Thursday, October 06, 2016

Hurricane Matthew Defies Experts - Recharges and heads for Land - the Latest Images - A Frightening Weather Anomaly


As the following charts disclose, the weather people have no clue what Hurricane Matthew might do over the next few days but the range of potential is outrageous.  We could be facing the worst October hurricane in nearly 70 years on the East Coast and the Northeast could very well face the brunt of it.

Did you notice no warnings from Virginia to New York?  There are millions of people vulnerable to the storm and if you look at the latest charts, they remain out of harm's way.  It is wrong, wrong, wrong.

Beware of the wrath of ___ and the possibilities for supernatural purification.

That is my weather report today.

Storm Track Statistics

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Tuesday, October 04, 2016

Does God Intend to do that which Humans failed to do - Silence the Political Blowhards in our Nation's Capitol? God is Angry! Hurricane Matthew - Bullseye - Washington, D.C.


I think we all grew up hearing stories about times when the gods were upset, and most had a cast of humans involved who seemed to draw the ire of those Gods.  Thus Divine Providence took action against the human race, His creation I might add, to put an end to the self-destructive nature of humans.

Well this time I think we have really done it.  Move over all those ancient purges of humanity, there is a new messenger from the Almighty, and the message surely is not good.  You really do not want to make God angry.  It happened before with consequences as noted in the Old Testament.

1. The Flood (Genesis 6-8)
2. The cities of the plain, including Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 18-19)
3. The Egyptian firstborn sons during the Passover (Exodus 11-12)
4. The Canaanites under Moses and Joshua (Numbers 21:2-3; Deuteronomy 20:17; Joshua 6:17, 21)
5. The Amalekites annihilated by Saul (1 Samuel 15)

The Presidential election in America seems to have angered God and it seems the way God has chosen to respond is to send a massive hurricane and make certain there is not enough warning to prepare for it.

Thus we have Hurricane Matthew bearing down on America and as of today, Tuesday, the news media has failed to tell people of the threat and danger.  Oh, they have filed endless reports on the Hurricane and Haiti among other islands in the Caribbean but have you heard a word about Norfolk, Washington, D.C., Philadelphia, the New Jersey coast, or New York City and Long Island?

Of course not.

Perhaps there have been so many false reports from the weather stations in the past few years they are gun shy of making predictions, even though all predictions are computer models and not from humans.

I do not know about you but I no longer trust anything digital from the news to weather to gossip.  Behind every digital signal is a giant member of the One Tenth of One Percent Club, the good old OTOPC that is pulling all the strings on Earth now.  The Trillionaire's Club, owners of the Illuminati, New World Order, Templars, news media, and all the other secret societies on Earth will be in control.

Obviously, they do not want us to know about the Hurricane bearing down on about 50 million people in the Northeast or they would have started dire broadcasts about the monster storm about to engulf the East Coast.

One can only assume there are no advertisers left with any money to buy ads for the storm warnings, so no ads, no warnings.

By now, all the shelves in stores would be emptied, even after the prices were doubled for hurricane preparations.

Well Gallup says 94% of the public do not trust the news media, and since weather is part of news, I guess it is a good thing they are not warning us because the warnings would be wrong.  They would generate a panic in Boston as the storm destroys Washington, D.C.

No, finding the truth requires a more concerted effort.  Thus, I dusted off the Ouija Board and asked if I could trust the weather forecasters.  The answer, "Eejits", the Irish-English equivalent of idiot but softer of tone.

When I asked where the big storm would hit I got a curious four-word coded response from the Board, "steamy blabbermouths, and blowhards!"

Clearly, it meant our nation's capitol where there is always a cloud of steam when the politicians gather.  The only problem I ever had was determining if those characters were working up a head of steam or were lost in the fog.

Then I asked what we did to make God so angry and deserve such a storm, and the Ouija Board, quite indignantly, said, "Listen to the Eejits Eejit."

What kind of Almighty God would want to silence humanity in such a way I thought, when the Board shot a parting answer, "Not just The One, but also the six Alien races already there."

