Showing posts with label woman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label woman. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 05, 2017

CPT Twit - Honoring the Feminine force of Creation throughout our History and Evolution


What is a CPT Twit?  Our new form of communicating with those who find sending 140 character Tweets too challenging and demanding.  The CPT Twit is a photo story, a picture book, or whatever you choose to call it.

In Honor of the Feminine force that permeates the universe and the co-creator responsibility of the feminine Creator in the polarity of Creation, here is you!


Monday, September 08, 2008

Something About Sarah - Our Radical Elitist Liberal Socialist Media Don't Understand

So is America really inundated with a radical, elitist, liberal, socialist media? Do these seemingly ruthless people use the right to free speech to advocate socialist causes? Do they want us to think they are providing a fair and balanced view of the world and politics? Are they using yellow journalism, smear tactics and biased reporting to cover media sensation Sarah Palin? Of course.

Unfortunately for the strategy planners in our elitist media they are completely out of touch with mainstream America so they have thus far managed to make fools of themselves with their double standards, senseless whining and wholesale massacre of decency and honesty in reporting. And while they are sipping their lattes and raging about how McCain is hiding Sarah Palin from them, little Sarah is kicking their butts from here to Moscow in the polls.

All the while these self-appointed egomaniacs who were so smug in shoving Barack Obama down the throats of American voters are choking to death at the sight of a moose hunting mama from Alaska who has survived the firestorm from the media and quietly driven McCain to a ten point lead in the polls.

There is something about Sarah all right and it scares the media stars to death. Little Sarah has managed to connect directly with the American public thus stopping the media from being the only source of information for the people. They have never witnessed a media sensation that does not need them to interpret, package and manipulate their story.

Her agenda violates their code. She opposes corruption, extravagance and waste which is contrary to their lifestyle. She thinks it is okay to have a happy family life, be a mother and love her husband which certainly violates every code of conduct for the Hollywood and east coast elitists. She opposes abortion but doesn't make a big deal of it.

She is optimistic which means she doesn't need a briefcase full of prescription drugs to make it through the day. She is popular even though she doesn't have a manicurist, pedicurist, hair stylist, personal trainer and analyst. She buys her clothes in retail stores. She drives herself to work. She laughs and smiles too much.

She raised the money to pay for her own college through beauty pageant scholarships. She joined the PTA to improve education. She ran for mayor and governor to fix problems in politics. And if all that isn't enough she is a successful small town politician, small town businesswoman, small town mother and life long member of the National Rifle Association.

You would think someone with all those attributes would appeal to the women's lib groups, the equal rights and freedom of choice groups. But no, they really didn't mean liberation for all women, choices for all women or equality for all women, just those women who passed their litmus test and embraced their socialist agenda.

Sarah Palin has held a mirror into the face of the supposed leadership of our media, women's issues and pretenders claiming to be defenders of our freedom and rights. The hysterical reaction of these people to Sarah is nothing more than the horrifying reaction when peering into the looking glass and seeing the hypocrites these people have become.

Oh yes my friends, there is something about Sarah. A light in the darkness, a ray of hope in a storm, a candle in the night and a source of comfort for those in need. Sarah represents the strength of who we are and could be and not the image of who we aren't and don't want to be. If I were the elitist media I'd be running for cover before Sarah starts firing back.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Sarah Palin, Governor

Wow, McCain nominates a woman governor, Sarah Palin to be vice president and the democrats and liberal media come unglued. So for the record you members of the left including the folks at NBC TV, CNN, NPR, The New York Times and every other hotbed of socialism say a governor is not qualified to be president.

Well the media and liberal left has certainly ignored recent history to make such an unsubstantiated claim in order to smear the new VP candidate. Where in the world have these experts been the past 32 years? During that time governors with NO federal experience have been elected President of the United States by the American electorate in 28 of those 32 years. Four of the past five presidents have been governors with no federal experience.

That's not all. The federal government has 2.7 million employees, the governors have 5.1 million. The feds spend 2.5 trillion while the governors spend 1.7 trillion. Hummm. Twice as many employees at the state but half the spending. Perhaps the governors know what having a balanced budget means. And just so there is no misunderstanding, Congress is controlled by the democrats, not by Bush.

So now the first female governor to be nominated comes along and suddenly governors are not qualified to be president? What about Reagan, Clinton, Carter and Bush? Maybe the liberals don't think governors can handle it but the American voter sure knows better.

Speaking of the eastern liberal media in America, they should also remember that no eastern president has been elected in 48 years. What the socialists say is good for America is not what the voters think. Don't know what they put in the water out east but it sure isn't democracy, individual rights and freedom.

I think the rush to bury Sarah Palin is a huge tactical mistake by the liberal media and the more liberal democrats.