Showing posts with label progressives. Show all posts
Showing posts with label progressives. Show all posts

Thursday, June 27, 2019

The Society for the Preservation of Old White Men in the Halls of Congress – Are the OWMs really the Enemy of the Resistance? Good!

Are old White men really incapable of knowing what is best for the people of America, all the people of America?

How about those who condemn old White men in the US Senate for lack of judgement, perhaps they should get their facts right before they start spewing reckless charges.

Okay, so their hatred may cloud their flamboyant charges, does that mean truth is obsolete to the far left?

Enemy of Resistance

Anti-Trump forces and mischievous Democrats intent on running for president or ignoring the Constitution coined the negative phrase of the “twelve old White men” when debate and voting took place for the Supreme Court Justice nomination of Brett Cavanaugh.  The Republican members of the Senate Judiciary Committee were "twelve old White men."

They use it as if older, White, male members of the Senate are incapable of making decisions for anyone except, old White men one must presume.

Enemy of Resistance

They use it as if older, White, male members of the Senate are incapable of making decisions for anyone except, old White men one must presume.

Enemy of Resistance

It is a clever ruse and used constantly by Move On and many other special interest groups within the fringe of what used to be the Democratic party.  Some consider themselves progressives, others socialists, others anarchists and all seem to be members of the resistance, which translates to anti-Trump resistance.


Enemy of Resistance

So, what about their claim “old White men” are not qualified to decide the future of the nation?  Well this is not the first time old White men have been required to determine the future of the nation and how did they fare in the past?


Enemy of Resistance

History of Old White Men in America

July 4, 1776 - Old White men approved the Declaration of Independence.

September 17, 1787 - Old White men adopted and signed the Constitution

December 15, 1791 – Old White men ratified the Bill of Rights as additions to the Constitution


Enemy of Resistance

April 8, 1864 - Old White men in Senate pass the 13th Amendment abolishing slavery

June 8, 1866 – Old White men in Senate pass the 14th Amendment guaranteeing citizenship to all born or naturalized in the US and extending Bill of Rights protection

February 16, 1869 – Old White men in Senate passed 15th Amendment prohibiting the federal and state governments from denying a citizen the right to vote based on that citizen's "race, color, or previous condition of servitude"


Enemy of Resistance

June 4, 1919 – Old White men pass the 19th Amendment prohibiting the states and the federal government from denying the right to vote to citizens of the United States on the basis of sex.

June 19, 1964 – Old White men in Senate passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964

August 4, 1965 - Old White men in the Senate passed the Voting Rights Act of 1965.


Enemy of Resistance

I do not know about you, but it seems to me that time after time in our nation’s history “Old White men” in the Senate have stepped forward to correct serious injustices and inequalities.  People seem to be ignoring history when they condemn old White men and they seem to be contributing to the rabid polarization of society through their reckless hatred.

In spite of the media support of the resistance, those millions that support such idealism still are a very small fringe of the voting public.  As more people seek truth the number of supporters of such resistance are alienating the substantial number of men and women in America who do not believe those old White men are the enemy, but the protectors and defenders of equal rights and opportunity for all.

Sadly, a lot of very worthwhile causes for women and many other issues have been seduced by the resistance and hijacked by them.  In time they will find their own worthy causes lost in the hatred, polarity, and fantasy world of the resistance.  You see, good ideas respect all others, they do not trade in hatred and polarity.

Thanks to those old White men, the resistance of today can now stand before the cameras and resist to their heart's content.

There are also quite a few White men, and women, along with fellow Americans of every race, who never grew to be old because they gave their lives to defend the right of others to freedom and free speech.

So, who are the many tentacles of the “resistance” movement intent on compromising our Constitution and polarizing our people, well they come in many sizes and shapes. 

#ResistTrumpTuesdays is a joint project of The Working Families Party, MoveOn, and People’s Action.

Monday, October 29, 2018

The 1,000-pound gorilla threatening to send the Democrat Party into "Oblivion’’ - Persecuted and Persuadable

Part 3 of 4 – Persecuted

No one holds a candle to those Democrats when it comes to managing the persecution complex of victims because they manage to exploit both sides of the persecution puzzle.
They use the persecution playbook perfectly.  First, they embrace all victims or imagined victims with enthusiasm, all kinds of victims.  Perhaps there are a few logical explanations for this.  Most lawyers are Democrats and the lawyer associations are among the most powerful and successful special interest groups in the country.

If you are a victim of social abuse, sexual abuse, medical malpractice, human trafficking, overdue student loans, legal drug addiction, opioids, and other related issues championed by the Democrats, you found a home.

Add to that the victims of discrimination, bias, bigotry, hatred, unemployed, misdiagnosed, minority birth, transgender, homosexual, lesbian, African American, Latina, Mexican, South American, well you are welcome.

All kinds of help are available to legally or illegally get you into America, make sure you get food, housing, education, driver’s licenses, social security cards, and jobs when you are here.  Then they give you sanctuary, help you be refugees, and teach you all the ways to get through hearings and other actions by us to establish legal status as refugees.
You are then expected to vote Democratic whenever you are told.

Part 4 of 4 – Persuadable

As for being persuadable, it seems to work just fine in spite of any language barriers.  You are expected to agree with the Democratic party on a number of issues, vote for the candidates you are told to support, and believe the mouthpieces for the Democrats, the Mainstream News Media.

Well I regret to inform those party leaders selling socialism and progressivism that not all those victims need you to tell them what to do, think, and say.  Since when did massive groups of mankind sharing similar abuses, fates and situations, need to rely on just one political party to be their Knight in Shining Armor?

Since when did any room full of men, or women, or teenagers, or races, young and old, agree on practically everything?  We can all think for ourselves, it was one of the promises of the new America.  We all share God-given inalienable rights and are given gifts unique to us and consistent with the Constitutional rights of individual freedom and equal opportunity.

I cannot imagine anyone would give up those rights for freedom and equal opportunity to a political party, especially since most of them or their ancestors fled political persecution or 
racial bias and bigotry to get here in the first place.

Freedom in America means no one can tell us what to do or who to support and once immigrants get here, legally or illegally, if they were sold a bill of worthless goods in the first place, they will soon discover the mistake they made.

No, I tend to believe people came here to think for themselves.  They expect political parties to offer them choices.  In fact, for many years each party offered different choices to accommodate the liberal, moderate and conservative thinkers within their party.

You see, freedom and equal opportunity are the rights you are guaranteed, but our Founding Fathers knew in order to serve the common good of the nation, compromise was the foundation for progress and success.  It was the underlying principle behind our Republic and the essential ingredient for all future survival.

We are testing the scope of compromise in the present as polarization has stymied the ability of political parties to compromise, and ego has blocked any hope to break the compromise impasse.

The result of such a condition is we remain slaves to the political party in power, at a time when no political persuasion has all the answers.  When political power is split, there can be no success without compromise.

The Mainstream News Media, as the spokespeople for the liberal or progressive causes 93% of the time (typical anti-Trump versus pro-Trump news coverage balance), have now threatened the right to all forms of freedom of expression because they have ignored their own claims of impartiality, violated their own Code of Ethics, are quite ignorant when it comes to the lessons of history and experience, and decided it is the News Media who should make news, not the politicians or people.

The collapse of faith in Mainstream News by the people has allowed the substitution of social media and news aggregators of the internet world, cable channels on television, streaming news services, blog news and of course Fake news.  Their performance has further corrupted all semblance of impartiality in news of all types and the people see right through the illusion.