My first question was what in the world did Trump say this time.  Then it occurred to me, the Board was not talking about "illegal aliens" but about the kind from somewhere far out into the galaxy.  In case you are wondering, the six Alien races are defined in the next story.

Not one to take such abuse from paranormal, spiritual, or ethereal answers, I promptly packed up the Board and decided to take my chances with common sense.  Trust no one and watch I Dream of Jeannie reruns until November 9 and all will be well.

Cable News Slugfest Ratings for Third Quarter - Fox News, CNN, and MSNBC Duke it Out!


Top 21 Cable News Shows, Ranked: What are the Most Popular CNN, MSNBC, Fox News Programs? (Photos)

Find out who is the most watched among Rachel Maddow, Anderson Cooper and Megyn Kelly

Fox News, CNN and MSNBC had a lot of news to cover during the busy third quarter of 2016. Morning shows, standard newscasts and political opinion shows make up the Top 21 programs in the world of cable news. Which show was the most popular among the key demo of adults age 25-54 during Q3?

21. MSNBC’s “Hardball with Chris Matthews” averaged 244,000 viewers among the key news demo.

20. “Happening Now” on Fox News averaged 260,000 demo viewers during the third quarter.

19. “Your World with Neil Cavuto” maintained momentum despite its namesake missing the summer following heart surgery.

18. CNN’s “Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer” averaged 275,00 viewers among the key demo.

17. MSNBC’s “All In with Chris Hayes” tied Blitzer with 275,000 demo viewers.

16. “Fox & Friends” averaged 278,000 to dominate cable morning news programs among the demo. MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” and CNN’s “New Day” finished below 200,000 viewers.

15. “Shepard Smith Reporting” tied Fox News’ “Outnumbered” by averaging 284,000 viewers between age 25-54.

14. Fox News’ “Outnumbered” is extremely popular considering its noon ET time slot, averaging 284,000 viewers.

13. America’s Newsroom” with Martha MacCallum and Bill Hemmer fell short of the 300,000-plateau with 294,000 demo viewers.

12. MSNBC’s “Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell”averaged 301,000 viewers to finish as the second-most popular show on MSNBC.

11. “Erin Burnett OutFront” averaged 326,000 viewers among the key demo to finish as CNN’s third-most watched show.

10. “CNN Tonight with Don Lemon” cracks the Top 10 with 339,000 viewers among the key demo.

9. The late-night replay of “The O’Reilly Factor” racked up 341,000 average viewers, topping most live shows on cable.

8. MSNBC’s most-watched program is “The Rachel Maddow Show” with 361,000 demo viewers.

7. “On the Record with Brit Hume” has thrived since Greta Van Susteren surprised the media world by leaving Fox News in early September, averaging 371,000 viewers in the third quarter that reflects both hosts.

6. Fox News’ “The Five” is regularly among the most-watched shows on cable and also averaged 371,000 demo viewers.

5CNN’s most-watched show is Anderson Cooper’s “AC 360,” which averaged 384,000 demo viewers.

4. “Special Report with Bret Baier” is so popular that Fox News recently added a Sunday version.

3. “The O’Reilly Factor” with Bill O’Reilly dominated total viewers, but finished behind two colleagues in the key demo.

2. Fox News’ “Hannity” with Sean Hannity averaged 564,000 viewers in the key demo as the Donald Trump supporter continues to make news on a regular basis.

1.Megyn Kelly has plenty to smile about, finishing the third quarter as the most-watched show on cable news among the key demo, averaging 569,000 viewers between age 25-54.

