling her, and no one is better than New York and New Jersey Giants fans at heckling, and she shots off a four letter word while defending her husband saying "he can't throw the @#@#ing ball and catch it."

Are you kidding?  She was dead right.  The Patriots receivers dropped four critical passes, including two huge gains on the last drive to try and win.  And how many men in America wouldn't be thrilled to have one of the world's most popular supermodels as their wife and come to their defense after such a stressful game.  What WAS wrong was someone eavesdropping on her private life and recording her private conversation on a cell phone, then posting it on the Internet.

The Internet is a great tool but it is also the greatest assault on the right to privacy in the history of the world.

Finally, we come to one of my favorite movie actors and courageous movie directors, Clint Eastwood.  The Quiet Man in the saddle did a Super Bowl ad for the City of Detroit about how the city was halfway recovered from the recession thanks to the recovery of the Detroit auto industry.

Before the next commercial started the viral airways were filled with Tweets about how Clint Eastwood, a well known and respected Republican supporter and office holder, a mayor, was suddenly backing President Obama.  Of course that was not said in the ad, just in the subconscious minds of the media manipulators.

Today Clint came out and said it was nonsense, he has no intention of supporting President Obama.  And he had every right to support the auto industry recovery and Detroit.  Damn right Dirty Harry!

In the end, maybe the tweeters had it right.  Just look at this Reuters news story after the Super Bowl.

(Reuters) - Quarterback Eli Manning and his New York Giants may have beaten superstar Tom Brady and the New England Patriots at Sunday's Super Bowl, but none them could outmuscle Madonna -- at least, where TV audiences were concerned.

A record 111.3 million U.S. viewers watched the Giants defeat the Patriots in the professional football championship, but 114 million watched the halftime performance by Madonna that drew mostly mixed reviews and a firestorm of controversy over a rude gesture by rapper M.I.A.

Ratings tracker Nielsen on Monday said the Super Bowl on the NBC network was the most-watched TV program in U.S. history, eclipsing the 111.0 million who watched 2011's game. An extra three million tuned in for Madonna's glitzy, Cleopatra-themed performance, giving the Material Girl the distinction of having the most-watched Super Bowl halftime show ever.

Monday, February 06, 2012

Madonna's Super Bowl Show


I commented on the incredible difficulty of staging a show like Madonna did at the Super Bowl and the pressure of performing before 111 Americans live.  Even watching the show did not allow the time or the close ups nencessary to see the massive scope of the production.

For that reason we are presenting a series of photos highlighting various elements of the production.  It givews you a much better understanding of the process.

In addition, as for the controversy about whether she sang live or lip-synched, perhaps there was a little of both.  For certain there was use of a backing track which can compliment a live performance but it is rather standard in concerts and still allows the lead singing.

In earlier TV intereviews she insisted she would be singing live at the Super Bowl so the backing track would seem to allow that to happen.

No matter what, for a 53 year old to perform for just 13 minutes in a program full of such energy and physical movement, it was quite a production.