National Cyber Security Awareness Month


October 3, 2016

National Cyber Security Awareness Month

Cyber Security is Everyone's Responsibility
Data breaches resulting in the compromise of personally identifiable information of thousands of Americans. Intrusions into financial, corporate, and government networks. Complex financial schemes committed by sophisticated cyber criminals against businesses and the public in general.
These are just a few examples of crimes perpetrated online over the past year or so, and part of the reason why Director James Comey, testifying before Congress last week, said that “the pervasiveness of the cyber threat is such that the FBI and other intelligence, military, homeland security, and law enforcement agencies across the government view cyber security and cyber attacks as a top priority.” The FBI, according to Comey, targets the most dangerous malicious cyber activity—high-level intrusions by state-sponsored hackers and global cyber syndicates, and the most prolific botnets. And in doing so, we work collaboratively with our domestic and international partners and the private sector.
But it’s important for individuals, businesses, and others to be involved in their own cyber security. And National Cyber Security Awareness Month—a Department of Homeland Security-administered campaign held every October—is perhaps the most appropriate time to reflect on the universe of cyber threats and on doing your part to secure your own devices, networks, and data.
What are some of the more prolific cyber threats we’re currently facing?
Ransomware is type of malware that infects computers and restricts users’ access to their files or threatens the permanent destruction of their information unless a ransom is paid. In addition to individual users, ransomware has infected entities such as schools, hospitals, and police departments. The actors behind these sophisticated schemes advise the users that if they pay the ransom, they will receive the private key needed to decrypt the files. Most recently, these cyber criminals—demonstrating some business savvy—give victims the option of decrypting one file for free to prove that they have the ability to restore the locked files. More on ransomware.
Business e-mail compromise, or BEC, scams continue to impact many businesses across the U.S. and abroad. BEC is a type of payment fraud that involves the compromise of legitimate business e-mail accounts—often belonging to either the chief executive officer or the chief financial officer—for the purpose of conducting unauthorized wire transfers. After compromising a company’s e-mail account—usually through social engineering or malware—the criminals are then able to send wire transfer instructions using the victim’s e-mail or a spoofed e-mail account. BEC scams have been reported in all 50 states and in 100 countries and have caused estimated losses of more than $3 billion worldwide. More on BEC scams.
Intellectual property theft involves robbing individuals or companies of their ideas, inventions, and creative expressions—often stolen when computers and networks are accessed by unscrupulous competitors, hackers, and other criminals. Intellectual property can include everything from trade secrets and proprietary products and parts to movies, music, and software. And the enforcement of laws protecting intellectual property rights (IPR)—which are critical to protecting the U.S. economy, our national security, and the health and safety of the American public—is an FBI criminal priority. The Bureau’s IPR focus is the theft of trade secrets and infringements on products that can impact consumers’ health and safety, including counterfeit aircraft, automotive, and electronic parts. More on intellectual property theft.
“The FBI is doing everything we possibly can, at every level, to make it harder for cyber criminals to operate,” says Associate Executive Assistant Director David Johnson, “and I believe many of them are now starting to think twice before they put fingers to keyboard. But we also ask that the public do its part by taking precautions and implementing safeguards to protect their own data.”
Check back on our website during the month of October for information on protecting your data and devices and on FBI efforts to combat the most egregious cyber criminals.

Wikileaks' 10th Anniversary Present to American Elections - One Million Secret Emails


WikiLeaks' Assange signals release of documents before U.S. election

By Andrea Shalal,Reuters 

By Andrea Shalal
BERLIN (Reuters) - WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said on Tuesday the organization would publish around one million documents related to the U.S. election and three governments, but denied the release was aimed at damaging Hillary Clinton.
He said the documents would be released before the end of the year, starting with an initial batch in the coming week.
He criticized Clinton, the Democratic presidential candidate, for demonizing the group's work after a spate of releases related to the Democratic National Committee before the Democratic convention this summer.
Assange said her campaign had falsely suggested that accessing WikiLeaks data would make users vulnerable to malicious software.
But he denied the release of documents related to the U.S. election was specifically geared to damage Clinton, saying he had been misquoted.
Assange also signaled changes in the way WikiLeaks is organized and funded, saying the group would soon open itself to membership. He said the group was looking to expand its work beyond the 100 media outlets it works with.
Assange, 45, spoke via a video link at an event marking the 10th anniversary of the group's founding. He remains in the Eucador Embassy in London where he sought refuge in 2012 to avoid possible extradition to Sweden, where he is wanted for questioning over allegations that he committed rape in 2010.
Assange denies the allegations and says he fears extradition to the United States, where a criminal investigation into the activities of WikiLeaks is underway.
He told a packed news conference at a Berlin theater the group's work would continue, even if he had to resign in the future, and he appealed to supporters to fund the group's work, and said several new books were forthcoming.
Assange said Britain's vote to leave the European Union could complicate his case by limiting his ability to appeal to the European Court of Justice.
Asked how he felt after four years in the embassy, he said "pale" and joked he would be a good candidate for medical study since he was otherwise healthy but had not seen the sun in over four years.
(Reporting by Andrea Shalal; Editing by Madeline Chambers and Janet Lawrence)


WikiLeaks vows to release 'significant' material on US election


Berlin (AFP) - WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange pledged Tuesday to publish "significant" new material on the US election before the November 8 vote, speaking on the 10th anniversary of the online leaking platform.
Assange said there were "enormous expectations in the United States" about the material and that "some of that expectation will be partly answered", with "a lot of fascinating angles" in the documents.
"Do they show interesting features of US power factions? Yes they do," he said, addressing an anniversary event in Berlin via videolink.
On why WikiLeaks was holding back for now, he added that "if we're going to make a major publication in relation to the United States at a particular hour, we don't do it at 3:00 am," referring to the time in the eastern United States.
He also said that "we hope to be publishing every week for the next 10 weeks," promising documents on the subjects of war, arms, oil, Google and mass surveillance.
Assange -- speaking from the Ecuadorean embassy in London, where he has been holed up for over four years to avoid being extradited to Sweden to face rape allegations -- hailed WikiLeaks for releasing 10 million documents over the past decade, exposing state and corporate secrets.
He pledged that WikiLeaks would seek to expand its activities with extra staff and new media partnerships, with plans to hire 100 more journalists over the next three years.
"We're going to need... an army to defend us from the pressure that is already starting to arrive," said Assange, wearing a black T-shirt with the word "truth" on it.
On the eve of the US Democratic Party convention in July, WikiLeaks published some 20,000 internal emails pointing at an apparent bias of its leaders for Clinton during the primary campaign.
Assange charged that WikiLeaks was now the target of a witch hunt orchestrated in particular by Clinton, likening it to the repression of American communists in the 1950s driven by then senator Joseph McCarthy.
Assange said WikiLeaks would scale up to "amplify our publications and to defend us against what is really a quite remarkable McCarthyist push in the United States at the moment, principally by Hillary Clinton and her allies because she happens to be the person being exposed at the moment".
Asked whether he felt affinity with Clinton's Republican rival Donald Trump, he said: "I feel personal affinity with all human beings. Through understanding someone, you can feel sorry for them.
"I certainly feel sorry for Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. These are two people who are tormented by their ambitions."


Julian Assange moves speech to Berlin due to 'specific information'


WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has moved a much-anticipated press conference on Tuesday from London to Berlin, citing unspecified "specific information."
Assange, who has been living in asylum in Ecuador's embassy in London for four years, had been scheduled to deliver a speech from his balcony during which it was expected he would release information that could be damaging to US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Assange had said in August he planned to release "significant" information about the Democratic nominee before the November 8 election.
The change in venue, which WikiLeaks announced in a tweet Monday, came just hours after the document-leaking site tweeted a report that quoted Clinton as appearing to suggest use of a drone strike against Assange. According to True Pundit, Clinton asked during a 2010 State Department meeting about WikiLeaks and Assange, "Can't we just drone this guy?"
The quote, allegedly made while Clinton was serving as Secretary of State, was included in a massive trove of classified State Department documents that Wikileaks began releasing later that month.
Representatives for WikiLeaks and Clinton's campaign didn't immediately respond to requests for comment.
The WikiLeaks founder sought asylum from Ecuador in 2012 after Swedish investigators issued a European arrest warrant for Assange that required British police to detain and extradite him. He is trying to avoid extradition to Sweden out of fear he would then be extradited to the US to face questioning over classified material published on WikiLeaks.